Types of facial aging - what to expect in the future? Types of old age according to the classification of the American sociologist David Bromley. Muscular type. Characteristic

Age-related changes are based on a complex of complex intertwined factors. Genetic features, neuroendocrine and immune processes, chronic diseases, psycho-emotional profile… Aging affects all anatomical layers: skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, ligaments, bone tissue. Let's find out what is hidden behind the deformation-edematous type of aging and outline the strategy of an anti-aging campaign.

What happens in the skin with age:
— decrease in the function of the protective barrier and thinning of the epidermis;
- microcirculation worsens, metabolic processes and local immunity suffer;
- the activity of fibroblast cells responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid is weakened;
- the number and distribution of pigment cells of melanocytes decreases.
As a result, the skin loses its healthy color, becomes less elastic, wrinkles and age spots appear on it.

What happens to the facial skeleton:
- deterioration of blood supply and leaching of minerals from the bone tissue, which leads to a decrease in the total volume of the bone base of the face. After 55-60 years, this is noticeable in the zygomatic arch, the lines of the upper and lower jaws.
Based on the predominance of certain age-related changes, several types of aging are distinguished: muscular, finely wrinkled, "tired", deformation-edematous. It is worth dwelling on the last two, which are especially characteristic of the inhabitants of our country.

Deformation type of aging: what is meant

With aging according to the “tired” type, the outlines of the oval of the face remain clear for a long time. In the lower third of the face, only their slight blurring is possible, the appearance of some waviness of the contour. Age-related changes of this nature are characteristic of women of normal build, with an oval or diamond-shaped face. Their skin is normal or dry. Adipose tissue is not dystrophic and not excessive. Signs of aging manifest themselves as deepening of the nasolacrimal sulcus and nasolabial folds, drooping of the corners of the mouth and retraction of the labiomental fold. Hence - a characteristic tired look of the face, which is aggravated if a woman does not get enough sleep, eats improperly, experiences physical and nervous overload. In the afternoon, the owner of a “tired” face usually looks a little older than in the morning.
When manifestations of puffiness are added to the set of listed age-related changes, it can be difficult for a specialist to draw a clear line between a still “tired” and already deformation-edematous face. In a considerable number of cases, aging according to the "tired" type eventually turns into deformation-edematous.

Deformation-edematous type of aging is sometimes called Slavic. Indeed, about 65% of the representatives of the Slavic ethnic community fall under this item in the classification of age-related changes. Deformation-edematous morphotype selects overweight or predisposed to overweight women (hypersthenic physique), with normal or oily skin, a pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat and a tendency to edema. The predominant signs of this type are pronounced gravitational ptosis (especially of the lower third of the face), deep nasolabial folds, sagging of the lower pole of the cheeks. Hanging upper eyelids, bags under the eyes and rosacea are also not uncommon.

Deformation type of facial aging: medical details

In the case of the deformation-edematous type of aging, which is native to us, the main culprit of unpleasant changes is the gravitational shift of the soft tissues of the face and neck.
Adipose tissue in the face is organized into separate compartments - they are also called packages or bodies. They have an anatomical identity in all people. Going into the wisdom of anatomy, one can note deep and superficial (nasolabial, medial buccal, median buccal, etc.) fat packs. Fat compartments are separated by connective tissue septa.

In youth, the subcutaneous fat layer is evenly distributed and is involved in holding the facial frame, but over time it ceases to do this job well. Aging of the deformation-edematous type is characterized by an increase in the volume of fat compartments (they tend to attract water) and their “draining” into the lower third of the face and neck area. Along with this, to a certain extent, subcutaneous fat atrophies with age (in the area of ​​the temple and upper jaw, subcutaneous fat can disappear almost completely).

One failure in this "constructor" entails another. The fat packages of the middle third of the face are lowered - which means they are pushing down the packages of the lower third. The fat compartments of the lower third sag more - they pull the middle third along with them ... All this leads to a clear sagging of the oval of the face. The formation of the second, and even the third chin. The formation of flies - the so-called bulldog cheeks.

Among the reasons for the migration of fat compartments: weakening of the SMAS (superficial muscular-aponeurotic layer), stretching and displacement of the septa, redistribution of the strength of the facial muscles. Over the years, the levator muscles, which lift tissues up, weaken. And the depressor muscles, on the contrary, acquire hypertonicity and pull the tissues down even more.
Excess fat and excess water stretch the skin, disrupting its nutrition and elasticity. She loses her elasticity. Wrinkles during aging according to the deformation-edematous type are usually few. More characteristic of it are folds that affect both the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Who is to blame and what to do

Although there are ethnic and genetic prerequisites for aging according to the deformation-edematous type (as well as for any other), one should not underestimate the personal contribution to the development of events. Do you like tasty and plentiful food? Fat is deposited not only on the waist and hips, but also on the face. In addition, our menu, unlike the diet of, say, Japanese women, is far from always balanced. Smoked meats, pickles, pickled foods, spicy blues, coffee provoke fluid retention and swelling. And rosacea often develops in women who smoke ... It is impossible to change the aging plan laid down by nature, but it is quite feasible to prevent and correct its individual points in order to look charming and fresh not only at 25 years old.

Of course, you need to balance the diet. The older we get, the more the slimness of the silhouette depends on exactly what and in what quantities we eat. Although adequate physical activity is needed like air! Experts in anti-aging medicine recommend a minimum of 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise and strength training twice a week.

Do not neglect regular medical examinations: swelling often indicates an unhealthy hormonal, excretory and cardiovascular system. Well, of course, one cannot do without the possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine.

To eliminate the signs of aging, a complex of procedures is always needed. Here are examples of what doctors offer.

Svetlana Tsokolova, cosmetologist at the RayLife Cosmetology Center:

- If we compare the "tired" and deformation-edematous face, then the second one is still more difficult. Signs of “fatigue” (nasolabial folds, lowered corners of the lips, marionette wrinkles) may well appear on a face that is aging in a finely wrinkled type, with thin skin and a small amount of subcutaneous fat. Such changes are sometimes observed before the age of 30 due to genetic predisposition. The easiest way to rejuvenate in this case is the introduction of fillers. Having added volume to the tissues, we will immediately lift and straighten them, but after a while they will return to their previous position ... To get the most pronounced and stable effect, you need to work in stages. Downloaded - hardware impact, for example. RF lifting to strengthen the tissue framework. Next step: PRP therapy or good biorevitalization with peptides to regenerate and improve skin quality. And the final touch is injections of botulinum toxin and fillers. Then a magnificent transformation is guaranteed for a long time.

Anna Seliverstova, cosmetologist, deputy chief physician of the GEN87 clinic network:

- In the correction of age-related changes of a deformative-edematous nature, the combination of RF-lifting with myostimulation has proven itself well. We have different RF devices. So, radiofrequency lifting with microneedling technology ("needle") allows you to tighten the upper eyelid. Radiofrequency treatment enhances microcirculation, drainage, stimulates lipolysis, increases collagen synthesis and strengthens the dermis. This facilitates the middle and lower third of the face, improves skin turgor. Myostimulation activates the muscle layer and tightens the oval of the face. Hardware sessions can be alternated with injections of mesotherapeutic cocktails of drainage action. They will give an additional "unloading" and lifting effect. Further, the introduction of threads is often shown - to strengthen the skin frame and prevent further ptosis. Or non-surgical - ultrasonic SMAS-lifting, which will strengthen the oval of the face, give it clarity.

Irina Vasilenko, plastic surgeon, head of the Dr. Vasilenko:

— For those who are prone to age-related changes of the deformation-edematous type, we recommend that you regularly apply for lymphatic drainage facial procedures, starting with a simple manual massage.
It is advisable to use techniques aimed at tissue compaction. We do not recommend leaning on fillers, but thread lifting is more likely to be needed. Specific appointments depend on individual indications. I would like to note two features of surgical facial rejuvenation in patients with deformation type of aging. When performing an SMAS facelift, tissues are difficult to move, which requires the surgeon to have especially high professional skills in forming a beautiful facial contour. Due to impaired lymphatic drainage, postoperative rehabilitation is often longer. Despite this, it is important to understand that at a certain stage only plastic surgery can provide the highest quality and stable rejuvenating result, there are simply no alternatives to it.

Front of works

Most doctors agree that the deformation-edematous type of aging is the most difficult for aesthetic correction. Before anything can be rejuvenated and improved, tissues need to be “unloaded” – excess water must be removed from them. Otherwise, a visible positive result cannot be achieved. It can even exacerbate existing problems. For example, a premature appeal to contouring with fillers will cause even more retention of lymphatic fluid and make the face only more puffy.

Apparatus techniques help to eliminate edema, normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow, speed up metabolic processes, release tissues from decay products - microcurrent, vacuum and ultrasonic lymphatic drainage, magnetic and galvanotherapy, LPG endermological massage. RF exposure and ultrasonic lifting, combining moderate lipolysis with a tightening effect, can also be included in the list of beauty appointments. Turning to hardware technologies that tighten tissues is also recommended during the period of targeted weight loss - this will prevent sagging of the skin.

Doctors pay close attention to the quality of the skin. If it is weak and atonic, the same contour plastic again will not do its job perfectly. As a regenerating procedure for the skin, redermalization can be considered - injections of a preparation containing succinate (succinic acid salt) and unstabilized hyaluronic acid. This procedure improves metabolic processes, restores the basic substance and hydrobalance of the dermis; stimulates renewal and healing of tissues; normalizes the supply of oxygen to the skin, increases the energy potential of cells, improves microcirculation, creates an optimal environment for physiological processes.

Only after a lot of preparatory work, it is right to start “beautification” - filler injections (if you are prone to edema, you can give preference to a drug based on calcium hydroxyapatite, which does not attract water) or the installation of threads to improve the position of fat compartments and tissue lifting.

Today, cosmetologists try not to overdo it with the dosage of the injectable drug in order to prevent overcorrection. Recent studies confirm; it is a small amount of filler introduced into the middle zone of the face that contributes to the achievement of a natural and at the same time pronounced effect of rejuvenation. In particular, reducing the depth of the upper portion of the nasolabial fold.

Injections of botulinum toxin preparations also require a truly jeweler's skill from the doctor. Or maybe an honest rejection of this technology. If aging of the deformation-edematous type has gone far enough, then changes in adipose tissue and weakened mechanical functions of the skin will not allow the effect of botulinum therapy to manifest itself to the maximum.

Together is strength

The sooner you turn to a cosmetologist (it is right to do this at the initial stage of age-related changes according to the “tired” type), the longer the help of a plastic surgeon will not be needed. It's almost an axiom.
The surgeon's weapon is SMAS-lifting of the face and neck, often in combination with blepharoplasty (when it is required to remove excess skin and adipose tissue in the upper and lower eyelids). “Partial” surgical rejuvenation is also possible, for example, endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face or lifting of the lower third and neck area. It all depends on the severity of the signs of aging, individual characteristics and wishes.

Continuation of a series of articles on the morphological types of facial skin aging.
First article in the series: “Tired, finely wrinkled or deformed: How to determine the type of facial aging?”
Timely paying attention to those problems that accelerate the aging process with the considered morphological type, you can slightly slow down the manifestation of age-related changes.

So, What is characteristic of the tired type of facial skin aging?

Everything is very simple and the name of the type of aging speaks for itself. The main thing is that the face of a person aging according to this type looks tired. It can still look fresh early in the morning and after a good night's sleep. But by the evening he will definitely become sad and tired. You will notice signs of fatigue - dark bags under the eyes, deepening of the nasolacrimal and nasolabial folds. The corners of the mouth will drop down sadly and wrinkles will appear more clearly.
Although the oval of the face can be very clear for a long time, thanks to the well-defined chin and jaw angles inherent in this type of aging. However, age-related disruption of lymph flow and blood supply will contribute to an uneven, gray and dull complexion.

Cameron Diaz and Kim Basinger are prominent representatives of this type of aging.

The main reason for such aging is a decrease in muscle tone and weakening of the ligaments of the muscles of the face. As a rule, this is clearly visible in the corners of the eyes: due to the weakening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the eye, the corners of the eyes go down and create an offended or worried expression. Often this is accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose. 28% of European women age according to this type, that is, every third of us faces this type of aging.

Among Russian women, Avdotya Smirnova is aging according to this type.

Lyudmila Gurchenko also belonged to this type, until she did with herself what she did for some reason.

Irina Alferova belongs to the mixed fatigue-strain type of aging. Worthy, but the oval is ugly deformed, which, however, is corrected with the help of the lower SMAS.(deep facelift, approx. website)

Sigourney Weaver is a tired wrinkled type. There is practically no deformation, but an abundance of wrinkles.

But what to do? How to contrive so that as long as possible not to grow old?

How we look depends on what we eat. First of all. Not from physical activity, not from the quality of medical care and the number of cosmetic procedures. From diet. So learn to eat right.
And yet, given that the problem of such aging is muscle weakness, it is necessary to carefully monitor the facial muscles. That is, do not exhaust yourself in gyms by training visible muscle groups of the body, but train the muscles of the face and consume more products involved in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the basis that holds the ligaments, and therefore our face is in a toned and toned shape.

The tired type includes people who are characterized by puffiness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the work and condition of the heart and kidneys. You should not eat up at night, you need to make sure that the food is not spicy or salty, and drink water in large quantities and in small sips. At a time, we should drink from 50 to 100 ml of water. The amount of liquid drunk in 1 day should be about 30 grams per kilogram of our weight. To disperse stagnant lymph, you need to regularly do lymphatic drainage massage of the face and neck.

(A very difficult technique! If such a massage is performed incorrectly, more harm than good. Note site)

In the diet of a person aging according to this morphotype, there should be a large number of fish and vegetable dishes. Fish is a storehouse of protein involved in collagen synthesis. But for its synthesis, ascorbic acid is needed, which is found in vegetables and fruits. It is she who is a stimulant in the synthesis of collagen. When there is not enough ascorbic acid and protein, the connective tissue becomes decrepit and begins to break down.

Products that should be in the diet:

1. Oily fish. In addition to useful Omega-3 fatty acids, it contains, and of excellent quality, a protein (amino acid), which is the basis of collagen synthesis.

2. Amino acids. Threonine is a vital amino acid for collagen production. It is commonly found in amino acid supplements that are recommended for vegetarians, bodybuilders, or people with nutritional imbalances. You can also get it from lentils, peanuts (I hope there is somewhere else, not genetically modified), eggs, milk. And naturally, fish and meat products.

Another important amino acid for collagen synthesis is proline. Unlike threonine, proline is not a vital amino acid. This means that the body can synthesize it itself. But you can increase its levels in your body by eating gelatin, aspic, collagen supplements, cheese, and cabbage, or by taking proline supplements. For the synthesis of collagen, Proline works in tandem with vitamin C.
The well-known glucosamine and hodratin can also help increase the level of collagen in the connective tissue.

3. Vegetables, as a source of ascorbic acid, potassium and sulfur. Any cabbage is considered the best vegetable, as it is a rich source of not only vitamin C but also potassium, which is necessary for the restoration of muscle fibers. Cabbage is also a source of sulfur, which detoxifies our skin and supports collagen synthesis. Sulfur supplements (MSM) will definitely affect the strength of your nails, the condition of your hair and the density of your skin.

These three sources of elements and proteins will help keep collagen and facial skin from thinning and sagging quickly.

It is also necessary to carry out a set of special exercises or yoga for the face, with the help of which certain facial muscles are tensed. Such gymnastics helps to maintain the elasticity of the muscular apparatus by increasing its tone. Accelerates the outflow of stagnant lymph and blood flow.

The muscles of the face need training, like the rest of the muscle groups of the body. As a rule, few people think about this, and the focus is not on the round eye muscle or the rizorius, but on the biceps, triceps, etc.

Men with this type of aging are very lucky. It is enough for them to take care of their face, doing simple massages and gymnastics twice a week - and for a long time you can not worry about the condition of the skin.

Let's talk about how our faces age.
Not about the mechanism of aging itself, but about visually visible changes. When and how to catch that moment after which everything goes down, and whether it is worth catching it at all and doing something about it.

Everyone knows about the four types of facial aging. In fact, there are five of them, but it is customary to single out exactly four:

1. Deformation type of aging:

Characteristic: Puffiness, gravitational ptosis (the face seems to be sliding down).
The neck disappears, the forehead floats on the eyes, the cheeks sag.
Deformation type is the most common type of facial aging in Russia. Sometimes it is called the Slavic type of aging.

2. Tired face:

Characteristic: general withered appearance, swelling, decreased turgor of the skin of the face. All these signs develop due to impaired lymphatic drainage of the skin. The so-called “nasolabial fold” appears, the eyelids and corners of the lips fall. All together makes the general appearance of the face faded, stale.

3. Muscular:

Or Asian.
Characterized by the disappearance of subcutaneous fat. With this type of aging in women, the muscles of the face are well expressed, wrinkles are also expressed in the corners of the eyes and lips, the line of the face oval is smoothed. Women of this type age at once, but can look young for a very long time.
This type of facial aging is most often observed in women of the Far East and Central Asia.

4. Finely wrinkled:
If it were possible, I would choose this type of aging.
The frame of the face is clear: nothing floats anywhere, the face is only covered with a network of small wrinkles, and this is much easier to deal with than deformation. Most of the Europeans and Americans belong to the finely wrinkled type.

So it is customary to separate the types of facial aging. There is also a combined type. But, for the purity of the experiment, we will talk about more specific types.

How useful is it to define your aging pattern according to these criteria?

Firstly: there is such a factor as being overweight, and if Sharon Stone had an extra 15 kilograms, then her face would float in the same way as the face of Lyudmila Putina.

Second: genetic features.
For example, judging by my mother, I understand that I don’t have to worry about the neck and cheeks, but the upper part of the face (forehead, eyelids) will slide off.
My friend, who is no more and 35, already has a sluggish neck greased from her chin, while she has a beautiful young face and a very beautiful toned body (no cellulite or skin laxity). The list of examples is endless. Observe yourself for others and also look at your closest relatives.

It can also be noted that the tired type, in the early stages of aging, is characteristic of almost everyone.

Let's get back to us Slavs.
Russian women are rarely lucky to grow old like Litvinova.

The bulk is aging like Guzeeva.
Pastosity, puffiness, loss of a clear outline - these are our main enemies.

Based on all of the above, I think that it is only important to decide where your problem is - the loss of the frame or wrinkling.
That is, figuratively speaking, remove water or, conversely, add it (which can be done using hyaluronic acid).
Or vice versa, if you like: will you “swim” or, on the contrary, “dry out”.

Asian, muscular type, also has many features. In particular, the eyelids, which, with a good and strong oval, seem to be filled with water.

The most common type of aging among Russian women, as already mentioned, is deformation. How can you slow down these processes and maintain the contour of your face? (Moreover, the word “own” plays a decisive role here, because if the deformation is already clearly expressed, then there is only one way out - to cut, and how much after that it will be possible to maintain individuality is a sharp question).

But... from tired to defamatory: what kind of barricades are we able to put up during this process? What do professionals and women themselves advise?

1- Thermolifting or RF lifting

Principle of action: heating the skin to 43-45 C, at which collagen and elastin fibers contract, heating the dermis triggers a number of mechanisms, stimulates the production of new collagen. The collagen framework of the dermis gradually grows during the first 6 months after the procedure (at least they promise so). The oval becomes clearer, the elasticity and turgor of the skin increase, puffiness disappears.

According to the International Classification, there are three gradations of the period of gerontogenesis: old age for men: 60-74 years, for women: 55-74 years, old age: 75-90 years, centenarians: - 90 years and older. In modern anthropology and gerontology, various classifications of involutionary periods are used, the main of which are presented in the works of B.G. Ananiev. Modern classifications reflect the tendency to slow down the aging processes that has emerged in the new historical conditions and their qualitative heterogeneity.

Types of old age

There are several types of old age: chronological, physiological, psychological and social. The dominant factor in determining chronological old age is the number of years lived. Physiological old age - the state of health, the totality of somatic abnormalities of the body. Psychological old age is determined by a person's sense of self, a vision of one's place in the age structure. Social old age, as it were, absorbs the features of all these types. All types of old age are interdependent and have a certain influence on each other. Not everything is determined by calendar age. A chronically ill person begins to feel old age much earlier than a physically strong and healthy person. Louis II of Hungary died at the age of 20 with signs of extreme old age, and the German poet Goethe looked like a young man in his ninth decade and wrote youthful poetry. The onset of different types of old age usually does not coincide in time, they can overtake and lag behind each other. It is known that men and women age differently, at different rates, just like people of different ethnic groups.

Chronological (calendar) old age

The ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras (VI century BC) would probably have accepted the poetic structure of Eldar Ryazanov (“the autumn of life, like the autumn of the year”), since he believed that four seasons of a person’s life correspond to the four seasons, each of which is equal to 20 years: the period of formation (up to 20 years); young person (from 20 to 40 years old); the prime of life (from 40 to 60 years), old age (from 60 to 80 years).

According to the ancient Chinese classification, human life is divided into the following phrases:

Youth up to 20 years

Marriage age under 30

The age of performing public duties is up to 40 years

Knowing your own delusions before the age of 50

The last period of creative life up to 60 years

Desired age up to 70 years

Old age after 70 years

The writer Victor Hugo was apparently a demographer = an amateur. He called the age of 40-45 years "the youth of old age", assuring that from these years a person begins to grow old.

Russian professor of demography A.P. Roslavsky-Petrovsky 150 years ago proposed his division of human life into stages with romantic names for generations:

Growing up:

Minors under 5 years old

Children under 15

Flowering: young up to 30 years

Mature up to 45 years old

Elderly under 55


old up to 75 years old

durable up to 100 and older

Russian demography and statistics are focused on the legal understanding of working age: the first period - up to 16 years, the second - from 16 to 60 for men and 55 for women, the third - older than the second for men and women.

Physiological (physical) old age

Physiological old age is more difficult than chronological old age, it lends itself to classification and setting age barriers, since the process of physical aging is largely individual. At the same old age, some people can be healthy and not old, others, as it were, overtake their age due to the state of their health. In addition, in the same person, various organs and even the structure of the same organ wear out to an unequal degree and not simultaneously.

The first attempt to determine the time of physical old age belongs to Hippocrates. He outlined 10 physiological cycles, each of which is equal to 7 years of a person's life, starting from age zero.

The idea laid down by the first doctor of the world became fundamental for his fellow followers. The German physiologist M. Rubner proposed the division of age into the following periods:

  • 1) infancy - up to 9 months;
  • 2) early childhood - up to 13-14 years;
  • 3) adolescence - up to 19-21 years;
  • 4) maturity - up to 41-50 years;
  • 5) old age - from 50 years;
  • 6) respectable old age - from 70 years.

Another German scientist, pathologist L. Aschoff, proposed a classification with the same number of periods as Hippocrates, but with different time thresholds:

  • intrauterine period,
  • first 7 days of life
  • infancy - up to 1 year;
  • childhood - up to 7 years;
  • adolescence - up to 14 years;
  • years of maturation - up to 25 years;
  • Mature age - up to 45 years;
  • the onset of old age - up to 65 years;
  • proper old age - up to 85 years;
  • Respectable old age - after 85 years;

Psychological old age

Psychological old age can be defined as a moment in a person's life when he himself begins to realize himself as old. There are two dangers here: realization may come too soon or too late.

In 1924, V. Khodasevich in his book "In front of the mirror" wrote the following lines:

"I, I, I. What a wild word!

Is that one over there really me?

Did mom love this?

Yellow-gray, semi-gray

Deepak Chopre, MD, in his book Ageless Body, Eternal Spirit, argues that the root cause of aging lies in our "flawed worldview" that acts like hypnosis, like a general suggestion, creating a fictitious idea of ​​​​the dimensions of life and death. "These beliefs, the author writes, create a world of alienation, decay and death before old age itself."

On the other hand, in world literature there has long been a plot, used more than once by the artists of the word, which, if we do not talk about the deep philosophical content of these works, can be reduced to the fact that the old man desired to become young and in love, laying his soul to the devil for this. This is Goethe's Faust, Byron's Manfred, etc. The end of the story is necessarily tragic - hell.

social old age

Currently, the elderly are one of the most representative demographic and social groups in the population. The idea of ​​social old age is associated primarily with the age of society as a whole. The social age of a person correlates with the average life expectancy in a certain country, in a certain time period. Also, the attitude of society towards the elderly has a huge influence.

In ancient times, at the level of savagery, when the average life expectancy was less than 20 years, old people did not die of natural causes.

CM. Solovyov wrote that the children were charged with the obligation to kill the infirm and old parents. This custom existed among the warlike tribes, who did not tolerate superfluous and weak people in their midst, but the main reason for the destruction of the elderly was that in the conditions of primitive society people could hardly feed themselves. That is why among them there was no place for those who, due to physical weakness, lost the ability to get food. However, a mature person, as a carrier of practical knowledge and the owner of many years of experience, was an object of respect in the primitive horde. He provided a link between generations, as he passed on his knowledge to young people. However, when he became helpless, useless for the family, when his strength and memory failed him, he was either killed or left to the mercy of fate. The killing of old people finally stopped when it became necessary to use them in the process of obtaining food in connection with the expansion of sources of subsistence .. The most important factor that contributed to the preservation of life for old people was the discovery of fire), that was the opinion of L. Morgan).

V.V. Frolkis wrote that in the Stone and Bronze Ages, people aged 50 were an exception.

In primitive society, a few old people were respected as people with the richest experience. In the eyes of their compatriots, they were living witnesses of the past, which was highly valued.

The English psychologist D. Bromley argued that in primitive society an old person benefited from his age, he enjoyed the greater respect, the more years he lived. In the life of many primitive societies, old people played major roles in politics, magic, and religion.

Gerontocracy existed for a long time in Ancient Greece.

In Athens and Sparta, only a person who had reached 60 years of age could become a member of the Areopagus or Geropsia.

Solon, the first legislator of Sparta, put forward the thesis: "Respect old age!".

In ancient Rome, the supreme body of power was called the "senate", which meant a meeting of old and respected people.

The pre-industrial era also did not know the problem of old age. There were few old people, and almost until death they could usefully work in agriculture in their own families. The development of the industry quickly destroyed the universal respect for old people, the attitude towards them as the keepers of the hearth, knowledge, and wisdom. The industrial and demographic revolution led to the complete rejection of the old people. There were more and more of them, society began to face the most aggravating consequences of old age. The tragedy of the position of aging people lies in the fact that they become unnecessary precisely in the period of the full flowering of physical strength and mental abilities. According to many researchers, the social position of the old person is constantly deteriorating. Respect for old age, which was the rule in the past, is disappearing in our time, giving way to indifference or even hostility. A. Sauvi expressed the fear that at the present time the worst thing since the lowest level of the era of savagery is possible to return - the tendency to destroy old people.

Under conditions of social regression, old age becomes a devalued period of people's lives. Another feature of modern society that has an impact on the growth of hostility towards old people is the ongoing revolution in education. For the first time in the history of human development, a situation has arisen when new generations are intellectually and professionally trained in the use of modern technical means higher than the previous generations.

Aging is more of a social than a biological process, which is not the same for different eras and cultures, for a representative of different social strata and groups. What is the "Balzac" age of a woman today? How old were Gogol's old world old men? The old woman Pulcheria Ivanovna is 55 years old, her husband is 5 years older. At the age at which kind old Arina Rodionovna dozed by the window to the buzzing of her spindle, in the 20th century Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir were prime ministers, and Maya Plisetskaya danced on stage. Why are 50 year olds called old people? Is it because life expectancy in the Pushkin century was exactly 36-37, and in the time of I.S. Turgenev 47-49 years old? It is clear that the higher the level of aging of the population as a whole, the further the individual boundary of old age moves. Social old age itself may not correspond to physical old age. There are many examples of both exceptional and ordinary people who, despite physical weakness or even infirmity, remain individuals and lead an active social life. Unfortunately, there are examples of the opposite behavior, when long before the loss of physical strength, people lose their personal characteristics and lead only a biological lifestyle.

There is a direct relationship between the beginning of life and the onset of old age, which is also characteristic of the highest type of life - social. At the beginning of the 20th century, half of the population of Russia was illiterate, so the periods of maturity and old age began at an earlier date. Highly developed production in modern society implies a constant increase in the educational level of the population and, consequently, a later entry into an independent life, delayed by the time of obtaining the necessary education.

types of old age.

The aging process is a programmed process, accompanied by age-related changes in the body. In the period of human life after maturity, there is a gradual weakening of the body's activity. Elderly people are not as strong and unable to withstand prolonged physical or nervous stress as in younger years, their total energy supply is getting smaller and smaller, the vitality of body tissues is lost, which is closely related to a decrease in their fluid content.

Table number 1. Socio-psychological types of old age.


Characteristic of this type

1. The old man is a negativist

Denies all kinds of old age

2. Old man extroverted

Recognizing the onset of old age through external influences (youth has grown, the death of loved ones)

3. The old man is introverted

Acutely survives the aging process


First type

Active creative old age, participation in public life

Second type

They do things for which there was not enough time before: rest, self-education.

Third type (mostly women)

They find themselves in homework, in the family.

Fourth type

People whose meaning of life is health care (propensity for imaginary diseases, increased anxiety)

Negative 1. Aggressive old grunts -

2. Disappointed in themselves and their own lives -

criticize everything and everyone except themselves

lonely, sad, losers, blaming themselves

Table number 2. Five types of personality adaptation to old age according to the classification of D.B. Bromley.


Characteristic of this type

1. Constructive attitude towards old age

Internally balanced, with a good mood, an optimist. Self-esteem: high

2. Dependency relationship

A person who is subordinate to someone, dependent on a spouse or child

3. Defensive attitude

Exaggerated emotional restraint, straightforwardness in actions. With great reluctance, under pressure, they leave their professional work

4. An attitude of hostility towards others

Aggressive, explosive, suspicious, withdrawn

5. The attitude of man's hostility towards himself

People of this type avoid memories, because. there were many failures. They are passive, do not rebel against their own old age and meekly accept everything that fate sends them.

Personal characteristics and changes in the cognitive sphere during gerontogenesis.

  • 1. Aging at different levels of the individual organization.
  • 2. Personality as a subject of activity in the period of gerontogenesis.

The period of late ontogenesis is studied by a whole complex of human sciences of biological, social and psychological cycles. The specifics of aging at different somatic levels of an individual organization have been studied in the most detail.

At the molecular level, an old person undergoes changes in the biochemical structure of the body and a decrease in the intensity of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. A decrease in the ability of cells to carry out redox processes leads to the accumulation in the body of products of incomplete decay, or submetabolites.

As a probable cause of aging, biochemists consider errors in the synthesis of nucleic acids, which are templates for building living proteins and carry hereditary information about their chemical structure. With age, this mechanism becomes old, making mistakes in reproducing the specificity of living matter. Scientists suggest the possibility of artificial synthesis of young matrices to replace the old ones.

During the aging period, specific changes occur at the level of various human functional systems. Many studies testify to the aging of the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, nervous and other systems of the body, to the negative changes that occur in the body in the process of its evolution. Meanwhile, facts are accumulating that lead scientists to a deeper understanding of aging as an extremely complex, internally contradictory process, characterized not only by a decrease, but also by an increase in the body's activity. The complexity of the aging process is expressed in the strengthening and specialization of the action of the law of heterochrony, as a result of which there is a long-term preservation and improvement in the functioning of some structures and a decrease in the functions of others. Those structures and functions that are closely related to the implementation of the main life process of metabolism proper in its most general, not narrowly specialized directions are preserved the longest in ontogenesis.

The intensification of inconsistency is manifested mainly in the multidirectionality of changes occurring in individual functional systems of an individual organization. Although evolutionary-involutionary processes are inherent in one way or another in the entire ontogenesis of a person, it is during the period of aging that the multidirectionality determines the specifics of both mental and non-psychic development of a person. Of particular importance are the evolutionary-involutionary processes occurring in the CNS, starting from the biochemical cellular level. The decrease in the energy potential due to the weakening of the intensity of energy generation - tissue respiration and glycolysis occur at different rates in different parts of the brain. Changes in the brainstem are significant and significant than in the cerebellum and both hemispheres. Deviation from the general morphogenetic law of development at different times occurs in favor of the higher parts of the brain. The high relative stability of metabolic processes in these departments is necessary for greater preservation of neurons that process, transmit, and store accumulated information. The more complex the nervous structure, the more opportunities it has for its preservation. The reflex structure as a whole, as a more complex formation, thanks to multicellular contacts, retains its efficiency and size for a long time due to more stable elements. Extremely pronounced redundancy and complexity of the CNS contribute to its morphological and functional preservation. gerontogenesis old age mental age

The extremely contradictory nature of the aging of the individual organization of a person is associated with quantitative changes and qualitative restructuring of biological structures, including various kinds of neoplasms. Changes in the processes of vital activity, ways and mechanisms of adaptation in living systems to new conditions during the period of gerontogenesis were studied at different levels of a person as an individual. One of the ways of adaptation is the mobilization of the body's reserve capabilities. With aging, the metabolic functions of organs and tissues are qualitatively rebuilt. Along with the weakening of the intensity of oxidative processes and oxygen consumption, the activity of many enzymes increases.

In the central nervous system, in contrast to aging, adaptive functional mechanisms develop: protective inhibition increases during prolonged work, the sensitivity of nerve structures to a number of chemicals (hormones, mediators) increases, lower doses of insulin, adrenaline, thyroxine cause changes in the nerve centers.

Another way of restructuring the human body during gerontogenesis is expressed in qualitative transformations of cellular structures and the formation of new adaptive mechanisms. Along with destructive changes (deposition of fats, salts, formation of cavities-vacuoles), adaptation phenomena are also noted. Among the adaptive mechanisms is an increase in the number of nuclei in many cells of the liver, kidneys, heart, skeletal muscles, nervous system, which expands the area of ​​contact between the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm, leading to an improvement in the exchange links between them.

Due to the variety of ways to activate various body systems aimed at preserving vital activity and overcoming the destructive phenomena of aging, the period of late ontogenesis should be considered as a new stage in the development and specific action of the general laws of ontogenesis, heterochrony and structure formation. The amplification of the action of the law of heterochrony is the main activation effect, which can be called the polarization effect. It consists in the fact that the weakening and destruction of some elements leads to the intensification and "tension" of others, which ensures the safety of a particular system. Another important effect of system activation during the period of gerontogenesis is the replacement of some mechanisms by others, reserve, more ancient and therefore more resistant to the aging factor. This method of increasing the activity of biological systems can be designated as a redundancy effect, which leads to a change in the functional and morphological structures of the system. During the aging period, a compensation effect is also observed, when existing systems take on functions that were not characteristic of them before, compensating for the work of weakened and destroyed structures, as is the case, for example, with connective tissue. Along with the activation of already existing structural formations, starting from the cellular level, new diverse mechanisms of vital activity are formed that contribute to the preservation of the body's working capacity as a whole. This way of increasing biological activity can be called the design effect. Thus, the diverse effects of the organism's vital activity during the aging period are a consequence of the increase in various ways of the biological activity of various structures of the organism, which ensure its overall performance after the end of the reproductive period.

The destructive processes occurring during this period are above the threshold of consciousness, reflected in it in the form of painful symptoms. Enhanced conscious control and regulation of biological processes is included in the lifestyle of old people, and means strengthening the role of a person as a person and subject of activity in the preservation and transformation of their own individual qualities. The central mechanism of conscious regulation is speech, the importance of which increases during the period of gerontogenesis. Thanks to all previous life, speech includes a huge number of associative links with external and internal stimuli. Acting on the principle of abstraction and generalization, speech is characterized by a qualitatively different level of integration and regulation of behavior. A number of studies of the second signal system have shown a weakening with age of internal inhibition, the development of inertia of the irritable process in the speech-motor analyzer, and a weakening of differential inhibition. This was expressed in the lengthening of the latent period of verbal reactions under the conditions of the associative experiment, in the frequency of responses, echolalia, verbosity. Such symptoms are observed mainly in people over 60 years of age. Along with this, during the period of gerontogenesis, there are significant differences in individual indicators of speech reactions (the safety of these indicators in some cases is within the normal range of a young age), the vocabulary continues to increase.

Various kinds of changes in the elderly and senile age are aimed, ultimately, at the actualization and use of potential, reserve opportunities accumulated during the period of growth, maturity and formed during late ontogenesis. The organization on this basis of life and training of various systems using integrating psychophysiological mechanisms will contribute to the accumulation of reserve capabilities, including the possibility of neoplasms, throughout the entire individual life of a person. At the same time, the participation of the individual in the creation of a healthy lifestyle, in the preservation of the individual organization and the regulation of its further development during the period of gerontogenesis should increase.


Facial aging in women is not an instant process. It is accelerated by external aggressive factors, stress and internal problems (chronic diseases, malnutrition). Therefore, if you want to delay this process, you should start taking care of yourself from an early age.

Signs of Skin Aging: How to Identify the Problem

There are a number of simple tests that can help determine the extent of the problem. Among them are the following:

  1. The eye area is most often subject to the appearance of mimic wrinkles. To determine the degree of damage to this area, if you are over forty, you should raise your eyebrows with your fingers. If this happens without effort, then the skin has already fallen.
  2. You can understand exactly how the oval of your face looks from the side by taking a mirror. Looking at yourself in profile, and slightly lowering your head at the same time, you will see exactly where the skin is weakened.
  3. Serious problems are clearly visible if you lower your head above the mirror. Thus, all the folds and excess skin will become visible.
  4. In the supine position, you can feel the skin in front of the ears and on the posterolateral part of the neck. If there are sagging areas, poor elasticity and density, we can talk about serious problems.

The first signs of facial skin aging appear on average between the ages of 25 and 27. At the same time, it is very important to devote time to preventive measures that will help to cope not only with the waving of stress, but also with the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Types of skin aging

The process of facial skin aging is a complex set of functional and structural changes that affect all skin layers. Since the cause of external changes is never one thing (withering of the skin or a decrease in the fat layer of the face), we are talking about global changes that affect all anatomical structures of the face and neck. So, for example, with the loss of bone tissue (loss or replacement of teeth during life), the general shape of the face changes, dips appear in the cheek area.

Therefore, it is so important to focus on a comprehensive solution - in order to correct age-related changes in the oval of the face, it is necessary to carry out a full-fledged orthodontic procedure. And only after that it is possible to talk about any rejuvenating operations, whether it is the passage of a cosmetology course or surgical intervention.

Despite the fact that the aging process is characterized by similar processes, there are several types of aging:

  • tired;
  • finely wrinkled;
  • deformation;
  • muscular.

For women of the Slavic type of appearance, the first three types are predominantly common.

tired type

With this morphotype of aging, swelling and some pastosity of the face are characteristic. This is due to a violation of the process of lymphatic drainage and a significant decrease in the tone of facial muscles. The smallest elasticity of the skin is noticeable in the nasopharyngeal region. Nasolabial folds, “puppet wrinkles” appear, the skin of the oval of the face sags in places where the cheeks droop. The corners of the eyes look down, which creates a tired look and gives a hint of chronic exhaustion.

Fine wrinkled type

The causes of skin aging in this type are determined by the weakening of the subcutaneous fat layer. The most obvious sign, as the name implies, is the manifestation of wrinkles in the places of facial muscles and nasolabial folds. Nevertheless, the overall muscle tone decreases slightly, so the skin does not sag in those places, as is expressed in the previous type. The finely wrinkled subtype is characterized by the appearance of wrinkles in the lips and eyes (above those muscles that are constantly at work), but since the subcutaneous tissue is evenly distributed, there are no pronounced problems in the zygomatic region.

Deformation type

This type is expressed in the form of puffiness and sagging, which is especially pronounced in the lower third of the face. The skin is often shiny and porous, retaining the characteristics of an oily appearance. Pigmentation disorders are rare, but rosacea is possible. At the same time, the skin cover is not dense enough, which is why not only the oval is deformed, but also the zygomatic part.

The cheeks often sag, and the line of the oval of the face becomes uneven and seems to “float”, since the deformation is most visible in the lip area. Often there is a second chin, fat folds under the lower eyelid and a significant drooping of the upper.

Muscular type

Despite the fact that this type is typical for the inhabitants of Asia, it is often found in the European part. The subspecies is determined by the good development of facial muscles and the insufficiency of subcutaneous fat.

Muscular aging is distinguished by the fact that the oval of the face is preserved until old age, but at the same time, nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and some swelling of the eyelids are well expressed. The skin of the cheeks is not subject to deformation, remaining even and smooth.

Skin care procedures for different skin aging:

Even if you suddenly realize that that same age is just around the corner, visit a beautician to get advice on the type of skin aging. This will help you choose the right care program and get rid of unpleasant problems, excluding the manifestation of severe deformation.