The pregnant woman has white discharge. Causes of leucorrhoea during pregnancy: dangerous and non-dangerous. Types of secretions and their features

The body of a woman carrying a baby works in a completely different rhythm. The peculiarities of the course of natural physiological processes affect all organs and systems, not excluding the reproductive one. For example, the gonads of a pregnant woman, as before, synthesize a certain amount of natural secretion (whiter), but due to ongoing internal reforms, their nature and intensity often change. Expectant mothers have a lot of questions about this, because sometimes white discharge in early pregnancy is indeed a sign of trouble. The specific features of the secretion of white in early pregnancy will be discussed in this article.

As a rule, women are not worried about the presence of leucorrhoea, but those features that differ from the discharge that were present before pregnancy. Consider which white discharge in expectant mothers can be considered the norm, and which indicate the presence of certain problems.

You will also be interested to know what the second and third trimesters mean.

Abundant leucorrhoea in early gestation

Marina, 23 years old (Moscow): “I recently found out that I am expecting a child. About 10 days after the alleged conception, I noticed that the amount of mucus coming from the vagina increased significantly. Leucorrhoea became translucent with a creamy shade, slightly thicker in structure than before. They do not cause any concern to me (nothing itches or hurts). Can discharge in the first days of pregnancy have such a character and why? "

Svetlana, 26 years old (Stavropol): “The fourth week of pregnancy is over. For several days I notice that the leucorrhoea has become much more profuse. Thick white in appearance. They are odorless, there is no discomfort, but their number confuses me. I visited the doctor, but she did not stand on ceremony with me, she said only: “The tests are normal, according to the ultrasound, all the indicators correspond to the fifth week. I don't see any reason for concern. " Is this discharge normal at 5 weeks of gestation? "

Hormonal imbalance in the first trimester

The abundance of secretion is one of the problems that most often worries women in the position. However, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy very often becomes much more abundant than before, for quite adequate reasons. Most likely, the increased discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy (as well as on the 10th day) is explained by large-scale hormonal and physiological changes associated with the emergence of a new life inside the mother's body. It can be considered, however, not accurate.

The intense secretion of the gonads is most often explained by the increased production of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. In the first 12 weeks of the term, it is he who rules the ball. An increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for the process of conception, fixation of the ovum in the wall of the uterus (approximately 9-12 days), and closer to the end of the first trimester - for the formation of the placenta. An increase in the amount of viscous secretion is one of the initial signs of a conception that has occurred.

Hormonal changes can be accompanied by profuse mucous leucorrhoea, the color of which can vary from milky white to transparent.

Such a natural secret should not have any foreign smell, and even more so be accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs and the vagina. Its density during this period can also vary - from semi-liquid to creamy - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the concentration of hormones in the blood. Thick white discharge most often stops when the second trimester begins, and the lead is taken over by another important female hormone - estrogen.

Increased blood circulation

Another reason for an increase in the amount of leucorrhoea during gestation may be an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area. This tendency is especially pronounced in those women who, before conception, took oral contraceptives for a long time, which have the property of minimizing vaginal secretion.

Thick mucus in the early months of pregnancy

Rimma, 31 years old (Samara): “Strange discharge appeared at the 6th week of pregnancy. Small lumps of mucus are clearly visible in them. Sometimes they are very small, and sometimes a little larger. I'm very worried, is everything all right? The ultrasound did not show any dangers, but it is still very alarming, because there was no such thing before. Can there be such discharge in pregnant women at a short time? "

It protects the uterine cavity, and, accordingly, the fetus from the penetration of pathogens. The discharge associated with this process in the first weeks of pregnancy has a neutral odor and is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, pain in the abdomen or lower back. Normally, leucorrhoea during this period may have a creamy or milky hue, and denser lumps of mucus may be present in their structure. They are not only not dangerous, but also indicate a successful pregnancy. The formation of a mucous plug is completed by 12 weeks.

Thin white discharge early in pregnancy

Anna, 24 years old (Yekaterinburg): “Now the 6th week of gestation is over. At first, there were no suspicious symptoms, but a couple of days ago, whitish water began to go instead of whiter. There is a lot of it. What could it be? What is the reason for thin white discharge at 7 weeks of gestation?

Natalya, 25 years old (Moscow): “This morning I noticed that I have abundant supply. They do not look like the usual leucorrhoea. At the same time, there is a slight itching and slightly sips the belly below. I have an eighth week. What can they mean? "

White liquid discharge during the entire period of pregnancy, including when it is only the sixth or eighth week, is an alarming factor. Their appearance may be associated with the onset of an inflammatory process or the penetration of an infection.

Such a development of events is especially likely when there are additionally sharp or pulling pains in the region of the sacrum or lower abdomen.

Another reason why liquid white secretion can appear during pregnancy is an allergic reaction. The mucous membrane lining the external genital organs of a woman becomes especially susceptible to external stimuli. A hygiene product, washing powder, and too tight synthetic underwear can become a provocateur. In such a situation, itching and irritation may be present, but pain should not be observed.

In rare cases, an increase in liquid white discharge during early pregnancy becomes a signal of unfavorable development of the fetus or the threat of an imminent spontaneous abortion. You should be especially careful in a situation where any painful sensations in the abdomen or general malaise are noted in parallel. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help.

White curdled discharge

Marina, 18 years old: “From the very beginning everything was fine, but after a period of four weeks, itching and white grains appeared instead of the usual leucorrhoea. I took a little chamomile - it seems to have passed. But early she was delighted - in the seventh week everything happened again and even got worse. Could such a discharge be normal at 7 weeks of gestation? What is causing them? And what to do? "

Maria, 22 years old (Krasnoyarsk): “I noticed some flakes resembling cottage cheese in the tenth week of the term. They smell acid and cause terrible discomfort: everything itches and itches. What can cause such discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy? "

The disease is better known to the common man as "thrush". In parallel with the appearance of cheesy flakes, there is also a specific smell of lactic acid (hence the name).

Candidiasis is a common ailment that often raises its head under favorable circumstances. Such circumstances may be: non-observance of hygiene rules (both insufficient and hypertrophied cleanliness), antibiotic therapy, abuse of sugar-containing products, imbalance of the vaginal microflora.

The disease causes such concomitant symptoms: intolerable itching, hyperemia and swelling of the genitals, burning sensation when emptying the bladder. Sometimes, if treatment is not started on time, the secretion can take on a yellowish or greenish tint.


With timely treatment, "thrush" during pregnancy is treated in a fairly short time with antifungal drugs. In the first trimester, these are usually topical agents.

It is extremely important to undergo a full course of antifungal therapy under the guidance of a medical specialist in order to prevent recurrence of candidiasis at a later date. It is important to remember that treatment should be carried out in parallel by both parents, since men are often carriers of the infection, but do not even know about it.

In most cases, white discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy is not a pathological phenomenon. They are explained by internal processes that take place inside the female body. However, no one canceled the exceptions. To notice the first signs of trouble, experience and appropriate qualifications are required, so be prudent and try to find the doctor to whom you are no doubt ready to entrust the most precious thing - the life and health of your future baby.

Pregnancy brings significant changes to a woman's life. These changes affect the work of all organs and systems of the body, not excluding the sexual sphere. Changes in the balance of hormones affect, among other things, the secretion of the sex glands. This article will tell you about white discharge during pregnancy. In it, we will try to figure out when they are the norm, and when they can be pathological.

To clearly see what kind of secretion of the gonads can have in a woman preparing to become a mother, it is enough to enter the query "selection during pregnancy photo". And let's talk about the reasons that cause it in more detail. After all, white discharge during pregnancy can be absolutely safe for the health of the mother and fetus, but it can also serve as a kind of beacon warning against a possible threat.

What leucorrhoea is a sign of the norm?

If white secretion appears during pregnancy, then this is most often the result of physiological and hormonal changes. Such discharge in women is most likely completely normal.

Hormonal reform

Olga, 32 years old: “Finally, I managed to get pregnant. For a long time I struggled with the diagnosis of infertility. Now is the end of the first month. Lately, odorless whitish discharge has been troubling. I do not feel any inconvenience, but I worry about their abundance. Are they normal? "

During pregnancy, the discharge is most intense, as a rule, in the first weeks. This is due to an increase in the concentration of the main hormone of the "interesting position" - progesterone, the main task of which during this period is to ensure reliable fixation of the ovum, and then the formation of the placenta. These fundamental processes are often enough accompanied. Their shade: from cream to white. In the first trimester, clear discharge during pregnancy is normal, which has a mucous or creamy structure. The presence of such a secret in pregnant women is absolutely normal. The main thing is that there should be no discomfort, swelling and hyperemia.

Formation of a mucous plug

Yana, 24 years old: “What do white people mean? I am now 2 months old. I noticed that leucorrhoea is more intense, although it looks like regular leucorrhoea - it also looks and stretches. But in them you can clearly see small lumps of mucus. I am very worried about this situation! Are they not dangerous for the unborn child? "

At the beginning of the first trimester, there may also appear, sometimes with mucous clots. Their occurrence is explained by the process of formation of a mucous plug in the cervix, which is an obstacle to the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity. This white mucous discharge does not give the woman any perceptible discomfort and does not have an unpleasant odor. The only drawback is that sometimes they are quite strong, which makes it necessary to replace daily sanitary napkins more often.

Hormonal memory

Julia, 25 years old: “Now is the end of the first trimester. I noticed that on those days when there were menses before, abundant ones appear. I have no pains, there is no burning sensation, they are homogeneous in consistency. But their very presence worries me. Can there be white thick discharge during pregnancy at a short time? "

Indeed, thick white discharge may be an echo of hormonal memory from a period when a woman was not yet in position. They appear on the days when women used to have menstrual bleeding. If there are no other suspicious symptoms (pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back, repulsive odor, non-uniform consistency of the secret, itching), then you should not worry. Creamy discharge during pregnancy is often explained by the stabilization of hormonal processes.

Preparing the body for childbirth

Maria, 32 years old: “The third trimester is coming to an end. The discharge at 38 weeks of gestation intensified. They are slimy, their shade is creamy. Especially a lot of them in the morning. What does the appearance of white discharge at 38 weeks of gestation say? "

Olga, 22 years old: “Is it normal to have white discharge at 39 weeks of gestation? They are completely different than before - you can see lumps of mucus in them. Why can there be such white discharge in late pregnancy? "

The 39th week of pregnancy is the time when the body mobilizes forces for a speedy delivery. One of the signs of an approaching meeting with a baby may be an increase in the secretion of the gonads. Already at 37 weeks of gestation, white discharge interspersed with mucus is not uncommon, because sometimes childbirth begins a little earlier than the end of the 9th month. Lumps of mucus are nothing more than a mucous plug, which throughout the entire period protected the uterine cavity from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Before childbirth, especially if the 39th week of pregnancy is already underway, it tends to separate: gradually or once.

Intense white discharge at 40 weeks of gestation is a reason to go to the hospital.

Pathological causes of white discharge during pregnancy

There are times when increased secretion of the gonads becomes a symptom of trouble.


Anastasia, 19 years old: “Discharge appeared at the 17th week of pregnancy. They are released with some kind of flakes, while there is an acid smell. At the same time, itching becomes more and more intolerable every day. This has never happened before. Are hormones to blame? Or is it some kind of infection? "

Polina, 21: “Now I have 36 weeks of gestation. Cheesy ones appeared. Everything itches terribly, the smell of some sour milk. How to remove this discharge at 36 weeks? "

With similar symptoms, hormones, most likely, have nothing to do with it. The appearance of whitish flakes with a sourish odor can signal a disease such as vaginal candidiasis. It is also popularly called the "milkmaid". The disease is often accompanied by severe itching, burning, hyperemia of the external genital organs.

In this case, it is not worth talking about infection. The vaginal flora of every woman contains a certain amount of candida fungi. If such exacerbations have not been observed before, then, most likely, this may be due to a weakening of local immunity or an imbalance in the vaginal microflora.

Treatment of candidiasis is carried out with antifungal drugs, which should only be prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that not all drugs are approved for use in the early stages. It is imperative to carry out parallel treatment of the sexual partner, who can be a carrier, without experiencing any inconvenience. There is no need to worry - with proper therapy, the symptoms of "thrush" disappear rather quickly.

If the 39th week of pregnancy has already come, and you have signs of "thrush", then you should sanitize the vagina as soon as possible. See your doctor and discuss with him the tactics of treatment in order to protect the baby from infection.

For more information on the reasons, follow the link.

Discharge of white as a threat of termination of pregnancy

Taisiya, 26 years old: “At the eighteenth week there was a threat of interruption. I spent 7 days in the hospital. The whitish discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy somehow did not alert me, because there were no other signs that something was going wrong again. They were translucent, not very liquid, but the daily routine had to be changed frequently. On the 23rd, the leucorrhoea turned brownish. The doctor said he was a threat again. After the prescribed treatment, the daub stopped, but the leucorrhoea remained. And at the next ultrasound it turned out that my baby had died. Was the discharge at 26 weeks pregnant and before her a sign of such a terrible anomaly? "

Discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester can have a wide variety of reasons. In rare cases, increased white discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as in the first, are precursors of miscarriage or signal intrauterine fetal death. Perhaps there was some pathology that was not diagnosed at an earlier date. Therefore, the most reasonable decision if doubts arise at any week of pregnancy is to seek medical advice and undergo all possible examinations.

The secret of a white tint for infections

Ekaterina, 30 years old: “Now my 36th week of pregnancy is coming to an end. An incomprehensible discharge appeared at 35 weeks of gestation: they are quite strong, watery, and have an unusual smell. At the same time, I feel constant itching in the intimate area. There is no pain, but the lower abdomen pulls a little. What can this white discharge and itching at the end of 36 weeks of pregnancy mean? "

Svetlana, 30 years old: “It's the twentieth week. Suspicious discharge appeared at 18 weeks of gestation. They were like leucorrhoea, but thinner and very abundant. Milky in color. At the same time, after 7 days, itching in the vagina began. There are no other signs of trouble, but the situation is alarming. What do the abundant lingering discharge during pregnancy say? "

Increased secretion during the period of bearing a baby is not uncommon. In the absence of signs such as redness, swelling, unpleasant odor, it can be argued that there is no reason for concern. The addition of such symptoms is a signal of the development of a disease such as vaginosis. It can be caused by both opportunistic microorganisms and genital infections. If such symptoms occur, it is imperative to pass tests in order to exclude STIs and decide on the methods of therapy. You should not postpone treatment until later if such discharge appears during pregnancy in the third trimester, because during childbirth the infection can be transmitted to the baby.

Allergic reaction

Julia, 31 years old: “I noticed that the discharge increased at 35 weeks of gestation. They are white slimy. However, I am confused by their number and itching. At 30 weeks, there was a threat, but no such symptoms were observed. I passed the tests in a private clinic - I was even ashamed to go to my doctor - all of a sudden some kind of infection. But the analyzes are clean. The pregnancy is now 37 weeks. What do these symptoms mean, and what to do with such discharge? "

Itching during pregnancy is always a sign of trouble. In the last weeks of gestation, an increase in the sensitivity of the mucous membrane to external stimuli is possible. In this case, it is possible that the new hygienic means for caring for the intimate area, a means for washing clothes, is to blame. Or used pads triggered a reaction. It is necessary to analyze what an allergic reaction could have occurred and eliminate the provocateur. It is advisable to do this before the 39th week of pregnancy - the period when labor can begin at any time. Irritation of the mucous membrane and disturbance of the flora negatively affects the elasticity of the tissues, which is necessary to prevent tearing.

In parallel, it is worth taking a blood sugar test. If the indicators are within the normal range, then an allergic reaction is most likely.

Every woman who keeps a small life under her heart should carefully monitor her health, including the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Indeed, sometimes even minor deviations noticed in time help to avoid fatal consequences. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your doctor. And in any case, do not self-diagnose and self-medicate.

Pregnancy causes certain changes in a woman's body. Although they are diverse in nature, they have clearly defined individual characteristics. The uterus enlarges due to lengthening and multiplication of muscle fibers, blood vessels and connective tissue. Their number also grows in the vagina, which activates fluid infiltration. The body has high levels of progesterone, estradiol and beta hCG. All this ensures the expansion of the vaginal canal during childbirth. As the number of blood vessels increases, the lining of the vagina becomes purplish red. Then appear white liquid discharge during pregnancy, which displeases the expectant mother. But this discharge is a sign that the genitals are also preparing for childbirth.

White runny discharge during early pregnancy

It is important to inform your doctor about changes in the body, but it is no less useful to form a clear idea for yourself: what kind of leucorrhoea are and when they pose a danger to the life of a mother or her unborn baby.

Mucus, clear, copious, but odorless white runny discharge during pregnancy at 1-6 weeks is normal and there is no cause for concern. To prevent infections from entering the vagina, you must follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Closer to childbirth, abundant liquid discharge may disturb. This is also the norm. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist only if it is long-term (last 2-3 hours in a row). The harbingers of childbirth can be the discharge of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

There are no pathologies if:

  • there is no pronounced foreign smell,
  • color - from transparent white to light yellow,
  • the consistency is liquid, slightly watery,
  • amount - as before pregnancy, but not more than 10-15 ml. /day.

Cause for concern and specialist advice

When the nature or color of the leucorrhoea changes dramatically, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Sticky, yellow mucus, lumpy or flaky discharge indicate a disease, which only a gynecologist can confirm. The selection can change when:

  • weakening of immunity,
  • fungal infections
  • diseases of the genitourinary, birth system,
  • erosion of the cervix,
  • anemia,
  • constipation.

A gynecological examination is also advisable if the woman has 39 weeks pregnant white liquid discharge became abundant and long lasting. The approach of childbirth, a change in the hormonal background - all these are signs that the future woman in labor herself will not be able to determine without the help of a doctor. In any case, unnecessary anxiety is harmful to the health of the mother and her unborn child: the treatment is carried out after a laboratory study and a doctor's examination. A visit to the gynecologist in such situations is strictly necessary.

Brown discharge is also dangerous. Against the background of hormonal fluctuations, they, like light ones, can be within the normal range, but you should still notify the attending physician about this.

A noticeable change in their character or color can be an alarming signal:

  • risk of miscarriage,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • detachment and placenta previa,
  • an infectious disease (and together with a high body temperature of a pregnant woman - infection of the fetus),
  • pathology of the cervix,
  • discharge of the mucous plug.

Quite often you can hear that the color of the discharge may differ from white, about such discharge


Almost 100% of all pregnant women suffer from candidiasis, which is popularly called thrush. Most often, it appears in the second half of pregnancy. Doctors have long dispelled the myth that thrush is a simple and harmless disease, especially for women in an "interesting" position, where there is a risk of infection of the newborn during childbirth or the transmission of candidal fungus to the fetus in the womb. Candidiasis can lead to serious damage to the skin, mucous membranes of the internal organs of the crumbs.

When expecting their first child, women are often confused white runny discharge during early pregnancy with thrush, since the kind of discharge in both cases is similar. But with candidiasis, vaginal discharge has a curdled consistency with an admixture of a sour odor, often such leucorrhoea causes unbearable burning and itching of the internal and external genital organs. Chronic thrush worsens during periods of significant decline in immunity. And in pregnant women, a real suppression of immunity is often diagnosed, since there is a change in the hormonal background that provokes the disease.

Medicine identifies the following causes of candidiasis:

  • hormonal changes in the body,
  • taking antibiotics, which causes intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis,
  • stress and overwork of the body,
  • violation of personal hygiene,
  • eating spicy food,
  • allergies,
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases.
  • climate change,
  • synthetic underwear.

Thrush in pregnant women is treated exclusively after consulting a gynecologist, since self-medication, like douching, can harm the fetus. In addition to syringes, doctors prescribe treatment according to the following regimens: the use of antifungal drugs locally and internally, the intake of immunotherapy drugs, eubiotics and vitamins. As additional medicines, dietary meals and walks in the fresh air are prescribed.

Pregnancy calendar and discharge

The characteristic of leucorrhoea varies depending on the period, but odorless white liquid discharge during pregnancy testify to the work of the female reproductive system. Below are descriptions of normal discharge for each week, but organisms are unique, so individual changes and deviations are possible.

1-2 weeks. A woman in such a period does not always know about her position, since this period may coincide with the last days of menstruation.

3-5 weeks. A clear white discharge with mucous clots is normal because the body produces a large amount of the hormone progesterone at this stage. Leucorrhoea does not cause any symptoms or discomfort. At the time of attachment of the egg to the uterus, minor bleeding may develop, which is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Vaginal discharge is more often the consistency of a cream with a yellow, pink or brown tint.

6-7 weeks. During this period, bloody discharge is also possible, which a woman can take for menstrual flow, but their duration is much shorter than usual. Signs of infection or serious illness are indicated by green, yellow, or gray discharge. Discomfort from itching or burning of the genitals is a sign of infection or a sexually transmitted disease.

8-9 weeks. Under the influence of hormone production, they become habitual abundant white liquid discharge during pregnancy, but you should watch out for their smell and color. A brown color streaked with blood will indicate a threat of miscarriage.

10 weeks. From the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, normal leucorrhoea is light to moderate, and may have a sour odor. The discharge is offensive, discoloration from yellow and green to gray, brown or red, and foamy - a reason to consult a doctor.

White discharge after 10 weeks

After examination on a gynecological chair, bleeding, which smears without pain for a short time, may occur, which indicates erosion of the cervix: the already loose tissues of the uterus are damaged. There is still a threat of termination of pregnancy, so painful discharge with blood should be alarming.

12-13 weeks. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, leucorrhoea of ​​moderate intensity and odorless are normal. The appearance of pus, staining of secretions, an increase in volume, pain - symptoms of detachment of the ovum from the uterus, erosion of the cervix, placenta previa, damage to the uterine cavity.

14-18 weeks. The formation of individual organs in the fetus has almost ended, the placenta is formed, and by the end of this period, the woman usually feels the baby's movement. Colorless secretions of a thin consistency are normal.

19-36 weeks. Stable period - normal is moderate, whitish, thin consistency. The possibility of leakage of amniotic fluid with watery vaginal discharge will be determined by a specialist.

37-40 weeks. The exit of the mucous plug and the proximity of childbirth - hence the mucus and blood clots. Abundant thin white discharge at 38 weeks gestation, may mean the onset of labor and a reason to go to the hospital. Liquid, cloudy leucorrhoea accompany poured amniotic fluid or indicate the depletion of the membranes. In the last month, you need to be especially careful and vigilant, it is better to play it safe and seek help from a doctor.

Premature birth

Constant stress and environmental factors are the most common causes of miscarriages. There is no practice of successful childbirth up to 20 weeks. Starting from the third trimester, a woman should constantly monitor the secretions, listen to her body and study the topic of premature birth. Predict water leakage and disturbed pregnancy white liquid discharge 25 weeks they can - but this is the extreme limit: more often, with proper care and the presence of the necessary equipment, children survive from 26-27 weeks.

Premature birth is a violation of the bearing of a child up to 40 weeks. They can often be stopped or avoided altogether. The main cause of the pathology is rupture of the amniotic membranes. But not everyone can determine whether this is actually childbirth: real childbirth can begin with the flow of amniotic fluid or regular contractions. A woman needs to be attentive to her own condition.

The forecast is more favorable - for a period longer than 37 weeks pregnant white liquid discharge, even if they are the harbingers of the coming childbirth - they are not critical. The fetus is already strong enough, and under strict medical supervision, childbirth occurs quickly and successfully without significant threats to the life of the baby. Modern medicine is gradually revising the classification of childbirth and now childbirth at 37-38 weeks of gestation is called early gestation. If preterm labor began after 34 weeks, drugs are not administered to the pregnant woman to stop labor, but are prepared for the birth of the baby in a natural way. The loss of a child and complications from the mother's body are minimized.

The first messengers of pregnancy

Many women find out about the onset of pregnancy intuitively. Irritability appears, mood often changes, increased fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and just an "amazing feeling" make you think about the birth of a new life. White liquid discharge as a sign of pregnancy often not taken seriously, although observant expectant mothers know that such leucorrhoea occurs in the second phase of the monthly cycle, and not at the end, therefore, they may suggest pregnancy.

Starting at the age of 12-13, that is, approximately along with the first menstruation, girls have regular transparent or whitish mucous discharge from the vagina - a sign of the onset of puberty for a girl. These secretions - leucorrhoea - serve to lubricate the vagina, protect against mechanical damage during intercourse and childbirth, as well as from the action of pathogens.

Leucorrhoea during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vaginal discharge does not stop, but, on the contrary, intensifies and takes on a slightly different character. This is due to the fact that from the moment of conception in the mother's body, a sharp and rather serious hormonal change begins. An increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen stimulates an increase in blood circulation in the groin area, affects the muscles of the vagina, making it more susceptible to stretching, and also increases the secretory function of vaginal cells, due to which the amount of discharge increases.

An increase in the abundance of vaginal discharge may shock the expectant mother a little, especially who has been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time. However, this condition is quite normal, and some doctors even describe it as one of the early signs of pregnancy.

The fact is that leucorrhoea is a mixture of dead vaginal epithelial cells, the renewal of which during pregnancy occurs much more intensively, fluid, the amount of which increases with sexual arousal, and a mass of beneficial microorganisms that create a normal microflora and prevent the destructive effect of infections. During pregnancy, the amount of each of these elements increases. This is what causes abundant vaginal discharge.

Therefore, for pregnant women, a condition that is considered pathological in an ordinary woman may be normal. However, it is worth learning to distinguish normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy from pathological.

White discharge during pregnancy is normal

With the onset of pregnancy, vaginal discharge changes its character somewhat. At the same time, a woman can note that their number has increased, they have become thicker and began to resemble egg white in consistency - all this is a normal physiological reaction of the female body to the onset of fetal development.

Such thick, abundant, transparent or slightly cloudy whitish discharge often accompanies a woman throughout pregnancy. In the last trimester, their number increases, and the consistency becomes more liquid: this happens against the background of hormonal preparation of the body for the upcoming birth.

All this suggests that a pregnant woman should not panic when she detects a slight change in the nature of the discharge, because this is the usual reaction of her body to the emergence of a new life. Abundant transparent or white odorless discharge, not accompanied by itching, burning, abdominal pain - this is the norm for a pregnant woman. However, the nature of the discharge must be monitored, since certain changes in them may also be pathological.

Pathological white discharge

Not every type of discharge during pregnancy can be called normal. It is clear that bloody or bloody discharge, clots and excessive abundance become a signal of distress - all this may indicate the onset of labor or a natural termination of pregnancy.

In the event that the discharge remains white, however, it still gives the expectant mother some problems, even emotional ones, the pregnant woman needs to learn to recognize the norm and pathology in order to take action in time if necessary.

In any case, the main thing for a pregnant woman is the ability to remain calm and adequately respond to the current situation. Therefore, even if you notice some incomprehensible changes in your body, you should not start to panic - it is better to consult a doctor and, as happens in most cases, make sure that the pregnancy is normal.

Vaginal discharge is a natural process inherent in women and girls of childbearing age. However, under the influence of certain factors, leucorrhoea can become a symptom of very unpleasant conditions. They are able to change their volume, color and consistency, which often becomes a kind of compass for gynecologists, allowing one to assume the presence of a particular disease. Women who are carrying a child are no exception; they also have a secreted vaginal secretion, which needs to be given increased attention. Even if there was no white discharge before successful conception, hormonal changes can cause multiple changes affecting systems and organs. Consider when white discharge during pregnancy should not cause concern and why in certain situations it is necessary to see a doctor.

When vaginal secretions are normal

One of the first changes in the conception of a child is the formation of a mucous plug on the uterine neck. In a similar way, the body protects the embryo from external infections. The result of care can be significant whitish discharge that is not pathological and does not lead to complications. Natural leucorrhoea in pregnant women includes a mucous transparent secret without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with a milky tint. The vaginal secretion includes:

  • Mucus produced by the glands of the genital organs.
  • Various bacteria that constantly live in the vaginal microflora. Most often these are lactobacilli, although other microbes in small quantities do not indicate infection.
  • Dead cells of the epithelium.

Progesterone is responsible for the white discharge during pregnancy. This hormone begins to be produced after fertilization and the introduction of an egg into the wall of the uterus, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the fetus. Under its influence, the body begins to actively develop whitish whitish whitish at the initial stage of bearing a child. At the same time, the consistency of the mucus also changes, which can be quite dense during the first few months of gestation.

The increased production of progesterone lasts for about twelve weeks, after which the production of estrogen begins. Such surges can again increase the volume of secretory mucus, which is normal. When the concentration of estrogen increases, the leucorrhoea becomes watery, sometimes causing a not very pleasant sensation of moisture in the perineum.

Despite such drastic changes and not always pleasant sensations, there is no reason for excitement if the vaginal mucus becomes thinner or thicker, without being accompanied by itching or burning, swelling of the genitals, and unpleasant odors. Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy in terms of color, consistency and volume may look like this:

  • The amount of mucus produced over 24 hours ranges from one to about five milliliters, while a larger volume is not always a pathology, although in this case it does not hurt to consult a specialist.
  • Mucous discharge during pregnancy can be completely transparent or colored in milky shades.
  • The consistency is usually homogeneous, like mucus and resembles the white of a raw egg, differing in density.

Quite often, during the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall, white discharge in an increased volume is observed before menstruation and becomes at this moment the only sign of completed conception.

Odorless discharge during pregnancy is often associated with allergic reactions or irritation due to intimate hygiene products, linen, and panty liners. Even if the secreted mucus meets the signs of the norm, it is necessary to exclude the likelihood of the formation of a urogenital infection. To this end, it will be necessary to increase control over personal hygiene:

  • it is necessary to wash yourself in the morning and evening hours, while women carrying a child should preferably refrain from using soap (an exception may be cleansing the anus);
  • to abandon synthetic underwear in favor of natural breathable materials;
  • use perfume-free panty liners, remembering to replace them when moistened.

Pregnancy in the last weeks may be accompanied by a noticeable leakage of milky mucous fluid, which leaves quite noticeable traces. It is possible that the flowing anatomical fluid is mixed with the natural secretion. In this case, it does not hurt to be ready to go to the clinic, since such discharge often indicates the onset of labor.

Why is vaginal secretion observed during pregnancy?

In addition to the natural formation of vaginal mucus when carrying a child, there are a considerable number of other factors that can cause this phenomenon:

If we are talking about an ordinary secret that is produced for the formation of a mucous plug, you should not be surprised at its increased abundance. It is important to pay attention to the properties of mucus - it should have a white tint, resemble the slimy white of a raw egg, not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, although a sour tint is acceptable. However, even if the discharge is not too different from the norm outwardly, but is accompanied by itching, swelling, organ irritation, soreness and other unpleasant manifestations, a reasonable woman goes to a specialist for an appointment. With increased attention, it is necessary to treat the abundant vaginal discharge in the last stages of gestation - if the volume gradually increases over several hours, the onset of labor can be assumed.

  • White discharge during pregnancy can be caused by infectious diseases. The development of pathology will be accompanied by a number of other signs. Often there is a general weakness of the body, malaise, insufficient resistance to various inflammatory processes. It is necessary to be wary when vaginal mucus changes its color, acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Candidiasis - aka thrush - is one of the most common factors that provoke white discharge in women, which are distinguished by their abundance, the smell of brewer's yeast and a curdled consistency.
  • In some cases, white discharge during pregnancy appears during the period when a woman began to menstruate before conception. Usually, in this case, the formation of mucus does not cause discomfort, but if soreness occurs in the lower abdomen, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is necessary.
  • Abundantly secreting white mucus may precede spontaneous abortion or indicate a stopped development of the embryo.
  • In some cases, mucous leucorrhoea is not influenced by internal, but external factors, in particular, panty liners become the culprits of the problem. Many manufacturers in the manufacture of products use a variety of additives and synthesized extracts, which provoke negative reactions in the body. It is advisable for women in position to give preference to simple products without impregnations and fragrances.

The unexpected appearance of mucous secretions of various shades is a good reason for contacting a specialist, without waiting for the development of complications.

When vaginal secretions signal danger

Having accepted the fact of the possibility of abundant discharge during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to pay increased attention to their properties - any change in color, smell or consistency may indicate the development of pathological processes. For example, liquid mucus with a specific smell of rotten fish may indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis. Painful conditions can form due to impaired functionality of the immune system or a failure in the hormonal balance, which contributes to the multiplication of opportunistic microbes in the mucous layer.

It should be remembered that it is quite difficult to determine the culprit of mucus secretion by its appearance; the diagnosis will require a number of studies and analyzes prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Experienced gynecologists, however, quite often, when establishing the initial diagnosis, rely on the presence of infectious changes affecting the vaginal secretion - its wateriness, lumpiness, shade, a sharp increase in volume, consistency. The frequency of occurrence of pathologies is also taken into account:

  • The Candida fungus, which causes thrush and damage to the vaginal walls, is observed in pregnant women in 30% of cases.
  • Chlamydia is detected in 10% of cases; when carrying a child, it manifests itself during the first three weeks with yellow-white liquid mucus, combined with burning and itching.
  • With bacterial vaginosis, which is diagnosed in 10 to 25% of women carrying a child, symptoms with a strong violation of the balance of the vaginal microflora may be completely absent.
  • According to statistics, Trichomonas vaginitis is observed in 32% of pregnant women, its development may be accompanied by a yellow-white or yellow secretion, pain when urinating, itching.

The woman herself first of all pays attention to the color of the discharge, since this is the most obvious property of the secret. Consider the pathological shades of leucorrhoea that can be observed most often during pregnancy.

The appearance of a yellow-white secret

Thick white discharge with a clear yellow tinge almost always indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body, while a woman can feel completely normal even with a fairly abundant mucus. However, when the secret acquires a dark yellow tint, there is an unpleasant odor and soreness, the external genital organs itch, urgent consultation with a specialist and a thorough examination are necessary. There are a number of reasons under the influence of which such discharge is observed in pregnant women:

  • The inflammatory process, aggravated by pregnancy - carrying a child weakens the immune system, which contributes to the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the vagina and their active reproduction. The next stage is damage to the genitals and an increase in the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • When a dark yellow secret appears, you can suspect an allergic reaction provoked by underwear or personal hygiene products. Certain microorganisms can manifest themselves in a similar way.
  • In cases where white-yellow discharge begins to take on a green tint, there is a high risk of the formation of more serious diseases - for example, it is possible to suspect venereal pathologies if, in addition to discoloration, there is pain during urination, burning and itching.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the development of a bacterial infection are indicated by a piercing yellow tint of the secretion.
  • If the yellowish mucus is accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor during pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages and the uterus is possible. This condition is very dangerous because it can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Cheesy discharge of various shades

Most often, thick discharge during pregnancy of a milky and cheesy appearance with a sour smell indicates the development of candidiasis. An accompanying symptom is unbearable itching, severe burning, edema occurs in the genital area. It is very indicative that these manifestations can intensify closer to night, after intercourse or after hygiene procedures. When carrying a child, the disease often worsens and is difficult to treat.

If curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor acquires a green tint, accompanied by itching, burning, such symptoms may indicate infectious pathologies or inflammatory processes in the genitals. The main danger in this case is the high risk of miscarriage. The green secret of a curdled consistency can be caused by a pathological process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. With an acute vaginal infection, the appearance of a curdled greenish secretion is observed, and with a small volume of it, the formation of bacterial pathology in the genital tract is not excluded. Sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves as a cheesy secret of a yellowish tint. Quite often, a curdled vaginal substance with a greenish tint appears as a result of taking antimicrobial drugs and disturbed microflora in the vagina.

White vaginal mucus with impurities

White during pregnancy and bloody impurities in them may indicate erosion of the uterine cervix, cervicitis. In a similar way, inflammatory processes occurring in the cervical canal can manifest themselves. These pathologies lead to a complicated course of pregnancy and subsequent labor.

Brown secret when carrying a baby

When carrying a child, a brown secret is observed in almost every expectant mother. There are several reasons for the development of this condition:

  • With an ectopic pregnancy, an egg is rejected, accompanied by the leakage of brown mucus and the onset of bleeding.
  • A creamy, brownish discharge indicates a threatened miscarriage. The mucus can turn into minor bleeding, which gradually increases without stopping.
  • In the presence of an incomplete miscarriage, severe bleeding of red-brown shades is observed, often containing clots. There are also severe pains in the lower abdomen. Scraping of the uterine cavity may be required to remove the remains of the dead fetus.
  • If a brown daub is observed in the last stages of bearing a child, a violation of the functionality of the placenta and its stratification can be suspected. This pathology can become a source of minor bleeding.
  • Brown fluid may indicate the onset of labor in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Rupture of the uterus can also be accompanied by the leakage of brown secretion, most often a similar phenomenon is observed in women with a history of abortions. Scars formed on the uterus can manifest themselves in a similar way.

As you can see, most often the brown secret accompanies the development of genital diseases and erosion of the uterine neck. If there is a rupture of the placenta, bed rest is necessary, the elimination of psychological and emotional overloads, the appointment of hormonal drugs.

Bloody secretion when carrying a child

Bloody secretion during pregnancy is a fairly frequent phenomenon, especially at its beginning. According to statistics, 80%, even in the presence of early women without deviations and subsequent complications, carry a fetus. Consider the factors that provoke the appearance of bloody fluid:

  • The reason may be an increased blood supply to the genitals or their excessive sensitivity. Usually, the phenomenon occurs against the background of an ultrasound scan using a vaginal sensor or due to a gynecological speculum used during the examination.
  • Bloody mucus is often observed after intercourse against the background of irritation of the uterine cervix and the vaginal mucosa.
  • This kind of discharge provokes placental abruption or hormonal disruptions, which do not pose a particular danger at the initial stages of pregnancy.
  • A brown tint of a bloody secretion may indicate the formation of a hematoma in the body.
  • Rarely enough, the painless appearance of profuse bloody secretion can be triggered by a cystic drift, characterized by the proliferation of placental tissue. The danger of such a condition is a high risk of death of the child.

The possibility of complications with bloody discharge is indicated by the appeared blood clots. If they are present, an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary, since the likelihood of a miscarriage is high.

Treatment when carrying a child

The appearance of pathological leucorrhoea of ​​a suspicious color, with an odor indicating the possibility of the development of dangerous diseases, requires the appointment of adequate treatment. Therapy of bacterial infections in women carrying a fetus is quite difficult and should include several stages to achieve the greatest effect:

  • It is necessary to use agents that can suppress the pathogenic vaginal microflora.
  • It is necessary to use drugs to restore balance.
  • Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.
  • Requires proper nutrition, stay in the fresh air.

For the treatment of infectious pathologies in pregnant women, there are special schemes, each of which corresponds to a certain period of fetal development, while the safest drugs are used. Treatment is carried out under constant monitoring through tests.

With the development of candidiasis, for the most part, local preparations are used, including suppositories, gels or ointments. In the early stages of pregnancy, Pimafucin is often prescribed, which has a rather weak effect. Accordingly, in the later stages, thrush may appear again.

To enhance the effects of pharmaceuticals, your doctor may recommend the use of traditional medicine recipes. Despite the seeming harmlessness of home-made herbal preparations, one should take into account both individual intolerance to the components and possible contraindications.

Using traditional medicine recipes

Despite the fact that when vaginal leucorrhoea appears in the normal state, douching is the best method of therapy, they are contraindicated when carrying a fetus. Sitting baths with the addition of infusions of oak bark or chamomile color can be a good alternative. Thanks to this method of using healing agents, it is possible to quickly get rid of the itching of the external genital organs and get rid of pathogenic microflora. There are many effective and popular folk recipes:

The most important rule is not to self-medicate. Without prior consultation with a doctor, such therapy is fraught with not only low efficiency, but also a high risk of various complications.