We remove the unpleasant smell from the sink. How to remove second-hand smell from clothes at home

The kitchen is the most frequently visited place in the house. Entering this room, you want to feel the pleasant smells of baking or the freshness of detergents, but expectations are immediately shattered by the unpleasant aroma that comes from the sink. It, mixing with the smells of delicacies, can cause even more disgust, and the stay in the kitchen becomes unbearable. In addition, the stench from the sewage system can affect the human respiratory system due to the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide contained in the composition. Questions arise: "How to get rid of the smell from the sink in the bathroom, in the kitchen? How to protect yourself from the action of harmful substances? How to eliminate the cause of such discomfort?"

So, if there is a smell from the kitchen sink, how to fix it? The main ways to solve the problem are reduced to actions that can be performed without special knowledge, but some problems cannot be solved without a wizard. In any case, the house should have a plunger, special detergents, dry rags, plumbing strings. To begin with, if it smells from the sink in the kitchen (how to fix the problem, we will consider further), you need to find out the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Siphon contamination

Keeping the kitchen clean is an important task for the hostess, which is why the cleaning process is often time-consuming. After a long cooking or family dinner, the entire mountain of dishes needs to be washed, and it is at this moment that a large amount of food leftovers falls into the sink. Penetrating into the siphon, they begin to rot and thereby cause an unpleasant odor. So, having discovered that the siphon under the sink is clogged with rotting food debris, we quickly eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink by removing and washing it. It is important to remember which part is connected to which, so that after rinsing the siphon, you can easily put everything back. You also need to wash carefully so as not to break or spoil the parts. It is good if there is a special tape in the house that will improve the connections and serve as a replacement for the seals for a short period of time.

Siphon contamination is one of the most common causes of sinks. About 90% of housewives face it, and in all cases the problem is solved without difficulty.

Leakage violation

At the junction of the siphon with the pipe, leakage is often observed. The occurrence of this problem is easy enough to determine (as opposed to blockages or internal breakdowns), as the result will be drips. If the problem has not been resolved at the time of their occurrence, these leaks cause stench from the sink, the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls and floor. This happens when the seals are worn out or damaged. A temporary solution may be a special or electrical tape, but new seals will help to finally solve the issue.

If a leakage has occurred between the pipes, then it is necessary to coat their joints with silicone sealant.

Stagnant drains

Leftover food, hair, fat plugs can accumulate and thus obstruct the passage of water. As a result, the water is trapped, stagnant and causes a strong smell from the kitchen sink. How to fix it? The methods below are suitable for different cases and often give a positive result.

The problem can be solved in two ways: rely on yourself or call specialists. The second option is more reliable, but if you decide to do everything yourself, you need to use the tools described below.

Plumbing cable

How to eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink yourself? To do this, you need a plumbing cable, which is sold in specialized stores. It is a steel coil spring, usually with a handle, the main purpose of which is to hook and pull debris out of the sewer pipes.

If it is not possible to purchase, then you can try to make it yourself. The cable must be slowly screwed into the pipe, thereby clearing the passage. This must be done carefully, since abrupt actions can damage the pipe. It is better to use another person who will help keep the cable taut.


If there is a smell from the kitchen sink, how can I eliminate it without using a rope? The way out is the use of chemicals. They come in different types and are aimed at dissolving many contaminants: acidic agents work well with soap and hair, and alkaline ones work well with grease. In the store, it is better to clarify which of all the presented ones are best suited to deal with your problems. You need to use them, based on the instructions and no more than once every two to three weeks. With frequent use, chemical elements can damage the inside of the sewer pipes. Do not use such products if the pipe is completely clogged: they can splash out, damage the surface of the sink, countertops, and also get on the skin or eyes.

To eliminate grease plugs in pipes (all types except plastic), it is necessary to pour a large amount of boiling water into the sink. For plastic pipes, warm water is used with washing powder diluted in it (100 grams of powder per 5 liters of water).

Folk remedies

You can also get rid of stagnant wastewater using folk methods. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of table salt or a hot solution of soda and water into the sink, and then rinse the drain well.

One such procedure is enough to get rid of small grease plugs or dirt, but for large blockages it will need to be repeated several times. Lemon or citric acid copes well with such problems, which must be diluted with boiling water and poured into the sink with a slow stream. Another option is vinegar. After adding a few tablespoons of baking soda to a glass of vinegar, you need to pour the liquid into the drain and plug it with a rag to prevent the pungent vinegar smell from spreading through the kitchen.

Small blockages in pipes can be removed with a plunger.

Violations of the installation of the sewer system

The establishment of such a complex system as a sewage system should be entrusted to highly qualified specialists, because in this case the possibility of problems arising is minimal. However, masters of their craft can also make mistakes, which results in an unpleasant smell in the kitchen. If, due to errors in the installation of the sewer system, a smell appears from the sink in the kitchen, only specialists will say how to fix the problem. It is impossible to independently resolve this issue without the necessary skills.

The sink has not been used for a while

When you open the door after a long vacation, business trip or other departure, you can hear a pungent smell from the kitchen sink. How to fix this problem and what causes it?

If the sink remains "idle" for a certain period of time, the water in the pipes begins to evaporate and the unpleasant amber fills the entire kitchen. In this case, you need to use an air freshener or any fragrance, that is, replace one smell with another, since the problem is not caused by damage or dirt.

Preventing unpleasant odors from the sink

Having learned where the smell from the kitchen sink came from, how to eliminate it, you need to think about actions that will prevent its occurrence in the future.

Cleaning of drain pipes should be carried out not only in case of blockages, but also as a monthly preventive procedure. The use of salt, baking soda, or citric acid can be frequent - up to twice a week. This will keep the pipes relatively clean.

Before starting to wash the dishes, it is necessary to clean them of food debris, thus preventing contamination of the siphon. Also, do not pour tea leaves into the sink, throw away small debris, clean a comb over it, etc.

When leaving for a long time, you need to prevent the appearance of a fetid odor throughout the kitchen by pouring about 100 grams of machine oil or vegetable oil into the sink. It will create a film that will significantly slow down the evaporation of water from the pipes. Upon arrival, you must use a cleaning agent and rinse the system with warm water.

Questions about the replacement of some parts of the sewer system, its modernization and repair should be entrusted to specialists who, using professional tools and the necessary skills, will not harm it. You shouldn't rely on a friend or neighbor in this situation.

When buying new items, such as a siphon, it is important to take the advice of craftsmen or consultants, focus on quality and ease of use, not price.

To remove grease in the siphon, it should be rinsed after each dishwashing in hot water for 20-30 seconds. This will prolong the service life and partially prevent grease from entering the pipes.

Tired of cleaning up, and eventually returning again and again to an unpleasant smell, gradually capturing the territory of your favorite nest? Or wondering where the bad smell comes from in the office? Ambre can be hidden in the most secret places of the four walls, or it can come from what lies right in front of your eyes.

We suggest that you conduct a survey of the most common corners where the stench hitting on the nose lurks. And quickly fix it in one of the following ways.

High humidity encourages microbial growth and odors in the toilet. It is important not only to constantly clean the walls, pipes and toilet, but also to maintain a pleasant scent in the washroom. To do this, put a bowl of stones in the toilet and drip your favorite essential oils on them about once a week.


The trash can absorbs odors and is almost always the source of stench in your home. Rinse the bucket weekly with hot water and soap or vinegar. Place some kitty litter on the bottom.


Sinks and drains are often clogged, leading to unpleasant odors in the house. Clean the drains with special drainage products. Unscrew the siphon every 3 months and remove accumulated debris. Salt or baking soda can also help eliminate the smell by pouring it into the sink drain and letting it sit for 20 minutes.


Even the tidiest housewife can get an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. Store food in an airtight container, close the lids of jars and containers tightly. Rinse the drain hole inside the chamber twice a year with warm water. Clean walls, shelves and drawers regularly. Use natural odor absorbers. Place baking soda or a few activated charcoal tablets in a small container and refrigerate.


Ventilation is often a source of unpleasant odors if not working properly. Check the operation of the ventilation system with a burning candle or a match: bring it to the grate. If the fire stands still, it is necessary to call specialists for troubleshooting. You can remove dust from the ventilation grill with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.


The main source of odor in the washing machine is the rubber cuff, in the folds of which water and small debris accumulate, as well as moisture inside the drum, which does not have time to evaporate. Leave the door open after washing. Thoroughly clean the cuff and detergent drawer. If you already smell, start the wash without laundry with bleach or vinegar.


Something spilled, burnt, splashed - and as a result, a terrible smell appeared in the microwave. Clean the surfaces at least once a month with a cloth dampened with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1). To quickly remove unpleasant odors, place a cup of water, lemon wedges, and a fragrant spice (like cloves) in the microwave in the microwave and let the water boil.


Grease and food residues on the bottom and sides of the dishwasher will cause an unpleasant odor. Unscrew and clean the drain filter regularly with hot soapy water and the gasket on the door. To eliminate the odor that appears, pour a glass of white vinegar on the bottom and start a wash cycle with hot water. This method will also remove limescale.

Carpets build up dirt over time and can become a source of unpleasant odors. Mix vinegar and water in a 1: 3 ratio, rinse the carpet with this solution, and then dry thoroughly. This method will even get rid of the urine smell if pets went to the toilet in the wrong place.


The main reasons for the appearance of mustiness in the closet are stale clothes and dampness. Silica gel pouches prevent dampness, and a clean, dry sock filled with coffee beans and left on the shelf will absorb bad odors.

Found the reason for your unattractive smells?

Feet in shoes start to sweat. Excessive sweating is a favorable place for bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors to appear and multiply. Another reason why a bad smell occurs is the material of the shoes. Most often, shoes are made from artificial materials, with a rubber sole and a plastic insole.

How to eliminate sweat odor with deodorant

There are special deodorants to eliminate unpleasant odors in footwear. The antibacterial agents in the products help prolong the life of the shoe and eliminate the odor. Deodorants do not stain and dry quickly.

Usage: before spraying, the can should be shaken well, holding it 20 cm from feet and shoes.

  • Legs: Spray on the top of the foot, between the toes and on the sole.
  • Shoes: spray inside the product for 2-3 seconds before and after wearing. Daily use is recommended to achieve visible results.

Deodorant brands for feet and shoes:

  • Odor Eaters - 300 rub.
  • "Salton" - 200 rub.
  • "Scholl" - 150-180 rubles.
  • "Salamander" - 170-200 rubles.
  • "Every day" - 50 rubles.

You can buy them at shoe stores.

How to get rid of a bad smell with folk remedies

At home, you can kill bad odors using a variety of methods. With the help of them, you can not only destroy bacteria, but also quickly absorb the disgusting odor.

  1. Deodorization baking soda... After taking off your shoes, sprinkle some baking soda inside and let it sit overnight. Shake the boots thoroughly before putting on to remove excess powder.
  2. Cooling shoes... Wrap your shoes in a zippered plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The cold will kill the odor-causing fungus or bacteria.
  3. Moisten cotton pad rubbing alcohol or vinegar on the inside of the shoe. Leave intact for some time. Bad smells will no doubt disappear. You can also rub your shoes with hydrogen peroxide or boronic acid.

    All of these can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  4. You can remove an unpleasant smell, stuffing the boots with newspaper... If you perform the procedure in the evening, you will find fresh shoes in the morning.
  5. Cat litter perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. Fill your sock with fresh filler and tie it into a lump. Put your socks in your shoes all night, and in the morning there will be no trace of the smell!
  6. Excellent natural odor absorber - ground coffee... As with cat litter, the coffee is collected in a sock and left in the shoe overnight.
  7. Another effective way to remove unpleasant odor is to use orange peel... It is enough to leave the peel with 1-2 oranges overnight for the smell to disappear.
  8. A mixture of the following ingredients Eliminates bad odors like baking soda, starch and baking powder. Put everything in a sock and leave it in your shoes overnight. This recipe is guaranteed to work!

In addition to directly combating unpleasant odor from shoes, preventive measures must be taken to prevent the problem. These include:

Always have a few additional pairs shoes and alternate wearing them.

Necessarily dry your shoes after coming from the street.

  • To dry your shoes quickly, roll up newspaper into lumps and place in boots, renewing the procedure every couple of hours until the maximum moisture is absorbed.
  • Salt also does an excellent job of drying shoes. Place the salt heated in a frying pan in a nylon sock, tie it and put it in a shoe. Repeat the procedure as the salt cools.
  • Another interesting way using dry rice... It is necessary to fill the box with rice 2 cm and put the boots with the soles up on the rump. The shoes can dry completely in 4-5 hours. This method is especially good for leather footwear.

Try to change socks as often as possible. Breathable, cotton socks help absorb some of the moisture from your feet. Socks should be changed daily to avoid the build-up of bacteria.

Daily use won't hurt deodorant for feet which will give the feet a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Most often, these deodorants come in the form of a spray.

Taking a shower, okay wash your feet with antibacterial soap... To prevent dryness, the skin of the feet after washing should be moisturized with oil or lotion. For this purpose, moisturizing products from Nivea and Johnson'sbaby (about 200 rubles) are excellent.

Insoles made of cedarwood, which has antimicrobial properties, is perfect for protecting your shoes. The silver lining has the same properties. There are also activated carbon insoles.

Give preference to good ventilated shoes.

Bad smells interfere with a person's life, making him less self-confident. This cannot be tolerated, because currently there are many ways to get rid of this problem. It remains only to choose the one that is right for you.

Probably, it is difficult to offend any smell stronger than comparing it to the "scent" of a public restroom. And yet, in reality, some common areas are not as scary as people think they are. For example, toilets on an airplane. How do they keep them fresh during long flight hours? The thing is that stewardesses know one little trick on how not to give bad smell a chance... And you probably want to repeat it at home.

A tiny cabin without windows, a few hours of flight and a couple of hundred people on board - it would seem that the bathroom on the plane has all the prerequisites to be the most disgusting place. If not on earth, so in heaven for sure. But in reality, the washroom isn't so bad. Of course, this is the merit of the flight attendants who are responsible for cleanliness and sanitary standards. First, they use cleaning products with antibacterial properties and a strong scent. But if the unpleasant smell does not give in (a matter of everyday life), one small, but almost brilliant trick is used.

Aerosol fresheners on board are prohibited, scented candles are even more nonsense that goes against all fire safety rules. In these conditions stewardesses help out coffee... An old trick: while cleaning the bathroom, the flight attendants take coffee grounds with them in the filter from the coffee machine. In just a few minutes, the strong aroma of coffee interrupts any odors, including the most unpleasant and even the "aroma" of bleach. In some cases, a portion of the strong drink is poured into the toilet and washed off.

This method effectively removes any odors, and the bathroom smells of literally nothing but cleanliness. And you can easily repeat it at home. Especially if guests are on the doorstep.

Sometimes, due to a long stay in dampness or for a number of other reasons, things acquire a musty smell and other unpleasant odors. To keep your clothes fresh again, you need to know why the fabric starts to smell and what simple, affordable home remedies can help quickly eliminate the problem. You also need to remember and follow the rules that will not allow an unpleasant smell to reappear on your favorite things.

The main reason a musty smell comes from things is mold spore infestation. This usually happens when clothes are damp for a long time. For example, the laundry was forgotten in the washing machine or did not dry well enough before ending up in the closet. There are other causes of bad breath:

  • Laundry sent into the closet immediately after ironing often starts to smell unpleasant. To prevent this, the thing must completely cool down in a straightened state, only after that you can put it back in place.
  • Storing clean and dirty laundry together helps to create an unpleasant odor on fresh clothes from used clothes.
  • Storing it too long in the cupboard also causes an unpleasant odor. If the owner rarely or does not wear certain clothes at all, it is necessary to let them air from time to time.

Removing odors with home remedies

When dealing with unpleasant odors, it is not necessary to dry clean the item.

There are probably tools in the house that can fix this problem.


Soda is popular not only in cooking but also as a cleaning agent. This substance is also effective in washing. Soda is able to remove traces of fat, oil, fruit and berry juices, burning and smoke smell. To get rid of an unpleasant odor with its help, you must:

  1. Boil 1 liter of water, then add 3-5 tsp. soda. If there are a lot of clothes or they smell a lot, you can put more.
  2. Stir continuously until the substance is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the solution from heat, pour over clothes and leave for 30 minutes.

After this procedure, the item should be washed as usual and dried thoroughly.

Table vinegar

You can easily get rid of unpleasant clothing smells with table vinegar. The usual 9% agent can negatively affect the structure of the tissue. To prevent this, before use, the vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. The resulting solution should be applied to clothing with a spray bottle.
  2. Leave the item for 10 minutes, then wash it with laundry soap.

If the methods with baking soda and vinegar did not help to eliminate the unpleasant smell, you can use these products together. Usually they are used instead of powder in a washing machine, but this method is only suitable for open centrifugal apparatus. When cleaning the laundry in an automatic machine, it is preferable to use a detergent with oxygen balls.


Ammonia effectively removes both faint odors of things and persistent ones, for example, the aroma of second-hand items.

The thing is sprayed with a solution of ammonia, for the preparation of which 1 tbsp. l. the substance is stirred in 10 liters of water. To eliminate the strong smell of cleaning agents, the sprayed item is left for 5 hours, weaker ones can be eliminated in 2-3 hours. After that, the clothes must be thoroughly rinsed.

Hydrogen peroxide

A usual pharmacy 3% solution is taken in an amount of 100 g and additionally diluted in 1 liter of water. For cotton or synthetic items, you can use undiluted for faster results. Soaking should last no longer than 5-10 minutes.


Table salt is indispensable if a strong-smelling substance has come into contact with your clothes. It is rubbed into the contaminated area and left for 30 minutes. After that, you can wash the item as usual or additionally soak it with detergent.

To do this, you need to connect 3 tsp. salt with a liter of water, wait until it is completely dissolved, then leave the clothes for 20-30 minutes.

Other unpleasant odors and how to deal with them

Home remedies help to combat not only damp odors but other unpleasant odors as well.