In February, the winners of the "Club of young grandmothers" were…. The program of the communication club "grandmothers and grandchildren" Initiative group club of grandmothers

Target: to educate children to respect their elders.


  • to expand children's ideas about the history of their people, their families;
  • expand the horizons of children;
  • develop the creative abilities of younger students.


Teacher: Dear guests and guys! Today we have a holiday called "Grandmothers and Grandchildren". This topic was not chosen by chance. The people say: "What is old, what is small." A person is built like this, at the very beginning of life he needs help, he is raised and raised by his parents, grandparents. Parents, while they are young, the soul hurts for the children, and children grow up, grandchildren appear, they begin to worry twice.
It is believed that a nation is judged by how it treats the elderly and children. We are now going through a difficult time economically and spiritually. Respect for elders on the part of young people should not be just words. Mercy is in practice. After all, time passes, very quickly we ourselves become grandfathers and grandmothers.
What does a grandmother look like in modern life? Most often, this is still a young woman who has a favorite job, she sees her grandchildren only on weekends. There are grandmothers who leave their jobs and are engaged in raising grandchildren, taking on all the chores around the house. They pamper their grandchildren, protect them from any difficulties, hide any pranks from their parents.
Grandmothers, by virtue of their wisdom in life, imperceptibly pass on their experience to the young, support the well-being in the family with reasonable advice, deeds, and strengthen happiness in the family. Therefore, our holiday today is dedicated to you, our dear grandmothers.
Let's get to know our guests. Grandchildren, introduce us to your grandmothers (teacher should add).

Teacher: Hear what verses your grandchildren have prepared for you:

1) Two grandmothers on a bench
Sat on a hillock
Grandmothers told:
"We have only fives."
Congratulations to each other.
They shook hands with each other.
Although they passed the exam
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

2) With grandmother we are letters
We disassemble in the book.
We play dolls with her,
We play the classics.
Whispering important secrets in her ear
Because grandma -
Best friend.

3) Goes to school for a meeting,
Grandma cooks broth.
To her for this every month
The postman carries money.
If grandma said:
"Do not touch, do not dare"
You have to listen because
Our house rests on her.

4) All day long I'm careful
I'm spinning around my grandmother.
And everything that is possible,
I'll learn from granny!
How much love and affection there is in her,
Remembers many verses.
Listen to grandma's tales
You can even go to the roosters!

Teacher: And how often it happens that parents have no time, and they have to prepare lessons with grandmothers. And they are re-learning with you what they went through in school many years ago. Let's ask the grandmothers what they remember from school? (Grandmothers' stories).

Competition: "School lessons"(grandchildren help)

1) How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? (33)

2) We don't miss tea -
We get two cups.
Eight cups, eight pairs -
We drink the samovar.
We drink only a couple of cups.
How many cups are in a samovar? (16 cups)

3) How many legs does a beetle have? (6 legs)

4) How many legs does a spider have? (8 legs)

5) What parts of speech did the guys in grade 3 learn about? (Noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, preposition)

6) A bunch of piglets are flying,
Whoever touches - screams. (Bees)

7) Name a migratory bird: woodpecker, cuckoo, owl, crow. (Cuckoo)

8) How much is 7x8? (56)

9) How many letters and sounds are in the word "day"? (4 letters, 3 sounds)

10) Whose portrait is this?
“In an expensive sable jacket,
Brocade kitsch on the top,
The pearls cut down on my neck
On the hands - gold rings,
On my feet are red boots. " (The old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin)

Teacher: All grandmothers are great. It can be seen that they often do the lessons for you. And that's why we confess our love to them today.

1. Very my grandmother,
I love my daddy's mom.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead - a gray strand.
I just want to touch
And then kiss.

2. I love my grandmother at home
Work to help,
I love next to my grandmother
Walk down the street.
I love in the summer with my grandmother
Wander in the edge of the forest,
I love grandma's tales
Listen before bed.

3. I love with my grandmother
To read "Murzilka".
I love in the evening with my grandmother
To wait for my mother from work.
I love to walk with my grandmother
To the cinema and to the store
And I do not like without a grandmother
Sit all alone.

Teacher: Your grandchildren not only prepared poems, but also learned the Russian folk song: "Oh, you, my canopy, canopy." Let's all sing it together.

The song "Oh you, my canopy, canopy"

Teacher: What is a canopy? Do the guys know this or not? Often at school we teach biographies of famous writers, poets, historians. And sometimes we do not know anything about our ancestors: grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Therefore, you tell the guys more about yourself, about your parents, about your life. Guys need to know the history of their family.
Today we have a competition: How do we know history? The grandchildren will answer, and the grandmothers will help.

Competition for experts in Russian history

  • Where are pets kept: horse, cow, dog? (In the stable, in the barn, in the booth.)
  • What is full? (Honey diluted with water)
  • Where were the products prepared for future use stored? (In the cellar)
  • What was the tub for? (They watered the cow)
  • Where did you sell tea and sugar before? (At the pharmacy)
  • When were pancakes baked in Russia? (On Shrovetide)
  • What trees and shrubs are broken for the holidays? What kind of holidays are these? (Willow, willow - on Palm Sunday; birch - on Trinity)
  • What other name for a towel do you know? (Rushnik)
  • How much does a pood weigh? (16 kg)

10) What are the Russian folk musical instruments? (Gusli, balalaika, accordion)
11) Previously, the dolls were rag. What the ancient rag doll didn't have, but what does every modern doll have? (Face. Superstition: to keep children healthy)
12) How was rye called in the old days in Russia? (Zhito)

Teacher: And what a party without a perky ditty! Grandmothers, our ditties for you.

Ditties(two boys and two girls sing)

Girl 1.

Let me dance
Let me stomp -
Is it really in this house
The floorboards will burst.

Boy 1.

Let's sing for you girls
Veselinki, jokes.
You listen soon
Our jokes.

Girl 2.

I didn't want to dance.
She stood and was shy.
And the accordion began to play,
I couldn't resist.

Boy 2.

Oh, stomp, foot,
Do not feel sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new
Or these will fit.

Girl 1.

On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters.
I'm not a clubfoot myself,
Clubfoot grooms.

Boy 1.

There used to be the Rus braids
At my darling.
And now according to the new fashion
Shorn back of the head.

Girl 2.

Hey guys, gentlemen,
Move away from us.
My friend is the lowest
I can't see because of you

Boy 2.

The school year has begun.
The clock went off
And the question oppresses me:
"Is the vacation coming soon?"

Teacher: Remember the magic lines from V. Kataev's fairy tale "Seven-flower flower":

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east
Through the north, through the south
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

- At our holiday we also have a fabulous seven-flowered flower. Excerpts from fairy tales are written on its petals. Every fairy tale talks about flowers. The grandchildren will now read these passages to us, and the grandmothers will try to guess the name of the tale and the author of this tale.

Competition: "Connoisseurs of fairy tales"(excerpts from fairy tales are written on petals)

1st petal:

“They took out a wonderful rose from the casket.
- Oh, how nicely done! The Frauleins said in one voice.
- It is not enough to say cute, - the emperor replied, - downright not bad! But the princess touched the rose and almost cried:
- Fi, dad! She is not artificial, she is real!

(G.-H. Andersen "Swineherd").

2nd petal:

“On a small hillock of green, a flower blooms in crimson color, beauty unprecedented and unheard of, whatever you say in a fairy tale, or describe it with a pen… the smell from the flower is running smoothly throughout the garden”.

(S.Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower")

3rd petal:

“The old woman (addresses her stepdaughter).
- Well, rested, warmed up? You still need to run somewhere else.
- Where is it, far away?
Old woman:
- Into the forest, behind the snowdrops.

(S. Marshak "Twelve months")

4th petal:

“When all the roses were hidden, the old woman took the girl to her flower garden. The girl's eyes widened. There were flowers from all countries and all seasons. She played among the flowers until the sun went down. Then they put her in a wonderful bed with red silk feathers stuffed with blue violets. "

(G.-H. Andersen "The Snow Queen")


“Now run to the human huts in the valley and take the piece of the red flower they keep there. Then you will have a stronger friend than me. It is kept in small pots, and all animals are afraid of it. "

(R.Kipling "Mowgli")

6th petal:

“The woman came home, planted a grain of barley in a flower pot. As soon as she planted it, the seed immediately gave rise to a sprout, and a huge wonderful flower immediately emerged from the sprout, just like a tulip. "

(G.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina")

7th petal:

“To take a break, the boy climbed onto a large water lily leaf. He sat on it, tightly clasping his knees, and said, chattering his teeth: "Give me something to eat, frogs."

(A. Tolstoy "Golden Key")

Teacher: Many times grandmothers told fairy tales, and today it's time for you to tell grandmothers a fairy tale. And so a fairy tale "Turnip"(Staging a fairy tale).

All the grandmothers present close their eyes. The child shouts out the word "grandmother". Grandmothers have to guess by their voices whose child called the grandmother.

Teacher: Today the guys will argue with us: who is in charge in the house - mom or dad?

Scene "Conversation"


Our call is terribly ringing
I fly out into the corridor ...
I have with one girl
Conversation ensued ...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium.
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world.


Although men are strong -
Pancakes can't bake ...
You men are fools
Educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You cannot tell.
By the way, who washes the house?
God has not given you talent ...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!


No use from a man ?!
This talent is not given to us ?!
Who nailed the shelf for the books?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?


You don't want to cook borscht,
Do not fry the cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there’s no more use!


You are a thorny splinter
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears
And besides, for no reason ...
You speak prickly words, shyly.
Dad's head in the house!

Girl. And mom is in the house - the neck!


No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just that mom is the most tender!


And my eyes are like saucers
If a tear shines in them,
Then the neighbors smile:
"These are my mother's eyes."
The nose is a little snub-nosed,
But the neighbors say
That there are no questions on the nose:
"It's dad's fault."

Contest: "Find a grandmother"

A blindfolded child must find his grandmother by hand.

Teacher: Our holiday is coming to an end, and together we are giving you poems:

Will get up in the morning at exactly seven - Grandma.
Grandma will prepare breakfast for everyone.
She will sew a doll for a dress - Grandma.
She will braid my braids - Grandma.
Through the park we will go to the cinema - With grandmother.
Let's overeat popsicle - With grandmother.
How good is Grandma.
Be with me always, everywhere side by side - My dear grandmother!

The song "We wish you happiness."

(Children give gifts to their grandmothers).

Congratulations on the postcard:

Dear grandmother!
May everything be good in your life
Be strong, do not give up adversity,
Please us with a smile again and again
May God give you strength and happiness!

Teacher: Our dear grandmothers! I want to wish you good health, happiness to you, your children and grandchildren, live a long, long time and please your grandchildren, pamper them a little and come to us again. We will be glad.

An article about the club of grandmothers, published by the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" in December 2008.
Taken from their site:

If you are over 70 then do yoga, or, as a last resort, at least dance
If you are over 70, then do yoga, or, in extreme cases, at least dance: In the capital, it turns out, there are many people whose hobbies do not correspond to their age at all

In the capital, it turns out, there are many people whose hobbies do not correspond at all to their age.

Many of us fear the onset of old age. Strength will go away, beauty will fade, your favorite entertainment will forever remain in the past ... "No matter how it is!" - the heroes of my material confidently refute this statement, some of whom are over 70. The elderly people whom the Vecherka correspondent managed to get to know live with such relish that many of us have never experienced in our youth. And there are many more of these people in Moscow today than you think.

To body and soul
In the capital's "Club of grandmothers" - it is located in the Dorogomilovo microdistrict and is part of the Regional Public Organization "Youth" (!) - grandmothers from all over Moscow gather. They go in for sports, yoga, dancing, study the history of religions and psychology.
Almost each of these grannies, in my opinion, deserves the honorary title of the most advanced grandmother in Moscow.
The head of the club, Evelina Zhdanova, introduced me to 75-year-old Murfuya Khasyanovna Khairetdinova: - This grandmother still goes on 20-kilometer hikes every week with a backpack and a tent. Has already walked around half the country.
Murfuya Khasyanovna, of course, does not remember how many forest and mountain trails have been covered in 37 years (and that is how many years the traveler is "sick" with her hobby). The fact that the number of kilometers mastered is in the thousands is evidenced by maps and reference books, dotted with countless marks. And also a lot of photos. Here is a young, beautiful couple (she and her husband) kayaking; here she is rolling down a steep slope on alpine skis, here she is making her way through a deep winter forest, now she is climbing the mountains (she also mastered rock climbing) ... In the photo - the Carpathians, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria ... Hikes did not stop under any circumstances.
The only thing that stopped them and her husband for a while was the death of Murfuya Khasyanovna's mother.
Having recovered from her grief, she realized that she was again drawn to the forest and mountains. By that time, her grandchildren were already growing up.
Murfuya Khasyanovna did not give up alpine skiing with swimming, which she has also been fond of for a long time.
Plus yoga at the Granny Club.
Plus art lectures, theaters and concerts.
- You know, my hobby for hiking has graced my life so much that I even feel sorry for the modern youth who no longer go hiking today, - complains Murfuya Khasyanovna. And he adds competently. - After all, in your younger years you earn health in old age.

Only with a neighbor
But another grandmother from the club, 68-year-old Nina Valerievna Bizyaeva, in her youth did not even think about the hobby that captured her in her declining years. For several months now she has been mastering ... belly dancing. And she succeeded so much that she became a real star - so far on a club scale.
- I was carried away by such an unusual for my age business only because I adore everything new, - explains Nina Valerievna. “Besides, this dance is very good for health. The muscles of the waist work, the gait becomes elegant.
Note that in her years, Nina Valerievna retained an amazing figure (despite the fact that she raised five children).
She certainly does not look at her age. And in a frank oriental outfit, in general, I think, she is capable of slaying any man on the spot.
However, this happiness, of course, fell only to the legal spouse.
- My husband did not immediately become interested in my new hobby, - says Nina Valerievna. - But after several lessons he could not resist and demanded: "Well, show me what you are doing there!" I danced, so he began to get jealous of me.
Needless to say, for all sorts of cultural events that Nina Valerievna often attends, her husband lets her go only with a neighbor. Worries about his beautiful wife.

The car will be in trouble
“Now I have a feeling that if I run into a car, it will fall apart, and I will stand as I stood,” says miniature 72-year-old Luiza Arkadyevna Nikolaevskaya. Somehow keeping up with her on the street, I was convinced that these were not empty words.
Louise Arkadyevna looks like a real yogi should look like. She is thin, fit, and you can immediately see that she is very strong. A weak person simply could not do what she easily does today.
Luiza Arkadyevna herself is in no hurry to talk about her abilities (others talk excitedly).
And about what I learned over several decades of yoga practice (or it can be assumed that I learned a lot), too.
“I certainly have a pretty good stretch,” she says. - But I cannot say that I am doing something supernatural.
I notice that not every grandmother can boast of "good stretching" at this age.
My interlocutor only nods politely in response.
“In Soviet times, yogis gathered in basements,” recalls Luiza Arkadyevna. - And it was some kind of forbidden fruit, which, as you know, is sweet. So I came to class to find out what it is.
Needless to say, no one has ever given her years to this granny either? - In shops and in transport people call me "girl". Once I could not stand it and said: “What a girl I am to you! I am 72 years old!" Now Louise Arkadyevna is not only engaged in yoga, but also teaches it. Other grandmothers. And he also goes to international conferences, where he shares his experience with foreign colleagues. And just like her friend Murfuya Khasyanovna, she goes on long hikes.
When I look at this woman, her joke about the car seems to me not so much a joke.

The coolest grandfather
Unfortunately, there is no grandfathers club in Moscow yet. Therefore, I had to search for older enthusiasts of the stronger sex in ... youth organizations. And for good reason. His "coolest grandfather" was in almost every one.
Grandfather - this is what young parachutists call Viktor Yukhno - in some way a landmark of the Vatulino airfield. He is one of the oldest paratroopers in the capital. And this, let us note, at the age of 56, when the nickname "grandfather", in my opinion, sounds almost an insult to a man.
- Yes, I already have a granddaughter. So I am a grandfather, naturally I am a grandfather, - Victor Yukhno grins. - Therefore, I treat my status normally.
At the airfield at such a respectable age for a parachutist, Victor ended up only because "before, well, it never worked out." And I wanted to jump very much. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, he rushed to the airfield, not giving a damn about his age.
- I always dreamed of jumping with a parachute, - he recalls. - But every time something went wrong. I remember preparing for a jump before the army (it was part of the training plan for my military specialty), and the doctor at the medical examination asks: "Have you had fractures?" And I was a lively kid as a child. Of course, there were some injuries. But I was proud of them, as an indicator of my courage. Therefore, he proudly declared: "Of course there were!" Then they sent me - for a walk.
As a result, the path to heaven for Victor turned out to be much longer than he would have liked.
- Of course, I was offered to undergo a medical examination, at which they directly asked: “Is your head all right? At your age? " The jump did take place. Since then, Victor began to appear at the airport every weekend. Now the number of his jumps is in the tens.
- Once I "folded into the trash" - he recalls. - I landed badly. Then there was a protracted sick leave. I remember my wife, when I got to the hospital, started her own thing again: "Well, now I'm sure that you ..." - "Don't even think about it!" Victor arrived at the airfield, not yet strong. And then - on the plane.
“I was allowed to take off. And as soon as they gave the first signal - "get ready" (and there are two of them, the first "get ready", and the second signal - "go"), I was impatient, I didn't even understand how it happened, without waiting for the second signal, I ended up behind board the plane.

There's nowhere without a horse
We agreed to meet with one of the most respectable (and the "oldest"!) Bikers in the capital - Firs (in the world Andrei Firsov) in a famous biker club. I was sure that I would have to talk with a brutal bearded strongman with a bunch of tattoos, and he would, of course, communicate in a specific slang.
“Hello, I’m Andrey, he’s Firs,” a nice young man in stylish leather trousers and a white sweater greeted me with some even shyness.
The interlocutor did not smell of the biker entourage listed above. As well as the declared fifty-two years.
- Yes, many people tell me that I am well preserved. Can you imagine what I would have looked like if I hadn’t drank or smoked yet? Plus, I must say, your idea of ​​bikers is hopelessly outdated. Were you really expecting a bearded grandfather with a beer belly? Note that Firs has everything in order with the main biker attributes. There is also a gorgeous motorcycle and an equally gorgeous young girlfriend. And the motorcycle, as befits a true biker, he seems to love more.
- I am nowhere without my horse. Hello, thank you for skating. And he certainly has a name. But this is very intimate information.
Firs was drawn to bikers in so many years of this hobby, as it turned out, "due to family circumstances."
“I divorced my wife…” he begins, but instead of continuing, he just waves his hand hopelessly.
At the time, the novice biker was forty-seven. But despite his venerable age, a place for him, as a beginner, was assigned only at the end of the biker column. Now in his circle Firs is a well-known and respected figure.
He combines his hobby with serious work: he is a realtor.
- I come to work and to clients on a motorcycle. So everyone knows about my hobby. And I drive more often at night. It's safer.
As for the harsh biker everyday life, which many associate with a fair amount of drinking and unbridled fun, then Firs says the following: - No, a biker will never get drunk before a trip. We all know perfectly well that a motorcycle is unforgiving.
The coming winter Firs sadly calls the “dead season”. You will have to give up travel for several months. However, in the spring, it is planned to compensate for the lost pleasure in full.
“I would love to ride across Europe,” he says dreamily. “Maybe I’ll risk it?”

There are universities for pensioners in Ukraine. For the first time such a university appeared in Kovel three years ago. Officially, pensioners over the age of 55 are accepted here. The term of study is not limited: the oldest student turned 90 years old.

- Pennsylvania resident Andora Queenby started weightlifting at the age of 78. At a recent competition, she lifted a barbell weighing 45 kilograms. And this is with its own weight of 56 kilograms and the current age of 88 years.
- A resident of Japan, Miura Keizo, at the age of 70, skied down the Shangri Glacier on Mount Everest, as well as from the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Having celebrated its 100th anniversary, he still spends more than six months of the year on the ski slopes.
- The oldest taxi driver in the British capital, 92-year-old Alfred Collins first got behind the wheel of a taxi in 1937, and left his job only a few years ago, having spent almost 70 years behind the wheel.

- Former miner, Muscovite Mikhail Kotlyarov, covered the 42 km marathon in 4 hours 17 minutes when he was 78 years old. In his current 87, he still runs daily, bathes in an ice hole in winter and does push-ups 130 times in a row.
- 60-year-old Alexei Lototsky is one of the most famous Russian stuntmen. One of his tricks is included in the Guinness Book of Records, and Aleksey Petrovich himself still flies through a burning pipe six meters long without delay, jumps on the roofs of rushing cars and enjoys riding a motorcycle backwards. With his performances, he goes on tour and gathers whole stadiums of spectators.
- The oldest Russian blogger, known throughout the country, 75-year-old Semyon Vasilyevich Dorogavtsev lives in the village of Serafimovsky (Bashkortostan). "Live Journal" Semyon Vasilyevich was helped to open the grandchildren, they also came up with a funny and memorable name ded_semen. Now the grandchildren are far away, so he keeps a blog, inserts pictures into it and answers his friends and fans himself grandfather Semyon.

When reprinting this article or citing it, the reference: "Newspaper" Vechernyaya Moskva "" to the original source is required.

Family club "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Leading. Dear guests! Today we want to greet you and wish you health, good, kind grandchildren, affection and attention from your children. Our meeting is not accidental. The people say: "What is old, what is small." A person is built like this: at the very beginning of life he needs help, he is raised, raised by his parents, grandfathers, grandmothers. It is the grandmother, by virtue of her life wisdom, who imperceptibly passes on her experience to the young, supports the well-being of the family with reasonable advice, deeds, and strengthens happiness in the family.

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday for me

And grandmother is always at home.

She never scolds me!

Competition "Know yourself":

On the wall are portraits of grandmothers drawn by children.

Leading. Now we ask children to introduce their grandmothers: what is their grandmother's name, what does she do, whose mother is she. And we invite grandmothers to recognize themselves in the portrait. (If the grandmother recognizes herself, she can take her portrait)

Leading. Who in the world is the most affectionate, kindest, most caring? Of course, this is a grandmother. Grandma is like the spring sun. Children, let's give our grandmothers a spring song.

The song "Winter is over"

With my grandmother, we sort out the letters in the book,

We play dolls with her, we play classics.

Whispering important secrets in her ear

Because grandma is the best friend.

Song about grandma

All day I am circling cautiously near my grandmother ...

And I will learn everything that is possible from my granny!

How much love and affection there is in her, she remembers many poems,

You can listen to grandmother's fairy tales even to the cocks!

Leading. Now grandmothers will teach you how to cook the most delicious porridge. How to do this without a stove and without a pan? Very simple.

Playing with grandmothers.

The host reads a poem that lists the products. If the named product is needed for cooking porridge, grandmothers say “Yes”; if not needed - “No”. And you guys listen and remember.


I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the kids.

Went to the market

And that's what she took ...

Fresh milk - yes!

Chicken egg - no!

Semolina - yes!

Cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber - no!

Jellied meat - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Ghee - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bulgarian pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuit cookies - no!

Leading. Yes, sweet porridge turned out. For such a mess, it's not a sin to kiss grandmothers. Guys, invite your grandmothers to the circle, we will play the game "On a plank, on a plank"

Host: Dear grandmothers, did you like to sing ditties when you were young? Which? (grandmothers perform ditties). Our children also love ditties. Today they want to sing them for you.

Children sing ditties

Leading. When the children were young, grandmothers often told them stories. But we have already grown up, and we ourselves can please grandmothers with a fairy tale.

Children stage the fairy tale "Teremok".

Leading. Something we sat too long. Let's Dance.

Dance with grandmothers "Dance with me, friend"

Leading. And now we invite grandmothers to listen to a funny song. Who wants to - sing along!

Song "And I am in the meadow"

Ved. So our merry holiday has come to an end. I want to appeal to the children: Guys, remember that grandmothers lived a long life, they endured many trials. Help them more often, do not forget to thank them for a delicious dinner, for new mittens. And try to do this every day, without reminders or requests. And we want to say a big thank you to the grandmothers for your grandchildren and invite them to the group to drink tea.

Novikova Tatiana Alexandrovna

Municipal autonomous institution

Additional education "District House of Creativity"

Verkhneketsky district of the Tomsk region

636500, Russia, Tomsk region, Verkhneketsky district,

r.p. Bely Yar

St. Gorky, 9.


At the pedagogical council

"___" _______ 2016

Protocol No. ____

I approve:

Order No. ______ dated

"___" _______ 2016

Director of UIA DO RDT

_______ O. A. Krupina


(communication club "Grandmothers and grandchildren")

Implementation period - 1 year

The program was composed by:

Social teacher,

additional education teacher

E. P. Bezrukova


Explanatory note.

In the modern world, an important role in strengthening ties between generations, fostering spiritual and moral values ​​and in the manifestation of civic initiatives is the interaction between young people and the elderly. Studying the history of the country through the fate of representatives of the older generation, children learn civic responsibility, respect for elders and the preservation of the historical continuity of generations.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, in the district youth creativity house, together with the center for social support of the population of the Verkhneketsky district, the project "Dialogue of generations" was successfully implemented, within the framework of which meetings were organized between children and representatives of the older generation. In the second half of the 2015-2016 academic year, a program was created and the Charter of the "Grandmothers and Grandchildren" communication club was developed. In the district house of creativity, conditions were created for mutually beneficial communication between representatives of two generations, and social partnership with the center of social support of the population made it possible to organize tea drinking and make meetings the most interesting and rich.

The club "Grandmothers and Grandchildren" included the soloists of the quartet "Beloyarsk Men", who actively took part in the meetings of the club, delighting everyone with their creativity.

Program implementation mechanism

The term of the program is 1 year. During each month, the following will be held: 1 week of each month: visiting the families of veterans, 2 weeks - working with archival documents, creating media products and albums, 3 weeks of each month collecting the assets of children and representatives of the older generation, 4 weeks of each month a joint leisure event.

The program consists of three blocks:

I... Family history; (Studying the pedigree, drawing up a family tree, creating presentations, albums);

II... Family heirlooms; (Searching for relics, studying the history of the appearance of relics in the family, organizing exhibitions of family relics);

III... Family traditions. (Revealing family traditions, studying family traditions, historical reconstruction of family traditions).

The program is implemented through:



    Development, protection and implementation of socially significant projects;

    Collective creative affairs and events;

    Individual conversations, consultations;

    Joint leisure activities;

    All possible help to veterans at home, collection and study of archival documents of families.

Target : Organization of leisure activities and conditions for dialogue and useful joint activities of children with representatives of the older generation.



    Studying the history of the country through the fate of the older generation;

    Mastering the methods of project activity;

    Acquisition of skills in working with archival documents.


    Development of the creative abilities of pupils;

    Development of positive personality traits of the child (attention to oneself and others)

    Development of interest in the historical continuity of generations.


    Fostering sociability and tolerance, the ability to build relationships with older people.

    Ensuring the emotional well-being of students;

    Introducing students to universal human values;

Grid plan






Family history.

Studying the pedigree

compilation of a family tree,

creation of presentations, albums);


45 hours

Family heirlooms

Finding relics, studying the history of the appearance of relics in the family, organizing exhibitions of family relics);

15 hours

Studying the history of the appearance of relics in the family;

15 hours

Organization of exhibitions of family heirlooms.

15 hours


45 hours

Family traditions.

Identifying family traditions

15 hours

study of family traditions,

15 hours

historical reconstruction of family traditions

16 hours


56 hours

Total for the year:

136 hours

Criteria for the effectiveness of the program

    The presence in families of a family tree, family albums, media products;

    The presence of family heirlooms;

    Family traditions.


Internet resources

N.I. Kozlov "Formula of personality" St. Petersburg 2000