Extra-curricular activity "Happy Easter". The script of the educational event "Easter traditions

Targets and goals:

To acquaint children with the events of Orthodox life: the Orthodox holiday of Easter, continue to expand the children's understanding of Orthodox holidays; - to acquaint with the folk traditions and customs of the Easter holiday; -work on the expressiveness of the speech of children; - develop the creative abilities of children; - to promote the development of positive emotions, to stimulate the desire to please loved ones (parents, teachers, peers) with the fruits of their musical and creative activity.

Preliminary work:

Hosting Russian folk games;

Acquaintance with the traditions of Orthodoxy in music lessons;

Consideration of illustrations and films on the topic;

Making gifts for guests.

(BELL BLAGOVER, children enter and sit on high chairs)

Children: The bell is ringing everywhere.

From all the churches the people are knocking down!

Dawn is already looking from heaven


Good in the bell tower
Ring the bells
To make the holiday more spacious
So that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing
This wondrous chime
The bright hymn of Sunday
It sounded from all sides!

("Easter Song" by music by I Koshmina, lyrics by K. Fofanov).

Hello dear guys!
Small and large!
Hello, guests, you are welcome!
We are opening Easter, we are starting the holiday!
The Easter holiday comes in spring, when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep, rejoicing in the victory of life over death together with people. And festive bells are ringing, ringing for a whole week, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate each other. People smile, kiss three times and repeat: "CHRIST IS RISEN!" - "TRUE IS RISEN!"

Every time you say these words, a small miracle happens: the eyes of the oncoming person warm up, a return smile flares up. After all, the RESURRECTION holiday is universal, the most joyful and bright of the year.

1st child.

Almost two thousand (thousand) years ago

In the blooming land, like a garden,

Where are the mountains, rivers and forests

A wonderful child was born

2nd child.

He was not a prince or a king,

And He was not a hero.

But He was alone on earth

Virgin-born son of God.

3rd child.

And He said again and again:

"The highest gift of God is love"

Only in Him was all the truth,

People were evil in deeds.

4th child.

But He knew very well

Why and how He came into the world.

Nobody knew about the surroundings

What awaits His suffering is the cross.

5th child.

And then came that terrible hour:

He suffered for all of us.

Already anticipating the end

Said, "Forgive them, O Father!"

6th child.

But we believe - He is not dead!

At the end of the time.

He will lift us up to heaven!


(Song "translation of Zelda Glory to Jesus!")
God is Risen and death is defeated!
I sent this victorious message
Spring resurrected by God.
Is death conquered for all - for all? And we won't die?
Leading. We will die in body, but the soul will not die. But the day will come, and not only the soul will be alive, but the body will also be resurrected.

Children sit around the host.

Child. And the first people will be resurrected?
Leading. And the first people. They were the first to sin, but the Lord, by His mercy, promised salvation to them and to all people.
Rebenok. From what is salvation?
Leading. From sin and death. Love each other, forgive insults. And your obedience is a wonderful gift for the Great Feast of Easter. Christ is Risen!
He is resurrected for all who love Him, who believe and know Him! And for those who came to Him in the first hour, and for those who came to Him in the last hour of the day.
Christ is Risen!
1st child. I have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!
2nd child. We have been waiting for Easter for a whole year!
Leading. On this Feast of Holidays, I want to invite everyone, young and old, to experience the joy that every believing soul feels at the thought of the Resurrection of Christ, and to unite our awakened hearts for a single and joyful message about the Risen Savior.

"Who built this house?"
E. Koroleva

Children read one by one, sitting around the globe.

1st child.

What a wonderful house!
There are many neighbors in it.
Who built it?
Who arranged the order in it?

2nd child

Who sowed the moss, flowers?
Who gave the leaves to the trees?

3rd child

Who poured water into the rivers?
Who put the fish in them?

4th child

Did he send summer to us for the spring?
Who, who invented this?
Who could have arranged everything like that?

Of course it's God.

5th child.

It is impossible to see God.

You can see only deeds

The ones that do for us

Every day He is, every hour.

6th child.

Here's why and why
We are grateful to Him.

7th child.

So as not to grieve Him,

The soul must be sanctified

Do not do evil to anyone

And be obedient to Him.

Girl (reads).
From the land of the distant swallows fly

Cheerfully chirp, people say:

“People, wake up! Spring is coming to you

And with spring - and Easter brings joy to you.

Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults! "

“He rose from the dead!” - the whole earth sings.

And again He will soon come to earth. "

Sing, people: "Our Christ is risen!"

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!

Staging. (Children sit on high chairs)

The boy sits on a bench, plays. Quiet music sounds. A girl runs in.

Girl. Come here soon! Look what I found!
Boy. Oh, a whole basket of eggs!
Girl. This, probably, was demolished by our Ryabushka. Here's a gift for Easter!
Boy (examining). How white and smooth they are.
Here I am holding a fresh egg,
And I look carefully at him with thought:
No bones, no beak, no feathers, no legs
I could not see a bird in the egg.
How does it happen? Where can you find the answer?
The bird suddenly emerges from the egg into the light!
This is the miracle:
God made it this way
That he turned a raw egg into a bird.
The same power of God will gather our dust.
And from the dust the body will come to life again.
A miracle of miracles is our guarantee in this:
Firstborn from the dead
Christ Himself is Risen!
He died on the cross -
so He loved us,
What for us, for sinners,
shed his blood.
Let's paint these testicles!
Boy. What for?
For a long time, a testicle, red as blood,
Love reminds us of Christ.
Eggs are always painted for Easter. Come on and we will give grandparents an Easter gift! Boy. Let's! (They leave.)

Child: The willow, the willow is beautiful! Come in the spring the sun is clear! Bring warmth - backwater fun!

(Dance with willows and cloth).

Grandmother enters with a bowl and a spoon, kneads the dough. Grandfather enters, sits on a bench.

Grandfather. Grandma, what, have you prepared testicles for the holiday? Easter is in the yard. There will be something to talk about?
Woman. Oh, grandfather! Something happened to our Ryabushka. For a whole week now, not a single testicle.
Grandfather. What are you, grandma! Can not be!
Woman. Yes, it’s true, Ryabushka doesn’t carry an egg. I didn't want to upset you (they sit, grieve).
Chicken (comes out, clucks). Where-where! Where-where! What a trouble you have! Why are you crying?
Woman. How can we not cry, not grieve? After all, it's Easter in the yard, and we have not a single egg.
Hen. Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, baba! I have a present for you for Easter - a whole basket of eggs! Every day I laid eggs, only I didn’t show you, I wanted to please you on Easter. Where-where! Where-where! (Goes to the shop).
Oh, but where is the basket ?! Where-where !!! (Runs away).

Children enter.

Girl. Grandmother! Christ is Risen! (Gives an egg).
Woman. Truly Risen! That's a testicle! What a miracle!
Boy. Grandfather! Christ is Risen! (Gives an egg).
Grandfather. Ay, yes testicle! Woman. Where did you get them?
Girl. We decided to make you an Easter gift. Ryabushka laid a whole basket of eggs, and we painted them for the holiday (shows the basket).

Presenter: The people also composed riddles for the Bright Day. Here's a listen:

Sweet and round, with raisins and powder, baked for Easter, sanctified in God's house (cake).

Today is a miracle of miracles: Sunday - Christ is risen! I will give my sister Easter ... (eggs).

The game is being played ……………………………………

Child. The egg is a symbol of a new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. Do you want me to tell you a small but very important secret?
From the egg, from the bottom,
Mother Earth came out damp.
From the egg, from the top.
The high vault of heaven has risen,
From the yolk, from the top,
The bright sun appeared,
From the protein, from the top.
A clear month has appeared.
From an egg, from a variegated part,
A star has become in the sky!

Host: What an interesting legend! But why is the egg red? And we will find out about this now.

A chicken girl from group 9 runs out to the music, stops, turning to face the guests.


Come on get ready
And sit around.
I'll tell you now
A wonderful story.
Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.

Chickens (children of group 9) run out to the music, stand in a semicircle.

We carry testicles
We give them as a gift:
Round and whole.

Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.
That was a long time ago,
Great-grandmother said
Like Mary Magdalene
I gave the egg to the king.
Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.

It was all white
It was all round.
Brought it, gave it,
“Christ is Risen,” she said.

Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.
And Tiberius accepted,
I did not reject the gift
I said that I would believe
If I see a miracle myself.
Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.

He held an egg in his hands,
I thought with myself:
“Let the testicle turn red -
On Sunday I will believe. "

Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.
The egg seemed to hear
In Tiberius's hands, -
Horror was in his eyes.
Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.

What a miracle! What a miracle!
I will not argue with you.
This is a miracle of miracles!
Christ is truly risen!

Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.

Rejoice! Christ is risen!
Host: For the holiday, the people loved to lead round dances, so we are dancing today. The people knew a lot of different and fun: spring songs, swings, merry-go-rounds, round dances (a round dance is performed). Come out quickly to the circle, we will dance "Kazachok"

Dance "Cossack"

An egg is dear to Christ's day,
And I did not know for a long time how and why.
Only, thank God,
He himself revealed to me,
So that I appreciate the red testicle.
And I also learned the secret from the egg,
That we too will be resurrected to life without end.
And now I keep a good custom,
I give a red egg on the day of Christ.
Christ is Risen!

Host: Children, the Easter egg is a symbol of eternal life. It is customary to exchange eggs for Easter. What for? Do not know? And then, so that only goodness and light stick to our souls, so that everything bad, everything bad, to match the shell, lags behind on this day and only the good that is in a person could hatch out. Exchange testicles with each other and wish each other health and cleanliness. (Distributes testicles to children)

Games with testicles - "Roll eggs", roll an egg with your nose, "Unroll the egg", "Collect eggs in the basket" (who is more), "Relay with an egg", "Find an egg under the hats"

Presenter: The people knew a lot of different and fun: spring songs, swings, merry-go-rounds, round dances (a round dance is performed).

The round dance "On Mount Viburnum" is being performed.

Presenter: There were many beliefs and signs on Easter. What do you know?

"An egg is dear to Christ's day", "On Easter, rain - to the harvest", "On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun plays - to the red summer", "Life is given for good deeds", "Good will not die, but evil will disappear", " God will add to a good person to the age "," For patience, God gives salvation "," Where there are simply, there are up to a hundred angels ", etc.

Staging for toddlers.

Educator of the younger group: Everyone always bakes Easter cakes for Easter. And we will now prepare cakes for our guests.

CHILD: Look at us,

We will bake cake for you.

Here is the egg, and here is the flour

And some cottage cheese.

A little honey

Let's put down the spoon.

Here are raisins and dried apricots,

And some cottage cheese.

We knead the dough with our hands -

See for yourself.

Knead, smile.

We are doing our best for you.

You are baking cakes

In our fiery oven.

Vosp: Let's put our Easter cakes in the oven.

(Children put on Easter cakes made of paper, close the stove and sing a song).

We bake, bake in the oven

Easter cakes for Light Easter.

Oven, do not regret the heat.

Easter cakes quickly.

We will bake cakes.

We will invite everyone to the holiday.

May all hearts glorify

Resurrection of Christ!

Vp: We open the stove, kids,

We take out the cakes.

(Children take out real cakes that they brought from home

Eh, folk orchestra,

Razolno-round dance

If the dance breaks out,

I'll dance with everyone.

If the song is sad

I will feel sadness in my soul!

Now he cries, then he laughs-

He does what he wants with us!

Host: Do you guys want to play in the orchestra? Disassemble the tools!

Orchestra (D. Shostakovich "Sharmanka")

POEM "The Resurrection of Christ"
Prince N. Gorchakov
(a girl reads)

I woke up and hear -
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops are rushing from the roof
It's light everywhere!
And it seems - not birds,
And the Angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon,
They tell us.

Leading. Easter! Christ is Risen! You listen and cannot hear enough, because there are NO brighter and more joyful words neither on earth, nor in heaven itself! Christ is Risen!

Y. Fedotov's closing song "Easter Song" is played

Easter ringing sings to us a song about eternal life

Yarovaya Lyubov Borisovna


primary school teacher

Target: to acquaint children with events related to the holiday

Great Easter.


    Easter posters;

    audio cassettes with musical recordings (Easter Blagovest, church chants);

    Easter table: Easter cakes, colored eggs;

    scenery and costumes for a scene and a fairy tale.

1 reader:

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen,
How many of you came here?

2 reader:

It seems like they were going by!
And something was delayed?

3 reader:

Apparently the tale has reached you
About life with us.

1 reader:

There are many rituals in Russia,
And today is God's holiday!

2 reader:

Easter is God's Sunday,
Whose second birthday?

3 reader:

Who will answer the question?
His son ...

Everything: Jesus Christ!

(Next three children)

1 reader:

Everywhere the Blagovest is buzzing,
From all the churches the people are knocking down,
Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)

2 reader:

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And hands are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)

3 reader:

Here is the earth waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming, full of miracles ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)


Hello dear guests! Be healthy and happy! And let our meeting be cheerful and joyful, because it is dedicated to the Orthodox holiday - Easter.


Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land
The blows came
To blue skies.
It rings loudly
Voice through the woods.
Hid behind the river
White moon.
She ran loudly
Frisky wave.
Quiet valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere beyond the road
The ringing stops.

Leading: Easter - "King of days", "Holidays, holiday and celebration of celebrations" - this is the name of this day. In our country, it is celebrated brighter, more magnificent than the most important holiday of the Christian world - Christmas. To triumph after terrible torments and trials is probably more befitting of the Russian character, which is what the saying: "What Easter is wider than Christmas." Not a single holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox Church with such extraordinary light and solemnity as the day of Christ's Bright Sunday. On the eve of the church, the Easter Vigil is celebrated, at midnight there is a procession of the cross, and Easter Matins and Liturgy are served. And for a week, all these celebrations were preceded by Palm Sunday - the feast of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem.


What has become of our city?
You really don't recognize him at all!
The curtain of fog has been pulled down from the sky,
There is shine across the sky, triumph on earth.
Crowds follow crowds with willows.
Noise, carriages ranks, variegation,
Small children waving flowers
Faces shine, lips laugh.
Exactly which winner comes in
To the city - and everything woke up from sleep ...
Yes, the winner! And here are the birds for him
As if they had already burst out: "Hello, spring!"

Leading: Why do you think people chose the willow as a harbinger of the holiday? When Jesus Christ raised Lazarus, many saw this miracle. Christ, who rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey and was surrounded by his disciples, was greeted by crowds of people, people threw green palm branches at his feet, and covered the road with their clothes. Such honors in ancient times in Israel were given only to conquerors and kings. After all, Jesus Christ conquered death itself. In Russia, palm trees do not grow, but with the first spring rays, willow branches are already covered with a light green fluff. The willow branch serves as a sign of the victory of Jesus Christ over death.


Spring has not sewn yet

To forests, meadows of shirts,

Only the willow fluffed

Curly lambs.

Lamb gold

Running along thin branches

Cheerful, lively,

How little kids!


There are no green palm trees in Russia,

Only birch trees and maples,

Let it float above the water

Pussy willow with a golden branch.

The willow gives us branches

Let's take them to God's temple

And under the bell ringing

We will put them near the icons.

Leading: On Palm Sunday, they jokingly whipped their loved ones with willow, saying:

Whipping pussy willow, beat to tears,
The willow is blue, it does not hit hard,
The willow is red, it beats in vain,
The willow is white, it beats to tears,
We beat them to be healthy.


Boys and girls!
Candles and willows
They brought it home.
The lights are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire!
Sunday Palm
I'll get up first tomorrow
For the Holy Day!

Leading: Everyone was looking forward to the joyous holiday of Easter. But it was preceded by Holy Week, which began on the Monday after Palm Sunday. It was installed in memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ, it ends with it Great Lent. Every day of this week is very significant. On Great Monday in Russia, preparations for Easter should have begun - to put things in order in the house, wash, clean. Great "Clean" Thursday - remembrance of the Last Supper. On this day, they cleaned the house, yard, garden from the "evil spirits" lurking in the corners.


I remember how before Easter,

Sleeves rolled up to the elbow

The house was scraped, washed off the soot,

The windowsills smelled of paint.

I remember the sweet smell of vanilla

In front of the image is the flame of a candle.

In the evening dawn went

Hallow Easter cakes in a bright church.

Good Friday is the most mournful day, because it was on this day that the crucifixion and death of the Savior on the Cross took place.

Great Saturday - Christ rests in the tomb. Another Saturday was called “dyeing Saturday” - on this day they painted eggs, which were called “dyed eggs”, that is. simply painted in any color, or, "Easter eggs" - eggs, painted with patterns. The painted egg is an inseparable, beautiful and joyful symbol of the Easter holiday. Why is it the egg that is the symbol of Easter?

According to legend, after the resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalena went to Rome and brought a simple egg to the emperor Tiberius, saying “Christ is risen!”. The emperor did not believe and said that it was as difficult to believe in it as it was that this white egg could turn red. While he was saying this, before the eyes of the astonished people, the white egg turned bright red.


The valley was melting in the dawn haze

The Cross was golden above the clouds.

Mary Magdalene came to the king,

The message brought: "Jesus Christ is risen!"

No, woman, I won't believe you!

Fantasies and fiction are the measure, -

The thought revived the domineering face.

How can I not believe that a white egg,

You brought me as a gift,

Suddenly turns red

It will flare up like wildfire!

The king fell silent, but with these words

The candle spilled over their heads,

Breathing was shy and slowed down,

It seemed that somewhere the music sounds.

The eggs were touched by warm rays

It lit up in the rays, fluttered

And, like the Blood of Christ, it became scarlet!


Since ancient times, Easter has been celebrated in our country not only by believers, but also by people far from God. Easter rituals and customs leave no one indifferent. Exactly at midnight before Easter Day, Matins are served in decorated and brightly lit churches. The priests are dressed in the most beautiful clothes. This service is a solemn incessant hymn, the victory of life over death, the reconciliation of God with man and man with God.


The news that people began to torment God
Rooks brought us to the north ...
Darkened coniferous slums
The quiet keys began to cry ...
On the hillocks, stones were laid bare
Bald spots covered in frost
And tears began to drip on the stones
Angry winter of peeled birches.
And other news, bitter than the first,
They brought the starlings into the wilderness;
Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,
God died, the savior of our souls,
From such news, clouds thickened,
The air began to rustle like rain ...
Rise, rivers have become seas,
And the first thunder woke up in the mountains.
The third message was extraordinary:
God is risen and death is defeated!
This victorious message rushed
Spring resurrected by God.
And all around the forests turned green,
And the chest of the earth breathed warmly,
And, listening to the trills of the nightingale,
Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed ...


Throughout Easter week, Orthodox people live with God, with angels, with thoughts of deceased relatives and friends. This is where a person has a tendency to visit a cemetery at this time, graves dear to him. And in churches there are services. Playing musical instruments during church singing is not permitted. Therefore, church chant is the art of the voice.

(Hearing church chant)

Guys, what Easter customs do you know?

Children: On this day, old people combed their hair with the wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as hair on their heads. They washed themselves with gold, silver and a red testicle in the hope of getting rich. Young boys and girls climbed onto the roofs of houses to better see how the red sun would “play” and “have fun”. In Russia, there was a belief that the sun “plays” on Easter, and people tried to watch for this moment.

Leading: Another very old custom. We all christen on Easter, exchange eggs, kiss each other and say: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly Risen!"


Christ is risen!" - the bells are singing.
And that message is joyful, bright.
A wave rushes over the world
And the world listens to that song.
"Christ is risen!" - the earth sings,
Seas and mountains and fields ...
And they answer from heaven:
"Truly resurrected!"

Host: As on any national holiday, so on Easter there are some folk signs. Which ones?


    On Easter, the sky is clear, the sun is playing - for a good harvest and summer.

    On holy week, the rains are good rye.

    On Holy Week, thunder - for a good harvest.

    If the weather is clear on the 2nd day of Easter, the summer will be rainy, if it is cloudy and dry.

Leading: And how much fun and joy ritual games bring to both children and adults. We invite you to play one of the simplest and funniest "Clinking eggs". Bump your dyes with each other. Whose was it stronger? He won! Each Easter rite, each game had its own meaning: the round dances were performed in a circle, imitating the movement of the sun, swinging on a swing as fast and higher as possible - so that the crops would rise faster and higher. Here's another game: Explain the meaning of old proverbs and sayings.


    Our Fadey will eat a loaf of bread with one egg (as they say about gluttonous eaters).

    Give him a testicle, and even a flaky one (they laugh at greedy and lazy people).

    Although a black hen, it sits on white testicles (they notice the words about harsh-looking people with a kind heart).

    The chicken gave birth to a bull, the piglet laid an egg (they say, seeing a swearing man).


Well done! What else is Easter famous for?

Glorious is Easter and the festive table filled with dishes. In the old days, the table was set at the time of the return of the family from church from Matins. And not only for breaking the fast. The people have always thought that on Easter, Christ with the apostles goes out in beggarly rags to wander the earth, and comes to people's homes in the form of a wanderer or a beggar in order to experience human mercy. Notice how beautiful and joyful our Easter table is. Easter, Easter cake, painted eggs have been and remain traditional Easter. But not all people could and can afford to set such a table for Easter. Here is our fairy tale about them (staging of the fairy tale "Easter bun", author K. Ostrovsky.)


1 presenter: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman.

2 presenter: They are very poor.

1 presenter: They didn't even have a poached chicken.

2 presenter: Oh, it wasn't!

1 presenter: She didn't lay eggs for them.

Leading together: And they could not bake an Easter cake for the holiday!

2 presenter: Grandfather Baba says ...

Grandfather: How, dear, can we break the fast for Easter?

Woman: Oh, I don’t know, honey. After all, our torment has long since ended.

Grandfather: Come on, baba, let's not lose heart, but let's pray to God and mark the barn, scratch the bottom of the barrel; maybe he'll be enough for a bun ...

1 presenter: And so they did: they swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barn, kneaded the flour in water, salted it with a tear ...

2 presenter: God was thanked.

1 presenter: They baked a lean bun and put it on the window.

Leading together: Get a cold till morning.

2 presenter: The next morning the sun rose, Kolobok woke up.

Gingerbread man: Something grandparents can't hear. Go and sleep. They got tired with me yesterday, they won't even get up for mass. I’ll roam to church without them, while they sleep, I’ll sprinkle myself with holy water, I’ll be sanctified — at least I’ll console the old people with this.

1 presenter: The bun jumped off the windowsill, jumped to the ground and let's go quickly to the church. Yes, not on the road, but straight through the forest. And towards him a wolf ...


Gingerbread man: That you are a wolf, because I am not yet consecrated. Swept along the barn, scraped along the bottom of the bar, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here. I'll be back soon.

2 presenter: The gingerbread man rolled further, and a bear met him.

Bear: Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you.

Gingerbread man: What are you, Bear, because I am not consecrated yet. Swept along the barn, scraped along the bottom of the bar, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here.

1 presenter: The Kolobok rolled further, and the Fox met him.

Fox: Happy Holidays, Kolobok! How far are you, my sweetheart, headed?

Gingerbread man: I, Lisa, am in a hurry to church.

Fox: Where, sweetie? I didn't hear something.

Gingerbread man: Sprinkle holy water into the church of God ...

Fox: I have become somewhat deaf. Come closer to me, my lean one.

Gingerbread man: I, Lisonka, am in a hurry to church, to sprinkle holy water at my father's, and you wait for me here.

2 presenter: The Kolobok rolled into the church and immediately to the priest. He sprinkled himself with holy water, and the priest asks him.

Father: Where, Kolobok, is your red testicle, which you brought to consecrate?

Gingerbread man: I don’t have a red testicle, father. My grandparents are poor ...

Father: Take this testicle, Kolobok, take it to grandfather and grandmother.

1 presenter: And here the parishioners gave Kolobok a whole basket of testicles.

2 presenter: The Kolobok is rolling back through the forest, straight, and towards him is a wolf, a bear and a fox.

Beasts: Happy Holidays, Kolobok, Happy Sunday of Christ! We will have something to break our fast to Easter!

Gingerbread man: What you, animals, foolish! After all, I’m lean: swept over the barns, scraped along the bottom of the barrel, mixed with water, salted with a tear. How can you break the fast with me?

Beasts: What are we to do then?

Gingerbread man: Take a red testicle as soon as possible, and you'll break your fast.

Beasts: Well, thank you, Kolobok! Give my regards to grandfather and grandmother!

1 presenter: The Kolobok ran and rolled home.

Grandfather and Baba: Where have you been, Kolobok? We were worried about you!

Gingerbread man: I, grandfather and grandmother, were in church, I sprinkled myself with holy water, and brought you red eggs. Take it, now there will be something to break the fast for Easter!

Leading: Oh, Kolobok, do not forget, please, our guests and participants of the holiday. Treat everyone with a dyed egg. And our meeting has come to an end.

At the end of our holiday, I would like to say a big thank you to the guests and participants for their attention and understanding, and end it with K. Fofanov's poem "Spring is flying to us" (to music)


To the hum of Easter prayers
And to the ringing of bells
Spring flies to us from distant ones,
From the noonday edges.
In a green dress
Dark forests are melting
The sky shines like the sea
The sea is like heaven ...
Pine tree in green velvet,
And scented resin
On scaly columns
It flowed like amber.
And in our garden today
I noticed how surreptitiously
Lily of the valley
With a white-winged moth ohm.


Easter Annunciation: A Book for Teachers and Parents, Shuya, 1996

Holidays holiday Easter. Reading for children and adults. M, 1990

Zabylin M. Russian people. His customs, rituals, traditions, superstitions and poetry. M., 1992

Orthodox culture at school. Publishing house "Pokrov", M., 2004

Scenario of the event "Easter"


Target activity: Acquaintance of pupils with episodes of folk festivals, the identity of the Russian people, manifested in the culture of holding a church holiday Easter.


Development of auditory, visual perception, attention, logical thinking.

Fostering a respectful attitude towards the national heritage among pupils.

Correction of neglect of each other.

Equipment: Slides, presentation « Easter» , TV, eggs, layouts of eggs, decorations for eggs, a selection of music for competitions, tokens.

Location: music hall.

Course of the lesson: Easter happens in spring... A week before Easter on Sunday, a holiday is celebrated, otherwise called Palm Sunday. The consecration of the willow takes place both on the holiday itself and on the eve - during the evening service. Consecrated branches are distributed to those praying, and with them, by lit candles, the faithful stand until the end of the service.

The willow consecrated on this day is kept for a whole year. It is believed that the consecrated willow acquires miraculous power that helps drive out unclean spirits.

Boys and girls

Candles and willows

They brought it home.

The lights are glowing

Passers-by are baptized

And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,

Rain, little rain

Don't blow out the fire! Sunday Palm

Tomorrow I will get up first for the holy day.

To the celebration Easter you need to prepare in advance. All week before easter called PASSIONATE WEEK.

Monday: cleaning starts on this day, old things can be thrown away.

Tuesday: buying and preparing food for the holiday.

Wednesday: large wash in the house, dust can be removed, carpets can be knocked out.

Thursday: Maundy Thursday, the last day of cleaning.

Friday: this is the strictest day (you can't swear, offend each other).

Saturday: the day of preparation for the holiday, this day they paint eggs, bake cakes, make Easter.

There is a holiday on Sunday, bells ring in the morning.

The church prepares believers for the most important holiday by fasting for seven weeks - a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Easter- this is the main holiday of the Christian world. This is the victory of life over death! Out of great love for us, people, the Lord came down to earth in the form of a man, took suffering and death on the cross for us. On the third day after the burial, a miracle happened - the Lord rose from the dead!

Christ is risen! - just two words,

But how much grace is in them!

We are unearthly bliss again

Illuminated in your hearts.

Forgotten sorrows and sufferings,

Forgotten sorrow and need

The groans and murmurs ceased,

Envy and enmity disappeared ...

Easter- this is a bright holiday of the resurrection of Christ. The holiday came to Russia from Byzantium together with baptism at the end of the 10th century. Since then, this Christian holiday has been widely, beautifully and solemnly celebrated throughout Russia. The holiday custom is to give colored eggs.

On Easter it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the multi-colored eggs there must be bright red ones. Why? History has preserved such a tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the good news that you no longer need to be afraid of death. Christ, the Savior of the world, defeated her. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who believes Him and will love people as much as He loves.

Christ has risen from the dead! - with such news, Mary Magdalene ran to the Roman emperor Tiberius and brought him the first Easter egg... This cannot be, - the emperor chuckled - Just like a white egg in your hands will never turn scarlet! And at the same moment, a chicken egg - a modest offering to the emperor - turned bright red ...

On holiday Easter we repeat it miracle: paint eggs bright yellow - the color of the sun, green - the color of spring and, of course, bright red - the color of God's blood shed for us.

There is another legend: drops of blood of the crucified Christ fell to the ground, turned to stone, took the form of chicken eggs. And the hot tears of the Mother of God left traces on them in the form of patterns. Symbolically Easter the eggs represent the resurrection, as a new being is born from the egg.

In Russia Easter eggs received during the "Christianization" were endowed with miraculous properties. They were buried in grains prepared for sowing in order to ensure a rich harvest, they were used when searching for treasures. They even stroked pets with eggs to keep them healthy, tried to extinguish the fire by throwing them into a burning house, and treated the sick. In addition, Christians believed that Easter food consecrated by prayer, have the power to help in difficult and important moments of life.

The day before Easter in all churches there are all-night vigils and a procession of the cross around the church. By this time, traditional festive pastries, cakes, which symbolize the body of Christ, were baked in all homes, and eggs were painted.

Believers go home with refreshments, giving each other colored eggs, saying at this: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected!"... This custom of greeting-congratulations, accompanied by hugs and kisses, is called "Christianization"... Feast of the christian Easter lasts seven days and is called Holy Week or Seven.

The egg, which was traditionally painted in red colors and its shades, has become an obligatory attribute and symbol of the Christian Easter from the 12th century.

And the cake was always baked from yeast dough, high and round. Above the cake is decorated with a cross. It is believed that if Easter bread went well, then everything will be safe in the family. When eating, the cake is cut not lengthwise, but across, keeping the top intact to cover the rest of the cake.

So, the symbols easter are:

Eggs that were traditionally painted red;

Curd Easter;

Willow twig;

Certainly on Easter do 7 good deeds or give 7 gifts.

Celebration Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. For forty days Easter, and especially on the first week - the most solemn - they go to visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, play easter games.

We invite children who have prepared poems about Easter.

Tradition Easter there were and are funny games.

A big joy - easter carousel... Believed people: the more and higher you swing during the holiday, the higher the flax and wheat will grow.

Another Easter the entertainment was egg rolling. And now we will also play funny easter games.

(To select team members, ask 3 questions to each group).

1. When it happens Easter? (in spring)

2. What day of the week is celebrated Easter? (Saturday)

3. What words are spoken in Easter? (Christ is Risen! Truly Risen)

4. What is painted on Easter? (eggs)

5. What is baked on Easter? (Easter cakes)

6. How many days does it last Easter? (40)

For each competition won, the team is given a token.

Egg Run... You need to take a spoon, put an egg in it, go around the chair, return to your place and pass the move to another player. They are played by 2 teams, the team that drops the egg fewer times wins. (Token to winners)

"We paint eggs"... It is necessary for the team to make an egg out of cardboard from the proposed material. Speed ​​and originality are evaluated. (Token to winners)

"Get to the egg"... One member per team. (Token to winners)

"Egg rolling"... Each team is given an egg (Token to winners)

"Collect the picture"... Cut pictures of eggs are offered. You need to collect the pictures on the table as quickly and correctly as possible. The game is played with the participation of the entire team. (Token to winners).

Now let's sum up, count tokens!

Congratulations, rewarding the winners.

Tambov Regional State

budgetary educational institution

"Zherdevskaya boarding school"

Scenario of an extracurricular event "Bright Easter"


Muravleva I.S.

Zherdevka 2017

Target: to form a steady interest in the traditions of celebrating the Bright holiday of Easter - familiarizing children with the origins of Russian culture, fostering love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals.
.Educational: - to form a steady interest in the traditions of celebrating the Bright holiday of Easter - to contribute to the deepening and generalization of the existing ideas of pupils about folk traditions.
.Educational: - to develop logical thinking, memory, attention, motor skills.
. Upbringing: - to bring up spiritual and moral qualities in children, interest in folk traditions and creativity. Preservation of folk family traditions, family cohesion.


Audio recording of songs;

Exhibition of creative works of children;

Pictures of the icon of Jesus Christ, Easter cake, Easter, Easter egg;

Equipment for Easter games

Course of the lesson: two old women enter the hall.

1-Old lady:
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green,
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no lighter words in the world -
"Truly Christ is risen!"

2-old lady: In this bright week

You here, to your room.

Glad to invite, friends!

We will be one family -

Happy Easter.

You just need to call

Children, so that their laughter sounds

Both big and small - everyone!

An audio recording "Oh, the water is running in a stream" sounds. In pairs children / data / files / h1489474721.mp3 (oh, the water is running in a stream)

1-Old lady: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests!

Welcome to the holiday! (children say hello)

2-old lady: Among all Christian holidays - Easter of Christ is the greatest, brightest, solemn. Holy Easter is a holiday of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for a future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he conquered death and rose again. Therefore, Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.

And I know that you have prepared poems about this bright holiday!

1st child: There are many rituals in Russia.

And today is God's holiday:

Easter is God's resurrection,

His second birthday.

2nd child: Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down.

Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

3rd child: The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,

And hands are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4th child: Here is the earth waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

1st Old Lady: Very good poetry, thank you. Tell me, kids, what is the most important Easter treat? (Easter cakes and painted eggs, Easter.)

Sit back and listen, I will tell you the tradition of deep antiquity. Tradition says that Saint Mary Magdalene came to King Tiberius to tell him the good news of the resurrection of the murdered Jesus and presented him with an ordinary testicle. But the king did not believe her, said: "Let this egg turn red, then I will believe that Jesus is risen." And the egg, at the same moment, turned red. Mary Magdalene said: "Christ is Risen", and Tiberius replied: "Indeed he is risen."

2nd Old Lady:"Expensive egg for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. The egg is a symbol of a new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. On Maundy Thursday, people put things in order in their apartments, paint eggs, on Good Friday, houses are filled with the smell of baking cakes and curd pastries. The holiday itself begins with a solemn service. But the tradition of painting eggs for Easter in Russia has long roots.

1st Old Lady: Do you want me to tell you a small but very important secret?
From the egg, from the bottom
Mother Earth came out damp.
From the egg, from the top.
The high vault of heaven has risen,
From the yolk, from the top,
The bright sun appeared,
From the protein, from the top.
A clear month has appeared.
From an egg, from a variegated part,
The stars are in the sky!

2nd Old Lady: What an interesting legend! But why is the egg red? And we will find out about this now. Our guys have prepared an Easter gift for you - a fairy tale.

Staging "Gift"

Hen: Chip, chick, chick. Chip, chick, chick.
Come on get ready
And sit around.
I'll tell you now
A wonderful story.
(Chickens run out and stand in a semicircle).

Chick: We carry testicles
We give them as a gift:
Round and whole.

Hen: That was a long time ago,
Great-grandmother said
Like Mary Magdalene
I gave the egg to the king.

Chick: It was all white
It was all round.
Brought it, gave it,
"Christ is Risen," she said.

Hen: And Tiberius accepted,
I did not reject the gift
I said that I would believe
If I see a miracle myself.

Chick: He held an egg in his hands,
I thought with myself:
"Let the testicle turn red -
On Sunday I will believe. "

Hen: The egg seemed to hear
In Tiberius's hands, -
Horror was in his eyes.

Chick: What a miracle! What a miracle!
I will not argue with you.
This is a miracle of miracles!
Christ is truly risen!
Rejoice! Christ is risen!

1st Old Lady: Now let's play a little.

The fastest! The most agile!
Well, boast of your skill!
Our task is very simple.
It is quite possible for anyone.

2nd Old Lady: You take an egg, put it in a spoon
And you can run a little bit with him. Who came running first
He became the winner!

1st Old Lady: Contest "Decorate an Easter Egg"
Two teams take part, each is given one balloon, colored paper, scissors, glue stick. In 5 minutes they have to decorate their ball - "egg". The one whose team decorates more interesting and beautiful, that one will win.


1st Child: Dozing bell

Woke up the fields.

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To blue skies

2nd Child: The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,

And hands are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

2nd Old Lady: There is a belief. That the sun is playing on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment in the early morning went out to watch the sun "play" - if the sky is clear, blue, then there will be a good harvest.

The sun warms up more

Bird songs are heard

And the leaves turn green:

Easter is the day of spring!

1st Old Lady: Together we meet spring

And with a bow we invite

With abundant bread

With spring showers

Enter Spring into every home

You, Spring, everyone is happy in it!

Spring comes out:

I - Spring -Red brought you as a gift

Leaves on an oak, silk scarf

There are many, many spring waters, and a spring round dance!

The celebration of Easter is an ancient tradition of Christian peoples. The holiday has long ceased to be purely a church holiday; every family is waiting for it and preparing for it in advance. Kindergartens also hold Easter matinees, joint celebrations with parents, the scenarios of which are presented in our section.

Easter scripts in kindergartens

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 630.
All sections | Easter. Holidays and entertainment scenarios

Scenario Spring - May 9 - Easter for the older group Scenario Spring - May 9 - Easter for the senior group Active faces: Leading: Spring: Kikimora: Children enter the hall to the music, make rebuilding, become a semicircle. Leading: New grass whispers. A bee is spinning on the flowers. All nature came to life. Who guys came to us? Everything: TO...

Entertainment script "Bright Easter" Easter entertainment : "Light" A. In a bright cloud Golden domes shine, Wonderful ringing is scattered On this day bells Great day, day of salvation! Light Sunday holiday! Children enter the hall to the music, perform a dance "Christ is risen" Children perform a dance ...

Easter. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment - Scenario of the holiday of Light Easter

Publication "Scenario of the holiday of the Light ..." SCENARIO of the Easter holiday in a speech therapy preparatory group Children enter the hall 1st presenter. Spring has come, Spring is red, And she calls everyone to walk! The clear sun rises, Calls everyone to the street! People are having fun - Easter is at the gate! Children form a circle, the game “Burn, ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the holiday "Easter" in a Russian hut with a master class for the middle group. Children enter the hall to the music, the hostess meets them. Hostess: Hello dear guys! Small and large! Hello, guests, you are welcome! We are opening Easter, we are starting the holiday! Child 1: Here ...

"Easter Chime" script of the spring holiday for senior preschool children Children enter the hall to the music. Host: The dormant bell woke up the fields, The sleepy earth smiled at the sun. The blows rushed to the blue skies, The voice resounds loudly through the forests. Children: The sun is pouring from the sky, dancing and laughing, And rejoicing and singing, calling the spring to visit us. The day becomes ...

Educational event "Christ-Sunday Easter" Topic: "Bright Sunday of Christ - Easter!" Objectives: To continue to acquaint students with the history, customs of their people; Encourage children to be creative, actively participate in ritual games, singing; Develop an interest in spiritual life; Organize direct ...

Easter. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment - Scenario of a holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups "People are having fun - Easter at the gate!"

Hall decoration: a village hut with a Russian stove, tables, benches. On the table are pots, a samovar, tea utensils. There is a spinning wheel next to the stove. There are towels with bright embroidery. There are homespun paths on the floor. Objective: To create a festive atmosphere by introducing children into the household and ...

Easter matinee for children of the preparatory group Presenter: Golden domes are shining like a bright cloud, Wonderful ringing is scattered On this day, bells are great Day, the day of salvation! Bright holiday of Sunday! People are brothers! Has come! Children enter the hall to the music, sing a song _ And sit down. Children come out to the middle of the hall and ...

"Traditions of the village Streletskoe of the Belgorod region at Easter week". Leisure scenario in the mini-museum "Russian hut" Purpose: to acquaint children with the history and traditions of Easter week in the village of Streletskoe, Belgorod region. Objectives: - to develop interest in the Orthodox culture of the Russian people, in folk art, in traditions; - to acquaint with Russian folk Easter games, musical ...

Scenario of the holiday for primary school "Easter Holiday" Holiday script for primary school. Easter Holiday Purpose: Generalization (clarification) of the knowledge of schoolchildren about the traditions of Russian Easter. Tasks: fostering patriotic feelings and a positive attitude towards the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, towards folk art; acquaintance with ...

Celebrating Easter is not a one-time event in kindergartens. It is preceded by a long preparation, the study of Easter traditions, rituals and customs. Educators conduct conversations, organize exhibitions. Music directors learn Easter hymns and songs, listen to audio recordings of the bell ringing with children. Fine arts teachers teach children to convey emerging thoughts and images using accessible means. One of the most widespread and understandable traditions for children is painting Easter eggs. This type of visual activity is available to children of any age.

Celebrating Easter in kindergartens is not complete without outdoor games. This is a great opportunity to learn Russian folk and games of other nationalities. For competitions in speed and dexterity, educators offer a variety of relay races with Easter eggs, for example, "Carry an egg in a spoon", "Collect an Easter basket" and others.

For older preschoolers, teachers conduct information-rich events about the traditions of the holiday in Russia and other Christian countries. One of the wonderful customs that always resonates in the hearts of children is the release of birds for Easter.

Dramatic performances and puppet shows are invariably present in the scripts of the Easter holidays. For the smallest, educators offer simple understandable plots, for example, the theme of Easter eggs often develops in the plot of "Ryaba Chickens", which laid a golden egg. For older preschoolers, teachers are looking for deeper plots, retelling biblical parables, aimed at understanding the true deep meaning of the holiday by children.

Regardless of the age of your pupils, you will find the ideas and materials you need. The site portal is a real storehouse of realized ideas that teachers share with each other. Your scripts can be here too, join.