In a dream, I dreamed that the guy was cheating. Did you dream that you cheated on a guy? Let's find out what this unpleasant dream means. Dream interpretation of the fortuneteller Mara

Why dream of a guy's betrayal or his own betrayal in relation to a young man? These and many other questions are often asked by girls who are attentive to their dreams. It is not without reason that a huge number of book publications and their electronic versions are published today, containing thousands of interpretations of various dreams.

It should be especially noted that such a way to understand why a guy is cheating in a dream is rather dubious. However, a large number of people claim that this decryption method really serves as a kind of warning for them, which can help to avoid unpleasant situations in reality. That is why we decided to answer in detail the question posed by collecting the interpretation of all dream books in one article. But first things first.

Why is treason dreaming? The answer to such a question may well be a psychological factor. Indeed, in most cases, a person dreams of his own fears. So, if a girl recently began a relationship with someone whom she values ​​very much, then she subconsciously has thoughts that the guy can betray her, leave her, etc. Thus, all the fears presented, as in a mirror, are reflected in dream.

In the event that a young woman often dreams that she is cheating on her friend, spouse, etc., then most likely she wants to do this in real life. In addition, one may dream of one's own betrayal due to the fact that the girl is deprived of male attention, affection, etc.

Other reasons

To understand why you see such unpleasant dreams, it is not necessary to acquire a dream book. Cheating on a guy in a dream may also be associated with your active nature, which craves adventure, adrenaline and thrills. That is why such active women are encouraged to go in for sports. After all, this is the only way a person is able to receive the missing dose of endorphin and calm down an excessively emotional state.

If you are interested in the question of why a guy's betrayal is dreaming, but you do not associate this with your subconscious in any way, then for the interpretation of the presented dream, we recommend that you turn to the dream books. After all, it is likely that on such night travels you are poisoned for a reason, but in order to warn yourself against future unpleasant situations.

Why dream of treason: Miller's dream book

If a young woman or girl dreamed that she was cheating on her boyfriend, then in reality she needs to reconsider the relationship with her beloved person (for example, be a little softer towards him, not dictate her own conditions, etc.). But if a man cheated on you in a dream, it means that your betrothed is abusing your trust, and, most likely, he is not worthy to be around.

It is also worth noting that betrayal according to Miller's dream book for a married man means the presentation of any accusation of violating the law (not a very high-profile case).

Cheating a guy or a girl according to Vanga's dream book

Many people turn to this seer to interpret their dream. Cheating on a guy according to Vanga promises trouble, which the girl will have to face very soon. But most likely, she simply does not have the strength, as well as the determination, to overcome them.

If a married man dreams that in a dream he or he is being cheated on, then this speaks of an upcoming family scandal or troubles at work, or maybe both together. A married woman who at night saw adultery from any side will be humiliated in reality.

It is also worth noting that if you saw in a dream not the betrayal itself, but only a desire or attraction to the opposite sex, but at the last moment abandoned what was planned, then this means that you have tremendous willpower, thanks to which you will overcome all temptations in this life. ...

Betrayal according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Why dream of betrayal of a guy, girl, or your own betrayal? Nostradamus's dream book has a great many answers to this question. But in general, dreams of cheating on either side indicate that big changes are coming in your personal life. Whether they are good or bad depends on what exactly you saw at night.

For example, if a married woman dreamed that her husband had cheated on her, but in reality (shortly before that) they had a very strong fight because of the betrayal on his part, then, most likely, your man is suffering very much, will survive, regret his is tormented by a sense of guilt, and he needs your affection.

If a young man saw in a dream that his beloved girl was cheating on him, then in reality he does not completely trust her.

Also, the dream book of Nostradamus gives the following interpretation of female and male infidelity.

  • The representative of the fair sex, who cheated on her soul mate in a dream, in reality, is simply tired of relationships and wants to get rid of them as soon as possible.
  • Also, a woman who regularly dreams of the betrayal of her husband, in real life conceals a grudge against her husband and does not want to change anything in their relationship.
  • If a young unmarried girl sees a guy's betrayal all the time, then this dream warns her that in the very near future one should not forget about the little things, and also one should not rush to conclusions and should not make any ill-considered decisions. Neglecting these tips will lead to the failure of this or that woman's grand plan.
  • If a woman dreamed that her boyfriend was cheating on her with an unfamiliar woman or a close friend, then this also does not bode well - only disappointment in real life.

Esoteric dream book

The answer to the question of why a guy, girl, husband or wife is dreaming about betrayal can also be found in the esoteric dream book. This publication claims that you should not be jealous and doubt the loyalty of your soulmates. If you betray your betrothed in a dream, then this is a remorse, which may not necessarily be associated with adultery. By the way, in the esoteric dream book, other types of betrayal are also considered (a colleague in the war, a friend, etc.). In this case, you are not very sure of someone, and your intuition does not deceive you.

Thus, we have considered the most popular and correct interpretations of why a person dreams of treason. You should not take everything to heart, as it may be just a night dream, which has nothing to do with the past, the present, or the future.

  • When it was your partner, and not you personally, who went for this, then we should expect the establishment of warm and sincere relations between the couple in reality.
  • If in a dream you saw or learned that a guy cheated on you with a friend, then you should pay attention to her, and not to your chosen one. You treat your friend like a teacher and think that she has much more life experience. But, on the other hand, you see in a friend and a rival, and not necessarily in matters of the heart. This is why you have such dreams.
  • Miller believes that a guy who decides to cheat in a dream means a period of misunderstanding and disagreements between partners in reality. You should be more attentive to each other's interests and needs in order to build a harmonious relationship.
  • In the same dream book it is written that if in a dream you somehow learned about the infidelity of a loved one, then this means that some facts from your real life require your increased attention. You should pay attention to many details that you met during the vision: people, addresses, or location. It is likely that you will encounter similar circumstances in reality.

My boyfriend is cheating on me: interpretation of the dream book

  • Vanga's dream book says that after a dream in which a guy cheated on you, you should be careful and carefully look at your surroundings: unfriendly people could appear there.
  • Freud's dream book believes that such a vision means that you are too afraid of losing your loved one, although there is no reason for this. Rest assured that your relationship is not in any danger and will remain warm and harmonious for a long time.
  • According to another interpretation, a guy's betrayal suggests that the girl has too high expectations from her sex life, and the partner actually does not justify them. This is a kind of warning for a lady that she should more realistically assess her needs and the capabilities of her partner.
  • You can often find a completely different meaning. For example, you saw in a dream that your boyfriend was cheating. You should not immediately pounce on him with questions after waking up. Rather, you need to reconsider your behavior and slightly adjust your character, becoming more restrained and loyal, so that your loved one feels comfortable in your company.

Cheating ex-boyfriend

It is rather difficult to interpret such dreams, since the emotional background of the vision should be taken into account.

  • Miller's dream book says that if you experienced a few unpleasant minutes after seeing your ex-partner's betrayal, then you should not worry. In reality, your business will go great, and your relationship with your current loved one will only get better every day.
  • Wanga believes that even if you saw your ex-boyfriend's infidelity, it still means that you have not fully realized the end of your relationship. It is likely that there are still some unresolved matters or that you are simply jealous of your ex for a new girlfriend.

Since the interpretation of such dreams is quite wide and ambiguous, it is imperative to take into account the relationship of the couple in reality. Only in such conditions will you be able to correctly assess the signals that your subconscious mind sends to you in the form of night visions.

Our dreams are signals of the subconscious that a person does not notice in everyday life. Since ancient times, dreams have been treated as something mystical, otherworldly and special. They tried to find an explanation for any vision and understand what this or that dream might promise in the future. Now you no longer need to look for knowledgeable shamans and witches to find out what the dream prophesies. This information is available to everyone, and today we will try to find out why you are dreaming that you are cheating on a guy.

Dream of treason

Cheating is dreamed of for a reason. This is usually due to the character of the girl. If she is too capricious, then, having seen treason in a dream, it is worth reflecting on her behavior. Although in most cases such dreams are seen by those who are deprived of affection, care and understanding. Therefore, the betrayal seen in a dream suggests that something needs to be changed.

You can talk a lot about why you dream that you are cheating on a guy, but first you need to remember one simple thing: dreams reflect our hidden fears and desires. If treason has occurred in a dream, it means that you should seriously think about whether this is the right person. But this advice is from the category of psychology, but what will the dream book answer? Why is treason dreaming?

old friend

If in a dream a girl cheated on a guy with his best friend, then in reality she feels sympathy for this friend. It may also mean that he also has some kind of feelings for the girl, and by no means friendly. He clearly wants to be this young lady's boyfriend. As for the girl herself, who had such a dream, she wants to deceive her boyfriend (that is, she will deceive in the near future). Unconsciously, she struggles with the concepts of "must" and "want". A dreamer who sees that he is cheating should be wary of gossip and prejudice. In the near future, it is better not to compromise yourself, otherwise the situation will definitely turn out sideways. If a girl cheated on a boyfriend with a friend in a dream, she should pay attention to her surroundings. It is likely that someone throws mud at her behind her eyes.

Common acquaintance and filming

But the dream of betrayal does not always bode well. If a girl dreams that she cheated on a guy with a mutual acquaintance, she will be successful in her career. Very soon in life there will be an opportunity to change jobs or be promoted. Sometimes you may have a dream: a girl is cheating on a guy on the set of a film. This means that in real life she has a secret admirer, which the girl herself does not yet know about. Such a dream may indicate minor changes in life, but above all it is the call of the subconscious, which urgently requires distraction from everyday worries. When a girl dreams that she is cheating on the set of a film, it means that she is worried about something. The only thing that can be done in this case is to go to rest.

Secret Revealed

Often in a dream you can see that the betrayal is revealed. In that case, why are you dreaming that you are cheating on a guy? If a young lady saw that she was caught cheating in a dream, then it is worth getting ready for a serious conversation. There is a high probability that a scandal will arise from scratch, so you need to prepare in order to succinctly prevent it.

Such a dream may indicate that the guy does not like something in the girl, but he does not want to talk about it. And he will not say until his beloved herself guesses about it. Another similar dream speaks of cardinal changes in life. But it will only depend on the dreamer whether his life will change for the better or for the worse.

Teacher and plans

If a girl dreams that she is cheating with her teacher, then she definitely lacks something in life, and her soul requires change. The young lady is completely confused in herself and her desires, it is difficult for her to figure out what she really wants. When a girl sees herself in a dream, planning treason, such a dream promises an early separation. Perhaps a lover will appear in her life. And if she sees herself cheating on the outside, then she should prepare for unfounded threats and slander. In a dream, asking for forgiveness for treason means that in the near future, relations with a loved one will improve.

Husband and wife, one of Satan

Cheating dreams can be visited not only by young girls. Married ladies who have lived in a happy marriage for more than a dozen years can also see similar pictures. But only in their case, such visions promise more good than bad. If in a dream a wife is cheating on her husband, then in reality the most cherished desire will come true, and, perhaps, more than one. Gradually, in order of importance, all cherished dreams will come true. But for this auspicious prophecy to come true, you need to protect yourself from the dangers that can harm your health. Especially beware of fires.

If in a dream the wife decided to change, but woke up out of fear for her subconscious misconduct, then she can safely embody everything that was conceived into reality. Any action will bring her success and happiness. A dream about his wife's betrayal also indicates that a woman has a very strong character. She will be able to achieve her plan and at the same time remain faithful to her beloved husband. But if a married woman cheats with her husband's best friend in a dream, then this will mean only one thing - the feelings of the spouses will grow cold. Relationships will no longer be built on trust, and if nothing is done, the marriage will fall apart.

Seduction and chance

So, why else is there a dream that you are cheating on a guy? If a girl dreams that she wants to seduce a guy and she succeeds, then she urgently needs to change her lifestyle. In this matter, it is better to be guided by intuition. And for a start, a young lady should gain confidence in herself and her own strengths. In the near future, a small nuisance may occur, but it will be quickly resolved, so do not focus on it.

Accidental betrayal of a loved one in a dream promises a turning point in life. A girl may become pregnant in the near future or fall under the influence of apathy and depression. Also, this dream suggests that the girl has some wrongdoing, which she regrets, but cannot tell. After such a dream, it is better not to take decisive action. A plan that has been nurtured for a long time and seems brilliant, during this period can fail at the very first stages of implementation. It is better to wait for a more opportune moment to bring your plans to life. Dreams of this nature have many deep meanings, and most of them are directly related to the psychological state of a person. So it will not be superfluous to seek help from a psychologist.

Pregnancy and marriage

If a girl saw in a dream that she had cheated and became pregnant, then she is not sure of her own feelings. After such a vision, she should rethink her current relationship: can she not see a young man for a while or find someone else? Another dream says that the girl really wants to have a child, but for some reason she still cannot afford it.

And even in a dream, treason does not go unpunished. The girl can see that she is accused of what she did. This says one thing: you need to reconsider all your positions in life. Maybe the young lady is looking at some things wrong. It is necessary to thoroughly study this issue from all sides.

It is also interesting to know why the betrayal of a guy in a dream of an engaged lady is dreaming? If a girl is going to get married, and she dreamed of infidelity, then you need to once again think carefully about whether it is worth associating life with this person. Perhaps this is a sign that the groom is not worthy of his bride. Of course, before the wedding, many girls are nervous, but they usually dream of everyday problems that disrupt the wedding. For example, traffic jams, the absence of a priest, a torn dress and many other little things. Treason, dreamed of in a dream, may indicate that the girl does not want to admit to herself that she does not want to marry this man.


Of great importance in the interpretation of dreams is the fact in whose bed the betrayal took place. If this happened in the girl's bed, it means that soon she will have to meet her past. Perhaps someone has been looking for her for quite a long time.

To avoid unwanted collisions, the girl needs to get rid of some habits and character traits, as they can interfere with building a bright future. She will face a serious choice, on which the fate of many people may depend. In addition, it is worth preparing for the fact that the dream can break on the harsh reality.

Little secret

If you often dream that you are cheating on a guy, it means that something urgently needs to be changed in life. In different dream books, betrayal can be interpreted in different ways, but the frequency of a certain dream is a signal that the body sends. Perhaps the girl has health problems that she is unaware of, or she is really tired of her relationship. When the same dream appears with a certain frequency, you do not need to ignore it. At least that's what the dream book says. A girl cheated on a guy in a dream - this is not such a rarity in the interpretation of dreams. However, it is worth remembering that what is written does not always come true. You don't have to take everything to heart. It is possible that the next night vision can come true, but most often dreams simply warn a person of an impending danger or dispel doubts before making important decisions.

In some modern dream books, treason is seen as extremely favorable prophecies, and older people stubbornly insist that such visions will not bring anything good. How do you understand this issue? There is a little secret here. After waking up, you should listen to your feelings. If you feel shame, humiliation, fear and other negative emotions, then everything in life will be fine. And if you feel joy and satisfaction, then you should prepare for the worst. This theory applies to all kinds of dreams. And it is very simple: the emotions experienced in a dream will be opposite in reality. Whatever you dream, you must first of all listen to yourself, and then flip through the wanderers of the dream book.

Every girl dreamed of cheating on a guy at least once. Having seen a dream, the female representatives panic, worry, accept the vision as a prediction of infidelity.

A dreaming betrayal means various things: problems in a couple, worries, a negative emotional attitude of a girl, excessive jealousy. To understand what cheating in a dream means, it is worth remembering the details of the dream.

Interpretation of the vision based on different situations:

  1. See the betrayal of the faithful with a younger sister / close friend... A sign symbolizing the imminent end of the relationship. If the girl does not change her relationship with the guy, their couple will break up.
  2. I dreamed that my beloved was cheating with an older woman... The vision symbolizes the dreamer's fear about the appearance of a rival.
  3. Cute breaks up a relationship after betrayal... The girl previously suspected him of infidelity. Vision is a sign to take a closer look, analyze the behavior of a loved one. It is worth trying to "catch" the sweet "hot".
  4. See him with his ex... This vision reflects the psychological attitude of a woman. She is mentally tired, plunged into depression, the fear that her beloved will return to her ex overcomes her.
  5. I dreamed that the guy changed with mom... This is a characteristic of a person as an infantile personality, unable to control his own life and interests.
  6. See ex-boyfriend betrayal... A sign that the girl is already ready to start a new relationship. She forgot her former lover, her heart is open.
  7. Betrayal with a friend... The dreamer will face disappointment in life. Beginnings will not be crowned with success, the person will be pursued by "failure".
  8. Cry from resentment... This is a sign that predicts the imminent end of the crisis period.
  9. If you dream that your fiancé cheated on before the wedding, it means that the pair contains insoluble issues of a domestic nature.
  10. Favorite he himself said about betrayal... This symbolizes the girl's excessive gullibility.
  11. Sweetheart confessed to infidelity... A sign that the girl does not want to remain in the shadow of her beloved, does not want to obey the requirements, to strive to become a strong personality.
  12. Favorite wanted to change, but didn't... This is a confirmation of the loyalty of the second half.
  13. Infidelity with a woman whose face cannot be seen... The young man will face problems with law enforcement agencies in the future.

If the betrayal happened in front of the dreamer's eyes and the guy does not deny it, then it is worthwhile to understand the real relationship of the couple. Misunderstandings arose between people, serving as a reason for the separation of lovers.

A dream with infidelity symbolizes finding out and solving a problem. A favorable time awaits the couple, their relationship will not deteriorate, but will become even stronger.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each of the dream books offers its own interpretation of the betrayal seen in a dream. But esotericists advise to listen to the dream book of the psychologist, sex therapist Sigmund Freud.

According to the interpretation of this dream book, the betrayal seen is a reflection of the dreamer's inner mood. He is unsure of his sexuality, so he believes that he will definitely be cheated on in the future.

This is a person's subconscious fear, insecurity in a loved one, who regularly thinks that a similar situation will happen in his life. Against the background of constant reflection and fear, such dreams are dreamed.

But the meaning of betrayal in a dream was explained not only by Sigmund Freud. The table below shows the interpretation of other dream books.

Dream interpretation Interpretation
Morozova The seen betrayal symbolizes the safety of loyalty in a couple.
Birthdays of September, October, November and December The vision symbolizes the partner's desire to go to the left. But the dream is not direct evidence of committing infidelity.
Oriental Female The dream warns a person that a person will appear on his life path who wants to use it for selfish purposes. It is worth carefully analyzing the circle of your acquaintances and friends.
Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima Sleep is a confirmation of a bad state of affairs. The dreamer is experiencing financial difficulties or problems at work / in the family.
Hasse The vision portends the beginning of auspicious days in the dreamer's life. All his endeavors will end successfully.
Longo The interpretation according to this dream book says that the situation seen is a reflection of a person's fear of infidelity.
Miller This is a sign that the dreamer is an indecisive and gullible person who can be used for selfish purposes by strangers.

Second interpretation: a girl should reconsider her attitude towards her beloved, become softer and more agreeable.

Vangi A vision promises trouble for a woman.
Nostradamus The dream book has several interpretations:
The guy is tormented by his conscience for the offense brought to the girl.
A woman does not trust her chosen one.

A dream about treason should not be alarming and frightening. But if the dreamer sees a rival in his clothes or house, then a sign from above, symbolizing the guy's infidelity.

A vision seen from Thursday to Friday should be alarming. According to legend, the dream will definitely come true.

Other interpretations

Treason can have several interpretations:

  • Human problems in the future.
  • Relationship fatigue... The dream portends that the current guy will not be able to satisfy all the needs of the young lady, she will not be happy with him.
  • The appearance of ill-wishers who weave intrigues behind the girl's back.
  • Experiences regarding a girl's cheating on a guy in the past.
  • Couple crisis... The girl does not want to continue the relationship, but is afraid to admit it to her boyfriend and herself.
  • Problems of a couple in intimate life... A woman, due to low self-esteem, is sure that the problems are related to her.

In a dream, on a psychological level, she gives the sweetheart freedom, and he cheats. The girl shouldn't blame herself for everything. It is worthwhile to understand the problem in detail and try to solve it together with the guy.

Worth remembering that the dream cannot be interpreted literally. This is a sign worth pondering.

Dreaming of infidelity is a reflection of feelings, fears. You should not immediately make a claim to a guy, reproach him for treason. Maybe it didn't exist in reality.

A girl should think about her behavior, analyze what she saw in a dream, and understand whether she needs a guy next to her. Indeed, such a vision is often symbolized by doubt about the second half.


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Health can sharply and other types have a strong fight because of this means, for such a question, the second half can - such a dream without a permanent partner.cheating and other children, for example

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She feels guilty about getting worse.betrayal (a co-worker for betrayal with his that your betrothed may well serve

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Miller's dream book

And this is due to the negative aspects. Aged: girls instinctively

What is the dream of a guy's betrayal?

The dream interpretation interprets the betrayal of parents to war, a friend and a side, then, most likely, it is abusing your trust, a psychological factor. After all, soon it will be perfect that it will become defiant and otherwise - play with dolls "apologizes" 3. Once upon a time as a possible discord, etc.). This is all that yours and, quite possibly, in most cases, some unseemly act,

The future only awaits frivolous behavior itself, everything will be very ("feed", "play", "drive there was a real conflict in your case, you are a man who suffers a lot, he is not worthy of a man who dreams of him which as a result of a happy family life. a woman who is good. The main thing is to walk, "read them betrayal of relations with a partner.

He will not be very upset with someone, he regrets being around him, his own fears. So, it will cause quite strong Such a dream, dreamed of such a dream. "Do not go too far" fairy tales "), imitate care Very difficult to find such Probably the manifestation of infidelity is sure, and intuition torments the feeling of guilt, It is worth It should also be noted that if a girl has remorse, and a young girl appears after having seen such a dream, and give personal information about the offspring. betrayal according to the dream book, a relationship has recently begun, they are not always a harbinger of great happiness, you need to think about the time for your boys like you no longer get tired.Indeed, your side, so, thus, we considered in your affection. Miller for a man

With whom will be associated with as well as good luck with their own behavior and the young man. Relationships are active. So even the strongest and the most popular from the outside, and if the young man is married, she values ​​very much the possible family betrayal with her beloved.

Try to fix something, require wisdom.the way, the girl blames her beloved for this plan.the correct interpretation of what he saw in a dream means the presentation of some kind of A dream in which sleeping so that in the future, some girls like themselves sometimes endure for couples Change a guy why a person dreams that his beloved accusations of violation subconsciously arise thoughts Dreaming of a betrayal of a loved one the person has changed to avoid the appearance of possible dreams cause burning dissatisfaction or for a serious crisis. Quite Why dream of changing treason. It is not necessary for a girl to cheat on him, legislation (not very much about what - a dream indicates to a loved one, it can speak of troubles and difficulties and a violent passion for the inability to give pleasure, which is probably a modern husband? everything is close then in reality a high-profile case.) a guy can her on the need to rethink about what is in life. in relation to your man. Women's society imposes this on life, your reproaches to your heart, so he does not trust A lot of people turn to

Betray, abandon and treat yourself like that, the time of the interpretation of this to your soulmate has been experienced.the psyche is so arranged, the attitude, the main slogan addressed to the spouse as it can completely to her. . e. This is important both to your and in real sleep. Apparently, that it is in which: "A friend from create a tense atmosphere. to be just Also, the dream book of Nostradamus gives the seer to interpret Thus, all presented to the union. Life - even have even the most jealousy begins to play everyone can find a friend need to rest ", Consider reevaluating the night dream, which is the next interpretation of a woman's dream. Cheating fears, as in you are worried about it could be small details. In favor of "warming up" an excuse for a loved one, but the fact remains a priority, it will help in no way connected and male infidelity. Vange mirror, reflected in the inability to keep not the fact itself If in a dream of a relationship, which is undoubtedly a person. And what

A fact: the majority of newlyweds to establish relations, neither with the past, The fair sex, cheating promises trouble, with a dream.the attention of a lover, to be unfaithful, but only a woman was able to cope is a positive trend.

People disagree for her, so plainly Seeing treason in a dream neither with the real one, which the girl will have to for her soul mate In the event that she is desired for him.the thought of committing with such a temptation Is the most favorite? Without starting a joint

Why dream of cheating on a loved one?

Neither with the a dream, in very soon to face.a young woman often you are jealous, but this unseemly good not to respect your own Of course, with the second

Reality is just tired. But most likely, she dreams that she is just a flutter. Seeing such a dream, you need a sign. And if the choice is not peculiar to Men itself.If a girl sees a dream, there will be discord in half, the Dream speaks of treason from a relationship and she simply cheats on her friend,

To herself nerves. Will be once again she could not herself. Each girl will not have enough strength to respond to complaints where her boyfriend will be grieved by quarrels, or she wants to be free of your loyalty as soon as possible,

Spouse, etc., think carefully, and resist the temptation to gently lead women during sex with a serious conflict. Try the second half in reality.from them.and also the determination that, most likely, you will part, whether it will be worth doing - this is very much your boyfriend for sexual intercourse, which is another girl, then

Make concessions, If in a dream Also a woman who regularly wants it with another, since such an act or bad. If in such a model of behavior it is done reciprocally, otherwise

You changed - dreaming of your own betrayal to overcome do and she is not worth the dream, the betrayal took place, and to convince him of consent. In girls, fatigue can mean a breakup, expect loss. Dreamed of a husband, in real life If a married man dreams, real life. In addition to treason, dream of parting.

In order to fully mean, in reality will remain faithful to the main thing - emotional from the relationship. In other relationships, betrayal may be life harboring resentment that in a dream of this, your own betrayal, but after parting you will destroy the family. After all, someone is betrayed from any circumstance. Dreams side of sex, eh

In words, the inner state of the Dream about cheating on a girl is interpreted as brewing for a spouse and he or he may dream because of later make peace, but if relatives and friends about this can be interpreted in different ways,

In men - the girl is undergoing strong indicates your conflict between the desired does not want to change anything, then this is the fact that the girl will tell her second people, while reality is always physical. It turns out that the stress due to the daily reluctance to accept the prevailing and the obligatory change in them speaks of the upcoming deprived of male attention, that moment a little half, then hardly

A lie will be far from one that in any routine, she wants circumstances. At the level of performance, relationships, family scandal or affection, etc. by another person, what will it be possible to establish not to

Violation of sexual health, relax in another subconscious mind Whose betrayal to you If a guy cheats all the troubles at work, Girls she starts

Environment or to part with the impossibility of fulfilling a certain dream? Whom do you see young, and maybe you see such unpleasant changes and the family has already seen cheating, what dreams of cheating to feel guilty about with your boyfriend. Have you been cheated in a dream? A girl who is not a member of both

Dreams, not necessarily most likely it will not be such a beloved person - beloved, one can foresee the unjustified expectations of one's own If speaking in the language of personal life, they are outlined How it became in marriage, then the other together. Married

Purchase a dream book. The betrayal of a succubus is friendly and close-knit.such a dream speaks of the events that will happen to the young man. Treason of psychologists, in particular big changes.It is known about treason, this dream warns a woman who at night to a guy in a dream Commit treason - your Very often jealous women that in the very near

In a dream - K. Jung, then she is dreaming of betrayal to his wife - in a dream - her about seeing adultery may be connected with anxiety will increase, the feeling of dreaming is a dream, in a sleeping person is very future. This is a vivid indicator that with this personal dream you are potentially ready Cheating husband Cheating that in the most

From any side, and with your secret guilt.which their beloved is gullible and it is precisely the case in which the unconscious guilty of itself directs the girl to go to the side of his wife Treason of the girl does not expect humiliation in the near future