Magic Bags is a sensory development game. Didactic game "Magic bag

Kazeicheva Irina Nikolaevna, teacher-psychologist

MOU secondary school №18 with in-depth study of individual subjects g. Orekhovo-Zuevo

Lesson-game "Magic bag"

(summary of a lesson (extracurricular lesson) within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard using ICT)

Subject: psychology

Theme:"Magic bag"

Duration: 1 lesson - 45 minutes

Grade: 1-2

Technologies: information and communication technologies (using multimedia presentation materials in Power Point), cooperation technology, game technology.

Targets and goals:

the development of cognitive motives, cognitive activity of students (the formation of the desire for new knowledge, information; the desire to master new skills; the skill to improve what is already there);

development of attention, thinking;

the formation of self-control, adequate self-esteem, an objective attitude of the child towards himself and his qualities;

fostering goodwill, tolerance in relationships with others, a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;

rallying a classy team; formation of the ability to work in a group; development in children of a sense of the collective "We", responsibility for their deeds and actions.

The list of digital resources and software used in the lesson:

when preparing and conducting a lesson, information and illustrative materials on the Internet are used; to prepare materials for the lesson, the teacher uses Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word; when using an interactive whiteboard, it becomes possible to immediately record children's answers on it.

Equipment: nprojector, screen or interactive whiteboard. Prepare in advance paper strips with images of the emblems of the teams "Lions", "Tin Woodcutters", "Ellie and Totoshka, Kokoschka ..." (25-30 pieces: according to the number of students in the class); "Magic" bags (3 pieces according to the number of teams); sweets (caramels or chocolates - 55 pieces); bell; hourglass.

Board decoration:

theme "Magic Bag";

a table with the names of the teams, in which the earned points will be entered.

The use of multimedia in a lesson-game corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes a new generation of schoolchildren, who have a much greater need for rich visual information and visual stimulation, and also contributes to the embodiment of various psychological techniques for the development of students' cognitive abilities in a game multimedia shell.

Wherein dignity the proposed game scheme of the lesson is the possibility of using the presented template for conducting a developing, final lesson, extracurricular activity in any school subject for students of different ages with appropriate information content.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the class, receiving paper badges with images of the emblems of the teams "Lions", "Tin Woodmen", "Ellie and Totoshka, Kokoschka ..." (appendix). They sit down at the tables on which the emblems corresponding to the names of the teams are installed.

2. Conversation (introduction to the lesson, the teacher's words are in italics). We continue to develop attention, memory, intellectual abilities, in a word, we develop wisdom, we go in search of a mind for our friend. This means that today we have an unusual, magical lesson ... (presentation).

We will make a journey, and where - try to guess (slide 2 - cartoon "The Wizard of the Emerald City").

Have you guessed what this cartoon is? That's right, "The Wizard of the Emerald City." Let me remind you that Ellie and Toto went to the wizard Goodwin. She hopes Goodwin will help her return home. On the way, Ellie finds friends, each of whom has his own cherished desire. And everyone understands that it is easier to walk together. Leo - for courage, the Tin Woodman - for the heart ... And we can help them too. Are we friendly? (the question should elicit an answer, repeat if necessary) - Friendly! Are we brave? - Brave! Are we kind? - Kind. And why does he go to the wise Goodwin Scarecrow? (student's answer). So let's all together help the Scarecrow to get to Goodwin and get some mind, and at the same time we will recruit him ourselves.

The teacher introduces the students to the rules that will be followed during the game lesson.


Each team chooses a captain. Only the captain will give the team's answer.

If the team captain gave an answer without consulting the whole team, or one of the players shouted out an answer instead of the captain, the leader accepts this answer as the only one, regardless of whether the answer is correct or incorrect.

If, due to incontinence, a member of the other team shouts out the answer to a question from one team, the team with the offending player loses 1 point (takes the caramel = 1 point).

The cell number corresponds to the points that you will receive if you correctly complete the proposed task. In this case, as many caramels (chocolates) as you earn will be added to the magic bag (given to the captain).

If the team captain gave the wrong answer, then the team, whose captain will raise his hand faster, gets the right to try their hand. Therefore, all teams should think about the task.

The following tests are performed in turn: "Lions", "Tin Woodmen" ... (the extraordinary answer to the question does not affect the order of the tests: all teams must try their hand).

In the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", Ellie and Toto were the first to get into trouble. The team with this name will be the first to pass the test. Choose a test number (slide 3). The team collectively chooses a sector (if the captain, without consulting the whole team, aloud names the sector, the sector named by this player opens; the leader explains the reason for the decision).

1-2 minutes are allotted for discussion (depending on the complexity of the test). The answer must be given after the bell rings. Think, discuss, do not rush to answer!

At the end of the lesson, the captains count the caramels (chocolates) in the "magic" bags. The team that collected the most sweets in the bags conveys the most intelligence to the Scarecrow.

Penalties for misconduct discipline teams and their representatives, and team success is a collective achievement that fosters student cohesion. There are no losers in this game. There are only those who scored more points (that is, intelligence) and who - less.

3. Tasks for the lesson game (slides 4 - 22).


2. How many pets does Professor Petrov have, if all of them, except two, are dogs, all of them, except two, are cats, and all of them, except two, are parrots? (The professor has a cat, a dog and a parrot).

3. Arrange punctuation marks

There is a fish on the hillock in the river

cow hums in a kennel

the dog barks on the fence

the titmouse sings in the hallway

children play on the wall

the picture is hanging on the window

frost patterns in the stove

firewood is burning

(violin, sausage, bus, fly agaric)

5. Find all the vegetables inscribed in the rectangle.

(onion, cucumber, garlic, cabbage, turnip, carrot, radish)

6. Make sayings.

G_lo_ _n how ...(Wolf).

X_te_ how ...(Fox).

B_lt_and_ how ...(magpie).

_p_m how ...(a donkey).

T_y_l_v like ...(Hare).

_r_b_ like ...(a lion).

Sk_l_zk_y how ...(acne).

7. Look at the pictures for 10 seconds. Remember them.

Answer the questions:

How many petals does a flower have?

What is the item at number three?

Is there a handle on the door of the house?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Which way is the car going?

Is there water in the cup?

8. Decipher the name of the tale by the first letters of the pictures.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

4. The following buttons are used to control slides:

go to the slide with the answer

to home page

Continuation of work

5. Physical education.

After 4 assignments, to prevent fatigue of students, to activate attention and increase the ability of first graders to more effective activities in the lesson, spend a physical education minute "In Search of the Mind."

We've been looking for the mind for so long

That you are a little tired.

Exercise will help us.

(Turn on the music)

Slowly for order

We will sink with our feet

We'll slap the pens.

The Scarecrow hangs on a pole (arms to the sides)

And waving his hands cute (children waving their hands).

Into the fields from all sides

The darkness of the crows flew in (the children drive the crows away).

The lumberjack chopped wood (imitates the movement of wood chopping,)

Dizzy (hands are pressed to the head, rotate the neck).

They sat down, got up. They sat down, got up.

And they stopped spinning.

After completing the physical education minute, the search for the mind for the Scarecrow continues (tasks).

6. Reflection (feedback)

At the end of the lesson, the teacher-psychologist always asks the students traditional questions: “What did you like, what exercises would you like to repeat? What didn't you like? What tasks seemed difficult? What rules of a game lesson would you change? "

Information sources

Vinokurova N.K. Let's think together. Developing tasks. Exercises. Tasks. Book 1. - M .: ROST, Screen, 1997. - 96 p.

Purpose: increasing the child's self-confidence, anxiety, internal tension, reducing the feeling of fear of failure.

Necessary accessories: an opaque bag with a set of small items made of different materials: glass, wood, plastic beads, buttons, pieces of fur, small toys, coins, keys, pebbles, etc.

P. Levin identifies six stages of development at the age from birth to eighteen years, each of which implies its own tasks. At each stage, one of the structural ego-states of Parent, Adult, Child develops intensively. In the first stage "Existence" from birth to six months, the Somatic Child develops intensively. The task of this stage is to survive, to receive care, to satisfy basic needs, to receive strokes. The detachment of parents, inadequate responses to the child's needs, and lack of physical contact have a negative impact on personality development at this age.

Second stage "Action" lasts up to one and a half years, during this time the ego-state of the Little Professor develops intensively. The task of this period is to explore the world without limits. The child identifies himself with his actions. With the restriction of actions and cognitive interest by the parents, the child may receive a ban on achieving goals and a fear of novelty.

Third stage "Thinking" lasts from one and a half to three years, during which the Adult ego state develops. The child actively masters speech and cause-and-effect thinking, psychologically separates from his parents through denial. Here you can trace a natural connection with the manifestations of the crisis at the age of three. The prohibition of parents on their own opinion of the child can interfere with normal development at this stage. It is important to let the child think for himself. Emotional literacy begins to form.

Fourth stage "Identity and strength" passes between the ages of three and six. Reality is comprehended through the development of fantasy. This is also the age of the script. Socialization and gender identification occurs. If the stage is not properly passed, superstition and a lack of separation of reality and fantasy arise.

Fifth stage "Structure and skills" , which takes up to twelve years, implies the development of new knowledge and skills, the interiorization of norms and rules. The Parental ego-state is being formed. At this stage of development, it is important for a child to develop their own rules, which may differ from those of the parent.

Finally, the sixth stage "Regeneration" unites all the psychological achievements of the child into an integral personality, the formation of an adult type of sexuality takes place. Instability of behavior is characteristic. In this process of integration, unfavorably passed early stages can be partially compensated.

If the child could not successfully solve the tasks of the stage, then he moves on to the next, with some "Arrest of development" ... In adult life, this is manifested by a complex of specific problems, based on the nature of which, one can conclude about the age of its occurrence.

As a child, we are introduced to the features of the six stages for the first time. Through experience we discover the meaning of these life phases. We make decisions that, for better or worse, become part of our life plan. We develop ego states that correspond to these stages, we create such character traits that become part of our complete personality.

The first stage is the time to gather strength, build up energy to reach critical mass, which ultimately will give birth to action. The need to explore the world and feed our senses through direct action continues throughout life. Like a toddler between the sixth and eighteenth months, when we develop Little Professor for the first time, we return to a phase of intense curiosity to develop our Action Ability. We just can't wait to see what the world is like. We want to get up and go, sniff, taste, touch, watch, explore! We want a variety of stimulation because the world seems new, we need to develop sensory awareness through action rather than thinking. We want to follow our own promptings without hesitation. We are looking for a new foundation by going the other way. "You can be inquisitive and intuitive" , "It's okay to be proactive" , "It's OK to Explore and Experiment" , "You can do business and get support at the same time" . "You can get attention or approval and continue to act the way you really want." ... This stage is the time for action; search time, even if we don't know exactly what we are looking for. In the search for knowledge of what we have not yet understood, we find our own path. We need to decide that it's okay for us to go out into the world, explore, nourish our senses, and continue to receive support. Like a child between 18 months and 3 years old when the Adult ego state is first formed, in the third stage we need to establish a new sense of independence, individuality and separation. We test reality and fight others as we develop each new level of thinking. "You can think for yourself" , “You don’t need to be in doubt, you can be sure of what you need” , "You can think about your feelings, and you can feel about your thoughts." ... This is the time for that which is individual: a flower, leaf or branch, unlike others. Now, with all our might, we strive to say not only: "I am me" ... We need to decide what to fight and test, find boundaries, speak "No" and separating is normal. Like throwing a stone into water to see how far the circles go, we test the consequences of our own behavior and use force to see what happens. Developing a new identity brings with it issues related to power and gender, power and powerlessness, fantasy and reality, injury and healing, mental health and illness, being a man or woman, and ways of controlling impulses. We need to understand that it's okay to have our own point of view, be ourselves and test our strength.

Imagine that your child, exploring the world, playing, completing your assignment, made a mistake or made some mistake. And this can happen to anyone. Now imagine that the child is beaten on the hands for this oversight, scolded, while calling "Handless" , "Clumsy" and so on. Perhaps, after one or two such remarks, the child will cease to take the initiative, will be careful in his statements, actions, actions. Child to "break down" quite a few "Affirmative" negative statements of an adult towards him. And then - uncertainty, timidity, shyness, lack of initiative ...

Observing the pupils of the kindergarten, you can immediately see such children - they do not ask questions, they hesitate with answers, as if pondering: "And what I get for this? I have to answer correctly or not at all! " ... Doubt on a case-by-case basis. For individual work with such a group of children, this technique was developed. "Magic bag" .


An opaque bag filled with small toys is laid out in front of the child. And the instruction is announced. "Now you will put your hand in the bag, grope for an object there, guess what it might be, and then take your hand out of the bag and compare your answer with a toy." ... If the child finds it difficult to name the object right away, leading questions are asked: “What an object is to the touch: hard - soft; glass - iron; round - square, etc. " ... At the same time, the psychologist encourages the child with words (positive strokes and supportive messages).

I like to study with you!

You are so great at it!

You can work at your own pace!

You can do the exercise as many times as you need!

I'm glad that you start to think on your own (a)!

I love the way you take the initiative! Etc.

In the classroom, I support children in completing developmental tasks, namely:

I continue to create an atmosphere of love, affection, security and protection.

I help the child move from one activity to another.

I give simple and clear directions that the child can follow; I support and praise you for your achievements.

Teaching a child basic safety commands (for example, come, you can't, go, sit, get up).

I set reasonable boundaries for behavior and monitor their implementation.

I am glad for the ability of children to think.

I encourage causal thinking.

I give information for what to do something, how to do it, etc.

I allow children to express both positive and negative feelings.

Teaching how to express feelings differently than hitting someone or something.

I explain why, how and provide the child with other information.

I say what is called.

I support the child's efforts to learn to do things his own way.

I give a lot of encouragement when learning new things.

I encourage the child's ability to think logically and creatively.

Allowing the child to experience the harmless natural consequences of their actions.

This exercise is performed several times during the course of classes with anxious children. By changing the filling and variety of the bag, the desired result is achieved - children are not afraid to make mistakes when answering, ask leading questions, become confident in themselves and their capabilities. And most importantly, they are happy to transfer the experience gained in this exercise to life!

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Correctly answer questions, compose a short descriptive story about a toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

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"Summary of GCD didactic game" Magic bag "2nd junior group."


Didactic game "Magic Bag".

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Answer the questions correctly, compose a short descriptive story about the toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

Vocabulary work: Polar bear.

Individual work: to activate Lena, Olesya, Vadim in the class.


    Bear (adult).

    Magic bag.

Toys: matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Children sit in front of the teacher

Gymnastics for the tongue.

A knock on the door. Polar Bear enters (he has a bag in his hands)

Bear: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, a Polar Bear came to us today. Look, the bear brought us a magic bag. How handsome he is.

What's in your bag?

Bear: I brought toys for the children.

The teacher offers to look at the toys. Children take turns taking toys out of the bag, examining and answering questions, and placing them on the table.

Educator: What is Vova?

Vova: Matryoshka.

Educator: How beautiful and smart she is. Do you like her?

Educator: What's inside the matryoshka?

Vova: Another matryoshka.

Educator: This is a matryoshka ... and this ...

Educator: Now Olesya will get a toy.

Olesya: Pyramid.

Educator: Show where the yellow ring of the pyramid is. What can you do with a pyramid?

Olesya: Disassemble, assemble.

Educator: Lena, look, what else is in the bag?

Lena: Machine

Educator: Lena, what color is the body of the car?

Lena: Blue.

Educator: What color is the cabin of the car?

Lena: Yellow.

Educator: What else did the bear bring us? Who is this?

Children: Horse.

Educator: Vadim, show the horse's tail, legs, mane.

The teacher takes a ball out of the bear. What is it?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What color is the ball?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What can you do with the ball?

Children: Roll, throw.

Educator: What toys did the bear bring?

Children: Matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Physical education.

The clubfoot bear walks through the group.

He collects toys,

And puts it in a bag.

Suddenly a bear stumbled

Yes, how it will roar.

The teacher says that the Bear has prepared an interesting game for the children and wants to play with you. The bear will hide the toys, and the children should tell them which toys are missing. All toys remain on the table.

    I remove the pyramid. Educator: What toy is gone?

    I clean the matryoshka. Educator: What toy is gone? Etc.

I put all toys away. What's gone?

Children: toys.

Educator: Which ones?

Children: Matryoshka dolls, pyramids, cars, horses, ball.

Educator: Who brought us toys?

Children: Polar bear.

Educator: Let's thank Mishka for an interesting game and for the toys he brought us.

Children: Thank you.

Bear: Goodbye guys.

The teacher recalls what they did in class. Guys, what a great job you are!

Academy of educational games. For children from one to 7 years old Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Magic pouch

Magic pouch

For the game, prepare a ball, cube, brick, prism, bar and bag of bright fabric. Thread the elastic into the bag so that the child cannot look into it at the moment when he gropes for an object there. Place all items in the bag. Show it to the child and ask him to insert his right hand into the bag. Let the baby grope for one of the figures in the bag, name it and only then get it out.

As you repeat the game, have your child feel for a specific object, such as a ball or brick.

Next time with your child, put toys, fruits, or other different shapes in the magic bag. Have your child identify each one by touch.

The game will help teach the child to identify objects by touch, to look for the given objects in this way.

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Magic Pouch Place in an opaque bag 8-10 objects familiar to your child (whistle, doll, rubber toy, keys, chess piece, hairbrush, etc.). Blindfold him, ask him to pull out one object and determine by touch what it is. When the kid has mastered it

Coming up with a fairy tale using subject pictures

The published game will be useful for preschool and primary school children. Joint creativity to create a fairy tale will bring adults and children closer together, will give a new impetus to the development of imagination and fantasies in children. Having composed a fairy tale, children can be invited to engage in productive activities: drawing, modeling, application, design. Children will have fun while creating characters, for example, from paper, a newly invented fairy tale.
Target: to organize a condition in the game for the development of impromptu speech in children.
Teach children to come up with a new plot twist of a fairy tale using cards;
Teach children to make descriptive characteristics of the objects depicted on the cards;
Fix the names of different items;
To consolidate the classification of items by purpose.
Develop the speech apparatus of children;
Develop imagination and imagination in children.
Educate children for observation;
To cultivate activity in joint speech creativity.

Sets of cards
(a set of cards is created at the discretion of the teacher, taking into account the approximate theme of the future fairy tale, he can draw pictures himself or download from the Internet)
1. Flowers: cornflower, bell, dandelion, sunflower, chamomile
2. Trees: birch, oak, spruce, willow, rowan, apple
3. Fruits: watermelon, banana, grapes, pear, lemon, apple
4. Vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, radishes, turnips
5. Dishes: saucepan, spoon, bowl, frying pan, grater, kettle
6. Clothes: socks, coat, shirt, slippers, hat, shorts
7. Buildings: Kremlin tower, town, palace, house, hut, teremok
8. Furniture: sofa, bed, table, chair, bedside table, wardrobe
9. Stationery: pencil, ruler, eraser, pen, paper clip, notebook
10. Natural phenomena: wind, hail, thunderstorm, rain, clouds, rainbow, snow, sun
11. Life situations: stealing, leaving home, celebrating, having a baby, wedding, joy.
12. Relationships: enemies, friendship, play, love, family, quarrel
13. Fairy-tale characters: Dr. Aibolit, Carlson, Chippolino, the evil witch, Koschey the immortal, Karabas Barabas
14. Magical attributes of fairy tales: boots of speed walkers, a mirror, a golden key, a magic wand, a pot of porridge, a ball.
15. Actions: run, hang clothes, cook, eat, play, skate, swim, sweep, watch TV, sleep, read

Methodology for playing with cards from the "magic bag"
* At the first stage of working with cards, you need to consider them. Have a chat about what is drawn on them. Practice drawing up descriptive characteristics of each item drawn on the cards. Play different board games with these cards, for example:
1. "Edible - not edible." Children are shown a card and they answer whether it is an edible item or not.
2. "Cook borscht"; "Furnish the apartment with furniture" Children from a number of cards choose those where products and objects are drawn, necessary for cooking borscht or for furnishing the apartment.
3. "We are going on a hike." Children are given several cards with different objects. And in turn, they lay out cards with the item needed for the trip, briefly describing its purpose.
4. "Will you go to the ball?" Children, having cards with pictures of different classifications in their hands, take turns laying out cards where an object is drawn traditionally necessary for a ball, for example, a ball gown dress, shoes, crown, etc. And if there is no such type of card in the hands of the child, then by putting up any available card he must prove that this item is simply necessary at the ball. I got a card with writing materials. The child may assume that a notebook and pen are needed to record the number of the prince's smiles, or the speeches of guests. Another example: a card with a picture of a cabinet. A child may think that it is simply not polite to appear at a ball without his own closet. After all, in order to conquer the prince, you need to put on a new dress for each dance. Etc.
5. "Sherlock Holmes". Children take 3 cards out of the bag at once by touch. For example: three cards came out with images of a frying pan, a carpet and a birch. What can you say about the message to Sherlock Holmes? The child needs to remember the real and fabulous purposes of the selected objects, and then improvise the situation. "Baba Yaga lay down on a carpet under a birch to rest, and then it started raining with hail, and she had no choice but to cover herself with a frying pan." Then another child, using the same cards, comes up with a different version of the situation. “This bun buried a frying pan under a birch tree, because he didn’t want to be warmed up on it, and then flew away from grandfather and grandmother on a carpet on an airplane.” The third child can tell that tourists came to rest in a clearing, but got hungry, cut down a birch, lit a fire, fried sausages in a frying pan and sat down to dine on the carpet ”. Etc. As everyone speaks, they again take out 3 more cards and take turns composing mini-plots. The teacher pays attention to the children to answer the questions with full, detailed sentences.

* Using the "Magic Bag" with cards at the moment of joint writing of fairy tales. The teacher begins the tale, for example, like this: "Once upon a time there was a hare." Children are asked: "What did he love the most?" From the bag, the child takes out a card with a picture of a saucepan and continues: “He loved it very much when my mother cooked vinaigrette in a white pan with blue flowers. This means that the best friend, the bear cub, will come to visit. The next child takes out a card with a picture of a wardrobe from the bag and continues the tale: “The bunny wanted to dress up, to the arrival of the bear cub, he opened the wardrobe, began to look for a new T-shirt on the shelf, and since the shelf was too high, the bunny had to jump on it. Meanwhile, the wind blew through the window, and the closet door closed from the draft, and the bunny was locked. " The further development of events will be prompted by the next card or item from the "Magic Bag".
* By selecting cards according to the meaning, you can lay out sentences on a blank sheet of paper first, and then whole stories, adding a certain number of pentagrams. For example, they lay out cards: "bunny" and "chamomile", and the child draws a pentagram "nose" on a prepared piece of paper in the form of a card. It turns out the sentence: "Bunny sniffs a camomile."
* Having cards and knowing the first letter of each object, you can lay out letters, syllables, words. For example: cards with images of an apple, a watermelon cabinet encrypt the name - Yasha. In the absence of a card with a picture of an object with the desired letter, you can simply write it in pencil. Laying out the cards, specially skipping letters, the children are invited to guess what kind of word we have.
* Depending on the planned activity, a certain number of thematic cards are put into the bag. The teacher needs to constantly replenish the base of cards.