Eight Misconceptions of a Married Woman - Irzeis - Learn. Terrible delusion Terrible delusion

Sooner or later, everyone falls into the trap of their own delusions. This inevitably lowers the quality of life and leads to frustration. Married women have their own myths.

And all the fairer sex have erroneous judgments - alas! - almost the same.

The first delusion: I have to get married before 25. In recent years, the time frame has expanded somewhat. Emancipated girls pursue careers, succeed in public or political life, and only then start a family. But the fact remains: in order not to look like a black sheep in the eyes of others, a woman needs a husband - a kind of guarantor of well-being and success.

Most women do well without a constant life partner. However, the unwillingness to seem “flawed”, the fear of loneliness, makes them enter into a marriage union. Thanks to the same feelings, married ladies do not get divorced. Sometimes the situation is complicated by the fear of change (you cannot raise children without a father, I do not earn much), justification of our own failure (we live so badly because the husband is bad). Otherwise, this delusion can be formulated as “every woman should have a husband”.

Second misconception: he loves me, and when we get married, he will definitely change. A statement that is very remotely related to reality. It is necessary to work on marriage continuously. When partners share the same basic outlook on life together, a strong family is created. If the union is concluded for blind love, over time the passion cools down, and mutual disappointment comes to replace it. It is impossible to radically change the character, natural inclinations of a person, the costs of his upbringing. In other words, do not expect big earnings from a lazy person. Do not expect that over time Don Juan will appreciate the warmth of the hearth. The partner will change only when he wants to do it. And certainly not for your sake.

The third misconception: he loves me, which means he will love my child. In fact, it is not uncommon for men to be jealous of their wife even of their own children. Especially if they receive less attention from the spouse. Do you want your husband to get along with your daughter or son? Surround him with warmth and care, make him the center of the home world. Do you have children not from your current husband? At this point, you will have to become a diplomat. Don't make big sacrifices from your spouse. Enough even, good relationship. Distribute your attention equally among all family members. Solve your children's problems yourself.

The fourth misconception: my husband loves me for who I am. Men are polygamous by nature. They are kept from betrayal only by moral principles and morality. A stamp on your passport does not relieve you of the obligation to look after your appearance. Walking in front of your husband in a torn robe? Get ready for the fact that sooner or later he will be interested in another woman. The risk increases exponentially with the number of years spent together. Change, be new, unexpected, unpredictable, maintain interest in yourself. Married life is not a reason to relax.

Fifth misconception: my husband understands me better than anyone else. A statement that is practically untrue. Absolute understanding between two different people is impossible by definition. Moreover, between a woman and a man, which is explained by their psychological characteristics. The wife needs an interlocutor, a "vest" in which to cry, and the husband takes the wife's verbose outpourings as a guide to action. Only to which one? Can the head of the family resolve your quarrel with your friend? Help in choosing a festive outfit? Nevertheless, every day a man listens to the verbose reasoning of his other half on empty topics. As a result, he sums up such lengthy monologues, expressing to his friends his opinion about his wife succinctly and succinctly: “she blew my brain”.

Another manifestation of delusion is endless worries about one's own appearance. Insecure women tend to share doubts about their attractiveness with their husbands. The first time, your spouse will support you. For the thousand and first time - he will listen to your words. And then he himself will believe in your imaginary shortcomings. Do you want problems? Be ahead of the competition!

Misconception six: if you suffer for a long time, something will work out. Every day, thousands of women begin to "gash" their other half. The smartest of wives understand that such measures are unlikely to achieve abandonment of tomorrow's fishing or meeting with friends, big earnings or loyalty. But they act on the knurled one. By force of habit. Grumbling, quarrels and scandals can destroy the most durable marriage or significantly undermine it. Don't be straightforward in your requirements. The best way to get what you want from a man is to flatter and cheat like a woman.

The seventh misconception: he promised to quit drinking, which means he will do so."I can't leave him." "When not drinking, he is good." "Such a family is better than none." Behind these statements is a serious illness - codependency. Women leave their children, interesting jobs in order to save their husbands - an alcoholic or a drug addict. They endure theft and beatings for many years. Why? Because they don't want to look bad in the eyes of others. Because they like the role of the victim. Because they are afraid of changes in their own lives. If your spouse has been drinking for a long time, see a psychologist. Perhaps it is not him who needs to be saved, but you.

The eighth delusion: fleeting hobbies will only strengthen the marriage. We are not talking about any full-fledged union if adultery has become a common thing for spouses. According to statistics, young women who take pleasure on the side become the initiators of divorce. Wives who have lived with their husbands for more than 15 years continue to cheat, but do not divorce - in the name of children and joint property. However, they all note a decrease in the quality of relationships, communication with a spouse.

So, only you yourself can make a choice: to remain in captivity of your own delusions or to fight for well-being in marriage, avoiding common mistakes. The second way is more difficult, but more promising. It will allow you to establish relationships with your husband, to achieve peace and harmony in the family.

In the late evening, a tall, thin woman of forty-five years was messy on the couch at home.

Maria is tired after a hard day at work. She lazily pressed the button on the control panel, switching between channels. Look at the TV was absolutely nothing. She was bored. Finally, Maria stopped her choice in a kind of tok-show.

Remembering that she had a TV program, the woman went to the TV and sat down on the shorts. The program lay in the cabinet under the TV.

Unexpectedly, someone's strong hand gagged her mouth, lifted her legs and pulled her back to the sofa. The woman was very frightened. When they took a few steps back together, she saw in front of herself a tall man in a mask, who pointed a large pistol in her direction. The horror made her eyes go round. Maria, in shock, was set in the large muzzle of a black pistol.

Don't kill! - complained the woman.

Shut up, bitch! - a rough man's voice whispered in her ear.

Do what they say to you, and you won't be hurt, '' said a tall man with a pistol, poking the barrel of a pistol straight into the forehead with a threat, “but not that ...

Maria, in fright, shook her head. The man holding the woman sat down on the couch, pulling her along. To the edge of her eye, she saw that he was not a small set. In the room appeared a third unnamed guest of a thin body with a pistol in his hand.

The men parted the lady's legs to the sides and pressed them to the sofa. As Mary did not try to bring them together, she could not do this. While the thin racer pointed a pistol at her, the tall man crawled under her skirt and crumpled her space with pleasure. Then he put the pistol in there and poked it between the legs of the outraged woman.

In the room appeared another odd little guy. He nodded his head, and the tall man walked out with him. The two remaining men laid the terrified woman on the sofa. They booted up her T-shirt, revealing their breasts. The healthy man presumably pressed his hand to her mouth, without letting Maria say anything, his other hand caressed her right breast. The left chest and space were teased by a skinny man.

On the second floor, on the bed, there was nothing suspicious of a girl of twenty years old. This was Mary's daughter. She read the book and did not notice that the door was silently opening, and two men ran into the room. One of them grabbed the girl's legs and pulled her to himself. She squealed and kicked her legs. The second man immediately squeezed her mouth. He poked the frightened girl with a pistol, indicating that it was necessary to silence. She spoke with her head. The low-rise man, grabbing the leg of the hair, pulled it on the floor and just abruptly pulled it out of the room,

The low-rise man jerked the girl up on her feet, squeezed her mouth and dragged her into the room with the TV on the first floor.

Seeing her daughter, my mother stopped and tried to shout something, but the rapists shut her mouth, not stopping to caress her small breasts.

Mom and daughter were put next to each other. They gagged their mouths before screaming. The men put their hands behind them. When they got the tape, they began to wrap their hands around the ladies.

A tall man with one hand climbed under the girl's T-shirt and crumpled her chest, while the other tried to get into her panties. The guy who rubbed Mary's chest did not leave him. The girl tried to turn away and crawl aside, as long as it was possible, but she was returned to its place.

The men quickly threw off their light jackets. Spreading the zippers on the fly, they reached the penis. The skinny guy also got the escaped phalos. Grabbing the woman by the hair, he put it on his aggregate and slammed it into his mouth. The tall man also inserted the phalosus into the mouth of the girl, who began to suck him, wrapping her lips around him. The man stopped from the inheritance.

Bastards, '' Marya managed to angrily shout, when the current man tore her head off his dick and poked his friend's penis with his head.

Soxi, bitch! - the very man ordered.

And then I will shoot! - added his friend, poking at her with a pistol.

In your mouth take on the most glands!

Sock and look at me, you little slut.

The tall man went on fucking the girl. Having dissociated himself, he grabbed her by the hair and began to thrust on the penis. His friend stood next to him and jerked off Penis in anticipation of his turn.

A healthy man, grabbing a woman's hair by the hair, actively thrust her head onto a member. His friend had to wait for his turn, and he stuffed his penis into the lady's mouth, but the healthy man did not approve of his friend. He took out a member and made Mary alternately suck one member, then another. The woman's head against her will quickly shifted between the penises. Their companions also proceeded with the girl, making her drink one or the other member.

Realizing that the men were not going to kill them, the ladies calmed down.

The tall man sat down on the floor and, thrusting his hand under the skirt, began to caress the girl's space. Satisfied with oral caresses, they brought the first woman, and behind her and her daughter on a row of a sofa. They put Mary on her knees, poking her face at the man sitting on the couch. The daughter sat on the legs of a tall man.

A healthy man with one hand poked a pistol at Mary's face, and with the other - put a member in her mouth. His friend ripped up the woman’s skirt and happily ripped her pants on the pope, and then toned panties. He tore the panties to shreds and tossed the remainder aside. Having torn off his cups, he revealed the shaved female space, in which he here began to fondle her, stroking her fingers and delighting in unprecedented ways.

At this time, the daughter's skirt was also pulled up. The short man cut through the fine fabric with his knife and tore off the girl's panties, revealing the space with a small thin strip of curly hair. His friend widely spread the legs of the girl who tried to bring them together, but the men did not let her do it.

While the men were fighting with the stubborn girl, the same man fingered her mother, first thrusting his finger into the vagina, and then into the anus. His friend made a penis suck, leaning back on the back of the sofa, but continuing to monitor Mary's head. The room was filled with smacking sounds, voices and moans of raiders.

The short man lifted the body to the girl, and then let her down on the member of the tall man. Penis is easy to get into a girl's vagina. The undersized man put a member in the girl's mouth and actively had it in her mouth.

The thin man sat down, legs spread wide, drove the penis into the vagina, taking possession of the moaning woman. Her sides from time to time drowned out the piercing girls' sides and male roars.

After a few minutes, the girl was kneeled. One man put her penis into his mouth, the other shook it in the vagina, jerking his pop. The girl screamed. The men stood with the ladies. For a few minutes they zealously devoured mother and daughter. Then the thin peasant changed places with a low-grade one, which served as a signal, the peasants sitting on the couch also changed places. I heard satisfied male voices, groans and female sobs. The men continued to have old ladies. They had Mary, turning her on her back and wide spreading her legs to the side.

Having put the woman on the knee, the racer carefully punctured the anus. Gradually he increased the temp. Another rapist, grabbing the lady by the hair, old-fashioned her head on the penis. Daughter stood in the same position as her mother. One man rudely fucked her in the buttocks, and the other made a dick suck. A few minutes passed.

Roughly grabbing mom and daughter by the hair, they were put on the knees in the center of the room. The men, one by one, finished on the faces of the ladies, spraying them with sperm. After what they threw on the floor.

Realized, Milkova, what is better to pay the long and sleep well? - asked the oldest of the coaches, fastening his pants.

Understood! - the woman answered dully.

Don't pay, we'll come to you next week! - threatened her in the aftermath of another collector.

Milkova said nothing. The co-workers are gone. The woman barely peeled off the tape from her hands, then she helped to free her daughter's hands, who was surprised to see that her mother was smiling. The woman really smiled at all the breadth and breadth and looked very good. She perfectly realized that she looked very unattractive, like her daughter, who all went to her mother. Neither mother nor daughter had a permanent sexual partner. “Finally, we will have regular sex with our daughter,” the woman thought with pleasure. - "We will not give it back for anything!"

It is no longer accepted to argue that alcoholism is a disease. Over the years, narcologists have brought this fact to everyone. At the same time, everyone also understands that alcoholics do not instantly become. Modern scientists have been puzzled by the question of the transformation of a person who considers himself a moderate drinker into a habitual drinker, a lot and unable to stop.

Treatment for alcoholism is meaningless if the patient himself is not aware of his intemperance. However, the problem begins much earlier than most people think. When the “soul asks” to get drunk and other serious consequences appear, this already means the very “height” of the disease. So where is that line, that safe dose of alcohol, if it exists at all?

The Myth of Moderate Drinkers

We are arranged in such a way that we often look for excuses for ourselves and do not like to admit our mistakes and shortcomings. Approximately every third Russian considers himself to be a moderate drinker. Drinking 2-3 bottles of beer a couple of times a week is a common thing for many. On the weekend, congratulating someone on their birthday or celebrating another holiday and at the same time going overboard is familiar and not at all scary.

The world's leading narcologists unanimously declare that a number of misconceptions contribute to the development of alcoholism. The most dangerous of these is the belief in moderate drinking. By the way, even former alcoholics themselves echo the scientists. According to them, moderation in this matter is nothing more than an illusion and self-deception.

Who is considered a moderate drinker?

Until recently, those who consume 150-400 ml of "fire water" per month were considered moderate drinkers. The range, as you can see, is very wide. However, the line between this category and drinkers is systematically incredibly conventional and illusory. It's all about the assessment criteria, and they differ among all researchers.

Many people drink "a little" in order not to get out of the group or to respect a friend. And when the day comes to increase the dose "slightly", it is difficult to say. But only narcologists know that it often occurs. At the same time, everyone knocks on his chest and claims that he knows his measure. Is it even possible to talk about it in the case of a dangerous and harmful substance?

What is a safe dosage for alcohol?

It is natural for a person to be sober and healthy. You can eat your favorite foods in moderation, even if the benefits of some of them are controversial. But it is impossible to be poisoned “culturally” and “within reasonable limits”.

Recently, calls have been heard from many tribunes to learn how to drink competently. Pseudo-researchers even point to a positive role for drinking in the professional field. They say, a couple of glasses a day - and you are guaranteed success in life. If you listen to them, it turns out that you need to poison yourself in moderation so as not to become an alcoholic.

However, the absurdity of such statements is obvious. The very fact that moderate drinkers find pleasure in a glass already contains the basis of addiction. The safe dose of alcohol is zero.

The editors would like to thank the specialists of the AlcoMed medical center for their help in preparing the material.