All about how to feed your baby with breast milk correctly. The kid screams in different ways. When and why? Breast shape worsens after breastfeeding

In the postpartum ward are young mothers who have no idea how to breastfeed properly. The nurse brings the children, quickly distributes them to the women, and runs away on other matters. One is asleep, the other is crying, the third took the very tip of the nipple with his lips and greedily pulls milk, and there is no one nearby who can give advice, teach how the first feeding of a newborn should take place. About 30 years ago, this situation was in almost every maternity hospital, babies were taken away from their mothers, they were not allowed to drink the healing colostrum that appears immediately after childbirth. Now you can avoid such an attitude if you take care of the choice of the institution in which the long-awaited baby will be born in advance. Most good maternity hospitals teach mums how to properly breastfeed.

Choosing a suitable maternity hospital

Parents-to-be dream of their baby being born in the best possible conditions. You have made inquiries in advance about the qualifications of doctors, the method of delivery, the availability of modern equipment. Do not forget to ask about the environment in which the newborn will spend its first days. There are also medical institutions where the baby is immediately taken away from the mother, is not allowed to be in the same room, and for the first feeding the baby is brought in no earlier than a day later. There, too, it is not villains who work, but qualified specialists, and they justify their methods with reasonable arguments. How do you know which is better?

One of the arguments of the supporters of the separate stay of a nursing mother and a newborn: a woman is tired, the first days she needs to lie down alone, rest and gain strength. At the same time, for some reason, it is not taken into account that the baby was also very hard, he walked a difficult path through the narrow birth canals and ended up in a new, completely unfamiliar world. The child is stressed, he wants to snuggle up to a loved one, but he found himself all alone in an unfamiliar bed. It is impossible to separate for physiological reasons. Immediately after birth, the baby should take the breast and drink the first drops of colostrum, which have analgesic and sedative effects. All fears will be left behind, the baby will fall asleep. It will also be a signal to the female body that it is time for the uterus to contract, and milk should be produced in the breast.

It is in the first days that the lactation algorithm is laid, and if you follow the rules of breastfeeding from the very beginning, the child will not need any additional nutrition for up to six months. The composition and quantity of milk is not constant, the mother's body adjusts to the needs of the children and produces the food that it needs this month. Do not interfere with natural processes and you can breastfeed your baby for up to 2 years.

First feeding

The first attachment to the breast should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will give the necessary advice on how to teach the baby to breastfeed. In the first days, get used to getting comfortable. Breastfeeding is not just about the absorption of food by newborns, but also your communication, which should bring joy to both mom and baby. What pleasure can there be if an arm becomes numb from an uncomfortable posture or your back hurts? First, sit down so that you feel comfortable for about half an hour, and then you can put the baby to your chest. The first days it is better to feed lying down: you have not yet grown stronger after childbirth, the breaks have not healed - you need to give rest to the exhausted body.

Place the baby next to him, hold him with one hand and see if he is lying correctly:

  • the body is straightened and turned by the tummy towards mom;
  • the head is slightly tilted back;
  • the cheeks and nose are pressed to the chest, but not tightly so that the child can breathe freely.

If the baby has not started to eat, you need to teach him to breastfeed. Slide your nipple over your lower lip. When the baby opens its mouth, put the nipple in there. Correct Breast Latch: Lips turned outward to cover almost the entire dark area around the nipple. Listen to the baby's breastfeeding: you should not hear panting, smacking, or any other sounds other than swallowing.

Some kids love their mother's breasts so much that, even when they are full, they do not want to let go of it. Do not pull the nipple out by force, as this can lead to cracks. When you realize that he has eaten as much as needed, lightly press on the baby's chin, and if he does not open his lips after that, gently insert the tip of your little finger into his mouth and turn your finger slightly. The baby will open its mouth, and you can easily release the chest.

Get into a comfortable position

There is no one best position for feeding a baby, different circumstances can be arranged in different ways. For the first month, it is better to give the breast while lying down, it will be a wonderful rest for the mother and will help the organs damaged during childbirth to recover. Then you can feed while sitting, and reclining, and standing, and in motion. It is better not to dwell on one position, but to change positions each time and teach the child to take the breast in any position. If all the time is located the same, some part of the breast may be constantly squeezed, milk will stagnate in it. If once you fed the baby while sitting, and the other while lying down, the breast will be completely free.

Make sure you have a comfortable spot when feeding while sitting. The back should not get tired so that the mother does not fidget and bother the baby. Put the leg under the breastfeeding breast, not a slight elevation. Both of you will truly enjoy feeding in a rocking chair. Silent swaying will lull both the baby and the mother, you will take a sweet nap together. Take care in advance so that the baby does not fall out of the hands, secure it with a sling.

In a month, the wounds will heal, and the nursing mother will want to move more. If you don't want to sit with a baby in your arms for a long time, learn how to breastfeed a newborn while standing, here, too, a sling will become your reliable assistant. Turn on gentle music and dance with your baby in a smooth dance. The time will come when you will be able to do a lot with the baby at the breast, just do not do things that require all your attention. You will communicate with the baby, and let your hands do the usual work. And when you get tired, sit down and take a nap together.

After feeding, be sure to hold the baby upright for a few minutes to let air out of the stomach.

When to feed your baby and how long to keep him at the breast?

There are many recommendations for a mom about a baby's feeding schedule. The range of opinions is very wide: both the guideline is to strictly follow the established regime, and the advice to breastfeed any time the baby cries. There is no need to go to extremes, it is better to independently determine what is best for you and your baby. Having chosen the right tactics, stick to it constantly, then your body will also adjust to this routine and begin to produce as much milk as needed. In the first month, the child will eat 7 to 10 times a day. If you feed him more often, the baby will not fully suck the milk out.

You should keep the baby at the breast for about half an hour: if he stops sucking after a few minutes, he will drink only the first, most liquid portion, and the most nutritious last milliliters will remain in the breast. It is necessary to teach the baby to eat everything without a trace. If he fell asleep, take out the nipple and lightly stroke his cheeks, the baby will wake up and continue the meal. If he is already full, then the nipple will not take more. Each time you breastfeed only one breast, most often as much milk is produced as needed, especially the first month. It's just that little sly ones do not always try to finish eating to the end, it is more convenient for them to take another breast and suck without difficulty. A second breast can be given if there is really not enough milk.

Until the baby is one month old, one feeding should be enough for him for at least two hours. If the child asks for breast more often, do not refuse the first days, but figure out why the baby does not eat as much as he needs. When he falls asleep, try to wake up and feed him; if the mother has little milk in one breast, give the other and in the near future get advice from the doctor on how to increase the production of food for the baby. If there is too much milk and the baby cannot eat it, be sure to express the excess after each feed. Congestion can lead to mastitis.

Do not wash your breasts with soap and water before each feeding, carry out this procedure only in the morning, and in the middle of the day it is enough to wipe the nipple with boiled water. There is a special lubricant on the skin that prevents the growth of bacteria; frequent use of soap destroys this protection.

Problems and mistakes of young mothers

Why study tips on how to breastfeed correctly, if nature has already laid the sucking instinct in children, the baby will still breastfeed and gorge on milk? Of course, he will not remain hungry, only then he will suffer from gas and colic, and mom will cry from pain in cracked nipples and treat mastitis. Have you heard creepy stories about how, just a month after giving birth, the breast swelled and turned to stone, abscesses appeared, requiring surgery? They are about those mothers who believe that there is no need to follow any recommendations, the correct latching of the breast will occur naturally.

Correct breastfeeding gives both mom and baby great joy, do not deprive yourself of this pleasure.

Cracked nipples are very painful for women. Do not stop breastfeeding newborns because of this, but get special pads at the pharmacy. In the first month, there are often small wounds, but the unpleasant sensations from them arise only at the moment when the baby takes the breast, then everything goes away. Never decide for yourself whether to transfer a child to artificial nutrition or not when a nursing mother is sick. In case of dangerous infections or serious illnesses, breastfeeding of children may be contraindicated, but this decision is made only by a doctor.

Each generation of doctors makes their own innovations, and they do not always benefit. Ask old pediatricians if it is necessary to give the baby water, and they will unanimously answer: it is necessary in the first days, milk is food, not drink. Now it is believed that the mother's breast provides the baby with everything it needs, it does not need to be watered or supplemented. As with any question, this problem requires an individual approach. If a nursing mother has very thick milk, and the heat is unbearable outside, it is not surprising that the baby will be tormented by thirst. In the first month, the doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests, their results will show whether the child is dehydrated or not. Increased hemoglobin and red blood cells, low ESR can signal that the baby is not getting as much fluid as he needs.

A young woman is in doubt: to breastfeed her baby or to transfer to a formula in the first month, so as not to spoil the figure? In fact, there is no problem: the shape of the bust depends on natural characteristics, and on body care, and on the way of life. There are women who have nursed several children under one year old and retained their breasts, which they are not ashamed to show at a beauty contest. There are nulliparous girls who are forced to insert silicone to lift the saggy perches. Feed your newborn correctly, and the beautiful shape will soon recover.

The body of a little man is a very delicate and sensitive system. What the baby eats in the first year of life has the greatest impact on his health in the future. This is a time of active development - in no other period of life is there such a significant change, and everything that your child now eats provides him with the energy to maintain such rapid growth. Make sure that your little one gets all the best, useful and necessary things. After all, what foundation you lay, this will be the house.

Newborn (1 month old). At this stage, breast milk is the ideal food for your baby. It provides the baby with all the substances necessary for full mental and physical development. The psychological moment is also important - minutes of breastfeeding give mother and baby great pleasure, and happy moments of mutual communication make your life wonderful.

In addition, breast milk is a guarantee of good immunity for the baby. Children who are breastfed are much less likely to suffer from infectious diseases and are less likely to develop manifestations of food allergies. In addition, breast milk is "always ready" and at the right temperature, which greatly facilitates and improves the digestion process. Despite the variety of different breast milk substitutes, in fact, it has no real competitors. But if breastfeeding is impossible, then the baby's immunity will need additional support - a whole range of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which should be supplied to the body with baby food.

Breastfeeding also makes it easier to control the baby's appetite - when the baby lets go of the breast, turns away, looks happy and sleepy, you can be sure that he is full. If the child is artificially fed and drinks less milk than the norm, then there is a desire to feed him more. But remember: not the marks on the bottle, but the baby's natural desire should be your best guide.

I already hold my head (2-3 months)... The kid has already grown so much and got stronger that he can confidently hold his head and rise on the arms, looking at everything around. At this stage, the infant's only food should still be breast milk. Only during this period of life, the child grows so quickly: monthly the growth of the baby increases by three centimeters, and the weight - by 600 grams! At the same time, the baby is very actively developing, mastering new skills.

In the first months of living together with a newborn, 90% of parents are faced with one of the most unpleasant features in the digestion of a baby - infant colic. The child informs you of a sore tummy with desperate crying, sometimes lasting for several hours. The fact is that his immature gastrointestinal tract is still only adapting to the independent digestion of food, and this process is accompanied by painful symptoms: increased gas production, bloating and cramps of the tummy, belching, etc.

Therefore, you must remember that colic is not a disease and a child with colic may still develop normally and gain weight well. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of colic, but you also cannot leave the baby sob inconsolably.

First, try to calm him down: carry him in your arms, press him to you, swing, take him out into the fresh air, massage the crumbs' tummy and put a warm heating pad wrapped in a diaper on the back, lull him to sleep with songs or quiet music.

Secondly, you can regularly give your child a natural preparation Plantex for the prevention and treatment of infant colic. Plantex consists of fruit extract and fennel essential oil. It helps to eliminate spasms, prevent the accumulation of gases in the intestines, and promotes their discharge. Plantex is also useful during the period of complementary feeding, when the child's gastrointestinal tract is adapting to new food.

I sit with support (4-6 months). Your baby has already grown a little. He pays more and more attention to the world around him and even begins to "chat", imitates the sounds he hears, gradually moves from simple sounds to complex ones: "gu-gu", "agu", "yes-yes." The baby's digestion has already normalized: the intestinal microflora has formed, the intestinal motility has strengthened. At the same time, the sucking reflex decreases - it is replaced by the chewing reflex. All this opens the door for the baby to a world of new tastes - it's time to let the baby taste the first meal from a spoon in addition to breast milk. The child's readiness to introduce more solid food into the menu can be determined by four signs of physical development:

  • baby sitting with support
  • he confidently holds and turns his head
  • the baby's weight has doubled, and now he weighs about 6 kg
  • the baby remains hungry after 8-9 breastfeeds.

Complementary foods should start with one-component products: fruit or vegetable purees and cereals. During these months of the baby's life, it is necessary to carefully protect against allergies. If an allergy does appear (most often in the form of skin rashes), the main thing is to identify the allergen and exclude it from the child's diet. And, of course, be sure to see a doctor. In no case should you ignore the manifestations of allergic reactions in a child, since this triggers a pathological mechanism that forces the body to respond to new allergens!

I sit myself (7-8 months). The kid is already sitting on his own and begins to explore everything around. The first tooth will appear very soon - which means that it's time to try new dishes. Now you can add crumbs of variety to the menu by offering him meat purees, cereals from several grains, delicious dairy desserts, as well as vegetable and fruit purees, consisting of several components. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, starting from this age, mothers can try to transfer their children to five meals a day.

As the child grows up, the signs of appetite that appear become more noticeable: your baby signals "I want to eat!", Grabbing a spoon, or shows "I don't want any more!" At the same age, the baby begins to move a lot: try to crawl, sit down, lie down. He is drawn to take everything in his hands. Let the little one tinker with their food a little - this develops fine motor skills of hands and imagination well.

Crawling (9-11 months). During this period, children gain an average of 500 g in weight and 2 cm in height every month. Growth rates are slightly slowing down, but physical skills and psyche are developing rapidly. This is a special and very important period when the personality of the baby is revealed, and he begins to show his abilities and behaves almost like an adult! At this point, continue to feed your baby with iron and zinc fortified cereals. Iron is absorbed better if cereals are given with foods rich in vitamin C, such as fruit purées made from apples, pears or peaches. Your toddler is already familiar with many fruits and vegetables, so during these months start giving him the taste of the same familiar dishes, but in small pieces.

Learning to walk (11-13 months). Your baby is almost one year old. He walks more and more confidently on his own. The babbling, which consisted mainly of individual sounds and syllables, is gradually transformed into the words "mom" and "dad". A kid at this age can already tell you about his appetite in the simplest words, for example, "no" or "juice", or by gestures. Now that the baby has enough teeth to chew food and can eat with a spoon, it's time to start giving him a thicker consistency: coarsely chopped vegetables, fruits and meat, fish, hard-boiled eggs that are easy to chew, and pieces of soft cheese , pasta, small pieces of bread, soft boiled vegetables and whole milk.

Pediatricians advise parents not to rush to transfer the baby to the “common table”. After all, the digestive system of a child around the age of 1 year is still very different from the digestive system of an adult. So just follow the rules of healthy eating and cooking. And remember: all the worries and difficulties of the first year will pass and be forgotten, and only parental joy and happiness will remain!


If a slender row of numbers is eliminated from the conjunction "and", there will be no error. Because, you know, there can be not only 101 tips, but millions of times more. But only those 100 and 1 that we have prepared for you will be really useful.

1. In the 1-5th days after childbirth, when your milk has not yet come, colostrum is enough for the child: his kidneys can only withstand these 2-5 ml. And the benefits for his health and your breasts are enormous!

2. From colostrum, the child receives immunoglobulins, which will protect it if insemination with pathogenic flora occurs while passing through the birth canal. Therefore, demand to attach the baby to your breast in the first minutes after birth.

3. Forbid to attach the baby to the breast on the delivery table you can only if: you have done a cesarean with the use of general anesthesia; you have lost a lot of blood during childbirth; you have HIV, syphilis and other viruses; the child's condition on the Apgar scale is below 7 points, he has asphyxia or intracranial birth trauma. 2-3 hours after giving birth, the effect will not be the same.

4. Applying the baby to the chest on the delivery table provokes uterine contractions - the placenta is separated faster. It also triggers the mechanism of normal lactation and helps to establish better psycho-emotional contact with the baby.

5. If you want to attach your baby to your breast immediately, on the delivery table, but you are shown delivery only by caesarean section, choose not general anesthesia, but epidural.

6. Refuse you to bring a child doctors have the right to feed if: the newborn is in serious condition and is in intensive care; you are undergoing antibiotic treatment or are also in intensive care. A cold, runny nose or bronchitis is not a reason to refuse feedings. It is enough to put a gauze bandage on your face while breastfeeding.

7. Breast size does not affect on the strength of lactation. From the first minutes of a child's life, regularly apply it to your breast. The main thing is to be completely sure that you will safely feed the baby.

8. If in the first days after childbirth breastfeeding is not possible, be sure to express by hand or with a breast pump. If the fluid does not leave the breast, lactostasis will develop, followed by mastitis. A regular outflow of milk from the first days after childbirth is the key to a long, full-fledged lactation in the future.

9. In the first 6 weeks after childbirth latch the baby to the breast at his first request. There is no need to establish a feeding schedule. Indeed, in these weeks, the baby develops all life attitudes and trust in the world into which he came.

10. In the first 3 months of lactation, and also on the 7-8th month of feeding, the so-called milk crises are observed. At this time, it may seem that the amount of milk is decreasing. In no case do not feed the baby with a mixture, just give the breast more often. After 3-6 days, lactation will be restored.

11. Than with less weight a child was born, the less milk he sucks out in one feeding and the more often he will demand breast. But the stronger he gets, the less often he needs feeding.

12. You should not breastfeed your baby. at the first sign of anxiety, just to keep him quiet. Perhaps he is just hot (or cold), or he has stained the diaper. Or maybe he wants to "chat"?

13.From the 3-4th day after birth the child may require breast up to 12-20 times a day, the intervals between feedings are from 15 minutes to 3-4 hours. A relatively regular regimen should be established by 2-2.5 months after birth.

14. Try to choose a position for breastfeeding, the most convenient for you. If you are uncomfortable (there is pain in the neck, back, excessive tension in the lower back and arms), you may develop negative associations with feeding, and this will be the first step on the path of unnecessary weaning of the baby from the breast.

15. If you have a cracked nipple, use a cream to heal cracks. Don't stop feeding your baby. Give your breasts through a silicone pad available at your local drugstore or maternity store.

16. So that you do not have cracked nipples, make sure your baby is breastfeeding correctly. When capturing the nipple with his lips, the baby should take into his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola - a dark circle around it. If he hasn't, pull the skin around the nipple, remove it, and offer the breast again.

17. Feed your baby expressed milk From a bottle because your nipples are cracked, it is very dangerous for lactation. Already after 2-3 "bottle" feeding, the baby will learn that mother's milk flows more easily from the nipple (in order to eat, you do not need to "work" and suck), and will soon refuse to eat from your breast. And this directly leads to an early cessation of lactation, since no breast pump can completely empty the breast like a baby.

18. If the child is ahead of time pick up the breast and offer the second one, he will not suck out the "back" milk from the first, more nutritious and rich in useful substances. And it will also turn into a lazy sucker - it will not try to draw milk from the breast and will get used to it, there is only front milk, which literally pours from the breast. Having badly fed, he will soon again demand food.

19. As a rule, the child has enough milk from one breast. Large children sometimes need to eat up from the second gland. It is important to adjust lactation so that enough milk is formed in one breast for the next feed. To do this, let the stout man "eat up" from the second breast. In the next feeding, start feeding from the breast where you left off in the past. feeding... The balance will gradually be restored.

20. Don't force the child. breastfeeding at the "appropriate" time: this makes him nervous and does not in any way contribute to the establishment of a "regimen".

21. Most children are full in 10-20 minutes, but there are also "sloths" who need at least 40-60 minutes to feel full. During this time, they eat the same amount of milk as the "nimble" children. It's just that they make sucking movements less intensively, they suck weaker. Accordingly, more time is spent on eating.

22. Learn to recognize a hungry cry baby and crying is a demand for your attention. When the baby wants to eat, he smacks his lips, turns his head in search of a nipple, tries to suck your finger. These reactions are observed long before crying. If you don’t respond, the baby will soon start crying. Try not to bring it to this, otherwise the baby will learn the formula: attention and feeding can only be obtained by screaming.

23. If milk before feeding flows from the chest, the newborn may "choke". To prevent this from happening, express some of the front milk, which is watery.

24. How to properly breastfeed a baby
  • Place the crumb on the inside of your elbow. Lift him up so that his face is against the nipple.
  • "Tickle" his cheek or lips with a nipple. Flatten the chest near the areola.
  • Place the nipple and part of the areola in your baby's mouth.
  • While feeding, hold the breast so that it does not block the nostrils of the crumbs.

25. If You Can't Give Up Your Addiction to cigarettes, try not to smoke immediately before breastfeeding, since nicotine provokes vasoconstriction - milk is produced and excreted worse.

26. With the start of breastfeeding get a special bra. It is more convenient to feed with it, since its design allows you to quickly and easily give the baby a nipple without unbuttoning or removing the entire accessory.

27. When choosing a bra, make sure so that the cups fit snugly against the chest (but not squeeze it). Models without elastane are not able to support the glands well and may sag.

28. As a rule, milk from the breast leaks slightly. Therefore, insert disposable cotton or cloth pads into your bra both night and day. They are sold in pharmacies or any baby supply store. Buy them already when you wake up to collect a bag for a trip to the hospital.

29. Breastfeeding positions
  • The classic pose is the child's head at the elbow. Most comfortable for small breasts.
  • Pose "child at hand". Suitable for mothers with very large breasts (size 4-6) and low nipple.
  • Lying Feeding: The posture is comfortable if the breast does not slip out of your hands.

30. Women who are physiologically are not able to "give" enough milk to the child, only 3-8%. It is only possible to argue that you have "little milk" after childbirth if you have hormonal pathologies, physiological infantilism, diseases of the organs of internal secretion, or if you are over 35 years old.

31. Poor milk production after childbirth it happens if the mother has suffered severe toxicosis in late pregnancy, severe bleeding during or after childbirth, obstetric surgery, postpartum infection. But this is not a reason for refusing to stimulate the glands. Do not stop feeding or pump and breastfeeding will resume.

32. It happens that lactation is normal is established, but then decreases. The reasons for this are violations in the feeding regime of the child, irregular attachment to the breast, long breaks between feedings, sluggish sucking of the breast by the baby. So the glands are not sufficiently stimulated and "produce" less and less milk.

33. Milk production process controlled by the brain, not by the breast. Therefore, in the first 3-4 months after giving birth, exclude any factors that can cause stress: work, relatives and friends that make you nervous, television news.

34. To support breast skin in good shape, do contrasting douches of the breast every day, wipe the mammary glands with a coarse washcloth and a towel.

35. For feeding, choose in the apartment a quiet, gloomy place where there are no TVs, telephones, pets, or other annoying factors that could distract you and your baby from breastfeeding.

36. If the baby does not take the nipple correctly(does not capture the areola), while sucking, he can swallow air. This phenomenon is called aerophagia. It is observed in all children (which is why babies spit up after feeding). It is normal if the volume of air swallowed is not more than 10% of the volume of the stomach. Otherwise, the crumb will not suck up the prescribed amount of milk: the air will stretch the stomach and create a feeling of satiety.

37. The calorie content of the diet should be 300 kcal more than in the 3rd trimester - 2600-3100 kcal. But do not overeat: three meals a day and 3-4 light snacks a day are enough. Get calories from lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads, cereals and dairy products.

38. While breastfeeding, you can use creams for cracked nipples with lanolin. Only buy them from pharmacies or specialty stores for moms. As a rule, such products contain components that are safe for the health of the child.

39. When there is too much milk, there is a risk of stagnation, and excessive pumping will only increase milk production. Breastfeed your baby, and if the gland is too stressed, express a little, literally 5-10 ml.

40. If you have milk stagnation, the breast pump will not strain your breasts. An experienced midwife who knows the techniques of anti-congestive massage can help. She can teach you this too.

41. The breast produces so much milk, how much the child sucks. Expressing after breastfeeding will increase your milk production.

42. To prevent cracks on the nipples, you need to help the skin on them to become coarse. To do this, put shreds of linen, terry or waffle cloth into the bra cups at the nipple level for the whole day.

43. Some foods can cause allergy in a child through milk.

44. Inverted or flat nipples can be pulled out. To do this, pull out the nipples 2-3 times a day and scroll between your fingers for 3-4 minutes. Do this daily for a month, preferably in the second trimester.

45. Cream for stretch marks is best applied during pregnancy or after the end of lactation: it is impossible to know for sure that its components will not penetrate into milk and will not harm the baby.

46. ​​The amount of milk produced no matter how much you eat. The main thing is that the diet is balanced and contains the necessary vitamins and minerals.

47. The cause of colic in a child is still not clear. It is only known that some foods eaten by a mother can cause gas production through milk.

48. Take a vitamin complex for pregnant and lactating women. It will provide your child with vitamins and minerals that you might not get with regular foods.

49. Scientists claim that there are substances in breast milk that can prevent the appearance of intestinal colic. When the baby is breastfeeding, he calms down, and the pain from colic may also subside. Often, intestinal colic appears precisely in excitable, nervous children who do not find comfort in the chest.

50. Night feeds are a remedy to maintain adequate lactation. This is due to the increased production of lactation hormone - prolactin during these hours. Therefore, do not exclude night breastfeeding from the regimen. They are essential for continued breastfeeding.

51. By 2 months of age in a baby should spontaneously establish a feeding regime. He will ask for a breast every 3.5-4 hours: this is how long the child's body needs to digest a portion of food. If the regime is not established in any way, the baby often wakes up at night, which means that something is unnerving him. Make sure that the atmosphere in the house is calm, because the baby feels EVERYTHING and requires calming from you.

52. To completely relax and enjoy skin-to-skin contact with the baby, try lying in warm water in the bathroom.

53. Drink water (tea) for the child not necessary in the first 6 months after birth! Colostrum and milk contain the required amount of liquid (they are 87-90% water) and provide the crumbs' needs even in the heat. Milk liquid is healthier and better absorbed than other products.

54. When drinking a baby a false sense of satiety is created; because of this, he suckles the breast sluggishly, sucks milk less, gains little weight. If the baby needs to be given tea for colic, do it 40-50 minutes after feeding.

55. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid in a day. Milk is mostly water, and your body needs plenty of it.

56. Breastfeeding should associate not with labor, but with rest: this is the key to successful long-term feeding. Choose the most comfortable position for breastfeeding, in an easy chair or on the bed. While feeding the baby, make a very important eye-to-eye contact, think about the baby, mentally and aloud praise him, caress, smile.

57. If the child "hangs" on the chest for hours, does not let the nipple out of his mouth, and when he tries to “tear it off” he starts crying heavily, which means that he is in a state of heightened anxiety. Try to resolve possible family conflicts, do not be nervous, avoid communicating with people who annoy you.

58. To enhance lactation, you can drink teas and decoctions from caraway seeds, dill, anise, fennel, alfalfa, oregano. The best remedy, however, is your breastfeeding attitude and confidence that you can breastfeed.

59. Contact of the child with the mother "skin to skin" welcomed by pediatricians and psychologists and recommended from the first minutes of a baby's life. This is how the acquaintance and the formation of attachment, additional hormonal stimulation of lactation, which is very important in the first weeks of its formation and during lactation crises, occurs.

60. If you have a headache or a toothache, take half a pill of analgin or paracetamol. Small doses of these medicines will not harm your baby and will help lower your temperature.

61. Have you caught a cold? Enough to put on at the time of feeding a gauze mask. The baby will not get infected if you do not stop feeding, because it is in your breast milk that all the immunoglobulins necessary for the baby are contained, which can protect his body from infections.

62. Avoid taking medications inhibiting lactation: diuretics, ether anesthesia, DOPA, parlodel, bromocriptine, dostinex; medicines containing gestagens, androgens, camphor, ergot alkaloids. Ergot and sage infusion and tea reduce lactation.

63. If you are sick but do not want to take medications and are treated with "herbs", see the list of plants prohibited for use while breastfeeding. Through milk, they can cause allergies in the child, increased excitability or more serious disorders (dehydration, vomiting, convulsions, respiratory arrest).

64. Never Think Badly about her breast: she can "take offense" and "respond" with illness or lack of milk. And mentally and aloud praise her, admire and admire her!

65. If the child is over 3 months old but he often asks for breasts, perhaps he needs your attention and love. It is possible that the baby is very nervous. Therefore, instead of feeding him formula, restore a calm atmosphere in the house, hug the baby more often and continue to feed only breast milk.

66. Doctors, parents, girlfriends can assure that you do not have enough milk, the child is malnourished, does not gain weight. More often than not, they are wrong. Only electronic baby scales will give reliable information: weigh the baby before and after feeding. If he is at least 50-70 g heavier, then everything is in order with milk and it is NOT NECESSARY to feed the baby with a mixture.

67. If the child is not gaining weight, The “fault” for this may not be weak lactation, but the peculiarities of the digestion of the crumbs, possible disturbances in the assimilation of food. Do not stop breastfeeding, do not feed the baby with a mixture. First, get your child's stool tested to see if his digestion is okay.

68. If you think you are low on milk, Express more often. Breast milk contains a substance - a lactation inhibitor (suppressor). It builds up in full breasts and reduces lactation. The outflow of milk stimulates the glands.

69. To understand if the child has enough milk, do a wet diaper test. Take the baby out of diapers for a day and put only a diaper on. If a child urinates 6 or more times a day, the urine is colorless or pale yellow, it means that he has enough milk.

70. At the age of 3-6 weeks, 3; 7; 11 and 12 months the child's need for food increases due to the increase in activity and the body. At this time, it may seem that he does not have enough breast milk. Just do not stop feeding the breast, and soon the glands will "adjust" to the new needs of the little one.

71. Taste and smell of onions, garlic and other spices are passed on to milk and the baby may refuse to breastfeed. If the baby does not suckle because of this, let him "think again" for 30-60 minutes.

72. To keep your breasts in shape, Exercise your chest muscles every 2-3 days.

  • Put your palms together at chest level. Straighten your back and press the bases of your palms firmly against each other. Relax after a second. Repeat the squeeze-release 25 more times.
  • Grasp your wrists, holding your hands firmly in this position, stretch them, as if trying to break the grip. Do 25 reps.
  • This analogue of the first exercise is good in that it involves not only the pectoral muscles, but also the muscles that support the shoulder joint. In the same way as described in Exercise 1, squeeze your palms over your head. Do 25 reps.

73. If you have too much milk, Give only one breast at a time and do not pump any excess milk out of it. If the other is too swollen at the same time, pump 10-15 ml (but no more) to relieve tension. On the next feed, give the breast that you pumped and do not apply to the other (which was the last breastfeeding).

74. If the baby sucks for a minute, and then tears away from the chest with crying, this may indicate that:

  • the baby has a runny nose, stuffy nose;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;
  • a stomach ache (or he has colic);
  • inflammation in the mouth (thrush, teething);
  • you interfere with his sucking with something (twitch, move);
  • you are nervous, and it is passed on to the baby;
  • the milk flows too much.

75. The smell of your perfume, deodorant or the pungent smell of sweat may push your baby away from you. During the nursing period, try not to "pour" perfume and take a shower more often. The most beloved and soothing for a little man is the scent of your skin. Definitely clean.

76. Are you sure that the baby is refusing to breastfeed? After all, a little man can simply:

  • for a long time "takes aim" at the nipple, turn his head;
  • it is easy to be distracted by extraneous sounds (movement, the appearance in the room or the departure of another person), which is typical for the age of 4-8 months.

77. So that the baby does not give up the breast, hold it in your arms more often; provide skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye contacts; sleep with him and feed him at night; exclude pacifiers; try other poses for breastfeeding.

78. Natural feeding does not negatively affect your intimate relationship with your husband. Quite the opposite: many men find breastfeeding very sexy. But if you are hiding from your husband at the same time, perhaps something is wrong in your relationship. See a family psychologist!

79. A good way to maintain breastfeeding is approved by the husband. It's good if he compliments you when you feed your baby; especially if he emphasizes that you are beautiful during feeding and it is very important for him that you give his baby exactly breast milk. If he himself does not know how to do it, tactfully "hint".

80. Don't Let Your Husband Speak Up Negatively about your "swollen" breast, to compare you with a "cash cow". This reduces your mental attitude towards breastfeeding, which inevitably leads to decreased lactation and weaning.

81. Reject any negative statements about breastfeeding by the grandmothers of the newborn. Especially those that reduce your confidence in your ability to breastfeed. The only thing worth listening to in this regard is the stories about how they breastfed for a long time and how glad they are that you can also give your baby your milk.

82. If you suspect a lack of milk baby's grandmothers should only support you. Do not take on faith phrases like "I fed you with a mixture (broth, porridge, cow's milk, etc.) - and nothing." Even the most modern mixtures cannot replace your milk for the crumbs, and decoctions, cereals, and even more so cow's milk will only harm the crumbs at his age!

83. Physical and emotional overwork may cause decreased lactation. Therefore, try to leave home 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours. Take a walk, go to a hairdresser, shop, visit a friend, visit a theater, a museum. Periodic emotional release is necessary for successful feeding.

84. Often in favor of supplementary feeding pediatricians in district polyclinics speak out. If the doctor did not try to find out the reason for the decrease in lactation and establish your breastfeeding for at least 2 weeks and immediately prescribed supplements, naming specific brands of 1-3 mixtures ... say goodbye to him and choose another pediatrician.

85. If you are lactating the pediatrician can prescribe only medicinal mixtures that give 30-50 g at the end of breastfeeding with milk. Their packages indicate that the mixture is medicinal and is not a substitute for breast milk. If a doctor unjustifiably recommends supplementation, he violates the WHO recommendations.

86. Going to do fitness, Wear a bra that is as supportive as possible. Now, when the weight of each of the mammary glands has increased due to lactation, the risk of stretch marks and sagging breasts is also higher.

87. Most Suitable Sports for nursing mothers are yoga, pilates, callanetics. Drink plenty of water during exercise. It will help to quickly remove metabolic products from the body, "bypassing" breast milk.

88. After your first fitness session the baby may start to give up breast milk, stay awake after eating, or suffer from colic. It's just that during exercise, toxins and toxins that can get into milk and cause colic are removed from the body. Reduce the load, and over time, the composition of the milk will return to normal.

89. Intense cardio workout cause increased lactation. The baby cannot suck out all the milk, and over time it starts to "burn out". This leads to a decrease and cessation of milk production, as well as a change in its taste and properties. Do not overdo it with training and choose a fitness that is more suitable for this period.

90. If you have moved(to the dacha, or to another apartment), the child may often demand breast. Do not deny him this in such circumstances, because the feeling of your closeness gives him a sense of security, and he adapts more quickly.

91. If you can't wait to swim in the summer in an open body of water, do it in a large river or sea. In the stagnant water of ponds, lakes, pits filled with water or small rivers, the concentration of pathogenic bacteria is higher. Once in the milk duct or mouth, they can cause infection (breast, intestine, whole body) and it can be dangerous to breastfeed your baby. Do not swim where there are waterfowl.

92. Planning to go to work and transfer the baby to bottle feeding with expressed milk, stock up on a good breast pump, 3-5 bottles, bags for storing milk in a frozen state. The nipple for the bottle should have a very small opening (1 or 3): this way the baby will not forget how to make an effort to “get” milk. Otherwise, he will no longer suck your breast.

93. Going to work, at first, leave home for no more than half a day. The transition to bottle feeding with expressed milk should be gradual. This is important both for the baby's psyche (abrupt weaning from the mother will provoke severe stress) and for lactation (natural breastfeeding by the baby supports lactation better than expression).

94. Milk expressed in a bottle store in the refrigerator. After a few hours of standing, it can be divided into 2 layers, "cream" will emerge. This does not mean that the milk has gone bad. It is enough to shake it, warm it up, and the crumbs can be fed.

95. For the preservation of frozen milk it is important in what conditions it was collected. Therefore, before expressing, wash the parts of the breast pump that will touch your breasts, nipples, and hands with hot water and soap. Store milk in a disposable plastic bag for expressed milk.

96. Heat the expressed milk only in a water bath and do not bring it to a boil, otherwise all nutrients will be destroyed. It is dangerous to heat milk in a microwave oven: this type of heat treatment creates hot spots in the milk, and the child can severely burn the mouth and esophagus.

97. Make sure to express milk and at work. To do this, take a portable manual or electric breast pump with you. If you do not pump, the milk may “burn out” and lactation will stop.

98. At room temperature(23-25 ​​degrees C) expressed milk can be stored for 4-5 hours, in the refrigerator (0 - +3) - 2 days. In a frozen state in the freezer of a single-compartment refrigerator (-4 - 5 degrees C), it lasts for 8 days, in the freezer of a two-compartment refrigerator - 2 months. Milk will be stored in the freezer (-18 - 25 degrees C) - up to 6 months.

99. Feed your baby only with breast milk need at least up to 6 months of age. Therefore, until this time, do not introduce any other products into his diet. The baby must suckle and thus stimulate lactation.

100. Consider canceling breastfeeding it is possible by 12-14 months after childbirth. Weaning will pass imperceptibly if you correctly entered adult foods into the child's menu after 6 months of age. If the fidget continues to ask for breasts frequently, this could be a sign of increased nervousness and hyperexcitability in your baby.

101. The best lactogonic agent- “dominant lactation” is the mother’s conviction that she can breastfeed her baby, her milk is the best and is an ideal and irreplaceable food for the baby. In a word, the main thing is to believe and know!

The birth of a baby is the greatest miracle in the world. And most of all, a tiny and defenseless creature needs a mother and her milk. Pediatricians around the world constantly urge women to breastfeed, because the composition of milk is so ideal for a baby that there is no complete analogue to it. But every year more and more women are faced with lactation problems and sometimes it is not at all possible to keep food for the baby, or the period of breastfeeding barely lasts up to six months. Why it happens? Doctors say that most often the reason for this is the wrong behavior of women in labor. That is why it is important for young mothers to know how to breastfeed correctly, how to properly attach a baby to the breast. Here is an article that will surely answer this and some other questions (what is important to pay attention to during breastfeeding, how to better understand the baby's needs, how to avoid common mistakes and the troubles that follow them), will allow you and your baby to receive from breastfeeding only positive emotions.

How to properly latch a newborn baby to the breast

Correct attachment is the golden rule for continued success

One of the most important points that determine the course of the entire subsequent breastfeeding process can be confidently called the first attachment of the baby. Failure here is fraught with a negative reaction from both the mother and the baby, who can easily refuse to breastfeed. Most modern maternity hospitals boast a doctor's first feed. But, unfortunately, there are also the opposite cases. Therefore, it is important for every woman to know the basic principles of the correct application of the crumbs to the breast. How to apply to the breast correctly:

  • Find a comfortable position considering that feeding can take a long time and you shouldn't get tired. You can feed a child in different positions and, as a rule, every woman chooses for herself the one that she likes. But the baby during the whole process must necessarily be with his tummy to his mother, and his face must be turned to the nipple. In addition, the baby's head should not be rigidly fixed so that he can adjust the position of the nipple in his mouth and can inform the mother about the end of feeding. (Material with photo and video);
  • The newborn's nose should be close enough to the breast, but not sink in it, because if the baby reaches for the nipple, then there is a high probability of its superficial capture. Women with full breasts should be especially careful;
  • Remember, the baby must take the nipple on its own. You don't have to put it in his mouth. Otherwise, the same incorrect capture will be provided and the following problems will also be provided. If the baby grabbed only the tip of the nipple, then by soft pressing on the chin, the mother can always free herself.

Video: feeding positions:

Grabbing the chest: how to find the truth

But how to understand that the baby took the breast correctly? To do this, you just need to pay attention to the feeding process itself. It should look like this:

  • The baby captures both the areola and the nipple, and his lips are turned out at the same time;
  • The nose of the crumbs is tightly pressed against the mother's breast, but does not sink into it;
  • During sucking, no extraneous sounds are heard except for sips;
  • Mom does not experience any unpleasant sensations in the process.

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(Pictures are clickable)

Popular questions

Do I need a schedule

The feeding schedule is another stumbling block for absolutely all new mothers. From the older generation, you can hear that you need to feed the baby strictly according to the clock. Modern pediatricians have recognized this technique as ineffective and unanimously insist that a newborn should be fed on demand! This is because its production directly depends on the amount of milk eaten by a crumb. Therefore, the more the baby suckles at the breast, the more successful the mother will have lactation.

How much to feed

But if we talk about the duration of feeding, then there are no clear boundaries here. It all depends on the individual abilities and desires of the baby. But we can say that a healthy newborn should actively suckle at the breast for at least 30 minutes. The maximum time is determined by the children for themselves.

  • The amount of time at the breast for each baby is determined individually. Some babies breastfeed more actively, gorge themselves quickly, and let go of the breast. Other babies suckle slowly and can often be seen sleeping at the breast. But if you try to remove the nipple, they start sucking again. To wake up such a baby, you can slightly remove the nipple, or touch his cheek;
  • The duration of the entire period of hepatitis B is determined by the mother's desire to breastfeed the baby, as well as the general living conditions of the family (nutrition, the need to go to work, and so on);
  • Usually at the beginning of lactation, the baby is breastfed. up to 10 times / day. Gradually, as the baby grows up, the diet is reduced - up to 7-8 times a day.

Full or not

A well-fed baby is a happy baby. This is an undeniable truth. If the baby is full, he either just let go of the breast, or just fell asleep. And to understand that a child is eating up in general, there are several signs:

  • the baby himself releases the breast after eating;
  • gains even weight and height;
  • is active and sleeps well;

One or two servings

Only one breast should be given at a time. In the next - another and so alternate them. This tactic will allow the mammary glands to establish the correct supply of milk to the baby. Sucking on one breast provides the baby with both “front” liquid milk, which serves as a drink, and “back” thick milk, which contains most of the nutrients. However, if the baby is not full, then you can offer him a second breast.

But it also happens that the mother's milk production is not as significant as the baby needs. Especially, this problem can overtake a woman in labor along with sharp spikes in the growth of a child (2 months of age). Then, in one feeding, it is advisable for mom to give the baby both breasts, so that he still has enough milk. But to think that if the breast is soft, then there is no milk in it or little is wrong. If a woman in labor sees that the baby is eating up from one breast, but just in case offers him a second, then this approach can negatively affect the baby. After all, the baby is easy to overfeed.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

How often to feed

How often should a baby be fed if it is still possible to overfeed him? Here it all comes down, again, to the baby's demand. After all, if he eats well, he simply cannot get hungry faster than in 2-3 hours! But if the baby asks for breast more often, then his demand in milk should be satisfied. After all, he could simply not have eaten up the last time. This is why on-demand feeding is a common thread in the entire breastfeeding process these days.

Suddenly I will overfeed

Many mothers are afraid to feed the baby to irreversible consequences. The main thing is not to panic. Although it is not difficult to overfeed a child, he will vomit all unnecessary things. Therefore, health will not be affected in any way.

Will it have time to digest

If the baby eats too often, will the milk have time to digest? There is no reason for concern here at all. Mother's milk is so perfectly balanced for a baby that a tiny body does not need to spend special energy on its digestion. Milk almost immediately enters the intestines, where it is digested very quickly.

Crying and feeding

In the practice of young mothers, there are all kinds of cases. Including the baby crying at the breast. And the question "How to give a baby a breast if he cries a lot" arises by itself. In this case, you need to try to somehow reassure the baby: press it to you, swing it on the arms, talk affectionately. If the baby is crying from the fact that he cannot take the breast, then you can squeeze a drop of milk into his mouth or touch the nipple to his lips or cheek. The breast is the best sedative for any baby. Therefore, forcing to take her, mom does not have to take long.

How to take away correctly

Behind the many references to how to correctly and often latch on the baby for feeding, it is important to remember the recommendations on how to properly wean the baby from the breast. So that the process does not cause unpleasant sensations in the mother and does not provoke further problems (cracked nipples, for example), the breast should be removed only after the baby has released it. To do this, you can gently press on the chin (as mentioned above), or you can insert the little finger into the corner of the baby's mouth and turn it half a turn. This simple manipulation will make the child open his mouth. Then the breast can be safely removed.

Stagnant milk - what to do

The fact that the process of breastfeeding does not always go smoothly is probably known to all women. It happens that the baby does not have time to eat everything and the milk stagnates. At the same time, the chest becomes simply "stone". If you do not pay attention to this, then you can earn a subsequent operation. How to respond correctly if the problem still appears? If lumps appear in the chest or, in addition to this, the temperature also rises, then you need to urgently act. At this moment, the following will help: massage under a warm shower, or offering a breast to the baby (by the way, he is the best healer in such situations) and compresses from a cabbage leaf with honey. It is important to massage gently without the risk of damaging the breasts. And compresses should be applied after each meal of the baby. If these manipulations do not bring an obvious effect, and the temperature does not drop for several days, then it is tedious to consult a doctor.

Common Sense Is Important

Very often, young mothers, nevertheless, so literally take absolutely all the information that can only be heard that they are doing typical mistakes... For example, such:

  • Washing your breasts before each feeding. In fact, morning and evening dressing is more than enough for this part of the body. Otherwise, you can wash off the protective lubricant that protects the breasts from the growth of bacteria.
  • Holding the breast with your hands while feeding. This behavior can provoke stagnation of milk in places of contact with the mother's hand, which must be strictly avoided.
  • Feeding the baby with baby tea or water. Both drink and food for the baby are mother's milk!
  • Refusal to breastfeed and switch to artificial when nipple cracks or colds occur. For painless feeding, it is worth using special silicone nipple pads here. And in order not to be afraid of catching a cold, it is enough just to put on a mask.

This is not a complete list of possible mistakes young mothers make. And every question that worries a woman in labor is better to immediately ask a doctor.

Video instruction: rules for attachment to the breast:

After completing the feeding process (its end means that the baby often begins to let go of the nipple, turn the head, or completely fall asleep), you need to express the remaining milk. It is recommended to express in a small, clean container with clean, dry hands. Today there are many different ones, but they should be used with caution, as they can injure the delicate nipple.

  • Attachment to the breast should be started from birth (in the first hours after childbirth), this is how milk production is stimulated;
  • If the child is hungry, then he looks for the breast himself, opens his mouth and smacks his lips. But if he does not do this, the mother herself can apply the nipple to the baby's lips, then he will immediately take the nipple;
  • It is necessary for the baby to capture the nipple and areola of the breast in the mouth;
  • When giving a breast to a child, you need to pay attention to the fact that the cheeks and nose should fit snugly against the breast;
  • It is better not to put the baby in one feeding for two breasts, because in this case the baby will receive only the front milk, which is not as useful as the rear milk. The baby should suck on one breast all the way to the end.

In order to properly start the mechanism of milk production, it is necessary to attach the newborn to the breast as soon as possible. To date, the time interval from birth to the first meal in a newborn baby is about two hours. The first latch to the breast is very important for subsequent feedings, as it is at this moment that the baby's habits and the correct grip on the nipple are established, which ensures comfortable sucking.

What features should be considered

  1. Mother's nutrition: the first days you need to include foods rich in fiber; do not overuse sugar. Alcoholic drinks and smoking are prohibited. It is better to exclude or limit allergenic foods on the menu, such as nuts, eggs, citrus fruits, and so on. (We read about that).
  2. During feeding, you should not be distracted by the TV and other extraneous stimuli, as this disrupts the connection between the mother and the baby; periodically (up to 3 times) you need to let the baby spit up, and after feeding, hold it upright in order to avoid colic.
  3. You can not breastfeed in case of serious diseases of the mother (open form of tuberculosis, renal failure, AIDS, various infectious diseases) or the child (incompatibility for the Rh factor, prematurity with the absence of a sucking reflex, diseases of the central nervous system, breathing).

Summing up all of the above, we can say one thing - if a nursing mother does everything right, then simultaneously with her own pleasant sensations, she will give a huge benefit and a sense of security to the baby!

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!

Even before the baby is born, expectant mothers want to know everything about breastfeeding. Feeding the baby directly from the mother's breast is called natural nutrition. During feeding, the transfer of nutrients from the mother to the baby takes place, which is necessary for the implementation of close contact between them. Therefore, every mother should know how to properly breastfeed a newborn.

For healthy newborns, the first breastfeeding takes place in the delivery room. It is advisable to apply the crumb for 2-3 minutes in the first half hour, regardless of whether the mother has milk. From this moment, the woman begins the period of breastfeeding. In response to the child's voice, milk is excreted reflexively. It provides emotional satisfaction, awakens maternal instinct, and increases the production of breast milk. This is how correct breastfeeding is formed.

The first breast milk feeding of the crumb is carried out simultaneously with the skin contact procedure. Breastfeeding a baby can create an emotional bond between mom and newborn. The likelihood that a woman in labor who nursed her baby will leave him in an orphanage is very low. Healthy babies immediately find the nipple and begin to suck. The touch of the baby's lips to the nipple increases the production of oxytocin, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus, quick recovery after childbirth.

The main principle is a free schedule. Need to feed the baby on demand. By doing this, he himself adjusts his diet. On average, it turns out about 8-15 times a day. Night meals are encouraged. This solves the problem of how to maintain breastfeeding for a long time.

Breastfeeding the first month

The first month of life is the period when lactation is established. It is necessary to ensure that the baby is correctly breastfeeding during feeding. The first breastfeeding develops the sucking reflex. An unsuccessful nipple latch leads to serious complications from the breast of a nursing mother:

  • cracked nipple;
  • lactostasis;
  • lactational mastitis;
  • refusal of crumbs from natural food intake.

The first week after giving birth, milk is the most saturated. It is called colostrum. Such food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, lactobacilli, protective immunoglobulins. Pulsed colostrum discharge occurs in response to contact between mother and baby, as well as when the nipple is stimulated by the lips and tongue of the baby. The sooner the newborn receives colostrum, the less contamination from the environment will be.

Feeding positions

Mom must know how to breastfeed her baby properly. First of all, a woman should choose a comfortable position. There are several options for breastfeeding positions for newborns:

  • lying on its side;
  • sitting;
  • standing.

The lying position is considered predominant. Many moms use it. Used when there are stitches on the perineum, when you can not still sit. She also allows mom to rest a little. There are two ways to feed your baby while lying down.

In the first case, the baby is turned around with its tummy, lying on the mother's stomach. With one hand, the mother supports the head of the crumb, with the other - the gland. In the second option, how to breastfeed a newborn, the baby is on the side of the mother. In this case, you need to support the head of the crumbs so that it does not choke on milk.

To use a sitting or standing position, the baby must be taken in your arms, as in a cradle. The baby's tummy turns to mom. With one hand, the mother supports the newborn, and with the other, she helps him to take the nipple.

How to breastfeed your baby

Before applying to the mammary gland, you need to make sure that the little one is comfortable. It is clean, dry and calm. It is correct to apply the baby to the mammary gland, but in no case is it the other way around. The baby is brought closer to the mother, supporting his shoulders and head. A hungry baby opens its mouth by itself. He needs to put a nipple with an areola into the oral cavity.

On contact with the red border of the lips, a sucking reflex occurs. The baby is eating. This unconditioned reflex is present 1 year after birth, which can be used when the baby is anxious. After saturation, the baby releases the mammary glands. The mother should feel relieved. It must be remembered that the more the baby eats, the more milk arrives. This is the law of food consumption.

How to breastfeed

Lactation problems are better prevented than dealt with. There are principles for successfully maintaining a natural diet, adhering to which a sufficient flow of milk is achieved:

Regularly following simple rules will help you avoid problems with the production of human milk. Allows you to organize the crumb. It will help solve the problem of how to establish breastfeeding.

How much to breastfeed

Breastfeeding mothers wonder how much to breastfeed their baby to keep him full and happy. And also how long to breastfeed. After all, children raised on breastfeeding, according to statistics, are healthier than their peers who took artificial formula.

So, a healthy newborn regulates the amount of food eaten on its own. For saturation, 10-15 minutes is considered the norm. When satisfied, he calmly releases the nipple. Lazy children eat for about 20 minutes. It must be remembered that breastfeeding of newborns should not last longer than half an hour. This time is enough for saturation. Long-term breastfeeding leads to nipple dissolution and cracking.

The duration of the lactation period is different for each woman. It depends on the health of the mother and the maturity of the baby. For the first six months, human milk is simply vital for strengthening health and building up immunity. The normal lactation period in women is up to two years. However, the question of how much to breastfeed is decided solely on an individual basis.

Breastfeeding rules

There are certain norms for feeding an infant. When keeping a baby, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • before the procedure, the breast of a nursing mother is washed with warm boiled water without the use of smelling detergents;
  • it is necessary to express a few drops of milk from the breast and bring the baby, the secretion of colostrum awakens the feeling of hunger;
  • during breastfeeding, the mother should not be distracted by extraneous factors, it is required to focus as much as possible on the baby;
  • mom should know that it is impossible to change diapers during feeding, or wash the crumb, this distracts attention;
  • you need to monitor how long breastfeeding lasts;
  • after the end of a meal, it is necessary to hold the small one in an upright position to release air from the stomach that has gotten during swallowing;
  • while breastfeeding, the breast should be dried with a soft towel to avoid nipple cracks;
  • in case of insufficient feeding with one breast, you can offer the baby and the second.

It must be remembered that you cannot use detergents two hours before the contact with the baby. The kid may refuse to eat. Observing the rules of breastfeeding, you can develop a baby's diet, sleep and wakefulness, as well as extend the lactation period.

Can I breastfeed my baby?

Not all babies have a breastfeeding period. There are contraindications for the use of breast milk. They depend on both the health of the mother and the condition of the baby.

First of all, you can not breastfeed a baby with deep prematurity, birth trauma with impaired cerebral circulation, hemolytic disease of the newborn. Under such conditions, the body of the newborn is not functionally ripe for independent nutrition. It is possible to feed a baby for the first time only when the digestive system is ready to accept food.

On the part of the mother, a contraindication for natural nutrition is chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • kidney;
  • blood;
  • malignant tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • postpartum psychosis.

The group that includes temporary contraindications during lactation includes acute respiratory and intestinal infections. To maintain the lactation period during illness, it is necessary to express the mammary glands. This will keep the breastfeeding alive as a natural process.

Nutrition while breastfeeding

For sufficient secretion of breast milk during lactation, the quality of the mother's nutrition is of great importance. In a certain ratio, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins should be supplied. Diet plays a special role during the period when the mode of milk production will only be established. You need to know what you can eat after childbirth. For lactation, the entire daily diet of a nursing mother should include 110 g of proteins, no more than 120 g of fat, 500 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of food is 3200–3500 kcal.

In equivalent to daily food consumption, this is: 200 g of meat, 50 g of hard cheese, up to 500 g of vegetables (of which no more than 200 g of potatoes), 300 g of fresh fruit, no more than 500 g of flour products. If possible, eliminate sugar from the diet.

Overeating and overuse of unwanted foods can cause baby allergies.

Breastfeeding is the foundation of good infant health. In the first six months of life, it is not recommended to give anything other than breast milk. Feeding the baby for months includes the introduction of complementary foods into the diet. This gradually prepares the baby for the transition to an adult table. How long to breastfeed her baby, each mother decides for herself.