Throughout pregnancy, herpes on the lips. Prevention of reappearance. Manifestations of herpes on the lips in pregnant women

Herpes is a viral infection that "lives" inside the lymph nodes and manifests itself in the form of thick characteristic vesicles on the mucous membranes and skin. There are many varieties of herpes. The most common: genital, labial (localized on the lips) and cytomegalovirus. This virus also causes chickenpox.

The peculiarity of bearing a baby is manifested in the fact that he is not only a carrier of mother's DNA, but also father's. And so that the female body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign object and does not start the process of rejection, the future woman in labor is constantly in conditions of immunodeficiency. If a woman is already a carrier of the herpes virus, in such conditions it can easily become active. But this is less dangerous than meeting the disease for the first time after conception.

If a woman enters pregnancy with already developed antibodies to the disease, the baby is practically protected from the attack of viral cells for all 9 months. But if there was a primary contact with the causative agent of herpes, and the woman fell ill, this is extremely dangerous for the existence of the fetus. The virus quickly penetrates into all tissues of the fetus and disrupts the normal rhythm of their development. And this process does not depend on the type of herpes: regardless of the focus of the rash, the main concentration of pathogens is concentrated in the lymphatic system, which spreads them throughout the body. Therefore, do not think that herpes on the lip in early pregnancy is not related to the child.

To protect yourself and your future pregnancy, it is very important to undergo TORCH screening at the planning stage, and twice in the process of bearing a baby.

The mechanism and ways of infection with herpes during pregnancy

Herpes is an intracellular nucleoprotein virus. It does not easily wander around the body, but immediately introduces its DNA into the proteins of neurons and is firmly fixed in the lymphatic system. Therefore, it is impossible to completely “kill” the infection. Treatment is reduced only to raising immunity, eliminating external vesicles (bubbles) and suppressing the synthesis of viral cells.

Herpes is transmitted by contact, through body fluids, such as saliva, semen, blood. Or directly in contact with the liquid that collects in the bubbles. In the everyday life of the mail, everyone comes into contact with this virus, but thanks to strong immunity, most immediately begin to produce antibodies and may not even notice the latent course of the acute phase of the disease. Under the influence of antibodies, the virus is in a state of sleep, but as soon as the immune system fails, for example, during acute respiratory infections, stress, pregnancy, it can become activated and appear on the skin in the form of a profuse rash.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the clinical picture of the appearance of a “cold” on the lips has classic symptoms: on the lip or in the area under the nose, a slight tingling, burning sensation is first noted, then itching, hyperemia, and redness join. After 12-24 hours, vesicular rashes appear - various sized vesicles with sticky serous fluid.

The general picture may be accompanied by headache, weakness and fever.

When the liquid reaches its highest concentration, the vial bursts, and its contents are poured out, spreading the viral infection in space. At this moment, the woman is most contagious to others. In place of the bursting vesicle, a weeping wound is formed, which eventually dries up and turns into a crust. After 8-10 days, the scab leaves on its own.

Primary infection with the herpes virus during gestation

The most dangerous is herpes during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. But we are talking exclusively about the first contact with the virus, when there are no antibodies in the blood. In such conditions, both the woman and the baby are completely defenseless against the virus. Since any antiviral therapy is contraindicated before the 12th week of gestation, the relief of the disease comes down to close monitoring of the development of the embryo, local treatment of herpes on the lip and the appointment of immunomodulators based on natural interferon. If the woman's immunity cannot overcome the virus, the pregnancy may end prematurely as a result of embryo freezing or miscarriage.

With primary infection in the second trimester, treatment with strong antiviral agents is already allowed, so the outcome of the disease is more favorable for the mother and fetus. But herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, even during treatment, often leads to gross damage to internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, spleen).

Without special laboratory tests, it is quite difficult to distinguish between a primary infection and a recurrence of an already existing disease. For this, an analysis is necessarily done to quantify antibodies (Ig) to each strain of the virus separately. If the result showed the presence of Ig M immunoglobulin (an active process without antibodies) and the absence of Ig G (the presence of antibodies and a latent course), this is bad. This means that the woman recently contracted the virus and is now sick.

With such screening results, the spouse is examined, since he will also be infected. Treatment is carried out immediately for both partners to prevent relapse.

Herpes during pregnancy: relapse of the disease

Activation of an already existing virus in the blood does not require special treatment and only in rare cases causes complications. When examining a woman, a small amount of Ig M or their complete absence is determined, and a lot of Ig G. The risk of infection of the fetus with the virus is 1% and, as a rule, occurs only during delivery.

Herpes during pregnancy: consequences

Features of the course of herpes during pregnancy have been carefully studied by doctors for a long time. By this time, obstetrician-gynecologists already have an impressive arsenal of knowledge about the nature of this virus and methods of treatment during gestation.

If you believe the dry numbers, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the virus:

  • More than half of humanity are carriers of this virus, and most do not even know about it. By the time of puberty, 98% of the population is found with the herpes simplex virus.
  • Primary infection with the virus can threaten intrauterine infection of the fetus in 50% of cases, with relapse, this figure is only 3%.
  • If the virus first entered the body in the first weeks of gestation, the risk of abortion is 30%. When meeting with herpes in the 2-3 trimester, the risk of late miscarriage is about 50%.
  • Surviving children, after suffering intrauterine infection, become carriers of a latent form of the virus. At the same time, various dysfunctions of the body against the background of the disease can manifest themselves at a more mature age. The number of such children of the total number is 40%.
  • If herpes proceeded in a mild or asymptomatic form without adequate treatment, about 70% of children are born infected. Mortality after birth reaches 60%. Only 15% of babies are born completely healthy.
  • The least dangerous infection with herpes during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. In this period, you can easily suppress the disease with drugs that are incompatible with pregnancy at an earlier date.
  • The most severe consequences of the virus include: miscarriage, gross malformations of organs and the nervous system, perinatal mortality.

Not all types of the virus need to be treated, and not all are dangerous for a pregnant woman. Surgical treatment requires only the primary infection of a woman with any strain of the virus or an acute exacerbation of the disease. The disease in a latent state provides only for monitoring the condition of a woman, since antibodies serve as a guarantor of the safety of the baby.

But how justified are such statistical premises regarding the “cold” on the lips and is this herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

It turns out that only genital and herpes zoster in the primary form is considered the most dangerous during pregnancy. The herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself on the face, mainly multiplies directly in the upper layers of the epidermis and rarely introduces its viral DNA beyond the spinal cord. Such a local residence minimizes the contact of herpes with the embryo. In addition, all outbreaks of herpes on the lips in 72% are recurrent, which indicates the presence of immunity to the disease.

It is very difficult for herpes simplex to get into the abdominal cavity on its own, and even more so into the amniotic waters of the uterus, so it quietly multiplies in the tissues of the skin and facial nerves, without disturbing the baby in the womb.

But risk cannot be completely ruled out. There are separate options for the development of the disease during primary infection, when viral particles can affect pregnancy. For instance:

  1. Immunodeficiency state of the future woman in labor. Problems with the immune system open up the possibility for herpes to completely spread throughout the body without restrictions. If there are no antibodies, and the immune response is unable to contain the virus, there is a threat to both the fetus and the life of the woman.
  2. The transfer of infection to the genitals of a woman during sexual contact. A woman can infect her partner's genitals, and he, in turn, will transfer viral particles to her genitals. Thus, the virus can enter the uterus.
  3. Particular care must be taken if herpes on the lips appeared before childbirth. After birth, the mother can infect the baby by caring for him. During the entire period of the disease, you should avoid contact of the lips with the baby and wash your hands regularly.

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy on the lips does not involve taking antiviral tablets. Doctors prescribe only ointments for external use to relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the scarring of the vesicle.

In parallel with drug treatment, a woman is advised to observe a strict hygiene regimen, especially when in contact with the eyes and genitals. The diet is also being corrected with an increase in the amount of fruits, legumes, seafood and vegetables. At the same time, carbohydrates and sweets are excluded as much as possible. During treatment, it is forbidden to peel off the crust from the wound in order to avoid the attachment of another infection. And after recovery, it is recommended to change the toothbrush.

There are many effective drugs among pharmaceuticals, but the doctor decides how to treat herpes during pregnancy.

As an external remedy for herpes during gestation, dermatological ointments with an antiviral effect based on the substance aciclovir are prescribed. They can be used at any gestational age up to 8 times a day. Among these drugs are the following:

  • Acyclovir (India).
  • Zovirax (UK).
  • Agerp (Ukraine).
  • Acivir (Cyprus).
  • Virolex (Slovenia).
  • Herpetad (Germany).

For quick healing of the skin, you can use a liquid solution of tocopherol (vit. E) or the vitamin preparation Aevit.

For local strengthening of immunity, oxolinic ointment and interferon solution are prescribed. Inside, you can take homeopathic tinctures (Eleutherococcus, Echinacea) or vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Oral antiviral therapy is indicated only in more severe cases and is possible in late pregnancy.

If the manifestation of blisters on the lip is mild and is not accompanied by soreness and itching, you can do with only folk remedies:

  1. Propolis tincture (should cauterize the vesicle).
  2. Calendula ointment (softens the crust).
  3. Grated raw potatoes (dries the bubble).
  4. Tea, fir oil, aloe juice (accelerate skin regeneration).
  5. Toothpaste (accelerates the breakthrough of the vesicle).

Herpes during pregnancy - reviews

In the first weeks of pregnancy, every second woman is faced with herpes on the lip. Special ointments help to solve this cosmetic defect in less than a week. The only complication of this disease that women note is excessive fear for the baby. This virus does not cause dangerous defects in the development of the baby if the woman does not have immunodeficiency diseases, and there are antibodies to herpes in the blood. Therefore, there should not be any special worries in this regard, if all the recommendations of the doctors are followed.

In order not to experience strong excitement when herpes appears on the lips during the period of bearing a child, it is better to undergo an examination in advance before conception occurs. If it turns out that you are already a carrier of the virus, calmly get pregnant and do not be afraid of the consequences. In the absence of antibodies, try to limit yourself from contact with people who have a cold sore. And at the first suspicion of infection, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Video. herpes and pregnancy

Many women worry if even the slightest changes in the body begin to occur during pregnancy. Anxiety can be caused by an unexpected one that appeared one morning on the lips.

To find out if herpes is dangerous to the fetus, you should ask why it appears. If we talk without reference to pregnancy, then you can become infected with the virus even in childhood. Subsequently, the development of the virus depends on immunity, living conditions and diseases. Then, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, herpes manifests itself in different ways. It happens that from time to time it occurs on the lips, in some people - on the genitals. Most scientists believe that there are no people who are not infected with the herpes virus.

If herpes on the lips appears a second time during pregnancy, then this is not very dangerous for the fetus, but there are times when rashes occur for the first time - then the child may be in real danger.

If you look at the appearance of herpes during pregnancy on the other hand, then such a rash leads to the formation of antibodies to it. This means that within six months after birth, the baby will be protected by immunity from the herpes virus.

It is difficult for modern medical science to say exactly how herpes on the lips during pregnancy will affect the child. Therefore, it is always better to play it safe, and if you want, then do some additional research.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy: treatment

In most cases, herpes on the lips during pregnancy indicates an exacerbation of the disease, so it must be treated. In this case, you should take into account your situation and abandon the usual medications.

If herpes in a pregnant woman manifested itself a second time (in a relapsing form), then doctors mainly prescribe antiviral ointments, such as Zovirax, alizarin or oxolinic ointment. Antiviral tablets for oral use during pregnancy are not used in the treatment of herpes. That is, drugs taken in normal cases (Acyclovir, Penciclovir, Foscranet and the like) are prohibited during childbearing! All of them can have a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

However, there are many folk remedies for herpes, for example, it is recommended to lubricate the rashes with Corvalol solution or Forest Balsam toothpaste. There are also various anti-herpes lipsticks with tea tree extract: reviews indicate that this also helps. If we talk about the simplest methods, then usually a bubble on the lips is lubricated with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil helps well. The latter can also be used to treat the vagina.

In any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor: he will suggest the best method of treatment for you and, possibly, select vitamin preparations to increase immunity. In particular, during an exacerbation of herpes, the body's need for B vitamins increases, ginseng and other natural biologically active substances can be useful.

Herpes can and should be treated at any stage of pregnancy. Doctors assure that the sooner treatment is started in this case, the better.

If you have herpes on the lips during pregnancy, be sure to follow simple hygiene rules. This is very important to prevent the spread of the virus to other parts of the body. Herpes on the genitals is considered the most dangerous, therefore, firstly, do not touch the bubble on the lips with your hands, this increases the risk of infection. Also, do not wet the herpes on the lips and do not squeeze it out, so as not to cause additional infection of the skin on this part of the body. If you care about the health of your partner, then doctors advise you to refrain from oral-genital contact.

After childbirth, one should also not be too careless, especially if herpes on the lips is still observed. It is best when a woman observes hygiene for the health of the baby. Basic actions - do not kiss the child and do not touch his body with your lips at all. For increased safety, use a mask until the crusts are dry.

Your baby's health is yours and your absence. So worry about the baby even when it is still in your womb. In most cases, women catch herpes during pregnancy due to their own negligence, a strong kiss with a friend or unwashed hands after the street are one of the main reasons for the appearance of a “light” on your lips.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

From a guest

Bergamot oil will help with skin diseases: abscess, scabies, ulcers, herpes and acne. It is used for diseases of the respiratory system, such as tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Its application is not limited to this. Bad mood? This is where bergamot comes in. It is enough just to smell this wonderful fruit - and your mood immediately rises and improves. For the same reason, bergamot is used in the treatment of stress and depression (for example, postpartum depression). Contraindications to the use of bergamot Bergamot contains furocoumarins. These substances have a photosensitizing property that leads to strong skin pigmentation. Therefore, you can not rub yourself with bergamot oil in the summer or before going to the solarium. It is especially dangerous to use bergamot products for allergy sufferers. As for what concentration the essential oil should be, it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10 before use, since undiluted oil will lead to skin irritation.

From a guest

I have herpes on my lips since childhood a couple of times a year (spring, autumn) pours out. Therefore, when I got out during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I was not afraid. The best remedy for me is the usual Boro Plus ointment. 2-3 days, and everything heals. All health!

From a guest

At the beginning of pregnancy jumped herpes on the lip. And so far it has never happened at all, the doctor said that probably the immune system is weakened. She said to eat grapefruits and lubricate the wound with rosehip oil. Very helpful and worked well.

Herpes on the lips is a widespread, highly contagious (contagious) infection that manifests itself as rashes of characteristic vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes. Bubbles filled with a clear liquid appear in small groups and are painful, they are usually grouped at the upper or lower border of the lips. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes simplex virus HSV-1.

Statistics say that more than 97% of the inhabitants of our planet are infected with this virus, and if a herpes infection has entered the body, then it is impossible to get rid of it and the virus remains with a person for life. At the same time, antibodies are produced in each carrier in the blood, which suppress the manifestations of herpes. The virus can "doze" for years, but is easily activated if the body's immune defenses are weakened.

Therefore, the manifestations of herpes often haunt pregnant women, since it is during this period that the hormonal restructuring of the whole organism occurs and the immune system often fails. Many women are interested in how to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy, and is this virus dangerous during the period of bearing a child?

The main reason for the appearance of herpes is a decrease in immunity. Most people become infected with the herpes virus during childhood. It is easily transmitted by airborne and household means, so you can get infected with it through household items (towels, clothes, dishes) or from a sick person when sneezing, coughing, and even ordinary conversation. Often the infection is transmitted to the child by the mother during childbirth.

Primary infection is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, but then the virus can live in the body for many years without showing anything, and returns with relapses when the immune system is weakened, which can be provoked by the following adverse factors:

  • Colds
  • Chronic foci of infection
  • Hypothermia of the body
  • Overwork, stress, nervous breakdowns
  • Malnutrition
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking
  • Pregnancy period

It is during pregnancy that significant changes occur in a woman's body, which may be accompanied by an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and impaired immune system functions.

That is, this period is the most favorable for the appearance of herpetic eruptions. For expectant mothers, such unexpected “surprises” cause reasonable fears for the health of the unborn child and make them think about Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy?


The effect of the virus on the body of the expectant mother and fetus can be different and largely depends on the duration of pregnancy and on whether the virus manifested itself for the first time or the woman already suffered from herpetic eruptions before pregnancy. If the expectant mother was familiar with the symptoms of herpes before, then you should not worry, there are antibodies in her body, and there is no danger to the baby's health.

But if the symptoms of herpes first appeared during pregnancy, this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor, since there is a high probability of an adverse effect on the fetus. What symptoms should be looked out for?

During the initial infection, symptoms may not appear immediately, since the incubation period for the virus is from 3 to 10 days. The development of herpes occurs gradually and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Signs of intoxication of the body (headache, aching muscles and joints, nausea, fever).
  • There is a sensation of itching and burning in the mouth area.
  • There is swelling and swelling of the lips.
  • Painful blisters filled with liquid appear on the border or in the corners of the lips.
  • After some time, the bubbles open up, in their place remain weeping sores.
  • The surface of the sores is covered with a crust, the lips dry out, the delicate skin can crack and bleed.

The primary and recurrent process on the lips manifests itself in the same way. When these symptoms appear, the expectant mother should see a doctor who will prescribe treatment taking into account the patient's condition and select drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is especially dangerous for primary infection. If a woman has not previously suffered from manifestations of the virus, then there are no antibodies in her body, and infection with a herpes infection threatens with serious consequences.

Primary infection with the virus can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus, since it is in the first three months that the laying of the main organs and systems of the unborn child is actively taking place. This situation can lead to miscarriage, miscarriage, or cause malformations in the embryo. Intrauterine infection with the virus can lead to such serious consequences as:

  • Underdevelopment of the brain
  • Eye infections (inflammation of the cornea, blurred vision)
  • Violation of the functions of the nervous system
  • Hearing disorders
  • Delayed physical and mental development

In the case when herpes on the lips reappeared, and the expectant mother had previously encountered its symptoms, the danger is low, since the child is protected by antibodies produced by the mother's body. However, when rashes appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is no less dangerous if the infection occurred for the first time. At 4 months, all the vital organs of the baby have already formed and the likelihood of serious fetal malformations is much lower than in early pregnancy. But at this time there is an active formation of the nervous system, reproductive organs and bone tissue.

Therefore, the herpes virus can disrupt the proper formation of these systems, provoke a delay in the development of the fetus or cause premature birth. If a woman has had herpes before, then the manifestations of the virus during the 2nd trimester will not have negative consequences for the baby.

Primary infection with the herpes virus in the later stages can pose a threat not only to the child, but also to the mother, since the infection further weakens the already undermined protective functions of the body and can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection. Infection with the virus after the 36th week of pregnancy increases the risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, skin and internal organs (liver, spleen) in the fetus, and in the most severe cases can lead to the birth of a dead baby.

To protect the baby from serious pathologies, you should seek medical help in a timely manner. Specialists neutralize the negative impact of the virus with special medicines, and to prevent infection of the child during childbirth, they can use a caesarean section.

If a woman has previously had rashes on her lips, then a recurrence of herpes will not cause concern to the doctor, since antibodies have formed in the mother's body that pass to the child and protect him from infection.

An experienced doctor can easily diagnose herpes on the lips during a visual examination. In some cases, with primary infection, the symptoms of the disease can be mistaken for manifestations of atopic dermatitis or bacterial impetigo, which are also characterized by the appearance of blisters. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional studies to determine the presence of the virus in the body. These are such accurate and reliable methods as:

  1. Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The study determines the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus, which indicates that the body has already encountered the virus and developed protection against it.
  2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The study allows you to detect the DNA of the virus in the material taken for analysis (blood, saliva, amniotic fluid).
  3. A specific immunopoint HSV test will not only determine the presence of the virus, but also clarify its belonging to a particular type.

For research, a pregnant woman will need to donate blood for analysis. Blood is taken on an empty stomach, and on the day of the test, it is not recommended to eat fatty foods.

What to do if herpes appears on the lips during pregnancy - drug treatment

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is reduced to the relief of individual symptoms and the appointment of drugs that weaken the virus during the initial infection or during an exacerbation of the disease.

To eliminate external manifestations, it is recommended to use ointments. The doctor will select such topical preparations that will be harmless to the expectant mother and baby. The medicinal components of these drugs should not enter the mother's bloodstream, this will eliminate the risk of their penetration through the placenta to the baby.

Treatment of herpes on the lips is most effective in the early stages. Therefore, if you suspect a herpetic rash, you should use a proven topical remedy. So, if there is discomfort in the lip area, a burning sensation or subcutaneous tingling, it is necessary to use an antiviral ointment. This will help prevent the reproduction of the virus and its spread through the mucous membranes.

The most popular antiviral agents are ointments Acyclovir, Vivorax, Gervirax, Acigerpin. They help reduce symptoms and reduce the activity of cold sores. Antiviral ointments based on acyclovir exhibit a therapeutic effect on the surface of the skin, without penetrating into the blood and tissues and without adversely affecting the fetus. Apply these funds for a week, lubricating the foci of herpes up to 5 times a day.

In addition to products with acyclovir, there are other equally effective ointments containing antiviral components:

  • Panavir
  • Penciclovir
  • Viferon
  • Tromantadin
  • Viru-Merz - serol

In addition to these drugs, you can use oxolinic, tetracycline, erythromycin, tebrofen ointment. With severe rashes, the doctor may prescribe cauterization with a solution of interferon with vitamin E.

Separately, preparations with herbal ingredients that are effective against the main symptoms of a herpes infection should be highlighted:

  • Lomagerpan (cream) - contains lemon balm leaves
  • Biopin (ointment) - the basis of the drug is the resin of relict pines
  • Tykveol - a drug created on the basis of pumpkin seed oil
  • Hyporamine (gel) - created on the basis of sea buckthorn leaves

These funds are quite safe for the health of the mother and unborn child, as they do not contain chemical components in their composition and are not able to have a negative effect on the body.

To maintain the body's defenses, a pregnant woman is prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes. Biological supplements or vitamin complexes containing zinc and vitamin E are especially useful. In addition, according to the doctor's prescription, antiviral drugs can be prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration. They will help to completely drown out the symptoms of the virus if you start taking them at the initial stage of the disease.

Valaciclovir has the most powerful effect. If this remedy is started within 12 hours after the onset of the first symptoms of herpes, then the main signs of the disease in the form of bubble rashes can not be feared. Valaciclovir should be taken twice: the first time 4 tablets are drunk with the initial symptoms of infection, the second time, in the same amount (4 tablets), the drug is taken after 12 hours.

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have the means to destroy the pathogen completely. Medicines can only weaken the virus and again put it into a "sleeping" state.

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful for pregnant women to take immunostimulating herbal preparations: tincture of ginseng, echinacea or eleutherococcus.

In addition, doctors advise supplementing the course of therapy with certain dietary restrictions. Some foods, such as chocolate or raisins, contain the amino acid arginine, which enhances the activity of the virus, so they should be excluded from the daily diet. It is recommended to include fresh vegetables, fruits and chicken in the menu. These foods are rich in the beneficial amino acid lysine, which helps stop the reproduction of the herpes virus in the body.

Doctors recommend drinking more fluids in cases where the pregnant woman has no kidney problems and no swelling. It is useful to include drinks containing vitamin C in the menu: rosehip broth, green tea, tea with lemon, freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy folk remedies

Many women during pregnancy do not want to use medications, so they can be recommended to treat herpes on the lips using folk recipes.

After the sores on the lips become covered with a dry crust, it is recommended to use agents that accelerate tissue regeneration and promote healing. For this purpose, sea buckthorn oil, calendula ointment, tea tree or fir essential oils are used.

Many use such simple and proven products as: black tea, baking soda, salt. Baking soda or table salt is dissolved in boiled water and rashes are treated with this solution. When using tea for the treatment of foci, strong tea leaves are used.

Ice can be used to reduce inflammation. It is wrapped in a sterile napkin and applied to the affected area. Another recipe advises treating herpes with an eggshell, or rather an inner film lining it from the inside. Traditional healers claim that the film has an anti-inflammatory effect, it should be carefully separated from the shell and applied to the focus of herpes.

Gum resin (resin) helps to get rid of the "cold" on the lips. Its application speeds up the healing process. Resin is able to have a preventive effect and prevent the recurrence of rashes. With abundant manifestations of herpes on the lips, the bubbles can be cauterized with medical alcohol or Corvalol solution.

Disease prevention

In order to exclude the possibility of herpes on the lips, a few months before the intended pregnancy, one should strengthen the immune system, get rid of bad habits, undergo a complete examination of the body and cure chronic foci of infection.

  • Expectant mothers need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, harden, engage in active sports. It is necessary to treat concomitant diseases in time, to prevent hypothermia and overheating in the sun.
  • Persons prone to frequent relapses of the disease are advised to use sunscreen when going outside, as the sun's rays can activate the virus.
  • Try not to contact a person who has herpetic eruptions. Do not use shared utensils and household items, towels and bed linen. All dishes must be individual.
  • Remember that the "cold" on the lips is contagious, so strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Do not touch herpetic eruptions with your hands, exclude contact of the rash with water, otherwise you can easily spread the infection to other parts of the body.
  • It is strictly forbidden to pierce or open the bubbles on the lips. This can lead to infection and increased inflammation.
  • Do not use someone else's mascara, lipstick or other cosmetics.
  • When rashes appear on the lips, you can not kiss, touch the child with your lips. During this time, it is recommended to wear a medical face mask.
  • Before going outside, you should apply a special anti-herpetic lipstick containing tea tree oil to your lips.
  • Try to avoid stress, nervous tension. Good rest and healthy sleep will help maintain health.

By following these simple tips, you will reduce the likelihood of a herpes infection and prevent the development of possible complications.

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon that many women face. Often, due to such a small disease, a wonderful period in the life of every woman can noticeably darken. Often, the appearance of such a disease causes a lot of anxiety in a woman who is preparing to become a mother in the near future. If in ordinary life such a manifestation brings only inconvenience, now the question arises whether the disease will bring any negative consequences for the baby?

Should I be worried?

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy also appears during the transmission of the virus through bodily contact with a person who has been infected, by airborne droplets and household contact.

Is there a danger during infection?

Yes, if primary infection occurs, and herpes first appears on the lip. In this case, the fetus is really in danger. If the body has not experienced this kind of illness, and the virus is already in the body, then it will not pose any threat either to the expectant mother or to the unborn child.

Cold on the lip during pregnancy - what is the reason?

Before you start to deal with such a manifestation, it is worth understanding why it arose and whether it is possible to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence in the future. The development of such an infection in pregnant women often occurs due to a marked decrease in immunity. This happens against the background of factors such as:

  1. Existing chronic diseases.
  2. Noticeable fatigue.
  3. Severe hypothermia.
  4. A noticeable lack of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins.
  5. An imbalance of hormones, which often occurs while expecting a child.
  6. Using medications that can cause a cold.

What are the types of the disease?

A cold on the lips during pregnancy can have several manifestations. Naturally, it proceeds in no form. They can differ markedly from each other, and ultimately affect both the course of the pregnancy itself and the development of the fetus as a whole.

If a woman who is expecting a child already had herpes rashes on her lips before pregnancy, then the probability of transmitting this virus to the fetus will be no more than 5%. If a woman did not come into contact with the herpes virus until she became pregnant, and the infection occurred at the moment when she was expecting a baby, then the probability of a negative impact on the fetus immediately reaches 90%. Here you can’t do without medical help, because a timely response to such a manifestation can save the life of a child.

Doctors divide the existing variants of the manifestation of herpes into several types. These include:

  1. primary form of the disease. It is carried out at the moment when the woman is only infected. It manifests itself when there are no antibodies in the body that can fight pathogenic microbes. It usually occurs at the moment when herpes on the lips during pregnancy appears for the first time, and the woman has not yet had it.
  2. Recurrent herpes. Infection is carried out before pregnancy. The disease manifests itself in the event that immunity decreases, respectively, the symptoms of this disease appear. If at this time a blood test is carried out, it can be noted that there are herpes antibodies in the body.
  3. Asymptomatic transmission of the virus. In this case, the virus will spread inside the woman's body, transmitted from cell to cell. At the same time, none of the symptoms of the disease will give itself away. It is possible that even herpes on the lip will not appear during pregnancy, but a woman may be infected.

How does herpes type 1 progress during pregnancy?

The manifestation of the disease on the lips, which can be in pregnant women, does not differ from that which usually manifests itself in women who are not expecting a child. The basic difference is how the disease will proceed. The initial manifestation on the lips usually looks like a small rash. Less commonly, the disease manifests itself on the oral mucosa. Spots appear, which over time will transform into large bubbles that have liquid in their cavity.

A few more days will pass, and they will burst. A crust will appear at the site of the injury. However, in addition to rashes, other diseases or intoxication can be tracked, which include:

  1. Severe burning in the place where it was damaged.
  2. Itching, swelling, discomfort and discomfort.
  3. Body temperature up to 38 degrees.
  4. Severe pain in the muscles, a feeling of aching in the joints.

Other types of diseases will not manifest themselves so acutely, they will not cause intoxication of the body. However, the appearance of rashes on the lips is not excluded. Despite what kind of herpes appeared on the lip during pregnancy, and whether the pregnant woman was infected, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. This guarantees the course of pregnancy in the future without complications.

What is the main danger?

Herpes during pregnancy on the lip can be dangerous if a woman becomes infected for up to 12 weeks, that is, in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is here that the fetus itself is formed, and the virus penetrates both the blood of the pregnant woman and the blood of the fetus, spreads throughout the body. When it reaches the placenta, there is a greater risk of harm to the developing baby.

The second trimester of pregnancy will be no less dangerous, because up to 22 weeks there will also be a risk of manifestation of pathologies. If the virus is severely affected, then there is a possibility of a miscarriage, the formation of some kind of deformity, the appearance of signs of pneumonia and other abnormalities.

The third trimester of pregnancy will not be as dangerous as the first and second. In isolated cases, the virus will cause premature birth of a child, damage, abnormal development of the baby's brain, or the birth of a dead fetus. These questions concern cases of primary infection of a pregnant woman.

If a pregnant woman has already suffered such a disease, then re-infection will not occur. In the body of the expectant mother there are special antibodies that will easily protect the fetus from infection and prevent the manifestation of negative symptoms. In this case, a cold on the lip during pregnancy is almost no danger.

How to act pregnant?

Considering that the signs of herpes are immediately visible, especially in expectant mothers who have encountered such a disease, it is necessary to immediately begin to eradicate this manifestation. Initially, you should forget about self-medication, because a cold on the lip during pregnancy can be as dangerous for babies as other diseases of the expectant mother. Only a gynecologist can optimally prescribe treatment, based on what week of pregnancy the woman is in, what is the activity of the virus, at what stage of the disease and what type of virus is in the body.

Many drugs are now contraindicated for pregnant women, in particular, this also applies to herpes drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to select medicines that will help eliminate the manifestation of the disease and not harm the unborn child. There are products that are available in the form of ointments, gels or creams for use on the skin. Tablets and other medicines used inside are very rarely prescribed during pregnancy. Popular antiviral agents are Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Zovirax. They are applied to the place where inflammation occurs, and the active substance will not penetrate into the blood and placenta, so such medicines are suitable for treatment.

It is important to remember that in addition to drugs, to fight the virus, you need to take vitamins, trace elements, strengthen and increase immunity. Then the probability of disease, abnormal development of the fetus is minimized. A large role will be played by a full and healthy sleep, strengthened immunity, and the correct preparation of the diet of a pregnant woman.

It is also possible to minimize the likelihood of herpes manifestation if you adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, do not tear off the formed blisters and crusts. So you can only harm yourself and your unborn child more, re-infect yourself. If the disease is detected on time, and its treatment is not started late, it will disappear after a maximum of a week. After that, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination again to make sure that everything is fine with the child, it is also necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor and constantly follow his recommendations.

In order for herpes infection not to become something unexpected, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures, and they must be started before conceiving a child. These rules include:

  1. Blood donation for analysis and detection of herpes.
  2. Constant observance of the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. The correct approach to planning a child, given that both parents must undergo a complete examination.
  4. Maintaining immunity at a high level.
  5. Timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases.
  6. hardening.
  7. Minimizing bad habits or completely abandoning them.

What is worth knowing about infection with the disease?

There are some nuances that you should know about the disease for a woman who is already carrying a child, or is just preparing to become a mother. Three main points:

  1. Primary infection, which most often occurs through, spreads throughout the body. It can manifest itself not only with high fever, but also with a rash on the body. In fact, the mother does not have immunity to this disease, so the virus spreads everywhere, affects any tissue. Immunity is formed quite quickly, however, in a short period of time, the virus manifests itself in individual nerve cells or in certain areas of tissue and skin on the lips.
  2. If there is an immunodeficiency state of a pregnant woman, it is possible that the fetus is affected by such a disease. When a virus infection occurs, the disease recurs. The virus cannot be contained in the tissues and cells of the mother's body, because antibodies do not form immunity to it. When this happens, most often the fetus will become infected and eventually die. This condition is dangerous, because the probability of death of the pregnant woman herself is high.
  3. Do not forget about genital herpes. Most often, infection occurs during intercourse with a pregnant woman, and in the future the virus can then be transferred to the lips when it comes to oral sex. Note that the consequences of genital herpes can be very dangerous for the unborn child. But practice shows that such a situation is unlikely. If the mother is already immune to the virus with which she was previously infected, then re-infection with genital herpes is almost completely excluded.

Difficulties arise when it comes to oral sex, and the pregnant woman has not "picked up" the herpes virus before. In this case, there is a high probability of infection. If we are talking about genital herpes, then most likely the fetus will be infected, after which an abortion will be required.

The above cases- these are examples of how you will have to act and carry out treatment in one or another site should be at a doctor's visit.

Once infected with herpes, a person becomes a carrier of the virus for life. The disease cannot be completely cured, the activity of the pathogen can only be tamed with the help of medicines and folk remedies.

If a woman has herpes on her lip during pregnancy, the question immediately arises: does the virus affect the development of the embryo and what are its dangers, how can it be dealt with. Let's consider this problem in detail.

Why is herpes activated in pregnant women

Labial herpes (the so-called cold on the lips) is activated against the background of hormonal changes that are characteristic of carrying a pregnancy and leading to a weakening of the immune system. The female body becomes vulnerable and easily catches viruses, microbes, infections.

Infection with herpes labialis (HSV-1) occurs by airborne droplets. Also, specific blisters on the lips may appear after oral sex with an infected partner. This means that the cause of herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman can be sexual contact with a sick husband. (HSV-2) is dangerous for the unborn baby - it complicates the course of pregnancy and provokes a miscarriage.

How does herpes appear on the lip, and in what stages does the disease occur in expectant mothers? Activation of the pathogen becomes noticeable with the appearance of itching in the lip and mucous membranes of the mouth (nose). An increase in body temperature with a deterioration in well-being is possible. Further, puffiness occurs on the lip, and bubble elements come to the surface.

At stage 3, the blisters burst and the skin ulcerates. Gradually, the affected area becomes overgrown with a scab, the crusts periodically crack and bleed, but the lip still heals.

A child cannot inherit labial herpes from a pregnant mother, since female antibodies are transmitted to him through the placenta and form immunity to a viral disease.

What is dangerous herpes on the lips for pregnant women

Consider whether herpes on the lips is dangerous during pregnancy and how great the effect of a short-term illness on the fetus is.

Doctors say that viral particles are divided in the skin cells of the middle layers of the dermis. Viral agents that are in nerve cells leave their DNA material in them. But these points - nerve ganglia, are located quite far from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmanifestation of external signs of herpes.

When herpes comes to the surface of the lips, this indicates damage to the tissues and nerves of the face. The virus does not penetrate into the peritoneum and pelvic organs, which includes the uterus with appendages. Thus, two conclusions can be drawn:

But in some cases, the herpes virus is still dangerous for the woman and the fetus. For example, if the mother-to-be never had herpes before conception, the primary infection can spread the pathogen throughout the body. This will lead to the formation of a rash on different parts of the body and the manifestation of generalized symptoms. The body does not give an immune response to the virus, and before its formation, the strain can be introduced into any tissue.

But you should not worry too much about this, because. immunity is developed quickly, and during this time, HSV-1 affects a small number of nerve axons and minor areas of the labial tissues.

The sad consequences of herpes during pregnancy are in the immunodeficient state of the female body. Both primary infection with the virus and relapses are dangerous for the defeat and death of the fetus, there is also a risk of death for the expectant mother.

In late gestation, labial herpes rarely appears (compared to the first weeks after conception). The woman's immunity adapts to the new situation and becomes more resistant to relapses of the disease. In the 2nd - 3rd trimester, herpes on the lips is not dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus. If the virus is activated on the eve or during childbirth, the risk of infection for a newborn baby will come from the fact that the mother kisses him or performs care manipulations with unwashed hands that previously touched the sore lip.


How to prevent infection in a child? It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, do not break off the crusts on the lips and achieve healing of the affected tissue as soon as possible. Treatment of herpes should be carried out using drugs that are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

How to treat labial herpes in pregnant women

Drug treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is carried out in the form of external treatment of the focus with antiherpetic agents:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Oxolinic ointment.
  • Alpizarin ointment.
  • interferon solution.
  • Tromontadine ointment.

Lubricating the lips with a liquid form of vitamin E and olive oil will help speed up the healing of bursting blisters and ulcers.

With severe immunodeficiency, herpes on the face of pregnant women is treated with immunoglobulins and immunostimulants - these are preparations of eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea. The course of treatment includes vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies.

From folk remedies, judging by the reviews of pregnant women, egg wrap saves well. Extract it like this:

Another harmless remedy for treating pregnant women with herpes is garlic. A few slices of the vegetable are rubbed on a fine grater and the juice is squeezed from the gruel. The product is used to lubricate herpes sores. You can do it differently: just cut a clove of garlic and wipe the problem area with a cut. The procedure can be supplemented by lubricating the lips with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar (the products are combined in equal proportions).

As a gentle treatment option, consider aloe juice. The leaf is cut off and the healing liquid is immediately squeezed out. She is lubricated with a herpetic vesicle or sore. You can moisten the rash with a decoction of mint. 1 tbsp dry grass should be boiled in 200 ml of water for no more than 10 minutes, leave for half an hour and strain.