A conspiracy for general well-being. Wealth conspiracies, money rituals

Every person dreams of a comfortable existence. Some people, in order to provide themselves with money, get a job at several jobs, look for additional sources of income, someone is waiting for an inheritance from a wealthy relative.

The conspiracy will help improve the financial situation

However, not all of humanity lives in anticipation of a miracle. Most people have chosen a different method to increase their finances. With the help of special rituals and prayers, you can attract good luck and money to your home and family. How are good luck and money conspiracies made? What instructions for the ritual should be followed?

Conspiracy rules

Conspiracies to attract money can be very diverse and differ significantly from each other. However, in order for the spell to work quickly, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for performing rituals:

  1. The Wealth Conspiracy is performed on Wednesdays. This day of the week is the most prosperous for attracting urgent funds. Any conspiracy solidified into the environment will bring efficiency and multiply capital.
  2. A conspiracy to attract money, it is advisable to read for a waning month. The magic of the moon during this period has incredible power.
  3. To keep money in the future, carry out the ritual in complete silence, without strangers.
  4. Never tell anyone about the ceremony. This is necessary so that further consequences do not turn out to be sad and unforeseen for the performer.
  5. Follow all the rules of the instructions, read the prayers in strict accordance with the written words. Magic loves precision, in this respect it is quite delicate.
  6. For conspiracies for money to work in the near future, believe in the power of magic, in its effectiveness. Any of your desires: capital gain, luck, an urgent amount of money will come true thanks to belief.
  7. It is forbidden to read prayers to pregnant women. The baby in the womb is very susceptible to the powers of magic, so the consequences of the ceremony can be unpredictable.
  8. If the spell is pronounced by another person (at your request), then be sure to thank him. Give him a little gift.
  9. Observe the fast three days before the ceremony.
  10. When attracting good luck, financial well-being and prosperity at home, be absolutely calm. Peace and complete absence of anger should reign in your heart.

Rituals should not be performed by pregnant women

By adhering to these tips, any conspiracy for money and luck will be successful.

Varieties of monetary rituals

Money magic has several types, it all depends on the choice of the performer of the ceremony. A conspiracy is made in a situation when a person wants to find his capital, which he borrowed.

However, the debtor is in no hurry to repay the debt, thereby postponing the return hours for many years. After the ceremony, the money will soon return to the house. The debtor will be constantly haunted by thoughts about the return of funds.

To attract wealth to your home, you need to plot money. Sometimes people work tirelessly, from morning to night, and there are not enough funds. Magical manipulations will help to cope with this problem. Simple prayers and rituals will provide prosperity for every family.

In order for the rapid attraction of finance to follow, it is necessary to conduct a strong conspiracy for money. Proceeds can look like a lottery win, a safe and profitable loan.

The rituals for receiving funds can solve almost all financial problems. Therefore, as soon as the troubles begin, do not postpone the casting of magic spells on the back burner!

Coins can attract wealth

In order for the family to have money, it is necessary to make a money conspiracy. This ceremony is able to improve the financial well-being of a person, and not just once, but for a long period.

A ritual with coins will improve well-being for a long time

Buy gold coins, wait for the waning month. After sunset, head to the nearest intersection. Take coins in your right hand and point them at the light of the moon, and read the prayer:

“Everything grows and multiplies from the sun, and money from the moonlight. Grow, multiply, add. Enrich me (your name), come to me. Amen!".

Say the magic words at least three times. When you get home, hide the money in your wallet, and go to the store early in the morning to shop. When purchasing the goods you need, be sure to use the charmed little thing. The power of magic will begin to take effect in just a couple of days. You will be pleasantly surprised by the rapid rise in wealth.

How to get financial well-being fast

You can attract quick money with a conspiracy in which a green candle appears. The ritual can solve the most difficult financial situation. To implement it, you will need a couple of green candles.

In the phase of the waning moon, at exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon, place two wax objects on a table covered with a tablecloth. Then bring the match to the wick, light them and pronounce the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, dragging bags, there was money in the bags. These bags have opened, the money has all fallen! I then went downstairs, collected the money and took it home. Burn the candles, go into the house. Amen!".

After the prayer has been said three times, let the candles burn out naturally. While the candle stubs are warm, join them together. Put this piece in your wallet and never miss it. Candle stubs will act as your lucky, magical talisman. The attraction of money will happen soon.

Water will improve financial well-being

Profits will increase significantly if you do not neglect magic and do monetary rituals. The magical power of conspiracies acts only unilaterally: it attracts paper bills to your wallet, brings good luck and luck. All that is required of you is faith and the desire to become a wealthy and confident person.

For the conspiracy to be effective, you need to dream of becoming a confident and rich person.

This ceremony is performed independently, after twelve o'clock in the afternoon for a waning month. Take a transparent container, pour 200 grams of water into it and lower at least three coins. Relax, think about wealth, and read the prayer:

Read the magic text five times, then hide the glass with the change away from prying eyes. Nobody should know about the magic vessel and that you performed the ritual. To keep money constantly in your family, spray your wallet with the charmed liquid, in the morning and evening.

Piggy bank - the way to a stable financial position

The magic of money helps people in the most desperate situations. A one-time win is good, but a steady income is better. You can attract money with the help of an ordinary piggy bank.

To do this, you need to go to the store and purchase a new piggy bank. When Wednesday comes, wait until midnight and dip the large bill into the purchased item and say:

“I do the monetary rituals, I attract bills to the piggy bank. So that money went to my house, they did not forget the road. One to one, second to second! And all to me! "

You must repeat the magic words at least three times. After that, put the charmed piggy bank in the most prominent place in your apartment. Dip one gold coin or paper, medium-sized money there every day. The conspiracy will take effect almost immediately. The piggy bank will hourly attract wealth and good luck to you.

How to get the debtor to return the money

It often happens that you helped a good person. They lent him a considerable sum. Then they came for a debt, but the funds cannot be returned. How to be in this situation, what to do? Maybe magic will help?

Magic will help pay back the debt

There is a special conspiracy that is capable of affecting the human mind, thereby prompting him to return other people's money to the true owner.

This ceremony is quite simple and is done at home. To carry it out, you need a regular broom or broom. After sunset, looking at the pomelo, read:

“I am sending to the servant of God (name) nach. Let this nach burn and bake, drive in corners, break bones, do not eat, do not sleep, do not drink, (name) does not give rest. Until that debt is paid back to me. Amen".

Say the spell three times, and in your thoughts imagine how a broomstick hits a person who owes money. Prayer is very strong and effective, her words can evoke a feeling of guilt in a person, awaken conscience. The attraction of funds will follow immediately.

The strongest conspiracy for financial well-being and good luck

Man is the master of his own life. Anyone can be the owner of good luck and wealth; it only takes a little effort. To attract money and fortune to yourself, it is necessary to conduct a magical ritual.

A green candle can attract money

To do this, you will need to purchase candles of different colors: white, green and brown. Each color has its own purpose. White inspires the performer of the ceremony, green attracts money, brown accompanies the work of magic.

Place wax items on a hard surface. You should now have a triangle. The white candle should be facing the person, brown on the right, green on the left. Mandatory in this sequence. Setting fire to a white candle, say:

"The flame is like a soul, the soul is like a flame."

Then we bring the match to the green candle, saying:

"Profit in profit, money in money." Whisper over the brown one: "Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, everything is clear."

When the candles burn out a little, put them together in the center of the triangle and say the prayer:

"Power is in power, power is in power, I am with that power and power."

Wait for the wax items to burn out (on their own). After that, collect the rest of the candles and store in any convenient place for you. To keep large bills, never throw away or part with your magic talisman. This is the only way you can attract money to yourself.

What consequences can a person expect

Attracting wealth through magical manipulation is not difficult. However, not every person thinks about the possible consequences of such rituals. When magic begins to be present in our life, a person's worldview can completely change. The aura makes the energy completely different, sometimes even changing the colors and character of the soul.

If there is no faith in the power of higher powers, then the conspiracy will not bring positive results. Sometimes it happens that prayers, amulets and spells have a rather negative effect on a person and have a number of negative consequences. Instead of wealth, a large amount of money is lost, instead of luck, weakness, fatigue and apathy appear, very often the state of health deteriorates.

But if you do the ceremony according to all the rules and instructions, then money and luck will be with you for many years. By activating their action once every three years, then the negative will not come.

Perform the rituals with faith and a pure heart. Read carefully the conspiracies for money and luck, do not deviate from the instructions. Always be aware of the possible, unpleasant consequences associated with magic. Adhering to all the rules, it will not be difficult to attract wealth, everyone can expect a positive result!

The conspiracies of the famous healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova will help you improve relationships with children, avoid family troubles.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova
200 conspiracies of a Siberian healer for the well-being of the family

For well-being in the house

If everything is not going well in your house, for example, money has ceased to be found or what other troubles you have overcome, do this: on the new moon, start a dough and knead the dough. Once the dough is fine, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove in one skirt on your naked body. Raise the hem above your knees and say:

As you, oven, raise bread, so raise the good in my house. Amen.

When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You cannot give this bread to strangers!

For consent and peace in an unfriendly family

On the first day of the new moon, talk about honey water, and let all family members drink it. They say so:

I lock on the servant of God (name) all the blasphemy, all bad thoughts, judgments, gossip, disputes and quarrels. I close them with seventy-seven locks, seventy-seven chains. Whoever asks me to be wiser than me, who decides to break my conspiracy, he will not destroy it until he can drink all the water of the okiyana. The key to my words, the lock to my speeches. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From enmity between relatives

Oddly enough, but the most cruel enmity happens between loved ones.

And if one bloodline does damage to another out of malice, then he does not think about the fact that his curse will return to him and his children by blood anyway.

This is what happened to a woman who turned for help to my student, now a master, Lyudmila Ivanovna Zyryanova.

Taisiya M. married her daughter during the period of the struggle against drunkenness in the country. It was impossible to get alcohol, and she took advantage of an acquaintance with a worker from the pharmacy and collected medicinal tinctures. On the first day at the wedding, they drank vodka, moonshine and whatever they could get hold of. And on the second day, only the closest ones gathered. When the booze ran out, Taisiya M. took out the drugstore liqueurs. By a tragic accident, the groom's brother died the same evening from poisoning. And the matchmaker, Emma X., began to curse Taisia ​​M., and her house, and the whole family, and that day and hour when she gave birth to a daughter to the destruction of her son.

She beat everything in the house, she had a strong hysteria. She screamed that her son had met Taisia ​​M.'s daughter, to his misfortune. And if Taisia ​​had not given birth to a daughter, her son would not have known her and would not have married, and her second son would now be alive and well.

She threatened that if Victor (the groom) wants to stay in this house, where his brother was ditched, let him stay, but her legs will no longer be there and she will refuse Victor. Then she fell on her knees in front of Victor and began to scream, cry:

- Son, let's go from here, there will be no happiness from this marriage through the death of your brother! Before we have children, let's get out of here.

So she screamed, alternating curses and threats. Finally they took her home.

Victor did not live with his young wife. Even after his brother's funeral, he did not come. The young got divorced.

About a month later, Taisiya M. fell seriously ill. At first I thought it was all from stress, but what followed later convinced me of the opposite: the eldest daughter Taisiya had a dead child, a son died tragically in the army, a month later her husband hanged himself, a cow died. Taisia ​​M. herself was dismissed from her job, everything went to pieces.

Once she stood in a church and prayed for her son who had died in the army. And suddenly I felt someone's gaze. Turning around, I saw Emma X., a failed matchmaker. An inexplicable fear seized Taya, and she hastened to leave the church. On the street, Emma called out to her, who followed her. Having caught up with her, out of breath, she quickly began to tell her that everything that was happening in Taisiya's house was her revenge. And that she will not stop until she decides everyone. Only then will it calm down.

Taisiya almost ran away from her, and she screamed after her, not paying attention to anyone.

- Wait for the coffins, you reptile. Prepare money for new mentions. I will bring you every one of you for the death of my son.

Shedding tears, Taisiya ran without seeing anyone, until a woman grabbed her by the sleeve.

- What's wrong with you? I can help you? - she began to ask Taya.

- Nobody, apparently, will help us, - she answered.

A passer-by sat her down on a bench, gave her validol.

Having calmed down a little, Taya told about her tragedy.

The woman listened and said:

- Here is the phone number of Lyudmila Ivanovna Zyryanova. This is a student of Stepanova herself. She helped me. And to my friends, too, in a question that seemed insoluble. God willing, she will not refuse help. For me, Lyudmila Ivanovna became the second mother, having returned her son from almost the other world. I didn’t miss a single day without praying for her.

Taya turned to L.I. Zyryanova, and she, round after round, having suffered a lot, unraveled the whole tangle of curses and forgeries. Now Taisiya M. is all right. But everyone must always remember that revenge and curses are not the best way out of the situation. And that by imposing a curse on one person, you doom his entire family to suffer.

Remove curses in different ways. I give the conspiracy "From revenge and from damnation."

There is an earthen horomina in the earth-valley: without windows and shelves, without any doors, full of bones and all sorts of relics. She is guarded by a blue lady, not a woman or a widow. She weaves, she knits. Whoever curses my family will punish himself. Just as a stone does not give birth to an egg, a cat will not give birth to a mare, a mare will not give birth to a pig. So revenge and curse will not touch me and my family. I speak with seven locks, I close with seven keys. The key is in the fish's mouth. Whoever promises me a coffin will take it for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to reconciliation with fierce enmity

It is pronounced three times and spits over the left shoulder each time:

God bless my words. Mother earth, water, sun and moon, all God's creatures, witnesses, holy companions, righteous and warlocks, the Church of God, saints, baptists, archangels and angels, the army of all God's army. I pray you and I ask you, God's army, there is no opposite you, the strong - stronger, the powerful - more powerful, you will defeat the war (such and such). Pacify those at war, reconcile those who hate, bless the world to reign. At the head are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with Them the Queen Mother theotokos, behind Them the Holy Fathers and John the Baptist, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster. With them all the power of Heaven is invincible and indestructible. I pray you, holy army, get rid of you, destroy the enmity, the war between (names). So that the century of enmity does not happen, does not arise and does not arrive. From now on I will finish it, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With irreconcilable enmity

First time, God's hour. Seti, wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. Quench with your spirit, your strength the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and young. Mother "Seven-shot", shoot every evil, every quarrel with your seven-shot. Put an end to the heated debate, nagging, capes, clamps, nets, keels, living graves, forgeries, heart disease, headaches, liver problems. Each other so as not to harass insomnia, sleepiness, a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile the servants of God (names) from this day, from this hour, from your order. Cool them down with holy Jordanian water. In the name of God Christ, come out, insult, from the servants of God (names). Calm, calm, Mother "Seven-shot". In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

To peace between blood people

They read the first star three times without stopping:

I scold, I dissuade with my teeth, lips, tongue every evil, every dashing: envy, resentment, bad thoughts with the blood of blood people, from a white forehead, an angry heart, a creepy soul. I will bring out with my strong word, with my molded deed, every and every arrogance. I will bring it out into a clear field, in the expanse, I will leave it there, I will sprinkle it with earth. Here you, discord, be, here you, malice, live, here you lie, do not torment the servants of God (names), do not lead into sin. Bless, the first star, to peace and goodness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

If the family eats each other

"I got married and ended up in the Scorpio family. Not only is their whole family in the Scorpio horoscope, but they eat each other and they started for me."

Dip a cross from a burning candle into the water. The candle should be bought on Sunday, and the job will be done after three days. Brew tea with this water, having previously collected the wax.

Read on this water like this:

As the Sica of God is afraid of the devil, as in the church he cannot rage, as the Lord calmed the storm with a word, so my conspiracy to drive out anger: from slaves (such and such), from slaves (such and such). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the same

Archangel Michael, and with him Saint Gabriel. Draw your bows, load your arrows. Where your holy arrows fly, there they take the malice from the slaves (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to build peace in the family

Speak for tea, for water and give a drink to her husband:

Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nikola the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but I return life. So that such a pure life was like water for a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy of a non-working woman

It is done by a married woman who is at home with a child or simply cannot find work, and whose husband supports the whole family. The conspiracy of a married unemployed woman is aimed at ensuring that her husband earns a lot, does not get tired at work, and that he has strength for his family. You need to read on Monday, when your husband leaves for work. Escort your husband over the threshold, cross yourself and utter the conspiracy of a married unemployed woman:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up, a young married slave (name), early in the morning, I will go out into an open field, in an open field there is a holy tree of the Mamri oak, on that oak there are three peaks. Those sticks of three holy wanderers, three holy saints. And the first stick is Saint Anthony, and the second stick is Saint John, and the third stick is Saint Eustathius. I will come, I will worship, I will pray to the saints of God. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathia! Look down from the heavenly palace on those demanding your help and do not reject my petitions; but as if in a dream our benefactors and intercessors, pray to Christ God, that this man-loving and many-merciful man will save my married husband (name) from any situation: from a coward, a flood, fire, sword, evil people, his own and mine sins. May the Lord not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, and may we not turn the good one, given to us from the all-generous God, to evil, but to the glory of His holy Name and to the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord give us peace of thoughts by your prayers, abstinence from destructive passions and from all filth. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathia! Give the servant of God (name) in the hands of power, in the head reason, in the heart pure thoughts, in the house good, in the family love! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Money conspiracy from poverty

It so happens that people become infected with poverty. There lived a man, everything was good with him. Then he visited somewhere where there was need and illness, returned home - and ruin began at home. This means that he was infected with poverty. To remove this disease, you need to read such a conspiracy from poverty every morning and evening:

I will pray to the Lord God, I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos the Virgin Mary. Holy Most Pure Mother of God, holy miracle workers Kuzma da Demian, come on, help, bring me good-gold. Wonderworkers of glory, doctor of gratitude, Cosmo and Damian! From the youth of Christ, you have loved God and observe that command with all your heart, even if you will give yourself a teaching that is medical, but virtuous for the sake of living and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only an art, but moreover the inexhaustible grace of healing all ailments from God, you have accepted everyone's nature to you who diligently seek refuge safe from lingering sickness, from cruel and incurable diseases, from weakening of the body, from frenzy of the mind, from deadly ulcers, from sudden death, and by your all-powerful intercession to God, keep in the right faith firm, persevering in piety, in good deeds diligent who are diligent in prayer to God, and together with you they will be honored in the future ever to sing and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy against poverty is read 12 days in a row, twice a day, a total of 24 times. On the thirteenth day, you need to read this conspiracy from 12 noon to 12 noon every half hour to get it again 24 times. The day should be a day off, and so that no one is at home except for the speaker. As you do, the disease of poverty will lag behind you.

Money conspiracy for profit

You need to read this conspiracy for profit on the waxing moon. The best time is 2, 3, 4, 5 days after the new moon. Get up at midnight to the east window, open the window, throw three coins into it and pronounce the conspiracy for profit:

I will get up, servant of God (name), at midnight at dawn, I will speak, I will speak, I will say, I will retell, I will say, I will say thirty words, thirty verses, thirty conspiracies, thirty psalms, thirty prayers, thirty amineas. Amen, amen and fourty amen. I throw it on the moon, plant it on the moon. As the moon grows, so my money will grow. I am a baptized servant of God, (name) named, I worship the One God, I renounce Satan. God's heaven, God's moon, turn away, Satan! Come angel, come the good of God. God! I worship You, Vladyka, I bless You, Good One, I beg You, Holy One, I fall to You, Humanitarian, and I glorify You, Christ; because You, the Only Begotten, the Lord of all, the One Sinless, for me, an unworthy sinner, were put to death and death on the cross, in order to free the soul of the sinner from sinful bonds. And be my thirty words, thirty verses, thirty conspiracies, thirty psalms, thirty prayers, thirty amines zaaminen, sewn up, flooded, strong-molded, buried, invisible! I will put those words in the lock, I will lock the lock with golden keys, I will go to the okyan-sea, I will throw those keys under the white-combustible stone. And just as no one can drink water from the Okiyan-sea, so no one can get those keys, and wealth cannot be taken away from me. Amen. Amen. Amen

A conspiracy to have wealth in the house.

Although this conspiracy for money and wealth is short, but very strong. Buy two large candles from the church. Order a magpie for yourself about health. Pass one forty-tone candle to the altar and bring the other home. Every morning for the next forty days, light this candle and pronounce a conspiracy for money and wealth:

In the eastern side there is the holy Mount Athos, on that mountain there is the Church of the Lord, in that church is the throne of Christ. As the throne of the Lord stands in the middle of the altar, does not hesitate, does not move, is eternally holy and rich, so the house of a slave (name) would stand in the middle of the whole world, does not hesitate, does not move, it would be holy and rich. Wealth to the house, trouble from the house. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, extinguish the candle. If the candle burns out ahead of schedule, buy another candle. If, after forty days, a piece of the candle remains, then during the last lighting, do not extinguish it, but leave it to burn out.

A conspiracy for daily well-being.

This welfare conspiracy will help those who have no confidence in the future. If you are afraid of losing your job, or are interrupted by odd jobs, then read this welfare conspiracy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord bless Christ! I will arise, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors and from the entrance with gates, turns, bends; I will go out into the open field; pure blue sea field; In the blue sea lies a white stone, on that stone are all the holy saints. I will come, bow, pray to the saints of the saints: Holy God and rest in the saints! Remembering Thy saints and their godly praising of life, You Samago acted in them, I earnestly pray to Thee: grant me, a sinner, to follow their teachings, greetings, faith, longsuffering, love, and their prayer aid, moreover Thy omnipotent heavenly grace with them, be vouchsafed to the glory and praise your holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen. All saints, pray to God for me, for my good. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy for general well-being.

This conspiracy for prosperity is read so that in all matters a person has good luck and profit: work was arguing, the house became a full bowl, money flowed like a river, and people treated him well. Well-being conspiracy:

There is a golden well in the field, in it is the water of gold. Under the well, the earth is burning, the white key is boiling. As the white key boils underground, so the work of the servant of God (name) would boil. As in a well the water of gold, so the servant of God (name) would have a treasure of gold. There is a house in the field, in that house there is a table, on that table there is bread and salt. As on that table, bread and salt will forever stand, as if there would always be something to chew in the house (name). Behind the house lies a field, in that field there is a cow and a bull. As a cow runs after a bull, so good would run after a servant of God (name). Outside the field there is a forest, in that forest there is a spruce, on the spruce hops. As hops hop around the spruce, so would all the right and honor and goodness hover around the servant of God (name). Beyond the forest there is a meadow, in that meadow there is grass, on that grass there is dew. As the dew itself is born, no one sows it, does not grow it, so the money would be born from the servant of God (name) by itself. As the dew is apparently-invisible, counting cannot be counted, so would the servant of God (name) have apparently-invisible gold, counting cannot be counted. The key to these words is in the sky, and the castle is in the sea on a fish-whale; just as a whale-fish cannot get to the sky, just as the sky cannot fall into the sea, so no one would be able to utter these words, conjure them up, overstep them. Am Conspiracy for good luck in a new business.

This conspiracy will help you when you start a new job that you have high hopes for. This can be a new direction in the activity at the same place of work, or work in a different place, or if you are starting work for the first time after graduation.

The conspiracy is read in the morning, after washing. Take a wide cup, made of any material, but not metal, pour water. The water should not be cold, but not very warm, but better than room temperature. Speak this conspiracy over the bowl - aloud or in a whisper, you can read from a book.

“Water-water, my sister, you walked mountains and valleys, and underground paths, through dark forests, where fields and meadows, and steep banks, and sands, and pebbles, and damp earth, and bright skies. Many times, water-water, you met the dawn, saw off the night, and with each dawn washed, was illuminated by the sun, cleared with white light. So cleanse me too, wash my soul and my body, sister water. Wash away the dirt and filth, fill it with cleanliness - so that my work is clean, full of goodness, shines with light, evolves - arguing, full of luck! Amen".

Then wash yourself with this water, pouring it on top of your head.

A conspiracy to attract monetary luck.

This conspiracy should be read in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a piece of bread. It helps to start a new streak in your life - when money begins to come easily and in the right quantities. The conspiracy should be read aloud or in a whisper, you can read the book, but trying not to look at the book all the time, but to look at the bread.

“O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves of bread, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant and well-fed, turn my luck to me, grief - turn away evil from me. Let the road of satiety and joy open into my house, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the good of everyone, and wisely increase wealth, our Lord, for glory. To my words a key and a lock. Amen".

After that, the slice of bread you have spoken must be eaten.

A conspiracy for the successful implementation of all plans.

This conspiracy will help fulfill what you want in business, in your personal life, and in any endeavors. Read on if you need luck and make the best of circumstances for you.

“Voditsa-voditsa, you give me a drink, you give me a wash. So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a lot of happiness. I close the key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen".

Afterwards, drink the water slowly, in small sips.

So that wealth comes to the house.

This conspiracy will help bring goodness into your home so that it is rich, and even luxurious.

Take some sheep's wool, or a piece of fur, hide, and say it out loud (you can look in a book).

“Sheep-lamb, walked around the world, wore a fur coat. That fur coat is warm and rich, it came to my house itself, brought warmth and wealth to me. So fill up, my house, with gold - silver and all kinds of good! Be my home, rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, for everyone. Be, my words, strong and molding! "

Put a piece of the said wool in a secluded place in your house so that no one finds it and inadvertently throws it away. Let it lie for a year. A year later, you need to take a new wool and tell the same conspiracy on it.

For a prosperous life.

This conspiracy will help if you want to live in abundance, and at the same time in peace and quiet, without shocks, so that peace and well-being will reign in your life for a long time.

At noon, go outside or open a window to allow the sun to enter. Place your hands with palms up, pointing them towards the sun, and say the words of the conspiracy three times loudly.

“Sun-sun, you warmly and affectionately walk across the sky, illuminate everyone, help everyone, give everyone the good. So give me, sun, your warmth, light and all the good. May it be so".

Then place your palms on your chest and stand with your eyes closed for a minute. This must be done for seven days in a row at the same time.

(on midday). And even if the day is not sunny, do not miss it, remember that the sun behind the clouds still shines and warms,

Look to the sun even if you can't see it.

So that the money grows quickly.

Wait for the full moon to appear in the sky with a clear sky. Take

Several coins or bills of any denomination and place them on the window, or any other place so that the moonlight falls on them. Say the words of the conspiracy out loud three times in a row (you can use the book).

“Moon-queen, you are silver, golden, growing and accreting. So fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows. They drink money from the moonlight, grow from hour to hour, gain strength, fill my house. "

Leave the money in the moonlight for a few hours, and leave yourself so as not to look.

Then put this money in your wallet and do not waste a month. They will attract new money to you. After a month, spend and repeat the whole ritual with other money.

A conspiracy to keep money growing.

Take a piece of bread and say it out loud three times, using a book.

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, gilded with an ear, and turned into a loaf of bread. As there is plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to heaven. As the bread grows, it spikes, so my money grows and increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then eat the bread.

To raise money for the construction or purchase of an apartment.

In the morning, after washing your face, take some honey, spread it on the bread and say it out loud (you can read it from the book).

“A bee builds a hive, collects honey, calls guests. As everyone is drawn to honey, so money is drawn to me. A bee is a hive, a home is for me. Bee wax, money for me. "

Eat the bread and honey on an empty stomach. Repeat once a week for a month.

A protective conspiracy so that money is not transferred.

In the morning, after prompting, before washing, take a frequent comb, comb your hair with it and pronounce the words of the conspiracy in a quiet whisper at least five times in a row.

“Hair-hair, grow thicker, money-money live more. Hair grows thickly, so let the money run thick. Amen".

A conspiracy to always have a lot of money.

Step out into the open sky on a starry night. Look to the sky and repeat:

"The stars are endless, my money is endless."

Repeat at least nine times in a row, or more.

A conspiracy to make money love you.

There are people for whom money either does not come, or it comes in small numbers, or does not stay late. Money doesn’t make money for such people. This conspiracy will help you become attractive for money, so that it comes in abundance, and it stays with you.

In the morning, take an apple or pear, cut it in half and say it out loud.

“I invoke the spirit of money, I plant it in a pear (apple). I eat a pear (apple), I overshadow myself with a money spirit. Love me money, come money to me. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen".

After that, the pear or apple must be eaten.in. Amen. Amen.

Housewives have been engaged in home magic since ancient times. They, as the keepers of the hearth, took into their own hands the protection of the house, and the attraction of wealth and love to it. Simple but effective methods are popular in our time.

A special kind of magic is tied to the energy of a person and a house. As you know, every house is able to "accept" the owners, help them, preserve the warmth and comfort of family relations. However, with a scornful attitude, the houses often reject negligent settlers and in every possible way try to "survive" them. Anyone who practices home magic will say with confidence that the main thing is to love the place in which you live. You need to understand and accept your home, take care of it.

It is not uncommon to hear conversations of grandmothers and grandfathers, strange for modern times, about how they yearn for their wooden houses, with which they could talk, run their hand over the logs and feel their warmth and "breath". Modern stone structures are very reluctant to respond to touch. However, many can say with confidence that there is a certain character in their apartment, house, cottage.

Home magic: make friends with your home

Try to feel what your family walls want to communicate. It is better to do this all alone. Find a comfortable place and position, relax, close your eyes and let your thoughts flow freely. After a while, you will be able to intuitively feel what is missing in your home. The emotional background will change, and you will understand where to glue the wallpaper, and where to dust it or put a vase of flowers. Open your eyes and look around: your subconscious mind will tell you what changes and rearrangements will be optimal for a comfortable life. Use amulets that protect the house from any manifestation of negativity. After you feel and understand these needs, proceed to magical conspiracies.

We bring prosperity to the house: the best conspiracy

A strong and effective conspiracy will work best if you are confident in your strengths and willingness to help yourself and your loved ones achieve well-being. The goal you set for yourself should be selfless and helpful. It is worth carrying out the ritual after cleaning, when the house breathes clean and fresh, and alone.

In the evening, spread a clean white tablecloth or just a white cloth on the table (any). Place a glass half full of clean water in the center. Prepare a handful of coins, silver and gold items (spoon, earring, chain - whatever you can find). It is advisable to use aromatic oils and incense that attract wealth. Close your eyes and imagine what you will do when you have enough funds. Remember also about the house - you will probably want to change and update something. As soon as the picture becomes bright, proceed to the conspiracy. Carefully, so as not to splash water, throw coins into the glass and say:

“This is my clean home. And I'm in it. Mistress and keeper. Troubles and sorrows eliminator. My strength is with me. There is peace in the soul. I attract prosperity, I wish only joy to my family. I collect coins and put them in clean water. A coin for new things, another for food, a third for furniture, a fourth for health, a fifth for fun, a handful for a home for comfort. Silver and gold, so that family life is rich. "

When the water in the glass rises to the brim, cover it with a piece of white cloth and leave it overnight. This water should be poured over a money tree or any flower that gives you the most joy. Dry the coins and put them in the wallets of your household.

Let's talk a house for well-being

You will need spring or spring water. In winter, melt water from snow is suitable. It must be poured into a clay or wooden container. Place the vessel on the table, and place a lighted candle, an empty bowl, a handful of earth on a cloth, a living plant around it. These items symbolize the forces of nature that will help you achieve well-being through home magic. Conspiracy words should be pronounced slowly:

“Spring water, given by nature, you nourish the earth that gives birth to life. Your strength is limitless. I ask you for strength for your well-being and the prosperity of your family. Bright solar fire, you dispel the darkness of the night, give away warmth and nourish all life on earth. I ask you for a drop of warmth for the well-being of the family hearth. I create a new life, I give prosperity to my family. There will be only joy in my house - there is no room left for sadness and despondency ”.

In an empty container, drip a little wax from a candle, cover with earth, plant a plant and pour it with spring water. So you create your own charm that will attract well-being to your home.

Attracting love with home magic

This conspiracy is considered one of the best. It does not require much effort, only faith and desire to achieve the goal. Our ancestors used it, and its power is able to bring light and warm feelings to the house, tied to trust and mutual understanding.

You will need the brightest family memories. Love for your husband, children, a sense of pride in your household, joint celebrations - everything that gives you pleasure. It is better to indulge in memories alone. Love needs to be materialized. Choose for yourself what you get: knitting, embroidery, weaving - everything that you can do with your own hands. Our grandmothers used to knit socks for each family member, weaving their love into patterns. Things made with your own hands will become the best talismans and amulets for household members. Do something that you can give to your family and friends, while saying at work:

“I weave love into patterns, I leave a particle of myself. I will finish the work, bow to the house, smile at the sun, agree with the moon. They will guard my home and love in it. "

In order to attract love to the house, you need to use simple words of a strong conspiracy when you clean, wash the windows, cook:

“I bring cleanliness, open the windows and doors. I attract love. I'm luring you into the house. For sweet pastries, for a hearty lunch. My home knows no sorrows and troubles. Love will come, it will stay with us, it will curl up in a chair ”.

These ceremonies are as simple as they are powerful. Remember that your sincere concern and desire to arrange life in the best possible way will definitely change your life for the better. Home magic, ancestral precepts and signs will help you avoid trouble and make your home a real fortress and stronghold for your family. We wish you prosperity and well-being, and do not forget to press the buttons and


Conspiracy for peace and harmony in the house

This conspiracy is read at any time of the day before dark. It is necessary to light a candle and speak out, looking at the flame, out loud, by heart.

I ask the Lord God for help! I go out into the open field, climb the mountain, search and find where my troubles live, where they come from. And they live in a deep cave, under a high mountain. I will enter that cave, I will say to troubles-strife: “Sit you, troubles, where you sit, don't go to me, don't leave your place. And so that you don't leave the place, I will burn you with a flame, cross you with a cross, lock you with a lock, and bury the key deeply. Here you sit and rot, never go to my house. " May this be done according to my word. Amen.

After that, with this candle, without extinguishing it, go around all the premises of your house clockwise, starting from the front door, and baptize all walls, corners, windows and doors with a flame.


Do not put things in a conspicuous place in your home that remind you of something sad or lead to sad thoughts. Also, do not keep in sight medications, medical devices, thermometers, bandages, etc. When using, immediately put it in a first-aid kit or drawer. In a conspicuous place should be only things reminiscent of good luck and pleasant moments in life. Then luck and joy will be attracted again and again.

Against quarrels in the house

This conspiracy will help if there are often quarrels in the house, or, in order to avoid quarrels, prevent them from happening. In the morning, at dawn, take a white sheet of paper, put it on the table, take a candle, light it, tilt it over the sheet of paper, and drip wax onto the sheet so that the drops are distributed throughout the sheet. Think that these are your tears shed from quarrels. Then extinguish the candle with your fingers, fold the sheet in four and go to the bank of a river or stream. There, sit by the water, tear the leaf into small pieces, and throw it into the water. When you do this, say three times in a whisper or out loud:

Voditsa-queen, little river-sister, take my tears, take our quarrels, wash them away with a clean stream, carry them away so that they stay there, don't come back.

Then leave without looking back, and without saying a word to anyone on the way.


In the house, in no case should you talk through the threshold, and also not pass some things through it, say hello or say goodbye. Otherwise, evil spirits may arise between you, and quarrels and swearing will begin in the house.

So that there are no quarrels in the house due to jealousy

Make an odd number of eggs (at least three) for scrambled eggs. When you break the eggs, speak on them in a low whisper (so that no one can hear):

As the child of the mother believes, so do you (the name of the spouse or spouse) believe me. As the chicken is meek, so be the meek. Do not quarrel, do not swear, do not find fault with me. Peace in our house, from now on I will finish it, and forever and ever, amen.

Eat the eggs with your spouse, but do not talk about what you did.

Housewarming to have a rich house

When moving into a new home, take the broom you used in your old home and say it out loud:

Let's go, let's go, to a new home, to a happy life, to wealth. Forever and ever, amen.

Take a broom with you and use it in your new home as usual.


Always sweep the floor in the house not towards the threshold, but from the threshold. Otherwise, you can sweep the happiness out of the house. There is only one broom in the house. If there are more of them, then poverty can be leveled up, wealth can be scattered in the corners.

Conspiracies for friendship with a brownie when entering a new house

When you leave for a new home from an old one, say out loud:

Master-master, come with me and manage the new house, you will help me, together to make good!

Before entering your new apartment, stop at the doorstep and say out loud:

Master-father, I bow to you, invite you with me, enter the new mansion, taste the porridge, you will be warm and good here!

After that, be sure to prepare a treat for the brownie - put the porridge or pour the milk into a saucer, then the brownie will serve you faithfully.

When you dine in your new house for the first time, take the first slice of bread cut off at dinner outside and bury it in the ground near the right corner of the house (as viewed from the entrance), with the words:

House-breadwinner, come to us, eat our bread, listen to the owners, live and live, help in everything!

Do not forget to talk with the brownie in the future, thank him for his help and feed him, leaving porridge or milk in a saucer at least once a year. Greet him with these words, be sure to out loud:

Host-father, let's live together, drive the trouble from home, bring joy and happiness into the house. Do good!


You can move to a new home any day of the week except Wednesday. If you move on Wednesday, according to signs, the new owners will not stay long in this house.

For the brownie to protect

If the house is in trouble, ask for protection and help from the brownie. Determine the place where the brownie will live. This is usually the farthest secret corner. You can put a broom there - a brownie likes to dwell behind it. Take a saucer, pour milk into it and speak into it.

Brownie-housewife, we can't do without you, there's no sweetness, come, help! We want to live in the house peacefully, smoothly but okay, so that evil spirits do not interfere, do not gallop around the house - drive away, hostess, all evil unclean ones, guard our house, defend us. We will live peacefully and quietly, okay and kind. With God's help. Amen.

Then place the saucer of milk in the corner of the brownie. Let it stand for a day or two, then you can pour it out.


Sharp objects left on the table overnight will interfere with the housekeeper's fight against evil spirits in your house. Therefore, put knives, forks, scissors, needles, etc. into the boxes. Also, do not leave salt and pepper on the table without first covering them with lids.

So that the house is protected from any troubles

Take woolen or linen threads - they must be strong. It is better that they be multi-colored, with a predominance of green, to which you can add a little yellow, blue and red. Using a knife, cut the threads into equal lengths about one and a half meters long. From these threads you need to weave a pigtail. Do it in the morning, start at dawn. When you weave a pigtail, repeat the words of the conspiracy to yourself by heart, until you finish the work.

Guardian angel, be with me. Save my house, bring blessings, drive away the evil, with the holy spirit the house of autumn. Amen.

When the braid is ready, secure it over the front door. It is a very powerful talisman for home protection.


If troubles began in the house, and not one, but several at once - someone got sick, things and food deteriorated, the ceiling leaked, indoor plants began to wither, etc., this may mean that the brownie is angry at something and does not want to help you. We need to appease him with money. Put some coins for him in a corner and ask for help. He will warm up and help you get rid of adversity.

Conspiracy so that the house is not in danger

Lord bless! Save and preserve the doors, and windows, and corners, and ceilings, and floors, and gates, and a roof, and a pipe, and every crack, and fence my house stronger than an iron one, trouble will not pass through it, but happiness will find its way. My home is protected by the cross, pretended with prayer. Amen.

So that the right things come to the house

If you want to equip a new house, or buy new things for an old one, and want not to be mistaken with a purchase, so that these are only good things, and the money goes to a good sense, take a green handkerchief and say it in a whisper or out loud (you can use a book) any time of the day before dark.

I am a good master, my house is good, and the things in it are good. Prosperity goes into the house by itself, I invite him, I invite him to me. Let my house and everyone who is in it live - they do not grieve, they do not need anything, they rejoice at every thing, and small, and large, and medium, and every thing. Welcome to the house!

Then tie a handkerchief to the leg of a table or chair, or to a pipe, or fasten it to the door, and go shopping. The scarf can be removed and put away in a secluded place when all items have been purchased. This scarf cannot be used as an ordinary scarf, it should be kept in a secret place as a guardian of your property.

A conspiracy not to know poverty and misery in the house

Buy a new broom and sweep the whole house with it. This should be done at any time before dark. As you sweep the trash over the threshold, say out loud seven times in a row:

Along with this broom and litter, leave me, poverty and misfortune.

To the spouses, by mutual agreement, to dispose of family property and money

This conspiracy will help if one of the spouses unwisely disposes of common money and property to the detriment of the other (for example, he drinks the family treasury, or spends common money for his own needs, regardless of the interests of other family members). The spouse who is the suffering party must do so. Take some thing (from the clothes) of the spouse and wash it, and then rinse it in clean water. When you rinse, slander the thing three times in a row, in a whisper, the words of the conspiracy. Do this in the absence of your spouse, he should not know anything. And it is better that he does not realize that the thing is washed. It is not difficult for a woman to fulfill this condition, but for a man it is much more difficult - the wife will sooner notice that her things were taken and washed. Therefore, men are advised to take some small, already washed wife's thing, which lies among the clean linen (at least a handkerchief). After washing, carefully put in the same place so that she does not notice anything.

We live in peace, we share everything equally, no one is offended, everyone is respected. I wash and rinse, I trust in the saints, I wash away stupid extravagance and ruinous spirit from my spouse. Amen, amen, amen.

For peace and prosperity in the house

In the morning, it is advisable to choose a time when no one is at home. Light a candle and walk around all the rooms of your house with it. While you walk, all the time repeat aloud, louder, the words of the conspiracy, without any distraction, without stopping or interruption.

Fire-fire, burn poverty, bring wealth. Fire-fire, burn troubles, quarrels and strife, bring happiness to the world. Fire-fire, burn fear-anxiety, bring peace. Let the house be like the Garden of Eden - there the fruits hang abundantly, they do not shout at each other. So in my house there is peace and quiet, but God's grace. There will be prosperity here, peace and abundant life. Amen.

Then put out the candle with your fingers and keep it as a talisman.

To preserve family and home

This conspiracy helps if something threatens the house, the family, or you feel, as if even without reason, some kind of anxiety, anxiety for the house and family. Also, this conspiracy will help if something bad happened in the house (someone was seriously ill, died, or there were strong quarrels, scolded a lot, or someone suffered a lot because of something). Go to church on Wednesday morning and bring holy water. Spray all the corners and windows of your home with this water immediately. When you do this, say the words of the conspiracy, out loud, from memory.

Lord, help, save and save! Forgive us sins, voluntary and involuntary! Take away the trouble, save our house and everyone who lives in it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat without stopping all the time as you walk around the house with holy water. Repeat again if necessary after a week.


If indoor plants grow and bloom well, then everything is fine in the house, in the family. If the plants begin to ache, wither, wither - this is to quarrels, family discord and troubles.

In order not to quarrel in the house

In the morning, take as many nails as you have in the house (including rooms, hallway and kitchen). Drive the first nail over the front door with the words:

I don't hammer in a nail - I hammer all incoming quarrels and strife, that they sat and were silent, did not open their mouths!

Then drive a nail in each room (anywhere) with the words:

I do not hammer in a nail, I hammer all kitchen (bedrooms, living rooms, room) quarrels and strife so that they sit and be silent, do not open their mouths!

Nails must be driven in to the very cap, which would then be nice to paint over or wallpaper.


If you do not want to quarrel, never dry yourself together with one towel, and do not wipe the dishes either. It is also impossible for two to hold onto the same towel.

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