Is your newborn baby healthy? What you need to know about the newborn, going to the hospital

Human skin is made up of two layers - epidermis And dermis(actually the skin). The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin that is made up of horny And basal layers (the first is represented by several rows of constantly sloughing dead - "keratinized" - cells, in the second, new cells are formed to replace the removed keratinized ones). Under the epidermis is the dermis - a layer of loose connective tissue, in which the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair roots, are located.

To the question: “What is the skin for?” - most people far from medicine will confidently answer: "To protect muscles, bones, internal organs." Such an answer would, of course, be perfectly fair, but not sufficient. The skin in our body is assigned not only a protective role. Let's try to list the main functions of the skin, and here's what we get:

  • protective(the skin protects the body from negative external influences);
  • excretory(with sweating, metabolic products are excreted from the body);
  • thermoregulating(it is with the help of the skin that the body adapts to the ambient temperature);
  • respiratory(air enters the body not only through the lungs, but also through the diffusion of gases through the walls of skin vessels);
  • sensitive(skin provides tactile, temperature and pain sensitivity);
  • synthetic(it is in the skin that vitamin D and the pigment melanin are synthesized, which protect a person from the action of ultraviolet rays).

Features of the skin of a newborn

Those features of the skin that we have talked about so far are universal - they are equally characteristic of both children and adults. Now let's talk about what is typical for the skin of a newborn. Infant skin has a number of features that make the little man more vulnerable and defenseless, and new parents need to be aware of this in order to provide proper care for the child.

The skin of a newborn is extremely different thin stratum corneum, only 3-4 rows of cells. And since it is this layer that performs a protective function, it is not difficult to imagine how vulnerable the baby's skin is. In addition, such thin skin does not provide a sufficient level of thermoregulation, so the newborn cools down and overheats very quickly.

In newborns very loose connection between epidermis and dermis. Without going into anatomical details, we only note that such a structure of the skin predisposes to a more rapid spread of infection than in adults.

The child's skin has well-developed network of capillaries, which, on the one hand, again increases the likelihood of infection spreading through the bloodstream, and on the other hand, promotes skin gas exchange (the child literally “breathes through the skin”). In other words, the protective function of the skin of an infant is significantly inferior to that of an adult, and the respiratory function is expressed many times more intensely.

Children's skin is extremely saturated with water. The skin of a newborn contains 80-90% water (in an adult - 65-67%). This moisture content of the skin must be constantly maintained, however, due to the fact that it is very thin, moisture is easily lost when the ambient temperature rises, and the skin dries.

In the skin of a newborn low melanin content, such skin is practically defenseless against the action of UV rays.

Newborn skin care

The principles of newborn skin care stem from its structural and functional features. In a nutshell, they can be formulated something like this: you need to help the skin perform its protective function - and not prevent it from breathing. Let's try to list the main procedures that will help to follow this principle:

    • Ensuring optimal ambient temperature , along with the usual hygiene procedures, is one of the most important conditions for proper skin care of a newborn. This is due to the fact that infant skin is not yet able to cope with thermoregulation, that is, to maintain a constant body temperature with changes in ambient temperature. Therefore, in the room where the child is located, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of about 20 ° C. Both hypothermia and overheating are equally undesirable for the child (when overheated, in particular, prickly heat may develop).
    • Bathing. If there are no contraindications for health reasons, the newborn should be bathed daily. In urban conditions, ordinary tap water (36-37 ° C) is used. Until the umbilical wound is completely closed, "potassium permanganate" (a weak solution of potassium permanganate) should be added to the water. 1 . 2 times a week it is recommended to wash the child with baby soap, 1-2 times a week to wash your hair (with baby soap or special baby shampoos).
    • Moisturizing the skin. The child's skin should be examined every day. If you notice dryness in certain areas, they need to be moisturized. For this, both simple home remedies are suitable - sunflower or olive oil (only pre-sterilized), as well as branded oils for baby skin care. Vaseline oil can also be used, although it is less effective.
    • Treatment of natural skin folds. After moisturizing the skin, it is necessary to treat the inguinal, cervical, popliteal and other skin folds. To do this, you can use specialized creams, for example "Children's" 2 . You can not smear the cream all over the body: this paralyzes the respiratory function of the skin and can even lead to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood).
    • Treatment of the umbilical wound. The umbilical wound is processed until it is completely closed and there is no discharge during its processing. For treatment, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is recommended, the edges of the umbilical wound must be moved apart during this procedure. If there are crusts on the bottom of the wound, they must be removed. In conclusion, the wound is treated with a 1-2% solution of brilliant green or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. (The patronage nurse teaches the parents how to treat the umbilical wound.)
    • Air and sun baths parents perceive primarily as hardening procedures, but they are also an integral element of skin hygiene, as they help prevent prickly heat and diaper rash.

In no case should a child taking such a bath be exposed to direct sunlight; he can lie in the garden in the shade of trees, under a trellised awning or on a veranda (of course, with adequate air temperature). This mode will allow the child to “ventilate” well and receive the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary for the production of vitamin D.

In winter, of course, you will have to do without sunbathing, but air baths can also be arranged in the apartment. When swaddling or changing, leave the baby naked for a while (it will be enough for a newborn to lie on his stomach for 2-3 minutes before each feeding, a three-month-old baby can take a total of 15-20 minutes of air baths a day, by six months their time should be increased to 30, and by the year - up to 40 minutes a day 3 ).

However, even the strictest implementation of all these procedures may be ineffective if elementary hygiene standards are not observed. So do not forget: all child care items should only be individual - designed exclusively for him, they should be kept in a strictly defined place and always covered with a clean napkin, other family members and especially older children should not have access to them.

Changes in the skin

However, even with perfect skin care for a child, almost any mother sooner or later faces certain problems. There are quite a lot of them, and they are varied.

Consider first the cases when changes in the skin due to the characteristics of the skin of the newborn and do not require treatment.

Almost all newborns have transient (transient) changes in the skin, which are physiologically normal and do not require correction.

simple erythema. This is reddening of the skin (in the first hours of life - with a bluish tint), which occurs after the removal of the original lubricant or after the first bath. Usually on the second day after birth, the redness becomes brighter, and fades away by the end of the first week. The severity of simple erythema, its duration depends on the degree of maturity of the child (in premature babies, simple erythema lasts 2-3 weeks, in full-term babies - less).

Physiological peeling . Occurs on the 3rd-5th day of life in children with a particularly bright simple erythema after it fades. Exfoliating skin flakes look like plates or crushed bran. Especially a lot of them on the tummy and chest.

Toxic erythema . This skin reaction is similar to an allergic one (in children who have experienced severe toxic erythema, a predisposition to allergic diathesis is often observed subsequently). Many newborns have small white dense nodules that rise above the surface of the skin (papules) on the 1-3 day of life. There may be redness at the base of the papule. Sometimes bubbles with white contents are formed. Most often, elements of toxic erythema are found on the chest and abdomen, less often on the face and extremities. Erythema never occurs on the palms, feet, mucous membranes. Within 1-3 days, new rashes may appear, but usually the rash disappears after 2-3 days. The child feels well, the temperature is normal. As a rule, treatment is not required, only with a profuse rash, additional drinking (5% glucose solution) and antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs are prescribed.

Milia - whitish-yellowish nodules 1-2 mm in size, rising above the level of the skin and localized more often on the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, in the forehead, very rarely throughout the body. These are sebaceous glands with abundant secretion and clogged excretory ducts, observed in approximately 40% of newborns. With signs of mild inflammation (redness), nodules should be treated with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.

Enlarged sweat glands , appearing at the birth of a child, look like thin-walled bubbles with curdled or transparent contents. They are found in the neck crease, on the scalp, less often on the shoulders, chest. Bubbles are easily removed with a cotton swab with alcohol, while the skin remains intact. There are no recurrences.

Yellowness of the skin often observed in perfectly healthy children on the second or third day of life, it is due to the fact that the functionally immature liver at birth is not able to cope with the processing of bilirubin. No special treatment is required, it is only necessary to give the baby more water to speed up the release of bilirubin from the body, and monitor the regularity of the stool. Physiological (transient) jaundice usually begins to subside on the seventh to tenth day.

Telangiectasia - local expansion of subcutaneous capillaries, often called "spider veins". Usually they are located on the forehead, back of the head, bridge of the nose. Telangiectasia does not require treatment and usually resolves on its own by one to one and a half years.

Changes in the skin can also be signs of any disease. And then - it needs treatment.

allergic rash - this is what parents probably face most often. Usually it is bright pink in color, consists of red spots and nodules rising above the surface of the skin, resembling a mosquito bite (papules).

When a rash occurs, you must first find the cause of the allergy. A nursing mother should first of all think about her diet during the last week. If she ate vegetables and fruits with red and yellow colors, chocolate, fatty fish, caviar, saturated broths, a large number of eggs (more than two per week), then the cause of the allergy most likely lies in the woman's diet. If the allergic rash is clearly delimited by the place of application of any means of children's cosmetics, it is necessary to refuse to use it.

diaper rash (they are also called diaper dermatitis) is a non-infectious skin lesion that occurs at the points of contact with an irritating agent (urine, feces, sometimes rough diapers). Most often they are localized on the buttocks, in the genital area, on the inner surface of the thighs.

When diaper rash appears, it is necessary to strengthen hygienic control over the child (make sure that he does not lie in wet diapers; wash after defecation and when changing diapers; in the absence of allergic reactions, take daily baths with the addition of medicinal herbs: chamomile, string, oak bark - the latter is preferable when weeping diaper rash). Astringent creams are shown, for example those containing tannin. When erosions (superficial skin defects) occur, so-called epithelizing creams are indicated, for example, with sea buckthorn oil.

Prickly heat also refers to non-infectious inflammatory processes and is the result of improper care. If the child is dressed too warmly, “wrapped up”, there is a compensatory expansion of the ducts of the sweat glands and the capillaries surrounding them. Prickly heat appears as a pink nodular (papular) rash, mainly in the chest and abdomen, less often in the limbs.

If a child develops prickly heat, you should not dress him so warmly; clothing should be adequate to the ambient temperature.

Useful baths using the same herbs as for diaper rash. Very effective air baths lasting 10-15 minutes.

However, if with good care, an adequate mother's diet and the correct regimen, the child is prone to diaper rash or prickly heat, the pediatrician may suspect a more serious pathology - ECD (exudative catarrhal diathesis).

Hemangioma This is the proliferation of subcutaneous vessels. It is noticeable in the form of vascular tangles, translucent through the skin, and with deep localization in the form of a cyanotic spot, which acquires a more intense color when the child screams and strains. Already in the maternity hospital, the doctor will draw the attention of the mother to the presence of a hemangioma and recommend measuring its size in dynamics. It is more convenient to do this with the help of tracing paper, circling the hemangioma over it at regular intervals. If the hemangioma tends to shrink, then most likely it will not require treatment and will disappear on its own. However, if the hemangioma is growing rapidly, medical correction will be required. The question of treatment tactics in such cases is decided jointly by the pediatrician and the surgeon.

Dark spots can have any localization; they require monitoring over time and monthly measurement. If the area of ​​the pigment spot increases, you should definitely contact your pediatrician.

Gneiss (milk crust) - This is an allergic manifestation, localized on the scalp in the form of whitish crusts. As with an allergic rash, a nursing mother should first of all analyze her diet and be sure to show the baby to a dermatologist. In addition, before bathing, you should lubricate the scalp of the child with sterile sunflower or olive oil, put on a cotton cap for a while, and then carefully remove the softened crusts with a cotton swab or a rare comb.

skin candidiasis often combined in newborns with candidiasis of the mucous membranes and usually occurs when a child passes through the birth canal of a woman suffering from vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Candidal skin lesions look like weeping diaper rash in the anus, buttocks, inner thighs. As a rule, diaper rash is accompanied by the appearance of erosion. The edges of the erosions are uneven, scalloped, covered with a thin white coating (sometimes the coating covers the entire surface of the erosion). Since the skin process is usually accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes, you can see a curdled white coating on the lining of the mouth, genitals.

To make a correct diagnosis, a smear is needed - sowing on mushrooms. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the child will be prescribed specific therapy (usually local - in the form of ointments, such as Clotrimazole, Travogen, Pimafucin, etc.). In addition, special attention is paid to hygiene measures: frequent baths are required, as well as lubrication of diaper rash with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate to dry the skin.

In any case, if you find any unusual changes in the child's skin, immediately show it to a pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician and in no case try to treat it yourself, since children's skin lesions are diverse and often different diseases have similar symptoms, so it is correct to make a diagnosis only an experienced doctor can find out the need for correction and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

1 The concentrated solution must be prepared in a separate bowl, and then added to the bathing water so that it acquires a slightly pink color. This is done to avoid getting crystals of potassium permanganate, which is a strong oxidizing agent, on the baby's skin and causing a chemical burn.

The skin of the baby, if the birth went without complications and the baby was born on time, should be tender, soft, velvety to the touch, elastic. The skin of a newborn is very thin and dry, which is due to the low functionality of the sweat glands. Therefore, touching the child and taking him in your arms should be done carefully and carefully.

The difference between the skin of a child and the skin of an adult is also manifested in the fact that there are folds on its surface, which straighten out almost immediately. If you feel the skin of a newly born baby, you can see that it is covered with a thin layer of sticky substance. This original lubricant protected his skin in the womb and contributed to the easier passage of the fetus during childbirth. After childbirth, obstetricians clean the skin of the child from this substance, which is the secret of the sebaceous glands, while paying special attention to the folds on the body.

The baby's skin color gradually changes. At birth, the baby's skin is blue or purple, but after a short amount of time it loses these cool shades and becomes pink. The skin of the heels and palms can acquire a bluish tint, which is due to the restructuring of the circulatory system. Such phenomena disappear from the time the baby begins to actively move his arms and legs.

The skin of a newborn may be covered with small bruises or dilated vessels on the head, neck, bridge of the nose, or upper eyelids. This is quite normal, do not be afraid of this, after a couple of days everything will pass.

Sometimes, pimples and small fluid-filled blisters may appear on the baby's skin. They go away on their own when the child's sweat glands begin to function.

Very thin, almost transparent skin of red-pink color is usually found in premature babies, because the supply of subcutaneous fat simply does not have time to form, as it is formed in the last stages of pregnancy.

On the second or third day, almost all babies develop jaundice: the skin turns yellow, which is caused by an increased content of one of the bile pigments in the blood. Most often, yellow color appears on the skin of the face, limbs, torso, between the shoulder blades, on the feet and palms. Yellowness gradually begins to disappear after 3-4 days, and after a while it completely disappears. The baby's skin returns to normal color approximately two weeks after birth.

Premature babies are more susceptible to jaundice, they are more difficult to tolerate the course of this disease. You should not take this lightly, you should immediately take certain measures, because this threatens with the possibility of developing a brain disease. If a child born on time has jaundice in a couple of days, then a premature baby is treated for 2-3 weeks.

The tip and wings of the child's nose may be covered with small pale pink dots. They disappear when the work of the glands (sebaceous and sweat) is adjusted, which occurs during the first months of life.

Be sure to see a dermatologist for children who, from an early age, have pigment spots of various colors on their skin: from black to blue.

The pallor of the skin in a newborn indicates a birth injury, hypoxia (a state of oxygen starvation), damage to the cervical spine.

Paleness of the skin over a long period of time may indicate cardiological diseases. This may be a symptom of diseases such as anemia (decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin), congenital heart disease.

In connection with the change of habitat, the transition from the protected mother's womb to the outside world, there is a possibility of infection with infectious diseases. Most often they appear after the first week of life. The skin of the child must be monitored and carefully looked after. In cases of any deviations from the norm, you should not hesitate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The birth of a child is the most exciting period in the life of every woman. After childbirth, the stage of adaptation of the child, which is no less important for both the mother and her baby, begins, which lasts up to 1 month. All organs and systems are rebuilt and begin to work in new conditions. After a sterile environment, the baby enters the outside world, where a lot of irritants affect the skin. We will consider the main transitional conditions of the skin of a newborn, and each mother will be able to recognize these changes in her baby and distinguish the norm from pathology.

1. Neonatal erythema

In the first days, the skin is cleared of generic lubrication. On the 2-3rd day, a simple erythema appears, which is observed until the 5-7th day of life. Erythema simplex is a reddening of the skin associated with the fact that the child gets used to the new environmental temperature and exposure to air on the skin. By the end of the week, the redness is normal.

2. Peeling skin

Peeling most often occurs on the folds of the skin of the palms and feet of postterm babies who were born after 40 weeks. Lubricate or moisturize dry skin with baby cream so that it does not crack and does not cause discomfort to the baby. Peeling is observed up to 2 weeks, in rare cases - up to 2 months, and then disappears without a trace. With peeling and dry skin for more than 2 months, it is important to consult a specialist to exclude allergies or congenital skin diseases of the baby.

3. Toxic erythema

Toxic erythema is red spots up to 10 mm in diameter with a yellow seal in the center that appear on different parts of the body. It occurs at the end of the 1st week of a baby's life and is associated with the colonization of the skin by the mother's microflora.

In rare cases, blisters with clear contents may appear on bright red skin. They are most often found in the joints of the upper and lower extremities. It is important to ensure that the skin is as clean as possible and not to open the blisters so that they do not fester.

Normally, toxic erythema disappears in 2-3 days. With prolonged observation of the rash (more than 2 weeks) or inflammation of the elements of the rash, it is important to consult a doctor and start treatment.

4. Milia in newborns

Milia are white dots with a diameter of up to 0.5-2 mm on the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose and forehead. They appear when the sebaceous ducts are blocked. Stagnation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands is observed in 70% of newborns. Milia do not require treatment, normally the ducts of the sebaceous glands open within 1-2 weeks after birth - just wipe the baby's face with a swab moistened with clean warm water.

In children with abundant dots on the face, seborrhea may develop. In some cases, inflammation of the sebaceous glands appears. This is due to the increased activity of the mother's sex hormones. In case of inflammation, milia is treated with local antiseptics.

5. Telangiectasia, or "stork track"

Telangiectasias are pink spots up to 10 mm in diameter on the back of the head, forehead and bridge of the nose. They meet at the place where "storks carry babies", which explains their popular name "stork's footprint". Telangiectasias brighten and decrease in size in the first 2 years of a child's life and become noticeable only when the child is very anxious.

With increased capillaries of a bright red color, hemangiomas may appear on the skin. They need to be seen by an oncologist. Normally, they disappear or brighten up to 1 year. With negative dynamics, they are removed after 2 years.

6. Birth tumor

A birth tumor is a swelling of the presenting part, it appears at the place where the child left the birth canal. The birth tumor is observed within 3-4 days and passes without consequences.

After vacuum extraction, a hematoma may appear on the child’s head, which gradually decreases in size and resolves by the end of the first month of the baby’s life. This affects the increase in bilirubin in the blood. If the hematoma does not go away on its own, it is opened surgically.

7. Hormonal (sexual) crisis

From 2-4 days of a baby's life, an increase in the mammary glands occurs and swelling of the external genital organs appears (scrotum - in boys, labia - in girls). The sexual crisis reaches a maximum by the end of the week. Then it gradually passes within a month.

Enlargement of the mammary glands is usually symmetrical (up to 2 cm), the skin above them is not changed. On palpation of the gland, discharge of a grayish or whitish-milky color appears. Breast enlargement is observed in 80% of girls and 50% of boys. It is important to maintain hygiene so that the gland does not become inflamed.

Swelling of the external genital organs is observed in almost all boys and girls. Normally, up to 1.5 months, the swelling disappears. With prolonged swelling, it is important to seek the advice of a surgeon.

8. Physiological jaundice of newborns

On the 2-3rd day of a baby's life, his skin and mucous membranes may acquire a yellowish tint. Jaundice is normally observed in 70% of newborns, and this is due to the fact that the liver is not yet working at full capacity, so bilirubin accumulates in the blood. The stool and urine at the same time retain their usual color.

Normally, jaundice disappears by the 10-14th day of life and, if the child's health remains satisfactory, does not require treatment. With a noticeable lethargy, passivity of the child, when jaundice appeared on the first day of life, you should immediately contact a pediatrician, because this condition requires treatment.

9. Neonatal prickly heat

The newborn has an immature heat exchange system, so when overheated, prickly heat quickly appears on the skin. This is a lot of small red pimples, thickening in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folds. Often they can become inflamed and turn into blisters with clear or purulent contents.

It is important to wash skin areas with prickly heat with soap 2 times a day and leave them open. It is also important not to wrap up or overheat the room where the child is located. In places with prickly heat, use special creams for prevention. As a rule, these activities are enough for prickly heat to pass within 3 days.

Features of newborn skin care

After birth, a baby's skin experiences a number of conditions that affect its health. In order for the transition period to pass without complications, proper care from the first days of a child's life is important.

The Russian company Mir Detstva in August released a new cream-spray for a diaper that does not require rubbing. Now the sensitive and irritated skin of the baby can not be disturbed by unnecessary touches. The innovative formula and method of distribution make the use of the product more economical. Very often, with the wrong choice or use of disposable diapers, the skin of a newborn becomes red and inflamed. Summer heat can only provoke these unpleasant phenomena. Deal with...

Acids can solve numerous skin care issues: lightening age spots, acne and post-acne spots, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate excessive oiliness of the skin, get rid of comedones and blackheads, smooth out uneven skin and even out tone, are indicated for dry, lethargic aging skin, promote greater production of collagen and elastin, and thus reduce and prevent wrinkles. If you are the owner of problematic or aging skin, then you ...

These or other rashes on the skin occur in children from the first days of life. Some types, such as acne in newborns, are considered almost normal, others - sweating, for example, are very common and easily treated, and later such serious rashes as with a staph infection may appear. Even dermatologists sometimes find it difficult to diagnose, especially when it comes to allergies. But they are very easy to prescribe hormonal ointments. If mom bothers to read the instructions and the list of side effects...

Psoriasis, vitiligo and lupus. These are three practically incurable chronic dermatological diseases, each of which has a rather ancient history of its existence. Having various external manifestations, specific nature and individual characteristics, these diseases equally cause irreparable harm to a person. The first mention of it dates back to the XII century and is connected with Rogerius, who was the first in history to give a name to red rashes on the face of a patient, and introduced the term ...

In the podcast section on the website, the podcast “Baby refuses to breastfeed. What to do?" According to WHO, 97 percent of women can breastfeed. But in reality, young mothers often face a number of problems that do not allow them to continue breastfeeding for a long time. How should a mother behave if the baby refuses to breastfeed? You can listen to useful recommendations in the new podcast.

The appearance of a newborn baby is unpleasant. The newborn is born wet and dirty, covered in a mixture of maternal blood and amniotic fluid. A thick white cheese-like lubricant, vemix caseosa, may remain in the inguinal folds or in the ears. If he has enough hair on his head, they are tangled and stuck to the skull. The head of a newborn baby can be cone-shaped (during a “normal” birth), perfectly round (during a caesarean section), or slightly elongated from front to back ...

Time passes, and the baby is silent or, at best, “mumbles” something in one understandable language, why? It is not easy to answer this question unequivocally, the reasons may be unfavorable ecology, poor health of the mother during pregnancy, lack of formation or insufficiency of the sensorimotor sphere, neurological diseases of the child himself, hearing problems ... Or maybe your baby lacks communication. Do you talk to him, do you comment on your actions and his actions, do you discuss everything...

Atopic dermatitis in infants. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. The skin of an atopic child should always be well hydrated. Then scaly foci develop more slowly.


We are also atopic, we had everything up to 7.5 months, and then, as if by chance, it took off (TTT), it remained a little bit on the legs ...
Bathed in a row, smeared with a talker (written out by a dermatologist) and advantan.
In fact, it will all pass with time! Usually up to 8-9 months. exactly.
But it was easier for me in terms of diet, we were on breastfeeding only up to 3 months. At first, of course, yes, I ate little and not allergenic.

senior atopic from 2 months, diets didn’t help me or my son, they also treated dysbacteria. when it was very badly smeared with advantan or elidel, if the skin is dry it must be constantly smeared with creams.

How do infants develop allergies? Questions for expectant mothers "experienced". Sometimes resistant dermatitis - redness and peeling of the skin. And sometimes snot, but this is not our option.

I was very flaky on my palms, then I saw the feet too - especially the upper side of the arch - just all the dry skin on it and on the upper part of the chest - around the neck. This is normal for a newborn or worth worrying about.

The skin is very flaky - how to help. Medical questions. A child from birth to one year. From Mustella, Cold Cream helped us best with diathesis (peeling) ... Stelatopia did not work 04/03/2006 13:20:32, KoshMarochka.


from Mustella, Cold Cream helped us best with diathesis (peeling) ... Stelatopia did not work

In children, the skin often dries out from water (even if washed with mineral water). Try washing with infusion of bay leaves (3-4 leaves per cup of boiling water, insist. Stored at room temperature for up to a week). They also make "starched" baths (100 grams of potato starch per 10 liters of water). You can make a direct bath (if you bathe in a nursery) or pour this solution after a bath and rub it at the same time in those places where the skin is especially dry. Then do not rinse and blot the skin (do not wipe!).

Newborn and owner soap??. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition It is not recommended to wash children under 3 years of age with soap (and other washing products) at all - the balance is disturbed, their skin is delicate.


Baby soap, no more than once a week. Baby oil, but boiled olive oil is also possible.

We are from Saratov. Oil was also advised to us, in nutrition I adhere to the old system (juice from three months, etc.), but our doctor is not against "progressive" methods

With baby cream, I lubricate her arms and legs, ass (she does not peel off), her belly peels off, but I smear occasionally so that the skin breathes. Skin degreasing reduces the already weak bactericidal properties of the skin of a newborn.


I didn’t smear it with anything .. it fell off by itself :-) this baby is changing the skin ...

We had a similar one. You know, we did not smear, but added to a large bath when we bathed, a small spoonful of sunflower oil dissolved in a spoonful of sour cream. Or yogurt, whatever you find. A couple of such baths - and the skin is just velvet. But you can do nothing at all.

Girls, my daughter has a little on the folds of her hands, on her fingers, on her belly, and so on - the skin is peeling off. I was told in the hospital that this is the usual physiological peeling of the skin of newborns.


Transient skin changes in newborns

Transient changes in the skin are present in almost all newborns in the early neonatal period (the first week of extrauterine life). The severity of transient skin conditions can vary greatly.

One of the most worrying parents about a baby's skin change is the so-called birth tumor. As a result of the action of expelling birth forces on the fetus, the presenting part of the baby's head swells a little. The edema, which has developed as a result of venous plethora, has a soft, elastic texture without clear boundaries, goes away on its own by the end of the second day and in fact does not deserve concern :)

Another reason for the unreasonable alertness of mothers and fathers is the expansion of the sweat glands of the child's skin, which is sometimes noticeable soon after birth. In the region of the neck crease, on the scalp, on the shoulders and chest of the child, small vesicles (vesicles) with clear or white cheesy contents can often be found. Pediatricians of the "old school" ornately called such bubbles "miliaria crystallin". The bubbles are delicate, thin-walled, easily removed with a cotton swab, leaving no traces. There is no repeated sprinkling of vesicles, no treatment is required.

Often the attention of parents is also attracted by the so-called simple erythema (physiological catarrh of the skin). After the birth of a child and the removal of the original (cheesy) lubricant from the surface of the body, reactive reddening of the skin occurs - this is transient skin catarrh. In the first hours after birth, the redness may have a bluish tint. The reddening of the skin becomes the brightest and most intense by the second day, and by the end of the first week it disappears on its own, giving the impression of a gradual "fading". The severity of the physiological catarrh of the skin and its duration may depend on the degree of intrauterine maturity of the child, the "readiness" to move from the mother's womb to independent existence. For example, in immature and premature newborns, simple erythema "fades" more slowly, is observed up to two or even three weeks of age, and also seems to be more saturated, bright. However, even in this case, skin catarrh is regarded as a normal reaction and does not require any intervention or treatment.

Following the transient catarrh, a typical transitional condition of the skin of newborns is the physiological peeling of the skin. After the "fading" of simple erythema (especially with the observed significant reddening of the skin), on the third - fifth day, skin peeling may appear. Horny scales of medium or small size peeling off from the skin of the chest, abdomen of a child (the so-called pityriasis peeling) tend to leave the baby's body without outside help. The process of a kind of "molting" in normal cases is very short and completely painless, without needing any special treatment. Post-term children tend to shed quite abundantly, which, however, is also not a particular reason for excitement with proper hygienic care (newborn toilet).

And finally, the last transient change in the skin of newborns is toxic erythema. In general, toxic erythema is a benign condition of the skin of a child. So you shouldn't be afraid of this formidable phrase. Such erythema is the result of increased release of allergy mediators from special cells of a newly born baby. Starting from the first three days of life, small red spots appear on the skin of the chest, abdomen, legs and arms of a newborn with small whitish, slightly raised skin elements (papules) in the center. Less often, such rashes can develop on the face. It is important to remember that there are never manifestations of toxic erythema on the mucous membranes (oral cavity, conjunctiva of the eyes, vulvar mucosa, anus), palms and soles! The child's condition remains the same, the body temperature does not rise, the state of health does not suffer. Over the next three days, spontaneous resolution (disappearance) of the elements of the rash occurs. Less often, "sleeping" occurs - the appearance of new papules with a bright red corolla, which also disappear without a trace after 2-3 days. The described condition does not require special treatment.

From the article you will learn what procedures should be carried out so that the baby's skin remains clean and healthy? And what needs to be done to avoid diaper rash and sweating?

The dermatological integument of a child, just like the skin of an adult, needs constant and proper care. Healthy skin protects the internal organs of a small person from strong mechanical impact, regulates his body temperature and helps the body to be saturated with oxygen.

And since the baby's skin is very thin and delicate, without proper care, they begin to lose all their physiological properties and this immediately affects the child's well-being. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to take daily hygiene procedures with all responsibility. Only they will be able to maintain the dermatological integument in a normal state and will prevent the appearance of diaper rash, redness and peeling.

Features of the skin of a newborn

  • The skin of a newly born baby is very soft, delicate and velvety to the touch, but in order for it to remain so for a long time, a lot of effort must be applied. And you need to start doing this literally from the first minutes after birth.
  • The skin of a newborn baby is covered with a protective substance - a cheese-like lubricant. And if earlier it was believed that it should be washed off immediately, then modern obstetricians and pediatricians recommend leaving the lubricant on the skin until it is completely absorbed.
  • Another feature of dermatological integuments is their color. Many caring mothers are afraid of the excessive redness of the baby's skin. They begin to think that the baby is sick and needs to be treated. But do not worry, redness of the skin is quite common in newborns.
  • This is due to the fact that young children do not yet have a fatty layer and blood vessels are located close enough to the skin. Also, its color is influenced by the number of erythrocytes in the baby's blood.

Approximately on the third day after birth, the lanugo fluff that covers the back, shoulders and legs begins to lose its protective properties and the skin dries up. In some cases, it begins to peel off and may even turn redder. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for creating a lipid film, cannot yet function properly. It is this film, imperceptible to the human eye, that helps to retain moisture in the skin and makes it soft and elastic.

Baby skin care tips

As is already clear from the above, very often young mothers mistake normal physiological processes for skin problems. But over time, when the baby grows up a little, you need to be attentive enough to all sorts of rashes and redness. After all, what is the norm for a newborn baby may turn out to be an unpleasant problem for a two-month-old baby.

Over time, the skin of a small person begins to function in the same way as in an adult. Therefore, it is very important to carry out daily hygiene procedures for the child. If this is not done, then irritation may appear on the epidermis, which will prevent the child from sleeping, eating and walking normally.

Basic care rules:
If you do not want the baby to injure himself, then periodically trim his nails. In the first months of life, special scratches can be put on the baby's arms.
Buy only the highest quality products in the course of the skin. Before you pay for the cream or soap you like, be sure to carefully read the label. It will be better if the composition of children's cosmetics contains the maximum amount of natural substances.
For bathing and washing, use soaps without dyes and fragrances. Such a cosmetic product will have a minimal effect on the dermatological integument.
If mom has inflamed wounds or a fungal infection on her hands, then it would be better for a healthy person, for example, dad or grandmother, to take care of hygiene procedures.

How to wash your baby?

The body of a small person is quite easily influenced by the environment. Therefore, if you do not want to infect your child with some kind of infection, then before you start the washing process, put your hands in order. Wash them thoroughly with clean soapy water and pat dry with a towel. When your hands are completely dry, you can proceed to the hygiene procedures of the baby.

In order for the washing process to be comfortable for both you and your child, make sure that everything you need is at hand. First, boil water and pour it into a small bowl. When the water has cooled down a bit, bring it closer to the changing table. Place cotton pads and baby oil here. When everything is ready, put the baby on the changing table and start washing him.

We wash our eyes. Soak a cotton pad in warm water and wipe the baby's eyes with smooth movements. Start on the outside and end on the inside. After cleaning one eye, repeat the procedure with the second
We clean our nose. At the next stage, we begin to put the spout in order. We make a thin flagellum from a cotton pad, moisten it in water and begin to gently scroll it in the nostril. Just do not put it too far, if something prevents the child from breathing, then you can get it without any problems
Let's fix the ears. Sulfur from the ear gets all the same cotton flagellum. We take the device and begin to scroll it around the external auditory ear. You don’t need to push the tourniquet further, with such actions you will only push the sulfur inward and over time it can turn into a cork that will prevent the baby from hearing normally
We cleanse the skin of the face, neck and behind the ears. Wet a cotton pad with water and wipe the skin with smooth, light movements. We wait until they dry a little and treat them with baby oil.

How to bathe a baby?

Usually newborn babies love to swim. After all, they were in a similar environment all the time until they were born. If the child is not worried about anything, and he is not sick, then such a procedure will help him calm down and even fall asleep. If you have any doubts that you will cope with this task, ask your mother or older sister for help. They will tell and show you everything, and over time you will be able to bathe your beloved child on your own.

This procedure can be carried out immediately after discharge from the hospital. Bathing will have to be postponed only if on the same day the child was vaccinated against tuberculosis. But the very next day you can safely bathe your son or daughter.

Install a baby bath and pour into not warm water. If you want, you can add a decoction of chamomile, string or lavender to it.
Undress the child and gently place him in the water while holding his head with your left hand
To begin with, simply pour water on the body of a small person. If he likes it, you can proceed to cleansing the skin with cosmetics.
First, we begin to wash the neck, shoulders, arms and legs. We pay special attention to the folds. We finish the bath with washing of the head
In the process of washing your hair, you can give your daughter or son a light massage. This will help your baby relax before bed.
When the baby is completely clean, rinse it with warm water. It should be literally a couple of degrees cooler than the water in the bath.
Then we take the child out of the bath, wrap it in a soft towel or just in a cotton sheet, and wait until the skin dries a little
At the last stage, we treat the baby's dermatological integuments with baby cream or oil and dress him in clean, pre-ironed clothes

Sweating and diaper rash in a newborn

Diaper rash and prickly heat are inflammatory processes on the baby's skin, which are the result of prolonged exposure to moisture and friction on the epidermis. The most important sign that the child has problems is red spots of different sizes that do not have clear boundaries. And if a small person almost does not notice a sweat, then diaper rash gives him a lot of inconvenience. They can flake, itch, and even hurt.

Tips to help prevent diaper rash and prickly heat:
Make sure your baby doesn't overheat.
Air baths periodically
Bathe your baby regularly
Wash your son or daughter after every diaper change
Maintain normal temperature
If you notice irritation, apply powder on it.
Do not buy clothes made from synthetic materials for your baby

Peeling skin in a newborn

Parents, grandparents with great joy are waiting for the birth of a new person. But when, it would seem, all fears are behind, new problems begin to appear. And, although sometimes they do not harm the baby himself, their appearance is very upsetting for mom and dad. Such an irritant can be a banal peeling of the skin of a newborn.

Seeing him, the parents run to the pharmacy, buy a nourishing cream and start smearing it on a small body. And when they notice that the problem is not going anywhere, they get even more upset. But if they were not worried, but simply consulted a pediatrician, they would find out that peeling is quite normal. This is how the skin adapts to the environment. And if you just follow all the rules of hygiene, then over time this problem will disappear by itself.

Causes of peeling skin of a newborn:
Too dry indoor air
Improper hygiene practices
Active fat production
natural factors
Allergic reaction

How to nourish and moisturize the skin of a newborn?

  • Due to the fact that the sebaceous glands of newborns work rather poorly, their skin needs additional nutrition and hydration. Therefore, at home, every loving mommy should have a nourishing and moisturizing cream.
  • Means with a moisturizing effect should be applied to the dermatological integument immediately after hygiene procedures. They help keep skin soft and smooth. Baby nourishing creams usually perform two functions at once. They simultaneously saturate the epidermis with useful substances and protect it from irritation.
  • And remember, you can apply cosmetics only on previously cleansed skin. If you notice irritation, diaper rash or sweating and without washing the affected areas, smeared them with cream, then by doing this you caused even more harm to the child. The skin already received little oxygen, and the oily cream, in general, clogged all the pores
  • Therefore, it is very important to adhere to all the rules of hygiene, and even if you are far from home and you do not have the opportunity to wash or wash your baby, then before applying the nutrient, wipe the skin with a damp cloth

Video: How to bathe a child? — Doctor Komarovsky

Whatever aspect you touch on, you can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the crumbs is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to carefully care for it. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not naughty.

Skin features

When the baby is born, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. Firstly, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

The weak development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with another feature. Newborn babies are easily supercooled and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. A special velvety skin gives baby fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is deprived of a protective lipid film that helps retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities is shelled: palms and heels.

Often on the skin of a newborn, you can notice different rashes. Small white dots resembling pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of establishing the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called “blooms,” are the result of hormonal changes. After the physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most of the alarming symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your little one gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  • In order not to injure the delicate skin of the baby, the nails of an adult should be cut short and filed;
  • If an adult has any sores on their hands (eg, boils, nail fungus, sore hangnails), then it is better to entrust the care of a child to a healthy person;
  • It is not recommended to abuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use water-based baby cream ();
  • Use only high-quality children's cosmetics.

We wash the baby

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, it must be washed with boiled water.

Morning care is more convenient to carry out on the changing table, as it will steadily accommodate the necessary items. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, it can be gradually reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).

  1. We start with the treatment of the eyes: with a cotton ball dipped in boiled water, with smooth movements without pressure, wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye we use an individual cotton ball.
  2. Wipe the outside of the nose with a damp cotton ball. From the inside, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton flagellum, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We process the ears with a cotton flagellum, cleaning off the sulfur from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the sulfur is not removed, but pushed inside the ear canal. It is enough to clean the ears 2 times a week.
  4. We wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound should be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then with brilliant green (about proper handling).
  6. After each stool, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


Body care

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Capital truths:

We look at how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to do air baths:

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Treatment of the umbilical wound:

Air baths:

After bathing the child, spread the perineum and inguinal folds with baby cream. Because the composition of creams includes castor oil, glycerin, beeswax, it softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.

Skin problems

Most often, parents are afraid of the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the crumbs (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to deal with it. Before each bath, the crusts are lubricated or with baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze cloth. The movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to the appearance of wounds. (We read)

  • Prickly heat. If the child's body has prickly heat, then you just need to prevent overheating, avoiding excessively warm clothes. At an early stage, normal hygiene for a newborn baby is quite enough. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion to the water, or a decoction of oak bark - (about treatment);
  • Diaper rash. With the appearance of diaper rash, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby's skin “breathe” more often (the same air baths that we wrote about above), diapers and diapers should be changed every few hours. After changing diapers, the child must be washed with running water, in extreme cases, wiped with baby sanitary napkins - in detail;
  • Proper hygiene from the start! We read a large article about the organization.

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