Feminine energy. Male energy. Interaction by chakras. Feminine energy and masculine energy are the sources that fill us

A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires and makes him courageous, strong, courageous. And the male energy relaxes a woman, calms, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him. when she thinks of him, she believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them through which energy flows from the woman to the man. This is the strongest and most reliable way to dissolve in it, to surrender not only the body, but also the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave some of her power to him. Got a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through them.

How does a man return a "favor" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love... When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he says he loves her, she feels elated. When he gives her time, attention, signs of attention, the woman becomes happy. This is how mutually a man and a woman support each other, giving part of themselves.

But it so happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and a man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, this happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels unhappy, tired, exhausted. She may have a blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman receive nothing from a man in return?

If she gives herself to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman continues to feed the man with her energy through the channel that was formed during their proximity, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush to intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the woman's behavior;

When a woman lives with a man in a civil marriage (cohabitates), and he does not want to take on any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. This situation is very exhausting for women and makes them unhappy;

When a woman works and earns money on an equal basis with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the balance of energies;

When a woman continues to live with a man, if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It's one thing if she finds a reason in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she just suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often in such situations, women begin to get sick, as they do not have enough energy to heal both soul and body.

It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman also occurs when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still activated, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, and on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, proves once again that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist.

Therefore, think about whom you are giving your valuable feminine energy to? Does he give you this energy back? Not only your happiness depends on this, but also your health!

Elena Vaenga-Inside


Recently, a friend of mine took a course on developing femininity. She shared the information she told at the training with me. It turns out that every woman is born with certain energetic capabilities. It depends on them how men will perceive her.

Sometimes this is very noticeable - for example, it happens that many guys are looking after a not very beautiful girl at once, not noticing the beauties. As the host of the course explained, everything is due to the fact that the object of their admiration has a lot of feminine energy, and the opposite sex feels it.

What is female energy for?

Until the moment the girl is innocent, her energy is not wasted. But it is to the first man that she gives a part of it. How much a man receives this energy depends on his success. A couple is two people, but he is responsible for wealth, and she is for the atmosphere. It is the female energy that gives him the strength to achieve something, move forward and conquer the peaks.

It does not always work out that the first lover becomes a husband. Then both the second and the next get a part of the energy. But this resource is replenished, the woman restores her reserves, but for 7 years after sexual intercourse she continues to give part of the energy to her lover.

If a girl has many lovers, they all "feed" on her feminine energy. And this is not at all bad, it does not reflect on her. Only a real man, who is next to a woman, does not get 100% of the magic charge, but a little less, which means that his effectiveness falls.

How do men feel feminine energy?

First, many men dream of being the first. Deprivation of virginity is a sacrament that many want to experience. And not only to experience some new sensations. They instinctively understand that they can receive a large "charge" of such necessary energy.

Secondly, men often tend to look after several ladies at the same time. And this is also a way to use several sources at once, which is very good for a man's well-being. For example, a married young man has a mistress, he receives the necessary impulses from both his wife and the one who spends time with him, which means that he can be doubly effective at work.

In ancient times, many feudal lords enjoyed the right of the "first night". The owner of the land was given the opportunity to deprive all girls of their virginity before the wedding. By this, he connected to their energy, which significantly increased the income from the estate. The source of this tradition has long been forgotten, but real bioenergetics know about its origin.

The proof is also that the most successful men in the modern world are those who are very loving, which means they have many sources, or exemplary family men who have one woman, but she is able to give them the energy they need.

How to stop feeding your ex?

Marina, my friend, came from the seminar and immediately began to perform a ritual with the help of which you can remove the connection with former men, which means that you can stop giving them what should rightfully belong to only one - your beloved. According to her, it was not difficult to remember everyone over the past 7 years, but what happened next was very interesting.

The ceremony takes only a few minutes. It only takes time and care, but the result will be visible immediately. How? Yes, men just feel when they lose their nourishment. Three people called Marina that evening, and over the next week, all the former made themselves known. Someone called on a date, someone wrote that they could not forget her.

Of course, she did not meet with them, but she was convinced that it worked. And at the direction of the seminar leaders, a couple of weeks later the ceremony was repeated so that a situation did not arise that someone did not disconnect.

How to “let go” of former partners?

It is easy to carry out the ceremony, you just need to be alone with yourself and spend some time pronouncing certain words. This ritual does not relate to magic or religion, but is a psychological technique that allows you to "remove" all unnecessary attachments. You can also read about this in one of the books by Larisa Renard, dedicated to female practices.

Stand in front of the window. Light a candle if possible. This is a way to tune in to the process. And in silence, start imagining your men in turn. Each needs to sincerely say certain words:
“I thank you for being in my life. I am glad that we once met. I forgive you all the insults that were between us. I let you go. I loved you as best I could. I wish you happiness".

At this time, you need to imagine that a transparent flagellum connects you in the lower abdomen. It is attached just below the navel at one and the other. You need to say the words and with your hands as if to cut this rope. Direct your piece to yourself, and him to him. And then imagine how the man turns and leaves.

You need to do a similar manipulation with each partner. This is a way to "stop feeding" all the exes. But be prepared that some, and possibly all of your exes will try to seek a meeting with you.

As my friend was assured, this ceremony is absolutely safe. It can be carried out several times if you think it is necessary. It also helps in cases where you cannot forget a person. And at the same time, no magical rites or appeals to psychics are required. But there is one BUT: you need to say the words sincerely. Forgiveness and gratitude are great strengths, but they must come from the heart. If you cannot say this from a pure heart, the resentment remains in your heart, just repeat this process several times.

A woman is a source of valuable energy for a man. It depends on the companion whether her husband is a millionaire or a janitor. The more feminine energy, the richer the family and the more productive the man. And although every woman comes with her own potential, reserves can always be increased, which means that you can get a lot more in marriage.

"Well, well!" - Men will say. “We know, we know! Where does my salary go every month. But what good is that? "

They cannot understand our attachment to material things. A woman in all ages will always want convenience, coziness, comfort, so that it is tasty and beautiful. And also sweet - in the morning! And this bowl of her desires is endless. I just bought a new frying pan and is already dreaming of a multicooker.

According to Vedic sources, a woman is twice as hungry, four times more fearful, six times more impudent and eight times more lustful.

√ 2 times hungrier - this means that she needs to snack twice as often so that she has a good mood and well-being. Do not eat twice as much of a man (oh horror, how can you feed her?), But eat a little, but more often.

√ 2 times more fearful - there probably is no need to explain. Security is one of the basic fundamental needs of a woman - physical security, material, mental.

√ 2 times more impudent - if she has decided something, then step aside and don't get in the way! If she went to deal with the utilities, then the entire utilities and the head department would be on the ears!

√ But 8 times more lustful - here, dear men, you probably already lick your lips in anticipation, but bummer! We are eight times lustful for material desires. Men are much more unpretentious and can walk in pants alone for ten years. A woman cannot do that.

In different cultures, women are associated with the Earth. Man with Heaven. These are not just fairy tales of ancient times. This is the physiology of our body. The earth is a symbol of fertility, a granary, the earth takes seed and gives life. And if we talk about a woman, then the Earth in her body is a mother. The most important sacral organ. Here is her strength. This is our accumulator of life energy. And of course the Earth is a material structure. This is all that you can touch, taste, feel. Therefore, a woman, by her earthly nature, will always strive for material wealth.

A man lives more in the world of Ideas, Thoughts, he has a direct connection with the cosmos, the sky, call it what you want. He draws information and strength from there. He takes his Goals from there. And have you noticed that a man constantly lives in his head, ponders something, decides? And of course the man is the seed. Not yet life, but a very sublimated substance, which contains all the information about the future life. If it falls into fertile soil.

And in this we complement each other and really need each other. For a man's Idea to come true, a woman must want this. And for this she does not need to turn on her head, think over this idea, decide (anyway, we are not strong in this), but this idea of ​​his must be accepted and supported. Accept unconditionally and want as your own desire. And give this idea life! How the uterus receives the sperm and the baby is born. The earth does not hesitate: “This is a good seed, I will grow it. And this is a seed from some kind of weed, I will not grow it. And today I am not in the mood at all and everyone went to the bathhouse! " If Mother Earth went through this, not only dinosaurs would die out.

And if it is a battery, then it is a battery. A woman accumulates energy, vitality. And he gives this energy to a man to embody his ideas. It works in a charge-discharge-charge-discharge cycle. Even just making money for a family takes energy. And he receives this energy through the love of a woman, through the warmth of her hands, through everything she does around the house - she cleans, washes, ironed, cooks, washes, does needlework. Creates beauty and comfort. And through sex. Mmm…

His task is to take this energy, achieve the set goal and return this energy back to it in the form of material goods. By creating a safe space for her to create and fill with her love.

Remember one of the previous articles, Balancing Acceptance and Giving? The fourth chakra is Anahata, the heart chakra, the chakra of love. Here the woman gives - the man takes. And the second chakra Svadhisthana, the chakra of pleasure, pleasure, by the way, is located in the region of the mother. And on this chakra, a woman also gives - a man accepts.

And now the most important question. If a man takes energy from a woman, then where does she get energy? As in that joke: “Where do you get the money? From the bedside table. And who puts them there? Husband. And where does he get the money from? From the bedside table. " This is how it is, just the opposite. A woman draws energy from various sources, and primarily from her desires. And their performances, of course! As long as she is able to desire, the man will strive to achieve. But this is not always the case ...

We always want something and it seems as if we want too much. But in practice, take a pen and complete such a simple task - write a list of 100 wishes. And for many, at 20-25 points, and for some even earlier, a stupor begins. Step away from the monitor right now and write.

If you have completed my assignment, then take a look at your list now. If there are few points, then you have little energy. And if a woman does not want anything, then she is devastated to the limit. This is often the case with young mothers. And it happens to me. When you are so tired that you have no strength at all and you only want one thing - to be left alone. One. Everything! Agree, it is difficult for a tired mother to continue caring, endure whims and keep kindness in her heart.

As long as a woman has desires - she is able to give, she is able to love, she is able to receive, she is able to fill! Man, children and space at home. Rugs and curtains. This is, as it were, an indirect indicator of her competence as a woman. Her pacification and fulfillment. An indirect indicator of her female health. Of course with

A reservation that she knows how not only to want, but also to enjoy what she already has. Rejoice at what the man is giving her now. Be grateful for the salary he can bring home now. Accept and want more, whipping up his motivation and his capabilities with his desires. Which are revealed to him from above in the form of successful ideas and lucrative offers. After all, what a woman wants, God wants. Maybe there is a proverb about this?

And if she is still able to desire, then this is the fertile soil that is also capable of accepting the man's seed - the seed of his Idea. And nurture her. To fill with strength and give it life. Not doing his work for him, no. But to be his support and support. After all, behind every great man there was always an equally great woman.

Is it so bad that we are so greedy?

It is important for women to maintain internal energy and strength in order to remain not only in a good mood, but also not to get sick. Emotional emptiness can play a cruel joke and leave lovely ladies exhausted.

Loss of energy brings with it a lot of problems and frequent mood swings. The site's experts know how important it is for the fairer sex to keep themselves in good shape. In the event that women feel overwhelmed, they do not want to leave the house and do business, they need to rest and recuperate. You can fix the situation with the help of proven exercises, as well as revising your daily routine.

What destroys feminine energy

There are many factors that negatively affect the internal energy. Esotericists identify ten of the most important reasons that take away the vitality of women, preventing them from leading an active lifestyle and enjoying every day. Get rid of negative factors so that your life becomes bright and diverse again.

1. Mess. One of the detrimental factors for feminine energy is clutter in the house. Scattered things, a lot of dust, unwashed windows - all this can cause stress and negative emotions. It is important for women to keep their home clean, and men need to know that their chosen one can get sick and lose strength if she alone struggles with disorder in the house.

2. Lack of adequate sleep. Frequent lack of sleep provokes not only mood swings, but also illness. It is important for ladies to get enough sleep in order to maintain inner harmony and cope with daily duties. Every time a woman is deprived of proper sleep, she takes away her inner strength, which will take a long time to recover. Sleep helps to store energy, so ladies need to follow a daily routine. Otherwise, they will be susceptible not only to stress, but also become susceptible to negativity from the outside.

3. Lack of positive emotions. The more often a woman experiences negative emotions, the more difficult it is for her to restore her inner strength. If a girl is in a relationship, then her partner needs to remember that positive emotions strengthen the love connection. Everyone needs compliments and positive adventures that not only build self-esteem, but also help them cope with all kinds of stresses.

5. Fulfillment of male duties. Women should not be engaged in difficult male affairs, not because they cannot do it. It is important for them to remember that such deeds destroy femininity and negatively affect the inner state. It is important for every girl to feel supported, and not to become strong, replacing a man. Esotericists recommend that ladies avoid relationships with men who are unable to protect their chosen ones from truly masculine affairs. Such a relationship is destructive and can deprive a woman's energy at times faster.

6. Unloved work. Women make a big mistake by doing something they don't like. Work that evokes negative emotions can deprive not only physical, but also mental strength. In the event that a woman goes to work through force, she wastes her femininity, which leads to an increased risk of developing nervous diseases.

7. Lack of communication. In the event that a woman does not communicate and spends all the time doing business, she ceases to feel needed. Unspent energy and tenderness often lead to nervous breakdowns and take away mental strength. It is important for women to communicate and share their experiences, to give love and care to loved ones.

8. Inattention to your body. Self-care for women is akin to mediation. They can cut their hair when they feel the need for change, relax in a bath with aromatic oils, change their image. When self-care is not possible, ladies lose their femininity and begin to get nervous, which negatively affects their well-being. Esotericists recommend that girls take care of themselves every day and do at least light exercises to keep themselves in good shape.

9. Lack of a favorite hobby. Ladies just need to have an activity that makes them feel good. It doesn't matter what kind of leisure they prefer: handicrafts, walking in the fresh air, writing stories. Any activity that can distract from negative thoughts and help recuperate will help conserve energy. In addition, hobbies help to reveal new abilities and give an opportunity to develop in the direction that is interesting and brings a positive result.

10. Anger. The feeling of anger is familiar to everyone, but such emotions are destructive and destructive for the feminine principle. It is important for ladies to learn how to pacify their anger, so as not to lose their vitality. Negative feelings often require an outlet, so you need to learn how to release emotions. Use physical exercise to get rid of negativity in a beneficial way.

A happy and harmonious life is available to everyone, but for this you need to work on yourself. Get your life in order and learn to live in harmony with nature. Follow your dreams and be sure to fulfill them in order to become truly happy and full of energy. We wish you good health and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

A woman is like the Sun around which the planets revolve. It is SO conceived by Nature that it is the Sun that gives everyone light, energy, life.

In the same way, it is conceived that it is the Woman who gives the Man the energy. A man receives energy only from a Woman (if he is not engaged in any special spiritual practices). It is the Woman who creates the space of Love, in which either everyone is good and comfortable, joyful, or ... like in a frying pan.

But a Woman can fill everyone with Love only when she herself is filled with Love, when her energy vessel is full.

But this is not always the case. Very often we experience a feeling of emptiness, disappointment, fatigue, although it would seem that we have just got up and rested.

Where does the female energy go? How does the Woman spend her energy?

  1. Promiscuous ties with numerous Men.

During sex, energies are exchanged. And the connection at the energy level lasts for 7 years. Just think, dear Women, that a Man is "fed" by our energy for the next 7 years! That's how strong they are, these energetic connections formed during sex. And now, among our youth, there is a joke: sex is not a reason for dating!

And if a Woman has a lot of connections? Then, for 7 years, she NURSES all men with her energy. And often Women who believe that sex is an insignificant episode in their life feel empty, tired for no apparent reason, they have no sense of fullness ....

  1. Emotional dependence on Men.

This is about those cases when a Woman has a memory of a relationship, although they have long ended. Thoughts, memories, regrets - a Woman cannot let go. These memories, experiences take up a lot of energy. And this memory does not allow new relationships to come, does not allow new Love to come.

  1. Negative emotions, negative beliefs, thoughts.

If such thoughts are present in our life (anger, irritation, resentment, etc.), we thereby poison our lives. I am sure that everyone noticed this in practice: as soon as you have a fight with someone, a feeling of fatigue immediately comes, the state of "a squeezed lemon". When these thoughts revolve in our head, they take up a huge resource of energy.

Condemnation, rejection - they act in the same way: they "feed" on our energy.

  1. Great responsibility .

Very often Women take responsibility for literally everything. But the structure of the feminine energy is such that it cannot stand it: responsibility is a harder energy, and it destroys a Woman. But on the contrary, responsibility makes a man more confident, courageous and strong. Nature itself laid down: responsibility is a man's business. In practice, when and where to go on vacation, what house to live in, where to study for children, what furniture to buy…. Yes, the Woman has taken on a million questions. And then we wonder: why are such infantile men? Why don't they want to take responsibility for anything? Responsibility deprives a woman of a sense of lightness, a sense of flight, she "presses" on the wings of a Woman, bends to the ground.

Girl: Honey, it's so hard for me to walk, let's rest. And the backpack is ... well, very heavy.

Young man: Be patient, dear. Well, a few more kilometers and there will be a halt….

Girl: Dear, well, I have no strength left at all. Let's get some rest.

Young man: You are strong with me, you can cope with everything ... .. Be patient, dear, the planned resting place is already very, very close .... I can already see him directly!

Girl: Dear, well, it's so hard ... Where is your halt?

Come on, at least get out of your backpack.

We put them there ourselves and drag them.

Providing, protecting and deciding are male functions. He begins to feel like a MAN.

At work - yes, a woman can make some decisions, take responsibility for herself. But again - only within the framework of their official duties, like a woman and through Love! But in relationships - let's give this right away - to Men. As soon as the Woman gives responsibility to the Man, she becomes softer, softer, smoother. And the Man, on the contrary, is bigger, stronger, more courageous. When we are ready to give up responsibility, then someone will appear who is ready to take it.

If you transfer responsibility to a Man at least on an energetic level, he will begin to change.

  1. Childbirth.

During childbirth, the Woman loses a lot of energy. There is a violation of the integrity of the energy body. Earlier, midwives, at once, during childbirth, did the restoration of the energy body. Now in the hospital, no one does this, the traditions are lost. This is probably why postpartum depression occurs. For the same reason - most of all cheating during these periods (after childbirth). And the Woman feels tired not so much from the fact that the child is awake or crying, but because she loses energy due to the disturbed energy body.

The listed items are very strong "vampires" of female energy.

What else is energy spent on:

  1. For deliberation. Dooms think ... details, analysis, how it will be, what they say .... What will this lead to ... The thought came - you take it and do it. If there is no such possibility now, I wrote it down, let it go and wait for the moment when it will be possible to do it.
  2. Our locked emotions. You don’t allow yourself to express “like - not like”, “what I want” - emotions seem to be locked in the cells of our body. And it takes a lot of energy to keep these emotions there. Don't trap emotions in your body, let them come out. Plate, pillow, ... anger should not stay inside, so as not to eat up our energy. But do not forget about "environmental friendliness": our outlet of anger should not harm anyone. The steam from the kettle must escape to a safe area.
  3. Involvement in the life of other people (husband, children, relatives, girlfriends, etc.). If you do not live your life, but the life of another person. Caring, solving their problems, making decisions for them, wanting to spread straws, giving advice to the right and left (even when they don't ask at all). Respect your life and the life of the other person. Let him live YOUR valuable experience
  4. To fight. We prove something to someone. The opposite point of view is always the wrong point of view. Sound familiar? We educate, we convince. Our idea is the most correct one. Remember: the Truth of the other is also true. There is no one truth for everyone. We respect the opinions and ways of others. But we don't turn off our way either. It is important FOR YOU! YOUR truth is as sacred as the truth of other people.
  5. Reins of control. Control of the opinion, behavior of other people.
  6. Fear.

When we stop doing all this, a huge stream of energy is released, which can be directed to the implementation of some creative plans that bring pleasure, to financial abundance.

We examined all these points of energy loss in our next lesson. And they not only considered, but also did practical exercises.

We did a wonderful "meditation on letting go of a man", in which they easily and lovingly let go of the old Men, thereby making room for new Love.

We also learned one very effective practice with a candle to cleanse negative emotions.

And then they did the practice of transferring responsibility to a Man (you can be a real man, you can just a collective male image).

That's all for today.

With great Love to YOU, Larisa.