Women's beret knitted hat: step-by-step instructions with a photo. Knitting with stocking needles

Yarn VITA Alpaca wool, 40% alpaca, 60% wool (luster); 100 g / 300 m. Consumption: 50 g. Dark green yarn and 30 g. Light gray.
Knitting needles number 2.5, knitted needle.
Density of knitting pattern Honeycomb Pg. = 2 loops in 1 cm, Pv = 4.6 rows in 1 cm.
Hat size 56 - 57

We will knit a classic hat "over the head" with knitting needles, starting from the bottom, with a seam at the back. This method of knitting hats is perhaps one of the most common. Detailed instructions are intended primarily for beginner knitters. The cap is crocheted of yarn of two contrasting colors with the "Honeycomb" pattern and trimmed with a knuckle from the front surface. Both thin and thick yarn are suitable for knitting this hat model.

Let's start with the basics. Having figured out the principles of calculating and decreasing loops, you can knit a children's, men's or women's hat with any pattern you like for any size. So, first, a little theory.

Measures for knitting hats

Let's see, what measurements are taken to build the base of the hat pattern.

  • The girth of the head is measured at its widest point. We have 56 cm.
  • Distance from the base of the skull to the crown (AM) 17 cm;
  • Distance from crown to hairline in front (MV) = 16 cm;
  • Distance from crown to earlobe (MU) = 21 cm.
  • Distance from the base of the skull to the earlobe (AU) = 11 cm.

Now let's build a base pattern. We build a right angle with the apex at point O. Horizontally set aside the measurement of the girth of the head - point G. Down the vertical we put off the measurement AM = 17 and get the line of the back seam. We divide the distance of the exhaust gas in half and get the point Bo - the line of the middle of the front. Along this line we put off the measurement MB = 16. From the point O to the right horizontally we put off the measurement AU = 11 and we get the point Uo, down from which we draw a vertical (ear line). Distance УоУ = МУ = 21 cm. Draw a smooth line through the points АУВ.

Hat base pattern

If you knit using this pattern, you will get a hat with a seam in the back, with small ears and gathering at the crown. The size of the hat will exactly match the measurements of the head if you knit with a tight, low-stretch knit.

But we will knit the simplest hat - a cap. Such a hat consists of a crown and a bottom and is a cylinder.

Let's decide on the size of the bottom and crown. Suppose that the cap should cover the ears, that is, reach the earlobes. This means that its height as a whole should correspond to the measurement MU = 21 cm. The width of the cap at the level of the crown should correspond to the circumference of the head - 56 cm. Now we calculate the radius of the circle - the bottom (R). The circumference of the bottom is 56 cm or 2ПR, where P is the number pi, equal to 3.14. Then R = 56 / 2x3.14 = 8.9 cm. Let's round this value to 9 cm. Now we can determine the height of the crown: 21 - 9 = 12 cm.

So, to knit a simple hat, it is enough to take just two measurements - the girth of the head and the desired height of the hat.

The general formula for calculating the radius of the bottom of the cap is R = Og / 6.28.

If for some reason you cannot take measurements, we offer an approximate table of the ratio of the size of a knitted hat in accordance with the age of a person.

We will knit a hat from the bottom, from the crown and decrease the loops to form the bottom.

The scheme of the "Honeycomb" pattern

The pattern is repeated from row 2.

The dimensions of our sample are as follows:

before washing

  • 42 loops - 18 cm
  • 70 rows - 14.5 cm

after washing, slightly taut

  • 42 loops - 21 cm. Pg = 42/21 = 2
  • 70 rows - 15 cm Pv 70/15 = 4.6

Knitting pattern "Honeycomb"

So, we cast on the knitting needles 114 loops, we knit 3 cm with the front satin stitch a finishing wheel and go to the main knitting, with which we knit 12 cm or 12 x 4.6 = 55.2 rows. For convenience, we round this value in accordance with the rapport, which is 8 rows and we get 56 rows or 7 rapports. Next, we will decrease the loops to form the bottom.

The choice of the method for decreasing the loops depends, first of all, on the pattern. In our case, it is convenient to decrease the loops in the 2nd row of the rapport, knitting 3 loops together with the purl, then the yarn over, remove the loop and then according to the scheme, and in the 6th row: yarn over, remove one loop, 3 loops together with the purl and then according to the scheme ... In total, the bottom is 9 x 4.6 = 41 rows or 5 rapports. This means that decreases are possible in 10 rows. In total, to form the bottom, you need to subtract 102 loops: the remaining 12 loops (including edging), we will collect on a thread. We divide 102 by 10 and we get that in 9 rows out of 10 we need to subtract 10 loops, and in one - 12. Considering that by knitting 3 loops together we subtract 2 loops at once, we get what needs to be done in a row 5 decreases, spreading them evenly. In one of the rows (it is more convenient in the 26th row) you need to make 6 decreases. We distribute the reductions in a row evenly, but, preferably, not one above the other, but with some displacement, so that the places of the decreases are less visible. For some patterns, on the contrary, the paths at the place of the decrease of the loops create a decorative effect, and then the decrease is done on top of each other.

A hat with a seam at the back, so you need to carefully knit the side edges of the canvas so that they can then be joined in the least noticeable way. Since the pattern is two-color, let's see how best to introduce a new thread and then change threads as we knit.

Attaching a different color of thread

At the end of the row, we knit the edge loop with one and the other thread together. The "tail" of the thread of the new color is then embedded in the edge. We always knit the last loop of the row , turn over the work, remove the edge loop from the left knitting needle to the right.

Today many people knit hats. However, knitters often face a lot of questions: how to calculate the loops, how to finish knitting a hat, which pattern to choose?

Consider below the main knitting rules of this product that will be useful to a beginner. And we will understand all of the above issues, making the process of starting and ending knitting of a hat simple and accessible to everyone!

Choosing a yarn for a hat

An important point before knitting a hat, like any other product, is the choice of yarn. The color of itself is chosen by everyone for himself the one that is more to his liking. But the composition must correspond to the season and the needs of the future owner of the hat.

If this is a winter hat, then the yarn should be chosen with the addition of wool. Only in this case the hat will warm up and will not let the cold spoil the walk.

For spring and autumn, you can take yarn without adding wool. For summer days, you should give preference to thin and light yarn. It could be cotton.

Choosing a pattern for a hat

When choosing a pattern for a hat, one should understand that today a hat is not just a headdress that protects from the cold. Now a hat is a fashionable accessory, sometimes even the final touch in the whole image.

If you choose thick and bulky yarn, but do not like bulky hats, then it is better to abandon any complex and convex patterns. In this case, a regular garter knit or front stitch will do. It will also look good. This option suits everyone and is always popular.

Patterned hats are always in fashion. They resemble a wicker basket and look three-dimensional. In addition, these hats are double and therefore very warm. This option for a hat pattern will not suit those who love tight-fitting models.

The rice pattern or, as it is also called, looks beautiful in hats. It can be either single or double. Such a pattern is created in knitting by alternating purl and front loops. The pearl pattern looks like a beautiful scattering of small pebbles. This pattern is within the power of even beginner knitters.

The next equally popular pattern is honeycomb. The name itself speaks for itself. It resembles exactly the same honeycomb in which bees lay honey. The hats associated with this pattern are double and voluminous. However, you can knit a hat and a tight-fitting one in such a pattern. Therefore, the honeycomb is suitable for any hats from spacious to tight-fitting.

These are simple patterns that everyone can handle. In addition, you can knit a hat with a front satin stitch using the technique. It is a pattern, which must be knitted with yarn of a different color. This pattern will not be three-dimensional. It is also knitted with a front stitch.

If you are crocheting, then for volumetric patterns, you can advise spikelets of lush columns, stars, crocodile skin, braids, etc. flowers, etc. Openwork crochet patterns are perfect for spring and summer.

Loop calculation

Now use a ruler to measure the width of the knit. Measure out just ten centimeters. Count how many loops are included in these ten centimeters. This number can be anything depending on the thickness of the yarn. Let's take 15 stitches as an example.

Then measure your head with the tape. And divide the resulting number by ten. That is, if the head circumference is 52 centimeters, then dividing by ten, you get the number 5, 2.

Multiply this number (5.2) by the number of loops contained in ten centimeters (15). And after that, you will get a number equal to the number of loops required for the cap.

Knitting elastic

Many beanies start with knitting an elastic band. It can be either two to two or one to one. In the first case, pairs of front and back loops alternate, in the second, one purl and one front loop alternate.

The height of the elastic is usually 5-6 centimeters.

However, remember that a rubber band is not always needed. There are many options for hats that fit without it. For example, a beanie hat in shortened rows, a hat with a rice pattern, a stocking hat with a front satin stitch, or a hat with aran. However, you don't need to knit an elastic band in other hats.

Someone loves hats with cuffs. Then the elastic must be knitted longer. In this case, it should be 12-15 centimeters high.

Changing knitting needles when knitting a hat

Quite often, when knitting hats, two sizes of knitting needles are used. After knitting the elastic, the knitting needles are changed to a smaller size. It's not obligatory. But still, such a maneuver avoids the effect of a parachute. That is, usually the elastic is somewhat narrower than the main pattern, if you knit the entire product with the same knitting needles. Therefore, it is recommended to knit the entire hat except for the elastic with smaller knitting needles. Then the knitting will go up evenly, and the hat will not seem extended and stretched.

How to make decreases and seams in a hat

When the hat is knitted from the bottom up, you need to make decreases to close its bottom. You need to knit a hat with the main pattern almost to the crown, 1-2 centimeters do not reach. And only now can you begin to make subtractions.

Decreases in the hat should be spaced at an equal distance so that the finished product turns out to be neat and not skewed.

Decreases are always made strictly according to the pattern, as indicated in the diagram or in the description for the hat.

If the hat is knitted not in a circle, but with a canvas, then it must be sewn on the side. The cap should be sewn with a knitted stitch loop into a loop. Then the seam at the back will be beautiful and even almost invisible.

Knitting hats is a fun and not too time-consuming process. After all, this thing can be knitted in one or two evenings, but the most beautiful do-it-yourself hat will delight you for a very long time. In addition, a hat knitted independently is an exclusive accessory! And you will definitely not meet a single person wearing the same hat as yours!

And you can choose a model to your liking in the "" section, there you can find instructions for knitting step by step.

Many hat lovers like to quote the commander Suvorov: "Keep your feet warm and your head cold." However, the modern fashion industry flatly rejects the warlord's observation, offering an amazing variety of designs for these headdresses. Therefore, the question of how to knit a hat with knitting needles is always relevant for beginner knitters.

The hat is modern!

A knitted hat is a unique piece of clothing. Firstly, it knits quite quickly and easily on its own, and secondly, it never goes out of use. Suffice it to recall the fashionistas of the early 20th century or the rare fashion shows of the Soviet era, not to mention the modern ready-to-wear weeks, to make sure that the fashion for the shape, for the colors can change, but the hat as such still remains in trend. This is also due to the fact that a comfortable attribute can be worn by everyone, from small to large. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you are a man, or a woman, or even a child, a properly selected hat model will set you apart from the crowd and protect you from bad weather.

What hats to knit for beginners?

Needlewomen, who are just beginning to get acquainted with the nuances of working on knitting needles, are wary of knitting hats. They say that the loops must be carefully calculated, the drawings must be selected, and the tension of the thread must be closely monitored, otherwise all the shortcomings on such a small-sized canvas will quickly "pop out". And they are completely in vain to worry! Hats are the perfect start to a knitting career because:

  • a small canvas allows you to quickly see the result of your efforts;
  • minimum calculations are required for knitting;
  • drawings for such hats are not complicated.

For a start, it is better to take on the hats with a seam at the back, and choose a 2x2 elastic band as a pattern. That's all the wisdom for beginners, the "secret" of how to knit a simple hat with knitting needles.


  • 1 skein of acrylic thread
  • knitting needles number 6;
  • yarn needle or crochet hook.


  1. Cast on 70 stitches.
  2. Knit knit 2, then purl 2 to the end of the row.
  3. We knit the purl row according to the figure.
  4. Having passed 25 cm of the pattern, we begin to decrease, knitting 2 front ones, and 2 purl ones together to the end of the row.
  5. Purl row - according to the figure.
  6. Knit 2 knit together and 1 purl, odd row in the pattern.
  7. We knit all the loops with the front ones and combine in pairs.
  8. In the purl row we knit purl loops.
  9. Cut off the thread from the skein and put on the remaining loops on it, tighten it - this is the top of the thing.
  10. Sew the sides with a crochet or yarn needle. The hat is ready.

Winter model with an unusual pattern

All the step-by-step instructions for beginners describing how to knit a hat with knitting needles have one thing in common - very simple patterns. But in this model, due to the displacement, the pattern turns out to be rather unusual.


  • 300 g of bulky yarn;
  • circular needles number 4.


  1. We collect 49 loops and knit 1 row with the front ones.
  2. Next, we go to the rapport: 4 facial, 2 purl. The order is not changed 18 cm.
  3. We knit the front row, marking every 8 loops with a thread, and then after 9 and 6.
  4. We proceed to the decrements: after each mark, we knit 2 loops together, we make an odd row according to the figure.
  5. When there are 19 loops left, we make a row of double ones, and then we pull everything together.
  6. We wind a thread on a piece of cardboard, intercept it in the middle, and cut the edges.
  7. We attach the resulting pom-pom to the top of the head. The hat is ready.

For the last couple of years, hats that look like a cap have been very popular. It is not necessary to have extensive knitting experience to create them. After all, even a simple pearl pattern will look very original. Just watch the tension of the thread: any overtightening will distort the pattern.


  • 100 g of wool yarn;
  • circular needles No. 4.5.


  1. Cast on 80 stitches.
  2. We knit a row of alternations of 1 front and 1 purl.
  3. We knit the next row according to the picture.
  4. Next, we knit the front over the purl, and the purl over the front.
  5. Again, a row according to the picture.
  6. Knit 21 cm, repeating steps 2-5.
  7. We start decreasing by going to garter stitch (we form all rows with front loops). We knit each 5th loop together with the previous one.
  8. After 4 rows, repeat the decrease.
  9. Now we make decreases in every 4th row until there are 8-9 stitches left.
  10. Cut off the thread and tighten the remaining loops with it. The hat is ready.

If your man is skeptical about hats, this means only one thing: there is no one among them that would be tied by his beloved hands. It's time to fix the situation - we knit a man's hat with knitting needles! For beginners, it is useful to focus not on the pattern, but on the color combination of the yarn.


  • 150 g of black acrylic yarn;
  • 150 g of gray acrylic yarn;
  • circular needles number 3.5.


  1. We cast on 96 loops and knit 7 cm with a 2x2 elastic band.
  2. We knit 2 rows with the front satin stitch with black and gray threads. In the front rows - front loops, in the purl - purl.
  3. After 12 cm, divide the loops by 4 and mark with threads.
  4. In front of the mark, we make a union of 2 loops.
  5. After 8 loops remain on the knitting needles, drop them onto a thread and tighten the top of the head. The thing is ready.

Each woman chooses a headdress individually for herself. Young ladies like hats with ears; the older generation chooses simple knits or berets. It is not always possible to find the right option that you really like on the market or in a store, so we offer knit a fashionable women's hat yourself. And so that the knitting process is correct, interesting and enjoyable, we will describe in detail the moments of work and offer options for models that will be popular in 2017-2018.

The main thing in the article

Knitting a hat with knitting needles: what do you need?

Before starting to work on knitting a woman's hat, you need to prepare the "props" that you will need. These include:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles;
  • basic knitting skills.

Based on the fact that you want to get the end result - a hat for wearing in winter, spring or autumn, choose yarn. It can be woolen, cotton or synthetic, we will talk about its choice in more detail below.

As for the knitting needles, they directly depend on the selected yarn, since their number must correspond to the thickness of the thread.

Today you can find wooden, metal and even plastic knitting needles of various types.

The type of knitting needles to work depends on the knitting method. For example, a seamless hat is knitted on circular or hosiery (5 pieces) knitting needles, but the product that will need to be sewn at the end of the work is knitted on two straight knitting needles.

Knitting technology for womens hats

It is easy to cope with the task of knitting a women's hat, especially if you have any knitting skills and certain rules and knitting technology are observed.

Based on the model that you are going to knit, a method is chosen how to knit a hat. It can be a longitudinal knitting with a pipe or a cloth tied along. An important role is played by the pattern, knitting density, possible accessories in the form of pompons, tassels, fur inserts, etc.

You should also take into account the size of the head for which the hat will be knitted.

To determine the size, you need to measure the circumference of the head, 1 cm above the auricle, and above the eyebrows. We look at the resulting length in the table below, and find out how deep the cap should be.

Head measurement table for calculating the depth of the headgear

Head circumference, cm Depth of headgear, cm.
50 16,0
51 16,2
52 16,5
53 16,9
54 17,2
55 17,5
56 17,8
57 18,2
58 18,5
59 18,8
60 19,0

Another important point is the calculation of a set of loops. The selected yarn should be knitted with a control sample, which will be 10 cm.

If, during measurements, 50 cm was obtained, and when counting the loops in the control sample, for example, 25 loops were obtained, then you need to multiply 50 by 25 and divide by 10 (50 * 25/10 = 125). It turns out that it is necessary to dial 125 loops in width, and knit 16 cm in height, according to the table.

How to choose a yarn for knitting a women's hat?

Of course, many believe that natural thread is a priority, but this is not always justified, since a hat knitted from natural woolen yarn, after several washings, will lose its shape and "run away". Therefore, it is recommended to select yarns containing synthetic material.

On average, yarns containing 50–70% natural fibers and 30–50% synthetic fibers are ideal.
Important! The yarn in the skein should be free of knots and thickening of the thread.

Now, regarding the seasonality of the headdress:

  • winter options can be knitted from woolen or terry threads, as they keep warm well;
  • for autumn and spring hats, acrylic, cotton, linen, silk threads are suitable.

Fashionable styles of knitted women's hats 2017-2018

In the winter of 2017–2018, headdresses will be dominated by smooth knitting, and large knitted products will remain relevant. Regarding styles, it is worth getting products:

  • made in oversized style;
  • cool - with ears;
  • beanie hat;
  • voluminous headdress;
  • a bonnet, the role of which can be played by a snood scarf. For more details on how to tie it, see the article: "".

Knitting a women's hat with a pompom knitting needles

It is necessary to prepare the following materials for knitting:

  • yarn (70-80% wool, 20-30% acrylic) - 3 skeins of 50 g each (in the photo the hat is knitted from three skeins of different yarn);
  • stocking knitting needles No. 5.

Cast on loops and knit in a circle with a patent pattern, and it fits like this.

The pattern can be anything. The ideal option for such a hat can be called patterns in the form of elastic bands. At a height of 22 cm from the beginning, begin to decrease the loops. For three rows, it is necessary to reduce the number of loops to 10-15. Pull the thread through them and pull off the hole.

For a pompom, cut two identical circles out of paper with holes in the middle. The volume of the pompom depends on their size: the larger it is, the larger the ball will be in diameter:

  • Connect two cardboard circles.
  • Wind on them the threads with which the hat was knitted.
  • Cut between circles.
  • Fasten with thread and sew to the finished product from above.

Women's hat with lapel knitting

Before starting work, you need to prepare:

  • yarn - 150 g: the size of the knitting depends on its thickness;
  • knitting needles number 5.

The work is done as follows:

Warm winter hat with angora knitting needles

Women's Angora hats are quite popular. This thread allows you to keep warm and protect yourself from the wind in late autumn and fierce winter. Since angora yarn is delicate and fluffy, it does not require particularly intricate patterns.

To work on the hat you will need:

  • angora yarn - 120-150 g, if you want, so that the hat is even warmer, you can knit in two threads, then double the amount of yarn;
  • knitting needles number 5, circular or hosiery are suitable. Using circular ones, note that at the end of the work, when decreasing the loops, you will still need to switch to hosiery;
  • stitch / row marker.

Calculate the required number of loops, type them on the knitting needles and knit in height with the front satin stitch. When the required depth of the product has been reached, close as follows.

After - stretch the thread through the remaining loops and pull off the top of the angora cap.

Bulky hat with knitting needles from thick yarn

Fast, warm and angry. Thick yarn allows you to make beautiful products in a matter of time. We will tell you how to knit a pink youth voluminous hat. You will need:

  • thick yarn 40-50 m;
  • stocking needles No. 15.

The hat is knitted in a circle only with front loops.

  1. For this option, 18 loops are typed.
  2. 9 rows go up.
  3. In rows 10 and 11, first on each knitting needle, knit two loops together.
  4. After - thread the yarn into the remaining loops and pull off.
  5. Hide the thread inside, and if you wish, you can make an original pompom.

Fashionable beanie hat (stocking hat) with knitting needles with diagrams and photos

The beanie hat is gaining more and more popularity, which will be a hit this season, so we are trying to knit it ourselves.

We offer patterns and options for knitted beanie hats

How to knit a women's hat with a visor knitting needles?

Many women prefer hats with visors. If you knit such a hat yourself, you can get an interesting, unusual, bright headdress. Need to have:

  • woolen yarn - 200 g, in order to get the original version of the headdress, it is better to give preference to bright threads;
  • knitting needles number 3.5;
  • visor, you can get it from the old cap.

The work on the hat begins with the rim. On the needles, cast on 20 loops and knit according to the pattern.

The canvas of two braids should be 54 cm (the volume of the headdress).

Now you need to tie the plastic visor:

  • having measured the length of the visor, calculate the loops according to the control option of 10 cm;
  • cast on the loops, knit 6 rows with the front stitch, while subtracting 3 loops in every second row;
  • after - make two rows, without subtracting anything;
  • now knit 6 rows with the front ones, adding three loops in every second row;
  • fold the part in half, insert the prepared plastic visor inside;
  • Sew the sides neatly and sew it to the tied side of the braids.

On the side, dial the loops and knit the main part of the product according to the scheme.

Subtracting... When the base of 14 cm is tied with the main pattern (braids), begin to subtract. To do this, each braid (it consists of 9 loops) should be cut to 3 loops. In order not to break the pattern, you need to knit 3 times in two front loops and repeat this row again.

Ultimately, you should have a 3-stitch pattern. After - knit 3 loops together, and the remaining ones in work - pull off with a working thread. Sew along the seam, and the bright product is ready.

Women's beret knitted hat: step-by-step instructions with a photo

To create a beret you will need:

  • yarn 1: 1 acrylic and wool - 60 g;
  • knitting needles number 4;
  • knitting needles number 2.5;
  • hook number 2.5.

On the needles number 2.5, you should cast on 128 loops. Raise 1X1 elastic by 8 rows.

Next, make a circle with the front stitch and add 24 loops evenly.

In the second row of the front surface, change the needles. On needles # 4, knit 8 cm from the elastic.

Every 18 loops, knit two together. It turns out that the beret is conventionally divided into 8 identical parts. Next, there is a row of facial ones.

Knits alternately: a row with a decrease, a row of knit ones, until there are 16 loops on the needles.

Now knit all the loops in two together: in the end, you get 8 loops on the knitting needles.

Pull the thread through these 8 loops and pull off the product. Thread at work. Crochet on 8 stitches.

Single crochet row. Form a classic beret eyelet.

The product is ready.

If desired, you can decorate with such a flower or decorate with buttons, beads, etc.

Knitted bonnet for women

An interesting model of a headdress is a hood. There are thousands of variations of it, which makes this hat very popular. To knit a hood you will need:

  • 100% wool yarn - 300 g;
  • knitting needles number 4 and number 5.

Completing of the work.

Original hat with ears for a woman with knitting needles

This fun and playful hat with ears is a pleasure to be worn by young women and teenage girls. It is performed from semi-woolen yarn with one product, for which you need to prepare:

  • the yarn is thick enough;
  • knitting needles No. 2 and No. 5;
  • a needle and thread;
  • decor.

The work is carried out as follows in a circle.

After - sew the top and baste the corners in the form of ears. Decorate the hat with decor and you can show off.

Stylish hat with braids: knitting pattern

To knit such a hat you will need:

  • yarn with a wool content of 20% - 150 g;
  • knitting needles number 3.5;
  • knitting needles number 4.5.

The work is done like this:

  • On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on the number of loops, a multiple of 4.
  • Knit 6 cm elastic 2X2.
  • Next, transfer the work to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit braids.
  • Choose the option that you like best.

  • Raise the drawing by 18-19 cm and begin to decrease. Initially, reduce the loops between the reports, then reduce the braids into one.
  • Pull off the remaining loops with a thread.
  • Make reductions only in the front row. Knit purl according to the pattern.
  • Sew the hat carefully. You can decorate it with an original pom-pom, it has already been said above how to make it.

You can use a piece of fur as a decoration; now it is a trendy trend in the design of hats.

We also invite you to get acquainted with the knitting pattern of the most fashionable women's hat with large braids in the "Lalo" style. Such an accessory is knitted with a gradient, which makes it look even more impressive and ultra-stylish.

How to quickly knit a beautiful hat with knitting needles for a woman: simple patterns

Video master classes on knitting women's hats with knitting needles

Patterns and the process of knitting hats with knitting needles.

With the arrival of the first cold weather, every woman thinks about a stylish, elegant headdress that is ideal for any outfit, and interesting accessories will add brightness and femininity to the whole look.

Models of stylish knitted hats for women with knitting needles

Knitted items perfectly emphasize your individuality, style and taste, with them you will always remain in the spotlight and catch the eye not only of the stronger sex, but also of real fashionistas. The novelties of this year's knitted headwear collections fascinate with interesting combinations of colors, decor and patterns:

  • Hats with earflaps with medium-sized pom-poms, well suited for a winter coat. They warm in the winter cold, and to change the image, you can lift the ears up and fasten with a beautiful brooch.

Hats with earflaps

Knitted hats

Stylish accessory

  • Braid models, of different widths, complexity of execution and types - will never go out of fashion. Their popularity is growing every year.

Braid hat

Stylish kit

Knitted set

  • Openwork berets, dense elastic bands and a combination of patterns from braids - they look spectacular, they knit quickly and are well suited for any style. Using natural wool, angora, kartopi, you can choose a model that you will wear with great pleasure for many years. This season, they choose simple monophonic models that emphasize or set off the face well.

Openwork beret

Takes with knitting needles

  • Retro models "pipes"- suggest a combination of restrained tones and tight knit that fits the head well, the complete opposite of this image, there are graceful knitted hats that fit perfectly into the wardrobe of a real woman.

Video: Fashionable women's hats

How to knit a beautiful, uncomplicated women's hat: instructions for beginners

For the first hat, it is better to choose simple patterns, they look very beautiful and do not require excessive efforts. There are a lot of such patterns, for example:

  • Regular elastic 1 * 1 (1 person. P. 1 out., Then knit according to the pattern), or 2 * 2 (2 person. P. 2 life.) Looks very nice, the knitting is dense, does not let the wind through and warms up from the cold.

  • Garter stitch (all items) or l. smooth surface (the first row of l. p, the second row of the wrong side, then - according to the drawing), despite the simplicity, looks very neat in the finished product, and the beautiful decor makes the thing graceful and elegant.

Garter knitting

Garter stitch hat

  • Toffee(we knit as an ordinary elastic band, and in even rows of wear we knit faces, and the front one - wear), knits very quickly, the pattern is dense and well suited for knitting hats and scarves.
  • Chess(The diagram is very simple:
  • I row seven out., Three persons., Five out.
  • II row seven persons., Eight out.
  • We knit the third row as the first.
  • IV row out. NS.
  • V row two out., Three persons., Seven out., Three l
  • The VI row is changed in places, where there is. We knit l, where l is out, we look at the figure.
  • We knit the VII row as the fifth row; VIII row all p. L).


Chess knitting

Having decided on the pattern, tie it to the height of the length of your headdress. Then in L. a row every third and fourth loops, knit together, when there are 15 stitches left, close them and sew the finished product.

Video: Hat for autumn with knitting needles, instructions for beginners

Hat with English elastic knitting needles: a diagram with a description

The English elastic is very well suited for knitting hats, it is voluminous, dense, and the yarn of wool, acrylic, cartope fits well and protects from severe frosts.
After measuring the circumference of the head and tying the sample, dial the required number of loops and knit according to the scheme:

  • I row - knit with an elastic band one by one.
  • II row - one l. n, out. we remove together with the yarn without knitting, and so we repeat to the end of the row.
  • We knit the III loop with a crochet together 1 for the front slice, then we throw the working thread onto the left knitting needle and the loop with a crochet is removed from the left knitting needle to the right;
  • IV. and knit all subsequent rows in the same way as the third row.

And so with this elastic band, knit to the height you need, and then proceed before knitting the crown:

  • I row - remove the hem and knit a loop with a crochet together l. for the front lobule, then one out. and so alternating, continue to knit to the end of the row, so you will switch from the English elastic to the one-on-one elastic with which you started.
  • II row - knit with an elastic band one by one.
  • III row - knit two together l. to the end of the row, then leave 50 centimeters of the working thread and cut it off.

Knitted hat with English elastic band

Take a needle with a comfortable eye and pull the product into the resulting holes, transferring the remaining loops to the needle, pull well and secure with a working thread so that the product does not unravel.

Video: Hat with an English rubber band

How to knit a woman's hat and scarf with knitting needles?

Before you start knitting you need:

  • Decide for what purposes you need a hat: for leisure, work, sports, and so on.
  • Choose an interesting model.
  • Pick up a beautiful yarn.
  • The correct size of the needles.
  • Materials for decoration.
  • A set of needles for sewing a finished product.
  • Measure the circumference of the head, tie the rapport with the desired pattern and calculate the required amount per hat.
  • Decide how long you want the scarf.

You can knit a wide elastic band for the hat so that you can tuck it up, and then go to the main pattern that you like the most, for beauty you can sew on a pompom, pearls or a brooch.

Stylish accessories

Knitted hat and scarf

Knitted set

DIY warm set

To knit a scarf you need your imagination and the ability to combine different colors and shades well. The finished product can be decorated with tassels or fringes.

Video: Knitting a hat and scarf

Women's brioche hat: knitting patterns

Hats using the brioche technique are knitted in one thread using two different colors, so they can be worn on one or the other side. Thus, you get two different patterns, different colors. Knit very tightly, otherwise you will not get a beautiful pattern and tight elastic:

  • On knitting needles 2, 5, dial the number of loops of the main color you need, the main thing is that it is a multiple of seven and a multiple of two.
  • Then join the loops into a ring, making sure they do not twist. Make a loop and hang up a marker so you know where it starts and where it ends.

The scheme for knitting an elastic band using this technique:

  • I row: one l. n, out. p. remove together with the yarn and so knit to the end of the row.
  • Row II: outweigh the marker and take a thread of a different color and remove the l. with a crochet, and knit the next loop with a crochet together.
  • III row: go to the warp and knit in the same way as the first row. All loops of the main color are obtained by faces, and out. - a thread of a different color.
  • IV row: knit with a contrasting thread of a different color, like the second row.
  • V row: knit with the main thread, as well as the first and third rows. So knit the elastic to the desired height. Then add the loops for the pattern, knit l with the main thread. etc. not to the end, make a yarn over and stretch it into the same loop, focus on the columns from the main color.
  • Increase in 4 columns.

Pattern for knitting a pattern:

  • Knit according to the pattern the first loops that have added
  • Decrease: subtract L. item with crochet, out. knitted l. p. and the resulting p. is extended into the removed p.
  • Translate another l through it. with a crochet and so alternate the increase with the decrease and with the knitting of the previously made increases
  • Do not tie 1 column to the previous decrease, we make a decrease, and in the first point of the increase we make an increase.
  • Tie the crown out as described above.

Various patterns

Hat with brioche technique

Video: Knitting with brioche technique

Turban hat with knitting needles: knitting pattern, patterns

The turban can be tied French, English, embossed elastic. Pick up a thick yarn and needles No. 5. Scheme french rubber bands:

  • I row: two out, 1 l. NS.
  • Row II: knit behind the back wall of the second loop, thread the thread, return to the first loop and knit it also for the back slice and 1, so repeat the entire row.
  • III Row: the same as 1 row, only l. etc. knit by the back slice and knit to the desired length, the so-called scarf.

Knitted turban

Stylish turban knitting

We start the finished product behind the head, cross it in front and sew the ends. Scheme relief pattern:

  • In the preparatory row we knit 2 out, 1 l. NS.
  • I row: 2 liters. for the lower lobule, wrong side.
  • II row: and even rows, knit according to fig.

Knitted turban

Embossed knitting pattern

The knitting pattern with an English elastic band is described above.

Turban hat with knitting needles: diagram, description

This type of hats is very popular this year. Let's take a closer look at how to knit such a headdress using weaving strips with different patterns.

  • I row: (wrong side) 3 out.
  • II Row - (face) 1 l. p, add one loop with a broach and knit out.
  • III Row: - 2 out, 1 l. and 1 wrong side.
  • IV Row: - 1 l. p., add one p. broach, 1 out, 2 l. - 5 loops.
  • V row: - 2 out, 1 l. n., and 2 out.
  • VI Row: - 1 L, add one loop with a broach and knit in, 1 L, 1 out, 2 L.
  • VII row: - 2 out, * 1 l, 1 out. - 2 p.
  • VIII Row: - 1 L, add p. Broach, 1 out, 1 l, 1 out, 2 l. NS.
  • IX Row: - 2 out, 1 l, 1 out, 1 l, 2 out.
  • X Row: - the same as the 6th row, only * 1 l, 1 out. knit 2 p.
  • XI Row: - as 7 row, only * 1 l, 1 out. - 3 p.
  • XII Row: - as 8, only * 1 l. 1 int. - 2 p.
  • XIII Row: - as 7 row, only 1L, 1 out. - 3 p, then 1 out.
  • XIV Row: - like row 12, repeat * - 3p.
  • XV row: - 2 out, 1 l, 1 out, 4 p.
  • XVI, XVIII, XX, XXII, XXIV, XXVI Rows, increase the number of repetitions 1 y, 1 out - by 1.
  • XVII row: - like row 11, only from * repeat 4 p.
  • XIX Row: - as row 17, only finish 1L, 1 out.
  • XXI row: repeat as row 15, increasing the number of times by 1.
  • XXIII, XXV, XXVII Row: repeat as row 21.
  • XXV Row: repeat as row 21. Having knitted the length you need, lay out the hat beautifully on the crown of the head, weave it and sew it. For more effect, you can decorate with beads or a beautiful brooch.

Knitted turban

Knitted turban hat and turban

How to knit a beanie hat for a woman?

This hat can be worn both with a lapel and with an allowance at the back. This season is trendy white and beige color as well as vibrant colors. It is perfect for any look:

  • Cast on the desired number of loops. And knit 2 rows of garter stitch, leaving 5 loops not knitted at the end, this is the secret of the beanie hat.
  • In row 3, out of 5 stitches you left, knit one and turn the knitting again.
  • And so through the row, gradually knit the left loops.
  • Start the rapport again until you knit the length of the product you need.
  • remember, that garter stitch stretches, so this also needs to be taken into account.

Beanie hat

Stylish accessory

Such a hat does not take long. You can also choose not complex openwork patterns, of which there are a huge number, as well as all kinds of elastic bands that look great on the head. Having knitted the desired length, close the loops in a way convenient for you and sew the hat and pull off the top of the head.

Video: Master class - knitting beanie hat

Hat tied with an Asian spikelet: description, scheme

Braids always look very elegant and graceful. You just need to remember that they tighten the product, so you need to collect more loops, and a lot also depends on the density of knitting. Let's take a closer look at how to knit a fashionable hat with an Asian spikelet pattern.

Pattern "Asian spikelet"

  • I - VI Row: stocking stitching.
  • VII row: - 6 p. st, close 18 loops: work thread at work, remove one st from the left knitting needle, then transfer the working thread to the left knitting needle and remove the second loop.
  • Return the working thread to work, remove the third st, then throw the second st, through the first, thus one loop is closed
  • Remove the next st. And throw it over the first one and so we continue to the end of the row, then we turn the knitting.
  • Insert the right knitting needle between the first and second stitches, grab the working thread and pull it out and throw it on the left knitting needle and thus dial 19 sts.
  • Remove the loop from the left knitting needle, and throw the second over it, thus fix the removed p, then knit l. p. to the end of the row;
  • VIII row: - wrong side.
  • IX Row: - Repeat from the first row.
  • Then form a beautiful spikelet: throw the first strip behind the second, pull the second up and make a loop, then push the third through the loop, and make the next loop and so weave until the end of the strips.
  • Trim everything down and you have a very nice spikelet.

Delicate knitting

Video: Knitting with an Asian spikelet

Hat made of thick yarn with knitting needles: pattern, knitting

A chunky knit hat made of thick yarn looks very stylish and warms up in the cold winter months and even in early spring, when the sun is not yet warm. This requires a thick yarn and a matching knitting needle number.

Modern manufacturers provide a wide selection of different shades and types of yarn, which is interesting in itself and does not require complex patterns. It is enough to knit a high elastic band three by three for a lapel, and then you can dilute it with a fine checkerboard or continue knitting with an elastic band only two by two.

Thick yarn hats

Thick thread

This hat will add mystery and mystery to your appearance. Such a hat should be in every woman's wardrobe. Small plaits, medium braids and geometric combinations will look beautiful on such a monochromatic yarn. To knit such a hat you need:

  • Cast on the required number of loops.
  • Tie ten centimeters with your favorite elastic band, and then proceed to the main pattern, which must be knitted according to the scheme:
  • I - IV Row: stocking stitching.
  • V row: - 2 liters, remove one st from the knitting needle and dissolve 4 rows, knit through the removed loop with the front one, 3 liters, and so on until the end of the row.
  • VI Row: - wrong side.
  • VII - X Row: - stocking stitching.
  • XI row: knit 5 row.
  • Row XII: knit as row 6.

Having tied the required height of the product, close the top of the head and sew the headdress.

How to knit a hat with a stocking or sock on two knitting needles?

The stocking hat is knitted very simply, for this you need:

  • Cast on the required number of loops and tie an elastic band two by two a couple of centimeters
  • Knit in stocking
  • After knitting the desired length, divide all the loops into four, and mark the required number with colored markers in order to navigate.
  • Decrease the loops through one row to the right and left of the marks, with a broach close one p.
  • On the left side of the marker, simply knit two faces together.
  • As the hat tapers down, switch from circular knitting needles to regular sock knitting needles for easy knitting. Close the remaining loops on each knitting needle and sew.
  • Optionally, you can sew on a pom-pom.

Openwork hats have always attracted attention with their lightness, brightness and wonderful patterns. For example, "Floral". The scheme is quite simple:

  • I row: 8 liters.
  • Row II - wrong side.
  • III Row: - l. p, yarn, broach, 3 l. n, 2 together l, yarn.
  • IV Row: - according to the pattern, yarns - out.
  • V Row: - 2 liters, yarn, broach, 1 liter. n, 2 persons together, yarn, l. NS.
  • VI Row: - according to the picture.
  • VII row: - l. NS.
  • VIII row: - wrong side.
  • IX Row: - 2 p. n, 2 together l, yarn, l. n, yarn, broach, persons.
  • X Row: - according to fig.
  • XI Row: - l. n, 2 together l, yarn, 3 persons, yarn, broach.
  • XII. Row: -out.
  • XIII Row: - 3 p. n, yarn, double broach, yarn, 2 persons.
  • XIV Row: - according to fig.

A zigzag elastic will also work well for a hat. Scheme:

  • Row I: P1, K2: first knit the second loop for the back lobe, and then the first, and so on until the end of the row.
  • II row - 1 l. p, knit two purl according to the principle of two persons: thread before work, first knit the second loop, and then the first and so on to the end.
  • III. Row: - Repeat from the first row to the desired height.

From extended loops:

  • I row: 2 out, 3 l. n and so on until the end.
  • II - IV Rows - according to the picture.
  • V row: - 2, in the fourth row in the center loop, enter the right knitting needle at work, pick up the working thread and pull it through this loop.
  • 3 persons, insert the right knitting needle into the same loop, pick up the working thread and pull the loop, 2 out. and repeat to the end of the row.
  • VI Row: - 2 persons, just pass the elongated loop without knitting from the left knitting needle to the right one, thread before work, wear 3 and so on to the end.
  • VII row: - 2, swap the first extended loop, without twisting, knit the extended loop together with persons p, l. n, etc.
  • VIII row: - according to the picture.
  • Row IX: - Repeat from Row 5.

Now the choice is yours.

Video: Various patterns for caps. Knitting