Women's suits office style. Business dress for women

If a woman dominates not only in the kitchen, at the washing machine or in the children's room, with an iron, a vacuum cleaner and homework, then she is a working mother. Or not a mom yet, but definitely working! You want to stay feminine, attractive and stylish everywhere and always: with a bowl in your hands, on the treadmill, in the theater and, of course, at work. Moreover, in the office, most likely, there is more competition than an ironing board. And if a business lady does not and cannot have competitors, and if she is not interested and does not need it, all the same, a slight girlish egoism with an inner voice prompts which skirt will emphasize the waist, and which outfit will even be able to win the favor of her superiors.

Where did the origins come from?

So, office style. It came from a very young business style, which in turn took beginning from the classics and puritanism of England... The direction is the same, the only difference is that the English style does not allow any deviations from traditions, the classics is an unbending vector of severity, and the official business (office) style is a mix of classics and functionality, seasoned with fashion.

All the same severity of cut, elegance of materials and sophistication of accessories, but almost completely dictated by modernity. If a strict dress code is entered at work, it is appropriate to recall the costumes in. Black and white outfits, suits of two, three, the obligatory presence of a jacket. Inalienable attributes of office fashion are classic footwear, formal dresses (sheath dress, tuxedo dress). Hands, neck, face, legs below the knee can remain open.

If the dress code at the enterprise is limited to a strict business style of clothing - there will be enough space for a flight of imagination! Office fashion can include elements of country, military style, and even sports. Of course, a crimson tight dress or sneakers for the office is not just a lyrical digression, it is frivolity pure water... However, it is not at all necessary to sew into a "penguin suit"!

Basic rules for a business woman's office suit:

  • black and white range;
  • modesty and sophistication;
  • convenience and functionality;
  • femininity and elegance.

What's on top?

Cardigans, jackets, boleros, jackets and blazers (club jacket) of various styles and lengths, designed in a specific style and color scheme.

What's below?

Of course, today the best version of the "classic bottom" of a woman's office suit is a skirt. This beautiful piece of women's wardrobe begins somewhere just above the knee and may end only at the very ankles. The optimal length is a tribute to the classics - knee-deep or slightly lower. You can wear a tulip skirt, a pencil skirt, and even a sun-flared skirt is appropriate in the office, if you combine it with a strict virgin-closed top. This season patch pockets with various prints are relevant. It is quite acceptable to use a different fabric, color, as well as decorating with drapery, zipper, buttons or lacing. Pants are also part of a business suit. If this is not an element of an outfit of a two or three, you can play with shades and material. The jacket and trousers may differ in color and texture, however, it is imperative to adhere to the style orientation.

A shirt is a must-have attribute of a business woman's wardrobe. At work, not only options for suits with shirts are possible, but also various tops, turtlenecks, blouses. The color may differ from the main suit, the presence or absence of buttons is not important. It is worth remembering that a business suit requires the presence of a jacket or its equivalent over a blouse.

This season, the actual and fashionable thing called frill is complemented by an independent (separate) collar. It can be a great decoration both in tandem with cuffs and by itself. There are a lot of options for such collars: these are both lace products, and metal, from beads, beads and bugles, fabric, leather. In short, everyone will find something to their liking, and at the same time show the impeccability of style!

On my two

Let's talk about shoes. Naturally, the business-style shoe podium is occupied by pumps. However, they are not inferior to such fashionable models for several seasons in a row with high heels and a platform (it can be both hidden and quite obvious). The size and style of the heel is a purely individual choice. Lacquer, suede, leather or textiles: if only not like on wooden stilts. You need to soar not only in the dance, but also at the office table.

Than calm your heart

Accessories, accessories and more accessories. Neck scarves, scarves, ties, bows, frills, collars. Expensive jewelry that allows not only pendants, but also fairly large beads, earrings, bracelets and rings. A business lady should not look like a Christmas tree, but it is not necessary to put stylish decorations far into the box.

When choosing a bag, preference should be given to a briefcase bag, a valise or a tablet bag. A clutch or bag in casual style will not give the volume and shape necessary for storing documents. Expensive materials: leather, suede, varnish and textiles are acceptable.

The business style of clothing for women requires a special approach in choosing the details of your own wardrobe in order to comply with the canons of office fashion. It is generally accepted that business and office clothes are very boring and of the same type.

But we is in a hurry to debunk this myth, because stylish business (office) clothing 2019-2020 can be beautiful, fashionable, original and interesting. You don't have to wear boring business suits and classic monotonous business and office clothes, which you don't like and makes you another classic office representative.

On the contrary, modern trends in office business style of clothing for women suggest a variety of original and interesting options for office business clothing, which not only corresponds to the rules of the dress code and business style in clothes, but also allows you to effectively stand out among the majority of standard office workers.

Of course, there are companies that have established a strict dress code for their employees and require adherence to it. And this is very important, because the implementation of the dress code indicates the seriousness of the company.

But still, many employers are not so strict about the canons of the business style in clothes and the observance of all the rules of the office style of clothing, which gives you the opportunity to experiment a little and pick up very interesting fashionable novelties for office clothes in a business style.

It is important to remember that there is a distinction between formal business style of dress, which is strict in compliance with the rules and norms of dress for the office, and informal office business style of dress, which is the most democratic and allows you to show your individuality.

The colors of the business style of clothing are characterized by restraint, and colors such as black, white, gray, beige, blue, no patterns or prints. The modern business style of clothing allows the presence of a strip in clothes and an accessory in the form of a scarf for the neck.

Also, the business and office style of clothing does not welcome an abundance of jewelry, and if you decide to complement your image with jewelry, then they should be small and laconic.

Do not forget about the accessories - business style shoes for the office, which must be closed, as well as a purse.

We have collected a selection of interesting and original business-style things for women - trends and trends in office fashion 2019-2020, which you can wear to the office and at the same time be stylish and always look presentable.

Modern business attire: business suit for women

A business suit for women is perhaps the most suitable option for office wear in a business style. A beautiful office suit is appropriate for formal meetings, and it is also suitable for dinner or a walk after work.

Designers offer a classic business suit in 2019-2020, somewhat diluted with interesting details and elements that turn a boring business suit for women into an original outfit that can be safely worn not only in the office.

Business dress 2019-2020: A-line dress and sheath dress for the office

Stylish A-line dresses are a great option for office wear. In many offices with a strict dress code, this type of clothing is not allowed, but not in all.

You can choose a classic black office dress that is practical and will perfectly fit into a business attire. The A-line dress and the office sheath dress look very stylish and elegant, best complementing your business attire.

Business attire: office blouses and shirts for the office

In the 2019-2020 season, designers propose to diversify the office and business style of clothing with beautiful blouses and shirts with different prints. For example, you can choose blouses with small polka dots or thin stripes, and if you are daring, you can choose a blouse with small patterns, for example, with dogs or cats.

Also in trend are plain office blouses in soothing colors that will diversify any business suit. Having picked up beautiful original variations of blouses for the office, you will certainly look beautiful and stylish every day.

Modern business style of clothing 2019-2020: office pants in a business style

Office trousers for women are a very important part of a woman's wardrobe in a business style, which has become indispensable and practical for most women. In 2019-2020, the trend will be beautiful and elegant classic business-style trousers.

You can also choose the option of skinny office trousers, which are very relevant and look very impressive. It is worth combining office trousers with blouses and shirts made of fine fabrics in classic colors.

Business style of clothing 2019-2020: photos, trends and trends in office fashion

We offer you a selection of the best business-style looks for the office, among the many options of which you can choose interesting options for combining and combining business-style clothes.

Business clothing style, photos, office fashion trends 2019-2020 are shown below ...

Do you want me to turn off the light in your eyes and ruin your mood with just one phrase?

"From this day on, the strictest dress code is being introduced in your office!"

Do you want me to tell you what picture has now appeared in front of your eyes?

And, of course, this one!

Well girls, the pictures are really disgusting. If you don't want to dress like that, then I understand you :-)

If you think that what is shown in these pictures belongs to the modern business style, I propose to erase your memory, and then sit back and get acquainted with how business attire should actually look.

Because dressing like the pictures above is JUST NOT DECENT!

It is also extremely disadvantageous in terms of career and self-esteem.

You will feel dull about such awful things. This time. Sad people don't impress anyone. These are two.

By the way, there are three more. Not understanding what modern business attire looks like can throw you to the other extreme. And you will join the ranks of girls in guipure blouses and trendy sweatpants. Or rows of "cozy", but very non-business women in gray blouses!

How to dress stylishly for work?

I've already explained to you the importance of being stylish, so I won't repeat myself. Let me just say this.

We live in a time of personal brands. Emphasizing your individuality is the TREND of the time. And the law of the local jungle. If you are not remembered, then you are forgotten.

We spend about 15 seconds to form our impression of a person.

That is, you will not even have time to utter a word, as I’ll think about you and “decide” everything. What kind of "rastak" you are or none.

Both in personal life and at work, decisions are made with lightning speed. Didn't like it at first sight? Everything! Past!

Let's leave, however, personal life. This is a separate story.

Let's continue our career.

Do you think you want to raise your gray mouse girl? Yes, half of the office does not even know about her existence, let alone the boss!

Do you want to raise a long-legged blonde in a mini-skirt to panties? Hmm, I want to do something different with it, perhaps, of course, that for this we will have to raise it ... Well, here everyone decides for himself how to pave the way up.

Do you want to promote an eccentric fashionista, who does not herself realize in what office and by whom she works, and from which half of the employees and Clients are shocked to varying degrees? This is also a good question. Fashion is such a fashion, you know. Freak girls are not credible to everyone.

Well, what, dear edition? I have listed 99% of the office staff for you. Whom are we going to raise?

But her! The one that already looks like she got the job!

Perhaps she is not the most professional employee ... Not the most experienced ... Well, we will train you. It's not ashamed or scary to show it though. She is the visual embodiment of what a PROFESSIONAL should look like in her position. They meet by their clothes, there is no time to talk, there is neither strength nor time, to be honest. I would like a person to come, you looked at him and relaxed a little. And then he listened, and he also says smart, right things. Yes! Deal!

And in that order. I saw it - I believed it. I listened - I received confirmation of my words.

Well, you don't go to dentists with rotten teeth, do you? Whatever the right things the doctor says, trust will be undermined in the same second!

And the crooked hairdresser?

Yes, we will simply even take an interview for any position. If HR doesn't like you outwardly, if you are poorly dressed, he will not let you go any further and will not show you to ANYONE.

I have 15 acquaintances of recruiters and headhunters howling beluga, because the candidates "speak the matter", but they look terrible and there is no point in sending them further. And then, having seen this, the Customers will not even talk to their recruiting agency any further. They will say that they do not understand the corporate culture and the needs of their Clients.

Sometimes my fellow recruiters, realizing that they have an ideal candidate in terms of qualifications, find the strength and tact to recommend a person to dress differently and come again. To make sure that in this form it is still worth sending it for an interview to the Company. That they will not "fly" on the cap for non-compliance. But more often they don't do it at all. It's awkward somehow. If the candidate himself does not understand by a certain age how to dress at work and at the interview, then it is better to let him go home.

Being able to dress is also a professional characteristic.

Dress appropriately for the position and direction of business of the company you work for.

Your main goal is to show who you are BEFORE communicating with you.

Your social and professional status should be reflected in your physical appearance.

So, returning to the creepy pictures at the very beginning of the article, if only for this reason, such a "business wardrobe" is a sooooo bad idea. Only a student can dress like this in practice during the summer holidays or line personnel, who have exactly the same uniform for everyone and have no other options.

If you are not given a uniform at work, buy yourself the right wardrobe. For success, for your career, for your unique personal brand.

You still won't go to work naked, you still spend your budget on things.

So do not waste on nonsense, think and INVEST in yourself competently. And sell at a higher price!

Types of office dress code

And if you need help creating the perfect wardrobe for your marathon up the corporate ladder, this is the place for you. It's easy to learn. Not only is it simple, it is also very pleasant and interesting. You will be captured! Promise!


The strictest office dress code.

No one is naked, no one is flowered. Guipure and lace are prohibited. Nothing short, nothing long.

The length of the skirt is plus or minus the width of the credit card from mid-knee.

At your disposal is a strict business suit in muted or light shades, sheath dresses, closed shoes with heels and without a platform, an A4 bag.

To whom? Banks, lawyers, state companies, officials, diplomats.

What for? To inspire confidence, to demonstrate status and the highest degree of professionalism and reliability.

And only in your hands to look like this

Or like this

After all, both options are acceptable within the strict requirements of this dress code.

But the second option is only capable of those who know how to dress stylishly and know the rules by which colors are combined and styles that suit your figure personally, can distinguish modern basic things from the dull ugliness of white-blouses-black-skirts, like waiters. Do you want to learn? That way .

Some more good examples:


Modern, relaxed business style.

Leave the jacket. Without it, it will not work. Business is the same.

A bit of fashionable colors, a bit of fashionable cuts, stylish accessories, perfect fit, play of prints and textures. Everything! You are the queen of the office!

To whom? 80% of office workers who want to look professional without losing their individuality.

Applicable in both conservative and creative businesses. The sexiest, trendiest and most stylish dress code in existence. I know you liked it too!

What for? To inspire confidence and look professional at first, and then also stylish. Like. Demonstrate your individuality by creating a strong personal brand that will be known to all professionals, Clients, chefs and partners.

To dress in this style, you need to have good taste. Want to develop and pump your stylish muscle? Correct solution! That way .


Are you not meeting with the Clients and the boss? Not insisting on a career? Do you have a cozy and calm office and business that does not need the attributes of status and power? Are you an ordinary performer?

Then a MODERN basic wardrobe is for you.

Again, if this picture has now appeared in your mind with the words "basic wardrobe", come to the School of Shopping, I will erase your memory.

And I will explain that a modern basic wardrobe is like this:

Well, and then, you are all like that

  • Professional
  • Stylish
  • Confident

navigate a couple of career ladders and put all competitors on the blades.

Stylish looks for the office

Business is war.

The right business wardrobe is your weapon and armor.

Nobody goes to war unarmed. Otherwise, you yourself understand what will happen.

PS: By the way, check what your man is fighting in. If it looks unpresentable, it won't get promoted in most serious and successful businesses. And instead of one day to understand this and buy the right suit, you will wonder for years why the stupid but stylish Vasya has already been promoted three times, and Petya, so smart, has been all stuck in the same position for the fifth year. The right look decides a lot.

Clothing style is the calling card of any self-respecting girl. With his help, she can tell the world about herself, about her passions and hobbies. We are all different and we dress differently too. There is only one thing in common - the style of dress in the workplace. For the most part, this is a business style.

Her future career and the attitude of her work colleagues depend on whether a girl knows its basics, how competently she uses it.

The history of the style

Back in the 19th century, there was no such thing as a "business woman's style" in nature. At that time, the girls did not strive for emancipation, they did not occupy significant posts, therefore the clothes they wore were extremely feminine. Crinolines, numerous ruffles, flounces, curls and curls - these are the main elements of style for women of the 19th century. And if someone allowed himself to wear clothes similar in cut to men's, they were sure to ridicule them in the feuilletons of local tabloid newspapers.

The situation changed only after two world wars, when women had to rebuild the national economy along with the surviving men. Clothing requirements have changed. It had to be, first of all, comfortable, unmarked, preferably in dark colors. Therefore, women began to dress in trousers, jackets, clothes began to look more like men.

Echoing these fundamental changes, they began to develop models of business clothes for women. From that moment on, it can be considered that women's business style came into fashion and became a universal tool for positioning oneself as a professional.

Characteristic features of the style

At the moment, the business style of clothing for girls can be divided into three groups:

  1. Classic office style. It is the most conservative of all, and includes a pantsuit or skirt with a dark-colored jacket, a white shirt or blouse, and low-heeled pumps. It is often used as a dress code in large companies.
  2. Business casual. Freer than the previous one, you can diversify styles, mix colors in clothes, add various accessories. This is the most common option in a normal business setting.

    "Friday" business style. According to him, on Friday, you can relax in the severity of outfits and even come to work in classic jeans in combination with a jacket, provided that there are no official business meetings that day.

Combining all the groups, there are several features that support the business style:

    Any item of clothing of this style should be neutral in color and style. This position is based on the fact that, first of all, clothes do not distract from work, but emphasize the professionalism of a person.

    Clothing should be inscribed in the canons of the classics, having the same unshakable core. Fashion is changeable and fickle, but the classics remain for centuries.

    The quality of fabrics and accessories for sewing business-style clothing should be high. The use of cheap, low-quality fabric in business suits is unacceptable.

    Professionalism has no gender, which means that there is no place for promiscuity, overt sexuality, deep neckline and large slits on the skirt in business clothes for girls.

    The image must be elegant, casual.

Business style

The requirements for the style of business clothes are, first of all, the simplicity of the cut. The jacket should be straight or slightly narrowed in silhouette to mid-thigh length and below. The buttons on it should be medium in size and always match the jacket. The skirt is also straight or slightly tapered from top to bottom. Its length should be no higher than the level of the palm from the knees. Straight trousers, sitting at the waist. Overestimating or underestimating the waist is considered a liberty to interpret the business style.

As for the dress, a sheath dress would be the perfect win-win. Blouses and shirts must have at least a small sleeve, open shoulders are excluded according to business etiquette in clothes.

Color and texture

Color in business style clothes is one of the dominant features, leaving an imprint on the style as a whole. Black, brown, gray, blue are considered classic colors. They can be complemented with pastel shades of various colors. In the warm season, suits of light shades are allowed - beige, caramel, white. The main thing is that all shades and colors are not flashy, active. In addition, a maximum of three colors can be used in one look.

The fabric pattern should also be neutral. A herringbone, thin stripes, a cage will work well. Leopard prints, bright floral patterns are also unacceptable in everyday business style.


Business clothes should be made of high quality, expensive fabrics. They provide a perfect fit, wrinkle-free and almost wrinkle-free. Sewing clothes should be perfect, all elements are processed so that no threads hang, pockets should not protrude or come off. It is better to choose natural materials: cotton, linen, high-quality silk. The higher the post, the more expensive and better the outfit should be.


The classic version of the shoe is black pumps with a small (no more than 7 cm) heel. They can be of a different model, but always in the color of the clothes. This rule does not apply to black shoes.

Even in hot weather, shoes must be closed (toe and heel), so wearing sandals to the office is strictly prohibited. In addition, tights should always be worn under the shoes, regardless of any climatic conditions. For these purposes, there are thin tights with a thickness of 10-15 den.

Jewelry and accessories

To decorate the image of a business girl, the use of various accessories is allowed, such as a stylish scarf, a sophisticated scarf, and various jewelry. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. For example, according to etiquette, there should be no more than three pieces of jewelry, including the wedding ring, the material used to make them - silver, gold or pearls. As for such an accessory as a handbag, it should be of a simple shape, preferably leather, without flashy elements.

Essential elements of a business girl's wardrobe

According to the rules of etiquette, you should not come to work for more than two days in a row wearing the same clothes. To do this, it is not necessary to have a very large wardrobe, it is enough that it contains basic elements that complement and replace each other, namely:

    A classic suit (trouser or jacket with a skirt) of a simple cut;

    Several business style shirts and blouses in pastel colors;

    Jacket, jacket or cardigan;

    Straight skirt to the knee;

    Classic sheath dress;

    Pumps with low heels in black;

    Neutral tights

    Strictly shaped leather handbag;

    Various accessories.

All these elements can be easily combined with each other, making each time a new elegant image of a business girl.

Women's business clothing brands

Now a large number of designers offer their clothes made in a business style. These are such giants as Hugo Boss, Chanel, Armani, Covalli, Donna Cara and other famous brands. Russian designers also keep up with them, take, for example, the chic office suits of the Russian brand Definess from Olga Deffi.

Brand clothing is an indicator of the success and professionalism of its owner, but despite this, well-chosen, high-quality clothing of an unknown brand also has the right to an “office” life.