11 weeks pregnant after conception. It is now that the baby usually begins to move his head. Medicines and medical procedures

With the onset of the 11th week of pregnancy, the placenta is significantly strengthened, and the baby receives from the mother more nutrients that he needs for development, due to an increase in the number of blood vessels.

The umbilical cord connects to the baby's intestines to remove decay products, but do not worry - a little later they will separate. The development of the crumbs continues rapidly - the internal organs become larger, the brain is growing rapidly.

Due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, there is increased emotional instability, sudden mood swings. The metabolism is significantly accelerated, in connection with this, increased sweating appears, the body temperature rises, because blood circulation also increases.

Pregnancy 11 weeks

By this time, the expectant mother usually already fully feels pregnant. The uterus is growing, and, despite the fact that the stomach at the 11th week of pregnancy is not yet visible to others, sleeping on it is already quite uncomfortable. Every woman is interested in what happens to her mother at the 11th week of pregnancy. As a rule, the uterus at the 11th week of pregnancy is still between the bones of the small pelvis, while occupying all the free space.

By this time, toxicosis is significantly reduced, but if it has not yet begun, then the appearance of toxicosis at the 11th week of pregnancy is quite possible. Its features include:

  • nausea in the morning, sometimes turning into vomiting;
  • lack of appetite or preference for one particular product;

It is necessary to control weight, because with severe toxicosis, its sharp decrease is possible.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the following signs of it appear:

  1. Due to hormonal surges, there is often an instant change in mood, reaching depression. In this condition, you should seek help from a psychologist;
  2. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, calories are burned faster, a feeling of heat is often a companion of pregnancy. It is necessary to drink enough liquid, preferably fruit drinks and compotes.

Baby development at 11 weeks

The main organs of the fetus are already formed. The height of the child reaches 41mm, and its weight is within 7g. What happens to the baby at 11 weeks pregnant:

  • the heart is already fully working, supplying the organs with blood;
  • the vocal cords of the crumbs are almost fully developed, although the need for them will not appear soon;
  • the fetus does not yet have bones, they are replaced by cartilaginous tissue;
  • the fingers of the fetus are already fully formed.

At week 11, not all organs are still fully developed, but most of them are actively developing during this period. These include:

  1. organs of the respiratory system;
  2. the liver, which already occupies up to 10% of the fetus;
  3. a unique pattern appears on the fingers;
  4. the rudiments of milk teeth continue to form;
  5. there is a grasping reflex;
  6. blood vessels and irises of the eyes develop;
  7. the gender of the fetus is formed, when carrying a boy, his body has already begun to produce the male hormone - testosterone.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus reaches a stage when it is already able to open its mouth and tries to put fingers in it, also at this time the child begins to raise his head, due to the strengthening of the neck muscles. The crumbs already have enough strength to push off from the wall of the fetal bladder with their legs.

As a rule, by this week the baby can already smell the products that the mother consumes. He develops a sense of smell. The grown fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy begins to respond to irritants, such as mom's cough or sudden movements.

Well-being of the expectant mother

At a period of 11 weeks, most of the baby's organs are formed, so the likelihood of developing serious pathologies is significantly reduced. Of course, this has a positive effect on the mood of the expectant mother, gives confidence. The possibility of premature termination of pregnancy also decreases, due to this, the woman feels calmer.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the uterus has already occupied the entire space in the small pelvis. In some pregnant women, the belly becomes a little visible, especially if the woman is quite slender. But others still do not betray anything about the new situation. The expectant mother may be disturbed by the following sensations at this time:

  • increased sensitivity of the breast, especially soreness of the nipples;
  • as a rule, the breast at the 11th week of pregnancy increases in size;
  • frequent headaches and migraines may occur. It is necessary to rest more and often be in the fresh air;
  • many women have forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, this is normal for pregnancy.

With a favorable course of gestation, the expectant mother should not feel pain at the 11th week of pregnancy. However, the presence of any discomfort is quite possible. The most common complaint to doctors is abdominal pain at the 11th week of pregnancy. Of course, if you experience any pain, you need to see a doctor, the pain may be as follows:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen. Most likely, this is due to stomach problems, which often occur during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe a diet if necessary;
  2. Pain near the umbilicus. Due to the growing uterus and hormonal changes, intestinal motility is often disturbed. For this reason, constipation and bloating occur, which make themselves felt with pain in the navel;
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen or pulling the stomach during pregnancy. If such pain occurs, it is urgent to visit a doctor, if the pain is cramping and sharp, immediately call an ambulance to prevent miscarriage. Also read the article: During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen >>>

The appearance of transparent discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy is considered a variant of the norm, their number can be quite considerable and leave marks on the linen, you should use daily pads to get rid of discomfort.

In addition to transparent discharge, others may occur:

  • white curdled discharge, usually accompanied by itching. Such discharge is a sign of thrush during pregnancy. , which often occurs in pregnant women. To get rid of it, you need to consult a doctor for the selection of drugs, the use of which is possible in this position;
  • bloody or brown discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy are symptoms of an incipient miscarriage and require urgent admission to the hospital to save the baby. Be sure to read the article: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>

Feelings at 11 weeks

By the end of the first trimester, the woman already finally feels pregnant. Feelings at the 11th week of pregnancy differ from earlier periods in that the enlarged uterus is already well felt, sleeping on the stomach is not very comfortable. Toxicosis gradually recedes and allows a woman to look at many products without disgust, an appetite appears. As a rule, from this period, the weight of the expectant mother is already steadily growing.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, heartburn may occur. It usually appears in the late afternoon and interferes with sleep. You can alleviate your condition by drinking milk or sucking on lollipops. In case of severe discomfort, you need to inform the doctor about it, he will select the approved medicine.

You need to know that it is dangerous to suddenly disappear at the same time all the symptoms of pregnancy, such as:

  1. toxicosis;
  2. soreness of the chest;
  3. return of breast size to pre-pregnancy state;
  4. disappearance of drowsiness.

If at once all the symptoms of pregnancy have disappeared, this may be a sign of a missed pregnancy. In this case, the fetus remains in the uterine cavity, but stops developing. It is urgent to immediately go to the hospital and do an ultrasound at the 11th week of pregnancy to be sure of the normal course of gestation.

Important questions about pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman especially closely monitors changes in her body, because any mother wants to be sure of the normal development of the baby. It is unlikely that at least one pregnant woman has avoided questions regarding the course of pregnancy.

One of these frequently occurring questions is an increase in temperature at the 11th week of pregnancy. If the temperature rises to 37 - 37.2 in the absence of other symptoms of a cold, this is considered normal.

After all, the amount of blood in the body increases, blood circulation accelerates, this is the reason for the frequent high temperature. No action is needed, plenty of fluids are enough to prevent fluid loss.

Another thing is when, along with an increase in temperature, the following signs of a cold appear:

  • runny nose, frequent sneezing;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • general malaise and fatigue.

The immunity of a woman at 11 weeks has not yet completely rebuilt for pregnancy and tries to periodically fight a foreign body in the body, which is why a pregnant woman is prone to frequent colds.

In case of symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a therapist for the appointment of treatment. A cold during pregnancy is aggravated by the fact that in this position the intake of almost all medicines is contraindicated.

  1. Plentiful drink. It will be especially important to drink fruit drinks rich in vitamin C, such as cranberry juice or fruit drink with the addition of rose hips. The intake of vitamin C in large quantities will help to avoid intoxication and cope with the feeling of illness and headache;
  2. Being outdoors, of course, in the absence of high temperature. In the air, immunity recovers faster and is able to overcome the disease as soon as possible;
  3. With nasal congestion and a runny nose, it is necessary to rinse the nose with a special solution, such as saline or aquamaris.

Most expectant mothers are concerned about the issue of sexual life during the period of bearing a child. Is sex allowed at 11 weeks pregnant? As a rule, there are no contraindications at this time. Sex is prohibited in the following cases:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios detected on ultrasound;
  • unsatisfactory health of a woman.

Be sure to discuss your condition, discomfort and pain with your sexual partner in order to choose the most comfortable position that will not cause discomfort to the woman and will not harm the baby.

Now there is a very rapid development of the baby's nervous system, so alcohol at the 11th week of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. Even a glass of a low-alcohol drink can cause great harm to the health of the fetus, which may not be able to be corrected in the future. It is worth considering that the health of the baby is much more important than drinking alcohol, albeit in small quantities. It is much better to drink a glass of fresh juice instead of alcohol.

Examination at 11 weeks of gestation

In most cases, primary analyzes have already been submitted during registration. Read the article to find out what tests are taken during pregnancy >>>. If, for some reason, a woman is just about to register, she will need to pass the following in addition to general tests:

  1. Blood on the group, as well as on the Rh factor. The same analysis is required to pass to the father of the baby, in order to avoid a Rh conflict in case of a negative Rh in the mother;
  2. Blood for determination of blood sugar. This is necessary to assess the risk of gestational diabetes, which is a frequent companion of pregnancy;
  3. With increased weakness, an analysis should be taken to determine the level of hemoglobin.

Most likely, at this time, the doctor will give a referral for screening. Screening is carried out by passing a series of tests and ultrasound to detect fetal pathologies at an early stage. It will be held in a couple of weeks.

Ultrasound is usually performed at 12 weeks of gestation, but if desired or suspected of any pathology in the development of the child, you can do an ultrasound right now. Perhaps, on ultrasound, the doctor will give a photo of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy, in which the arms and legs, the movements of the baby are already clearly visible. The head is still very large, soon the proportions of the body will change. In the photo you can see how the baby puts his fingers in his mouth or waves his arms.

If there are doubts about the development of the fetus, the doctor sends an hCG test at the 11th week of pregnancy. This analysis will help assess the development of the child in dynamics, because the hormone rises constantly in the first half of pregnancy.

Lifestyle at 11 weeks pregnant

Although pregnancy is not a disease, it still requires lifestyle changes. Particular attention should be paid to your diet during pregnancy. The diet must certainly include the following products:

  • Vegetables and fruits. Vitamins during this period are extremely necessary for a woman, because the baby receives all the necessary trace elements from her. Also, natural vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which is necessary for the body to facilitate the work of the intestines and get rid of constipation, which are often found in expectant mothers. Read more about constipation during pregnancy >>>;
  • Meat and fish. These products contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for the growth of the baby, as well as for the normal health of the mother;
  • Dairy products. Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt - these products contain calcium, the child needs it for the development of the skeleton, and the mother also needs it to avoid problems with teeth and hair, which happens very often in pregnant women;
  • Drinking a lot is essential during pregnancy. The lack of fluid in the body very quickly leads to edema, which is completely undesirable during pregnancy.

You need to eat in small portions, but often. Choose a diet with a lot of calories, because they are necessary for a woman to maintain good health. It is advisable to remove from the diet or minimize the use of harmful foods:

  1. Fatty food. It can lead to heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, which already often makes itself felt;
  2. Smoked and salty foods. These foods retain fluid in the body and can lead to swelling. Read more about edema during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Spicy food irritates the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the proximity of the intestines to the uterus, the consumption of spicy foods can cause uterine contractions, which will negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

When eating healthy foods and providing the body with all the useful substances, the expectant mother will feel much better than when eating harmful substances.

If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, attentive to your body, proper nutrition and caring loved ones, pregnancy at week 11 proceeds quite easily. If toxicosis does not recede, it should be remembered that there is very little left until the second trimester, which is considered the easiest and usually does not cause any problems for a woman.

The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end. The embryo is now called a fetus, all systems and organs have been formed. There is another six months of happiness of coexistence ahead, how to preserve your health and ensure the healthy development of the baby?

Week 11 - 29 more to go

The sensitivity of the embryo, and now the fetus, to negative influences decreases with its growth. During the transition to the second trimester, the number of spontaneously interrupted pregnancies (miscarriages) decreases by more than 10 times.

The eleventh week of the obstetric period, which corresponds to the end of the 8-week development of the embryo, begins the fetal period - lasting until childbirth.

In the obstetric month 4 weeks - 28 days. 11 weeks is 2 obstetric months and 3 weeks, while the baby itself is likely to grow in your uterus for 2 months and a week.

It should be understood why pregnancy is characterized by either obstetric or embryonic terms. At the very first visit to the doctor - according to the first ultrasound - women often face a misunderstanding of the situation when the day of conception is known exactly, by which the age of the embryo is clear, but she is given a period longer than the real one by two weeks. This is an obstetric period, it is considered by doctors from the last menstruation, which in the vast majority of cases is two weeks more than the embryonic one. The initial period of pregnancy makes sense to consider it in the plane of two periods. By the eleventh week, the gestational age is specified as accurately as possible thanks to ultrasound, and the course of pregnancy is measured, as a rule, in obstetric weeks. So, the birth of a baby is expected on average at 40 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. Counting by embryonic weeks - the period of development from conception, the average duration of pregnancy will be 38 weeks.

What happens to the baby

Its dimensions and achievements

The fruit is the size of a lime: 5-6 cm long, weighing about 8-10 grams. He still looks like an alien. The head is large, the arms are longer than the legs, but in general it looks more proportional.

Grasping and sucking reflexes have appeared, they will help him adapt when he is born. He can already swallow, suck, hiccup and yawn, clenches his fingers into fists, raises his head, reacts to external stimuli with bright light and loud sound.

He actively moves his arms and legs, floating in the amniotic fluid. Maybe, pushing off the walls of the uterus with the legs, turn over 360 degrees. Mom will feel the baby moving in 1.5-2 months, because he is still small. The first sensations of movement in the stomach will be felt by slender women who are expecting a baby not for the first time.

Eyelids, nose, ears are still low on the face, but moving towards their position.

The composition of the baby's blood - red blood cells - erythrocytes.

In the placenta, the number of blood vessels necessary to carry oxygen to the fetus begins to increase.

Processes in the baby's body

  • With the maturation of the lymphatic system, the first leukocytes appear - immune cells;
  • Develop: diaphragm, vocal cords, iris, thymus gland;
  • The sense of smell appears - the child reacts to the smell of food;
  • Sexual organs begin to form, testosterone begins to be produced in boys; after a week or two, you can determine the sex of the child;
  • He begins to swallow amniotic fluid, the work of the intestines begins, his first contractions;
  • The kidneys begin to produce urine. To facilitate the process of water renewal, the cycle of which is repeated about 8 times a day, the expectant mother should drink enough water - up to 2 liters. Water is filtered by the inner surface of the placenta.

What does a woman feel

There is no unambiguous definition of what a woman feels at eleven weeks. There are lucky women who have no signs of pregnancy, except for a grown tummy, until the very birth of a child. Someone feels the rise all 9 months, receiving only positive emotions from this period.

Feeling better

But, as a rule, only at eleven weeks you can feel a surge of strength, the time of toxicosis is coming to an end, nausea and vomiting recede. The "epoch of happy pregnancy" begins. In exceptional cases, toxicosis can last up to 14 or more weeks, but its manifestations become less painful.

Your pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others, but the body has already adapted to the state of bearing a child. Basal temperature returns to normal, dropping below 37C. Fears are behind, the emotional background is stabilizing, but mood swings are still observed. Try not to blame everything on hormones and control your emotions. Be patient and prudent. Learn to relax, it will come in handy during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of a baby.

Don't let yourself get overtired. Large loads are a special stress for the body of pregnant women.

Changes: weight, chest and tummy

By this time, the expectant mother usually gains 1.5-2 kg in weight. With severe toxicosis, even its loss is possible. It's okay, a significant weight gain is expected in the second and third trimesters. With the return of appetite, you can start gaining up to 0.5 kg per week.

An accelerated metabolism, an increased volume of circulating blood can provoke thirst, increased sweating, and a feeling of heat.

In some women, the tummy grows from below, and although the uterus is the size of a fist, still within the small pelvis, jeans with a low waist may not button up. It's time to think about purchasing special clothes - comfortable, made from natural fabrics. In women involved in sports, the abdominal muscles still completely hide the pregnancy, supporting the uterus.

Breast condition is individual. Just as there is no change, so are changes in contour and sensitivity in the breast as nature prepares it for breastfeeding. There may be pain, swelling of the breast, darkening of the nipples, the appearance of colostrum - a white-transparent liquid. Don't try to squeeze it out.

Allocations: the norm or not

Habitual transparent female discharge can change exactly at eleven weeks.

Elevated temperature in the vagina during pregnancy provokes the growth of a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, which is part of a healthy flora. With candidiasis, or thrush, the following symptoms are observed:

  • highlighting white curdled consistency;
  • sour smell;
  • itching, burning;
  • pain during urination, sexual intercourse;
  • swelling, redness.

The disease does not just cause discomfort. This is a potential danger both for the mother - a decrease in the elasticity of the vaginal linings and the cervix, as well as for the baby - the danger of intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as infection during the passage of the birth canal. The danger of intrauterine damage to organs and systems during their formation can have the most tragic outcome.

The use of antifungal oral medications is excluded. Symptoms may be exacerbated by increased sweating: exposure to heat and prolonged physical exertion, use of panty liners that create a "greenhouse effect", tight underwear. Therapy for the disease includes:

  • Personal hygiene: water procedures, shower, but after a while itching may return. To reduce it, you can use soda baths, for washing - a manganese solution, an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine.
  • Diet - the exclusion of spicy, pickled, fatty, salty foods, fast food and sweet soda. The use of fresh fruits and vegetables, sour-milk dishes are shown, which increase the acidity of the vaginal flora, preventing the development of the fungus.
  • Starting from the second trimester, unless the doctor decides otherwise, local antifungal drugs are used: suppositories, tablets and ointments inserted into the vagina.

It is necessary to treat both partners, with a temporary cessation of sexual activity.

Similar symptoms are possible not only with candidiasis, when they appear, you need to consult your gynecologist. A smear will provide an opportunity to make a diagnosis, if necessary, develop a treatment regimen. It may include antibiotics delayed for the third trimester, local treatment, folk remedies.

The presence of Candida fungi is acceptable in the absence of inflammation. White discharge with a sour smell is considered normal. They can continue throughout pregnancy.

Skin, hair and nail care

Many expectant mothers notice favorable changes: the skin glows, the condition of the nails improves, the hair acquires volume and shine.

Someone has the opposite situation, the hormonal background leads to a change in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the appearance or exacerbation of problems. Nails become brittle. Hair - overdried or vice versa - oily, dandruff may appear. The status of the skin may change, unusual sensitivity, oiliness, enlargement of pores, the appearance of black spots or acne can be observed. The picture can be supplemented by age spots and swelling on the face.

To smooth the situation, you can resort to recipes that have passed the test of time.

For nails you can practice salt baths. 1 st. l. sea ​​or iodized salt in 1 cup of hot water. Keep 10-15 minutes.

Hair and scalp

To normalize the condition, rinse them with a decoction or infusion of herbs immediately after shampooing.

Preparation of a decoction: the grass is poured with boiling water at a ratio of 1:10, boiled for 15 to 45 minutes - depending on the density of the raw material, infused and filtered.

Preparation of infusion: the raw material is poured with boiling water, infused in a thermos or a tightly wrapped container. It is possible to stay in a water bath for up to 15 minutes. Then the resulting infusion is filtered.

For dry hair, use decoctions or infusions: linden inflorescences, birch leaves, chamomile, sage, lemon balm, oregano, St. John's wort. The application should give a lively shine to the hair, strengthen the roots, get rid of dandruff.

For oily hair, a decoction of oak bark, tansy, horsetail, St. John's wort is suitable.

Sea salt peeling well cleanses the scalp with seborrheic manifestations. You can add some vegetable oil. Massage the hair roots, with oily hair - leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with decoction.

Mustard mask, which cleanses the scalp and strengthens the hair. According to 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard, vegetable oil and granulated sugar + 1 yolk diluted with warm water to the state of kefir. Apply to the roots of the hair, then distribute along the length of the hair. Cover with cling film, wrapped in a towel. Keep from 15 minutes to 40, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Skin on the face

When using cosmetics, study their composition. Cosmetics containing retinol and vitamin A should be excluded during pregnancy, give preference to hypoallergenic herbal products.

From edema, ice cubes based on chamomile decoction will help. They stimulate drainage, it is enough to hold an ice cube once in places of edema, after wrapping it with a thin cloth.

Place the cooled tea bags on the area of ​​edema around the eyes, because tannin, a tea component, improves lymph flow and blood microcirculation.

You can influence the appearance of age spots by using sunscreens with a high factor. Try to lighten the stains by rubbing them overnight with juices: lemon, cucumber, cranberry, onion. You can use fermented milk drinks: kefir, yogurt.

Perhaps measures to restore the skin, hair and nails may seem useless. Don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon after delivery.

Nutrition rules

The nutrition of this period should be balanced, healthy, safe.

The diet should include:

  • beef;
  • Kashi;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Greenery;
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetable oils.

It is better to eat fractionally - in small portions every 2-3 hours. This will help you not overeat and avoid heartburn and constipation. It is better to refuse fatty, smoked, spicy. Give preference to steamed and boiled dishes. Drink - water, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices.


If you are still not registered with the antenatal clinic, then it's time to do it. The time for screening has approached - an ultrasound examination with a biochemical blood test. Screening results allow assessing the condition of the fetus, identifying the risks of developmental deviations - Down and Edwards syndromes, assessing the development and structure of organs and systems, and assessing blood flow indicators. It is usually assumed that screening is carried out three times - these periods are: 10-12, 20-22, 30-32 weeks.

The procedure is safe for the health of mother and baby. If alarming factors are identified, the pregnant woman is referred for a consultation with a geneticist, and a more detailed examination is carried out.


This ultrasound is especially interesting for future parents: you will see how the fetus looks, movements, hear its heartbeat.

During the first prenatal screening, the course of pregnancy is assessed, which has the following goals and objectives:

  • It is possible to identify multiple pregnancy;
  • Visualization of physical activity - moving arms and legs;
  • Checking the presence and frequency of the heartbeat;
  • The presence, the thickness of the yolk sac, are important up to 12 weeks in the diagnosis of missed pregnancy;
  • The structure, location of the chorion is an indicator of intrauterine infection, Rh conflict, placental development;
  • Anomalies in the development of the fetus are detected;
  • The collar space of the fetus is measured - an indicator of Down syndrome, indirectly informative up to 13 weeks;
  • The exact gestational age is specified.

The norms of indicators depend on the period, they are included in the tables with acceptable values.

Ultrasound will allow you to measure the size of the fetal egg, the coccygeal-parietal size, the circumference of the head, abdomen, hip length and parameters of other parts of the body. These data are compared with a table of norms corresponding to obstetric terms - and, accordingly, the gestational age of the fetus. In the early stages - up to 12 weeks - all children develop at a similar pace, so you can determine his age as accurately as possible by analyzing the results of ultrasound. It is on him that obstetricians are guided. After all, then - after 12 weeks, the baby's standards for ultrasound do not always correspond to the table, they begin to influence the physiological characteristics of the baby.

Gestational age or gestational age of the fetus is the number of completed weeks that have passed since the last menstrual period, that is, at 11 weeks and 6 days, the gestational age of the fetus = 11 weeks, similar to obstetrics.

Gestational norms corresponding to 11 weeks of pregnancy:

The most indicative is KTR - coccygeal-parietal size. It does not depend on the physical characteristics of the mother. The size of the fetus from the coccyx to the crown is measured three times, the minimum value is taken into account.

A mismatch of this indicator by more than 0.7-1 cm may indicate a pathological development of pregnancy. An increase in CTE can be an indicator of: Rh-conflict of mother and child, large fetus. Possible reasons for the decrease in CTE: late fertilization, possibly due to late onset ovulation; violation of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman; the presence of infection, especially urogenital; pathology of the uterus; genetic abnormalities of the fetus.

Table of the main indicators of the baby

So, a discrepancy between the gestational age and the corresponding fetal parameters may indicate an error in setting the date, and indicates the need for additional developmental examinations, as a result of which the correction of pregnancy management is carried out.

Blood chemistry

The analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach, the last meal - at least 8 hours ago. Thanks to him, the state of health of the mother is determined, which is necessary for the course of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

Norms of indicators of a biochemical blood test during pregnancy

Index Norma, 1st trimester
Total protein, g/l63-83
Albumin, g/l32-50
Globulin, g/l28-112
Urea, mmol/l2,5-7,1
Creatinine, µmol/l35-70 (allowable up to 32)
Cholesterol, mmol/l6.16-13.72 (depending on the age of the woman)
Glucose, mmol/l3.89-5.83 (allowable up to 3.5)
Diastasis, U/l25-125
Bilirubin total, µmol/l3,4-21,6
Bilirubin direct, µmol/l0-7,9
Bilirubin indirect, µmol/l3,4-13,7
ALT, U/lup to 32
AST, U/lup to 31
GGT, U/mlUp to 36
Alkaline phosphatase, U40-150
Sodium, mmol/l135-155
Potassium, mmol/l3,4-5,3
Chlorine, mmol/l98-107
Calcium, mmol/l2,2-2,5
Magnesium, mmol/l0,85-2,0
Phosphorus, mmol/l1,0-1,57
Iron, µmol/l8,93-30,4

The eleventh week is still a risk zone, when the rapid development of the child increases the load on the body of the expectant mother. With heaviness in the abdomen, pulling sensations in the lower back, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor observing a pregnant woman. Any discharge of blood, smearing or leaking is a reason to call an ambulance.


The processes of restructuring the body significantly reduce immunity, making you vulnerable to various infections. Severe colds that occur with high fever can pose a threat to the fetus. Influenza is especially dangerous - negative consequences for pregnancy and the development of the baby are possible.

Take precautions - if possible, limit contact with sick people. Take vitamins, eat onions and garlic to strengthen the body, because medications are prohibited.

When infected with an infectious disease, the doctor decides which medicines to use. Your possible independent actions:

  • A disease, even a cold, should not be carried on one's feet. Bed rest in case of malaise is the best way out, because the maximum conservation of strength will allow your body to overcome the disease;
  • Plentiful warm drink that removes toxins - water, you can with lemon, honey and ginger, fruit drinks, linden and chamomile tea;
  • In the absence of temperature, you can steam your hands, this should relieve nasal congestion, make breathing easier;
  • It is forbidden to soar your feet, just keep them warm. Enough warm socks.

Natural remedies are not always harmless. In addition to the fact that individual tolerance is possible, some herbs negatively affect the development of pregnancy.

So: raspberry tea enhances uterine contractions, it is not recommended in the first trimester and with increased uterine tone, and sage disrupts the blood circulation of the placenta.

  • In a proper balanced diet of this period, be sure to include raw vegetables, fruits - fresh and dry. Consume a sufficient amount of liquid - up to 2-2.5 liters. This will help your intestines work, strengthen the immune system;
  • There is a risk of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Choose comfortable shoes, clothes should not squeeze on your feet;
  • Hemorrhoids are another constipation companion. To avoid its appearance, do not strain during a bowel movement, sleep on your side, avoid being in static positions for a long time;
  • Get enough sleep, rest. Moderate physical activity - tonic exercise, more walks in the fresh air;
  • Adjust your wardrobe. Choose natural breathable fabrics, comfortable clothing models. Avoid tight skirts, trousers;
  • While preparing the skin for stretching: it is good to use olive oil, applying it to the skin of the abdomen;
  • Limit your appearance in crowded places, which will reduce the risk of contracting respiratory diseases;
  • Do not lift weights more than 2-3 kg. Seek medical attention if you feel pain in your abdomen;
  • When bleeding occurs, call an ambulance.

As long as pregnancy brings internal changes that are not noticeable to others, and does not limit you physically. And ahead is the time of the most significant changes.

Eleven weeks of pregnancy is the time when it is time to undergo the first prenatal screening: an ultrasound and a blood test for the levels of certain marker substances. This will help check if the child is at risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

The beginning of the second trimester is slowly approaching. Most likely, the symptoms that tormented the expectant mother in the previous weeks of pregnancy are already on the decline. In the second trimester, you will feel much better - it will be a kind of respite before the third trimester - you can plan important things, shopping trips and even a short trip.

Signs and symptoms at 11 weeks pregnant

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the "hormonal storm" in the woman's body continues, the previous symptoms persist, although, most likely, they are no longer so pronounced. In two weeks, they will pass completely (at least, this happens with most expectant mothers). Until then, you'll have to be a little patient.

· Increased vaginal discharge. There are still a lot of them, they are still transparent, odorless and resemble egg white in consistency. If the color has changed, an unpleasant odor has appeared - you need to see a doctor, this symptom may indicate an infection.

· Dark line in the middle of the abdomen. It starts from the navel and goes down. Excess pigmentation is caused by hormones and should disappear shortly after delivery. This line will last longer if the woman is breastfeeding.

· Leg cramps. They often occur at night and interfere with sleep. Plentiful drinking, a sufficient amount of potassium and magnesium in the diet will help to cope with them.

· Frequent mood swings. In addition to hormones, the experience that the expectant mother experiences about her child also plays a role in the occurrence of this symptom.

· Excess gas in the intestines. Perhaps this symptom will haunt throughout the pregnancy. In order to cope with it, first of all you need to follow the right diet: eat more fiber, avoid foods that increase the amount of gas. Drink enough fluids.

· Nausea. Perhaps this symptom is already quite fed up with you. Maybe at week 11, he already stopped bothering you, or maybe he didn’t bother you at all. Everything is individual.

· Constant feeling of tiredness. After all, your body must expend a lot of effort in order to provide the body of the unborn child with energy and building material. The second trimester will begin very soon, and you will feel a surge of strength. For now, just try to get some rest.

· constipation. Intestinal motility slows down. Hormones are to blame for this: they try to make sure that the food stays in the intestine for as long as possible, and that as many valuable substances as possible are absorbed into the bloodstream - because the baby needs them.

· Heartburn. Throwing acidic gastric juice into the esophagus occurs due to the fact that hormones relax the muscle pulp, which is located on the border between the esophagus and stomach.

· Decreased appetite. A natural consequence of nausea, heartburn, changes in food preferences. Many expectant mothers in the first trimester do not gain or even lose weight because of this.

What happens to the embryo at 11 weeks pregnant?

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby can be compared with a lime or a fig. His body has a length of 4 cm, weight - 7 grams. And such a crumb already has all the main organs and systems. They are immature, by the time of birth they will have to grow, their structure will become more complicated, and they will be ready to perform their functions. The head to body ratio is 1:1. Gradually the proportions will change. The body lengthens and begins to straighten out (originally it was bent in the shape of the letter C).

The skin of the fetus is still very thin, there is no subcutaneous layer of fat, so all internal organs, the skeleton, nerves, and blood vessels are visible through the skin. There are no more membranes between the fingers. The skin is bare, but hair follicles are already appearing in it. There are rudiments of teeth in the mouth, nails appear on the fingers and toes. The ears almost take their final shape and take their usual place. Nipples become visible on the chest.

The movements of the baby are still quite slow, smooth. He does stretches, somersaults, somersaults forward. If you could watch him now, it would seem to you that he is doing ballet. The brushes are compressed into fists and unclenched. The expectant mother does not yet feel how the unborn child moves in her tummy, but over time, his activity, as well as body size, will increase. It will take another couple of months, and the child will let you know about himself. The bones of the fetus are getting stronger. They still consist of soft cartilage, but are already beginning to be replaced by dense bone tissue.

The fetus at 11 weeks already has a fairly well-developed diaphragm - the respiratory muscle, which in the form of a membrane separates the chest and abdominal cavity. The baby begins to make respiratory movements (but instead of air, he still breathes water - this helps his lung tissue develop), hiccup. The pancreas starts producing insulin. Folds form in the intestines. The vocal cords begin to form - they will be very useful to the baby immediately after birth!

The genitals of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy are still very poorly developed. It is impossible to determine the gender by their appearance. But in boys, the testicles are already well developed, and in girls, the ovaries.

The future baby can already sleep and be awake - usually these periods last for 5-10 minutes.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks pregnant

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time when the doctor can already refer you for the first ultrasound screening (the optimal time for the study is 11-13 weeks of pregnancy). You will see your unborn child for the first time. During the study, the doctor will look for markers - characteristic signs that may indicate (but not with absolute accuracy) genetic disorders.

Ultrasound images at 11 weeks pregnant look like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 11 weeks pregnant?

The uterus, which was previously located behind the pelvic bones, now rises slightly above them. In some women, the tummy becomes noticeable, but not much: most likely, colleagues at work in your appearance will not yet suspect anything. Usually the stomach increases more in short and stocky women, in expectant mothers who are pregnant with twins. In tall women, pregnancy remains invisible for longer. While some are worried about the fact that the stomach is not growing, others are glad to be able to keep the pregnancy a secret longer.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

If you have an average weight, by the 11th week of pregnancy you should add 1.3-1.8 kg. This is an average, but not at all a mandatory indicator. Some moms-to-be gain more, some less, some don't gain at all or even lose weight. It depends on your body type, such symptoms during the first trimester as nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, aversion to certain types of food.

If you didn't put on much weight in the first trimester, don't worry, you'll catch up in the second trimester. It is bad if a strong loss of body weight is combined with frequent vomiting. Usually this is a manifestation of early toxicosis, you need to see a doctor to prescribe treatment.

During all forty weeks of pregnancy, weight gain, which is considered normal, also varies:
Average: 11-16 kg.
· With excess body weight: 7-11 kg.
At low body weight: 13-18 kg.

It is very important to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy. Too much is just as bad as too little. Make sure your nutrition is complete. Remember that your weight, height and appearance of the abdomen do not at all determine the size of the child's body. Some women look small, but give birth to five-kilogram heroes.
Calculate weight gain in mom during pregnancy by week

How to eat right?

Many expectant mothers know that during pregnancy it is useful to eat vegetables and fruits, cereals, foods rich in fiber and vitamins. It is also important to know about the “hit lists” of food and drinks that should never be consumed.

What foods can be dangerous for the expectant mother and baby?

First of all, it is any raw, undercooked meat, be it pork, beef or poultry. Raw meat may contain dangerous infectious agents. A similar story with raw eggs. You can't boil them soft-boiled. If you're craving fried eggs, make sure they're well-done. Caution should be taken when baking with egg dough. Unpasteurized soft cheeses, smoked foods, ham should become taboo. In no case should sausages and sausages be eaten raw, be sure to cook them well.

Unwashed vegetables and fruits are dangerous: pathogens often “sit” on them. Do not eat salads from supermarkets.

Fish and seafood are healthy because they contain valuable protein and omega-3 fatty acids. But they can also be dangerous. The meat of some fish, such as tuna, can contain large amounts of mercury.
Safe foods: shrimp, trout, pollock, salmon. They are recommended to eat in the amount of 350 g per week (this is about 2-3 servings).

"Hit list" of drinks during pregnancy

The mother-to-be should not drink alcohol. Not in any quantity and in any form. The claim that “a little beer never hurts” is a myth. There are no safe doses of alcohol during pregnancy. Even if you drink just a little, ethyl alcohol will enter the bloodstream of the woman, then the fetus and can cause health problems.
Unpasteurized freshly squeezed juices and milk are dangerous. Together with these drinks, your body can get an infectious agent - for example, coli. The risk is low, and yet it must be remembered.

Caffeine is only partly banned. Scientists argued for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that up to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day will not harm mom and baby (despite the fact that this compound can cross the placenta). If you drink 2-3 cups of coffee with a volume of 200 ml per day, nothing bad will happen.

However, it all depends on how strong the drink is. Keep in mind: caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in chocolate, tea, cola, and some other foods and drinks. It also has a diuretic effect, so if you are worried about frequent urination, it is better not to use it.

How can expectant mothers protect themselves from food poisoning?

Both the expectant mother and the fetus can suffer from poor-quality, poorly cooked food. Some simple rules will help you avoid trouble:
· Cook any meat thoroughly. Do not spare the money and buy a special food thermometer - it will help you check how well the meat is cooked inside.
· Do not leave cooked food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours.
When reheating liquid foods, bring them to a boil.
· Raw meat should not lie together with other products.
All fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating. Use a special brush for this.
· Thoroughly wash hands, knives, cutting boards, and any utensils that have come into contact with raw meat, fish, poultry, and eggs with hot soapy water.
· Perishable foods should be eaten as soon as possible after you have bought them and brought them home, especially if you have opened the packaging.

Physical activity

Physical activity during pregnancy, within reasonable limits, helps the expectant mother not only keep herself in good shape. This is a great way to deal with constipation, other digestive disorders, stress and frequent worries.

Experts from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists believe that a woman at 11 weeks pregnant should exercise for 30 minutes every day. It could be anything. For example, 15 minutes of gymnastics in the morning and in the afternoon, or three ten-minute walks in the fresh air. If you took 15 minutes to vacuum and mop the floors in the apartment, and then walked in the park for another 15 minutes, you completed the daily norm, all this counts.

Of course, not all physical activity during pregnancy is beneficial, and some is even dangerous. Now is not the time to learn to water ski or ride a horse. If you are in doubt about whether you should practice a particular sport, consult your doctor.

What sports can you do while pregnant?

The types of physical activity listed below help increase muscle tone, improve cardiovascular function, improve mood, and normalize bowel function:

Swimming and water aerobics. Perhaps this is one of the best sports for the expectant mother. In water, your weight is reduced by 10 times, so the muscles have to apply less effort. Swimming in the pool can help reduce nausea, pelvic pain, and ankle swelling.

Fast walk. For such activities, perhaps, it is easiest to find time. No need to buy a subscription to the pool, no need to go anywhere. All you have to do is get dressed and leave the house. It is better to walk where there is fresh air, and there are no cars, for example, in a park. Walking is useful until the day of childbirth: it will help ease contractions. It is better to choose smooth paths where there are no bumps and stones that you can trip over.

Run. If you run, you can continue to do so during pregnancy, but in a more “light” mode. Use only level treadmills. It is best to practice in a specially equipped stadium. Do not overdo it: due to the relaxation of the ligaments, your knees become weaker, you can get injured.

Dance and aerobics. During such classes, the cardiovascular system is activated, the level of “hormones of happiness” increases - endorphins. But there are two safety rules to keep in mind. As your belly gets bigger, you should avoid exercises that require balance. You should never train to exhaustion. Listen to your body, feel when it needs rest.

Exercise bike exercise. Why not cycling outdoors? This is a more dangerous activity, you can fall, especially when your stomach is noticeably enlarged, and it will be difficult for you to keep your balance. The exercise bike is reliable, safe, stable, you can exercise at your own pace without fear of injury. You can sign up for a special group where an instructor will work with you.

Yoga. Yoga practices are great for expectant mothers who are often worried and nervous. They help to relax, train flexibility, concentration, breathing. Find a group that works with pregnant women, or ask a trainer in a regular group to tailor the program for you.

What is the best type of physical activity to choose?

The main criterion is simple - you should like classes, be interesting for you. There are days when you don't feel like doing anything, you just want to lie on the couch, eat and watch TV. You must have something that motivates you to get up and go to class.

Is it possible to have sex?

You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy: it will not harm the baby, nothing bad will happen. There are not many contraindications:
Some diseases of the expectant mother and complications of pregnancy. About whether you have them, you need to ask the doctor in the antenatal clinic.

· Promiscuous sex and unprotected sex with a new partner is always fraught with sexually transmitted infections. For a pregnant woman, they are especially dangerous.

Common questions women ask about sex during pregnancy:

How does pregnancy affect sex? Many women are positive. The blood flow to the genitals increases, so the sensations become more vivid. An increased amount of vaginal lubrication also has a positive effect. But not everyone is lucky. For some women, sexual intercourse is accompanied by discomfort and even soreness.

Does a woman's libido increase during pregnancy? Everyone happens differently. When weakness, nausea and fatigue become constant companions (which often happens in the first trimester), it is difficult to talk about some kind of increased sexual desire. The situation changes in the second trimester, when many expectant mothers feel a surge of strength and energy.

How does a woman's pregnancy affect a man's behavior in bed? Some of the changes that occur during pregnancy with the female body are definitely attracted to the man. For example, increasing in size breasts. At the same time, your partner may feel uncomfortable knowing that you have a baby in your tummy, he will be less active during intimacy for fear of harming the fetus. If something bothers you or him, you can always talk and find a way out.

What are the best positions to have sex during pregnancy? Over time, you will begin to notice that the positions in which you usually have sex have become uncomfortable. Luckily, there are still quite a few options:
The man sits on a chair, the woman is on top.
The man lies on his back, the woman on top.
· Lie on your side.
· The woman lies on the edge of the bed with her legs dangling, the man kneels beside the bed.

Get a special bra for nursing mothers. It's nice because you can change its size as your breasts grow.

· If you have not been to a clothing store for expectant mothers, be sure to visit it soon. You will find many handy things there.

Do you need support? Worried about how your pregnancy and childbirth will go? Not sure how you will babysit your baby when he is born? Try talking to women who already have children. Surely you have such friends. Your mother can be a good source of support for you.

What research needs to be done?

Starting from the 11th week of pregnancy, the doctor directs the expectant mother to the first ultrasound and biochemical screening (there will be a second one in a few weeks). These studies help to identify signs that indicate that the child has an increased risk of a chromosomal abnormality.

Biochemical screening at 11 weeks of gestation

Biochemical screening is a blood test of a future mother for the levels of certain biologically active substances. Normally, at each week of pregnancy, they must correspond to certain values. Deviations may indicate chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus or other pathologies.

A double test is used as a screening at 11–13 weeks of gestation. It is so called due to the fact that the levels of two substances are determined in the blood:

Chorionic gonadotropin (hcg). Biologically active substance, a hormone that is produced by the fetal membranes. HCG sustains existence corpus luteum(a gland that remains in place of an egg that has left the ovary) causes it to produce hormones progesterone And estrogens. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, chorionic gonadotropin stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for the formation of male genital organs. The level of hCG gradually increases in early pregnancy, reaches a maximum at 10-11 weeks, then begins to decline.

Causes of deviations in the level of hCG in the blood from the norm:

Plasma pregnancy-associated protein-A (PAPP-A). An enzyme produced by the placenta during pregnancy. It stimulates the growth of the placenta, inactivates certain enzymes in the blood, regulates the immune system.

Causes of deviations in the level of PAPP-A in the blood from the norm:

Ultrasound screening at 11 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound is a safe yet effective method of diagnosis during pregnancy. Ultrasound waves, unlike x-rays that are used during x-rays and computed tomography, do not harm the fetus.

During the study, the doctor looks for the so-called ultrasound markers - external signs that may indicate Down syndrome, other chromosomal disorders and malformations:

· Thickness of the neck crease (collar space)- an indicator that characterizes the amount of subcutaneous fluid on the back of the neck. In the second trimester, this fluid is normally absorbed or converted into cystic hygromas, cervical edema. The normal thickness of the neck fold is 2–3 mm. If this indicator increases, there is an increased risk of Down syndrome, Turner-Shereshevsky, Edwards, Patau, and other chromosomal abnormalities.

· The length of the nasal bones. If it is less than the norm (in this case, they talk about hypoplasia- underdevelopment), completely absent ( aplasia), or its density is reduced, there is a risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

· Absence of blood flow in the duct of Arantia(a vessel that connects the umbilical vein with the inferior vena cava in the fetus). High risk of Down syndrome.

· Increased intestinal density. At the same time, the risk of chromosomal abnormality is increased by 10–67%.

· Cysts in the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain. Normally, these formations produce cerebrospinal fluid.

· Reduction of the bone of the upper jaw.

· Bladder enlargement.

· Umbilical cord cysts.

· hydronephrosis- expansion of the renal pelvis.

· Shortening of the bones of the arms and legs.

· Number of umbilical arteries. Normally there are two of them: right and left. If there is only one artery, this may indicate a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

· Volume of amniotic fluid. If there are too many of them, there is a risk of intrauterine infection, malformations of the digestive system. If it is not enough, this may indicate malformations of the urinary system. If there is no amniotic fluid at all, this is a sign agenesis(lack of) kidneys.

· Violation of the structure of the face.

How effective is the first prenatal screening?

Prenatal screening, which consists of an ultrasound and a double test, has worked well. It has been used for a long time. But you need to understand that this is not an accurate diagnostic method. Screening studies only help to identify an increased likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities and malformations. But you will have to confirm the diagnosis with the help of an invasive test - chorion biopsy.

Standard screening is not entirely accurate, and two indicators testify to this:

· False negative rate(when screening shows the norm, but in fact the child has chromosomal abnormalities) is 15–20%. This means that approximately every fifth fetus does not have an anomaly.

· False positive rate(when screening shows a high risk of pathology, but in fact the child is healthy) is 5%. False alarms are also bad. Indeed, in this case, the woman will be sent for an invasive study, and it carries certain risks.

What is a chorionic biopsy?

Chorion is one of the fetal membranes. The cells that make it up have the same DNA as the fetus, so they can be used to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and monogenic diseases(associated with a violation in one gene), and even determine the sex of the child.

In order to obtain chorion cells, the doctor must insert a needle or a special instrument into the belly of the expectant mother through the vagina, depending on how the chorion is located. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control.

The study is highly accurate and informative, the finished result can be obtained in just 2-3 days after the collection of the material. But a chorionic biopsy carries the risks of some complications:
· Miscarriage.
· Bleeding.
Accumulation of blood under the placenta.
· Infection.
· Pain after the procedure.

And although the likelihood of complications is very low, there are hardly any expectant mothers who want to take risks once again, especially if there are no good reasons for this. Therefore, chorionic biopsy is performed only when chromosomal abnormalities are strongly suspected, if screening has shown a high risk.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Contact your doctor if:
· You have signs of a urinary infection: discomfort, burning and pain during urination, discoloration and cloudiness of urine, frequent urination.

· You are experiencing symptoms of SARS: fever, runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat. Most drugs at the 11th week of pregnancy are contraindicated, so in no case should you self-medicate.

· Discharge from the vagina changed color, began to smell unpleasant. Most likely it speaks of bacterial vaginosis or other infection.

· Disturbed by severe pain in the lower back and abdomen, blood began to stand out from the vagina.

You often vomit.

· You are bothered by any symptoms that are very severe, you think that they are abnormal, this should not be during a normal pregnancy. In any doubtful case, you should consult a doctor. It is better to once again raise a false alarm and eventually make sure that everything is in order than to miss a serious complication.

First trimester screening - Video guide

Early pregnancy is extremely important. At this time, very interesting changes occur in the growing body of the fetus.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Physiological features

Week 11 is almost the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The intrauterine development of the fetus by this time is very active. Many internal organs and systems are already practically formed. In the future, they will continue to improve and differentiate.

At 10-11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, specific changes occur not only with the baby, but also with his mother. A woman goes through many changes and new sensations appear. As a rule, at this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels a close connection with her baby. The size of pregnant tummies at the 11th week of pregnancy is already changing. At the same time, as the child grows, the circumference of the abdomen of his mother continues to increase.

If the expectant mother bears several babies at the same time, then the circumference of her abdomen is somewhat larger than with a singleton pregnancy.

The position of the baby is quite comfortable. The fetus is in a bladder filled with amniotic fluid. At this stage of its intrauterine life, the baby begins to open and close its mouth. This feature is necessary for its further intrauterine development.

Many mothers are afraid that the baby may choke on amniotic fluid. It's not worth worrying about this. The new organism is naturally adapted to life in the aquatic environment during its intrauterine development. Swallowing amniotic fluid is necessary for the further formation of the excretory system. So the child learns to urinate on his own.

By this time, the child's skeleton continues to form. Every day the density and structure of bones is strengthened. At this time, it is very important that the expectant mother consumes enough calcium.

This element is necessary for strengthening bone tissue. A sufficient amount of it is found in dairy products. A woman who is expecting a baby needs to include them in her daily menu.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the child's nervous system is already actively developed, as well as analyzers. Many babies at this stage of their intrauterine life are already beginning to feel and hear. At this time, the expectant mother can already talk with her baby. The active development of nerve analyzers contributes to the fact that the child can feel the experiences of the mother.

If a woman is constantly agitated, then this can negatively affect the condition of her baby.

At this stage of pregnancy, the sense of smell is already beginning to appear in the child. So, the baby can smell too pungent odors. This leads to the fact that the motor activity of the child increases.

Every day of pregnancy, the baby develops more and more intensively. This contributes to the fact that the bond between mother and child only increases. The calm mood and positive attitude of the mother have a positive effect on the intrauterine development of her baby.

The child tries to make active movements with his tiny arms and legs. As a rule, they are still of small amplitude. In the future, the number of movements made will only increase.

It is important to note that the expectant mother does not yet feel how her baby is moving.

Babies of this prenatal age begin to explore themselves. They can touch their face. Such an interesting action is often noticed by ultrasound specialists during the examination. It is possible to see the baby's face during such a study if he does not turn away from the ultrasound face.

The behavior of twins at this stage of pregnancy is very interesting. The kids begin to slowly explore each other. They touch themselves and the "neighbor" by the nose, they can feel each other. Interestingly, they can smile or make faces.

In the fetus at this time, the liver, pancreas and intestines gradually begin to function, the first metabolic processes occur.

The liver at this stage is already quite large in terms of the area it occupies in the child's body. The baby has the first contractile bowel movements. This is not yet true peristalsis. It is just being formed and will start functioning a little later.


At this stage of pregnancy, the intrauterine development of the baby has several interesting features. Its body grows somewhat faster than its head. A child at this stage of life has already actively formed large joints. Also, the baby already has small fingers. At the same time, the thumbs are already somewhat different in shape and size from the rest.

By this time, the child's tail completely disappears. The baby already almost looks like a person. With each new day of pregnancy, the structure of his body will only improve. At this stage of pregnancy, the arms of the child develop somewhat more intensively than the legs. In a baby at 11 weeks, the laying of small nails, as well as the rudiments of teeth, is actively proceeding.

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetal brain is actively developing. Its main departments continue to form and differentiate. In the pituitary gland, the first rudiments of hormones are already beginning to form. Every day the number of nerve cells is growing rapidly.

At 11 weeks, the connection between the nervous and muscular systems improves. Thus, through the nerves, the work of the muscles is ensured. The better this interaction, the more movements the baby makes.

At this stage of pregnancy, many internal organs are already beginning to gradually function in the fetus. The face and its features are changing. It becomes more elongated. The child's nose acquires a specific contour, but may still remain flat.

The baby's ears are also changing. At this time, the formation of the cartilaginous auricle is actively taking place. The shape of the baby's ears is still inconclusive. It will finally form a little later.

In babies of this prenatal age, the external genital organs of a boy and a girl already have pronounced differences.

By this time of intrauterine development, the diaphragm is almost completely formed in the child. This muscular apparatus is necessary for the separation of the chest and abdominal cavity. These muscles are also involved in breathing.

An interesting feature of this period is the beginning of the formation of the iris. The fetus begins to lay the visual pigment. In the future, he will determine the color of the child's eyes. Babies develop small eyelashes and eyebrows.

At this time of pregnancy, the baby's immune system is being formed. The first lymphocytes begin to appear in the child's bloodstream. These immune cells protect the body from various infections. The immunity of the baby will continue to improve in the future. There are specific changes in the spinal cord. There, the child begins to produce red blood cells - erythrocytes.


The size of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation is still very small. Its weight is about 10 -12 grams. The growth of the child at this stage of pregnancy is approximately 6-9 cm.

By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the blood supply to the fetus is carried out through the blood flow system common with the mother. Every day she continues to improve. This is necessary so that the baby receives enough nutrients and oxygen for its full growth.

By this gestational age, the child has already had a laying of the cardiovascular system. The little heart is already beating. This can be determined using special research methods.

Norms for ultrasound

Ultrasound during pregnancy is an important diagnostic method. It allows you to identify various pathologies of the reproductive organs in a pregnant woman, as well as describe the parameters of the fetus. To assess the development of the baby, specialists use various clinical criteria.

One of them is the coccyx-parietal size. At this stage of pregnancy, the CTE is approximately 5 centimeters. With each day of pregnancy, it only continues to increase.

During the ultrasound examination, the doctor necessarily evaluates the signs of genetic and chromosomal diseases. It is especially important to perform this study for women who have a burdened history of these pathologies.

At 11 weeks pregnant, the expectant mother is approaching the end of the first trimester. For many, toxicosis subsides by this time, appetite improves and sudden changes in mood stop. What else happens during this period with mom and baby, we will find out in the article.

At the eleventh week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing and growing rapidly. In this regard, the volume of the uterus is rapidly increasing. In many girls at this time, a small tummy is already clearly visible. Against the background of the growth of the reproductive organ, a woman often has pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. If the stomach pulls periodically and this condition is not accompanied by bleeding and other negative sensations, there is no need to worry. This is a completely natural physiological process that occurs when the muscles of the uterus contract and stretch.

The breast continues to grow. The mammary glands become more sensitive, painful. Such changes are necessary for future lactation. Some women note an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, darkening of the areola, the appearance of veins on the chest.

Often, for a period of 11 weeks, digestion slows down in pregnant women. This is due to the production of certain hormones that relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs. With the development of constipation, a girl is recommended to reconsider her diet, saturate her diet with fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, and also consume a sufficient amount of fluid.

To loosen the stool during pregnancy, in no case should you use enemas. This procedure increases the uterine tone.

11 weeks is how many months?

11 obstetric is the 9th embryonic week after conception, or almost three months. That is, we are talking here about the first trimester.

If we talk about the eleventh embryonic week, then this is already the beginning of the second trimester, that is, 13 obstetric weeks or three months and 7 days.

What does mom feel

It cannot be said for sure that certain sensations during this period are mandatory. Many women do not experience toxicosis and other delights of their interesting position at all. Others, on the contrary, are fully acquainted with all the signs of bearing a baby. Let's take a look at the most common symptoms:

  • Discomfort in the pelvis and lower back. When the uterus increases in size, it needs to move a little. To do this, the pelvic bones must move apart. It is worth consulting a doctor in a situation where the pain is severe, accompanied by bloody discharge.
  • At eleven weeks, the girl may still be nauseated. It is worth suffering quite a bit, because by the beginning of the second trimester, toxicosis usually disappears.
  • You should immediately contact a gynecologist if spotting is detected. This symptom often indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy or its fading.
  • At week 11, a woman may experience weakness, apathy, drowsiness. Usually these signs subside by the end of the first trimester, if they do not subside or intensify, you should consult your doctor. Often this condition indicates anemia.

Any changes in physical well-being, such as headache, increased blood pressure, edema, should be discussed with the doctor.

Alarming symptoms should not be ignored, as they may indicate various pathologies from the development of the fetus.

The nature of the discharge in a pregnant woman

Mucous, transparent, odorless discharge is observed in all women. Their volume may increase slightly during the bearing of the baby due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic area. There are also pathological discharges, which normally should not be observed in a pregnant woman. They may be of the following nature:

  • Brown or light beige - this shade often indicates an admixture of blood. They can be observed after sex or a gynecological examination. You should sound the alarm and immediately consult a doctor if the temperature rises, the woman feels sick, pulls the lower abdomen, vomiting and other signs appear.
  • Yellow with an unpleasant odor - often indicate infection of the genital organs. It also requires consultation with a specialist and the delivery of a smear from the vagina.
  • White curds are most likely thrush. This infection often develops during pregnancy under the influence of a decrease in immunity and other provoking factors. Treatment is carried out with drugs that are safe for mother and baby.
  • Bloody daub - may indicate a spontaneous abortion, that is, a miscarriage. Another cause of bleeding is placental abruption. Having found this symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Any changes during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor. This will help you not to miss the beginning of serious problems if they arise.

At week 11, tests are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. If the patient is over 35 years old, she had a history of miscarriages or miscarriage, and if the family has children with any malformations, a woman may need an ultrasound at this time. In addition, ultrasound is prescribed for multiple pregnancies to determine the level of placentation. In other cases, an ultrasound examination of the fetus at week 11 is not performed.

In addition to ultrasound, a general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine is performed. Even if previous studies have shown a pathology in the development of the child, do not get upset ahead of time. Often such analyzes are erroneous. In such a situation, consultation with a geneticist and the use of additional diagnostic techniques will be required.

Norm of KTP, fetal heart rate and hCG at this time

KTP is the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus, which is measured by a specialist during an ultrasound examination. At the eleventh week, this size should be from 34 to 50 mm.

The baby's heartbeat is constantly changing throughout pregnancy. At 6-8 weeks it can be about 100-130 beats per minute, at 9 - up to 190 beats, and at 10-11 - from 140 to 160 beats per minute. A low heart rate in the fetus is not always a sign of pathology. Heart rhythm disturbance can occur due to vomiting during toxicosis and other factors. But, if the number of beats deviates significantly from the norm and the rhythm is uneven, there is cause for serious concern, because this violation may indicate heart disease.

Special attention should be paid to the norm of hCG in a pregnant woman. At 11-12 weeks, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin increases greatly and reaches 290,000 units. After 11 weeks, hCG gradually decreases. At 34-39 weeks, it can range from 2,700 to 78,000 units. According to these figures, doctors can determine whether the fetus is developing normally. If the hCG levels are low, for example, 32,032 U or 2,270 U, a woman may be referred for additional examinations. Read more about hCG in.

If hCG has dropped sharply or its level is too low for eleven weeks, a woman needs to be examined to find out the reasons for this condition.

In these pictures you can see what the baby looks like on ultrasound

In multiple pregnancies, which often occur after IVF, ultrasound is done more often and the first screening is performed earlier. In the photo you can see what the twins look like.

It is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child at this time.

Where is the uterus at this time?

The volume of the genital organ at this time is about 10% of the total future volume of the uterus, achieved by the time the baby is born. The organ grows rapidly as the fetus grows. The length of the crumbs is now approximately 6 cm, and the weight is about 8 grams. The uterus occupies the entire pelvic part. Now the uterus is located a few centimeters above the level of the pubis. In this regard, a rounded tummy is already clearly visible.

baby at 11 weeks

The eleventh week of gestation is marked by the fact that the embryo at this time begins to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid. In other words, the fetus breathes underwater. This process is necessary for the normal growth and development of the respiratory system. What else is happening with the baby:

  • Due to the rapid development of the brain, the fetal head is still disproportionately large in relation to the body. Despite this, he is already quite able to turn it, raise and lower it.
  • The arms are now longer than the legs. Later, the lower limbs will stretch. The kid actively bends and unbends them.
  • The brain actively synthesizes nerve impulses, sending x throughout the body. The peanut already reacts to bright light and loud sounds.

By the end of the first trimester, all organs and systems are already formed, they continue to improve.

Photo of tummies

In full girls, the tummy during this period is noticeably rounded. In thin people, it is less noticeable, so it remains invisible, especially under wide clothes. At the same time, a woman feels a lump inside herself. This is most clearly felt when trying to bend in a sitting position.

In this photo you can see what the tummies look like at 11 weeks.

Cold at this time

Colds in the first trimester should be treated under the supervision of a doctor, even if the temperature rises to 37 degrees. This is due to the fact that viral diseases can provoke many complications in a child. Only a doctor can choose safe medications that are allowed during the period of bearing a baby.

At home, a woman is advised to drink plenty of fluids, saturate the diet with vitamins, and get plenty of rest. If the temperature does not pass, there is a strong cough, headache and other alarming symptoms, you need to go to the hospital.

A disease such as is very dangerous during pregnancy. The infection can lead to miscarriage or birth defects in the fetus.

By the end of the first trimester, many young mothers feel much better, because it is at this time that toxicosis recedes. In this regard, a woman often begins to violate a healthy diet. This is wrong, because you should follow your menu throughout your pregnancy.

  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • vegetables and fruits in cheese, boiled, baked form;
  • bakery products from wholemeal flour;
  • dairy products;
  • diluted juices, herbal and green tea, compotes;
  • fatty fish in small quantities, lean meat;
  • from sweets, you can eat lollipops, halva, marmalade, marshmallow, honey in small quantities.

If constipation occurs, nutritionists recommend adding fresh beets, carrots, prunes, and fermented milk products to the menu. Diarrhea requires exclusion from the menu of laxative foods. We must not forget that the skeleton is actively formed in the fetus at this stage. In this regard, mom needs to consume a sufficient amount of foods rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, and others).

The list of prohibited foods should include fatty, smoked, fried, too salty foods. Doctors recommend giving up sausages, smoked cheese, marinades, preservation, new exotic fruits, raw fish and meat. During pregnancy, alcohol and drinks with a high content of caffeine are prohibited.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman should not forget about sufficient mobility and the correct mode of work and rest. At week 11, you can’t overwork much, work should not be associated with intense physical exertion. Power sports such as weightlifting, wrestling, weightlifting, skiing should be avoided. Yoga, gymnastics, fitball classes are allowed. Swimming and walking will be very useful.

For the harmonious development of the fetus and well-being, a woman should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. The room must be well ventilated. The right emotional state plays an important role. A girl should share her fears and experiences with friends and relatives. In addition, more time should be devoted to watching movies, reading useful literature, listening to pleasant music. You can attend courses for pregnant women. All this will help to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Carrying and giving birth to a healthy baby is a rather difficult task, both from a moral and physical point of view. To cope with this, following simple recommendations during this crucial period will help:

  • rest more;
  • eat right;
  • try to eliminate stress and anxiety;
  • give up bad habits;
  • treat certain diseases in a timely manner;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly;
  • walk outdoors more often;
  • maintain sufficient physical activity.

The correct daily routine, quality sleep and rest, as well as a positive emotional mood are the key to a healthy and happy pregnancy.


From this video you can learn more about the development of the fetus and the sensations of a woman in the eleventh week.