Painful spots for tattoos. How to deal with tattoo pain

A professionally executed tattoo will always be the subject of admiring glances, even for those who do not particularly support such changes. However, in order to get one, you need to go through a rather painful procedure, and it is better to ask the price first, and whether you can calmly wait for the end of the session. Does it really hurt to get a tattoo?

How does the tattooing process take place?

In simple terms, tattooing is nothing more than trauma to the skin, followed by the introduction of dyes that will remain there forever. Modern ones use only electric tattoo machines in their work, due to which the effect on the skin is noticeably reduced, and the pigment is evenly applied under the skin. Depending on the pattern, the specialist selects the required number of needles.

What factors affect painful sensations

  • Each person has its own pain threshold, but, as a rule, in all cases, the procedure for applying a tattoo is not a pleasant one. She is painful but bearable.
  • The master performing the application is of no small importance. You can make a tattoo with the same tool in the same place, but changing the master will cause a change in sensations in one direction or another.
  • The larger the tattoo, the more painful sensations you will have to experience. You will survive the application easier than a voluminous and well-clogged tattoo.
  • directly related to the scale of pain. If you are at a loss in choosing, you can guide the distance of the tattoo from the bone.

What is the best location for a less painful procedure?

If the desire to apply does not leave you, and pain is the only thing that stops you, you should know where it hurts most to get a tattoo. You need to choose those places where the fatty layer is most. Let's say it can be buttocks,. The thinner the skin becomes, the more intense the discomfort will be. The vessels and nerve endings are located closer, and the needle can penetrate to the bone itself.

When asked if it hurts to do, everyone will have their own answer. The level of pain will depend on the specific area. The same principle applies here: the thinner the skin, the more painful it is.

What will help to easily transfer the tattoo application

Thanks to the wide experience of people who have undergone the process of tattooing, a whole range of measures was assembled that can significantly facilitate the procedure:

  • Take a shower before the procedure, drink a glass of water.
  • Try to relax, calm down and be distracted by the conversation with the master.
  • Agree in advance on the possibility of bringing your own musical accompaniment to the salon, or something that can switch your attention.
  • You can grip an object in your hands or teeth that will help you overcome particularly poignant moments. This can be a rubber band, towel, etc.
  • Watch your breathing, exiting at the moment when it will be especially painful. Don't delay him.
  • If the pain becomes extremely difficult to endure, ask the master to take a short break.
  • If pain is difficult to tolerate, agree in advance on taking a specific pain reliever.

Using anesthesia - pros and cons

During the session, anesthesia is either applied or not. It all depends on the beliefs of the master and the wishes of the client. Some refuse due to the fact that the drugs affect the regeneration of the skin.

Many people can safely do without painkillers, since the process is quite tolerant, and is quite tolerated without additional drugs.

But in situations where large-scale and long-term work is planned, anesthesia is more likely to be needed.

Whether to use an anesthetic drug or not is an individual decision. You may wish to fully experience the ritual on yourself, or simply pick up the place where it does not hurt to get a tattoo.

The desire to have a cherished drawing on the body can be overshadowed by fear of the procedure for applying it. The tattoo pain map will help you figure out the degree of discomfort in one place or another and make the right choice.

The idea of ​​self-expression with the help of a tattoo is quite strong for many people, so they are ready to go through some tests in order to make their dreams come true. The degree of pain is a relative concept, so you should not give up your desire because of a child's fear: it is enough to study the pain map.

In order for tattooing not to turn into torture, and the result does not entail disappointment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced masters, medical consultants and the advice of psychologists.

The most sensitive areas of the body

For beginners who are just going to the salon to apply the cherished tattoo, there is an unshakable rule: you need to start with a small sketch. And not only that: study the pain map and the list of anesthetics.

Printing a large pattern takes a long time. In addition, there is an increased risk of affecting areas of the body that are marked as very painful on the pain map.

Therefore, the client must objectively assess what period he can tolerate, and for which he will not have enough strength (and possibly funds). If you have a whole panorama in your dreams with many details, it is worth starting with a small independent fragment that can be continued if necessary.

  • Least painful
    The least pain will be caused by those zones that have a hard epidermis, sufficient fatty layer, muscle area and distant nerve endings. These areas include the shoulders, forearms, inner elbow, buttocks, lower back, calf legs, etc. The sensations during the procedure can be described as slight tingling sensations and mild discomfort.
  • Medium severity
    These areas include the back, abdomen, thigh, clavicle, scapula, etc. It should be noted that the clavicle area consists of a skin area that wraps around the bone without a fat layer. Dull pain is caused by the absence of a large number of nerve endings, so the drawing here is more painful than tattoos on the thigh or the outside of the forearm.
  • Most painful
    These places include hands, feet, knees, elbows, ribs, nipples, neck, head, etc. The skin here practically covers the bones, there is no or very little fatty layer, and the nerve endings come close to the epidermis. That is why beginners are advised to be very careful when choosing these places on the skin for a tattoo. Attention should be paid to the place in the center of the upper lip contour, in the corners of the lips and eyes when performing tattooing. These areas are considered the most sensitive.

The degree of pain in each individual case is individual. It's not even a matter of gender, although in the case of tattoos, the pain threshold of men is considered much higher than that of women.

Pain card for guys

Each person perceives external influences based on the characteristic features of his body. The decisive factors are the location of the nerve endings, the amount of fat, the degree of skin density and its resistance to temperature extremes. All this is of great importance in terms of physiology.

And yet, the most important factor is fear. If you defeat him with the help of self-hypnosis and tune in to the fulfillment of cherished desires, then you will leave the tattoo parlor truly happy. As practice shows, a very small percentage of people are limited to one tattoo, so the pursuit of happiness is an infectious process.

Video about the most painful places for tattoos

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

By imagining approximately sensations, you will more easily transfer the process. The emotional state of the wearer affects not only the healing, but also the quality of the pattern.

The pain caused by applying a tattoo is comparable to a burning sensation when in contact with hot steam or boiling water.

Many people ask whether it hurts to get a tattoo in certain areas. Where and how painful it is to get a tattoo reflects the scheme that can be found in any salon.

The highest degree of pain is marked on it with red zones. A green marker marks the easiest places to paint. Yellow reflects border areas.

Small drawings cause a slight burning sensation. When the master drives the needle, you feel a slight tingling sensation. If work is being done on multi-layer driving in paint, the pain is expressed by an intense burning sensation.

A sensation of acute pain occurs when the cartilage and joints are covered with a pattern. The same applies to the nipple halo area and facial skin.

Pain map of the most painful places

The tattoo pain map shows the places where the nerve endings are concentrated. The degree of sensitivity depends on the amount of fat and the density of the muscle frame.

Hold me seven

The most painful spots for both sexes:

  • face;
  • throat area along the larynx line;
  • nipple halo;
  • groin area;
  • places of folds;
  • outlets of bones and joints close to the surface of the skin.

The skin itself is resistant to the influx of discomfort. Discomfort depends on the transition point of the skin to the flesh (the connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscle).

Tattoo Master and Safety Technique

What is the difference between the process in men and women

In girls under the age of 25, the skin has a thin structure. She is extremely sensitive to pain. Pain threshold rises with age .

Pain area map

Areas of immunity increase . Places of fatty tissue deposits cover the entire back, a large area of ​​the thighs, lower legs. Women practically do not experience pain when getting a tattoo on their chest.

The nipple halo, groin, armpits, wrists, knees and elbows, and the line along the radius are especially painful in the zone of susceptibility. Women's tattoos do not cause discomfort on the shoulder blade.

The male population has more pain zones. The fatty layer of nature has concentrated in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the back of the hand, the front of the thigh.

Operations are painless. It is relatively easy to transfer the application of male tattoos on the shins in this area, which are popular for this very reason.

Work on the collarbone is extremely painful for women, in contrast to men, they are applied easier.

I'm not afraid of the injection ...

What you can and what not before a tattoo session

For the work of the master, anesthetic ointments are used. That is why you should not consume alcohol and smoke before the session. This interferes with the normal response of nerve endings to pain relievers.

ATTENTION! The tattoo does not hit the skin with severe inflammation, purulent and flaky areas. Work is not performed on areas with a large number of moles. In the presence of papillomas, the master should not perform the work.

You need to come to the session vigorous, well-slept. Women should refrain from tattooing during menstruation.

During this period, sensitivity increases. You cannot go for a tattoo if you are sick or have taken antibiotics.

Preparing for the session involves choosing loose clothing. In the area where the pattern is applied, it should not touch the skin at all.

How to anesthetize the process?

For tattooing, the most painful places are the area of ​​the arms, forearm and lower leg. Pain reliever is applied in the remaining areas.

It is applied 15-25 minutes before the start of the process. Due to this, during the session, the person does not experience anything except a slight burning sensation.

Do not cause allergies:

  • Nano Meter 2 Minutes
  • Goochie
  • Mei-Cha X-IT
  • GEL Mei-Cha
  • BioQuick.

These drugs have a hemostatic, increased analgesic effect. These are mainly ointment gels.

They are rubbed into the skin, after which they soothe the sensitive nerve fibers.

Where it hurts to get a tattoo

Each person has an individual sensitivity, where it hurts to get a tattoo. For women, the most painless place is on the chest. Both sexes are relatively sensitive to work on the neck.

Sweetheart, tell me a story ...

It is painful to open the skin in the area of ​​the foot on the leg. The operation on the knees, on the tailbone, on the palm is extremely sensitive.

The most sensitive places are the groin area, in men, the ribs and chest.

Areas of increased sensitivity include, the inner surface is pierced with many endings. As well as the inner thigh.

The same sensitivity in the armpit area, in the area on the fingers, the inner surface of the shoulder near the elbow.

A separate topic for tattoo masters is the head. Not only nerve endings are located here, but also the centers of various organs.

Exhausted ...

Where is the least painful to get a tattoo?

It is not painful for both sexes to open the skin:

  • on the forearm;
  • on caviar;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the side of the thigh;
  • beat on the hand;
  • outer thigh (males);
  • back (in women.

Nerve endings come close only at the folds and in places of less accumulation of fat.

Side tattoo

The painless areas include the pectoralis major muscle. This is a place where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo of any volume.

Many of the women who beat the pictures along the spine from behind did not feel discomfort either. Both sexes undergo painless operations affecting the external.

The processes of tattooing for those who made the lower back were tolerated; it is less pleasant to do a drawing in this area on the back.

To choose the very place for the tattoo, contact the artist. He will indicate on the map of pain in which place it is better to do the work.

They found each other ...

If you don't have any special preferences, the advice of an experienced tattoo artist will save you unnecessary negative emotions. As a result, your choice will be dictated by common sense and imbued with a sense of beauty.

Pain is a subjective sensation, each person reacts to it differently. There can be no identical opinions and disputes on this issue. But there is some consensus as to which parts of the body are more painful to get a tattoo on, and which are not. After reviewing the information in the article, you will learn a lot about this, and you will also be able to make the final decision in which place and salon to get a tattoo, and whether it is worth filling a drawing at all.

Everything happens differently for everyone.

While places on the body such as the ribs and throat seem to be the most vulnerable, in fact, every person who has gotten a tattoo at least once will most likely give you a slightly different answer and indicate their place on the body where they hurt the most. stuff the drawing. After all, pain levels and tolerance are subjective, and what hurts for one person may be perfectly normal and bearable for another. However, there is some consensus on which areas are more painful and which are less. Read this before you go tattoo yourself.

The most painful place is the wrist

Sean Dowdell, who founded Club Tattoo with late Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington, has repeatedly said in interviews that the most painful part of his body to get a tattoo on was his wrist. According to Dowdell, the scariest moment was when he was stuffed right where the bend line is. As the director of Club Tattoo from 1995 to the present day, he has seen more than once how people writhed in pain when they had a drawing done in this place.

Another unpleasant place is the stomach

Regarding some of the other most painful experiences he has seen, Sean says, “From watching my co-workers, artists and clients, I think the belly is a very painful place for a tattoo. And the back of the knee joint. Neck and ribs are also on this list. Pain is not objective. "

Find out as much information as possible about your tattoo artist

Another factor that influences the feelings experienced and which many neglect is information about the tattoo artist. Some artists are more brutal than others, their methods of work are painful. If you are sensitive to pain, look for a "gentle" artist.

Other factors that affect pain

Certain health problems can make you more sensitive. Some people have had injuries in the past and have hypersensitivity in certain parts of the body. Some tattoo lovers will tell you that the most painful thing is to hit a tattoo on a bone. Others believe it depends on how thick or thin the layer of skin is in the area. In fact, this is all connected with nerve endings. In terms of skin fineness, it is best to get a tattoo on the upper arm. Although the skin is thin there, it doesn't hurt very much.

Least painful spot - shoulder

Areas of your body with fewer nerve endings are considered the least painful places to paint. The front of the shoulder, lower leg, buttocks, and the outside of the arm are good options.

Tattoo size matters too

While people tend to focus on the spot, Stanley Kovak, M.D., beautician, believes pain is more related to the size of the pattern. The more tattoos, the longer the master works, and accordingly, the more painful you are. When a tattoo is particularly difficult, it also requires more ink and different types of needles. All this makes the pain worse.


Age also matters. Younger skin is not as susceptible to pain as older skin. And this is not surprising, because it is much denser and absorbs ink better.

Can get infected

Infections are caused by bacteria, so when you decide to get a tattoo, think about which parts of your body have the most harmful bacteria. These are often legs. One of the most significant contributors to infection is the lack of sanitation in your own home. People don't understand that pet hair can get on tattoos and thus cause an infection that can lead to big problems. Even a harmless walk down the street can be a challenge, especially if you're wearing flip-flops or other open-toed shoes. Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo on your legs, be sure to thoroughly disinfect the necessary part and try to cover the place where the drawing was made for you while it heals. The same goes for your hands, as your hands and fingers come into contact with billions of bacteria every day.

What about intimate parts of the body?

One would think that a tattoo, let's say, in the lower body would lead to the development of an infection, but in reality this is not the case. There are mucous membranes, and there are more such tissues in women than in men. By breaking it, you can catch bacterial infections pretty quickly. But the good news is that they are generally unaffected, so you won't be able to get sick.

The most dangerous tattoo

These days, tattoos are becoming more and more popular, but there are still certain types of tattoos that only the most daring personalities seek to inflict. The most dangerous place for drawing is the eyeball. Many people will not even think of this idea. Nevertheless, those who decide to get a tattoo there are very much at risk. Drawing in this place is a high risk of infection. In addition, if you have eye diseases, chances are good that you will go blind after the procedure.

This is the most important and necessary for those who are going to get a tattoo.

Skin infections can always be picked up during this process, but they can usually be easily treated with antibiotics. These ailments are also less likely if you get a tattoo done at a clean, professional and licensed tattoo parlor and of course if you follow all the instructions after the procedure. Many people do not follow the instructions of the master and swim in public pools, lakes, rivers, which is strictly prohibited for at least two to three weeks after drawing a drawing.

People often have misconceptions about the rules of post-operative care. They think that if the tattoo is not too big, then it does not need to be taken care of, but this is not always the case. All masters advise their clients to refrain from intense workouts or going to the gym for a while, since such crowded and specific places can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Indeed, the gym is a breeding ground for infections and bacteria. If you recently got a tattoo, do not rush to immediately run to the gym, because you can very quickly pick up a very serious bacterial infection.

It hurts not only to fill tattoos, but also to take them out

Who Said Removing Tattoos Doesn't Hurt? When you decide to delete a drawing, be prepared for the fact that you will be hurt, but, again, it all depends on the size of the drawing. If the tattoo is too large, then the artist usually uses a local anesthetic.

Is it safe to get a tattoo?

For example, in America, some states require tattoo parlors to be licensed, while others do not. Undoubtedly, many people prefer to get tattoos in underground parlors (faster and cheaper), but still most of them prefer legal "workshops". It is safe to say that in the States there are no more old street tattoo parlors where bikers fill drawings for everyone. Times have changed, progress is making itself felt.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? This question torments everyone who decided on their first tattoo. In this article we will tell you about the main thing, as well as help you physically and psychologically prepare for the process of tattooing. Welcome to the club!

At the very beginning, it should be noted thatpain threshold is individual for everyoneAnd there is no one-size-fits-all pain relief remedy that works equally well for everyone. In the same timethere are features that you should know to make the tattooing process as comfortable as possible.

“As a tattoo artist, I will say that women have a really higher pain threshold, while even a strong man who got a tattoo, in a sufficiently painful zone, could faint. The same thing can happen to women, but I had a case when a girl who got a tattoo on her ribs (it hurts very much) fell asleep in the process. Everything is individual! "

“At the first touch of the needle, goose bumps run all over the body - quite an exciting sensation ... Like a bee has bitten. Usually the pain is at the very beginning and is unpleasant only for the first 10-15 minutes. Then it becomes normal. "

The tattooing process causes an itchy aching pain, since the needle injures the top layer of the skin.It's especially hard to endurewhere one piece requires careful detailing.

In other words, the pain of getting a tattoo can be compared to an abrasion. Only “in case of an abrasion” does this happen quickly, and when applying a tattoo, the process of trauma to the skin is extended for several hours. Essentially, a tattoo is a wound.

What factors affect tattoo pain?

  • Your fatigue (Not recommended, in the evening or after a hard day at work)
  • Girls are not allowed to get tattoos before and during women's days.
  • You need to eat before the session, especially if the process will be long
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Complexity of tattooing (Simple tattoos of the same type are less painful, as well as monochromatic tattoos because they take less time).

Pain Map - Most Painful Tattoo Sites

The most painful places for tattoos are consideredareas of the body where there is no fat layer and the skin is in close contact with the boneas well as places with delicate skin and a lot of nerve endings.

These areas include:

  • the area at the bend of the elbow;
  • skin around the nipple;
  • armpits;
  • the area under the pectoral muscle on the ribs,
  • skin under the knees,
  • groin area.


  1. Regardless of the zone,the larger the tattoo design, the greater the discomfort.
  2. The foremen, taking into account the chosen zone, often propose to divide the work into small time intervals.
  3. Painful spots in girls: armpit, face, area around the nipple, wrists, groin, knees, lower leg periosteum, area under the knee.The most painless places for tattoos for girls: shoulders, forearms, shoulder blades, calves,.
  4. Painful spots in men: head, armpit, elbows, and ribs, groin and pelvis, shins, knees and feet. To places whereit doesn't hurt to get a tattoo in men:shoulders, forearms, outer part, shoulder blades and calves.

What is the difference between the tattoo process in men and women? Does it hurt to get a tattoo for a girl?

Women are more tolerant to pain, a fact confirmed by many scientific studies. In a tattoo, this is also relevant, since fat deposits in women are located under the skin (the percentage of fat is higher than in men). This makes the tattooing process less painful than that of men.

  • Have a good rest and sleep.
  • Eat in a few hours.
  • Chat with your friends and acquaintances who already have a tattoo.
  • Ask the master all your questions.
  • Find the right clothes.
  • Explore article “How to numb the tattoo? Pain relief tips”.

Before tattooingNOT recommended:

  • Take any medication without an urgent need. Many medications (including painkillers) affect blood clotting and can increase its secretion, which will greatly complicate the work of the master.
  • Drink alcohol per day and on the day of the session.
  • Go to the solarium or the beach (the sun is bad for the skin).
  • Drink lots of coffee and energy drinks.

How to numb the tattooing process?

We have prepared a separate article with tips on how to relieve tattoo pain and make the tattooing process as comfortable as possible. Read about it in the article “ ”.

The most popular questions about tattoo pain and reviews:

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your arm, shoulder, forearm, hand?

The most painless areas for a tattoo on the arm are the outer surface of the shoulder and forearm. The inner shoulder will hurt more because of the sensitive skin in this area.The most painful place on the arm for a tattoo is the brush... There are many nerve endings on the hand and there is no fatty layer.

Is it painful to get a tattoo on the leg, on the thigh, on the foot, on the calf?

Tattoos on the outer thigh and calf muscle will be the least painful. But with a tattoo on the periosteum, inner thigh and feet, you will have to endure.The groin area and the area under the knees are considered record-breaking in terms of pain.Fortunately, tattoos are rarely done there.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the back?

The back is not the most painful area for a tattoo. But it is worth remembering that if you choose a large drawing on the whole back, then pain cannot be avoided. The longer the session lasts, the more discomfort will be felt.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the collarbone?

Any tattoo in close proximity to the bone is considered painful. But mostly tattoos on the collarbone are small and do not bring much discomfort.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your chest?

The chest area is a painful area for men and less painful for women. Tattoo under the breast in women already refers to a higher degree of discomfort.