Divine congratulations to the young at the wedding. Original ways of congratulating. Wonderful wedding day greetings

You became husband and wife:
Happy, friendly family.
We set foot on a single path
Try not to turn off it.

Fasten love with fidelity
Give joy again and again.
Divide all feelings equally
And keep your wedding day in your hearts!

We wish you, bride and groom:
Let life be interesting
Let there be many impressions
And the decisions made correctly.

Let love and understanding
More patience, attention
They will always be with you in life,
May the days be eventful.

So that you breathe each other,
Get drunk and admire.
And so that, holding each other's hands,
Know neither grief, nor separation.

So that there are common goals,
They always knew how to forgive.
And so that you go for a long, long time
One common road!

Dear newlyweds, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding, on a wonderful holiday in honor of the creation of your family. I wish you to be the dearest and closest people to each other throughout your life. I wish you fill your hearts with happiness and joy, and your home with prosperity and prosperity. I wish that the thread that tied you was strong and durable, without single tears and knots. Peace to you, mutual understanding, loyalty and trust.

Happy wedding, newlyweds!
Love to you, tenderness, warmth.
I want you to be happy
And life only brought you joy.

I wish you healthy children
Help each other in everything,
More new impressions,
Appreciate each other, respect.

Congratulating newlyweds is like drinking wine ...
Delicious, prepared with love.
Let your glass sparkle with bubbles,
Yes kiss sooner, so that the moment is not wasted!
Always please each other and give positive,
And let your novel be beautiful in the years to come.
Walk together by the hand every day and every hour,
You remember your beautiful wedding more than once,
Always strive for the best, remember that you are a family
... there is no more important in the world, I can sincerely tell you.
Let me congratulate you on being husband and wife!
Wow, how bitter, what is it? We all drink to you to the bottom!

Today is an unusual day:
You have become husband and wife.
We wish you in joy, love
Live to see the golden wedding!

Learn to just give in
And respect, appreciate loving.
And if suddenly there is a shadow of discord,
Then start with yourself.

We wish you a strong family,
Kids and a spacious house.
And let, to the delight of all relatives,
It will always be comfortable in it!

May your eyes shine with happiness
Let the face burn with blush.
Let it become a pride for you
Ring worn by love!

Young, congratulations
And today we wish you
Strong marriage forever,
Live in love is endless for you.
Live together, give birth to children,
Build everyday life, do not get tired.
Peace in the house and prosperity,
So that your life is tasty, sweet.
So that love is always
Never faded away!

I'm surprised without flattery
Lucky as a bride!
And I cannot restrain my delight -
How lucky to the groom!

It's nice to look at you,
And without words, everything is clear here:
You are halves of each other,
And now the family is the spouse.

I wish you live peacefully
To protect the feelings of fire persistently.
And do not be afraid of rattles -
Children's laughter is needed for happiness.

Let life be bright, cool
As in dreams, as in a wonderful fairy tale.
Kind words to you - millions,
"Bitter" for you, newlyweds!

Yesterday, still the bride and groom -
Today, overnight a husband and wife!
The whole world is at the feet of a created family,
And no one will hide the joy for you.

Live together, thinking about
What are you responsible for each other now?
And let the house be hospitable
In which your children will run.

Let this house not darken:
No quarrel, no sadness, no resentment.
And know that any family life -
There is a work of two, hard, painstaking!

Congratulations to you friends
With the fact that you are now a family!
Let faith and love
Century excite your blood.

Let your family leisure
It will be bright, cheerful, cool.
Fiery passion, warmth,
Always be happy!

Eyes sparkle with love today
I can't believe in such happiness.
And only from joy this tear
Now there will always be two of you.

May parting not be on your way
Let all troubles rush past.
We wish you to go through life together
And to achieve everything together.

Let your house be a full bowl,
Warmed by love and the sun.
Let the children's feet sink in it.
Warmth to you, comfort and light!

For the newlyweds, they must be sincere, memorable, and no doubt from the bottom of their hearts. Ours offers some of them.

1. We sincerely congratulate you
Great joy on the day.
We wish you with all our hearts.
Be a strong friendly family!

2. We to you, young spouses,
We wish you happiness and good
Let the road be bright
Let the family be friendly!

Do not forget the first meetings,

Manage to save to the end.
We wish you a beautiful life,
Your marriage without marriage should be.

3. Cordially spouses
Congratulations now!
And long and faithful
We wish them love!
Let there be no fidelity
A punishment for you,
Let it be pleasant
She's a test!
And you are the test
Pass with honor
To the silver wedding
Come with love!

4. Find in each other not only a spouse,
But the most gentle, loyal friend.
Be healthy, live richly
And keep this date sacred in your soul!

5. We wish you happiness, joy in full,
So that the whole district envies you,
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And from the fact that you love each other!

6. Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them!
May love inspire them
Friendship pleases the hearts
Let the dream know no obstacles:
Happiness will endlessly!

7. Everything turned out the way you wanted,
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the rings of chastity
Flowers and - for you!
You are wearing wedding dresses,
Our merry feast is in full swing,
Articles, rituals were observed ...
Love, advice to you, eternal peace!

8. We wish you happiness with all our souls,
We wish you great love.
Love is not a hindrance.
And don't forget our mandate.
If there are tears, then from laughter,
Resentment for only an hour!

9. In total you have a lot today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You have one road now,
One dream, one love.
And this day will not be repeated
Know how to cherish your happiness.
And God bless you, as they say,
One cannot stray from the wide path,
Do not fail, do not stumble,
Fall in love even more
And keep these feelings!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
There is no happier minute!
We wish you all the best
Great happiness, long years !!!

10. I wish that on your marriage
There was a big "Quality Mark"!
To bring love you a torch
Before your wedding "Golden".
I wish you eternal burning
One love, but for two
Health, vigor, patience
And all the joys of the earth.

11. Today is your wonderful day.
Let's face it, it's a big day
Were you a bride and groom
And now you are husband and wife
Allow with this step
I sincerely congratulate you
Well friends, legally married
Good afternoon and good hour!

12. You got married today,
For you - a happy day in the world!
Since you have lit a beacon of love,
Then let it shine for you all your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted,
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the rings of chastity
and music is for you!
Walk alongside, together in step,
A beautiful strong family.
Even if it is not an easy road,
But always straight!
To be near in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom was a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding
Let it be "Bitter!"

13. You take care of each other,
Respect and love.
Every year your feelings,
Let them be stronger, more beautiful.
Let there be warmth and a lot of light
Friendship, joy, comfort
There will be many in that place
What is called the word HOUSE.

14. Let this day enter your home,
Into your young life,
Like the sun in early spring
And joy will bring great
And never upset with anything,
Neither you nor your faces,
And in your house forever,
Happiness to live forever.
May this minute be remembered for you,
May she be sacred!
From now on, you are not just a friend and girlfriend,
From now on, you are husband and wife.

15. We wish you, young spouses,
Happy days for many years
and so as your golden rings
You have remained faithful forever.

16.Two hearts by the will of the Zodiac
Merged into one.
There are seven wonders in the world, however
There is nothing more wonderful than Marriage.

17. What is the word "Family"
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him,
And the wise Adam said to his Eve,
Now I’ll ask you seven questions.
"Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?"
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
"Who will bring them up, my queen?"
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
"Who prepares the food, my joy?"
And Eve still answered: “I”.
“Whoever sews a dress, washes the linen,
Will he caress me, arrange housing?
Answer the questions, my friend! ”
“I”, “I” - Eve said quietly,
“I”, “I” - she said to the famous seven “I”.
This is how the family turned out in the world.

18. What to wish the bride and groom?
To be together always and everywhere.
Together they slept, and ate, and drank,
Together, the kids were taken to kindergarten.
Together we shared worries, sorrows,
They did not bother each other with morals,
So that there is not even a reason for the quarrel.
Let the man always give in first!

19.Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you happiness in the family ring,
So that there is no sadness, but happiness is met,
A smile always shone on his face.
Maybe argue suddenly inadvertently,
Don't be angry, but forgive.
Family life is not easy
And we must always respect each other.

20. Happy wedding day, we congratulate you,
We wish you success and happiness!
Live well, love each other,
After all, from this day on you are a spouse.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And work and anxiety that you will meet.
Let your life flow like a river
On the way that knows no barriers!
And let over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - Love,
The other is Fidelity and Happiness,
And the third is simply Kindness.
Let them sparkle over the family
To make your dreams come true.

21. Cheerfulness, joy - the endless sea,
Husband and wife, we wish you
If happiness is the most tender,
The firstborn if - by six kilograms.

22. Remember this minute forever,
May she be sacred!
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on - you are husband and wife!
And may any misfortunes pass you,
Let the flame not go out in the blood!
We wish you health! We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love!

23. You have a special day today -
So be happy, friends!
Let the road be bright
Let the family be friendly.
Keep feeling, loyalty, affection,
Do not forget the first meetings,
And the rings that you put on
Manage to save to the end!
May every day and every hour
Prosperity will come to you
May you have a kind mind,
And the heart will be smart!

24. We wish you happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
In a good mood so that you
Nowhere and never parted
I wish you health for a hundred good years,
And this really costs a lot.
In work - production victories,
In family life - peace and quiet!

25. Become a support to each other,
Happiness and part of one,
Woe of sorrow and blizzards
Let them fly by.
May it last for years
Tender strong feeling
Together in love and adversity
In this family is art!

26. We wish you to live in harmony for many years
And meet neither evil nor troubles,
So that children grow up as people
So that there is no war in the world.
And so that at the weddings of your grandchildren
You were dancing a waltz with each other.

27. I wish you happiness,
Good luck,
I wish you fun and laughter to boot,
I wish you health, I wish you enthusiasm,
In the family, so that there is not a drop of discord.

28. In family life, we wish you happiness,
Let the children love you dearly.
May misfortune pass you by
And let it be sunny every hour.

29. We wish to live for many years,
It is true to love and be loved.
In life, anxiety and grief do not know -
This is what we want to wish you.

30. Happy birthday to your family!
Let her bad weather minutes!
Let the trouble pass by!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let them settle in it forever!
Many loyal friends
And welcome guests.
Jokes, dancing, singing, laughter
Let everyone in the house please!
So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

31. Today is a special day for you.
So always be happy.
Let the road be bright
Let the family be friendly.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meetings.
And those rings that they took in hand,
Manage to save to the end.
Let it never be in your life.
Days like this won't repeat
Love is always supposed to
And get married only once!
We wish you great luck
So that your life is richer
So that you have success in everything,
So that you live happier than everyone!

32. Even though I don't walk at a wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life,
Keeping the law of love holy
Until the wedding itself, golden.

33. What is planned, let it come true,
All good things - let them be remembered.
Let the love in your heart shine
Good people will meet in life
May love be until old age
We wish you only joy.

34. We will raise our glass
So that it becomes a reality for both
High, bright ideal
Saint love and fidelity.

35. We wish you happiness, we wish you good luck,
We wish you fun and joy to boot,
So that grief bypasses your house,
So that at the hour of the night the sun shines on you!

36. We wish newlyweds
At this wedding table
Bloom with happy May all my life,
All my life to go one way.

37. Everything became as you wanted,
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the rings of chastity
Flowers and music for you.
Live together, do not bend
Keep the right path in life,
Save the holy love,
Don't let happiness slip away!

38. May there be peace under your roof,
And in the house - happiness and peace,
To hear each other's heartbeat
Until the wedding itself, golden!
May everything come true that you dreamed
Everything that was pleasing to the eye
For happiness to settle
It's easy in your house,
So that you do not drop
This is happiness on the fly
And kept forever
First meeting warmth!

39. Life is presented to you
With all my charm,
Look - she is a priceless gift,
Know how to use it.
Decorate it, the years fly by
It's time to enter into your halls
Handsome husband!

40. Having decided once and for all
Connect your destiny
We invite you cordially
To us to share our joy,
Say a parting word
And shout "Bitterly" many times,
We will be endlessly happy
See you at our wedding!

41. Let joy live in this world
For simple, dear people,
Many times let the sun rise for you
Be happy in your life!

42. Congratulations, congratulations
From the heart we are young
We wish you happiness, joy,
200 years for you two
A bunch of cute kids
Kind, affectionate, big
Both girls and boys
And all this for two.
Happiness, joy, smiles.
So that before the wedding, golden
You have lived without mistakes
Becoming a big-big family
So that all the joys, sorrows
You split in half,
So that the insults are not remembered.
Let it shine for you everywhere
The sun is affectionate and gentle.
Good luck to you big, big,

43. I wish you great happiness,
So that there is always spring
So that you never know bad weather,
So that hearts are pure!
So that everyone trusts each other,
The years were not counted
Over the years, loyalty has not lost
And they were not afraid of different troubles,
So that you go through life, rejoicing,
And friends would say:
"Here is an exemplary family!"

44. We congratulate you on your conjugal happiness,
And we really want to live without bad weather,
So that everything in life is like in youth - easy,
As on summer nights - light and beautiful
Love-kiss from dawn to dawn,
So much at the wedding you would be bitter.

45. Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them.
May love inspire them
Friendship pleases the hearts
Let dreams know no obstacles
Happiness will endlessly!

46. ​​We wish you that your life was brighter,
Like a warm spring day, dear
Well, in a word, so that she was,
Spring, joyful, beautiful,
Was full of spring dreams
Bloomed like a morning dawn,
I propose this toast,
For everything, for your happiness.

47. We wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles scare you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years.
Remember that people are the smiths of happiness themselves.
After all, nature has so generously endowed people,
She gave us everything, forgot nothing,
Pay tribute to nature and love each other.
As a precious vessel, take care of each other
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond
There will be tenderness, love - and trouble will not happen!

Coming up with congratulations for the wedding in your own words or in poetry is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The union of two people by marriage is always a bright and interesting event both for the lovers themselves and for those around them.

But while the future spouses are preparing for the celebration, relatives and friends pass another test - they come up with wedding greetings. Indeed, in order for the ceremony to be remembered by the bride and groom, there are few dances and a fun feast, warm words from loving parents and sincere or funny toasts and congratulations from close friends are needed.

What congratulations on a wedding can be? They can be composed in prose, in their own words, funny, romantic, touching, unusual, philosophical. There can be many definitions for them, and the choice in which form to deliver a congratulatory speech depends on the presence of imagination. But what if that very fantasy is not enough?

In this case, you can resort to some tricks to come up with an interesting congratulation, for example, invent something of your own, original, or use blanks that can be adjusted at any time for a specific situation and certain people.

But we must remember that congratulations on the wedding should be with a soul, no matter what blanks or words are used for it. Indeed, for every wish, you can find your own zest, relating specifically to the couple who will soon have a wedding.

Try to have a zest in the congratulation, so it will definitely be remembered

If the guest is familiar only with the groom or the bride, he can congratulate only him on the wedding day, but in the end, wish happiness and warmth to both lovers. Best of all, congratulations are perceived when they are invented from the bottom of your heart.

Congratulations on behalf of the parents

A wedding is an event when feelings are revealed, reverent love is manifested. And this applies not only to the bride and groom, who became the main heroes of the celebration, but also to their parents.

This is the time when mother and father pass on their parting words and best wishes to their children for the further journey.

Often, when parents congratulate their children on this important event in their life, their speeches bring joy to all guests to tears. After all, this moment is very important for young people.

Congratulations in your own words from parents:

  1. Time flies by. It seems that only yesterday you were a child and held toys in your hands. But now you have already become a whole family, united in a beautiful and strong union. And we want to congratulate you on this incredible and vibrant event! Keep each other, cherish and help, learn to forgive in time, because love is the foundation of a lasting union!
  2. Let your cup of happiness be filled to the brim, and bad weather always pass by your house. Laughter and happiness of adults and children will scare off any sorrows. May luck, delight and grace visit you more often.
  3. Our dear children, on this day we want to wish you only well-being and kindness. We are sincerely glad that you were able to create such a wonderful and tender union. We wish you to go through a long, interesting, funny and always joyful family life. A long joint road is being laid in front of you, on which obstacles will be encountered. But we believe and know that they will be only small obstacles for you, and you will simply step over them. Always love each other!
  4. A wonderful, joyful life filled with interesting events, always funny moments and unforgettable adventures - this is what awaits you ahead. We are confident in this and are ready to support you in everything. Love gave birth to this marriage, so let it accompany your joint life path. For an example of parental congratulations, see this video:

In fact, it is not difficult for parents to come up with wishes for the wedding in their own words. The main thing is to listen to your heart, what do you really want to wish young people?

The congratulations themselves at the celebrations often begin with a background about how the parents met their daughter's companion or son's companion.

If at this moment there was something interesting or funny, it is best to tell about it. Guests are always pleased to hear such congratulations.

Congratulations from friends and relatives

Not everyone likes to hear congratulations in verses, invented by someone else. If it is not possible to add your own rhymed wish, then it is best to convey it in ordinary words.

There is nothing wrong with that, such congratulations are perceived even more interesting, since they always sound sincerely and pleasantly.

Wishes to newlyweds from close friends or relatives can be thought of in a variety of ways.

Guests and newlyweds will receive a festive message in the form of a lyrical or comic song with a bang

For example, it can be a short story with vivid examples from life, or a whole performance with songs and ditties can be developed. It all depends on the imagination and desires of relatives and friends. Words can be as follows:

  1. Your love is like fire: it gave birth to a new family and brought warmth and comfort into the house. May your family hearth continue to be filled with joy, awe and delight, and may the love that gave birth to this union remain in your hearts forever.
  2. The day has come when 2 hearts united and created a wonderful family. We sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a wonderful journey. Happy wedding day to you. Let it become the start for a long and happy family happiness. And on this road, let you meet fewer obstacles, but there are more funny moments and joyful events, interesting and kind people. For an example of a friendly congratulatory number, see this video:

Sister wishes

Wishes for brother

  1. Brother, I congratulate you on the beginning of true love. Today a new family was born. From now on, keep the family hearth warm, joyful and prosperous.
  2. My brother managed to perform a miracle - to win the heart of this beautiful girl. We are sure that all this is not without reason. Fate itself ordered to unite two hearts together and create this happy union.

Friends tend to be more creative with their greetings. It is the task of relatives to say beautifully and convey exciting wishes, but friends have a goal to make it as interesting as possible, add a little humor.

Wishes with humor

On the wedding day, the newlyweds hear many wishes for love, happiness, joy. Dressed in beautiful words, these greetings become part of the traditional wedding ceremony. But what if you add a little humor to this tradition?

It is unlikely that any of the newly-made spouses will be against laughing a little at the wedding.

A welcome guest will be the one who skillfully weaves wonderful words of wishes into wonderful humor with a bit of irony, but always kind and respectful.

A joke is a great way to defuse the atmosphere.

If a person has an excellent sense of humor, why not come up with funny congratulations on the wedding in his own words. You shouldn't be ashamed of this, you should be proud of it and use your quality to the maximum.

Several options for congratulations:

  1. Love is a delicate matter, but always interesting. So you are sitting here and cannot even imagine that a whole ocean of happiness and a sea of ​​laughter, a river of luck and a lake of well-being, and even a trickle of unpredictability await you further. And all this will not do without a drop of tar. But remember what lies at the heart of this crazy mixture - love and respect for each other!
  2. I don't know how to speak beautiful words, so I will say everything as if in spirit. Groom, take care of your beautiful wife, obey her, because she is always right. Buy her boots for the winter, and a sundress for the summer, you know the rest yourself. Do not forget about the holidays and compliments every day, let him know that she is dearer to you than anyone else. Bride, I instruct you to always respect your beloved and endure him, because soon you will have to collect socks throughout the house. With all your heart, cook him borscht, salads and mashed potatoes, you will not find a kinder person than a well-fed husband. Love each other and be happy in your marriage!
  3. Acquaintance, the first kiss, an inexplicable desire to see each other every day - all this you already had. But not all of this has passed. Now you are already married, and tomorrow you will meet the morning with a new family. Preserve the beauty of the relationship until the very end, do not know violent quarrels and troubles. And most importantly, we want to wish you: give birth to girls and certainly children, so that your house is filled with children's laughter, and the family hearth always gives warmth to you and your children. For an example of cool congratulations, see this video:

Best of all, funny congratulations on a wedding in prose in your own words sound when they contain examples from the relationship of a single couple. For example, if everyone knows the unusual story of their acquaintance, this can be used in a wish.

Original ways to congratulate

Such a solemn holiday as a wedding is remembered for a lifetime. And it is not surprising if the guests want to present the bride and groom with some original surprise.

Theatrical performance will always be unique

For example, more and more often at wedding parties, close friends or relatives come up with unusual scenes, performances through which they convey their sincere wishes to the future family.

What original ways of congratulations exist:

  1. A film of its own production. This can be a cut from video clips and photos with the newlyweds. Video messages from friends and relatives to the bride and groom are now becoming popular. To do this, someone organizes filming and conducts a short interview with loved ones. You can ask them different questions, the answers to which the newlyweds will be pleased to hear: what did you think of the groom or the bride when you saw each other for the first time, how do you feel about uniting these two people into a family, what would you like if you met them 10 years after the wedding, etc.
  2. Wall newspaper of lovers, posters, posters with additional unusual details, preferably voluminous. One easy option is to make a newspaper with pictures of lovers at different stages of their relationship. Under each image, add a few words in the form of a news column about how everything was fun, interesting and touching for them. It is worth adding to these photos drawn or edited images of spouses with children already at an age, having fantasized on this topic. It will turn out to be a newspaper with a happy story of a couple. Another option is to combine a greeting poster with a cash gift. To do this, make an interesting figure from each bill, carefully stick it on a Whatman paper, and sign your wishes below.
  3. For those who are good at coming up with rhymed greetings, but do not want to read standard verses, the option of ditties or songs of their own composition is suitable. It is always fun and interesting, and by the end of the congratulations the guests can already sing along to the chorus. Having performed such an unusual and fervent congratulation, the newlyweds will definitely remember it. For an example of an original congratulation, see this video:

It will not be difficult for people with a good imagination to come up with unusual ones, and those who are deprived of imagination can simply use the ideas invented by others.

How to come up with your congratulations?

For those who want to learn how to independently create congratulations on their wedding day in prose, there are 2 outcomes of events: when there are just words in your head that you want to wish the bride and groom, and when they are not. In the first case, you can quickly sketch out the very words, and then add auxiliary phrases.

In the second case, you can proceed not from what you want to wish, but from the way how to do it. For example, if congratulations in simple words, then add an interesting quote from a great person to it, think over the beginning, then add 2 - 3 sentences about what is meant by the phrase and how it relates to the newlyweds.

  1. The person himself must believe in what he says and wishes to the newlyweds, otherwise the congratulation will convey the guest's obvious desire to quickly sit down.
  2. All words and sentences should be logically connected, especially the beginning and end of the whole congratulation. If at first it was about the ocean of love, then at the end the wish should come to it or a similar topic, for example, to the paradise island located in its center.
  3. Wishes should be addressed to a specific bride and groom, and not to a generalized couple, which the newlyweds will visually represent, therefore it is better to use less general words, and if it does not work without them, then add at least 1 - 2 sentences with some unusual fact about newlyweds.
  4. It is best to start coming up with words for wishes a week before the celebration, so that there is time to postpone congratulations for a while, and then re-read it with a fresh mind and correct it.
  5. Congratulatory speeches can be written on separate sheets or postcards. It is desirable that they be beautifully decorated. And there is nothing wrong with reading wishes straight from the sheet.

Another little life hack for creating interesting greetings - you can use remarkable events from the time of the year when the wedding is celebrated in them. For example, if a celebration takes place in winter, then you can add something like the following to your wish: “let your relationship develop as beautifully as frosty patterns on glass, and let them have as many happy moments as snowflakes attack on this warm winter evening” ...

Toasts for the wedding

On the day of the wedding party, guests not only congratulate the newlyweds, but also make pleasant toasts during the feast.

All newlyweds love to listen to warm and gentle words.

Indeed, just at such moments, young spouses understand that their life is really changing, and it changes only for the better.

Add more feelings and emotions to the toast

In addition, if the guest did not manage to convey his wishes during the general congratulations, he can always make a pleasant toast for the young, where he will convey all the emotions and feelings that he experiences in relation to the new family.

Toasts, like congratulations, can be said in different forms, for example, in poetry, in your own words, in the form of a quote from a great man, an anecdote, a fairy tale, or were.

Interesting speeches for a wedding feast:

  1. As F.M. once said Dostoevsky, happiness is not happiness that has already been achieved, but the process itself that is chosen to achieve it. And with these words, I propose to drink to your strong family, which has just begun its journey and is in the midst of achieving its happiness.
  2. Dear newlyweds, you have created your own home of family happiness, in which friendship has erected walls and love has become a roof. It remains only to add a little more comfort, and the stork will bring it to you! Let there be friendship, love and comfort in your family hearth!
  3. Newlyweds, let love, happiness and joy become the foundations of your relationship. But here are 3 more threads that will firmly hold family ties together: attention, trust and development. Be attentive to each other always, day and night, every second. Trust each other so that the best side of your soulmate always stays turned towards you. Develop each other and develop yourself - the groom should strengthen his courage, and the bride - her femininity. So you will charm each other every day, bring novelty to the relationship and keep love for centuries!
  4. Bride, congratulate your beloved on what he has acquired. Groom, congratulate your beloved on what she received. The great Russian philosopher N.G. Chernyshevsky said that there can be only one thing undoubted happiness: when a person lives for another. I'll be brief. Dear newlyweds, live for each other!

A toast for a wedding feast can be prepared in advance. The main thing to remember is that if the speech is big, then the content in it should be with deep meaning.

I congratulate you on your wedding day,
I wish to live until old age.
Together you go gray, go bald,
Go to the store, groan.
In general, live happily
And you love each other!

Everything, guys, you hit,
After all, they became a wife and a husband.
And for the husband: no partying,
Rare but merry drinking,

Start saving up your stash
Forget the cool car.
What have you wanted for yourself for many years -
I'm sorry, there is no money for this.

For the wife: borscht and meat,
In the summer - supplies for the winter.
And all year long - socks, socks ...
(So ​​as not to die of melancholy).

What? Are you not afraid?
And unite even stronger?
So you found each other,
The best husband and wife.

The family house will be bright,
Between you there is an excellent harmony,
Your success will be the main -
Loud, sonorous children's laughter.

Congratulations, you are now ringed. I wish for the rest of my days to wear these handcuffs of marriage and keep a sincere smile on my face, not a twitching eye, great health, not a mental disorder, an extraordinary beauty of soul and body, and not a disheveled and tired look. Live happy birds, flying high in dreams and happiness, and may you have wonderful chicks soon.

Our mandate today is simple:
First and foremost -
May love reign in the family
Delicate and glorious.

And the second - let the wife
Biceps swing
And from the leggy ladies
She protects her husband.

Third: we wish my husband
Personal achievements,
To make mammoths go home
Brought decent ones.

To have something to eat
With black caviar,
For guests to come
In a friendly crowd.

Well, we wish you children
Strong and desirable.
Yes! Ring to make friends
With a ring finger.

Today I am a guest at the wedding,
Friends are getting married today.
I'm not a fan of red phrases,
My instructions will be specific.

Groom, take care of the bride.
Buy boots for the winter
For the summer - a bright sundress ...
Well, in general, you know the list yourself.

Don't mind your wife -
Everything will only worsen twice.
Her objections are tryn-grass.
Wife - she is always right.

Less need to promise
And then you have to do it.
Don't forget about compliments
And about the "special" moments.

Now I'll tell you, bride.
With your loved one, you are not closely together.
Swear to endure it always
Though it will be difficult sometimes.

Cook a delicious dinner with love
I will come to you to eat!
Kidding! For her husband, of course.
He is well-fed, more obedient.

And be patient, mother,
Collect socks around the house,
And if he drinks more than the norm,
Do not send to addresses.

This will be my advice
Although there is no advice in love.
And if you quarrel, make up.
Only after making peace, go to bed.

And let the years fly forward.
Have you got married? So forever.
How many words came out!
What is missing? Bitterly!

That's all: goodbye, freedom!
Ringed now
Now the total income,
Ceiling and table and door.

I wish you spouses:
Always be happy
To miss each other
But together - never.

So that love prevails
Life was solid syrup
Everything was decided without a scandal,
Without using a "rolling pin on the forehead"!

So you found each other,
Became husband and wife.
Be happy spouses
And take my advice.

Be the bridegroom obedient in everything,
Never argue with your wife.
After all, a man is needed in the house
Strong, sturdy, businesslike.

You are a bride, be calm
So that without swearing and fights.
Be sexy and slim
May your marriage be strong!

Don't you ever give up,
Walk hand in hand.
Have fun, develop
And you take care of your family!


We're having fun tonight
And the fun never ends
Because you put on
Wedding two rings.

It is clear that a good deed
"Marriage" is unlikely to be called,
Therefore, I will tell you boldly,
That a family is a joint work!

You need to feel each other
Somewhere to be completely silent
Or, if you can't,
Say the right word.

Mother-in-law to smile tenderly
(Better to call it mom)
And admire the mother-in-law,
And try to please.

In general, I will say, guys,
You are "hit" forever!
But if there is love to shiver
The rest is nonsense.

There will certainly be happiness
There will be a strong family
If together you pass
Difficulties from A to Z.

We want to wish you
Become a friendly family
Give birth to kids soon
Rest with them at sea,
To the mountains with them and a hike.
Happiness for a hundred years ahead!
To live without quarrels, misunderstandings -
Here is an assignment from us for you.
And love to keep each other
Let him envy the district!
There will be endless joy
And wealth will be eternal!

Happy wedding day bride and groom
We are in a hurry to congratulate you soon!
Let life be a continuous fiesta
Let the stork bring the babies.

Man, support for the whole family,
Love your wife and respect.
And, if you can, without reproach
Let her go shopping.

Wife, be wise and tolerant.
Believe in your husband and don't be angry
That he is obsessed with football
But reliable, not lazy.

So be happy, family!
And let love not fade away.
Heaven has connected you
For many, many, many years.

Happy day!
May you be lucky in everything
There will be a house in the Caribbean
And a large foreign exchange account.

Let diamonds and sapphires
Will swing in your ears
At the beloved - and the beloved
He will live like a padishah.

We wanted a lot
You have to accept everything:
We have set a task for you -
You do it!

A wedding ceremony is an event that will be remembered for a lifetime. The young are embarking on a new path. Now they have a long way to go hand in hand. Fate will teach many lessons, but those who manage to achieve complete understanding and respect will receive a truly valuable reward. Their relationship will go into eternity. Wedding toasts and encouraging wishes are what the newlyweds need to hear so much on this day. Their hearts are filled with excitement, so the support and congratulations of loved ones will be a valuable parting word in life.

Beautiful wedding toasts and congratulations

This day is becoming fateful. It determines a lot for many years to come. Young people bear a great responsibility. Now only they themselves will be able to run their own destiny.

Both the guests and the newlyweds want to preserve the sweetest memories of the date, which is why so much attention is paid to the organization of the ceremony. Everything should be perfect on the wedding day: from the bride's bouquet to the speeches at the table.

Every word, every wish uttered in these joyful moments is perceived by the young with great trepidation. They so want to justify all the hopes placed on them.

Support the newly minted spouses with beautiful congratulations. Say sweet words of approval in their honor. Let their souls become a little calmer and warmer. After all, there is a long and exciting journey ahead of them, called family life.

The wedding ring is an ancient emblem bequeathed to us by our ancestors. This is a symbol of fidelity: a husband's heart belongs to his wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has no beginning or end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold, which means that no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! Let's reinforce our wish with a friendly clink of glasses!

To live in love and harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron endurance. So let's drink to the reliable alloy of two metals, to the merging of the souls of the newlyweds!

The famous writer said: "Happiness is when you are understood." This is indeed the case. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years! Happiness to you, dear ones!

A slender poplar grew in the forest, and a birch tree grew nearby. And they fell in love with each other, and reached out to each other, until, finally, they connected their twigs and woven together. Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch? Let us wish them that the twigs of their love never unravel and hold tight to each other.

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you great happiness.
We say now in earnest:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all the way
What are you going to go through.
And let the bonfire of great love
Burns without fading away!
It's easier to go through life with love,
Finding hope.
Call consent to the house,
Live to be one hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!

We wish our newlyweds
So that their path in life is successful,
So that the house is always a full bowl,
Life is brighter and more beautiful every day!
Let the sun of the world shine brightly
May children bring them joy
So that together a young couple
Live to see the golden wedding!

How to congratulate the newlyweds in verse

Poetic congratulations are always beautiful. Guests gather at the table, there are many noisy conversations around. And then one of the invitees gets up and begins to read poetry.

Such toasts or wishes always delight others. Correctly composed phrases enhance the impression. The meaning is revealed even more clearly. Signed congratulations are a wonderful gesture of respect and attention.

Of course, few have a poetic talent. But we have a wonderful selection that will help you find something definite that will fit both in meaning and in the situation.

Do not forget to capture your wishes for the young on a postcard. In the future, the spouses will be very pleased to review the greeting cards presented on this day, and re-read the touching words.

Be healthy, live beautifully,
Love each other, be happy!
Find in each other not only a spouse,
But the best, loyal friend!

Any hut will become a palace,
Where the good wife reigns!
She is more expensive than all the riches,
More expensive than pearls and gold!
I drink, or rather, I vote with a glass
For choosing a groom - for a young woman!

Remember this minute forever,
May she be sacred:
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.
And may any misfortunes pass you,
Let the flame not be extinguished in the blood.
We wish you health, we wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

Do not pull apart your intertwined arms
Do not part mouth from mouth.
And the happiness of fidelity, love
Let it grow stronger over the years.
May the pain of separation pass you by
And the friendship will not fade between you.
Do not pull apart your intertwined arms
Do not part mouth from mouth!
We drink to your happiness, loyalty and love!

I would like to wish the young:
In joy, separation or sorrow
Remember forever the first hug
Forgetting about the last quarrel.

At a noisy holiday table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
Lit today the two of you
A star of hope and dreams.
So let this friendship light
It shines brightly for you without end,
So that infinitely many years
Two rings were intertwined.
Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife in agreement are similar:
On the flap of one wing
The eagle cannot be lucky.
I wish you with this toast
Agreeing to the newlyweds,
To make their flight
Throughout my life - successful!

To live and live for you, but not toil!
And, having lived a century, do not repent of what you have lived!
We want to wish you again and again:
Advice and happiness and love!

Wedding wishes from parents

Today is a holiday for the whole family. But how exciting it is for the older generation to follow the fate of the newly-minted husband and wife. On this day, they experience no less than the lovers themselves. Wedding greetings from parents are an invariable ritual of every wedding ceremony.

Let their joy know no bounds, but it is infinitely difficult for them to pronounce words bound by emotions. Tears from the loss of a close connection with their child are welling up in my eyes. Let their family multiply on this day, but the elders are well aware that the newly created cell is a completely different story. Now their son or daughter no longer belongs to them the way they used to.

This day is full of both joy and excitement. Joy for the birth of a young family. And excitement for the future of the newly-made spouses.

The bride and groom are eagerly awaiting parting words from the older generation. After all, who, no matter how parents, are awarded experience and wisdom, will be able to point the right direction.

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only faithful friends! So, may your union be happy!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children will get married, start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young, to the new family, and may they have faith, hope, love with them all their lives! Bitterly!

They say that the most sincere and most devoted love is between children and parents. But we raise you and teach you to love, so that when you meet your soul mate, you spend most of your life with her until the end of your days. Therefore, we want to wish your feelings to become the strongest and unshakable, because your union has a life-long road ahead, walk along it, holding hands, not letting go of each other. Happy wedding day to you! Happy birthday to the family!

Children, today your ship called "family" sets off on an independent voyage. Now you yourself will go to meet the elements. We, of course, want to wish you good luck on your journey, let her follow you on your heels. The main thing is to remember that parents will never refuse help, because there is no one more important to them in the world. For you, dear ones!

Our dear children, today on the day of your marriage, we are your parents, we want to wish you that your family life would never collapse under the wind of domestic problems, and your love and understanding would always be the wind that blows the sail of family happiness !

Dear children, today, on your wedding day, we have ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, we are very sad because you will now become guests in your stepfather's house, and you will live on your own. On the other hand, our hearts are insanely glad that you found each other and now you have your own little happy family! Happiness to you! You can always count on us if you need our help and support.

My relatives, son and daughter,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
And on this warm bright holiday
I want to give you my mandate:
Live in joy and happiness
And cherish every day.
Take care of goodness and tenderness,
Let the world not leave home.
Overcome all obstacles
Learn to forgive nonsense
Then get a reward
Harmony and grace.
Only people are looking for a miracle
Not everyone can find it.
I wish you my dear ones
Protect love all the way!

For your happiness, a new family,
We raise a glass today,
Tolerance, love, victories,
We wish you from our hearts!
You are our children, our everything
And we will be with you forever,
We will always help you in everything
We love you very dearly.
We wish you to drown in love,
We wish you enjoy life,
We wish you to go your way,
You have no doubts about each other!

Funny and funny

Laughter and fun saves you in the most stressful moments. A wedding is not only an exciting holiday, but also a joyful event. Let's not let our hearts soften under the storms of emotions. Let's fill the moments with funny jokes.

Let's cheer up ourselves and the young. Funny wedding toasts can help relieve stress. Let a series of funny jokes dry the tears on the faces of family and friends. Let's fill the ceremonial hall with smiles and joyful exclamations.

Let's drink to the mathematics of family life: to the addition, thanks to which a married couple was formed; for subtracting both from the number of bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all sorrows and difficulties in half; for multiplying your kind by having children! For the young!

And I, friends, want to say that
Our heart is home
A house with four walls.
All corners in it are welcoming, warm,
There is a light of happiness in it!
How magnificent he is!
And the first corner is the life of love,
The second is the restless babbling of children,
And the third - relatives, colleagues and friends,
In the fourth - grandparents were called.
With all my heart I wish
So that your corners are not empty!

That's all: goodbye, freedom!
Ringed now
For two - one income,
Both the chair and the door are common.
I wish you spouses:
Be together forever
To miss each other
But together - never.

Be healthy, live richly,
As much as your salary will allow you.
But know: the salary is always not enough,
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
You have twice as many parents,
Love them dearly, stay longer.
Do not be afraid of booties, do not be afraid of diapers,
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.
If children get bored with parents,
Throw them to the grandmothers - they will educate.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that there is no marriage from your marriage!

The secret of a successful marriage lies in one folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but as long as possible! That is - you drive quieter, you will continue! So let's drink to the leisurely young people!

Friends! I suggest a drink to a kiss! After all, a man invented it, since he did not find any other way to close a woman's mouth. Bitterly!

It is said that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. So let's drink so that our young people do not know in life either headaches or heart pains!

An exemplary wife will never reprimand her husband for oversalted eggs, and an exemplary husband will always pretend not to notice his wife hammering in a nail. So let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our happy newlyweds!

Short congratulations in your own words

Speaking on your own is very exciting. Not all of us are proficient in public speaking. In the presence of a huge number of people, it is easy to get confused and miss the most important words. It is easier to cope with emotions for those who can improvise and quickly fill in semantic voids.

Everyone else will be helped out by a little cheat sheet - a greeting card. It will be a reminder for the guest and a little surprise for the newlyweds.

Lush speeches in poetry are always beautiful. But how many people know how to put together poems? Why not congratulate the young in your own words? After all, if you happen to be at this holiday, you clearly have something to say.

A selection of examples will give you direction for your train of thought. Wish sincerely and with all your heart. What parting words can you give on this day? Promise the young people friendship and mutual respect. Wish them to comprehend the wisdom of family life and achieve complete harmony in a relationship.

Our dear newlyweds! We all know that good fairy tales always end with a wedding. So let your wedding be just the beginning of a tale of endless love and extraordinary fidelity.

The wedding day is the beginning of a joint journey. You have zeroed out your experience today. In the future, the quality and content of life with events depends only on you. Save those feelings and respect for each other that led you to today.

Dear guests, I invite you to raise your glasses to our wonderful young people and wish them an easy and long family journey, pleasant moments and happy events! Henceforth and forever, you live in joy, harmony and love.

Today we are celebrating the creation of a new family. It is said that happiness in marriage is achieved through mutual concessions. So let's drink to the young people to be wise enough and patient with each other. For the harmony of your union.

I want to raise my glass to the new family, to their happiness and love. I wish you harmony, mutual respect, understanding and boundless happiness. Let idyll, prosperity and joy reign in your home.

They say that happy people are happy because they think about what they have. And the unfortunate ones think about what they don't have. I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds, so that they always think that they have each other, and this would fill them with happiness!

The wisdom of the ages says that parents take care of their daughter until the crown. And the husband must take care of his wife to the end. I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds. Let them take care of each other all their lives. And let their children take for themselves an example of this care and tenderness!

In childhood, when we were read fairy tales, they ended with the Prince marrying the Princess, and what happened next is unknown. Let's raise our glasses to make your family life magical and inspire storytellers.

Wedding toasts from witnesses

Witnesses are some of the most important guests at a wedding. It is not for nothing that they are chosen from among the best friends. Much has been passed and experienced together. This is also a very exciting moment for them.

Now they will have to let their boyfriend or girlfriend go on a different voyage. Family life will take most of the attention. Get-togethers with friends won't be as frequent as they used to be. The newlyweds are waiting for the stage of getting used to and grinding. All their attention will be focused on each other.

Friends should be there at the right time. They will not split into opposing camps, but approach the issue with understanding. Your support will come in handy for a newly-made husband and wife more than once. Try not to interfere with their relationship, remain bystanders. And in any situation, take a course towards reconciliation.

The witnesses have a lot to tell about their friends, but you shouldn't be too frank on this day. Highlight the importance of the event. Raise a toast to the young. For their endless loyalty, friendship and love.

The day has come when you no longer know what to do - to be happy, or to be sad. On the one hand, everyone understands that we are losing our unmarried comrade, and on the other hand, we are gaining a responsible person, as well as a serious family man. So let's drink to the fact that from whatever side the groom himself does not look at it, he has neither sadness nor regret in his soul. For your wedding day, friend!

Always wondered why on the day of the wedding the bride is dressed in white and the groom in black? And only now I found the answer to my question. It is difficult to imagine something brighter than the happiness of the bride, as well as strict and responsible, than the dark suit of the groom. So let's raise our glasses for our groom, who today personifies the responsibility before life's choices!

On this happy day, allow us, as your witnesses, to congratulate you. Create with your own hands the most magical, kind and better world in which there will be a place for simple family happiness. Make everyone around you take an example from your family. Family well-being and happiness.

Today, you and I have become witnesses of the union concluded between two loving hearts, which have merged into one whole, and now they will beat together for the rest of their lives, without breaking away from each other! We all know that for a rather long time of our acquaintance (the names of the newlyweds) managed to exchange love confessions more than once, today they have secured their words with rings. I would like to wish that the fate that united their lives would not leave our newlyweds in the future, giving them only pleasant surprises! Happiness and love to you, my friends!

For your new family
Today I drink with joy
I wish you to live without troubles,
I wish you long, long years!
I wish you to live in abundance,
You will soon give birth to babies,
To always make you happy
So that there is a strong family.
So that you do not know troubles and evil,
For love to live in hearts
I wish you earthly blessings, good,
Always be happy!

For your life to work out,
For love to always live
For not knowing quarrels and troubles,
For this, I will drink to the dregs!
To make adversity recede
So that you can handle everything,
So that you appreciate each other,
I want to wish you happiness!
For the wedding, for love, for joy,
For your future children,
For dreams to come true
So that there is no sadness, gray days!

Congratulations on your wedding,
We wish you peace and love.
Let your long journey light up
Good luck and heat lights.
Let children's laughter ring in the apartment
Let the house be a full cup
Well, love, warmth and happiness
They will settle forever in it.

Wise toast-instructions

On the day when the young are united by marriage, they do not just celebrate their unity, they also pay tribute to tradition. A wedding is a ritual, the laws of which were written by more than one generation. Reading wise instructions from older and more experienced companions to young people has long been part of the festive action.

The parable is mesmerizing. It makes you ponder the meaning, find a grain of reason among long speeches. Wise instructions are a good lesson. They help to feel the situation, evaluate the event that has not yet happened, draw conclusions in advance and, possibly, avoid mistakes in the future.

The whole audience is interested in toasts in the form of a parable. Everyone wants to wait for the ending of the story. Such congratulations are always fresh, interesting and relevant. Share your thoughts with the audience. Reward their attention with an unexpected ending.

A wedding is a great event in the fate of two people. Young on this day are reborn to a new life. And in those moments, they need support from warm words more than ever. Help them start their bright path beautifully. Shower the young with wishes and blessings. And may this day be the beginning of their new happy journey.

One woman complained in confession that her married life was unsuccessful, that she and her husband were indifferent to each other, often quarreled, were not sensitive, and that her husband was cheating on her. The priest asked her:
- Do you like flowers?
- Yes!
- What would you do if a beautiful houseplant began to wither away?
- I would water it carefully, change the land every six months, add fertilizer from time to time, put the flower where there is more light.
- It's the same with married life: it is a flower that requires care, attention, affection, care, compliments, kisses. And a woman, remembering that a man loves with his eyes, must also be smart, attractive, well-combed, neatly dressed.
Let's drink to the wisdom of wives who strengthen, not destroy, conjugal love!

Imagine a huge, endless sea on which a man is sailing in a boat. Sometimes the sun shines and the sea is calm - a person can rest. But more often the sea is worried, steep dangerous waves run in, sea monsters swim nearby - and a person so wants to go to a quiet harbor, where it is light and warm from the care and participation of loved ones.
So let's drink to the newly formed family and wish them a long and successful sailing on the waves of the sea of ​​life! Bitterly!

A man asks God:
- Lord! Why did you create women so beautiful and so stupid at the same time?
- Beautiful - so that you men can love them. And stupid - so that they can love you men. If a woman is beautiful and intelligent, it is, of course, difficult for her to fall in love with a man. This man must be exceptional. This is our groom.
Let's drink to our exceptional groom and smart, beautiful bride!

One ruler was asked:
- How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
- When I am angry, then my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a miniature state. My toast is to keep peace and tranquility in your family in this way!

Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to give them wise advice at the same time: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare a kind word for them. Come closer to them and bow down to them, as they used to say in the old days. After all, the young man works with his hands, and the old one - the mind gives. Apply parenting to your mind - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding between parents and newlyweds!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, arguments, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful, light and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life depends on your prudence and consent, dear newlyweds! So do not let everyday trifles spoil the main happiness and joy in your life. For your happiness, newlyweds!

I congratulate the newlyweds on the fact that from now on their union is sealed with oaths and symbolic rings. An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry. This is a sign for everyone else that in the heart of the wearer lives love, the same endless and revolving around one person, like a strip of metal from which a ring is made, put on a finger. And a relationship with a loved one is precious and noble, like the metal of the ring. Let us drink to the mutual strong love of the newlyweds, to its infinity!