What do "Caesaryat" differ from "natural natures"? How are Caesharita differ from ordinary newborn children? Children after cesarean sections: pros and cons, features of development, distinctive features, consequences. Physical and psychological features of Caesareat -

Cesarean section is an operation, during which the baby is extracted through a cut in the uterus. These births are sometimes called artificial, since doctors help mothers to make a child into light by surgical intervention. In some cases, this operation is the only way out of successful outcome for the mother and child, but there are also cases when women simply ask to make Caesarean to avoid prolonged painful childbirth. Society has long decided to produce myths on this score, raising discussions on whether caesarean cross section can be dangerous? Here are 5 main myths!

Myth 1. "Caesaryat" - hyperactive children

It should be said that Cesarean could be the cause of the child's hyperactivity (violation of attention, increased activity), but not always! First, these problems may not be at all, but, secondly, if the child is really hyperactive, then with the right treatment and care, you can also cope with this.

Myth 2. "Caesareans" need special development programs

In most cases, such children are developing absolutely normal. Of course, due to the fact that they are born with the help of surgery, doctors should be more vigilant, so such kids are often put on the pediatrician and neuropathologist, but this is just a precautionary measure. As a rule, if a child has a delay in development, several factors affect this, and not just a cesarean section.

Myth 3. "Caesaryat" is lagging behind in physical development

In this case, several factors may result in problems with physical development: the first breath in the kid comes later, sometimes there is an ingreed waters in the respiratory tract, and due to anesthesia, a negative impact on the nervous system may occur. In fact, all this does not mean at all that the child will definitely lag in development, no! Such kids belong to the risk group in growth and weight. Whether the child has a problem, it also depends on whether the planned was Cesarean or emergency, because in the second version the body is unprepared, which increases the risk. But does not make it one hundred percent!

Myth 4. "Caesaryat" more often cry

During natural genera, the child is experiencing a huge stress that allows you to be activated by various hormones and neuro-physiological processes. This allows you to make a psyche more stable and adapted, while children born with the help of cesarean sections are not experiencing such stress, so their nervous system is in the oppressed state. This can lead to various problems in this area, but this is only a risk factor, and not a prerequisite!

Myth 5. After the operation, Mom will not be milk, so the child will develop worse

In the course of the research, it turned out that at the "Caesaryat" the state of the brain is normalized by 9-10 days after childbirth, while in the children born in a natural way, it happens on the first day. Sometimes, after the operation of Cesarean in women, the lactation process is broken, so there is really no milk in the chest. There is also a possibility that even in the presence of milk they can not be fed, because the mother is prescribed strong antibiotics, which cannot be transferred to the child to the body. Breastfeeding has a positive effect on the development of the child, so much more useful when the mother is really able to feed the baby on their own.

Caeshard children - special or develop in the same way as natural works? How are they to bring them up?

In order to deal with the controversies of kids, you need to carefully consider the delivery process, evaluate what and how affects newborns.

When they pass through the generic paths, they gradually adapt to the action of atmospheric pressure, get lactobacilli that protect the baby from pathogens.

Caesarean secession leads to the fact that the child is sharply immersed in an unfamiliar environment. At the same time, it is under the action of anesthetics. All this makes it possible to draw conclusions that the kaester children may have diseases of neurological and respiratory systems. Microcharging to the brain is possible.

In addition, in children a normal intestinal microflora is formed longer, therefore the risk of allergic food reactions is great.

Another unpleasant consequence is. If the moms of children born naturally are rarely faced with this, then with kaester children, everything is different. They can suffer several hours, do not sleep at night and not give rest to the whole family. The kid shouts and crying, bends his legs - and little helps.

Caeshard feeds worse and gain weight with great difficulty. True, in this situation there are exceptions.

What is the difference between the kaesaryat children?

It is believed that childbirth naturally must lay:

  • dedication
  • the desire to solve difficult tasks
  • skill wait
  • patience and psychological susceptibility of pain.

Features of children-click

  • fear of change,
  • scattered attention
  • aggressiveness,
  • anxiety,
  • apathetics
  • detachment
  • soreness
  • low self-esteem,
  • hyperactivity syndrome,
  • uninforcement
  • reduced or distorted ability to love
  • the desire to become the center of attention in the family,
  • bad stress resistance
  • understated self-preservation instinct.

The nightmares are shooting more often, in which all fears, experiences are embodied, especially hidden at the unconscious level.

That is why after delivery, even made by Caesarean section, a newborn today in good clinics lay out on the chest or give a father who was present during childbirth. Contact with parents allows the psychological level to smooth out the moment of the child's oscillation sharply and unexpectedly from Mom.

Mama is a note: after childbirth it is important to establish psycho-emotional contact. To do this, longer canteen, sleep with the child. Even if you think that the child must sleep in his crib, for the sake of psychological health of the kid will follow this principle. The baby is important to feel that mom is near, what he needed and love.

Breastfeeding stop as possible as possible.

How to bring up a closer?

Education and development of artificials should be special. It is important to prevent the child so and carry all the lives of fears and complexes from early childhood. In this regard, the site for mothers site proposes to take into account the features of children-click and prevent the development of certain character traits.

Fear of change may in the future prevent a person.

Start the grains to crick it. To do this, you do not need to move to a new place every month. It is enough to make rearrangements in the apartment or walk to walk not only on the same playground. At the same time, closely follow the kid reacts to change. Promote all the newest emotions to all positive emotions in the son or daughter.

Quickly praise. Let me understand that you love him and are very glad that you have it. Only in the desire to do it better not to harm. Scold, too, sometimes necessary, but very neatly, the most tactful. Never criticize it personally, but indicate that in some situation it turned out to be wrong.

Anyway, almost everything is different than the quiester's children differ, directly or indirectly connected with the generic process. Therefore, the simplest and more fun, which can make mom, so to play with the baby, thereby laying the development of the necessary qualities.

  • Perform a massage gently stroking your head and shoulders. This mimics the generic process.
  • Play with the child when it becomes older, in spies, for example. Roll into the pipe carpet and offer to crawl. It will simulate the process of passing through the generic ways and will help him win the victory, which he lost on the first day of his life.

However, you need to understand the main thing. No matter how much the child has, on his character and behavior, other factors are in many ways. And if the doctor said that it would be necessary to make a caesarean section, do not worry that the child will become "somehow not so." The operation began to do not yesterday.

Remember the Great Roman Caesar commander. History says that this is the case, artificially, he appeared on this light. And the result is a strong, brave and brave, known to millions!

Adjust your child regardless of how he came to this world. And the love, care and attention of the parents deserve all: and natural archives, and Kaesaryat's children.

Photobank Lori

In the old days, people believed that the children who avoided the first difficulties during childbirth, grow more volitional, strong. The newest studies of scientists talk about the opposite. During birth, the so-called "laying" of such personal qualities, as the courage, the strength of the Spirit, the ability to soberly assess the situation and find the right way out of it, to set them tasks and achieve their implementation. In a child born with the help of cesarean section, these traits of character are nervous. Parents will have to stimulate their formation in the process of growing up.

It is believed that the Caesareans are peculiar to the Caesaris (as a child, they cry for any occasion), scattered, anxiety and excessive impulsiveness, hot temper. European psychologists associate this with the fact that the children "have not mastered" the stage of battles in the process of birth. So children, by the way, more often than born naturally, are diagnosed (SGDV).

Caesarkee is difficult to overcome vital difficulties. And the point is not that it is from nature devoid of abilities. Just it frightened the need to master some new skills. Moreover, the baby is not interested in achieving a positive result, he lacks curiosity and the desire to experience his strength.

Cesarean section cannot, of course, do not affect the physical health of the newborn. Coming to the world, in addition to his will and, as they say, with the "black entrance", the child immediately faces a new habitat. At the same time, the baby is sharply separated from the mother, cut the umbilical cord. But mom is reliable protection and calm, security guarantor for a newborn. After Cesarean, the sections of children, as a rule, is not, and after a minute "dating", we carry in boxing for newborns. Mom and her baby are forced to spend several days in separation, as she needs to recover. But this is the first, the most stressful days for the newborn!

By passing the stage of passing by the generic paths, the baby deprives the possibility of physiologically adapt to our world: gradually adapt to atmospheric pressure and get from the mother "portion" of bacteria that will contribute to development and. They are often diagnosed with immaturity and low life expectancy of neutrophils, leukocytes - they are necessary to protect the body from viruses and harmful bacteria. Leukocytes contribute to the restoration of tissues after injuries.

Caesaryat has more often observed the pathology of the nervous system. Doctors diagnose them to reduce cortisol production, hormone responsible for the body's reaction to stress, and thyroid hormones. This is due to the fact that endotracheal anesthesia was chosen as an anesthesia. Although these days it is used extremely rare.

I had an emergency Cesarean. My daughter is already 1 year old and 1 month - already learns to talk phrases, went for 11 months. And, in general, who came up with this myth, what are Caesaryat, differ from children born naturally?! Nonsense!

There may also begin problems from the respiratory system. They are mainly due to the fact that due to the sharp extraction of the mother's womb, the infant respiratory authorities could not be cleaned of the fruit fluid. In this regard, the risk of developing pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases is increasing. For example, the likelihood of asthma at Caesaryat is 20% higher. It is proved that some anesthetizing drugs used during operational delivery are able to slow down the launch of the respiratory system.

Cesarean section leads to a delay in the formation of intestinal microflora. The child may have problems digesting food, develop.

Nevertheless, in most cases, after a month, cesarocks on the assessment of physiological health are not different from babies born naturally.

There is much more difficult things with psychological health. For the baby, born through Cesarean section, closely close relationship with her mother is extremely important, because at the time of birth he suffered attention and care for mom. For these children, it is especially important to keep breastfeeding as long as possible. From the first days of the joint stay of the infant need to talk about his love. Do not doubt, the baby hears these confessions, feels, and they are very important to him. As much as possible tactile communication: make it a daily massage, hug. Even pediatricians, speaking of Caesaris, allow mom to sleep together with a child. In a word, do not miss love, do not be afraid to make a baby too soft and weak-precious - as you grow up to remind you. But in the first year of life, Mamina tenderness and warmth are vital.

The distribution of cesarean section in medical practice is due to the fact that for the mother of the cesarean cross section is perceived as a lightweight type of childbirth. In the US, more than 60% of childbirth pass through the cesarean section. Psychologists claim that the moment of the passage of the generic paths helps the child build further life more confidently and independently. In children born naturally, such qualities are noted as perseverance when achieving goals, patience, the normative thresholds of sensitivity are formed, especially with regard to temperature and pain, children are more independent and confident.

The dangers of Cesarean section

Intervention in the natural course of the flow of labor leads to a collection of hormonal work and a surgical incision increases the time to restore forces after delivery. In ancient Greece, there was a myth that children after cesarean section show such qualities as fearlessness, authority and strength of the Spirit. Translated from Latin means "royal childbirth." It is worth noting that in history there are many examples of birth with the help of cesarean sections of famous people. Julius Caesar, emperors and commander and royal blood people were born with the help of cesarean sections. In a Greek legend, God Apollo helped his son Asclepia, the god of his healing, exactly the cesarean section.

According to London psychologists, in children after cesarean section, fears of change are noted, strong pending, manifestation of hot tempering and anxiety, as well as a tendency to reassess their own forces and situations - the overall depression of the nervous system leads to scattered attention, reduce the level of self-control. In 83% of cases, Caesaryat is noted disorders of behavior in the form of attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity.

Surgical intervention should be used only by appointing a doctor when natural labor can lead to loss of a child or threaten the lives of the mother. The priority of natural childbirth should be understood every woman, because only so the child gradually adapts to the action of atmospheric pressure, frees from the fruit fluid, obtains the lactobacilli you need, which contribute to the protection of microbes.

What do you need to know about the upbringing Caesareat?

Features Caesareat are that they are disturbed by adaptive reactions, which leads to the development of neurological and respiratory pathology, but in some cases and to food allergies. Physiologists revealed that the child falls asleep before childbirth, and in its body there is preparation for pressure drop.

Children after cesarean sections need special attention and special care!

The introduction of painkillers should be discussed before the birth of a child, because after artificial genera, special events are provided for each child. It is necessary to conduct classes on health promotion, massage, wiping, and take care, affection and love. When conducting cesarean section under the influence of epidural anesthesia, the female can be observed for the birth of a child. For Caesareat, it is necessary to increase the wave time, later to start walking, and start an adaptation bathing. Try not to postpone sit down in a separate bed, as they most need mom.

Features Caesareat are that they need to help get used to changes, and for this it is worth it to make a permutation in the house and moving will be more useful for them. Make changes to the menu, in the usual mode of the day of new impressions and positive emotions. As the child's develops, enter the list of home games - role-playing games, where the role of small and harmless characters would be performed by your child. Also, the positive effect will have the game "Mother's daughter", in which parents play the role of children, and the role of an adult goes to the child. This will help to form confidence in behavior, develop speech and thinking, and most importantly, will teach constructive social interaction. It is important, playing with the child, to keep the position of the parent, raising and helping him.

Try to praise any successes of your child, noting its contribution and effort when reaching the goal.

The choice between the caesarean secting and natural childbirth makes every woman, the main thing is that the decision-making was conscious and did not have to regret it. Nature helps a woman, so when you observe doctors, you should not be afraid of childbirth, because this is a natural function for each woman.