Why female alcoholism is terrible. Effects. Causes, symptoms, stages and methods of treatment for female alcohol winter

It is customary to call female alcoholism a psycho-narcological disease caused by the excessive craving of women to drink alcohol and causing damage to both internal organs and the brain.

It is known that women, although traditionally called the weaker sex, are much more resilient than men. They tolerate diseases more easily, adapt more quickly to various changes in life. However, female alcoholism turns out to be much more terrible than male alcoholism.

There are several reasons that can lead a woman to alcohol dependence:

  • Complexities of the social plan. These are problems at work, and material difficulties, and inadequate upbringing or education, and an unsatisfactory social situation.
  • Emotional problems. Changes in life can cause deep feelings (for example, separation or death of a loved one).
  • Drinking environment.
  • Boredom.
  • Inability to start a family or have a child.
  • A high position in a production related to the production or sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • Climax and related problems.
  • The presence of mental or nervous diseases. Dependence on someone else's opinion.
  • Prostitution and crime.

If any of these problems arise, a woman looks for a remedy that makes it possible to quickly distract herself, and finds it in alcohol.

Female alcoholism is much more terrible than male alcoholism, this is due to a number of factors:

Symptoms of female alcoholism

As already mentioned, female alcoholism is very dangerous, so it is necessary to know the signs of this disease in order to suppress it at an early stage.

Female alcoholism is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Constant desire for a drink for any reason.
  • Negative attitude towards comments about drinking.
  • Increasing the dose of alcohol.
  • Loss of interest in previous hobbies.
  • Closure and the emergence of relationships with drinking people.
  • Behavior change: hysteria, foul language, rudeness.
  • Decreased intelligence, lack of self-criticism.
  • Changing attitudes towards work, spending all available funds to purchase alcohol.
  • Alone drinking.
  • The appearance of puffiness and blueness of the face.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen, which is explained by the development of cirrhosis.
  • Limb tremor.

The severity of the listed symptoms depends on the stage of the disease. At the same time, they gradually overlap each other.

An important sign of alcoholism in women is the gradual disappearance of the gag reflex, which is explained by a decrease in the excitability of the vomiting center of the brain.

Treatment of alcoholism in women is associated with the stage of the disease, there are three of them in total:

Treatment of female alcoholism

Coping with alcohol dependence is much more difficult for women than for men. This is due to both physiological and psychological factors. On the one hand, dependence in women develops much faster, and on the other hand, the attitude of society towards an alcoholic woman is much worse than towards a man. The treatment will be the same - giving up alcohol and replacing old values ​​with new ones.

The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be. It should be noted that any methods will be successful only if the patient herself wishes to get rid of the addiction. In this case, the support of loved ones is very important.

Treatment for alcoholism can go in two directions: and psychotherapy.

Drug treatment is of the following types:

  • Use of funds necessary for detoxification and restoration of liver function.
  • Application of chemical protection means (aversive therapy). The purpose of such treatment is to induce a persistent alcohol intolerance in the patient. The patient is injected into the body with a substance that, when taking alcohol, causes extremely unpleasant sensations. The disadvantage of this technique is that the cause of alcoholism does not disappear.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is aimed at understanding the patient's causes of alcoholism, overcoming addiction, the emergence of new attitudes towards a sober and happy life. To implement such a therapy, autogenic training (self-hypnosis) and hypnosuggestational psychotherapy are used.

Each of the methods should be used sequentially and in stages, while selecting it individually.

Consequences for the woman's body

As already mentioned, female alcoholism develops very quickly and the negative effect it exerts on the patient's body manifests itself much earlier than in men in a similar situation.

Alcohol dependence causes multiple and almost irreversible changes in a woman's body:

  • Venereal diseases. Under the influence of alcohol, the patient's behavior changes, it becomes cheeky. For such women, promiscuous sex life is becoming the norm.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. The data of medical research shows that the function of the gonads is preserved only in 10% of alcoholics. In the rest, ovarian tissue degenerates into adipose tissue, which leads to an irreversible loss of fertility.
  • Change in appearance. Almost complete disappearance of adipose tissue is observed. Arms, legs, shoulders lose their inherent smoothness and become overly muscular.
  • Irreversible aging of the body. The appearance of early gray hair, loss of or damage to the teeth.
  • Mental disorders. In women suffering from alcohol dependence, character changes. They become hysterical, selfish and aggressive. The result of alcoholism is dementia and personality degradation, which occur much earlier than in men.

Alcoholism and pregnancy

Alcoholism has an extremely negative impact on pregnancy. Conception while intoxicated can provoke both minor and severe organic damage to the fetus.

Taking alcoholic beverages while waiting for a child leads to the formation of a whole complex of vices in an unborn baby. Doctors distinguish a special syndrome - AFP (fetal alcohol syndrome), which is characterized by congenital abnormalities in the development of the heart, genitals, disorders of the central nervous system, child's lag in development, height and weight.

Alcohol also passes into breast milk. Children of alcoholics may experience "infantile alcohol dependence syndrome."

Female alcoholism is much more dangerous than male alcoholism, which is why you need not to fence yourself off from the problems of your loved ones, but to support them in a difficult situation. And at the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of alcohol dependence, appropriate measures should be taken immediately, since delay can lead to irreversible results.

Female alcoholism is an urgent problem of modern society. According to various studies, the number of women with this disease in a chronic form in the Russian Federation is 15 percent of the total female population.

The main problem of female alcoholism

The key problem of female drunkenness is that this disease develops in women in a shorter time than in men. The rapid development of alcohol dependence is facilitated by a number of features of the female body.

The reasons for the rapid development of alcoholism in women are:
  • increased susceptibility to stress;
  • reduced ability of the body to process alcohol;
  • lower percentage of water in the body;
  • higher absorbability of ethanol in some situations;
  • peculiarities of alcohol consumption by women.
Increased susceptibility to stress
The female psyche is more vulnerable in comparison with the male. This feature leads to the fact that the fairer sex is more sensitive to stress. Depression in women is more prolonged and often becomes chronic. One of the methods of dealing with stress for women is alcohol. Due to its effects, alcohol allows you to get rid of a depressive mood for a short time. But subsequently, acetaldehyde (a breakdown product of alcohol) provokes a number of negative mental health changes. As a result, depression is exacerbated after drinking. A vicious circle is being formed.

Decreased ability of the body to process alcohol
The female body processes alcohol worse than the male for the following reasons:

  • less enzyme that breaks down alcohol;
  • decreased blood flow to the liver and spleen;
  • weak excretory function;
  • reduced blood-brain barrier.
The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for the breakdown of alcohol after it enters the body. In the male body, this substance contains twice as much as in the female body. As a result, intoxication in women occurs faster, and the toxic effect of ethanol is more pronounced.
Another feature of the female body that impairs the process of alcohol detoxification is slower blood flow to the liver and spleen. Because of this, the consequences of drinking alcohol appear faster and more vividly, and damage to these organs develops in a shorter time than in men.
The excretory function of the skin and kidneys in women is significantly lower than in men. This slows down the process of elimination of alcohol breakdown products from the body, as a result of which alcohol dependence in women forms much faster.
The blood-brain barrier (protection of the nervous system from chemical and other harmful agents) is weaker in women than in men. For this reason, alcohol penetrates neurons faster and destroys them. Therefore, negative changes in the nervous system are diagnosed in women at earlier stages of alcoholism.

Lower percentage of water in the body
On average, the proportion of water in a man's body is 60 percent of the total body weight. For women, this figure is 10 percent less. This leads to the fact that with an equal amount of alcohol consumed, intoxication in the female sex occurs faster.

Higher absorbability of ethanol in some situations
Hormonal changes in the body before the onset of menstruation in many women provoke a deterioration in mood, depression, and nervousness. Often, the fairer sex is trying to cope with this condition with the help of alcohol. The situation is complicated by the fact that alcohol consumption in the premenstrual period causes a faster and more pronounced intoxication. This happens because before the onset of menstruation, the absorption function of the stomach increases.

Features of alcohol consumption by women
One of the distinguishing characteristics of female alcoholism is its secretiveness. A man who abuses alcohol is not as strongly condemned by modern society as a woman who drinks. Therefore, most often female representatives drink alone. For a long time, those around her are unaware of a woman's attachment to alcohol. As a result, medical care is delivered with a delay, which greatly complicates treatment.

Signs of alcoholism in women

Signs of alcohol addiction in women are changes in their appearance, behavior patterns, and relationships with others. Also, the fact that the disease is progressing is evidenced by the dependence of the emotional state on the drunk alcohol. A change in the body's reaction to alcohol consumed is also a symptom of alcoholism.

Signs of alcoholism in a woman include:

  • increased craving for alcohol;
  • loss of control over the volume of alcohol consumed;
  • decreased protective reaction to alcohol;
  • change in appearance;
  • change in behavioral patterns.
Increased craving for alcohol
One of the first and main symptoms of developing alcoholism is an increased craving for alcoholic beverages. To justify the desire to drink, a woman finds various excuses, which are often irrelevant. The reason for drinking alcohol can be a minor incident at work or at home, the purchase of something, or just a bad mood. In the absence of an opportunity to drink, a woman becomes irritable, nervous, whiny. Drinking alcohol can improve your mood for a while, distract yourself from worries and become more optimistic.

Loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed
The initial stages of female alcoholism are characterized by the use of low alcohol drinks (wine, liqueur, fruit liqueurs). To improve her mood, a woman needs a few glasses of the drink. As you get used to it, the body stops responding to such volumes of alcohol. Therefore, in order to achieve the required state (euphoria, joy), a woman begins to increase the amount of alcohol. Taste preferences also change, a woman switches from wine or other light drinks to vodka, cognac, whiskey. The quality of alcohol also changes with the development of the disease. If at first a woman prefers more expensive drinks, then later aging, taste and other quality characteristics cease to play an important role. The main criteria for the alcohol consumed are its strength and availability.

Decreased defense response to alcohol
Large doses of alcohol can cause severe intoxication and death. Therefore, healthy people have a protective reaction, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting with excessive alcohol consumption. As alcoholism develops, a person begins to get used to ethanol and its shock doses are no longer recognized by the body as a poison. Therefore, one of the symptoms of this disease is the loss of the gag reflex when the standard alcohol rate is exceeded.

Change in appearance
Manifestations of alcoholism in women from the outside are:

  • change of voice;
  • pathological growth of the hairline;
  • premature aging of the skin;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the hair on the head;
  • the presence of traces of burst blood vessels on the face;
  • lack of body fat.
With the development of alcoholism in a woman's body, hormonal changes occur. As a result, her voice becomes harsher. Hair may also begin to grow in areas that are not typical for the female body (back, chest, face).
The systematic use of alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. This leads to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, the muscles lose their tone. These changes are especially pronounced on the face of a drinking woman. Deficiency of vitamins provokes a deterioration in the condition of the hairline on the head. Hair begins to fall out, becomes dull and lifeless.

One of the symptoms of female alcoholism is dark red spots on the nose and other areas of the face. This is due to constant oxygen starvation of blood vessels and mass death of red blood cells when drinking alcohol.
The breakdown of adipose tissue is another symptom of female alcoholism. The figure of an alcoholic loses its characteristic outlines for a woman, becomes masculine.

Behavioral change
Alcohol has a negative impact not only on the physiological, but also on the psycho-emotional aspects of the personality. In a sober state, a woman suffering from alcoholism is characterized by increased nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability. When drinking alcohol, she becomes too active, talks loudly, laughs at inappropriate and "flat" jokes.
Under the influence of alcohol, a person's priorities and values ​​change. A drinking woman stops spending time with her family, work, and hobbies. At the same time, she easily finds a common language with strangers who share her addiction to alcohol. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is a common sign of female alcohol dependence.

The consequences of alcoholism in women

The consequences of systematic alcohol consumption for a woman are manifested by various diseases. Alcohol has a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Also, alcoholism damages the social status of women and leads to severe degradation.

The consequences of female alcoholism are:

  • liver and kidney damage;
  • disorders of the nervous system and psyche;
  • various diseases of internal organs;
  • problems of the genital area and impaired reproductive function;
  • loss of social status.
Liver and kidney damage
The size of the female liver is much smaller than the male, and the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, this organ produces much less in women than in men. This leads to the fact that liver damage in female alcoholism occurs in a shorter period and is more pronounced. The most common pathologies are fatty liver disease, hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Alcohol has a negative effect on the functionality of the kidneys and adrenal glands. The consequences of alcoholism include such pathological processes as the formation of kidney stones, inflammation, and the development of malignant tumors. Often, alcohol abuse provokes a disease such as alcoholic nephropathy. This disease is manifested by high blood pressure (slightly), the presence of protein and blood in the urine, edema on the face. If untreated, alcoholic nephropathy becomes chronic, which can lead to kidney failure.

Disorders of the nervous system and psyche

Nerve cells are most susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol. According to the testimony of pathologists (doctors performing an autopsy), the brain of women suffering from alcoholism becomes scarred, the convolutions are smoothed, and the frontal lobes atrophy. Particularly vulnerable are those parts of the brain that control thought processes, memory, speech, logic. Intellectual abilities decrease, it becomes difficult for a woman to construct complex sentences, and speech becomes primitive. Previously acquired skills are lost, and there is no motivation to acquire new knowledge. All this leads to personality degradation.
Alcoholic psychoses are a common consequence of female alcoholism. Auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions and other disorders of consciousness lead to the fact that a woman becomes dangerous to society. Often, such people inflict themselves (in some cases, their loved ones) various injuries, make attempts at suicide.

Various diseases of internal organs
Alcohol causes complex damage to all organs and systems of the female body.

The consequences of alcoholism for women are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. One of the common diseases among alcoholics is alcoholic cardiomyopathy (damage to the heart muscle, as a result of which its ability to contract is lost).
  • Diseases of the pancreas. Alcohol increases the outflow of bile and causes a spasm of the ducts of this organ, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Stomach pathology. Ethanol destroys the gastric mucosa, as a result of which drinking women often suffer from gastritis.
  • Diseases of the blood. With the systematic use of alcohol, the qualitative composition of the blood is disturbed. Often, alcoholics develop hemolytic anemia due to the death of red blood cells.
Genital problems and reproductive dysfunction
Under the influence of alcohol, a woman's morality decreases, which leads to promiscuous intimate relationships without observance of sexual hygiene. Often, the fairer sex, addicted to alcohol, become infected with various sexually transmitted diseases. As alcoholism progresses, libido decreases, a woman loses interest in men due to frigidity.
Pathological changes also occur in the structure of the genital organs. The function of the ovaries is weakened, and mutations occur in the eggs produced. All this leads to the fact that the reproductive function weakens, and eventually fades away completely. If a woman becomes pregnant, alcoholism often provokes miscarriages, stillbirth or premature babies. Children of alcoholic mothers are often born with various physiological and mental disabilities.

Loss of social status
The social consequences of female alcoholism are more pronounced in comparison with male addiction. The systematic use of alcohol leads to the fact that a woman quickly loses her professional skills. The level of responsibility for one's own actions also decreases. Tardiness, absenteeism, misconduct, and serious mistakes in the workplace all lead to job loss. Left without a livelihood, many drunken women go to the breaking of the law. The loss of moral standards, combined with a lack of material resources, often lead to begging, theft, and prostitution.

Features of the treatment of female alcoholism

Features of treatment of alcohol dependence in women are based on the difference between male and female drunkenness. The female psyche is more vulnerable, therefore, alcoholism in women most often develops against the background of psychoemotional factors. Divorce or problems in personal life, lack of professional fulfillment and other similar circumstances provoke a desire to relax and escape from problems with the help of alcohol. With these points in mind, combating female alcoholism should combine medication and psychotherapy. Since women are more dependent on the opinions of others, therapy should also include working with family members.

Child and adolescent alcoholism

Child and adolescent alcoholism is a disease characterized by the emergence of an addiction to alcoholic beverages and dependence on them on the mental and physical levels.
Not every child or adolescent who drinks alcohol is diagnosed with alcoholism. In children’s narcology, alcohol use is divided into three main types.

The types of alcohol consumption by children and adolescents are:

  • experimental use;
  • occasional use;
  • systematic use.

Experimental use is said to be when a child or adolescent only tastes alcohol once or twice.
Occasional use is considered if alcohol is consumed up to twice a month. The systematic use of alcohol - more than twice a month - is recognized by children's narcologists as the initial stage of alcoholism.

Causes of alcoholism in children and adolescents

One of the common causes of alcoholism in children and adolescents is currently a genetic predisposition. In a family where at least one of the parents suffers from alcohol dependence, the risk of developing the disease in a child is four times higher than in a healthy family.

The causes of alcoholism in children and adolescents vary greatly by age.

The most critical age periods when alcohol addiction appears are:

  • the period of intrauterine development and the period of the baby;
  • preschool age (5 - 7 years old);
  • adolescence (from 13 to 14 years old).
The period of intrauterine development and the period of the baby
During the period of intrauterine development and during the period of infancy, the development of alcoholism occurs unconsciously. With the systematic use of alcoholic beverages by a pregnant woman, alcohol easily overcomes the placental barrier and circulates in the blood of the fetus. This causes various physical and mental abnormalities in the development of the fetus, including the development of intrauterine dependence (congenital alcoholism). Alcohol also has the ability to pass into the breast milk of a nursing mother. The risk of developing alcohol dependence in infants increases several times with mothers who are "alcoholics".

Preschool age
In preschool age, alcohol dependence in children develops due to the irresponsibility of parents.

The main reasons for the development of alcoholism in preschool age are:

  • parental addiction to alcohol - alcoholic environment forms children's interest in alcohol;
  • frivolous attitude of parents towards alcohol - many parents let their children taste sweet alcoholic drinks, thereby showing that it is not forbidden and even tasty;
  • parents' opinion on the positive effect of alcohol on sleep and appetite - Often, parents add alcohol to the food or drink of the child to increase appetite or improve digestion, to quickly fall asleep and sound sleep.
Teenage years
Alcoholism in adolescence develops more consciously.

The most common causes of teenage alcoholism are:

  • family problems;
  • family violence;
  • death or loss of a loved one or animal;
  • the desire to imitate adults;
  • school problems;
  • peer violence;
  • unsuccessful loves;
  • desire to assert itself in the company;
  • the presence of uncontrolled amounts of money.
The availability and cheapness of alcoholic beverages, as well as its popularization on television screens and in stores, further contributes to the development of the disease.

Stages of alcoholism in adolescents and children

The development of child and adolescent alcoholism can be divided into three distinct stages.

The stages of childhood alcoholism are:

  • Stage I - addictive;
  • Stage II - systematizing and increasing doses;
  • Stage III - dependencies.
The first stage of development of adolescent alcoholism lasts up to 5 - 6 months. During this period, the young body quickly gets used to alcohol.

At the second stage of the development of the disease, an increase in the doses of alcohol consumed is observed. Children and adolescents begin to drink quite regularly and in large quantities. This stage can last for about a year. Its main characteristic is the change in the behavior of the child / adolescent with the development of sociopathy.

The third stage in the development of children's alcoholism is the establishment of mental and physiological dependence on ethyl alcohol.

In the chronic course of the disease, withdrawal symptoms appear (withdrawal symptoms after stopping alcohol). In children, withdrawal symptoms are more pronounced than in adults, but it goes away in a shorter period of time.

The effect of alcohol on children and adolescents

A young organism, unlike an adult, is very vulnerable to the effects of ethyl alcohol (alcohol). For the normal splitting of ethyl alcohol in the human body, there is a special enzyme (active substance) - alcohol dehydrogenase. In a young body, its activity is insufficiently expressed, which contributes to the long-term toxic effects of alcohol on all tissues and organs.
The systemic use of alcoholic beverages leads to a disruption in the development and functioning of vital systems and organs that have not yet been fully formed.

The systems and organs that are particularly affected in childhood and adolescent alcoholism are:

  • brain;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • digestive system;
  • the immune system;
  • reproductive system.
Ethyl alcohol quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier (the border between blood and medulla), reaching high concentrations in the brain compared to the concentration of alcohol in the blood. The main thought processes are disrupted with a decrease in intellectual capabilities. In children, concentration of attention decreases and memory deteriorates. The processes of formation of abstract thinking and logic are especially affected. Psychopathy gradually develops with increased excitability, hot temper and aggression.

The cardiovascular system
Alcohol negatively affects the tissues of the baby's heart. The myocardium (muscle tissue of the heart) becomes “decrepit” and loses its elasticity. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy (myocardial inflammation) with severe arrhythmias and cardiac conduction develops fairly quickly. The child / adolescent has tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat of more than 120 beats per minute) with constant shortness of breath. Blood pressure rises above 160/90 millimeters of mercury.
Chronic alcoholism leads to the development of heart failure with an increased risk of cardiac arrest.

The liver is the second organ most affected by alcohol addiction. Lack of liver enzymes leads to constant overwork of the liver. This leads to hyperplasia (degeneration) of the liver tissue and the development of toxic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). Acute alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by fever (temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius), jaundice, and soreness of the liver.
In children, toxic hepatitis quite quickly can lead to the destruction of liver tissue and the development of cirrhosis. Liver failure appears with severe encephalopathy (brain damage).

With alcoholism, children and adolescents often develop acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Its main symptom is acute abdominal pain that appears after drinking alcohol. Multiple vomiting is possible.
Young children with alcoholism may develop severe diabetes mellitus.

Digestive system
From the organs of the digestive system in children, the stomach is primarily affected with the development of acute gastritis. There are constant aching pains in the abdomen, nausea, infertility, and boys - impaired erectile function.

Secondly, due to alcoholism, premature onset of sexual activity with numerous unprotected sexual contacts is often observed. As a result, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases (viral hepatitis, HIV infection) increases.

Treatment of child and adolescent alcoholism

Treatment of child and adolescent alcoholism in comparison with adults has a number of difficulties.

The main difficulties in the treatment of child alcoholism are:

  • difficulties in early diagnosis of the disease;
  • many drugs used to treat alcoholism are contraindicated in children;
  • the need for strict hospital treatment;
  • individual psychological approach.
The first difficulty in the treatment of childhood alcoholism is the late diagnosis of the disease. Most often, children who are in the second and third stages of the development of the disease get to the hospital. Such children have irreversible brain disorders, which complicates their subsequent integration into normal life.
Another obstacle in the treatment of childhood alcoholism is the inability to use the usual medications due to contraindications due to age. Most drugs have severe hepatotoxic (liver damage) and nephrotoxic (kidney damage) side effects. For this reason, the treatment of alcoholism in children consists in the use of herbs and preparations with a tonic effect.

Female alcoholism is a serious illness that develops rapidly and has an unfavorable course.

Signs of female alcoholism become apparent after 2 to 4 years of systematic alcohol consumption due to the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the female body:

  • Congenital low alcohol tolerance.
  • The liver contains a small amount of enzymes that help break down ethanol.
  • Less, in comparison with men, the presence of fluid in the body, which is able to dissolve alcohol.

The path from the initial stage of the disease to the acute one, when the characteristic hangover (withdrawal) syndrome occurs, a woman passes in such a short time that the diagnosis of alcoholism becomes an unpleasant discovery both for herself and for family and friends. During this time, a woman is able to sleep completely and irrevocably.

Due to the fact that women carefully try to disguise their cravings for alcohol, to hide their addiction to alcohol, at the initial stage, the symptoms may be so mild that no one will even have a suspicion of the existing problem.

However, there are a number of symptoms that are 100% likely to indicate female alcoholism:

  • Alcohol consumption occurs systematically, at short intervals, which gradually disappear altogether and the woman begins to drink alcohol daily.
  • Changing requirements for the quality of alcohol. With the development of the disease, a woman becomes completely indifferent to the taste nuances of alcoholic beverages, the main thing is the alcohol content in them.
  • Drinking alcohol alone. For a woman, it becomes unimportant if there is no reason for a feast or company. This is a wake-up call that will make it possible to diagnose a patient with alcoholism in a timely manner.
  • Changes of mood - from depressed-depressive, when there is no opportunity to drink, to excited joyful - if use is to be made.
  • Willingness to spend the budget on alcohol, even if money is "set aside" for something important. Spending on alcohol is always a priority.

The diagnosis of "female alcoholism", the symptoms of which are already quite pronounced, is recognized by a negligible number of women who are addicted to alcohol. It is important to be close to such a person at the right time, to show concern, to help in treatment.

Signs of alcoholism in women

To hide their addiction to alcohol, most women start drinking alone, hiding their addiction from others. But with prolonged use of alcohol in the female body, processes occur that give out an alcoholic in her.

Signs of the development of female alcoholism are divided into:

  • External. If at the beginning of the disease these signs can be hidden under a layer of cosmetics, then over time nothing helps to hide the swollen face, bags under the eyes, red spots on the skin.
  • Physiological. Lack of a protective reaction of the body to alcohol, as a result of which toxins affect the internal organs and vital systems of the body, endowing the patient with a whole bunch of diseases: cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis, infertility, disruption of the thyroid gland, heart rhythm failure, renal failure, memory deterioration , intelligence decreases.
  • Psychological. The character and demeanor of a woman completely changes, she is not capable of being critical of her behavior. There is a deformation of the psyche - irritability, aggression are present, all thoughts are occupied with the opportunity to drink, the circle of interests centers around alcohol. For advanced cases, hallucinations, multiple personality disorder, mental abnormalities are characteristic. Often women with alcoholism are treated in psychiatric and drug addiction clinics.
  • Social. A woman neglects family values, loses her maternal instinct, loses interest in family and friends, becomes sexually promiscuous.
  • Indirect. These are signs by which one can determine that a person has fallen down - untidy appearance, slovenliness, unpleasant odor.

The first signs of alcoholism

The first sign of the emergence of female alcoholism is very difficult to notice. At this stage, when a woman as a person continues to be complete, a thorough disguise takes place.

To avoid a negative reaction towards herself, the drinker hides the very fact of drinking alcohol.

But she already has the first signs of alcoholism:

  • Character and appearance are changing.
  • Outbreaks of temper and aggression occur.
  • The structure of the hair changes, they fall out and turn gray ahead of time.
  • Teeth problems appear.
  • Decreased concentration of attention.
  • After drinking alcohol, he falls into a state of euphoria and unrestrained joy.

At later stages, this sensation disappears, and alcohol is already needed in order to lose sobriety.

The first signs of alcoholism in women on the face

Alcoholism first of all is reflected on the face of a drinking woman, leaving characteristic signs that are noticeable to others. These include:

  • Laxity of the skin. Due to the intake of alcohol, the collagen structure of the skin is disrupted, which makes it saggy.
  • Loss of muscle tone on the face, which is temporarily restored only after taking a dose of alcohol. Over time, the muscles of the face lose their elasticity completely.
  • Yellowness of the sclera of the eyes due to a malfunction of the liver - the main filter of ethanol and the gallbladder.
  • A bluish tint indicates disturbances in the work of the circulatory system and the danger of thrombus formation.
  • Pronounced swelling under the eyes, on the cheeks, chin, neck. As a result of alcohol intake, the kidneys are disrupted, and they can no longer cope with the function of removing fluid from the body.
  • The appearance on the cheeks and nose of "stars" - burst capillaries, as a result of a systematic increase in blood pressure against the background of alcohol intake.

The face of a woman who abuses alcohol looks depressing and leaves no doubt for those around her about her addiction.

External signs of alcoholism in women

For a woman, appearance plays a huge role in life. By their nature, women take care of their appearance, hair, clothes, tirelessly change their image, try new images, experiment.

Even if a woman is inclined to preserve natural beauty, she will not allow herself to appear in public unkempt, sloppy. A drinking woman ceases to take care of herself, becomes unsightly in appearance, causes perplexed looks and condemnation of other people.

The external signs of the disease and the development of alcoholism in women on the face treacherously distinguish such a lady from the general mass of people, changing her beyond recognition.

Changes to clothing and hairstyle

Unlike women leading a sober lifestyle, a woman who uses alcohol does not consider it beneath her dignity to appear in a public place in clothes that need to be washed, as if hastily dressed, dirty, unkempt shoes, perhaps even out of season.

Greasy, disheveled hair, which has forgotten the hand of the master - hairdresser, add unattractiveness to the image.

As a rule, such women, trying to hide the harmful effect of alcohol on their face, mask it with a thick layer of powder, blush, and shaking hands do not allow them to accurately paint their lips and eyelashes.

Changes in behavior

Any event in life - parting, meeting, buying, losing, name day and funeral becomes an excellent reason for a woman suffering from alcoholism to drink. Moreover, the prospect of libation causes violent genuine joy, revival, regardless of whether it is a joyful occasion or not. A woman hastily finishes her business, all the while thinking about the upcoming feast, becomes absent-minded and inattentive.

To get drunk such a woman needs to drink much more alcohol, and this is considered an alarming sign. In case of an overdose, a low-drinker woman will vomit, as the body will try to get rid of toxins by turning on protective functions. An alcoholic woman, in the end, will get drunk from a large dose of alcohol and fall off her feet, and in the morning she will be ready to repeat the evening "feat", despite her poor health.

With the progression of the disease, behavior can become inadequate, a woman is able to demonstrate rudeness, swagger, promiscuity in sexual intercourse.

Children, close ones, irritate a woman, become strangers to her, hindering her to live the way she wants. She does not care about them at all, easily exposes them to violence and risk to life.

During this period, the drinking woman loses the ability to be critical of herself.

Changes in the condition of the skin and hair

The skin and hair instantly react to the systematic use of alcohol due to the inevitable dehydration of the body. To cleanse the body of alcoholic toxins, kidney filters literally take water from all organs, which are often very sensitive to lack of moisture.

The skin becomes thin, dry, loses its smoothness and elasticity, begins to peel off and does not lend itself to rehabilitation with cosmetic products. Wrinkles on the face become deeper, more pronounced, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby.

Hair suffers no less from a lack of moisture, becomes dull, brittle, early gray hair does not keep you waiting.

Change of voice and figure

Doctors - narcologists have established a direct link between alcohol abuse and voice changes. It is the lowering of the tone of voice, the characteristic hoarseness that is the first sign of alcoholism in women.

This is due to the effect of alcohol on the ratio of male and female hormones in the body, an imbalance in their balance. Alcohol contains an analogue of the main female hormone, the amount of which is several times higher than the norm. When a woman enters the body, it disrupts the production of its own estrogen, and male hormones are in excess.

At the same time, the woman's body and figure acquire a certain angularity, the movements become clumsy, inaccurate. It's all about dystrophic changes in the muscles, deprived of nutrients and dried with alcohol. The muscles become lethargic, flabby, the woman involuntarily begins to slouch, the shoulders drop down, and the neck and head move forward.

The body loses its female contours: the waist swells, the belly grows, the legs become very thin. In a drinking woman, even in sober periods, the gait loses its clarity, becomes lax and careless.

Treatment begins with the patient's awareness that she needs it. A woman should sincerely desire to get rid of the addiction and return to a fulfilling life. Otherwise, with compulsory treatment, even with the most progressive means, there is no need to talk about a lasting recovery or long-term result.

It is very important at this moment to give the woman enough attention, to give her the opportunity to feel her need and usefulness. When prompting for treatment, do not overload a woman with problems, put pressure on her, showing tact and patience.

Close people should help the patient with alcoholism not to miss the moment of passionate desire to recover and it is during this period to make the most of the opportunities in order to carry out a comprehensive full-fledged treatment. It includes:

  • Highly qualified help of psychologists and psychotherapists.
  • Cleansing the body through detoxification using a whole arsenal of modern means.
  • Drug therapy that forms a woman's persistent aversion to alcohol.
  • The use of drugs that block brain receptors (stitching against alcoholism).
  • Hypnotic coding methods, psychotherapeutic sessions.
  • Rehabilitation therapy of vital organs and body systems affected by alcohol.

The treatment is selected strictly individually and is carried out sequentially, gradually connecting all the necessary methods, and depends on the stage of alcoholism.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible for a woman to get rid of alcoholism forever depends directly on a particular person, his emotional mood and a sincere desire to get rid of a destructive habit.

A woman has every chance of defeating the disease if she:

  • Has the support of family and friends.
  • It is located in a warm family environment.
  • Avoids stressful situations.
  • Receives full-fledged complex treatment and psychological assistance from specialists.

According to folk tradition, our festive feast is not complete without strong drinks. But not all people who take them from time to time become alcoholics.

At the same time, it is difficult to notice the turning point between moderate use and irrepressible cravings - especially in our fair half. To help stop yourself or a loved one in time, it is worth studying the signs of alcoholism in women and ways to get rid of it.

Causes of female alcoholism

The addiction to alcohol most often occurs in the weaker sex against the background of psychological and emotional problems, although there are other risk factors. These are the main reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence in women.

  • Nervous experiences... Unsuccessful personal life, loss of loved ones, adultery, hidden grievances, lack of attention from the husband and children - all these problems sometimes lead a woman into a dead corner. So that she starts drinking.
  • Lack of work or interesting activity... The statistics of narcologists confirm that housewives are prone to domestic drunkenness, which develops over time into alcoholism.
  • Strenuous, responsible work... Business women often relieve stress and relax with a glass of brandy.
  • Heredity, family... Girls born to systematically drinking parents are predisposed to drinking alcohol. They are about 3 times more likely to get sick than other children. If close relatives like to drink, the girl often chooses the same path.
  • Early "acquaintance" with alcohol... Teenagers from almost 12 years old try low alcohol, beer, energy drinks. Girls get used to drinking especially easily.

Female alcoholism: symptoms and signs

It is not easy to feel the line between "harmless" sit-rounds under a bottle and an intractable disease. However, there are several characteristic symptoms of alcohol dependence.

  • Increased craving for alcohol... After drinking, euphoria sets in, and then the mood deteriorates, irritability, harshness or tearfulness appear - and so on until the next portion.
  • Dosage increase... The need for this arises as a result of habituation of the organism.
  • Lack of a protective response to alcohol intoxication... A healthy person who has exceeded the drinking rate vomits. If there is no gag reflex, the biological barrier to poisoning the body has been destroyed.
  • Regularity. Occasional libations are gradually becoming more frequent, up to daily. The craving for alcohol becomes overwhelming.

Stages of alcoholism

Narcologists note: signs of female alcoholism appear in a certain sequence and gradually increase. Experts distinguish three phases of the process.

First stage

It is characterized by a lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, denial of alcohol addiction. Alcohol is consumed 2-3 times a week, intoxication occurs after small doses, there is a psychological dependence on alcohol. The gag reflex is lost.

Second stage

A hangover syndrome appears, the craving for alcohol increases. Stronger drinks are used instead of light drinks, the doses are growing. The appearance is noticeably deteriorating. Drunkenness becomes daily or turns into pseudo-drinking, when large volumes are drunk for 3-4 days in a row with short breaks. During intoxication, short-term memory loss is noted, physical dependence on ethanol increases (in its absence, withdrawal occurs).

Third stage

At this stage, there is a complete degradation of the personality. Prolonged amnesia, dementia (dementia) are noted. As a result of prolonged hard drinking, alcoholic psychoses are possible - delirium tremens, delusional states, hallucinations. The last stage is characterized by irreversible changes not only in the brain, but also in all internal organs. The disease in the final phase is practically not treated, breakdowns constantly occur, and mortality is high.

External signs of female alcoholism

If the disease is just beginning, it is quite difficult to identify it. But as the process deepens, the drinker's face and appearance in general change. Here are the characteristic signs of the emerging addiction to alcohol.

  • Negligence. When alcohol comes to the fore, the lady ceases to follow the clothes and hair, the make-up acquires the features of slovenliness.
  • Emaciated skin and hair... To remove alcoholic toxins, the kidneys "pump out" fluid from the body and dehydrate it. The first signs on the face of women are flaky skin, its sagging, the appearance of early wrinkles. The hair on the head becomes thin and falls out intensively. Medical cosmetics do not help much.
  • Figure and voice. Frequent drinking leads to an imbalance between female and male hormones. The appearance of a lady becomes more masculine: the tonality of the voice decreases, the waist disappears, the figure becomes angular, and the belly often increases. Muscles weaken - because of this, a stoop appears, gait becomes heavy, hands tremble. By the way, due to the complete relaxation of the muscles of the larynx, women who drink are often observed.

Over time, the external manifestations worsen. The face becomes sallow-gray, with an unhealthy blush, purple and bluish spots are possible (traces of bursting small vessels). The eyes become glazed, they acquire a painful shine, the eyelids become swollen. Wrinkles become sharper, nasolabial folds deepen, lips lose their shape, nostrils widen. Permanent is one of the signs that the alcoholic's teeth are deteriorating, which then begin to fall out.

How does it affect the psyche, behavior

It is possible to recognize the onset of a painful addiction by analyzing the woman's behavior and noting manifestations unusual for her earlier.

  1. Finding any excuse to have a drink... First, alcohol is taken on big holidays and with persuasion, then without persuasion - dashingly and with passion (most often in a company), there is a desire to organize drinking parties. The desire for alcoholic euphoria forces you to purchase a bottle in reserve, which is gradually emptied - perhaps alone.
  2. Expectation of a drink... The working woman seeks to be at home early, the housewife tries to complete the tasks faster in order to take a dose of alcohol.
  3. An uncritical attitude towards yourself and your drinking friends... Reproaches and claims of loved ones are rejected, scandals are played out over the ban on drinking. Frequent drinking is justified by the following reasoning: “proven by doctors”, “you won't become an alcoholic from beer”, etc.

The majority of alcoholics, to the very last moment, deny their harmful addiction, do not realize their degradation caused by drunkenness. When the disease progresses, the behavior becomes cocky, rude, cheeky. There is promiscuity in the choice of friends and sexual partners, and the husband and children are perceived as strangers.

The nuances of male and female alcoholism

It is often asked why female alcoholism is incurable. The answer is: a cure is possible, but with great difficulties. The fact is that women are more likely than men to become dependent on alcohol, lose their health and degrade. The reason for the differences is the psychological and physiological characteristics of the sexes.


  1. The critical dose of alcohol for women is less than for men. This is due to the low water content in the body: the concentration of alcohol with the same amount of alcohol consumed is higher than that of a male drinking companion. Therefore, the degree of intoxication they may be different.
  2. Hopping in the fairer sex lasts longer due to less active enzymes in the stomach that break down alcohol.
  3. Previously, girls were more often fond of dry wine, now 40% of the female contingent prefers strong alcohol. There are also quite a few beer lovers who consider it more harmless than vodka. In this case, it is recorded if more than 1 liter of hop product is consumed per day.
  4. The consequences of addiction for both sexes are almost the same. But for alcoholics, the risk of breast cancer is added to diseases of the internal organs.


  1. As noted earlier, the weaker sex is much more likely to "flood" personal troubles with alcohol.
  2. Considering public morality, a woman mostly kisses the bottle alone. A man (especially in the early stages) often drinks for show in order to assert himself in the company.
  3. Most ladies cannot even admit to themselves that they are sick. It is easier to convince a male alcoholic that he is an alcoholic at an earlier stage. Moreover, it is the spouse who is most actively fighting his bad habit. Conversely, the husband rarely manages to insist on the treatment of his wife.

Why is female alcoholism dangerous? He is very cunning, can develop at any age. Special risk zone - from 35 to 45 years old. However, it happens that the habit appears among more mature women, even among pensioners - because of the feeling of emptiness and lack of demand.

How long is alcohol excreted from the female body

Due to the small amount of special enzymes in the stomach, alcohol is not only absorbed into the bloodstream faster and has a stronger effect on the body, but also sobering up occurs more slowly. How much alcohol is excreted from the body of a woman, compared to men, can be seen in the table below.

The harm of alcohol to the body, the effect on fertility

You should be aware that each glass of wine is another step towards the destruction of your own health. The negative effect of alcohol on a woman's body is expressed in the following.

  1. The brain suffers greatly- the blood-brain barrier is weaker than in men, so ethanol directly enters the brain tissue.
  2. Disorders appear in all internal organs- liver, kidney, heart, thyroid gland.
  3. The balance of hormones is disturbed, femininity is lost(this has already been mentioned in more detail).
  4. Fertility is inhibited... Due to changes in hormonal levels, conception is difficult, but not excluded. It is worth noting how destructive is the effect of alcohol on a woman's eggs. If taken in the month of conception, irreparable harm will be done to the fetus. The bonds in the DNA chains are destroyed, the genetic code of the egg is "broken", the composition of the protein (the nutrient medium for the embryo) deteriorates.
    Drinking during pregnancy leads to ethanol poisoning of the baby (poison easily penetrates the placenta). The fetus is most vulnerable at 6-8 and 12-14 weeks.
  5. The formation of malignant tumors is possible- especially in the brain and mammary glands.


Long-term illness becomes the cause of irreversible changes in internal organs, mental disorders, and a decrease in social status. Here are just the main consequences of chronic female alcoholism:

  • brain damage with dysfunction of the entire nervous system, dementia, mental illness, stroke;
  • toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • renal failure;
  • ulcers of the stomach and pancreas;
  • due to a violation of the main and peripheral circulation, - heart attack, gangrene.

The disintegration of the personality of the guardian of the family hearth directly leads to family quarrels, divorces, and child abuse. Previously, a successful lady loses her reputation and sinks to the bottom of society.

How is female alcoholism treated: traditional (psychotherapy, coding), non-traditional methods (at home)

After getting acquainted with the disease, the question arises: how to deal with it? The willpower and desire of the drinker is of particular importance here - the main thing is that she finds the right motivation to return to normal life. The support of loved ones is also important: it is easier to overcome the disease together.

Traditional treatment is carried out in stages and in multiple directions.

  1. Medical cleansing of the body in a hospital. With the help of droppers, the decay products of ethanol are removed, then drugs are prescribed that reduce cravings, cause an aversion to ethanol or smooth out withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Nowadays, at the request of the patient, drug coding can be carried out. This is the administration of a drug that turns into poison when alcohol is consumed and causes pain. To avoid it, the woman tries to do without alcohol. The drug is sutured as an ampoule, injected intravenously or taken as a pill.
  3. Psychotherapy. Conducted hypnosis sessions, during which the patient develops a subconscious aversion to alcohol. For those who do not lend themselves to hypnosis, it is better to encode in a conscious state according to the Dovzhenko method.
  4. General strengthening therapy. With its help, the functions of internal organs are restored.

Often they are interested in how to cure an alcohol addict at home. The method is successful only in the initial stages of the disease; with an advanced form, you cannot do without the help of professionals. In folk medicine, herbal infusions and decoctions are usually used. Here are two effective recipes.

  1. Decoction of chamomile and motherwort... Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured with a liter of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Take 0.5 cups twice a day. The tool soothes, relieves stress, helping to eliminate the reason for drinking.
  2. St. John's wort decoction. The herb is brewed in the same way, and 1 tbsp is taken. spoon before meals. John's wort develops a strong alcohol aversion. This property helps to independently end drunkenness without experiencing mental discomfort.

How to treat

In order for the treatment of female alcoholism to be effective, only a doctor prescribes medications and their dosage. It depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the phase of the disease. The following list of medicines is for guidance only.

Drugs that cause alcohol aversion:

  • Disulfiram, Antabuse, Abstinil, Teturam are similar in effect to ampoules. Their active ingredient prevents the breakdown of ethanol, acetone accumulates in the body, and the state of health worsens. All these funds belong to a potent group, therefore they are used only with the knowledge of the patient, according to a strict scheme.
  • Colme. The solution is allowed to be added to food imperceptibly, the course of treatment can last up to six months. According to reviews, the drug is quite effective.

Drugs to reduce alcohol cravings

Tablets of this group are shown with a voluntary decision to quit drinking. Medications are taken regularly to prevent withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms). This type includes:

  • Diazepam (Valium);
  • Finlepsin (multipurpose psychotropic drug);
  • Lorazepam;
  • Penbarbital - is characterized by numerous side effects, therefore, it is prescribed only according to the results of the examination.

To alleviate the patient's condition and strengthen the body, Enterosgel, folic acid, vitamin B are prescribed as maintenance therapy.

Is it possible to stop drinking on your own

All the methods described earlier have one common drawback: there is a violent effect on the patient, albeit for good purposes. The drinker breaks up with a bad habit under the influence of hypnosis or through the persuasion of a psychotherapist. Many patients fear the consequences of coding. Therefore, the question is often asked: how to stop drinking alcohol for a woman on her own?

There is no short and unambiguous answer here. If you have the desire and willpower, you should do auto-training, meditation, read special literature. The book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" (by A. Carr) is very popular. Millions of readers, having discovered signs of female alcoholism, acted according to the method described in the bestseller and were able to overcome the disease. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that the struggle is carried out in different directions, and the main emphasis is on the psychological factor.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


We all have seen it. Women alcoholics are more rare. In any case, they do not come across so often in our field of vision. Because they hide their addiction to the last, in order to protect themselves from censure and not become an outcast in society. What are the causes and consequences of female alcoholism? Why is he scary? Are there any ways to treat it?

Causes of female alcoholism

Increasingly, in recent years, the fairer sex has been diagnosed with diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis and hypertension ... For the most part, this is due to the excessive use of well-known drinks, which eventually develops into chronic alcoholism. According to statistics, the development of female alcoholism is occurring at a rapid pace, and the country will face a demographic catastrophe if this situation does not change. What pushes a woman to a bottle?

  • Beer, gin and tonics, alcoholic cocktails and other strong drinks have become very popular in our time.... They are considered absolutely harmless, very pleasant, an excellent tool for relaxation and ease of communication. Of course, few people think about the dangers of such drinks. Because everything is ahead, and life is beautiful. However, the systematic use of these drinks in the company or while watching TV after work (alone) creates that attachment, which flows over time into alcoholism.
  • Loneliness, a feeling of absolute uselessness, mental trauma, depression, hopelessness ... Reasons that become a springboard to where there may be no turning back. Status in society does not matter. About half of women with alcoholism are single or have serious psychological problems.
  • The husband is an alcoholic. Unfortunately, this situation often becomes the cause of female alcoholism. Either the man is being treated, or a divorce occurs, or the spouse falls into the alcoholic abyss following the husband.
  • Climax. Not all women can withstand the physical and psychological discomfort that accompanies menopause. Some relieve stress with alcohol. That gradually turns into a habit, which is no longer possible to control.

According to doctors, even twice a month drunk one hundred grams of strong drink is an alcohol addiction... But the "culture of drinking" in Russia has always been peculiar. If in Europe one glass can be stretched into several toasts, then in our country they drink "To the bottom!" and "Between the first and the second one more." Again, in the West, it is customary to dilute spirits, and if during our feast someone proposes to dilute vodka ... there is no need to even talk about it. Even worse, many people simply do not know about other methods of relaxation.

Why is female alcoholism worse than male alcoholism?

Why female alcoholism is terrible. Effects

The "green serpent" and its consequences change a woman beyond recognition. Both psychologically and externally. What exactly happens to an alcoholic woman? What is alcoholism fraught with?

  • Appearance is changing. Unhealthy glare of the eyes, redness of the face and bluish spots appear. Hair is dull, matted, greasy. Such a woman speaks in a raised voice, gestures nervously, perceives ignorance as a personal insult.
  • Subcutaneous fatty tissue disappears. The arms, legs and shoulders lose the smoothness of the lines, acquire an overly pronounced muscle relief.
  • The body of a woman with alcoholism begins to age early. Teeth crumble and darken, hair turns gray and falls out, skin shrivels and grows decrepit.
  • All systems and internal organs are affected - cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, etc.
  • Thyroid malfunctions begin , which leads to arrhythmias, excessive fatness or thinness.
  • The tissues of the adrenal gland are destroyed , the production of hormones decreases under the influence of the toxic substances of alcohol.
  • Toxic alcoholic nephropathy - one of the possible consequences of alcoholism. The main symptoms are high blood pressure, facial swelling, protein and blood in the urine. With this disease, the kidney tissue begins to die off. As a result, acute renal failure and death.
  • Diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system. Cystitis, pyelonephritis and other female ailments persecute women alcoholics constantly. And given that alcohol leads to swagger in behavior, promiscuous sexual intercourse and a complete lack of hygiene become the norm for such a woman. Which, in turn, leads to sexually transmitted diseases, frigidity, AIDS.
  • Mutations occur in the egg cells of an alcoholic woman. The consequence is miscarriages, the birth of handicapped children and stillbirth.
  • Ovarian function is weakened that changes the overall hormonal background. The production of female hormones decreases, and the production of male hormones rises. As a result - the growth of a mustache and beard, hair growth on the chest, back, legs, thinness, etc. Further - uterine bleeding, early menopause.
  • - it often ends criminal and medical abortions, miscarriage, death from complications, ectopic pregnancy or (this is at best) abandoning a born child .
  • Personality change , lesions of the nervous system. Hysteria, isolation, instability of mood, depression, hopelessness. Often - suicide in the end.
  • Dulling the instinct of self-preservation , decrease in habitual reactions.
  • Loss of trust of loved ones , divorce, job loss, social rejection, etc.

Can female alcoholism be cured?

They say that female alcoholism is not amenable to treatment. But this is not true. You can cure it , albeit with a caveat for certain feminine characteristics. Moreover, more than eighty percent of success depends on the willpower of the woman and her desire to "tie". Alcoholism is mostly psychological addiction. And at the initial stage, you can still cope with psychotherapeutic methods. With an established, stable need for alcohol, it will not be possible to do without an integrated approach, as well as specialists.

Treatment methods for female alcoholism

The fight against alcoholism is, first of all, a complex of measures, united by one great desire of the patient to quit drinking. But the hardest part is adaptation of a woman to life with no more alcohol in it. What methods are used today to combat the "green serpent"?

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Pharmacotherapy.
  • The use of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol.
  • The use of drugs that block the breakdown of alcohol and, thereby, causing his rejection.
  • Coding techniques.
  • Taking medications to normalize the work of internal systems and organs.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Laser exposure as part of complex therapy.
  • Hypnosis.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

Usually, self-treatment of alcoholism at home does not bring success... Given the severity of the disease and its consequences, of course, all methods can be tried, if only to achieve a result. But according to statistics, the most effective are considered Dovzhenko method, hypnosis and coding... The main thing is to remember that without the woman's awareness and sincere desire, the treatment will not be crowned with success.