What to do a married man is trying to seduce. Psychology of a married man in relation to a young mistress. Psychological techniques, how to fall in love and keep a married man

It is widely believed that men are polygamous and, being married, are not against romance on the side. Sometimes a woman falls in love and enters into a relationship with someone else's husband, unaware of his marital status. Or, despite this, she goes to her goal, clearly knowing how to fall in love with a married man and how to eventually take him out of the family.

Choose for yourself exactly the role that is important: both of you are not free or not free who is one of you, is it really love or passion, and maybe it is beneficial for both of you to have such a relationship? Always remember that nothing happens without consequences, and both be ready for a turn in your destiny;

Do not forget that such connections last as long as it is convenient for one of the partners. Do not paint illusions and live in reality;

Remember that you knew what you were going for;

But if your feelings are mutual, fight for your love.

10 real ways to make you fall in love

First of all, someone else's husband can be lured by external data. Try to be always attractive and well-groomed. Wives, unfortunately, do not always walk at home with a beautiful haircut and high heels, with all their desire. Especially if the family has a child. These problems do not concern you in any way, be always irresistible for your beloved man. That is why, you must play in contrast, and charm a married man with your irresistible appearance.

Do you want to fall in love with a married man? Then always remain a mystery. Men appreciate it. Do not open your life to him to the end, this is enough for him at home. Let him have to conquer you and achieve. An affair with a married man suggests that you will not play the first role in his life, but do not become an easy prey, let him think that he can lose you at any moment.

Some men admit that they have mistresses as an interlocutor, not so much for sex. To fall in love with a married man, listen to him, find out about his interests, keep the conversation going. Do not spare praise and kind words. Indeed, even in a close-knit family there are quarrels - such a life, and the interests of wives, unfortunately, are often reduced only to children and everyday life. However, it is not always necessary to show your erudition, sometimes a girl who happily chatters about everything in a row makes a man who is tired at work very happy.

Be relaxed in bed. Often cheating occurs due to the fact that having sex with your wife has become boring. To make a married man fall in love with you, try experimenting. You do not lose anything from this, and sexual experience can be useful to you in life. Let your bed be a constant celebration for him, and not just once a week when the children are with their grandmother.

The mistress from the wife is also distinguished by the fact that she does not nag a man, conversations do not begin with the topic of money, everyday life, problems. A man does not owe her anything, she does not demand anything from him. But make it clear that you like his attentions. Although, usually, it is to his mistress, and not to his wife, that a man runs with flowers. These are all the results of hard work, how to fall in love with a married man.

Never stick your nose into your lover's family affairs. They don't concern you. Whatever he says about his wife, it is possible that he does not think so, and do not forget, he still lives with her. One of your careless words about his spouse, and a man can safely erase you from his life.

If your chosen one is rich and is your boss, here you need to show all your efficiency and full dedication. Make sure that he never forgot about the holidays of his wife, children and close friends (buy flowers and gifts in advance, send greeting cards and SMS, book a table in a restaurant). It is necessary to entwine him with an invisible web so that he simply could not exist without your help and then try to draw his attention to himself: show his charms as much and often as possible, such as a beautiful hairstyle, large breasts, long legs, tight-fitting dresses, pleasant scent of perfume, gentle cooing voice.

If you are on vacation and you need a little affair, then here you need to take the bull by the horns. On the beach, you need to inadvertently force him to touch his chest and butt. Simulate a fall, or grab his hand and show how frightened you were, and he turned out to be a strong defender. Show him different signs of attention. Try to get in his way more often. Invite for a white dance. Be the first to make an appointment.

To fall in love with a married man, you need to show him that you are witty, have a sense of humor, love children, know how to dress beautifully and always look good, no matter how bad your soul may be. Provide him with material assistance so that he gets used to it and can no longer imagine life without it.

And the last thing. Despite all this, keep in mind that a man who once betrayed his wife may lose interest in you after a while and find a more attractive option for himself.

How to build a relationship with a married man

So, you managed to fall in love with a married man. Enjoy what is happening. Maybe your meetings are based only on a sexual relationship, but the paradox is that finding a suitable partner in sex is not so easy, then your task is not to follow the lead of a man, but to become the main one in a relationship. I mean, to meet not when he "has an urge", but when you two succeed;

There is no need to demand that which is not yours. He will still spend all the holidays with his family, so for this period you need to think over a great activity in advance in order to fill these gaps. Yes it is hard. But you knew what you were doing when you decided to fall in love with a married man;

Do not try to destroy the family of your chosen one, even if you managed to fall in love with a married man. Learn to be such that you can give him exactly what he lacks in married life. To become not like a wife, but more than a wife. Therefore, do not pretend to be the leading place in your relationship and do not devote yourself to a married man with a head. Your life also requires attention and adjustment. Do not miss the opportunity to be with loved ones, travel, etc .;

If there is an opportunity to meet your man's friends, try to be charming to them. Indeed, for a man, the opinion of friends about his choice is very important. And such steps will bring him closer to you;

Be patient and don't pretend to be what is not yours. Accept that sooner or later you will need to end this relationship;

Look for your love.

If you like a married man, his marital status is not a reason to back down. However, before you fall in love with him, you should think several times: do you really want to spend your life together, to make him happy. Perhaps it's all about simple love - then you shouldn't take the chosen one out of the family. But when you are convinced of strong feelings and thinking about how to fall in love with a married man, then just follow the proven recommendations. In fact, there are no special differences in winning the heart of a married man from a free one. Although, having achieved the location of the ringed person, you risk becoming his mistress, a fleeting affair, but not his wife.

In search of an answer to the question of how to conquer a married man, you can focus on his zodiac sign, which is not difficult to find out. Source: Flickr (Mary)

How you can fall in love with a married man - basic rules of conduct

As you strive to figure out how to seduce a married man, remember that your behavior must be impeccable. Never make the typical mistakes your spouse makes:

  • Do not chatter incessantly. Stories about girlfriends, parties, sales, joint future, travel, work - it is better to talk about it casually, not getting into lengthy discussions.
  • Broken promises are not a reason for reproaches and insults. Even if your partner regularly forgets what he is saying, just remind him politely.
  • You should not introduce your mother ahead of time - the second mother-in-law is still useless for the gentleman. Especially if she does not approve of her daughter's choice and is not happy with her chosen one.
  • It is not at all necessary to discuss a joint future, even if you really want children, it is highly discouraged to talk about it, especially when the guy has babies from his first marriage.
  • Your appearance must be perfect. Surely the man went to the left due to the fact that his wife neglected herself, began to walk around the house in an unattractive dressing gown with a sloppy hairdo. Do not repeat mistakes: always be well-groomed, sexy, bright, even if the mood is not at all conducive to this.
  • Be a mystery in everything. This applies to new hobbies, achievements, financial situation, and other things. Do not become a read book, otherwise you will soon get bored.

It is interesting! Do not ask for details about family life - he himself will tell you everything when the time comes.

How to fall in love with a man of a certain zodiac sign

In search of an answer to the question of how to conquer a married man, you can focus on his zodiac sign, which is not difficult to find out. The sign affects the character, attitude towards women, the institution of marriage and small weaknesses:

  1. How to fall in love with a married Aries man? Be ready to obey your chosen one in everything, unquestioningly agree with his opinion - do not even try to challenge leadership. He will often express dissatisfaction with your affairs, but you will have to put up with this situation. In sex, try to think about a companion who will be very demanding in bed - then the process of conquest will be faster, because the wife probably does not know these simple tricks.
  2. It will not be easy to attract a calf, because such males are quite changeable: today he swears his love to you, tomorrow he turns into a family calf. You need to be persistent and demanding - show that you are able to cope with problems yourself, and in your career you have already achieved heights. Do not wait for the manifestation of feelings, get ready to constantly maintain the fire of passion, intriguing a companion.
  3. It is a little easier to conquer a twin - he is overly amorous, however, in girls he tries to find the ideal. You have to be flawless in detail, sophisticated, sexy and romantic. When he is inflamed with passion for you, just leave him for a short time - disappear from social networks, go to another city, do not answer calls. This will make the partner fall in love, forget about the spouse and completely belong to you. However, in a relationship, you will always have to correspond to men's dreams.
  4. It is always difficult to like a cancer: he does not show his feelings, and you need to be attentive to the little things so as not to hurt him. Do not be tactless and get ready to wait - these guys are in no hurry to leave their spouse. It is important to be cultured, well-mannered and restrained, otherwise they will quickly become disappointed in you. In bed, do not be afraid to experiment, especially since both parties will like them.
  5. If you liked the lion, be ready to indulge him in everything: do not try to criticize or scold him, do not make any comments at all. But you can express your feelings without fear, the main thing is to be open, emotional, then even tantrums with tears will be forgiven. Perseverance, restraint, cool head - qualities that will help you take such a man out of the family.
  6. Only a demanding nature can conquer a virgin, who strives for perfection, but at the same time does not try to outplay her companion in financial and labor matters. Do not take leadership into your own hands; unlike your spouse, be discreet and reasonable. Interest can be fueled by the phrase: "You can't do better!" - the guy will start and be able to make the wildest dreams come true.
  7. Libras adhere to clear rules in everything: family is very important for them, as well as public opinion, so you should not choose the role of a love-lover and an insidious bitch. Give your love in small portions and do not try to immediately drag him into bed, be cultured - such as befits a noble lady.
  8. Scorpio you will be able to conquer if you indulge his whims. Compliment, always look stunning, prioritize discipline. The wife probably constantly nags him, and you, on the contrary, forgive any pranks. Take the initiative and comfort and comfort your companion like a child.
  9. How to make a married man fall in love with a fish? Carefully monitor your speech and actions, do not allow obscene expressions and insults. The secrets you tell, especially with mystical overtones, will help intrigue him. A philosophical view of things, a sober mind, maximum sincerity - and you will be able to lure the fish into your nets.
  10. How to fall in love with a married Sagittarius man? You will have to compliment your partner, but never regret or sympathize. Sagittarius is strong emotionally, it is not easy to take him away from the family - you need to understand at what moments he needs support. Be affectionate and gentle, live according to a clear plan - then they will definitely pay attention to you.
  11. It is difficult to lure a Capricorn: he is hidden in everything, although in reality he turns out to be very vulnerable. A casual affair is not his hobby, so try to get serious feelings. You should not impose your society: demonstrate objectivity, become a devoted friend and advisor - you will soon be interested.
  12. Do you dream to conquer Aquarius? You do not need to ardently confess your love - they will not believe you anyway, suspecting self-interest and profit, but Aquarius treat scandals in this regard normally. Unlike your spouse, never ask for money or favors. In sex, do not be shy - always praise your boyfriend for a magical night.

Do not try to rush the gentleman: he himself must decide when to leave the family, otherwise you risk ruining an already fragile relationship.

In the article you will find detailed instructions on how to fall in love with a married man, where you need to start on the way to this goal, what bad habits you should exclude from your life. I will reveal secrets that will help you become better than his wife, and help you understand if a man is in love. Applying my recommendations, you will build a happy, harmonious relationship with your chosen one for life.

Should you fight for happiness?

Now you have met the man of your dreams. But they found out that he was married ... What will happen now? You can sadly stop any communication and, possibly, worry about the missed opportunity for the rest of your life. Or maybe you will give yourself a chance to be loved, despite someone else's misfortune.

Before deciding on a relationship with a married man, you must discard all the stereotypes that could accumulate in your head from childhood.

Important!Do not try to fall in love with a married man if you do not want to build a relationship with him in the future.

If your happiness is above any opinion, then boldly go ahead and seek the location of your man by any means available.

Where to begin?

So you've made the decision to fall in love with a married man. He shows interest in you or you are already meeting in secret, which means that not everything is going smoothly at your object at home.

It is necessary to carefully emphasize all the disadvantages of his life together with his wife and clearly highlight all the advantages of spending time with you. Let's take a look at the first steps towards your goal:

  • Find out all the disadvantages of your rival and do not allow them in your communication. As a rule, the man himself talks about what he doesn't like. You don't need to ask him. Just be attentive to detail.

  • Study your man carefully. Find out what his hobbies are, what qualities he values ​​in people, whether he has dreams. Taking interest in his person will surely arouse reciprocal interest, this will help you sincerely love each other.
  • If possible, get to know his friends. Just do not immediately show everyone that you have a relationship, let at first they just recognize you as an interesting person. If you make a good impression on the friends of your chosen one, they can influence his choice. All the more so if his wife plays against you in the background.

Note!All steps on the path to love should bring you pleasure. First of all, remain yourself, you do not need to become who you are not really.

Habits to Avoid

At this point, we will consider the actions of most wives, which almost all men do not accept.

  1. Only say what is really important. Any word for a man is a call to action, more often a man just wants to relax and be with his beloved woman in silence.
  2. If a man has forgotten about his promise, then try to do what you asked for. Your chosen one will definitely notice this and will fulfill the promise next time. He will especially like that you did not reproach him for his wrongdoing.
  3. Try not to talk about children and meeting parents until the man himself takes the initiative. Perhaps he does not want to think about new relatives and plan more children yet.
  4. Take care of yourself, always wear makeup and dress tastefully.
  5. Let there be a mystery in you, do not tell everything about yourself in detail. Your partner will love to discover something new every day.
  • Show concern. For example, cook something delicious and treat him to. If he gets sick, buy medicine and make tea with honey.

  • Become an interesting conversationalist for him. Listen carefully, when he shares any information with you, the focus should be on him.
  • Do everything for the man to experience new emotions with you. For example, if you are already in close contact with your chosen one, then go to a strip plastic lesson and give him a frank dance. Or find out his dream, which you can bring to life.
  • Let the time spent with you be a rest for a man. Learn not to hang on to him affairs that you can decide on your own.
  • Don't show that you are madly in love. Let the man continue to seek your favor.
  • Do something unusual for you. For example, dye your hair or add a bright strand, shape your eyebrows in a new way, get a bright manicure, get an intimate haircut, piercing, tattoo. Surprise him constantly and he will definitely fall in love.
  • Find out what your partner likes in bed and please him. Be relaxed, experiment, do not deny intimacy.
  • Thank you sincerely for every little thing he does for you.
  • If he canceled the date, as he should be with his family, then do not be negative, show that you will not be bored in his absence and find something to do.
  • Do not speak negatively about his spouse, even if your chosen one complains about her behavior. Moreover, do not give advice on how to behave with his wife.
  • Don't rush him into making a decision. When he is ready to part with his soul mate, then he will tell you about it himself.
  • Find an activity that both of you enjoy and truly enjoy every minute you spend together.
  • Do your self-education, read more. You should be interesting not only for the man, but also for yourself.

The mechanism that allows any man to fall in love with herself is given to every woman by nature. But it can be turned off for a number of life circumstances. You can learn more about the very mechanism of falling in love and how to use it by watching the video of the relationship expert Nadezhda Mayer.

Fell in love?

Does he seem to finally fall in love with you or not?

There are several signs to know for sure.

  1. Your chosen one constantly takes care of you. He constantly provides or offers any, even the most insignificant help. Takes over some of your work if you are colleagues, brings tea, helps carry heavy objects, etc.
  2. Looks for opportunities to be alone with you. If your chosen one is the boss, then he asks to stay late at work when everyone has already left. If the spouse is an acquaintance, he will look for an excuse to come to your home.
  3. A man is embarrassed in your presence, begins to confuse words.
  4. Asks you about your personal life directly or with the help of hints.
  5. Shares home news in a bad light. For example, he talks about the shortcomings of his wife.
  6. A man pronounces your name in a special way affectionately.

Important!When the desired result is achieved, try not to change the tactics of your behavior, stay for him the one he fell in love with. Only then all your efforts will not be in vain.

Answers on questions

If a man decided to leave his wife, but is afraid to confess to her, can the woman herself tell everything to his wife?

When a man makes a decision, he is not afraid to voice it. Most likely the man is deceiving you and he is unlikely to leave his wife. What you should definitely not do is take the initiative and get into a relationship. If your chosen one says that he is afraid, and you want to get married, then do not waste time on him. Such a man will most likely not leave his family. If you cannot imagine life without this particular man, then try to talk and find out what keeps him in marriage.

I am in love with a married colleague, but he does not yet know about my feelings, how can I tell him about it?

It is necessary to start seeing him more often, listen carefully to the man and sincerely praise him for his merits. Smile and watch your appearance. Don't show that you are partial to him. If there are other men in your team, then make him jealous. For example, when he walks by, laugh out loud at a colleague's joke. If he likes you, he will try to take your attention to himself. In the struggle for your location, he will definitely fall in love, since at this time you will be able to apply all the methods indicated in this article.

What if I am married myself?

First you need to deal with your personal life. If you want to build a new family, then you must end all previous relationships. Only after a divorce can you think about love with another man.

What to remember

Do not destroy the family if you are not sure that you need this particular man.

If you want to fall in love with a married man and create a long-term relationship with him, then follow these simple principles.

  1. Find out all the flaws of his wife and never admit them.
  2. Be yourself.
  3. Watch your appearance, do not run yourself.
  4. Show attention and respect to your chosen one.
  5. Try to add as many bright positive emotions as possible to your every day together.
  6. Surprise your man with a new appearance, spontaneous actions, remove the routine from your life.

A married man is easy prey

Falling in love with a married man is not so difficult. And not at all because you are so charming and attractive, and his wife, perhaps, is worse than you. It's just that most men (most, but not all) are potentially ready to cheat. This is how nature ordered that men are mostly polygamous, that is, they cannot limit themselves to one partner during their life. The roots of this phenomenon go back to ancient times, when this masculine quality was necessary for the continuous renewal, replenishment and preservation of people, as a species, at least as scientists suggest. But let's not go into such a scientific jungle, most men have such a feature, period.

Moreover, a husband, carried away by another woman, does not necessarily dislike his wife. He loves her in his own way, appreciates his home rear, but he does not mind getting new pleasant sensations. To feel young again, in love, and also an element of romance, mystery and adventure, in general, almost any married man does not mind “going to the left”. Therefore, the task of making a married man fall in love with you is not particularly difficult, but ...

What are men taboo for seduction

There are two categories of married men who are unlikely to fall in love with you.

  • First, these are married men of the same love. Yes, yes, there is such a category of married men, although it is not common. There are some “women in Russian villages” whom my husband will not cheat on. In the first case, he really loves his soul mate very much, and other women simply do not exist for him. In the second, she is such a smart woman (just smart, and not necessarily very beautiful), she arranged their family life in such a way that it does not even occur to her husband to “go to the left”. But even such wives are quite rare.
  • Secondly, men who have recently been married. It is very rare for a man who has just married to stare at other women. Although, there are also such Casanovas that literally after the honeymoon they are no longer averse to "skulking". There are no unconditional rules in the field of feelings.

If you want to fall in love with a married man, these two categories of husbands need to be considered. It is not difficult to understand or find out that your subject belongs to these two categories. In the first case, female intuition should work, according to the reaction of this man to other women, it is easy to understand that for him there is only one woman in the world - his wife. In the second case, you can simply find out that the man has recently been married.

It's easier to fall in love with a married man than an unmarried man.

No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, it is easier to "lasso" a married man than a free man. Especially if the man has been married for more than three years. Scientists argue that it is after three years that the chemical processes in a man's body that occur during the period of falling in love stop, and ardent falling in love-passion turns into calm affection-friendship, and this is even the best case. And at worst, the spouse gets to know his half well enough in three years, and he begins to dislike a lot of it (all girls are good, where do bad wives come from).

Or he is already somewhat fed up with the well-established calm family life, and he wants romance and adventure. So, a man who has been married for more than three years is already potentially ready for a new relationship. And if he is not yet unfaithful to his wife, this usually does not speak of his great love for her or his high decency, but simply the opportunity has not yet been presented.

So, falling in love with a married man is not too difficult. But the area of ​​feelings is not mathematics, there are no clear rules and precise concepts. And you cannot expect that after some definite, well-defined actions of yours, an obligatory result will follow, a man will certainly fall in love with you. The behavior tactics of a woman who wants a married man to fall in love with her is no different from hunting a free man, only her task is much easier, because, as mentioned above, a married man is an easier prey than an unmarried man. Here, the same methods will come in handy that work for a single person: a well-groomed appearance, seductive, but not vulgar clothing, light coquetry, the ability to show your interest, but without obsession.

I will not repeat myself and tell you how to fall in love with a married man. This is written in great detail in an article from the same section "How to captivate a man, the art of seduction." All the methods and techniques mentioned in this article are quite suitable and even faster affect a married man.

How to fall in love with a married man and take him away from the family

You love your unfree man so much that just being his mistress is not enough for you, you want him to become your constant companion. Well, nothing is new under the moon, "there are so many single guys, but I love a married man." But, keep in mind that this task is much more difficult, sometimes it has no solution, and sometimes you may not like its solution later. I'm not even talking about the moral aspects of this issue, that taking a man out of the family is ugly, ruthless and immoral. Moral issues in the modern world are somewhat blurred, and sometimes morality shyly retreats under the onslaught of true love.

Morality, morality, and to fall in love with a married man so that he left the family is not an easy task. Although, in the field of feelings, nothing is impossible, and in love, as in war, all means are good. And yet, men leave their families much less often than simply cheat on their wives. If you say in one sentence how to fall in love with a married man so that he leaves to you, you need him to be much better, more comfortable and interesting with you than in the family, so that he would not only want to meet with you, but that he would be afraid of losing you. Yes, everything seems to be simple, but how to do it?

Some women do not even need to create such a situation, a man falls in love so much (even without much effort on the part of a woman) that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved, even leave his family. But more often, a woman has to make a lot of effort and behave wisely so that her beloved wants to change the cozy family harbor for an unknown sea of ​​new life together.

Get to know your rival

The first step in this direction is to learn as much as possible about your loved one’s wife and their family relationships. Just do not try to acquire this information by asking a loved one. This is the wrong tactic. Perhaps he himself will tell something about her and about their relationship, you just need to be able to listen and express interest. A lot can be learned this way. If a man does not say anything about his spouse and family life, this fact can be twofold. Either he is just a noble man and does not want to talk badly about her, or he loves her in his own way, therefore he does not consider it possible to discuss a woman who is still dear to him with his mistress. Then this information can be obtained from acquaintances or friends of this family, women love to gossip, and you can learn a lot by showing unobtrusive interest.

Specific actions how to fall in love with a married man and take him away from the family

This information about his wife is necessary in order not to be like her, not to repeat her mistakes. A simple example: it is hardly possible to seriously captivate a man with the warmth and comfort of your apartment, skillfully prepared dishes, deliberate concern for his comforts, if he sees all this constantly at home, and all these worries have become boring to him. If his wife is a cozy, sweet, homely woman, a good housewife, then falling in love with him enough to take him away from the family, with the same behavior, will hardly work.

You need to become the complete opposite of his wife, but with a plus sign. This does not mean that when a wife is a good housewife, he will certainly fall in love with a slob and inept. In short, you need to fight and defeat your wife on the field, where her position is often weakened:

  • After several years of marriage, family life usually turns into a routine and conversations between spouses are mainly about everyday things: what to buy, how to make repairs, about school and the behavior of children. Therefore, in order to fall in love with a married man so much that he wants to stay with you forever, you need to become an interesting interlocutor for him. Which interlocutor is the most interesting? The one who listens with interest and discusses with interest the topics of interest to the second interlocutor. Your loved one can talk with pleasure about his work, career, hobbies, even remember his youth. Any topic that interests him should be supported, discussed with interest, perhaps even argued on some positions and allowed himself to be persuaded. Then your man will be convinced that he has met a “soul mate”, a woman who understands him perfectly.
  • It is unlikely that the wife often admires some of the qualities of her husband and looks at him with delight. And if he does, it’s for taking out the trash can on time or for helping to clean the apartment. Family everyday life erases the touch of masculinity from a man, even if he has it. Admiration for him, as a man, for some of his purely masculine actions, success in his career, his erudition, his athletic figure, or whatever, will become another brick in the wall separating him from his wife. But such admiration should not be deliberate and insincere, a man will immediately feel fake.
  • Often, after several years of marriage, sex between spouses turns into the fulfillment of a conjugal duty. Therefore, sex with you should be completely different, charming and desirable for him. When partners are in love with each other, sex usually happens like that.

Fatal mistakes of mistresses

To fall in love and keep a married man in love, it is important not only to make some effort, but it is equally important to avoid the most common mistakes that women often make in such a difficult relationship. Such mistakes lead, most often, to a break in relations.

So, what you shouldn't do if you want not only to fall in love with a married man, but also to keep him:

  1. There is no need to force him to make the choice "me or she." Such an ultimatum cannot push him to make a decision in your favor. Men do not like to be pressured and forced to make a decision under pressure. If he is in love with you and does not want to lose, he will most likely become yours this way,
  2. You should not show your jealousy, even if deep down you are jealous of your beloved for his wife. Let her be jealous, and you should be calm and confident in yourself. The phrases "you love her more than me", "she is dear to you, but I am not," will only irritate him,
  3. No need to be intrusive, bombarding him with SMS and incessant calls, asking for meetings and dates. This behavior of yours is more likely to alienate him and make him wonder if he really needs such an obsessive woman,
  4. In no case should you threaten him that you will tell his wife about your relationship, much less fulfill your threat. If he is ready to leave for you, he himself will notify his wife, and will do it as he decides. And if he is not yet ready for the decisive step, it will only make him angry. The fact that you provoked a scandal in his family will turn the man against you. And even if, after that, they part with his wife, it is far from the fact that he will go to you. He, in general, may not want to see you after all this.


If, after all your suffering, efforts and hopes, a married man does not fall in love with you, or has fallen in love, but does not want to leave the family, do not consider this the collapse of your life. If you have not fallen in love, then this is not your man. Just a bad experience, but any experience is not useless, in the next relationship you will already be smarter and will not make the mistakes that led to the breakup. Most likely, you will meet someone who truly loves you and whom you will love, and subsequently you will remember with a smile about your failed or unsuccessful romance.

If it worked out to fall in love with a married man, but it didn't work out to take him away from the family, you shouldn't regret it either. No wonder one smart man said "be afraid of your desires, sometimes they come true." It is likely that the man you got with such difficulty, in living together, would not be such a handsome prince as you seemed to be during courtship and secret meetings.

Everyone knows that love is evil and you can love anyone. Including those who already have a second half legalized by state bodies. What to do in this situation? There are two ways: to retreat and walk away, or to get your way by any means. Both paths deserve both praise and sympathy, because it is not always possible to understand what fate and destiny are, and what certain actions will lead to. If this man was reassigned to you, and you have not the slightest doubt about this, but for some reason he married someone else, then we are faced with the question of how to fall in love with a married man.

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

Step one: grab attention
Can you get the attention of a married man? Sure. From the fact that he has a stamp in his passport, the man does not cease to be a hunter and a male. However, there are some limitations. It has been noticed that the level of attention of a married man to other women is directly proportional to the time that has passed since the day of the wedding.

New husbands are usually focused on their newly acquired wives and react poorly to the rest of the fairer sex. If such a specimen has caught your attention, you have one thing to do - wait. Over time, the wife will become familiar, and his gaze will slide past her towards the other legs, lips and eyes.

If a man has been married for at least three years, then he can be taken warm. Although persistent specimens can admire their wife for a longer time. There are cases when a man loved one woman all his life and not only never cheated on her, but did not even dream about it. But this is so rare that we will not even consider such an option.

So how to get the attention of a married man? Just like any other. Make your appearance as attractive as possible. Be seductive. Dress in such a way that you have no doubts about your high-class femininity. But don't cross the line of vulgarity. Behave moderately flirtatious. Smile at him as if it is his presence that makes you the happiest woman in the world. It is not difficult if you are in love with him.

Step two: consolidate the result
He noticed you and probably appreciated you. Now you are for him the very attractive stranger who works in the next department, or lives in the opposite house, or does fitness in his sports center, or even befriends his wife (in the latter case, most likely, not a stranger).

But after all, it is not enough for you that he lingers on you every time you are nearby. You need something more. You want him to think about you day and night, to achieve you in every conceivable and inconceivable way and to be ready to do anything for your smile. You must become the only one, unique and irreplaceable for him.

At this stage, if you are not familiar, then you should definitely get to know each other. This is not so difficult to do; if you wish, there is always a reason to start a conversation. It's easiest if you work together. If you have not been introduced to each other, you can get to know each other through colleagues or on your own, having come up with some kind of work reason for interaction. You may have to go to his department with the help of behind-the-scenes intrigue or somehow get into his social circle. If you go in for sports together, live nearby or see each other for some reason, use any common interests and points of contact in order to start an acquaintance. And having begun, deepen and expand.

Step three: generate a positive response
You are familiar, communicate, and, apparently, like your chosen one. Now you need to make sure that you do not just like you, but cause delight, joy and a desire to see you again and again. He should develop a conditioned reflex: as soon as he sees you, he immediately experiences numerous and vivid positive emotions. How can this be achieved?

To fall in love with a married man, you need to give him what he is deprived of at home. Consider the main points that are lacking for men who have been married for several years:

Novelty. He has known his wife for a long time, studied her inside and out and does not expect anything new from her. You are a new and little-known quantity, and due to this, you are extremely attractive. At this point, you do not have to do anything. The novelty is already in you.

Praises and compliments. Wives rarely praise their husbands. They take themselves and what they do for granted. Here in front of you is a whole unplowed field. Admire his business acumen, energy and sociability if he is your colleague. Get ecstatic with his muscles and his masculinity if you hang out with him at the gym. Praise his elegance, walk, ability to park the car and his dog, if you live nearby and see each other near the house. Delight in everything that you can admire, but do it subtly enough. While some men are susceptible to rude, open-ended flattery, others are more sensitive and your over-pressure can turn them off.

Intimate relationships. As various researchers say, and as popular rumor echoes them, the quantity and quality of intimacy after several years of marriage is significantly reduced compared to what it was at the beginning of the relationship. Therefore, your triumphant and seductive appearance can cause a storm of emotions in his soul and other organs. And your task is to maintain and intensify this heat.

This may be simple if a man is already internally ripe for treason, or it can be very difficult if he is a highly moral type (which, although rare, but are found in our time) and does not want to succumb to the call of the flesh, no matter how loud this call may be ...

You must try to ensure that he burns out with desire, but cannot realize it. At the same time, there should not be direct conversations and open hints of intimacy. Hidden tricks should be used: casual touches, seductive gestures: stroking your hair or other parts of the body, stretching, picking up dropped objects (don't overdo it, it may look funny, not attractive), conversations about food preferences and types of recreation ( I love ice cream, it melts so nicely on the tongue) and the like.

Attention. Intimacy is an important aspect of life, but far from the only one. And you must launch an offensive on all fronts. Your task is to take an active part in his life and become an integral part of it. The easiest way to do this is if you are colleagues at work, and at the same time he loves his job. You are already a part of each other's life. You are busy with a common cause and spend a lot of time together. It is easy for you to become indispensable for him and to make it difficult for him to do without you.

If you are dating in your spare time, it will be more difficult to achieve this, but nothing is impossible for a woman who is obsessed with a man. Spend a lot of time together. Provide him services and offer help. Let him get used to being around and always ready to support him.

Step four: keep our distance
He is ripe and ready to violently pounce on you, like a Neanderthal, to shoulder you and drag you into his cave with quite predictable intentions. But you don't give him that opportunity. And wonder if he gets impatient.

Did you promise something? Hinting at something? There was no such thing. You are as pure as the tear of an innocent lamb.

It's time for a tactical retreat. You need to temporarily step aside so that he understands how bad he is without you and how good it would be to be with you always. If the preliminary work has been done efficiently, he will certainly be aware of this.

Step Five: Defeating Your Opponent
So, he desperately wants to spend as much time with you as possible and in as many ways as possible. You want the same. What prevents you from connecting happily? That's right, wife. Before that, we talked about her somehow in passing, and not by accident. You shouldn't talk to him about her either. Moreover, to say something bad.

You just have to show that she, not you, has all the rights. She is his legal spouse and he must be with her. As soon as he realizes that you are pushing him into the arms of his annoying wife, he will understand how much he needs you and will be ready for anything, up to a divorce. And that's exactly what you wanted, isn't it?