The gift of clairvoyance is given from above. Clairvoyance - how to develop a divine gift

The unique gift of clairvoyance has been known since ancient times among different peoples, and carries a deep meaning, bewitching and alluring to this day. People with this gift are highly valued, but there are many false clairvoyants.

Science is unable to explain such a phenomenon, however, it cannot exclude its possibility. Therefore, many serious scientists refrain from statements on this topic, fearing to provide facts of the existence of the gift of clairvoyance. It is impossible to deny this phenomenon. What is the gift of clairvoyance?

The gift of clairvoyance- this is the ability of a person to have a very close contact with God (Higher Intelligence), it can also be Saints, this is the ability to communicate with them and receive the necessary information. This relationship can be divided into two types: clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Clairvoyance- this is a way of obtaining this or that information by recognizing the pictures of the real world shown by the Angels. It is difficult to understand what has been said, but it is even more difficult to understand those pictures that contain answers to questions.

Clairaudience- this is the ability to hear voices, sometimes clear, and sometimes just scraps of words that are difficult to interpret, but, as a rule, after long-term communication with the Angels, everything becomes clearer. Most often, this phenomenon sounds (among the people) like an inner voice that every person is able to hear, the difference is only in understanding the source and meaning of what was said.

As a rule, the gift of clairvoyance is given to a person who is no different from ordinary people, he does not have any physical or mental abnormalities, but he has a very strong Guardian Angel behind him. It is believed that his soul is as pure as a baby's tear, he is capable of infinite compassion and his thoughts are based on love for people.

The gift of clairvoyance is given by the Higher Powers

Only God is capable of choosing the future owner of the gift of clairvoyance; he decides who will become a prophet and how clearly he will see. Among other things, not all the flow of information transmitted by the Angels, the clairvoyant can divulge.

Very often people try to find their enemies, thieves or even murderers with the help of those with the gift of clairvoyance, but the clairvoyant cannot help in such a situation without permission from Above. If he goes against the Higher Forces, then they can not only stop all communication, but also punish the whole family of the clairvoyant for breaking the rules. It so happens that clairvoyants are even threatened, intimidated or offered huge money for work, but this is useless, because such people are under the protection of the Higher Powers and are not afraid of anything.

Since there are a great many charlatans, it is worth paying attention to some factors that distinguish the real owner of the gift of clairvoyance from the false one.

  • 1. It is worth asking a clairvoyant tell about your past... This is quite difficult, since it has already happened, but this is what will make you understand whether this is the person you need, whether he is telling the truth or lying. The charlatan will try to skip facts from the past or will speak in general phrases that are already visible to any person, and can generally suit absolutely anyone who comes.

Therefore, the most effective way to find out whether a person-contactee has the gift of clairvoyance or not is to ask him to tell you about your past, if he himself does not consider it necessary. And don't forget about common phrases that suit most.

  • 2. Long-standing cheaters can identify certain factors of the past by looking at the client's face. But most of these liars, when asked about marital status and family relationships, will act at random, betraying the lack of the gift of clairvoyance. In addition, a drinker can always be told that health problems and family problems await him.

  • 3. The gift of clairvoyance is not easy to give and its true owner will never call his work fortune-telling. After all, fortune-telling itself is just guessing possible events, and clairvoyance is an accurate description of the future. It's like going to a movie with a person who has already seen this film and with someone who will only try to guess the course of events at the beginning of the plot. The difference is big and to call a clairvoyant fortune teller is a rather offensive insult.

  • 4. Words about hereditary fortune-tellers it can also be considered complete nonsense, because the most famous clairvoyants did not have any descendants to whom the gift passed. It is worth staying away from people who call themselves hereditary clairvoyants and fortune-tellers, you can not only not find out what you wanted, but also lose everything that you had before coming to them.

  • 5. There are no such educational institutions in which they could teach clairvoyance. This Gift is not given by school, but by God and cannot be confirmed by any diploma. There are many schools that teach different types of magic and divination, but this has nothing to do with the gift of clairvoyance.

The gift of clairvoyance can come to a person who:

- has no karmic prohibitions;

- has no bad habits;

- possesses the necessary amount of energy (for abilities, a constant set of energy is required).

The scientific aspect of clairvoyance.

A person's ability to clairvoyance is called "direct knowledge". Researchers associate the phenomenon of foresight with apprehension, intuition, which are highly developed in animals and weaker in humans. Our smaller brothers predict natural disasters and cataclysms by their behavior. In many countries, animals are monitored by seismologists and meteorologists to obtain information about upcoming potential disasters. An ordinary person's intuition is poorly developed. Therefore, we do not pay attention to changes in our mood, we do not see warning signs around us. Scientists distinguish three main ways of obtaining direct knowledge:

Gaining knowledge by changing consciousness (using potions, ancient rituals, rhythmic music, entering a trance, meditation, relaxation, the practice of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projections).
Getting information through insight.
Analysis of the obtained indirect knowledge (interpretation of signs, symbols that violate the natural course, way of life).


The information received about upcoming events still needs to be able to recognize and correctly interpret. This process entirely depends on the personality of the clairvoyant, his experience, knowledge of human nature and the laws of the Universe. The gift of clairvoyance is not inherited, a person is born with it. Therefore, the expression "hereditary clairvoyant" should make you think: is it worth communicating with such a person at all. People who know how to capture the subtle matter of the soul and nature will never take money for their predictions. Moreover, to promote yourself and advertise your "talent". Clairvoyance is a gift from God, clairvoyants are bright and pure souls. They will never guess you, they do not have students and diplomas confirming supernormal abilities. Clairvoyants improve themselves throughout their lives, achieving and mastering the following:

Increasing intelligence (improving memory, concentration, attention)
The ability to improve your health
The ability to see events that took place in the past, present, future, at a distance
The ability to see with closed eyes
Ability to predict options for future events
Ability to see the aura of living and inanimate objects
The ability to see subtle matter and elements of these worlds (planes)
Ability to sense and feel the world around at a qualitatively new level (change in perception)

Rules for developing the gift of clairvoyance in oneself.

An open mind for new knowledge and skills
Proper nutrition
See the world as a whole, don't get hung up on one idea.
Plunge into the whole knowledge, do not grab only the top of the teachings
Watch your thoughts, throw negativity out of your head and heart
Exercise regularly and consistently
Clean energy channels are success in your knowledge of science

Exercises to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

For clairvoyance, the most important rule is ability to concentrate... Depending on the task, one has to concentrate on various objective and subjective subjects. For example, on some organ of a person, his desire, thought, photograph, object of use, etc. With the ability to concentrate, a person is already born. For its development, it is recommended to perform several exercises daily:

Trataka. Place the chosen object for concentration at arm's length and at eye level. Begin the exercise by bringing your thoughts to a peaceful state. This will take about 5 minutes. Your eyes should be relaxed, you shouldn't blink. Carefully study all the features of the subject: lines, transitions, color, flaws. Devote 10 minutes to examining the external image of the object. Then concentrate on the internal components (feel the nature of the material, production, energy). This should take you 15 minutes more. Do trataka every day without fail. Exercise should not be done while sick, and after drinking alcohol - for two days.

By photo. Take a picture of your friend so that you can later check the results of your exercises. Peer into the image, mentally concentrating on specific questions about this person, his thoughts, character traits. You must learn to see clear mental images. This exercise usually takes one week. Over time, one glance at the photo will be enough for you to get the answer to your question.

For seeing the aura. It is recommended to create twilight in the room. Sit your volunteer in front of you and consider the space around him at a distance of 10-15 cm. No need to peer with your eyes, the sensations should come on their own, without effort on your part. The exercise takes 30-40 minutes every day. If you suddenly feel tired, heaviness, then the exercise must be stopped. This state indicates that your feelings have begun to change, there is progress in learning.

Test exercise. Place 5 red strips and 5 blue strips in envelopes. Only 10 envelopes. Spread them out in front of you, concentrate. Try to "see" the colors of the paper inside the envelopes, set aside the ones you choose, and test yourself. Be sure to do this exercise every day. Celebrate your results.

These exercises are necessary at the initial stage of clairvoyance development classes. Over time, seeing with your eyes closed will become your habitual vision of things and the world around you. One day you will realize that you can read people's minds. This is a sign of strong intuition and the success of your exercises.

Fatal flaws in clairvoyance.

Clairvoyant predictions cannot be proven... They begin to believe only after a fait accompli. This is used by scammers who know the basics of human psychology. They use leading questions to extract information from clients and use it to lure out money for "lapels", "love spells", "removal of the celibacy wreath", etc.

For true clairvoyants feeling of inevitability causes discomfort. Especially if people do not believe them and do not take any action to prevent future troubles. Therefore, clairvoyants do not talk about the future. They can only give some advice, recommendations. Only in this way can clairvoyants influence the inevitability of events in the future.


If clairvoyants see pictures, plots of future events, then clairaudient ones hear voices that whisper warnings to them about the future. Every person has an inner voice, but not everyone listens to it. Clairaudience, like clairvoyance, requires constant improvement, daily exercises to develop the gift. The principle of the exercises is the same: with the help of concentration, a person listens and gets answers to his questions. Mediums are sure that Angels whisper predictions to clairaudient ones, and they show pictures to clairvoyants. These two superpowers of a person have a common origin - a developed heightened intuition, the ability to see subtle matter, worlds, a pure soul and thoughts. Science has established this gift, but not substantiated. It has been proven that every person possesses superpowers, to a greater or lesser extent. But in our material world, most people consider spiritual knowledge unnecessary.

Clairvoyance is a creative process.

All talented people have the gift of clairvoyance. In search of an idea of ​​inspiration, pictures of the future, the past in the smallest detail appear in their minds. Describing these events, writers, artists, scientists foreshadow scientific discoveries, disasters and natural disasters with amazing accuracy. What until recently was a fantasy for mankind is now a reality. People are frightened by predictions about disasters and tragedies. It must be remembered that it is impossible to establish an exact connection between what the clairvoyant said and the size of future events. In the visions of mediums, spiritual and material catastrophes look about the same. For people, the physical is primary. Therefore, all predictions are perceived one-sidedly, from a material point of view. We pay very little attention to our spiritual development and growth. The biggest catastrophe that can happen to a person is moral and spiritual destruction.

Many people are attracted by the ability to have the gift of clairvoyance. This ability gives a person a chance to foresee and avoid many mistakes, as well as penetrate the world of secrets and mysteries of the universe and help many people.

So how do you get the amazing gift of clairvoyance? How to develop? Can everyone do it? What methods are there for acquiring these abilities? We will give answers to all these questions in this article.

Who can have this gift?

The ability can appear in humans in two ways. The first is an innate talent that can appear unexpectedly at any time or appear right from birth. But there is also a second option, when talent manifests itself in a person who did not have any abilities before, after hard training and daily work on himself.

The question immediately arises of how to develop clairvoyance on your own. In order to get started, you must initially have a predisposition to this, have good intuition and sensitivity. Certain inclinations also have those people who saw prophetic dreams or had an unexpected premonition of danger. By working on intuition, you can advance in the development of an extrasensory gift.

It's important to stay persistent and hardworking. After all, the development process is not easy. It requires inner strength and a lot of self-control. How to develop intuition and clairvoyance? You need to engage in daily meditation practices and exercises. It is important to remember that you should not be frivolous about the learning process. Carelessness can lead to irreversible consequences, for example, lead to a state of coma or death. When performing training, you need to be very careful and clearly understand why this is needed, have certain goals, then the gift will not bring harm, but benefit. It is desirable that the learning process be controlled by an experienced person with abilities, that is, a psychic.

What good will a person who has psychic abilities gain?

Before developing the ability of clairvoyance, you should find out how they can affect the future life of a citizen. Note that all changes in a person will be only positive.

  1. Sensitivity will appear in everything. The owner of the gift will begin to understand and notice what was not noticeable before.
  2. A chance is given to penetrate into other worlds and realities, to touch the mystery.
  3. Objects can be seen with closed eyes.
  4. A person will be able to see and understand the auras of animals, energy shells, positive and negative around a person.
  5. The most useful ability that can appear after hard training is the ability to see events and things in advance in the life of loved ones, sometimes even in your own.
  6. Clairvoyants often help in finding other people and assist the police.
  7. The skill helps to strengthen the health of the owner, helps to quickly restore vital energy, and gives a powerful immunity that allows you to fight many diseases.
  8. People who have the gift have a well-developed memory.

What skill or trait a person will have depends on the initial predisposition and innate characteristics. But we must not forget that nothing will work out without due perseverance, diligence and luck. Only by showing all these qualities, there is a chance to understand how to develop the gift of clairvoyance in oneself.

Mandatory rules for effective learning

How to develop clairvoyance on your own? To do this, you need to be guided by several mandatory principles. They will help make the whole process painless and less dangerous.

  1. One of the main conditions for success is that the intentions with which the student starts the study are kind and honest. Plans to use the gift for evil will lead to the fact that nothing will work out.
  2. How to develop the ability of clairvoyance? To achieve success, you should conduct classes regularly, without missing more than one day. Then the result will not be long in coming and you will have the desired gift - clairvoyance.
  3. How to develop the ability? Eat healthy, light foods, preferably of plant origin. Such food contributes to the development of the gift. Also, this food will not burden the stomach and will give a feeling of light satiety. After all, before classes, you should not overeat - energy channels may close.
  4. You cannot dwell on one extrasensory perception, you can study related teachings. It is good to combine clairvoyance with yoga and meditation.
  5. You must always strive to learn new things, keep your heart and mind open. This is exactly another principle, observing which, you can get one step closer to obtaining abilities.
  6. With the growth of amazing talent, there is a risk of becoming overconfident and proud. It is required under all circumstances to maintain modesty, tolerance of others and exactingness towards oneself.
  7. And the most important thing is not to stop.

The importance of concentration in the learning process

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance? The very first and main quality that no psychic can do without is concentration. Without this ability, it is very difficult to succeed in any endeavor, especially in clairvoyance. A very valuable skill is to discard extraneous thoughts at a certain moment and focus on the main thing. It must be remembered that the effect of the lessons will not be if you do not know how to relax and tune in a positive way.

There is a great way to increase concentration - you need to concentrate with your eyes on one subject. You need to do this every day for ten minutes. But you must remember that you cannot blink while concentrating.

The eyes and whole body should be calm and relaxed. It is good if the room is quiet and calm music is playing, and the light is muffled. To make it easier, you can start at one minute and gradually lengthen the time.

How to develop clairvoyance? Exercise will help!

An important step in building your ability is learning a few simple yet powerful ways.

First, let's look at the main techniques for developing intuition. You need to start from a simple method to a more complex exercise. Choose a quiet place for your studies. It is better not to eat before class. Exercising on an empty stomach is safer.

The snapshot workout lasts exactly seven days. For training, you will need to get a photo of a friend or relative. While exercising, you should keep all your attention on the photo and ask yourself a question, for example, about the personal life of the owner of the picture. After that, you need to sit for two minutes in silence, and think about what images arise in thoughts, as well as what sounds. This will be the possible answer to the question.

After a few minutes of rest, repeat the procedure and do so until clear images appear in your head with an answer to the question posed regarding the personality and character of the friend. There is nothing to worry about if it doesn't work the first time. Have to try again and again.

Checking the Gift with Envelopes

This technique will help you easily check whether a person has unusual abilities or not. You need to take two-tone colored paper. Then cut into ten strips of different colors (for example, five blue and five red). Then put each in a separate envelope. As a result, get 10 envelopes with stripes. Then you need to relax and take a comfortable position. Next, take the envelope in your hands and, closing your eyes, feel what shade the stripe is in it.

Technique for checking the human energy field

If a person wants to acquire the gift of clairvoyance, how to develop this ability? The following technique will help. It is imperative to take a partner to implement this technique. A comfortable atmosphere, a dim lamp and a comfortable posture are required. The silhouettes in the room should be visible. While in a relaxed state, you should carefully look around the helper's head. This should be done without straining the eyeballs. Time to complete - half an hour, or forty minutes every day.

Finish as soon as you feel tired in the body. The optimal solution is to repeat the technique twice in the morning and evening. So there will be less stress on the body.

Classes according to the method of Vyacheslav Bronnikov

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance? Extrasensory perception and all unusual phenomena have long been of interest to scientists. Everyone tried to find an understandable explanation for such a miracle. Scientist V. Bronikov has achieved significant results in this area. The professor's technique activates the innate strengths of the subject's body. This training system is capable of positively influencing a person's condition. Includes 3 stages.

At the initial stage, it is first of all important to master the art of relaxation and relaxation. In this state, it is easier to learn to evoke different sensations within yourself.

The second stage is the development of internal vision, the reproduction of a white screen in the head and the projection of images.

At the last stage, the vision of the surrounding world with closed eyes develops.


Now you know what such an ability as clairvoyance is, we have told you how to develop it. We've also provided tips to help you achieve faster results. Success!

Hello dear friend!

So, after a short break, we will continue to talk about nature. What is clairvoyance itself?

Clairvoyance, in a very simple way, is a person's ability to "see" or receive information about the past, present and future. Every inhabitant of our planet has this ability to one degree or another, and the initial stages of its development are called intuition.

Intuition is a very primitive form of clairvoyance, and is developed as a protective reaction of the body, aimed at preserving its life. In cases when this ancient instinct awakens in us, we suddenly stop from an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety, and this second stop saves our lives. These premonitions usually manifest themselves on a subconscious level.

If intuition is embedded in us from above at the genetic level, then clairvoyance should also have a basis in any person!

The gift of clairvoyance is a more stable psychic process that can be controlled regardless of the surrounding conditions. It manifests itself in several forms and in different ways for different clairvoyants. Known for his theosophical treatises, Charles Leadbeater called it the ability to see what is hidden from the ordinary view of man.

The gift of clairvoyance - in space and time.

The most common and attractive forms of clairvoyance for many people are seeing at long distances, or seeing objects hidden from the eyes and seeing the past, present and future. Some scientists and theosophists argue that the rudiments of this ability are found in every individual and are especially clearly manifested in a certain state of consciousness, into which one can submerge with the help of a volitional effort. Saint Paul called this state "peace leading to understanding."

At all times they thought about that in themselves, and found various recipes for this. But, until now, there is not a single methodology and technology that could help any person to get the opportunity to see the past and the future. As with any magical art, a teacher is needed here!

Some techniques help develop clairvoyance, if you have even the slightest inclinations. They are aimed, first of all, at cleansing the subtle bodies of a person, increasing sensitivity to the perception of certain energies and mastering secret techniques. If a person has the inclinations of clairvoyance, but does not develop them, they will gradually fade away.

Some say that the gift of clairvoyance is inherited, others - that it comes from God, but in either case it must be improved.

What you need to develop in yourself the gift of clairvoyance from God, confirm many examples from life. The famous clairvoyant Vanga, while still a little girl, hid various things in the garden and looked for them with closed eyes. And even the famous soothsayer Wolf Messing constantly trained his abilities. He tried with an effort of will to remove various pain sensations or tried to read the thoughts of others, by all means checking his guesses.

The development of clairvoyance is a complex and long process. But, that's what you can't do without, so without a great desire and faith in your abilities. The American fortuneteller and healer of the last century, Edgar Cayce, who was no less popular than Wanga, was an ordinary child in childhood. He knew that his father and grandfather had some extrasensory abilities, but he did not notice the manifestations in himself. However, Casey really wanted the Almighty to grant him the ability to heal people. And then one day an insight came to him, which he developed into the ability not only to make a medical diagnosis, but also to predict events from the distant past and future.

Do you want to know, how to open the gift of clairvoyance in yourself?

To do this, first of all, try to clearly understand why you need it. Set yourself a clear goal and start slowly moving towards it! It will be good if you find a person to whom you can ask questions and begin to study the biographies and works of the great clairvoyants and theosophists. If you cope with this stage, then you will certainly need the help of a person who knows about clairvoyance not by hearsay.

But even if you stop at any of the improvement steps the gift of clairvoyance and you will not become clairvoyant in the full sense of the word, then the acquired initial knowledge and skills will greatly help you to gain support in life, and maintain your health and happiness.

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Destination horoscope. Spiritual development

What is my destiny? This question is asked by all reasonable people at a certain point in time. A HOROSCOPE OF PURPOSE helps to understand this issue.

Those who have studied spiritual literature know that we are all eternal souls. All have the same purpose, and this is sanatana dharma - service to God. Everyone understands this expression in their own way and to the extent of their level of consciousness, and many are even jarred by it, because no one wants to be a slave.

Because of the feeling of rejection and “uncomfortable”, we tend to even completely go to extremes, become atheists, just to rely only on ourselves, the main thing is not to suffer.

There is also upa dharma - translated as mission. The mission of each person is quite simple, if you are a woman, then cook, take care of children, look good. If you are a man, become a protector for your family, realize yourself in the outside world, earn money.

But this fundamentally does not mean that a woman can not work if she wants to, she can very much even work, only she must properly allocate her time in this case. In our era, the most important thing is to live "without distortions", that is, one cannot only go into work and the material world, improve oneself only from this side, as a result there will be suffering, but one cannot go only into spirituality, it does not seem like serving God, but rather an escape from reality and responsibility from fulfilling one's upa dharma.

How to be? Everything is banal and simple, you need to spiritualize your life. For example, you do not just have breakfast, lunch or dinner, you first offer this food to God, for this it is not necessary to study the rules for offering food, observe all the necessary rituals, etc., for sure this will discourage your desire to do it every day. Just in your mind offer food to God, imagine Him tasting your food.

If you manage to perform this action every day, take the next step, start offering any of your actions to God.

There is no point in asking God for something material, but it makes sense to understand yourself and establish a connection with Him through your own heart. Our mission is precisely this, to establish our communication and relationship with God.

The HOROSCOPE OF PURPOSE will help you to understand in detail the questions of your spiritual life.

He answers the following questions:

  • what attachments caused birth;
  • for what purposes the soul was incarnated;
  • stock of piety from a past life;
  • spiritual potential;
  • selection of spiritual practices that will be close to you and will establish your connection with God;
  • forms of God to be near and loved;
  • what to focus on in spiritual practice;
  • the ability to receive initiation, mantras, what obstacles, how easy / difficult;
  • in which side of the house / room it is best to place the altar or pray;
  • a period of spiritual growth;
  • the ability to absorb knowledge from the Guru or the tendency to change the Guru / path, whether there will be a deep connection with the teacher or not;
  • mantras to harmonize a particular position in the map

and many others…

Cost - 6 500 rubles


Solar horoscope. Forecast for 1 year

In the astrological sense, the birthday is a special date, since on this day the Sun returns to exactly the same degree of the zodiac sign as at our birth. This phenomenon is called Solar treatment or simply Solar treatment.

True solar birthday may differ from the “official” one by more than a day. And therefore, it is important to know exactly when your "secret" solar time, since this moment is decisive for making wishes for your new year, for freeing yourself from the negative programs of the past year and creating a wish card.

It is important not to miss it, having drawn up an individual horoscope for the year. This forecast will tell you what trends await you over the next year, which areas of life will undergo the greatest changes. The forecast helps to accurately assess your capabilities and redirect energy in the right direction.

The solarium will help you understand:

✔ What awaits you this year in relationships with loved ones, relatives and colleagues;
✔ What changes will happen in your career, and how it will affect your material well-being;
✔ What you should pay attention to in terms of health, success in business, change of place of residence or work;
✔ Will there be a change in personal life this year, including marriage and the birth of children;

With the help of a professional horoscope analysis, you can plan things in the best way for the coming year, as well as protect yourself from possible dangers.


You can order an individual horoscope for a year for yourself and your loved ones as a gift with a 20% discount if you leave a request within 3 days before your birthday.

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 7 100 rubles


Natal chart. Personal horoscope

An individual horoscope (a person's natal chart) is a personal horoscope based on your date of birth, exact time and geographic place of birth. This is a detailed map of your personality and destiny, ranging from health status, ending with talents and abilities, circumstances and predispositions of all spheres of life.

A personal horoscope immediately gives answers to all burning questions of a person:

✔ how to build a perfect relationship?

Finding the right life partner. How, when and where to look for it, based on the clues in your map. Compatibility. Which of several candidates to give preference to. Overcoming inevitable relationship problems with a specific person and specific ways to reduce them. Your strengths and weaknesses in this relationship.

An individual horoscope will help analyze your prospects for personal happiness and tell you how to change your personal life for the better.

✔ what profession to choose?

Career guidance for young people and adults. Disclosure of deep talents. Future area: where your potential will be best unleashed. Whether the business you are currently doing or are going to do is right for you. Which industry is more suitable for your psyche, but does not require a change of education. Do I need to get a new education.

✔ how to make a lot of money?

Ways to increase your income and raise money. A clear understanding of what exactly helps you and what prevents you from earning decent money. Determination of the professional areas that will be the most profitable. Determining the most profitable direction of your work, as well as establishing the circumstances that prevent you from conquering financial difficulties right now.

✔ what is my purpose? what is the karmic task?

Having learned about your purpose, you will get rid of the feeling of emptiness in your soul, apathy and even depression. Most often, these phenomena indicate that a person does not know what is the meaning of his life.

You will also learn about your innate skills and deep talents. Get knowledge about your karmic task for the current life.

If you are confused, it is difficult / impossible for you to listen to yourself and understand what is useful and important to do, what you really would like to do in life - contact a professional astrologer and get answers to all your questions right now!

✔ how to be healthy and happy?

Warning by an individual horoscope of diseases that have not yet arisen. Definition of diseases that you may be susceptible to. Choosing the right time for treatment or surgery prescribed by your doctor.

A medical consultation with an astrologer does not replace an appointment with a doctor - it helps you avoid illness and minimize your risk.

NATAL CARD is the astrological key to your self-knowledge. This is an opportunity, having received accurate information about yourself, get rid of problems, improve your life and go in the right direction every day!

This horoscope can become an unusual, original and really very useful GIFT not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones and friends. You can give it as a birthday present or on the occasion of other events.

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 10,000 rubles


Profession horoscope. Choose consciously

Do you enjoy going to work?

Everyone wants to simultaneously do what they love and make good money. For this, it is important to choose your path in life correctly, realize your creative potential and correctly define a successful field of activity. HOROSCOPE PROFESSION will help you with this.

How to find your calling? Which profession to choose? How do you make money? - such questions are asked by both very young and already experienced people who are not satisfied with the current job.

A lot of disagreements also arise among parents when a child who finishes school is faced with a choice of a future profession. Where to go? What preparatory courses should I take? What final exams to take to gain points in the desired university?

The choice is often wrong. This also affects family relationships, and in the future can lead to the collapse of a career, depression. In adulthood, a person who is not in his profession experiences stress at work, disappointment in himself. In the best case, you can retrain, go back to school, which is much harder, especially when you already have a family and children. In the worst case, the person remains penniless and unhappy.

✔ There is a way out:

If you are already a mature person, but have wondered about a career, you feel out of place at work, then the HOROSCOPE OF PROFESSION is a great way to find out the type of activity in which you can maximally express yourself, your talents, the best qualities and, of course, achieve success. and have income from it.

If you are a parent, then you have an additional responsibility - parents in 99% of cases interfere in the choice of a child's profession, and very rarely when this choice coincides with the child's real talents, capabilities and abilities. As a rule, the choice is wrong, and both children and parents suffer. Do you want your child to go to classes with glowing eyes, to be interested in studying and working in their profession, and in the future could support themselves on their own?

The HOROSCOPE OF PROFESSION makes it possible to find out what the child is predisposed to, what talents he already has, and which ones are worth developing. Thanks to what profession he can become successful and, most importantly, happy.

So from the horoscope of the profession you will learn:

  • your personal characteristics that can affect work and career (talents);
  • in what field, in what position you should work and why (hired labor, freelancing, own business);
  • in which field of activity your potential will be best revealed;
  • whether the business you are currently doing or are going to do is right for you;
  • which industry is more suitable for your psyche, but does not require a change of education or is it still worth getting a new education;
  • your karmic tasks and purpose;
  • recommendations for neutralizing negative influences;

and much more…

But finding your profession is only half the battle. Each person's horoscope contains information about those industries in which the path to success is the shortest. For example, say you are a talented financier and you know you have found your calling. But you can work as a financier in production, or you can choose a company that deals with tourism, or even go freelance. In all these directions, your path will develop in different ways.

Developing in the professional field, taking into account your personal characteristics and preferences, as well as using the horoscope data, you can achieve maximum success in the shortest possible time and will be able to avoid financial losses, layoffs and failures.

Expert advice will give you an invaluable chance to find peace of mind and financial well-being by finding a job you love in which you will be in demand.

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 6 500 rubles


Finance horoscope. Increase in income

Everyone has a different relationship with money. But everyone wants to have them. So how do you improve your money situation?

The answer to this question is given by the HOROSCOPE OF FINANCE.

Financial Astrology helps you analyze the patterns of your monetary sphere. Its main goal is to increase your cash flow by individually supporting an accurate and competent behavior strategy. Thanks to such a service, you will save yourself from social and financial illusions, you will no longer waste time on ineffective actions and open up broad prospects for yourself.

This consultation answers the following questions:

  • can you build a successful career, make big money and become a wealthy person? If not, what can be done to create more opportunities?
  • what helps you and what prevents you from earning decent money?
  • how to increase your income and attract money?
  • how to make more money using your potential and talents?
  • how to earn decent money doing what you love?
  • where to find a stable source of income?
  • Is making money for a living part of your purpose?
  • Should I stop saving on myself and spend a lot of money for my own pleasure, or, on the contrary, keep a strict record of expenses and income?
  • what professional areas will be the most profitable for you?
  • how and what to invest in?
  • how to minimize your financial risks?
  • in what periods should we expect an improvement in the monetary situation, and in what periods - vice versa?

and many others…

With the help of finance astrology, you will find out what qualities your personality hides, how to properly direct them, thereby improving the standard of living and acquiring the status of a successful person. In most cases, a prosperous monetary future is the result of astrologically correct activity.

The task of a financial astrologer is to choose the most successful strategy for you, in which your actions are successfully implemented into monetary profit and your favorite business.

After consulting with professionals of financial astrology, you will begin to successfully navigate such issues as:

  • what to do to increase your earnings, stop marking time and start developing in an already started business;
  • how to choose a type of activity that will bring you maximum money and pleasure;
  • in which area you can get the maximum income and self-realization;
  • where to develop in employment and entrepreneurship, and what result each of the areas will give you;
  • what are the potential sources of losses;
  • how to keep money in order to maintain financial success;
  • psychological characteristics that can hinder development + mechanisms for their compensation;
  • where you can still earn besides hired labor.

You can also get answers to a number of related questions related to the field of finance.

For example, knowing the immediate prospects, you can plan large investments, investments, opening new projects and companies, taking loans, major purchases, real estate transactions, land, purchase of shares, etc.

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 6 500 rubles


Family horoscope. Woman's happiness

Want to have a better chance of living to a golden wedding?
The family horoscope will help you with this!

With its help, you can understand what obstacles stand in the way of the stability of your marriage, how to avoid crises and strengthen your family. It is also relevant if the relationship has been broken off or severely cracked.

It's no secret that family relationships change over time. This happens because we cannot stay in the same place for a long time and are constantly moving forward. And unfortunately, sooner or later a crisis is brewing in any relationship.

Especially in family ones, because this is an exceptional form of interaction, in which people get closer to the level of close relatives and at the same time inevitably encounter a number of contradictions and conflicts.

Even the strongest family ties have problems. The need to jointly build a life, plan a budget, solve emerging difficulties unites people and at the same time greatly alienates each other. How is this possible?

The fact is that the feelings of people are constantly involved in family relationships, they are unconsciously forced to adapt to each other. And against this background, over time, quite a few complaints accumulate.

Disputes between spouses arise more and more often and do not end for a long time. Some of the partners do not compromise, but on the contrary aggravates the quarrel. It happens that the situation reaches a critical point - assault, verbal abuse, involvement of children in the conflict. Increasingly, there is a feeling of uselessness, there is not enough care and attention, and resentments accumulate in the heart. Alienation is gradually growing.

Of course, you have tried to save your family more than once by seeking help from friends and psychologists. We periodically searched for information on the Internet. But despite all your efforts, it did not get better ...

In fact, one of the main reasons for difficult situations in the family is that spouses do not know each other as well as they think! There is only one way to change everything for the better, this is to figure out how you really relate to each other and what each of you needs in this relationship. And the family horoscope is designed to help you with this.

At the consultation:

  • You will get to know yourself and your loved one again. The astrologer will examine in detail your psychological personality portrait, give recommendations on strengthening the positive and neutralizing negative aspects, which will lead to a more harmonious life, make your actions more effective in different areas.
  • You will find out what to expect from a loved one, and what is beyond his strength. Find out his true motives for behavior in different situations.
  • It will become clear to you whether there are initial damages in the horoscope causing problems in the relationship, if there is, then how to correct them. What is the maximum possible duration of a particular marriage and what can cause the separation, as well as methods of correction to increase the duration of the marriage.
  • Find out what is given by fate to survive in marriage.
  • Find out what your ideas about your partner are, and it would be great if he was like that, otherwise, subconsciously, you can still look at others in search of this.
    And much more…

The issues of children are also very important in marriage. Here is a small list of questions that the family horoscope gives answers to:

  • your fertility (ability to conceive)
  • are there any obstacles to the birth of children, delays in fate
  • approximate number and gender of children (80-90% accuracy)
  • what the potential relationship could be with each of the children
  • are there any combinations in the horoscope for adoption (if you want to adopt)

Understanding your own problems allows you to put them to work and change your life for the better. A detailed consultation of an experienced astrologer helps with this. With its help, you can unravel all sore knots and find real family happiness!

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 6 500 rubles


Compatibility horoscope. Harmony of relationships

Each of us has "pain points" in character, and it is good if the partner softens them. Otherwise, the couple is constantly attacking the "sore corns", and this is no longer the easiest version of the relationship. You will find out which option you have from the compatibility horoscope.

This consultation is more relevant at the stage of choosing a future life partner. It's no secret that lovers, plunging into the abyss of emotions, do not always see the pitfalls of relationships.

An astrologer, having made an accurate forecast of your union based on the personal data of each of the couple, will help to clarify the love relationship, see the full picture and come to an informed decision.

Compatibility horoscope answers the following questions:

  • What are the strengths and bonding factors of the future union that can be relied on?
  • What are the weaknesses of the relationship, how can they be strengthened?
  • How close / friendly can a relationship be?
  • What is the level of conflict and the ability to harm each other?
  • What can you expect from this relationship?
  • Is marriage with this person possible at all?
  • Are children possible in this relationship?
  • Sexual compatibility.

In addition to general compatibility, the horoscopes of both partners are also analyzed, which makes it possible to build an even more effective strategy of behavior. You can also find out the reasons for the delay in marriage, if any. And choose the most successful dates for the conclusion of a marriage / love union in the near future.

Also, if you are already married or in a relationship, then the compatibility horoscope will help you better understand each other, disassemble the pros and cons of your union, see the advantages and problems, as well as methods for solving them. You will receive an answer on how to harmonize relationships in order to live together not only for a long time, but also happily!

It should also be noted that the issues of compatibility of two people cover not only the sphere of love relationships.

Prospects for relationships, causes of conflicts, the potential of a union can be considered in a variety of areas of life. For example, relationships with superiors or colleagues, with a business partner (starting a business with someone or not?), Friendships (are they beneficial or destructive to you?) And many others.

As the saying goes, "knowledgeable means armed." There is no need to wander in darkness and repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

Phone / skype / viber / wats-app consultation (duration - 90 min)

Cost - 6 500 rubles


Since ancient times, people have lived in society who have a unique gift - the gift of clairvoyance. This evoked and continues to evoke in others a variety of feelings - from awe and amazement to distrust and even fear, but it does not leave anyone indifferent.

And the whole point is that this gift does not fit too much into the picture of the world, which is familiar to ordinary people.

At the same time, there are many examples in history when secrets hidden from everyone were revealed to people with such phenomenal abilities. Among those who possessed the gift of clairvoyance, one can recall Wanga, Nostradamus, Cassandra, Wolf Messing, Cagliostro, as well as biblical prophets and saints. Oracles, priests, shamans, magicians, wise men and sorcerers were engaged in predictions.

Clairvoyance is usually called the ability to perceive information that is inaccessible to physical vision. Simply put, a person endowed with such a gift is able to see the past, present and future at great distances, diagnose diseases, and find missing things.

At first glance, such possibilities should not be surprising, given the fact that people can perceive information outside of their senses. Scientists have proven the existence of the so-called extrasensory perception, through the channels of which information from the universal information field, bypassing physical hearing, vision and other senses, goes directly to the brain. In an undeveloped, embryonic state, this ability is usually called intuition, which is present in almost all people. And only after a person develops this psychic channel, he becomes clairvoyant. According to esotericists, this is available to everyone, but by nature only a few receive such a gift.

Despite such optimistic statements, clairvoyance is a very difficult and dangerous gift. Very often people who set out to develop psychic abilities in themselves lose their minds and die in their prime. Therefore, it is possible to develop clairvoyance only after extensive and thorough preparation.

In the second half of the last century, scientific experiments were carried out with the participation of people with paranormal abilities. Then the story of Rosa Kuleshova, who could read with her fingers, was very popular. At that time, this phenomenon was never solved by scientists. Science admitted defeat, recognizing the experiments carried out as unsuccessful.

It is possible that the scientists who experimented with Kuleshova felt they were victims of a clever fraud. The gift of a woman was contrary not only to nature, but also to common sense. Nowadays, there are also such unique personalities. But science, probably, has not yet fully realized that in life more and more solid positions are occupied by a phenomenon that can turn over and radically change ideas about the world around us - clairvoyance.

The famous theosophist Charles Leadbeater said that clairvoyance is the ability to see what is hidden from physical sight, which in some cases is accompanied by another phenomenon - clairaudience.

In general, it should be noted that soon, according to theosophists, paranormal abilities should become the property of all mankind. In addition, they are confident that clairvoyance is possible with a certain state of consciousness, which St. Paul called "peace leading to understanding", Zen Buddhism - satori, Taoism - "absolute Tao", and yoga - samadhi.

Thomas Merton used the expression "transcendental unconscious" to describe this state, Gudjiev called it "objective consciousness", the Quakers called it "Inner Light", and the Sufis called it Fana. However, whatever the name, be it illumination, enlightenment, mystical experience or liberation, this phenomenon is associated with a state of consciousness that is radically different from the usual understanding and habitual state of mind.

Seraphim Sarovsky argued that for clairvoyance, a person needs certain means, in particular, the so-called "astral tube" - a constant stream of thoughts, which is held together by a powerful stream of universal energy. If clairvoyants do not have enough desire and will to install this "astral tube", then they use crystals and glass balls, which act as a starting point.

Over the centuries, it should be noted, the church has a very negative attitude towards clairvoyants. Church ministers are categorically opposed to them. Even in many temples, you can see tablets urging not to trust psychics, clairvoyant ufologists, since they are accomplices of evil spirits.

The Holy Fathers claim that, despite the fact that many prophecies can be seen in the Bible, they are fundamentally different from those given by people with anomalous abilities. According to the clergy, the saints performed many miracles, healed diseases, predicted the future, and even raised the dead. But in fact, all this was not their doing, and not a manifestation of their own abilities. All these miracles were performed under the influence of God's grace, and this is not something that you can develop in yourself. This is a gift that is given only to those who zealously fulfill the commandments, who tirelessly cleanse themselves of passions and evil.

When people strive to develop their abilities, it is quite obvious that these abilities can be obtained, but not from God, but by evil spirits. +

Despite the fact that very few have the gift of clairvoyance, in life moments of insight can appear for a short time in the life of almost everyone. However, disbelief in the existence of the Spiritual world becomes the reason that people take such insights as hallucinations. And people, brushing them off, continue to live a normal, ordinary life.

There are many stories that unusual abilities are manifested in extreme situations. For example, a mother hears the child's voice calling for help, and after a while she learns that it was at this time that an accident occurred with the child. Sometimes relatives see a tragedy happen to someone from the family. In this case, the distance does not play any role.

In addition, such warnings from the Spiritual World can warn of the danger that threatens the person himself. +

As a rule, the idea that humans can predict the future is rejected by almost all scientists except parapsychologists. So, in particular, in the well-known British scientific journal "New Scientist" there was information that psychologist Daryl Boehm had been conducting research for eight years, in which more than a thousand volunteer students took part, the results of which prove that people can predict future developments.

It should be noted that, until recently, most studies have shown that people are more slowly accepting that a certain picture evokes positive emotions in them if they saw a negative word before looking at the picture. That is, if, before looking at a picture with a beautiful sunset, a person sees the word "ugly", he will think about whether to call the picture beautiful. This phenomenon has received the official name "presetting" or "priming".

Daryl Boehm flipped the experiment by first showing an image, then getting a reaction, and only then proposing a priming word.

The psychologist, as a result of research, found an effect very reminiscent of the reverse effect or the retroactive effect. People who were supposed to be shown a negative word at the final stage were in no hurry to speak positively about the pictures.

Despite the fact that the scale of the foresight effects observed during the experiment is rather small, according to psychologists, the methods are quite correct. Of course, this does not mean that scientists have recognized foresight as a reality.

The unique and undoubtedly important work of the psychologist Daryl Bem must be carefully considered and studied in detail and analyzed by other researchers and repeatedly before the results of his experiment are accepted by the scientific community.

But no matter what conclusions scientists make, one thing is indisputable: there is a gift of clairvoyance, even if it is impossible to explain it from the point of view of logic. Science has a very difficult and long way to try, if not accept, then penetrate into the essence of this phenomenon.