Day of the Navy Navy congratulations. Day of foundation of the Russian Navy congratulations on the holiday

You conquer the seas
Every day and night for good reason.
You guard the border
And you won't miss the enemy.
You are the most courageous and brave
After all, everyone cannot serve here.
There are only brave soldiers here.
Nerves of steel are like ropes.
Guys everything, day after day,
They live together like a family!

Original congratulations to the sailor on the Day of the Navy

Romance of the sea
You are persistently beckoning.
You have become beautiful, tanned.
Got a pumped-up body.
Seeing you a mile away,
The girls gasp at the port.
You are free and beautiful.
Get high from cool life!

Unusual congratulations on the Day of the Navy

Tranquility in the vastness of water
The sea fleet gives us generously.
Military in this direction
Happy Navy Day and Big Day

To all infantrymen of great waters,
To all the most valiant troops
Stability, calm sea,
Fight back any enemies.

We are delighted with your article,
And conquered by courage.
Through your efforts
We greet the morning with peace.

Original congratulations on the Day of the sailor

There's a reason for joy
Let's drink everything, for sure
After all, today we celebrate
Glorious day we are a sailor!
If you are a sailor, buddy,
Pour a glass of vodka
Let success find you
And the sadness will dissipate.
We drink to the bottom for those who are at sea,
I wish you happiness, without further ado!
Let the pain and sorrow pass
Our glorious sailors!

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy in verse

Not by sea, not by land
There are no better guys for you!
Visor, vest, flared,
Everyone is handsome and handsome!
Today is your day, congratulations,
I wish the warrior happiness
Service of bright, strong friendship
And good luck unchanged!

Original congratulations on the Day of the Navy

Happy Navy Day, I heartily congratulate
Brave, most valiant men!
You are the pride of our army by right,
After all, the fleet has always been number one!
I wish you a great, bright service,
Salted in all seven winds
Health and reliable, strong friendship,
Success, happiness, joy in business!

Original congratulations on the Day of the Navy in verse

Waves lick the seashore
Disperse, infantry!
Sailors walk here
On the Day of the Navy!

Romantic hearts
The song is sung
Golden anchors
Girls are conquered.

We are going from the ship to the ball,
We spread the flags
And again the beloved port
Seamen meets.

Those who have seen the ocean
In a storm and calm, he knows
Like on land navy
Celebrating the holiday!

We conquered the winds
And the sea wave
Come on, start a song
Dear heart!

We are brave sailors
Celebrating right!
We ship like a home,
Waiting already back.

The compass will show us the way
The sails turn white.
Let's go beyond the horizon again
Where the dawn turns red

Pulls sailors into the sea -
They became very close to him.
Let's walk wide
On the Day of the Russian Navy!

Congratulations-toast on the Day of the Navy

Don't let the feed sway
And there will be only a fair wind
May there be every day in life
Your horizon is so clear bright.

And you do not need, do not be sad,
And, spreading his shoulders wide,
Pull on the sea song
And with her it is always, you know, easier.

You managed to tame the wave
Master of the sea-ocean.
And pulls, pulls endlessly
Somewhere in the distance and through the fogs.

Come on, my brother, pour!
For the Navy! To the bottom, bolder!
For those who remember how dawn
It turns red over the sea in the morning!

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Life in the navy did not seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew dust from the face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.
The crew became relatives during the service,
The navy has become your second family,
You know how friendship is known,
And how hard the way home is sometimes.
So let the seagulls fly over the waves
On the day of the Navy, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord keep you in difficult times!


A wave is raging overboard
And the sun is reflected in the water
And we congratulate you on the day,
What is called the day of the Navy.
We wish you courage, strength,
We wish you success and faith,
So that each of you always was,
The boys are a worthy example.
Success for the glory of the Fatherland,
In the service of the naval!
Health and happiness in your life,
And be protected by fate!


You have chosen a path worthy of a patriot
And you serve your Motherland with honor
And the ships of the entire navy
They have become relatives for you now.
On the day of the Navy, we heartily congratulate you,
We wish you endurance and courage,
We wish you health, happiness, joy,
And always be confident in yourself.


All who are in the service today in the ranks
The navy,
Everyone who does not know the concept of fear
But he knows the price of honor.
All who have served a long time ago
But he will hardly forget
Waves of the sea during storms
And endless distances.
May you guys always be lucky
May not grief meet you
May happiness find its way to you
On land, and maybe at sea.


All around - water, salt water,
Endless exciting distance
And it remains in your heart forever
Longing for the sea, sadness for friends.
In the ranks of the armed navy
In restless seas and oceans
In battles for the Motherland, for glory and honor
You have always carried out your faithful service with dignity.
We sincerely wish you health,
So that it was strong, like the keel of a ship,
Endless hope like the sea
And always be at the helm in life.


You have seen many countries
I walked across the sea.
You are a great captain
The sea has become your home
The crew - their own family,
And the ship is a part of life
You sacrifice yourself
Defending the honor of the Fatherland.
May they never break
Adversity on your way
And always keeps from troubles
Andreevsky flag in campaigns.


On the day of the native Navy,
On a holiday of courage and glory,
May success accompany
To the captains of the entire power.
Let the whole country be proud
Your valor, courage,
And keep you always
Cross of St. Andrew's flag.


Waves play astern
And a lighthouse is visible in the distance.
You are not the first time in the service
Celebrate your holiday, sailor.
So let the luck not pass
A friend will not betray, the enemy will not break,
And about the native military fleet
You will sing with pride, sailor.


Happy Navy Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you good spirits, health,
Happiness, good luck, reliable friends,
Service worthy of his Fatherland.


We wish you happiness and health,
Reliable loyal friends
And so that the sea is protection
In the service of his Motherland.


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Smile nostalgically today
Know you will be a sailor forever!
Let life become happier
Together with every passing day!

I wish you health of steel,
Energy, as well as a sea of ​​strength,
Peaceful only blue sky
So that every moment gives you joy!

Happy Navy Day
I sincerely greet you today.
You have served long ago. Well, what's wrong with that?
But all the same I congratulate from the heart, loving.

Let it be smiles, joy, happiness
Your whole life is eternally full.
Let the sadness, bad weather do not disturb,
May only the soul live.

You paid your debt to the Motherland in the depths of the sea, in the tactics of courage and the strategy of confidence. I congratulate you on the Day of the Navy and wish, first of all, good and stable health, and if such strong and courageous guys have health, then they will certainly achieve everything else. Good luck in business, prosperity in life, faithful love, respect and happiness.

Even though you have served, but know
You will be a sailor forever!
Achieve all goals easily
Blood and milk flows in you!

Always be strong and healthy
Let the wave cover with happiness!
I wish you happy days
Let the life of good be full!

Happy Navy Day, I congratulate you,
You served everyone gloriously,
I wish that in the "land" life
Life was easy for you, no problem.

Strong health and strength,
Let your spirit be fighting
And let the laughter of loved ones caress
Always a military man, a keen ear.

Congratulations on a beautiful day
On a holiday, the glorious IMF.
You gave a lot to the service,
You broke a lot of obstacles.

I wish to be healthy
Strong, strong, strong-willed,
Because the sea obeys
Only so desperate.

All who served in the navy,
Now we want to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts,
May your dreams always come true
Let the trouble pass you by!

We wish you health, success, luck,
May your mood be great
Let the positive wave cover you
And life will be full of bright moments!

The Marine fleet is always held in high esteem.
Well, you are a part of it!
Let them leafed long ago
Life is an important page.

We wish you a moment
It is important to fill with meaning,
Have no doubts
Rejoice and dream!

Smile at the light, the sun
Sea, kindness, spring.
So that you are always in shape,
Rejoiced at the beauty!

Happy Navy Day to all those who have served!
Let your life go well.
Let the blessings surround you everywhere,
In all matters, let him be lucky.

Let it be joyful in my heart
Let the warmth live in the soul.
May a miracle happen to you
So that everything is just fine.

Congratulations on the Day of the Marine Fleet now
All those who have served and who have dedicated their lives.
You have captured an hour in your memory
Your exploits, who conquered the seas.
No matter how many miles along the ground you go
The main thing is that you have found the sea in your life.
Many reliable, wonderful friends.
The memory keeps calm and storms of the seas.
Your courage gives strength to all,
May joy and happiness live in your heart.

Happy Navy Day I send congratulations
And I praise your strength, power,
You have dedicated a lot to the fleet,
Now you cannot be overcome.

Don't be sad on land
And let everything succeed
Let you dream about the sea more often
And the blue edge beckons you into the distance.

I wish you great health,
Success, peace and goodness,
May they bring good luck to you
With the salty smell of the wind.

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy in verse

Happy Navy Day, handsome man in uniform!
Don't be touched by the storm
And, waving ribbons out of shape,
Evil winds always get around!

Strive for love, for tranquility, for honor
And you never forget about me:
I'm here on the shore, counting
All the days that without you - you just know!

Under water and over water
At sea and ashore
Deal with any misfortune
Bravely rebuffing the enemy!
Be you always healthy,
Valiantly carrying the service!
To you for your holy work, severe
The whole country is grateful!

Buckles sparkle with copper heat
Ribbons are beating with the breeze
Muscles tear on the shoulders of the vest -
How glorious it is to be a sailor!
And let someone exclaim again
Observing you in admiration:
Happy Navy Day -
The main day of Russian sailors!

Happy Navy Day
All military men and all sailors!
May your work be easy
May the world wait for you by the coast.

May joy always fill you
When you go out to sea again.
Well, let your heart overflow
Happiness, pride, tenderness, love!

The sea surface around, suddenly volleys thundered,
Today is your holiday - Navy Day.
Great day, caps flew up,
Day of the Sons Most Loyal to Russia.

So let fortune guard you,
To serve with your head held high.
So that your schooner is only reliable,
To heroically, in health, you only returned home.

You are a military sailor, you are the defender of the Fatherland,
The sea form suits you.
You are always on duty, far from your family,
If the Motherland suddenly calls.
I wish you to be healthy and strong
A scattering of golden stars on shoulder straps.
And seven feet under the keel - take care of you
Good-natured blue waves.

A handsome man in a ceremonial uniform,
All tanned, muscular like that.
There's a reason for celebrating tonight -
Day of the Navy. We are proud of you!

Always first in the navy
Fearless, why are you undoubtedly a hero!
So be always faithful to Russia,
Always step forward and be honest with yourself!

Surface and underwater, everyone knows the naval fleet,
And there is a team who serves there - a hero.
After all, fight every day, with the seas and the enemy -
With courage and dignity, everyone strives at a run.
Let the fair wind always blow for you,
You didn't know what trouble is,
So that the family is always waiting at home,
Daughters, sons, wife, godfathers.

[in prose]

See also congratulations for the day,

Loss, 100%

July heat in Sevastopol.
The cruisers glowed with irons,
Yes, and other poor ships
At the admiral's hour, they were completely exhausted.

An iron ladder descends overboard,
Swimming is allowed, hurray.
Bought, returned to checkout,
Everything is in order, but one is missing ...

And the Comflot on the same day issued an order,
To have a doctor and a diver
Provide ablution in the future
Do not have drowning in teams.

Well, of course, all around
We worked it out exactly.
The sailor, however, was unlucky again.
Or he himself drowned for some reason.

The admiral got into a big frenzy:
From now on, take the bitches to the beach,
The same doctor and the same diver! ..
The third sank, ignoring the order.

And then it was strictly decided:
Emergency service stop swimming!
Here comes the crew on leave,
All crumbled, each has its own beach.
And patrols drift on the beaches
To steer the sailor from the shore.

The sailor will approach the girl,
Having made a graceful turn of the body:
"I ask you well, mademoiselle,
To moor in your harbor aground! "

And the girl understands what's what,
Covers his naval uniform
Your sundress ...
And that's the point!
The sailor did not drown under cover.

Here and autumn appeared in plain sight.
The admiral was given a new star.


Many women are beautiful, each with its own beauty.
The steamer is beautiful not with its bow, not with its stern, but with its pipe.
To the outside sight of the land, the pipe is a log log,
But how much science and love is contained in it!
According to the dynamics of the calculated one, a vent is equipped,
To suppress the gases out of spite of turbulence.
In it is the impressiveness and strength, and the frivolity of the ship,
Floating by, a gray haze stele.

And to this perfection, your anti-aircraft machine gun
I fired two shells in a row during the exercise!
How did the anti-aircraft crew succeed in such agility -
Wrap and block the angle of the firing sector?

"Komendor Sardinashvili, what have you done, katso?"
"Wah, I don't know!" - the Transcaucasian person answers.

Two holes of forty millimeters on the pipe,
And inside, as they say, it became - no shit to yourself!
There the shells and tore the reinforcement to pieces ...
Sailors knocked on all hands day and night.

In general, a sad picture, no matter who looks.
On command they reported: a cross-fire happened.
The flagship chief arrived and calmly said,
Looking from the deck: "Two holes? Brew and the whole question!"
He sat with the commander for three half liters of brandy
And he sent a report in cipher that the trouble is not great.

Not even three weeks have passed since the renovation was completed,
Again the chimney sprayed the horizon with streams of smoke.
Fireman Nechipurenko, who slept in a pipe during the explosion
And he barely remained alive, he was out of his mind for six months.
Gunnery Sardinashvili may be proud in stock:
No other anti-aircraft gunner has broken his record.