A friend goes to the army congratulations. Conscript Day Wishes

[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the conscript in your own words

A conscript - it sounds reliable, proud, and responsible. He is the basic link of the country. Having lost it, the whole chain of statehood can crumble, and then our everyday life will be under an unprecedented threat. A conscript is not just a young man, but a stronghold, a hero, a defender! Mothers hope for him. His loved ones are waiting for him. The country is proud of him. I wish you excellent health, dedicated service, and loyal comrades today! Let the bright sun always smile over your homeland!

The time has come to prove that you are a real man - the summons is in your hands, which means it's time to serve. A year to walk in kirzachs, learn how to shoot, and decide to change your life completely and completely. Military service is the lot of every self-respecting man, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I congratulate you on the Day of the conscript, I wish you to spend this year not in vain and become a real defender of our homeland!

What to wish on the Day of the conscript to a person leaving his home, so familiar and warm !? Of course, I want to wish you patience, courage and strength that you will gain in the army. You will become a real man, brave and courageous! Let during this year you learn your other side, capable of making quick decisions and helping a friend in difficult times, because in life you cannot live without it! Good service to you, young soldier! Happy Holidays!

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the conscript - the professional holiday of the military enlistment offices. The Motherland has entrusted you with a very important area - working with conscripts, organizing the recruitment of children into the army. You are doing your job successfully and doing your duty honestly. I wish you success in your service, good health and family well-being.

Dear Guys! You are one step away from a new stage in your life. Very soon you will cease to be young men and become real soldiers - strong, courageous, intelligent and fair. On the eve of the end of your civilian life, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you not only to honestly serve the Fatherland, but also to preserve in yourself all the good things that the army will teach you. Happy Conscript Day!

The conscripts are the future of the country. These are the young people who go to their first service in life, go to learn how to defend their country.
Today is your holiday - the day of the conscript. And I congratulate you on this day, I wish to cultivate your best qualities during the service, and let your parents be proud of you!

Draftee, today is your holiday and you simply have to celebrate it. But, in the heat of fun and joy, remember your honor and your high calling - to proudly and worthily serve your Motherland. Keep your head held high, appreciate the trust placed in you and serve as the best of the best, so that your parents, friends and your country will be proud of you. I wish you easy service, true friendship and strong, faithful love. Happy Holidays!

Darling, I congratulate you on the Day of the conscript. It is difficult for me to express in words the sadness that I feel now in anticipation of a long separation. But I know that you will have a difficult service, a harsh school of life, after passing which you will return as a real man! Serve faithfully for the good of our Motherland, strengthen in body and spirit, and remember: I will definitely wait for you!

You will return grown up
My soldier, home.
And from the doorway you will smile
By meeting with the family.

* * *
The army needs boy soldiers
To protect the peace of the country.
Serve with honor, call your loved ones more often.
We'll get bored here alone.

* * *
I will tell you out of friendship:
Do not slow down in the service,
Manage to show everyone
How to fight.

* * *
The man protects the fatherland,
Protects his native country.
For this, he leaves his house
And on call to the army goes.

* * *
You will have to change your character
To forget the bad tendencies at home.
Today we'll get drunk for the last time
After all, a friend is leaving for the army tomorrow.

* * *
The whole neighborhood walks day and night,
Girls have red eyes.
We accompany a friend to the army,
Footcloths and tarpaulin await him.

* * *
Someday your term will pass
The dashing fighter will come home.
But do not regret the years of service,
You will find faithful friends there.

* * *
We accompany the guys to the army.
The service will last for many days.
The girls will be waiting for you,
We ask you not to forget them.

* * *
The service will fly by like an arrow.
The main thing is to serve as needed.
We will wait for the return
And, as usual, to be bored.

* * *
Come soon from the service.
Don't forget your long-standing friendship.
Send letters more often
And do not fall asleep in the ranks.

* * *
Will you come back to us sometime
Not a boy, but a soldier.
You will tell us stories,
How easy it is to be a warrior.

* * *
Defend your native land
You are leaving, my dear.
Troops are waiting for you tomorrow
And me sadness, longing.

* * *
Waiting for you, my son,
Soldier's draft station.
Don't go AWOL
And always be ahead.

* * *
We do not wait for your deeds,
We don't need rewards.
Quickly return to our father's house,
We will be very happy.

* * *
Now the time has come to serve.
Don't be sad, and your nose is higher.
Maybe you will become a general
And rise to the stars.

* * *
You go to the frontiers
To protect the edge.
Serve faithfully to the Motherland,
Doing your duty.

* * *
Serve with courage and honor
Don't blast your way.
Achieve recognition yourself
So that friends are not ashamed.

* * *
Congratulations to the recruits,
Fighters are already five minutes away.
Faithful friends will be waiting for you
Both your girls and your family.

* * *
One of the most important days
When we see off
To the service of grown guys
And we wish them happiness.

* * *
It is an honor to serve in the army
And prove the courage.
We came to see you off
You will swear soon.

* * *
Other SMS "Seeing off to the army"

The tradition of seeing off recruits into the army has existed for a long time. This event for the future soldier should be joyful and memorable.

Parents and other relatives, friends, classmates gather together at the festive table, parting words and toasts are heard in honor of the hero of the occasion. Interesting games and contests help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

On this page of our site, congratulations are presented on the occasion of seeing off to the army in the spring or autumn calls of 2019, which can be addressed to a son, friend, brother, beloved boyfriend.

Congratulations on seeing off to the army in verse

Hey guys! Aty-bats!
It's time for you to go to the military registration and enlistment offices!
You were a graduate yesterday
And today - a conscript!
Under the call you, brother, fell,
Everyone around is repeating: "Lost!"
You are proud of the agenda
Receive and sign!
Do not chase, my friend, for the rank,
And try to become a man!
They teach to shoot in the army,
Eat fast and sleep little
Stand diligently at the post
And love the Fatherland dearly!

We accompany you on the road
Where will you become a man.
And childhood can no longer be returned,
After all, time can not be fooled.
The Fatherland called you
Serve the country for the good
And I took an oath, friend, from you
Live with honor and courage!

We are seeing off the guys to the army today,
We wish you all to serve you with dignity!
You will be given machine guns in your hands today,
You are real soldiers now.
Do your service proudly,
Keep your army friendship for a long time!

Service in the army is an honorable and responsible business. So that the future soldier can tune in the right mood, relatives and friends give parting words to the conscript. Congratulations on seeing off to the army can sound both in poetry and in prose - the main thing is that they come from a pure heart.

For a while we need to say goodbye -
You must become a soldier.
A lucky man to be born
So we will be proud of you!
Serve the Fatherland, protect
And never be discouraged!
And the family is always waiting at home
And your faithful friends!

Serving can be hard:
The days go by slowly.
But be patient, poor thing,
And demobilization will do.
You will serve the Fatherland
In the name of a bright life!
It's time to become a soldier
To exterminate the enemy!
Let's celebrate our meeting
Tonight this evening.

We wish we serve you
Calm and dignified
Peacefully guard the border,
So that everyone slept peacefully.

We wish we did not know the war,
Return to us healthy.
We wish you the best always
And ready for anything.

We wish the army to pass
With honor, respect,
And we will wait for you here
With love and patience!

Perhaps, distance separates you with the future soldier, and you cannot address him personally? No problem. Congratulations on sending you off to serve in the army can be sent by SMS or by e-mail.

Congratulations to those who joined the army!
I didn't get scared, I didn't go limp, I didn't pay off,
For those who have found strength, courage in their souls
And he ended up in military service.
You can ask for an alternative,
Carrying pots in hospitals is also necessary.
But it's better to wear a blue beret:
There is nothing stronger than anything male army friendship!

Since childhood, each of us knows:
They don't choose their homeland.
To honor and protect her
Father and mother teach us.
Now your turn has come
To give her a civic duty.
We all see you off
And with all our hearts we wish
The service was not to be a burden,
Serve honestly and with courage,
Meet new friends.
And we will wait for you!

Guys are having fun
And the girls are dancing
Escorted to the army
Our best lads!
A chance for them under oath
Daden excel:
We will be the courage
Be proud of yours!
The country has reasons
Be grateful to you.
We continue seeing off!
Congratulations guys!

Seeing off to the army is an exciting event, so you shouldn't upset the conscript on this day. Try to create an environment in which he can calm down and relax. And warm words of congratulations on wires to the army in poetic form will help you with this.

Poems dedicated to seeing off the army

You have become a man - it means time
To give back to the fatherland.
A man from time immemorial is obliged
Protect the country and its citizens.
You have to leave the house
Change the nature of life
But not for long - be sure
They will be waiting for you here!

Into the army today
We see you off
For strength and courage
We respect immensely!
A real man
You will return from there,
And we, counting the days,
We will all wait for you here.
New comrades,
First commander,
You are a soldier from now on
Protecting the world.
We wish you
So that the service goes smoothly,
And so in life
Not war, but friendship!

As the east dawns
Life will be different.
Goodbye sip -
And at the recruiting station.
And along the way
Will get you
And carry outfits
And sit on the "lip"
To go AWOL ...

And they will send to fight -
No awards on the chest
We would like to wish.
We are not waiting for deeds
On the battle path -
Go back to your home
Unharmed, alive.
The terms of service will pass
Together we will be again.
You are one of those who are expected!
You have someone to wait for!

This duty is sacred, we all know it.
Perform it with honor, with a conscience.
We see you off with faith and hope.
All the best to you, all the best!

Let your own courtyard wait a little:
You will return to him and to your friends.
You have an endless road ahead.
We firmly believe in you, and we stand on that.

Let the private service be painfully difficult
Under a fierce blizzard, pouring rain.
You brace yourself, lads, without forgetting us,
You serve, dear ones, we will wait for you!

How to congratulate on the wires to the army in your own words in prose

Your son or friend will be pleased if you congratulate him in your own words. Congratulations on seeing off to the army in prose can be written on a postcard or read as a toast.

Dear son! Surely you understand how reluctant I am to let you go to this distant land for an endless year. But this is the lot of most mothers - to accompany their sons to the army. I wish you to be healthy both in body and soul, and I want to meet you the same as today - cheerful, full of respect and love for your parents. May the Lord keep you, son!

May your service be easy and peaceful! Let the bosses be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become faithful and reliable friends for you. Let your girlfriend wait for you from service. I also wish you good health, because what a soldier is without him, endurance to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not a mama's son, and no one will wipe your tears. Good luck in everything!

Seeing off to the army is an important and touching event not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for his friends and relatives. How you want to choose the most necessary, warmest words for a loved one, with whom you have to part for a whole year!

It's no secret that wishes for seeing off to the army in your own words are remembered more than standard congratulations. On this page of our site you will find parting words for sending off to the army, which can be read at the festive table or written on a postcard.

Son! You grew up so fast that we didn't have time to look back. And now the time has come when you are called up for military service. We want to wish you that it will be beneficial for you, wish you to become a real man - courageous, strong, capable of protecting yourself and those people you love, and most importantly, that you return safe and sound, and may God keeps you!

Dear son! I confess that I am reluctant to let you go on this difficult journey. This is the first time we've been apart for so long. But the world is so arranged that mothers have to accompany their sons to the army. I am sure that you will endure with dignity all the hardships of military life, and this will only help you turn from a boy into a man! Be healthy, and may the Lord take care of you!

Dear friend! Congratulating you on this day, I want to wish you a lot of patience, perseverance and strength. Let the service be easy, reliable colleagues and pleasant leisure. Gain experience, build your character, never give up, be brave and determined. Good teachers and interesting events!

Brother! Today we have a joyful and a little sad event. Joyful - because you were honored to serve in the ranks of the armed forces. And sad - because we will not see each other for a whole year. But this time will fly by instantly, because everything in this life is fleeting. I want to wish you good luck with all my heart! Be brave, strong, carry out orders from your elders. Good health to you, patience, endurance. And we will wait for you with impatience. I wish you happiness and easy service!

I think the army is a test for every man. And today we see off a wonderful person who is about to go through one of the important tests in his life. May he always be brave, persistent and proud for the fact that he was given the honorary title to serve in the ranks of the army and show his courage, courage and honor!

Wishes to send off to the army in your own words

On seeing off to the army, you want to express your heartfelt wish on your own behalf, but you are not distinguished by special literary talents? No problem.

Choose the words suitable for parting words for sending off to the army, which we have brought especially for this occasion - and congratulate your dear person on this important event.

Today we are seeing off a brave and courageous guy to serve the Motherland. Let the army teach you to be firm and decisive, let the service be not a burden, but a joy. I wish you well-being and luck, health and patience. Let this time fly by quickly, and our protector will be with us again.

Being a soldier is a great honor for every guy. And today, seeing you off to the army, we want to wish you successful service. This year will fly by very quickly, and you will return to your friends and family as a real man - strong, strong, courageous. I wish you good health. Let the girl you love be sure to wait for you. Let your guardian angel protect you. Let luck and luck always accompany you!

They say the truth is that the army makes real men out of guys. After all, there are no parents who can cry in difficult times. The army is a serious test, it is an adult life. You have to solve all problems yourself, in an adult way. Today, seeing you off to the ranks of the armed forces, I would like to wish you good mood, patience and endurance. Serve so that your parents are proud of you, so that you are not ashamed to face your comrades in civilian life. And be happy!

Parting words on wires to the army

Wishes or parting words at the celebration about sending off to the army can be heard from the lips of parents, friends and a beloved girl. It doesn't matter if they are expressed in their own words or borrowed from somewhere. The main thing is that these words are warm and sincere.

So you are a soldier! You will be strong, courageous; the same desperately assertive when he wanted to get away from the army. You will clean your clothes and boots yourself, not ask your mother. You will cope with problems yourself without calling your older brother for help. And we will follow your progress and wait for demobilization!

What is an army in a man's life? The army is a place where character is hardened and a man is made of yesterday's boy. That is why I want to wish you - do not be sad when you leave to serve! This time will fly by quickly, and I hope it will benefit you!

It's time to prove that you are a real man: the summons is in your hands, which means it's time for you to serve. To walk in kirzachs for a year, learn to shoot, change your life entirely. Service in the army is the lot of every self-respecting man, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you to spend this year not in vain and become a real defender of our Motherland!

Today we have a great occasion to remember what men are for after all. And they are meant to be our protectors. They rightly say that there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. So let's drink to our defender, let the soldier's boots not seem heavy to him, and the uniform will always fit!

You go to the army, and all your relatives, friends and relatives came to see you off. Military service is a test of endurance, patience, willpower. And we so want to believe that you will pass this test with excellent marks. Serve in such a way that your parents will be proud of you. Follow the instructions of your superiors, be kind to your colleagues. Do not be arrogant, be devoted to your convictions. We wish you only good luck in the service of the Fatherland. Be happy and remain a real man!

We hope that the warm words we have selected here for seeing off to the army will help you express your feelings towards your son, brother, friend or beloved boyfriend on this important day.

And if you are separated by distances with a loved one, then for the celebration of his sending off to the army, you can send him sincere congratulations and parting words in the form of SMS or e-mail.

I think the army is a test for every man. And today we see off a wonderful person who is about to go through one of the important tests in his life. May he always be brave, persistent and proud for the fact that he was given the honorary title to serve in the ranks of the army and show his courage, courage and honor!

(Name of the conscript)! I want to let you go on the road not with anxiety, but with joy and a kind heart. I believe that you will achieve incredible success, you will achieve victories and awards! I will count every minute until your demobilization and will try to inspire you to do good deeds!

Tomorrow, a significant event will take place in our armed forces - a new soldier will join their ranks: a wonderful person, an athlete and just a handsome man. We wish you to meet good comrades and wise officers and leaders. Enjoy your service.
For the success of the recruit!

The time has come to repay the debt to the Motherland. Indeed, in order to be sure that you and all people will live in peace and tranquility, the country needs a strong army. There is nothing worse than war! Well, serve honestly and conscientiously. Always remember that your deed is worthy of great respect. And we will wait for you here, in civilian life, and after your return we will throw a party!

May your service be easy and peaceful! Let the bosses be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become faithful and reliable friends for you. Let your girlfriend wait for you from service. I also wish you good health, because what a soldier is without him, endurance to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not a mama's son, and no one will wipe your tears. Good luck in everything!

Today we are seeing off our gallant soldier to faithful service. I wish you to prove yourself worthily, always confidently and bravely to serve, to be proud that you did not escape the army and give your debt to the Motherland, stubbornly and persistently achieve all the goals and objectives set. Let this time pass unnoticed, let these days be only beneficial, let the army add strength, courage, courage and health to you.

In folk tales, a soldier will always get out of any situation: he can cook porridge from an ax, and find a magic flint, and marry a princess. And I would like to wish the recruit that his service was fabulous: the porridge is always tasty, even from an ax, in his pocket, if not flint, but something magical, and at home let the most beautiful princess in the world wait for him!

Our beloved ……. You grew up so fast that we didn't even have time to look back. And now the time has come when they call for army service for the benefit of our state. We want to wish you that this service was held not only for the good of the state, but also for the benefit of you, to wish you to become a real man - courageous, strong, capable of protecting yourself and those people you love, and most importantly - we wish so that you come back safe and sound and may God protect you.

We are proud of you and your deed. You go to serve in the army, which means that you signify your masculinity, maturity, readiness to become stronger and more mature, giving your debt to your homeland. May the year of service fly by quickly for you, and upon your return you will be greeted with honor and admiration by your friends, family and girlfriend. We have filled our glasses and now we drink to you, the future defender of Russia!

(Name), not so long you have to serve, but you will return home as a real man. We will meet you with joy and pride. I want to propose a toast to your health, courage and luck in the army!

You could have cut it, but you didn’t, so you are already a real man in your soul - brave and decisive. You leave home for a whole year. Usually, people want some kind of change, but I wish you that nothing has changed. So that your parents are just as healthy and just as proud of you, so that your girlfriend still loves you and only you, and so that our friendship remains as strong!

Today is a great reason to remember what men are all for. And men are meant to be protectors. They rightly say that there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. So let's drink to our defender, let his boots not seem too heavy, and the form will always be in good time!

It's time to test yourself for strength. Pass the hardening of the army with dignity, emerging from it as a strong adult man. Look optimistic about the service, it can give you a lot. For you, your good service and an honorable return from her!

Do you know what an army is? This is a special school where a boy becomes a man. There is no need to be sad and afraid of the upcoming parting, I wish that the time spent in the army will be usefully for you!

Perhaps it will be useful to you .