Eco-friendly household chemicals on iHerb. Ecodoo lemon essential oil cooker degreaser. Mommy Care Natural Foam

My eco-friendly household chemicals - I share my personal experience again. I'll tell you what products I use to clean the house and what I found this summer =)

I thought about safe household chemicals for a long time, but switched to safe means gradually, not one day.

I bought various products and compared: I liked some immediately and stayed for a long time, others did not repeat. The easiest thing for me was the transition to dishwashing detergents, the most difficult thing was to decide on the laundry.

Even now I cannot boast that everything suits me - I have much to strive for!

But household chemicals at home have become much less, this is a fact. Today I will share my findings and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

And at the end I will tell you about the principles of cleaning that are easy to do now =)

Eco-friendly household chemicals on iHerb

I have been buying household chemicals on iHerb for many years in a row, preferring Ecover and Attitude.

Belgian Ecover one of the most famous manufacturers of cleaning products. Most do not contain toxic components, but you need to look at the compositions. For allergy sufferers, there is a Zero fragrance-free line.

I love Ecover, Liquid Dish Soap with lime: concentrated, lathers well and cleans up all dirt, but it's better to wash the dishes with gloves. The composition contains sodium lauryl sulfate.

Stain Remover Ecover, Stain Remover removes fresh stains on colored and white fabrics, refreshes shirt collars and cuffs and is chlorine free. The bottle has a convenient brush, I apply it on the stain and after 5 minutes I send the thing to the wash.

I regularly buy concentrated dishwashing detergent Dishwashing Liquid, Pink Grapefruit- it has a delicate dense foam, a pleasant aroma and soft plant glucosides in its composition.

The brand also has excellent working products for the bathroom: Bathroom, Citrus Zest (removes soapstone, cleans tiles) and Daily Shower Cleaner (prevents soapstone formation on glass).

Ecover in Russia

Ecover assortment iHerb cut a lot in the last year and I started buying many heavy products here more often. The prices are roughly the same, if we recalculate in terms of volume - the packages are different.

I like cream cleaning agent, I use it for plumbing and in the kitchen for various surfaces.

Liked washing liquid: This is a versatile everyday remedy for white and colored fabrics. Washes at a low temperature (I do not wash above 30 degrees), does not contain enzymes and bleaches, rinses well and does not damage the fabric.

In addition to it I take eco-friendly fabric softener, I use 1 cap per wash.

Where can I buy: FCX705 for all

Eco-friendly household chemicals BioMio

In the summer, I tried new brands of environmentally friendly household chemicals that are sold in Russia.

From Russian brands I met with BioMio, the brand is owned by Splat and produces cleaning products. Environmental friendliness is confirmed by the Russian certificate "Leaf of Life" on the packaging.

I was offered to take the dish gel for testing, and I bought the detergents myself in order to get a general impression of the brand.

I liked the dishwashing gel and proved to be economical! I have been using it all summer, but I also have a dishwasher and I do not wash the dishes by hand every day. This is worth considering.

I have a mint essential oil dish gel. I have not tried other flavors (there is also mandarin, lavender, verbena), but this is the most beautiful and sweet mint. The scent is fresh, natural and bright, it improves the mood.

The product foams well and washes away dirt perfectly. But there is a minus - the full composition of the surfactants included in the composition is not indicated on the label. You can use the gel for baby dishes and for peeling fruits and vegetables. I tried it - the gel could not remove the wax film from the fruit.

Where can I buy: for 4fresh + 5% discount by code FCX705 for all

BioMio washing powder did not impress at all.

It is an ordinary and even mediocre odorless washing powder, the laundry lacks the feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Only this can explain that an open box of powder has been worth for several months and I do not use it. Now I will finish the post and finish it as soon as possible to start trying other means.

I liked the BioMio liquid detergent for washing delicate fabrics more!

I haven't tried it for wool and silk, I use for everyday washing ordinary clothes made of colored fabrics. The manufacturer recommends it for children's clothing and people with sensitive skin.

The product is odorless and suitable for every day. The laundry is soft and pleasant after washing. It does not remove dirt, I add Sodasan bleach to it, I will talk about it later.

Sodasan Oxygen Treatment

Sodasan is a German brand of eco-friendly detergents. In the summer I bought oxygen bleach, recently the bottle ran out and I feel like I miss it, I have to order again.

The bleach is designed for white and colored fabrics, gently removes dirt without damaging the fibers. Retains the brightness of colored items and prevents aging of white things.

In fact, this is not a bleach, but a means to preserve brightness and remove impurities. According to the instructions, it is designed for 14 wash cycles. It took me much longer, I added 1 tablespoon of powder per wash.

Where can I buy: for 4fresh + 5% discount by code FCX705 for all

Eco-friendly cleaning

And I share my principles of sustainable home cleaning. Many are familiar to you, perhaps something will be new =)

1. Do not use synthetic aerosols and candles

These fresheners smell good, but they fill the air with toxic chemicals that we breathe in. Conventional candles often have a lead + wick made of paraffin - when burned, it forms toxic benzene and toluene.

The best choice: organic beeswax or soy candles, essential oils, aroma diffusers. These candles are from the Aroma Naturals (iHerb) brand, they are all made from soy wax.

2. Do not use antibacterial cleaning agents

Triclosan kills all living bacteria and promotes the emergence of resistant super bacteria, harmful to health and harm to the environment. Use natural antibacterial agents instead of triclosan and chlorine.

The best choice: grapefruit seed extract, tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus essential oils.

3. Get rid of excess

Superfluous things tend to accumulate and quickly turn into rubble, so I periodically “litter”. Each time the separation process becomes easier, and only really favorite things remain at home!

The best choice: if you don't know where to start, just take apart one cupboard in the kitchen and leave your favorite tools. You will be surprised how inspiring it is! =)

4. Dispose of waste wisely

It is easy to throw the battery in the trash, but just one battery contaminates about 20 square meters with heavy metals (mercury, lead). m. of land. There are special containers for collection, from which the batteries are sent for recycling.

The best choice: In Moscow, there are containers for collecting batteries in Ikea, Media Markt, and some VkusVill stores.

5. Choose environmentally friendly cleaning products

Modern environmentally friendly household chemicals are effective, do not contain substances toxic to health and poisonous odors. It is also environmentally friendly and made from renewable raw materials.

The best choice: products with recognized eco-certificates (Ecocert, EcoLogo, Ecolabel, Leaf of Life).

Such environmentally friendly household chemicals are in use. Share your experience of switching to safe cleaning products =)

A modern dishwashing detergent helps housewives to quickly and efficiently clean kitchen utensils, greatly accelerating the solution of everyday problems. You need to be able to choose household chemicals for the house, some products have an aggressive composition, cause allergies, and pose a potential danger to humans.

Types of dishwashing detergents

Cleaning kitchen utensils takes a lot of time for housewives, which can be spent on other important family matters. Inventive people have long sought to come up with a good product that would replace their usual soda, soap, sand and clay. Nowadays a modern person has another problem - to make the right choice in the store, which dishwashing detergent is better. There are several types of household chemicals that you need to be able to divide by class and purpose.

Types of dish detergents:

  • liquid preparations;
  • gels;
  • dishwashing detergents in the form of tablets;
  • powders;
  • salt;
  • capsules;
  • rinsing preparations;
  • balms.

When buying, it is advisable to inspect the packaging, to familiarize yourself with the chemical composition of the selected household dishwashing detergent. Transparent containers are preferable, you can see the presence of sediment inside, estimate the approximate thickness of the solution. Quality products are packaged in handy bottles with dispensers and grooves on the sides for easy grip with wet hands.

The main qualities of a good detergent:

  • effectively removes the toughest dirt;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not cause burns on the skin of the hands;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • does not leave a smell on dishes;
  • foam residues are easily washed off with water;
  • forms acceptable foaming properties.

Convenient to use in the kitchen are liquid dishwashing detergents with a consistency no thicker than water. A tablespoon is enough for the formation of abundant foam, normal cleaning of a couple of pots or a set of dishes for several people. The washing liquid is practical, it dissolves perfectly even in cool water, and has a reasonable price. It is recommended to purchase the most harmless balms for sensitive skin that do not damage the skin and nails, and have a neutral PH level.

Popular liquid dishwashing detergent:

For specially invented means in the form of tablets, which are easy to handle, stored for a long time, provide an excellent cleaning effect. It is advisable to keep them out of the reach of children; if a grain of sand gets into the eyes, the funds can cause irritation and other allergic reactions. One tablet is enough to perform a full cycle of the dishwasher, in order to clean household dishes made of ceramics, stainless steel or glass with high quality and safety to a shine.

Concentrates are dishwashing detergents with a reinforced composition, which are diluted with water before use to obtain a clear liquid preparation with a normal cleaning effect. For example, the economical Sodasan Lemon solution is used in a sink at the rate of 4 ml of active ingredient per 10 liters of water. For convenience, you can dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio, pour it into a suitable container, and use it in the kitchen as a simple liquid agent.

Examples of dishwashing concentrates:

If you are concerned about the question of what is better to wash dishes in the kitchen, then you should pay attention to thick and high-quality gels. This type, despite its thick consistency, dissolves easily, instantly spreading over a large volume of water, quickly starts working on a dirty surface. A bottle of gel lasts longer than a simple liquid detergent, so this dishwashing detergent is immensely popular with housewives.

Popular dishwashing gels:

  • Fairy;
  • Bio Formula;
  • FINISH Gel All in 1;
  • Helper;
  • "ECO";
  • Piatti;
  • Prodo;
  • BINGO;
  • DOSIA Gel Active Power.

Powders do a great job of removing limescale deposits on pots, sinks, taps or stoves. The abrasive particles help to better remove old and stubborn dirt. There are powders for manual cleaning and for dishwashers. This is an excellent antibacterial dishwashing detergent, but it has a significant drawback - micro grains of sand can get stuck in the smallest cracks and enter the body with food. It is highly recommended to rinse all accessories thoroughly several times after cleaning.

Powders for washing kitchen utensils:

  • Gala;
  • Sarma;
  • Somat;
  • Finish;
  • Sodasan;
  • Bravix.

The best dishwashing detergent

It is not necessary to buy and personally test the entire range of cleaning agents to quickly and correctly select the best detergent. You can study the rating of dishwashing detergents and read the reviews of numerous real buyers who give the correct assessment of each brand. You can easily find a dozen trusted foreign or domestic brands that produce safe and effective detergents of good quality at an affordable price.

The best dishwashing detergents:

  1. Fairy- a popular and high-quality product from a well-known brand, this manufacturer produces a lot of varieties of detergents with pleasant aromas, vitamins, protective extracts for hands.
  2. Amway home- road, but completely safe, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent.
  3. Sarma- good powders and gels for cleaning kitchen utensils at an affordable cost.
  4. Frosch- a German product with an excellent cleansing effect, economical, aloe vera extract is present in the balms.
  5. Pril- an excellent product without dyes from Henkel, does not irritate the skin, copes with stubborn dirt.
  6. AOS- one of the best Russian-made detergents at a budget price.
  7. "Eared nanny"- an affordable and high-quality product specially designed for children's tableware.

Natural dishwashing detergents

Household chemicals are effective, they save time and effort, they are easy to purchase, but they contain a lot of potentially harmful substances. Trying to find a safe dishwashing detergent, many begin to pick up old folk recipes that require the simplest and most affordable ingredients. The preparations obtained by this method are optimal for cleaning, they do not cause undesirable reactions and practically do not pose a serious threat to the body.

Folk dishwashing detergents:

  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • sand;
  • ash;
  • lemon juice;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Dishwashing soda

If you don’t have a store-bought detergent at hand, but you urgently need to wash your household dishes, then you can use available baking soda or soda ash. This substance perfectly deodorizes, removes an unpleasant acidic aftertaste from the surface. It is an environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent but abrasive. It can scratch objects, so use baking soda selectively on delicate objects. Soda ash has a strong alkaline composition; it is used exclusively with gloves.

Dishwashing vinegar

For a long time, glasses, glasses, and other glassware have been wiped with vinegar; this substance perfectly disinfects the surface from viruses and microbes. This homemade dishwashing detergent is used in conjunction with baking soda to create good cleaning reagents according to folk recipes. If you take 50 grams of baking soda, one teaspoon each of vinegar and a store-bought detergent, mix everything together, you get an excellent cleaning paste for washing dishes. Vinegar removes limescale deposits in the teapot, rust, and helps to remove stuck labels and price tags.

Dishwashing soap

Real laundry soap does not contain oil products, fragrances, dyes and other harmful components. This substance can safely wash dishes for a small child or a person prone to allergies. People use it for washing, cleaning dirty floors, sinks, window sills. To make soap better remove grease from dishes, add a little soda to warm water to soften the composition of the liquid. In this case, even heavy plaque, streaks and stains can be removed.

Manufacturers do not always correctly indicate the composition of cleaning products, often the use of untested cheap solutions or gels provokes severe allergy attacks in children. It is desirable for family people to use safe folk recipes, to purchase "Eared Nanny" for washing dishes and other hypoallergenic products. Buy proven gels and liquids with which you can safely handle contaminated food, toys, and a variety of kitchen utensils.

Good detergents for washing baby dishes:

  1. Gel "Children's"(TM "Nevskaya Kosmetika") - without dye and fragrances, it is normally suitable for processing dishes and various accessories of the child.
  2. "Eared nanny"- eliminates germs, economical, the bottle is enough for 50 uses, tested by professional dermatologists.
  3. Babyline("Bebiline") - safe, gel-like consistency, does not leave aroma on dishes, convenient dispenser, does not dry the skin.
  4. Ecover("Ecover") - the liquid is made on plant extracts, does not contain harmful components.
  5. Frosch baby- German product without artificial colors or fragrances, hypoallergenic, approved for the treatment of pacifiers, toys and nipples.
  6. "Our mother"- a universal product, works in cold water, with a light aroma, perfectly removes the remains of dairy products.
  7. Gruen green- German product without phosphates, preservatives and other harmful substances, universal, average consumption up to 4 mm per 5 liters of water.

Listed below are 9 safe cleaning and laundry detergents, 11 warnings, and 5 helpful tips.

So, it is difficult to maintain cleanliness without household chemicals, but it is worth considering the harm that it can cause to our health. Most of the synthetic detergents used contain hazardous substances that cause allergies, skin irritation, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, coughs and asthma attacks, and even oncological diseases (cancer).

Therefore, if you seriously consider the impact on health, then many detergents and cleaners, powders, aerosols, liquids, etc., household chemicals should be replaced with natural or at least less dangerous counterparts. And this is not so difficult to do. We read!

Safe and environmentally friendly washing and cleaning products

1. Soda is a proven safe cleaning agent for centuries. The only limitation is that it is abrasive, that is, it cannot rub polished or painted surfaces - it can slightly scratch. Enamel is also “afraid” of soda, so you shouldn't rub enamel dishes with this powder, better - with mustard powder.

Soda can be used to wash refrigerators and remove unpleasant odors from them (it absorbs odors), it can be used to clean heavily soiled and foul-smelling carpets, upholstery materials, furniture. The baking soda also softens fabrics and removes some types of stains. Baking soda softens hard water so you can take a relaxing bath with it. Soda can be used as a deodorant for the body (armpits, for example). It can also be used as a descaler.

2. Mustard is excellent for washing dishes, including grease. It is enough to buy mustard powder in the store, or you can even use ready-made mustard. You can't think of a better natural dishwashing detergent!

3. Vinegar is just a lifesaver:

- perfectly disinfects, kills bacteria (pure vinegar can be safely used to disinfect the toilet);

- cleans tiles, tiles (only after the tiles have been treated with pure vinegar, the room should be ventilated);

- they can perfectly wash windows (to make a "glass cleaner", it is enough to dilute two teaspoons of vinegar in a liter of water);

- removes scale (pour a little vinegar into the kettle with water, stir, rinse - and you're done!);

- refreshes the color of carpets (use diluted vinegar, brush);

- vinegar can even remove limescale - however, if only it is applied immediately after the appearance of this plaque.

4. Laundry soap- a good old friend - the undisputed leader among soaps: forever alive, ineradicable popular, 100% natural, completely organically processed (since it consists of natural fats), which, moreover, also cleans, removes bacteria, washes ... A real find!

5. Washing powder without harmful components can be made for a penny from soda ash, which is sold in household chemicals. Just add some soap shavings to it by rubbing the soap on a grater. Be careful: soda ash is quite caustic and dries up the skin of your hands very much, so deal with the powder and its solution only with gloves!

6. If you suddenly wanted to clean dishes to a shine or wash glass, there is a fruit that can easily (and without any chemicals ...) cope with this - it's a lemon! What's more, you can also use it to remove rust stains from dishes and to polish your silverware.

7. Lovers of pleasant smells should switch from harmful air fresheners to natural natural oils and essential oils(lemon, eucalyptus, spruce, orange, lavender and many others). In order to freshen the air in the room, you can use special aromatic lamps, which turn on for a maximum of 20 minutes, having previously dripped there only a few drops of essential oil.

8. Flax oil is used for polishing wooden furniture and pottery.

9. A plunger (rubber plumbing fixture for pumping pipes) can cope with a clogged bathroom no worse than special chemicals. Now they are making quite comfortable plungers, with which, without much difficulty, even a housewife can independently pump out a slight blockage in the sink or bathroom.

If you still buy household chemicals, then consider the following

The main danger is:

Anionic surfactants (detergents and washing powders). Surfactants (surfactants) clean dishes and surfaces from dirt (detergents), and are also used in washing powders. Surfactants are of three main types: anionic, cationic and nonionic. The most dangerous are anionic (A-surfactants). They cause impaired immunity, allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. Keep in mind that when using detergents, surfactants get into your body, since even a tenfold rinse in hot water does not completely free the dishes from chemicals. To reduce the harmful effect, use products in which the surfactant content does not exceed 5%.

Sodium hypochlorite- sodium hypochlorite (bleaching agents). Chlorine is very dangerous, and this chemical compound is very unstable and easily “releases” chlorine. It causes diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions, negatively affects the skin and hair, and increases the risk of cancer.

Ammonia(cleaning agents for glass surfaces): Irritating to eyes, respiratory tract, headaches.

Phenols and cresols (bactericidal substances) are highly caustic, causing diarrhea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and impaired renal and liver function.

Nitrobenzene (in floor and furniture polishes): Causes skin discoloration, shortness of breath, vomiting, and in severe cases, death; exposure to this substance causes cancer, it is the cause of birth defects in children;

Formaldehyde (a preservative in various foods): is a carcinogen; Severely irritating to eyes, throat, skin, respiratory tract and lungs.

Petroleum distillates(in polishes for metal surfaces): short-term exposure may cause temporary visual impairment; long-term exposure leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, organs of vision and skin diseases.

Also, try to avoid chemicals with the following labels:

Typically, this icon can be found on jars of various cleaning and detergent products.

This product may cause itching, irritation and even inflammation if splashed in the eyes or on the skin.

Avoid contact with eyes and wash hands thoroughly after handling this substance.

Also try to work in well-ventilated areas - the fumes from these products can cause coughing and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

This icon is most often found on packaging with solvents, varnishes and paints.

It indicates that the product contains one or more harmful or toxic substances.

For example, various cleaning agents for sewer pipes can be corrosive.

The warning symbol indicates that the product contains a high concentration of alkali or acid.

This means that if it comes into contact with the skin, the product can cause severe burns and serious damage to the skin, muscle tissue and mucous membranes.

Gloves must be worn when handling such products.

This symbol warns of the harmfulness of the product to nature.

It may contain substances that pose a threat to the life of living organisms - aquatic and terrestrial.


- Do not use aerosol cans, they contain harmful propellants.
- Thoroughly rinse and rinse off household chemicals so as not to come into contact with active substances remaining on objects.
- Ventilate the room more often and, if possible, install it in the apartment.
- Avoid direct contact with aggressive substances, use household gloves and protective creams.
- Switch to natural household chemicals.

If possible, use the safe alternatives listed above to the chemicals.

An environmentally friendly lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity, many housewives are abandoning synthetic detergents and buy organic, surfactant-free and bleach-free. Even more, women are interested in homemade detergent recipes that our grandmothers used with success, and the cleanliness of the dishes could only be envied. Home remedies are in no way inferior to purchased ones, they are even cheaper, but as every coin has two sides, these products are not suitable for use in a dishwasher, and if abrasive particles are included in the composition, they cannot be used to clean Teflon coatings. Many hikers know the easiest way to wash a pot, for this you just need to mix ash with sand and the dishes will shine, the same tool was used in the old days. Today, there is no special need to carry sand home, there are other available means, let's take a closer look at their properties.

  1. Baking soda.
    Soda has always been used when washing dishes, it is a harmless and versatile tool that copes well with grease, tea and coffee deposits, washes away old stains and soot. Soda is able to clean both the fumes in the pans, and the smoked bottom of the kettle and pots. Forks and other utensils are cleaned with baking soda, it removes both rust and darkened, oxidized specks. In addition to visual cleansing, soda also removes unpleasant odors from fish or onions, it is good to clean cutting boards with it. Plates are boiled in a soda solution, a spoonful of powder per liter of water, this is both disinfection and crystal cleanliness, the sides shine like new and reduce the time for manual wiping of yellowed stains.
  2. Table vinegar.
    Food vinegar is excellent at fighting fat, destroying bacteria and microbes, has a bleaching effect and is perfect for washing earthenware, glass glasses and pots. Mix two liters of water with two tablespoons of vinegar, moisten a washcloth in the solution, and wipe down the utensils. Burnt pots and charred pans can be soaked in vinegar solution, allowed to turn off overnight, after which they can be easily washed.
  3. Dark soap.
    Hypoallergenic, versatile and environmentally friendly, powerful detergent. For antibacterial cooking, it has been used since the seventeenth century. The main disinfecting and cleaning element of dark soap is the alkalis included in its composition, they are able to get rid of any stains and dirt, your dishes.
  4. Lemon acid.
    Five grams of citric acid, dissolved in a liter of warm water, will help you wash glassware, whiten surfaces, disinfect and remove unpleasant odors. Citric acid also has a degreasing effect, so its solution is perfect for washing dishes every day.
  5. Edible salt.
    Salt is used to clean anti-vandal surfaces, it easily dissolves grease and scale, it is used to clean braziers and stove grates. Just sprinkle salt on the dirty surface and moisten with water, let stand and clean. The salt will help clean the burnt bottom of the dishes, pour it on the bottom and wet it, let it stand, add a little water and boil, the leftover food baked on the bottom will dissolve and you can easily wash the bottom.
  6. Sodium burate.
    Borax is purchased in a pharmacy, it is a natural mineral that, in addition to cleaning properties, gives the dishes whiteness and fights microbes.

Simple homemade detergent recipes

  • salt and vinegar mixed in equal proportions, clean the surfaces of stainless dishes well, use fine salt and let it dissolve. Wear gloves when using.
  • mustard powder and baking soda, mixed one to one, perfectly clean porcelain dishes.
  • universal detergent for all types of dishes. Grate one hundred grams of dark soap, add a couple of spoons of water and melt in a jar in a water bath, remove the foam formation and add an incomplete glass of water. Stir and let stand, the mass will take on the consistency of thin honey. Add a large spoonful of dry mustard powder, one spoonful of castor oil or glycerin, and two tablespoons of coffee grounds to the jar. For the scent, many add a few drops of lavender or lemon essential oil, or an alcoholic tincture of calendula (a teaspoon). The mixture is stirred and left in a jar to form a paste.
  • mix in equal parts, two hundred grams of baking soda and borax, keep in a closed jar, when using, pour the powder onto a sponge and moisten with water, this tool is good for washing greasy pots and plates. One hundred grams of fine salt and citric acid can be added to this composition.