Temperature measurement during pregnancy. Rules for accurate measurement of basal temperature. Basal temperature norms at the onset of pregnancy

The body, how and for what purpose it is measured, doctors call one of the most valuable for a woman who is conscious of her own health and future motherhood. So, the compilation method is very, very informative for those of the ladies for whom it is extremely important to obtain information about the hormonal changes occurring in the body, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and the possibility (or impossibility) of pregnancy associated with these changes. The fact is that it is hormones that cause changes in the basal body temperature in a particular period of the cycle: if the first half of it passes under the sign of estrogen dominance in the body, then the second phase of the menstrual cycle occurs with an increase in the level of progesterone in the body. And this "turning point" - the transition from the "estrogenic" to the "progesterone" period - is the moment: the most favorable time for successful conception and subsequent bearing of the baby.

Basal body temperature: what is and how it changes

Basal body temperature in specialized literature is the lowest body temperature in the period immediately after sleep. Basal temperature can be measured by a woman in three different ways to choose from: in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum. At the same time, the choice of a thermometer is not important - both a classic mercury thermometer and a supernova electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature indicators. But a prerequisite for observing all the rules for measuring basal temperature with the subsequent drawing up of a temperature graph is the rule of immutability of the thermometer: the basal temperature is always recorded exclusively by the same thermometer, because the errors of each individual thermometer are even by 1 tenth of a degree different. Accordingly, the use of different thermometers may well become a reason for drawing up an incorrect temperature graph.

Temperature indicators when measuring basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle change and directly depend on hormonal fluctuations. Experts divide the menstrual cycle into 3 periods: follicular (the period of time before ovulation), ovulatory (the period when a mature egg is released from the ovary) and luteal (the period after ovulation before the onset of menstruation). In the compiled basal temperature graph, at the same time, the menstrual period by changing the curve is divided into 2 periods: follicular and luteal phase. The transition from one phase to another - the ovulatory period - becomes the most suitable time for conceiving a child, for the sake of which, in most cases, the mentioned schedules are drawn up.

The follicular period is characterized by the prevalence of estrogens in the female body, this is the time of low temperatures: the basal temperature will now be kept at 36.2-36.5 degrees. With the onset of the luteal phase, on the eve of the release of the egg from the ovary, the temperature decreases even more, by about 0.1 degrees, and then a sharp jump in temperature follows - the active production of progesterone causes an increase in basal temperature to 37.2-37.5 degrees. Such temperature indicators will persist until the onset of the next menstruation, after which a gradual decrease in basal temperature should be expected.

So, drawing up a basal temperature chart with daily indication of temperature levels will allow you to optimally calculate the most favorable days for a successful conception, as, in fact, days for virtually safe sex. Please note that for each woman, depending on the characteristics and duration of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the follicular phase will be different. At the same time, the luteal phase always has approximately the same duration: from 10 to 14 days. For example, if the menstrual cycle is the optimal 28 days, the estrogen and progesterone dominance phases will be approximately equal. If the cycle is shortened or, conversely, longer, the phase of estrogen dominance decreases or increases.

How to measure basal temperature?

In order to get the most accurate basal temperature graph, by which it will be possible to navigate and calculate the chances of conception, it is necessary to strictly follow a number of certain rules. Indeed, even seemingly insignificant actions or interventions from the outside of subjective factors affect the temperature indicators of the body. By the way, keep in mind that by observing the basal temperature for several months, it is also possible to determine possible hormonal problems in the body. For example, increased temperature readings in the first phase indicate a deficiency of estrogen in the body, while lower temperatures in the second phase may indicate insufficient production of progesterone. But an even schedule, without significant temperature changes and sharp jumps in the schedule, can be an alarming signal of the absence of ovulation and inability to conceive. In any of the above cases, it is advisable, if possible, to consult a doctor as soon as possible for advice and undergo diagnostics for possible hormonal disorders.

You can correctly and accurately track the basal temperature and draw up the correct schedule, be sure to follow the written rules. So how to measure basal temperature so that the graph is as informative as possible?

  • Basal temperature is measured exclusively after sleep, without getting out of bed and before starting any physical activity. Temperature measurement should always take place at the same time: if you wake up at 8 am, then the temperature should be taken every day at the same time. In the case when, for example, on a weekend the awakening occurs a little later (and, accordingly, measurements are also made with a shift in time), it is necessary to make a note of this state of affairs in the schedule.
  • The duration of uninterrupted sleep before basal temperature measurement should be at least 4-6 hours. So, if, for example, you woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning due to small need, and then go to bed to get some sleep, it is better to measure the temperature immediately after waking up "with an urge": waking up at 8:00 you will no longer get accurate data. And, even after sleeping for more than 3 hours after preliminary awakening, the data will be less accurate than obtained several hours earlier.
  • Having decided on the method of measuring temperature (orally, rectally or in the vagina), in the future it is necessary to use this method as the only one without moving the thermometer. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about the exact schedule. The temperature should also be measured during menstruation, each time recording it immediately after measurements, so that later you do not forget to do it later.
  • The following factors can affect the temperature indicators: drinking alcohol the night before or at night; stressful conditions; various diseases, including with an increase in body temperature; insomnia; moving or flights with climate change; taking medications; sex a few hours before waking up. Please note that it is impossible to draw up a basal temperature chart when using hormonal drugs or contraceptives.

Basal temperature chart

Drawing up the actual basal temperature graph is actually not so difficult. For the graph, you will need an ordinary piece of paper in a box, which is drawn manually: horizontal and vertical rays are drawn from one point. The horizontal ray marks the days of the menstrual cycle, the vertical ray marks the degrees, with the calculation of 1 cell = 0.1 degrees. Every morning, when measuring the basal temperature, you should immediately make a note on the chart, marking the indicators with a dot.

For the greatest reliability, it is better to draw up a graph not less than for 3 cycles. And then - you can study the dynamics of changes in the curve, determining the day of ovulation.

During preparing for motherhood, women use a variety of ways to define. One of them includes studies of basal body temperature. For convenience, this phrase has been abbreviated - BT.

  • What is basal temperature?

    Body temperature, provided that it is calm, is called basal. She is measured rectally, by introducing a thermometer into the rectum. Basal temperature is considered to be the lowest after prolonged sleep. She is able to reflect the hormonal processes occurring in the female body. The two main functions of measurement are determining the exact day and identifying gynecological diseases.

    Some women use information from research for contraceptive purposes. This method can hardly be called infallible. The probability of conception in this case is quite high. The method of measuring rectal temperature is much more useful

    REFERENCE! In the process of measuring BT, it is important to follow the established rules. Otherwise, the result will not be reliable.

    How to measure to determine ovulation?

    All processes taking place in reproductive system women are carried out in strict sequence. They are accompanied by characteristic features. Exit is an essential component of a successful conception. There are many methods that can be used to identify with the greatest accuracy - a special test, ultrasound monitoring, as well as using the BT measurement method.

    The result will be accurate only if there are follow all the rules... During the measurement, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Most preferred is mercury thermometer.
    • It is necessary to measure BT after uninterrupted sleep, lasting at least 6 hours.
    • Results should be recorded daily without missing a single day.
    • The manipulations are carried out at the same time of the day.
    • No body movements should be performed before measurements. That is why the thermometer should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the bed.
    • Hold a thermometer in the rectum need at least 5 minutes.
    • Any factors that may affect the result must be indicated on the schedule (intercourse, stress, medication, climate change, poor sleep).

    It is better to use a separate notebook or notebook for keeping the measurement schedule. Space should be allocated for additional footnotes for each day. The days of the cycle are marked horizontally. Vertical is indicated measurement temperature.

    Each day is marked with a dot opposite the corresponding indicator. At the end of the cycle all points are connected to each other. A graph is drawn that allows you to understand when it happened.

    IMPORTANT! According to the BT schedule, the attending physician can determine the nature of the existing diseases.

    How to determine pregnancy on schedule?

    Regular filling of the BT schedule allows on time notice any deviations I'm in a female body. There are standards that the temperature must meet at certain stages of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops. If conception has occurred, then the parameters remain at the same level.

    Observations based on the construction of the graph help to determine the presence of pregnancy. before the delay of menstruation... This is especially true in cases where a woman needs to take medications. Taking some of them can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

    With a successful conception, the following points will be reflected on the woman's chart:

    • Implant retraction 5-12 days after the rupture of the follicle.
    • No temperature fluctuations at the end of the cycle.
    • The indicators will not fall below the level of implantation depression.

    REFERENCE! If there are abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, BT will not meet the standards.

    Implant retraction may coincide with the appearance of pinkish or bloody discharge. They often occur when tissue is injured. in the process of implantation... Signs of conception before delay appear extremely rarely. These include mild nausea, dizziness, impaired appetite, and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    The information provided by the plotted measurement plots will be more credible if used in conjunction with other features. During the exit period, mucous discharge appears, an increase in libido is noted.

    Correct basal temperature measurement makes it possible to control the processes occurring in the female body. Violations of the measurement technique lead to the fact that all manipulations become useless.

Temperature measurement to determine ovulation is one of the oldest and most time-tested methods.

You need to immediately warn that this technique requires more than one cycle to be controlled, you will have to spend several months in order to study your degree curve and approximately know the required days, since too many factors can affect this. In addition, it rises as evidence of the release of the egg, which means that the ovulation calculation schedule can be used more for predicting than for diagnosis.

Basal temperature (BT) is a reading in the rectum. It must be measured regularly in the morning, without getting out of bed.

The calendar method for calculating the moment under discussion is suitable for women with an established, regular menstrual cycle, if the cycle is not regular, for example, due to youth, or if menstruation is artificially regulated, using hormonal contraceptives, there is no point in measuring BT at all, this will not be indicative.

BT is highly dependent on hormone levels, and varies slightly depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This was noticed by Professor Marshall in 1953, and he developed a calendar method for calculating the day "X" by temperature. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, it usually does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees, immediately one day or 12 hours before the important moment, it falls in order to rise by 0.5 degrees after it. BT after the egg has left the ovary averages 37.6-38.6 degrees, and it will remain so until the beginning of the next menstruation. Responsible for raising the degrees of progesterone, a hormone produced by the corpus luteum and designed to maintain pregnancy. If a woman becomes pregnant, the indicators do not change throughout the entire stay in the position. If no change is observed, it can be assumed that there is no ovulation.

If you plan to use a method based on BT fixation, then you must remember that it involves a daily scrupulous measurement of degrees in the rectum, or in the mouth, or in the vagina. You need to measure in the morning after at least 6 hours of sleep, without even getting out of bed, and record the results in a table. This table is then used to build a graph to help you get pregnant.

BT is measured at the same time in the same place, with one thermometer. Measured even on critical days. You can use any thermometer, the main thing is the same one. If, for some reason, the measurement is carried out differently (deviation in time, change of the thermometer), this should be noted in the notes.

Calculating the moment when the egg is ready for fertilization using this method is complicated by the fact that it is influenced by a lot of factors, if there was sexual intercourse, if you drank alcohol, if you slept for an hour longer, even if you experienced anxiety, this will be reflected in the graph. That is why you will have to write down literally everything that happened, and only after 3 months you can try to draw some conclusions.

The compiled schedule must necessarily record such factors as discharge (the appearance of cervical mucus, similar to the protein of a raw egg), and fixing in the graph everything that could be reflected in the level of basal temperature.

Measurements can be recorded on a simple piece of paper in the box. Build a graph in which each cell is one day and 0.1 degrees of temperature, the length of the graph is equal to the duration of your cycle (26-35 days). The chart shows the date, BT, and those factors that could affect it. The nature of the discharge is recorded.

Measurements begin to be recorded from the first day of the menstrual cycle, 10 days are recorded, then a parallel line should be drawn at the height of the highest "normal" degrees on these days. This is called the temperature line. On the 14th day, + -2 days, ovulation occurs, before her BT decreases slightly, then a stable rise is noted. 3 days after the process of egg rejection, if fertilization has not occurred, it dies.

The chart can be used for two purposes:

  • calculating the best days to conceive
  • prevention of pregnancy by the calendar method
In the first case, you should try to guess the time for the main sexual intercourse, in the second case, you should protect yourself from pregnancy by other methods from the first day of menstruation to 3 days of raising the numbers on the thermometer, then a non-fertile period begins and the chances of pregnancy are minimized.

When using such calculations, you can notice a lot of subtleties that will make it possible to generally assess a woman's reproductive health.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, low numbers are due to estrogens, in the second phase of the cycle, their increase is provided by progesterone. A change in the indicators on the thermometer indicates that it has already occurred, and cannot warn that it is approaching. For many women, there is no drop in temperature just before the release of the egg into "free swimming". This is why this method is not ideal for choosing the day of conception.

Graphs may look different, all have their own rules, so before drawing conclusions, consult with a specialist.

There is a standard schedule to suit most. It is characterized by a sharp and stable rise in the readings on the thermometer after the "X" moment, which persists until the end of the cycle.

However, there are other options:

  • Stepped chart - when the degrees rise sharply, then stay at the same level for 3 days, and then sharply go even higher.
  • A graph with a gradual rise. With such a schedule, it is not possible to calculate the required day at all, since there is a gradual rise in indicators throughout the entire cycle.
  • Rise with return. With this type of chart, after a sharp rise the next day, everything falls in order to start rising again.
For some women, the difference in the results of different phases of the cycle is negligible and almost imperceptible, this is also a variant of the norm.

The menstrual cycle in different women can have a different duration, from 23-24 to 45 or more days, but this difference is possible only due to its first phase, after the rupture of the follicle, the phase of the cycle does not exceed 12-14 days for all.

If in the first phase of the cycle the degree is higher than in the second, this may be evidence of a lack of estrogen or progesterone in the body, you should consult a doctor.

A delay in menstruation in combination with a high BT indicates pregnancy, the presence of increased BT and scanty menstruation - about the possible presence of pregnancy in combination with the threat of its termination. If you chose a measurement method, and saw a uniform graph or a graph with a chaotic change in BT (fence), this may indicate the absence of ovulation, you should contact your gynecologist.

This method has been in use for about 60 years, and it is not in vain that it is considered obsolete. Of course, you can patiently insert a thermometer into some natural hole every morning, draw intricate curves, if you like it, why not?

But still, there are much more modern and accurate methods that will help to conceive a baby at the right time, so maybe it's better to keep up with the times?

Basal body temperature (BBT or BBT) allows you to determine the days on which there is the greatest likelihood of conceiving a child. In addition, you can check the work of the ovaries, timely identify endometritis, determine the cause of infertility.

Measurement rules

To take readings, a woman needs:

  1. Stay calm after waking up.
  2. Move as little as possible.
  3. It is forbidden to sit down or get out of bed.
  4. The procedure should be carried out at the same time of the day, the difference can be no more than half an hour. This should be done in the morning and also on the days of your period.

If you ignore the rules for measuring basal temperature, then the blood will run faster, and the readings will increase. To do everything right, you need to put a thermometer near the bed before going to bed. Moreover, you will need to shake it in advance, because if you do this in the morning, then you will not be able to get a reliable result.

As a rule, the temperature is measured for the first time at the beginning of menstruation, but in extreme cases this can be started on the 2nd or 3rd day of the cycle.

How to measure basal temperature as accurately as possible? If you take readings with an ordinary thermometer, then the basal temperature measurement begins as follows:

  • Place the tip of the device under the tongue.
  • Close your mouth.
  • Wait 5-10 minutes.

With the vaginal method, it is necessary to place the edge of the device in the vagina. Only if the thermometer is inserted into the rectum, then the most reliable readings can be obtained. So doctors often recommend measuring rectal temperature. The main thing to consider is always choose the same method.

How to measure basal temperature with a thermometer? It is better to give preference to a mercury device. It is the most accurate, and electronic models often provide a rather large error.

Everything must be done not only correctly, but also in a timely manner. For example, it is better to write down all the readings at once and not postpone it. There is a high probability of simply forgetting the numbers asleep. If you are wondering which thermometer is better to measure basal temperature, then choose a mercury device.

Exact time

How to measure basal temperature correctly? It is better to do this no later and earlier than six hours of restful and uninterrupted sleep. For those who go to bed only after 24:00, the lowest rates can be observed as early as four in the morning.

How many minutes do I need to take readings? It is recommended to do this for five (preferably 6-10) minutes and immediately after sleep.

How to measure basal temperature correctly? Not everyone will be able to get up so early. Fortunately, this fact is taken into account in medicine. The norm is data collection at six or seven hours. If the basal temperature is measured with an ordinary thermometer at 12:00, then the information will be definitely unreliable. Human biorhythms function normally and always obey the laws of nature. If you are an "owl", then use the alarm clock and the problem will be solved by itself.


How to measure basal temperature correctly? First, you need to build a graph on a piece of paper in a cage. For a detailed analysis of the data, you must specify the following:

  1. Month and days.
  2. BT indicator.
  3. The nature of the discharge (watery, bloody, dry, mucous, viscous, with yellowness).
  4. Comments. Here you need to enter information about such factors as the amount of alcohol consumed the day before, the quality of sleep, sex before measurements (indicating the time of day). Even insignificant notes can be very important in the subsequent analysis of the doctor.

Before drawing up a BT schedule, it is imperative to take into account the readings, which should be normal. The menstrual cycle can be roughly divided into two phases: follicular or luteal. In the first case, estrogens are better produced, and the follicle develops, and subsequently the egg comes out of it. During this period, temperatures below 37 ° C can be observed.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of phase number 2, somewhere on the 12-16th day of the cycle. Then progesterone is released, and the temperature increases by an average of 0.5 ° C. Phase # 2 can last about 14 days, and if there is no conception of the child, menstruation occurs at the end. During this period, the level of estrogen and progesterone will be balanced. At the same time, the temperature is kept within thirty-seven degrees or slightly higher. Before menses, BT decreases again by 0.3 ° C, and the process is repeated.

Regarding the period of ovulation, the schedule is divided into two phases. In the first case, the indicators should fluctuate within 36.2-36.5., And in the second cycle, an increase in temperature is noted.

Sometimes ovulation on the graph may be poorly expressed. In this case, you will need to add 1 more line to the "additional information" column to analyze the state of cervical mucus.

How to measure basal temperature quickly? Thanks to modern technologies, you can not draw a chart on a piece of paper, but use a program or a special application. With their help, it will be very easy to calculate the day of ovulation at home, and besides, it will be possible to learn about important nuances.

Graph analysis

It is recommended to measure basal temperature during pregnancy only for 16-20 weeks. Then this need disappears, and you need to use another method to control the condition of the fetus.

At the end of the cycle, draw one solid line through all the points. If the temperature line takes the form of a zigzag, then it is also better to consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis is categorically unacceptable. When analyzing the charts, the following should be alerted:

  1. Cycle less than 21 or more than 35 days.
  2. Monophase graphs or sharp temperature jumps.
  3. Delay of menstruation for more than ten days, while there is no conception of the fetus.
  4. Phase 2 has become shorter.
  5. Signs of ovulation are poorly expressed on the graph.
  6. Both the first and second phases are full, there is ovulation, however, pregnancy with regular sex does not occur throughout the year.

If in phase No. 1 the period of low temperatures is well monitored, and then a jump up is observed, then this is considered the norm. You will need to undergo an additional examination, and will also be treated in cases where BT:

  • In phase 1 it is high or in phase 2 it is low.
  • Throughout the cycle, menstruation remains high.
  • Rises and falls irregularly.

If at the end of the cycle the curve drops, then fertilization did not occur. Some couples take this pattern into account in order to isolate themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

There are many sites out there that can help you fill out the graph and analyze the results. There is a lot of informative information on the Internet, including images of ideal curves. If you find significant changes in the analysis, then you should contact your gynecologist for advice. As a rule, to clarify such questions, you will need testimony at least three months in advance, with all the comments.

If you do everything right, you can discover a lot of new things. Only you do not need to take any conclusions on your own, it is better to consult a doctor.

External, internal factors

How to measure basal temperature so that the readings are as accurate as possible? The reasons affecting BT are divided into internal and external. In the first case, it is worth noting the intake of a variety of medications, contraceptives, alcohol consumption in large quantities and the influence of inflammatory processes. External reasons include:

  1. Too high or low temperatures in the room where the woman sleeps.
  2. Very active sex.
  3. Stress.
  4. Disturbed sleep.
  5. Changing the time of taking readings and the type of thermometer for measuring basal temperature.

The graph must have a line for different comments. In fact, basal temperature depends on many factors: travel, physical activity, illness, climate change, insomnia or sleep less than six hours, stress, alcohol, medications. It is better to write down all the nuances in order to avoid mistakes.

Hypothermia, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of chronic or the appearance of infectious diseases can greatly distort the readings of these measurements.

If a painful condition is observed for about a week before the planned ovulation, then it is better to forget about conceiving a child in the near future. In case of minor discomfort, you should continue to fill out the schedule, only in this case you need to indicate everything in the comments. In addition, when planning pregnancy, as well as identifying ovulation, it is necessary to monitor vaginal discharge.

Measuring basal temperature helps not only to calculate the time of ovulation, but also to determine the causes of hormonal disruption. BTT is the lowest during the day. In women, this indicator can change during the menstrual cycle.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? If the patient has previously had cases of miscarriage or freezing of the embryo, then it is better to measure the basal temperature regularly during the period of gestation. If the indicators are close to thirty-seven degrees or slightly higher, then the fetus is considered to be developing normally. Otherwise, it is better to contact your gynecologist as soon as possible. Indeed, at such a basal temperature during pregnancy, hormonal levels often change, which sometimes leads to miscarriage.

This is the minimum temperature inside the female body. It should be measured after a long rest. The processes occurring in the body are displayed on the temperature measurement. Basal temperature must be measured many times, based on these readings, a graph of fluctuations is drawn up. Thus, one can fix the day of ovulation for a girl... Such data are necessary for planning or preventing pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Measurements must be done correctly, the accuracy of the ovulation diagnosis depends on it. With the help of basal temperature, it is possible to determine the time when the pregnancy will occur. Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Failure to perform any movements is an important condition for correct measurement. You cannot raise your torso, it is not recommended to stand on your feet.

This is because movement activates blood flow, thus increasing degrees inside the body. BT cannot be measured in the evening, because it is higher at this time. Correct measurement is based on determining the minimum temperature that is formed due to the work of internal organs, without muscles. That's why temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up... It is necessary to comply with the conditions for the temperature to be measured correctly:

In order for the schedule to be correctly drawn up, BT must be measured at the same time in the morning. Her needs to be measured from 7 to 9 minutes... The thermometer in the anus should be located at a depth of 4 cm... The following factors influence measurements:

All of the above situations can affect the correct measurement of BT. Measurements must be taken while lying down. If the measurement is carried out in an upright position, then this causes blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to this, the internal temperature in the body rises. And then the thermometer readings are unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature

For BT to be measured correctly, the thermometer must be inserted into the anus, vagina or mouth. In 1953, a special technique was developed for measuring basal temperature. Marshal Professor of Medicine suggests measuring BT in the rectum through the anus.

It is by this method that the temperature of the baby is measured. Measuring the temperature in the anus or vagina of a woman allows you to find out the results of fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is the tenths that show the jump in the indicator during ovulation..

How to use the obtained indicators

Measurement of BT is needed to diagnose ovulation of the egg. - This is the release of the egg from the follicle, which occurs after maturation. The ovum enters the tube and moves further to the uterus. Such changes are marked by an increase of a tenth of a degree. Before ovulation, the internal temperature decreases slightly, and then rises sharply.

When the egg is released, conception becomes possible during this period. If the measurement is made daily, then you can set the timing of the onset of ovulation. This can allow the woman to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy. Or, these indicators can be used to determine the time of conception.

How to build a basal temperature graph correctly

The data is entered into a table, based on this, a graph is built. When recording the results, additional factors must be considered. The accuracy of diagnostics is influenced by:

  1. Cold.
  2. Headache.
  3. Infection.

The graph is a broken line. At the very beginning of the cycle, the temperature measurement indicator is in the region of 36.7 - 37 degrees. If BT fluctuates within 0.1 - 0.2 degrees, then this is permissible. After the arrival of menstruation in a woman, BT drops to the lowest level, which is 36.7 - 36.9 degrees.

This BT is needed for the maturation of the egg. The ripening period is 14 days, so the graph readings will be from 36.8 C - fluctuations of 0.1 or 0.2 degrees can occur from this indicator. In the middle of the cycle, before ovulation, in 24 hours, the degree drops by 0.2 or 0.3 C, after which a sharp rise up by 0.4 - 0.8 C is noticed. As a result, the basal temperature will be 37.1 C or higher.

Temperature measurement during ovulation

At the time of ovulation, there is a small decrease in BT before the jump to 37.1 degrees. During this period, the possibility of conception is 35%. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to limit sexual contacts. Other indicators of the graph will depend on whether the woman is pregnant or her body is preparing for menstruation.

  1. If a woman is pregnant, then BT shows the highest level. The body forms progesterone, it maintains the highest basal temperature.
  2. If the pregnancy did not take place, then the hormonal background returns to its usual level, and then the temperature drops. This jump occurs a week before your period. At this time, BT decreases by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees.
  3. These are the most likely parameters for measuring temperature during ovulation for a healthy woman.

If a malfunction occurs in the female body, then the schedule gets a little off, the temperature jump is not so noticeable. Then BT measurements are not effective. It must be borne in mind that pregnancy can occur even if there is no temperature jump.

How to diagnose pathologies by basal temperature

It is necessary to make a full cycle of measurements of BT jumps within 30 days, due to these data, it is possible to diagnose infertility or other disorders of the functioning of the genital organs. Often infertility occurs due to the lack of ovulation. BT measurement helps a woman find out whether she has an egg release or not, and on which days of the cycle it is better to get pregnant.

BT measurements help determine the presence of inflammation in other organs. This method of determining other diseases is completely suitable for use at home, it is available for all women. By measuring the temperature, hidden pathologies can be detected.

What days can conception occur

If measurements are taken over several months, it will help predict ovulation with great accuracy. According to the compiled parameters, you can determine when you can conceive a child. And you can also determine the period when it is impossible to get pregnant. This information is used by a woman to prevent pregnancy or to conceive a child.

A woman BT measurement is called biological contraception... This is the safest form of birth control. Conception, most likely, within 2 days after the release of the egg from the follicle. And also three or four days before ovulation. During this period, the egg cannot fertilize. Sperm cells retain their activity for two days. When the sperm first enter the vagina, and then enter the uterus, they are in it for several more days.

The egg is fertilized immediately after leaving the follicle. Therefore, 3 or 4 days before ovulation are added to the days of possible conception. The period of ovulation and the days before it are considered the most effective. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to abstain from sex or protect yourself with contraceptives. If a child is planned, then it is necessary to have sex a day before ovulation or on the day the egg is released.

  1. It is necessary to correctly determine the release of the egg, for this it is necessary to make a correct measurement of the temperature measurements in the vagina.
  2. The day of ovulation is a slight decrease in the degree, and on the next day, the BT indicator increases.
  3. It is these two days that are considered the most dangerous for opponents of pregnancy or favorable for those who are expecting a baby.
  4. The life span of the egg after the ovary is 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, then it is destroyed within 24 hours.
  5. Then the probability of pregnancy two days after ovulation is impossible.

Experts have done a lot of studies, during which it turned out that Y-spermatozoa have the greatest activity. They are responsible for conceiving a boy. These sperm move much faster and are the first to fertilize the egg. But the X-sperm, which are responsible for the conception of the girl, are more hardy.

Thus, if intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation, then the sperm, which are responsible for the conception of the girl, will survive until they meet with the egg. Using such data, it is highly likely that the sex of the baby can be planned. All of the above methods for the period of impossible and possible conception are not suitable for all women. Such a protection system functions only in case that, if a woman has stable periods... For all other women, this method is not valid.

Basal temperature indicators during pregnancy

Changes in the characteristics of BT is a consequence of hormonal changes. The most vital currents in the girl's body occur due to hormonal changes. That is why the onset of pregnancy is formed by a change in BT. If the woman is pregnant, then her BT is at a high level, above 37.3 degrees.

The presence of a high BT is formed by the hormone progesterone. The woman's body intensively produces it in the first 3.5 months of gestation. That is why the temperature indicator at this time is overestimated. After that, the level of the hormone decreases, therefore, BT decreases. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure the temperature difference.

By the change in the temperature jump, one can judge the onset of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. But this sign is ambiguous. A high temperature may be due to physical exertion, inflammatory diseases, or taking medications. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy, you need to use a test. A high BT is used as an indirect method for determining pregnancy.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to establish pregnancy

To do this, two main requirements must be met:

  1. BT should be measured by a woman while she is in a horizontal position.
  2. Before the measurement, you must not get out of bed.
  3. Before going to bed, the thermometer must be placed next to the bed.
  4. It must be placed at a distance so that you can easily reach it with your hand.
  5. In this case, the body must not be turned over.

The temperature reading level should be measured in the morning at the same time... The difference in measurements should not be more than 15 minutes. During the day, the temperature cannot be measured, because the daily measurement will not show the necessary changes inside the body. If the temperature is measured every day in the morning, then it will show a reflection of the reality of the state of hormones.

If a woman knows what her basal temperature is before her period, then she will have the opportunity to diagnose early pregnancy. If there was sex without contraceptives, then the presence of pregnancy can be found out before the delay in menstruation. It is for this that BT measurements are carried out. If the basal temperature does not decrease, then the woman is pregnant.