How to peel before and after sunbathing at home? Salt body peeling. Contraindications for peeling before and after tanning

Face care


14.12.14 17:34

Preparation of the skin for vacation or a course visit to the solarium should be carried out in advance. Specialized gentle superficial peeling before sunburn will even out the relief of the skin, which will ensure a beautiful and uniform golden hue. It is important to remember that even the most gentle intervention can provoke the development of complications, so the procedures are carried out with caution and involve special post-peeling care.

It is important to understand that preparatory cleaning must be carried out in compliance with all safety rules and taking into account risk factors.

The positive aspects of cleaning include:

  1. Thorough and even exfoliation of keratinized scales, smoothing of the skin.
  2. Providing the tissues with sufficient moisture to prevent complications.
  3. Neutralization of pathogenic bacteria, elimination of inflammatory processes.
  4. Degreasing the epidermis, increasing the susceptibility of tissues to ultraviolet rays. The tan will be more intense.
  5. Increased cellular immunity. The inflammation that occurs in the first days after receiving a dose of ultraviolet radiation will go away faster. The redness of the skin will rapidly turn into an even golden tan.

The manipulations also have their disadvantages:

  1. However gentle cleaning is, fabrics become more susceptible to UV light. In case of insufficient skin protection with the help of specialized products, the formation of age spots, chemical and sunburns is possible.
  2. If a procedure is performed that is selected without taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis and its type, accelerated evaporation of moisture is possible, leading to the drying of cells.
  3. In some establishments that provide cosmetic services, the acids used are not neutralized, but simply washed off with water, arguing that peeling before sunburn is carried out with substances of a minimum concentration. This leads to the fact that the reagents are not completely removed from the surface of the face and further, under the influence of sweat, a chemical reaction of an enhanced type occurs. The consequence of this is the formation of spots on the skin devoid of pigment.
  4. With the onset of heat, metabolic processes in the body accelerate. This has a significant effect on the perception of chemical reagents by tissues. In this case, the use of even the mildest fruit acids can lead to an unexpectedly violent epidermis response to cleansing.

The listed features mainly relate to dry cleaning. Hardware (except for a hot laser) and mechanical manipulations are considered dangerous only due to a decrease in the thickness of the stratum corneum and an increase in tissue sensitivity.

Features of preparation for obtaining artificial and natural tanning

There are a number of features that affect the preparation of the skin for sunbathing. Depending on which type of UV light, artificial or natural, will be used, the following factors come into force:

  • If the epidermis is preparing for the holiday season, it is necessary to take into account the drying sun and salt water, which also leads to tissue dehydration. That is why procedures must be selected such that not only nourish the skin, but also create a protective water-lipid layer on its surface, preventing the evaporation of liquid.
  • Peeling before sunburn of an artificial type should be carried out taking into account the fact that during procedures in a solarium, auxiliary preparations are often used. Therefore, preliminary cleaning should not only reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum, but also level it, increase tissue permeability. Such events will allow the tan to appear faster and lie more evenly. In some cases, proper preparation allows you to visit a solarium much less often and thereby reduce the degree of negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on tissues.

Do not forget that no matter what type of tanning you need to prepare your skin for, the procedure should be carried out at least a couple of weeks before the expected exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to make sure that at the time of the procedure the epidermis has completely recovered, traces of chemical burns have disappeared, complete epithelialization of tissues has occurred, redness and inflammation have been eliminated.

A number of preparatory procedures can be performed at the beauty salon. On the one hand, it is even preferable, because an experienced specialist will be able to assess the thickness of the stratum corneum and manipulate taking into account all the individual characteristics of the epidermis.

In this case, it is better to refuse chemical peels completely. The following hardware procedures will be the best solution:

  • Gas-liquid peeling. A gentle procedure that not only cleanses and smoothes the surface of the epidermis, but also supplies tissues with nutrients, vitamins and moisture. Specific preparation does not cause a violation of the integrity of the skin, recovery occurs quickly and without unpleasant consequences.
  • Oxygen peeling. Evens out the relief of dry or sensitive epidermis. Improves oxygen access to cells, normalizing metabolic processes and tissue respiration. This prevents the formation of areas of uneven pigmentation.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. A unique tool that can be used as an express method for preparing tissues for ultraviolet radiation. Ultrasonic peeling before sunburn is not recommended as a regular solution to uneven epidermal relief. The impact of ultrasound on the human body is not fully understood, so you should not abuse the sessions.
  • Cryopilling. Considering the fact that neoplasms on the face in the form of moles can develop into malignant tumors, it is recommended to get rid of them before tanning sessions. The use of liquid nitrogen does not cause painful sensations, does not leave traces, and eliminates aesthetic defects in the shortest possible time.

Mechanical peels will provide no less pronounced results:

  • Diamond cleaning. Due to the fact that there are many attachments used in diamond face cleansing, the effect is exerted both on dense areas of the epidermis and on the thinnest and most sensitive ones. This allows you to evenly prepare the entire surface of the face and get the most even tan.
  • Brossage. Such mechanical peeling before sunburn not only removes the upper layer of keratinized scales, but also normalizes tissue circulation, starting metabolic processes in tissues and reducing the risk of their dehydration.

How to prepare your skin for tanning at home?

The easiest way to prepare your skin for tanning is at home. For this purpose, you can use both natural scrubs and gommages, and special peels.

Salt peeling:

  • Dilute a teaspoon of sea salt with two teaspoons of olive oil. If the salt crystals are too coarse, you can grind them lightly in a coffee grinder. After the salt has absorbed the oil, apply the mixture to slightly damp skin and massage it for at least three minutes. We do not rub the mass intensively, so as not to violate the integrity of the skin. After processing, rinse the product thoroughly.

For softer skin, you can use coffee peels before tanning, homemade or ready-made algal gommages. It is worth considering that home procedures will give a more pronounced and lasting result if they are carried out simultaneously with a visit to a sauna, bath or after preliminary steaming of the skin.

The secret to a beautiful and flawless tan lies in well-prepared skin. Peeling before vacation should be your regular routine in your body care program. I WANT selected for you the most interesting recipes for peeling before sunburn.

The question of whether or not to peel before sunburn is asked by many who go on vacation. Definitely to do. Even if you have already managed to cover a light golden hue, spending the summer in the city or on local beaches. After peeling, the essence of which is to cleanse the surface of the skin from keratinized cells, your body will become smooth and elastic, and the skin cells themselves will begin to receive additional oxygen, which will improve their vital functions. The tan will lie on even, flawless skin evenly and will last longer, since the body will already be prepared. In addition, many peels have an anti-cellulite effect, which should also be considered before going to the beach. So, peeling before sunburn is to be. And its taste, ingredients and consistency are up to you.

Peeling from sea salt

The most popular, fastest and most effective recipe. Pour sea salt into a convenient container. Using a sponge or sponge slightly moistened with water, collect salt from a container, apply on the body with light, massage movements and distribute evenly over the entire surface of the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Peeling with tamarind

An exotic recipe originally from India. Mix 1 tbsp. tamarind paste, which can be purchased at any Indian store, with 1 tbsp. honey. Add 0.5 cups of natural yogurt and a pinch of red pepper. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mass to the body with massage movements. You may feel a slight tingling sensation from the pepper, but excellent tonic and anti-cellulite effects are provided to you.

Flax seed peeling

1 tbsp Brew flax seeds in a small amount of water so that the consistency turns out to be a thick mass. Grind 2 tablespoons. dry seeds and add to those already soaked, mix thoroughly. Dip a damp sponge or sponge into the mass and apply to the skin with massage movements. Rinse off well with cool water.

Floral peeling

It will leave your skin soft and smooth, it is a pleasure to touch it. Grind 1 tablespoon in a blender or coffee grinder. oatmeal, 1 tablespoon each dry rose petals and lavender. Add 2/3 cup coconut oil. Can be substituted for olive or linseed. Add 2 drops each of neroli and petgrain essential oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, inhale the wonderful aroma, as this is not just a peeling, but a real aromatherapy procedure for the whole body. Apply with massage movements. There is no need to apply moisturizing skin care products after the procedure.

Sugar peeling

This peel is also among the favorites. It is advisable to use fine sugar for it. To 2 tbsp. sugar, add 1/2 cup of natural yogurt. If you feel that the amount of exfoliation is not enough to cover the entire body, increase the proportions. If you want a more delicate - add more yogurt, if you prefer a more thorough exfoliation - add more sugar, then the mass will become thicker. Apply to the body with massage movements. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Then take a cool shower, thoroughly rinsing off the remains of the peeling so that there is no sticky feeling after the yogurt and sugar.

Almond peeling with avocado

Peel half of a large ripe avocado and grate on a fine grater. 100 g grind the almonds in a coffee grinder and add to the avocado pulp. When peeling the body, pay special attention to the areas of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. You will notice how the skin in these areas instantly tightens, becomes more elastic, and the signs of cellulite are less noticeable.

Peeling with oatmeal, honey and milk

This peeling is not inferior to Cleopatra's bath in its taste and aroma characteristics, and the skin after it is flawless and tender, like a baby's. Combine honey, oatmeal, lemon juice and milk. Calculate the proportions of ingredients based on the weight and area of ​​the body you intend to process. Apply exfoliation with massage movements. If you can, keep it on the skin for about 15-20 minutes, the effect will be even better. Rinse off the peeling with cool water.

Peeling with red wine

Grind 200-300 gr in a blender. red grapes. Add 2 tsp each. brown sugar and dry red wine, 2-3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and massage into the skin. The huge advantage of this particular peeling is that it saturates the skin with beneficial antioxidants, making it more resilient under the influence of negative environmental factors. So doing this peeling before sunburn is extremely important.

Coffee peeling

This exfoliation will give your body a light and delicate honey-caramel tan and better prepare pale skin for sunbathing. 2 tbsp Mix the grounds of natural coffee with 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. milk. Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder. Apply to skin with massage movements, rinse off with cool water.

If you decide to go to the solarium or go to the beach, then you need to prepare well in advance. Before tanning, so that the skin is smooth and even, it is recommended to do body scrubbing or, as they say now, to do a peeling. On the body, treated with a scrub, the tan lays down more evenly and the skin will look soft and even.

Too zealous with the treatment of the body with a scrub before tanning is still not worth it. It is enough to make a light scrubbing so that there is no damage, which in the future under the influence of the sun can lead to skin pigmentation. And - this is already a serious task that lends itself to solving with great difficulty.
To prepare the body for sunburn, it is enough to treat the skin with a scrub and easily massage it using, for example, a massage mitten.

Making a salt scrub

Take a handful of medium-sized salt, too coarse salt can damage the skin more. Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive or other oil so as not to dry out the skin. Then you need to wait 5-10 minutes and you can start the scrub application procedure.
If you haven't used a salt scrub before, try applying it to a small area of ​​your skin first, as some people get irritated from this scrub. Also, you should not use a salt scrub, if you have lesions on your skin, the salt will corrode them and you will have to quickly wash everything off.

After applying the scrub, massage it gently in a circular motion, then rinse it off with cool water. Also, be sure to apply a moisturizer after your procedure to avoid drying out your skin.

Coffee scrub for suntan

Coffee suntan scrub is the most common, it is available to everyone and allows you to quickly and easily prepare your skin for tanning at home. But do not forget to include a moisturizer at the end of the procedure. Also, the coffee scrub stains the skin a little and you go to the beach already tanned.

How else can you prepare your skin for tanning?

If you have sensitive or dry skin, then a scrub may not be right for you. You can replace it with milder cleaning methods to prepare your skin for tanning. For example, algal gommages, they gently cleanse and exfoliate sensitive skin.

Also, it will not be superfluous to go to the bathhouse or sauna before tanning. The steamed body must be rubbed with a massage mitten and this also helps to cleanse the skin.

And finally, I would like to remind you of the need to use sunscreen. No matter how young you are, the sun with every tan dries and

Peeling before tanning or not? This question is being asked by many. Definitely yes.
To get a beautiful and even tan, before vacation, cosmetologists recommend to undergo a peeling course, for which it is the best fit. Body Scrub based on ground coffee beans.

Peculiarities of coffee scrubbing before tanning

Cleansing the skin of dead keratinized cells of the epidermis should be approached with all responsibility and plan the course in such a way that the last procedure is carried out no earlier than 2-3 days before the intended trip to the beach. This is very important, as applying a coffee scrub just before sunbathing will have negative rather than positive effects. The thing is that after scrubbing, the skin loses its protective layer to some extent, which means it becomes more vulnerable to the effects of ultraviolet rays.
Using a coffee-based scrub before going to a solarium or a trip to the sea allows you not only to make your skin smoother and more even, but also to provide a better and even "sticking" of the tan. Of course, you should not be zealous with coffee belongings for the body before the upcoming vacation, since excessive thinning of the upper layer of the skin can lead to pigmentation under the influence of the sun.

What does the use of a coffee scrub give?

Peeling before tanning or not? This question is being asked by many. Definitely yes. Moreover, such a procedure using a scrub based on ground coffee beans is also relevant for the fair sex, whose skin has already acquired a golden hue due to prolonged exposure to the sun. In this case, the scrubbing agent will get rid of dead skin cells. The result will not be long in coming.
Firstly, the skin will become more elastic, and secondly, the cells of the epidermis will begin to receive additional oxygen, which will accelerate their regeneration and improve vital functions. Not only will the tan lie flat on such skin, but it will also last much longer, since the ultraviolet rays will penetrate into the deeper layers. The main thing, in this case, is to know when to stop and follow the rules of safe exposure to the sun. Otherwise, burns may occur and the dream of a beautiful tan, at least for the upcoming summer season, will have to say goodbye.

Plus, coffee-based body scrubs like Joko Blend color your skin a little, which means you'll go to the beach, albeit slightly, but still tanned.

How to use coffee-based body scrubs for a beautiful tan

On the one hand, peeling in summer is simply necessary to ensure an even tan, and on the other hand, it is contraindicated due to the high risk of age spots. However, subject to the rules regarding the frequency and duration of applying coffee scrubs, harm to the skin is completely excluded, since the body after the procedure takes on a healthy look. Such changes are due to the ability of the epidermis to regenerate: after all, the particles of ground coffee beans gently remove the upper layer of cells, the renewal processes are activated and accelerated, which leads to faster healing of existing microdamages and inflammations.

Thus, in order to be guaranteed to have a positive effect using a body scrub before going on vacation, a number of rules must be followed.
1. Carry out the scrubbing procedure no earlier than 2-3 days before sunbathing.
2. Observe the recommendations regarding the duration of exposure to the scrub on the skin - no more than 15 minutes.
3. Do not overdo it with massage when rubbing the product in order to avoid excessive thinning of the skin.

By observing these simple rules, you are guaranteed a luxurious tan that will last for a month.