How long is the encircled breast milk. Manual way to induce breast milk. Milk Freezing: Important Nuances

Life dictates its conditions, sometimes the circumstances are forced to flow contrary to the rules and desires. Nursing mothers go to work, leaving, falling, other situations arise, so personal feedings have to cancel. In order not to deprive the baby of legal nutrition, the milk is constricted, merged into special containers, leave for storage.

How to store writing breast milk - this most valuable product, conceived by nature itself, - young mammies may not know. It is important not only long-term storage, but also the preservation of the integrity and usefulness of breast milk. How to save, in which dishes, how long it is allowed to keep breast milk, we will examine today in this article.

How much breast milk is stored

Breastfeeding provides daily, reusable feeding of a newborn mother milk.

If there is a need for lack of mother, know: enclosed milk is stored at + 20- + 25 ° C to 7-8 hours. .

With a longer absence, mommy will correctly deliver milk into the refrigerator.

How much to save breast milk in the refrigerator depends on the power of the refrigerator and the place where you put the bottle. Not on the door, and closer to the back wall at 0-4 ° with fresh milk can be saved for a week and even longer.

The need for long-term storage requires freezing milk in the freezer of the refrigerator. Modern freezers retain the freshness of the product to 12 months. .

But here it is necessary to take into account that it is more useful for the baby milk, saved not in the freezer, but in the refrigerator. It is desirable to draw it out every day and every day give a new milk. Milk, saved for a long time, is not very suitable for a handsome child, since the composition of breast milk for monthly crumbs is very different from the composition for a one-year-old Karapus. But in any case, the maternal milk for infants, the best food, preserved for all the rules.

In which dish keep the milk

Each mommy chooses itself, in which capacity to save milk after complaining. Some buy specially designed packages or containers, others choose options simpler, of those that are at hand.

Tara for storing breast milk may be the most different: from specialized packages and containers to some kind of primary things. The main thing is the presence of a hermetic cover, the possibility of sterilization of dishes and freezing in it

For example, you can keep milk in grocery packages that are sold in supermarkets. These are packages for frost food. They are certified, reliably close, but very large. Store both in other packages and containers for food or even in cellular packages for ice freezing.

It must be said that it does not matter what you use for the storage of milk. If the package, container, a bottle, a jar are designed for food products, and you follow the rules of hygiene, then the dishes do not worsen the quality of milk.

Use any container. The main thing is to comply with the storage standards and requirements for the dishes: cleanliness, strength, the possibility of reliable closing, chemical suitability during freezing, the inadmissibility of bisphenol-a.

Pediatricians and advise milk after imprinting to overflow into special bags or containers for breast milk made by knowledgeable manufacturers.

Packages, containers and bottles of AVENT from Philips

Packages for storing breast milk brand Avent firm Philips with a capacity of 30 to 180 g are designed not only for collecting and long-term storage, but also for freezing in the freezer. The manufacturer guarantees sterility, tightness, high quality and safety of each product based on the use of innovative technologies.

Packages with a wide throat, which is convenient for direct pressure, fastened with double lightning, preventing milk course. Rodyshko provides stability. Count columns are provided: the name, date and time when stacing and installing for freezing occurred. When fill in the Avalent package, do not forget to press to remove air. This will allow you to save the product longer.

Packages Philips AVENT for breast milk storage

Philips has long gained popularity in the global market. The company's Avent Trademark produces breast milk storage containers, which are also famous for their high quality. The containers are convenient for direct fit and feeding the baby instead of a bottle, as they are equipped with adapters for breastsos and nipples. In such containers, it is comfortable to transport Milk, take with you for a walk. Containers are designed for storage and freezing at low temperatures.

Manufacturers offer storing fresh milk in a bottle. The container bottle is used at room temperature, in the refrigerator and for freezing in the freezer. Beautiful shape, high-quality antibisphenol polypropylene, tight closing, applied gradation scale, the possibility of sterilization makes this thing practical and pleasant to use.

Phillips glass bottle makes feeding natural to the child, because a nipple with petals is put on her, as if repeating the shape of a maternal breast. When Mom has little milk, she can give this bottle during feeding, it will not notice the substitution.

Philips Avent Breast Milk Storage Containers

Glass containers are safe, not toxic, clean, are used in high and low temperatures. But require careful handling: glass is easily beating. In glass bottles or jars it is convenient to store the magnifying milk. The minus of the glass is that the walls of the dishes are attracted and the fat fat remains on them, which is washed off with detergents, but does not fall into the caress.

For freezing in the freezer of the refrigerator, pour with a 2/3 volume milk, since the fluids during freezing are expanding. The expanded ice will simply break the dishes.

Thermal container for bottles

During a walk, trips, a hike to a clinic or grandparents, a comfortable thing for the brief storage of milk will be a bottle thermal container. This container thermos supports the desired temperature of the milk during the walk. Such a thermos bag will solve the problem of storing baby food outside the house. The manufacturer offers thermosums on one or two containers, in which there are conditions to keep power for 4 hours.

Heatmamus for 2 bottles. For 4 hours supports the desired temperature, indispensable during a walk or trip

Submissance breastfeeding

Whatever happens in your family, whatever reasons forced you to start stirring the milk, remember that contract feeding is the most useful for infant. Mother's milk is unique, it grows and changes the composition together with the child. So try to feed the baby as long as possible. Observe the rules for feeding and storing the milk, and when feeding period will be held without you, return to direct feeding. Such contacts with a child, trustingly looking at you, bring joy to you and your crumb.

The most valuable and useful for your crumbs, of course, is breast milk. And not one alternative nutrition will not be able to compare with. Almost every mom knows about his advantages, but how to store the encircled breast milk correctly in different conditions know not all. During the lactation, a young mother may encounter various problems and situations, for example:

  • the need to go to work;
  • the child did the chest;
  • the baby suddenly refuses to take the chest;
  • it is necessary to urgently remove;
  • other any life circumstances when the child has to leave home with a nanny, grandmother, with loved ones.
Proper storage of breast milk

And in these periods, for the most accurate problem solving, moms are trying to see and leave milk so as not to break the child's nutrition (). And there is a lawsager question, what to keep breast milk and how much is it stored without losing useful properties?

Important! It is not necessary to sterilize the encircled breast milk! Do not use milk after the expiration of storage time!

Capacitance for storing pricing breast milk

There are several types of storage tanks: glass, plastic and plastic. It can be packages and various containers, cups, bottles.

Video instructions for using milk storage packages

The main criteria to which they must respond:

  • sterility;
  • closing density;
  • ease of use;
  • preferably the presence of a measuring scale.

Before purchasing containers, it should be solved for what purposes it will be intended.

If for freezing, then it is better to buy special disposable plastic bags. Their advantage is that they are tightly and easily sealed, sterile, made of very dense polyethylene and ready to use. Also, they are already a measured scale and there is a place to inscribe the date and time. Sold packages in any pharmacy.

Package for storing a breast milk

Some mothers are used for freezing disposable plastic liners for bottles, but it is not reliable. For storage, they are not adapted and the seams may burst during freezing. Splicing, all content will simply follow. But if you still have to use them, then for reliability, pour milk into a double package. And do not store for a long time.

Glass, in second place - plastic, and on the third - plastic are becoming greater popularity among the solid containers. But scientists have proven, milk without prejudice to quality can be stored both in plastic and in glass.

For convenience, choose a container that will contain only a dose sufficient for one feeding. Be sure to indicate the date and time of pressure.

How to store breast milk on a walk

Young mothers may encounter one more problem - how to stored on a walk with empty milk. For these purposes, several variants of thermosum are presented on the market, as well as special thermos for bottles. It is quite convenient, especially if you are on vacation for a long time and can be stocking multiple power portions.

Where to store breast milk

In the interruptions between feeding and plugging, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions for the proper storage of breast milk.

  1. If you are planning to store milk for a long time, then the best way is freezing. Freeze only freshly rested milk, but before the freezing it is necessary to leave it in the refrigerator for a period of 1.5 to 2 hours. And do not forget to write a date and time. A frozen product, of course, loses a number of its beneficial properties, but it is definitely better than artificial blends.
  2. If the enclosed portion of milk is used for several days, it is better to save it in the refrigerator. Milk in the chilled form will save almost all useful substances. The main rule is not to store on the door.
  3. If fresh milk will be discarded during the day, then it is better to keep it in a room in sterile dishes and tightly closed.

Rules defrosting and heating of milk

For defrosting the portions of milk, we first place it in the refrigerator so that there is no sharp temperature difference. Then transfix the portion into a feeding bottle and heated in a water bath. For the convenience of heating milk, you can purchase a bottle heater.

Never warm up milk for feeding in a microwave oven, do not warm in saucepans, do not boil - it will lose all its useful properties.

Never freeze again already frozen breast milk. In this case, too, all properties are lost.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

How much to store breast milk

Leaving breast milk stocks need to know where, how much time and at what temperature it can be stored.

In a refrigerator:

In the refrigerator, empty milk can be saved until 24 hours at a temperature mode from +4 + 6 degrees. At the same time, it is necessary to place it as much as possible. Fresh milk needs to be cooled before placing a refrigerator.

In the freezer:

In the freezer, the released milk at temperatures from -13 to -18 degrees are stored from a month and even up to three months, and at temperatures from -18 to -20 degrees no more than a year. In front of the frost, the milk is cooled in the refrigerator.

At room temperature:

At room temperature (from +19 to +22 degrees), a fresh product can be stored no more than 10 hours. At a temperature not higher than + 25 ° milk can persist no more than 6 hours (4-6 hours). More than 25 ° - up to 3 hours. Scientists were investigated that substances that are part of breast milk can counteract the reproduction of different microbes, so milk does not deteriorate.

Storage time of breast milk (visual table)

The storage of recreational breast milk is an excellent solution to many problems associated with violation of the feeding mode of your baby. Even if you are forced to miss a period of time, then your baby will not stop receiving your love, protection and all useful vitamins. The most important thing is, of course, know the rules and conditions for storing this indispensable nutrition for your crumbs.

We live in such a dynamic time when mom is always busy. But still, I would like to keep breastfeeding, without refusing to yourself at the same time, at least sometimes let it from the baby. Or, if I had to go to work. This will help stirring and.

Storage of breast milk may seem complex process. Immediately arises as many questions: how to store breast milk, how much breast milk is stored, what kind of breast milk containers are better to use? For the most common questions about storing breast milk, you will find the answers below.

What breast milk storage containers are better to use?

The choice of packaging for the storage of milk depends on how much time you plan to store it and where. The best option for storing breast milk is a glass container, however, it is not suitable for storing breast milk in the freezer, as it can crack. Then the transparent solid plastic and opaque plastic vessels. Also manufacturers produce special packages for storing and freezing breast milk. They are very convenient to use, and take up little space in the freezer. In no case keep milk in a polyethylene package or ordinary disposable plastic bottles - such a container has a negative effect on the milk.

Important:cookware for storing breast milk should be sterile and signed (be sure to indicate the expansion date on the container with milk).

How to store breast milk? What is the best way to store breast milk?

Use waterproof labels and ink, signing each on each container of the pressure date. Fill out individual containers by the number of milk that you need to your child in one feeding. You can start from 60 o 120 ml, and then adjustrate as needed. In addition, it is recommended to store small portions - from 30 to 60 ml for unexpected situations or delays in conventional feedings. Consider that breast milk expands when freezing, so do not fill the containers to the edges.

How much can breast milk?

How many breast milk is stored, depends on where you store it.

Storage of breast milk at room temperature: Up to 6 at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C)

Storage of breast milk in the refrigerator:up to 5 days at temperatures from 4 ° C.

Storage of breast milk in the freezer of the refrigerator:

  • on the total door - up to 14 days;
  • the door is separate, at a temperature of -5 C - up to 6 months.

Storage of breast milk in the freezer: Up to 12 months at a temperature of -20 degrees.

How to freeze breast milk: Be sure to leave a little empty meta in a container or a bottle, as the milk is expanding when freezing.

Storage of breast milk after defrosting:no more than an hour at room temperature and about 10 hours in the refrigerator. In no case do not freeze re-breast milk.

Is it possible to add fresh breast milk to what is already stored in the refrigerator?

You can add freshly empty milk to chilled or frozen milk into the one you started earlier on the same day. However, well cool the recently sophisticated breast milk in the fridge or in ice water before adding it to a previously chilled or frozen milk. Do not add warm breast milk in frozen milk, because it will lead to partial defrosting of frozen milk.

How to warm up frozen milk?

We already know how to freeze milk, we will now understand how to defrost it correctly. The defrosting process must be gradual: with we started moving the container with frozen milk into the refrigerator, then hold it at room temperature. Frosting milk can change its color and smell. It is possible to understand that the milk is spoiled, it is possible by the sharp smell of the skyshest milk. This milk will have to pour out.

You can warm the milk to the desired temperature under the jet of hot water. If you are planning a long time to feed the child with a fiber milk, it is better to purchasespecial bottle heater.The maximum heating temperature should not exceed 37 degrees to preserve all the beneficial properties of breast milk.

ATTENTION: In no case do not heal breast milk in the microwave or on the stove.

The importance of pressureing and preserving the most useful product for a newborn baby sooner or later aware of almost every nursing woman.

After all, sometimes you have to leave the crook on dad or grandmother to go out for several hours to study, workplace, or to pause in breastfeeding because of the disease and reception of medicines. But one thing is to be aware of the need, and the other is to know how to store the encircled breast milk, how much time, in what capacity and at what temperature.

Where can I put the enclosed milk? The choice will depend on an important factor - how much time do you plan to store this product. The main options are only three:

Producers of goods for young parents worried about this issue, offering special bags or thermoses with nursing mothers. Milk in these cases is invested in a conventional bottle.

Studying the storage of the pricing breast milk in the room, scientists found that within 10 hours the product can be stored, without losing useful qualities and not acquiring pathogenic microorganisms.

However, the duration of the storage of milk nutrition in the room largely depends on the local microclimate. At room temperature:

  • at 15 ° C, a whole day can be stored in a pile of milk after the pricing procedure;
  • at 22 ° C, the product can be left indoors for 10 hours;
  • at 25 ° C, the shelf life is significantly reduced to four-six hours.

How many mamino milk can be kept after the supervision, we determined, now you need to understand what conditions the storage capacity should be answered. First, the dishes are sterile, secondly, the cover fits tightly to the neck, thirdly, there is a measuring scale on the package.

In such a tank, breast milk is not exposed to pathogens and will remain suitable for feeding a certain amount of time.

You must also sign the exact plumbing time on the bottle.

If a nursing woman, for example, is forced to remove for a longer period, you can leave breast milk in the refrigerator.

Rules for storing milk milk in the refrigerator after complaining such:

  1. Be sure to sign the container, as in the case of leaving the room so that you remember exactly how much milk has been released.
  2. Only sterilized containers should be applied. The degree of treatment of the appeal will depend on how long the milk can be stored in this cool place. If the container is not entirely prepared, the power is simply processed.
  3. Jars with a product need to be placed closer to the rear wall of the refrigeration unit and away from the door (in this area the temperature constantly fluctuates).

When stored in the refrigeration chamber, maternal milk changes the consistency and taste. The product can also be smeared, while the fat film is formed on the surface, and the "water" remains at the bottom. Such a bundle does not mean poor nutrition quality, simply shake the capacity to return a homogeneous state.

Sometimes in the unit with the function of independent defrosting, milk acquires an unpleasant soap taste and smell. From such a power, it is better to refuse and choose another way to store the enclosed milk.

After complaining, some women put milk into the freezer. It is an absolutely correct step, especially if it is necessary to preserve natural feeding with long parting with a child or long-term treatment with serious drugs.

Freezing Mamina Milk - a simple procedure, which, however, requires the following important rules:

Experts have established accurate time, during which you can leave a released product in the freezer. Maximum storage time - 6 months.

However, such a duration is possible only under the observance of an important condition - the capacity is folded into the individual compartment of the freezer.

If a container with milk is put into a common department, the storage duration is reduced significantly. Milk stock will need to spend in fourteen days.

How to choose a container?

The choice of dishes for the preservation of natural milk nutrition - the process is extremely responsible. Before buying tanks, it is necessary to determine for what purpose they will be used.

  • If you often constrain the milk, then you should prefer high-quality dishes, which is designed for freezing or cooling the female milk. If the dimming happens quite rarely, the material manufacturing material does not play - the container can be taken glass, plastic or polycarbonate.
  • If chilled milk is then heated in the tank, you need to take the glass dishes. The components of such a container are not allocated to the contents, but in polycarbonate there may be bisphenol - a fairly toxic element. Packets made of plastic and are not at all adapted for heating, they have sutures.
  • If the nutrient fluid is very fat, fat can remain on the walls of the glassware, so the final product becomes less useful. In this case, it is worth buying plastic containers, in the composition that lacks harmful ingredients.

Another important nuance is the rationality of the use of dishes. With a short signal for 2-3 hours, an ordinary glass cup is suitable, in which milk can be soldered for one portion. With prolonged absence, you should be stocking with special sachets for the freezer.

How to use?

Regardless of the storage techniques, experts allocate only two ways to heal of the enclosed product:

  1. Under the hot crane. Capacity must be placed under a jet of hot water and regularly shake the contents of the ass.
  2. On a water bath. We put the bottle into heated water and constantly shake to achieve the most uniform heating.

The optimal temperature of the raised milk is 36.6 ° C (bodily). To determine it, you need to drop a few droplets of milk nutrition on the wrist skin. If you have not felt anything, the temperature regime is observed.

Discard the heating of the enclosed milk in the saucepan or microwave oven.

The probability of overheating is high, and it means that the product will lose important qualities. In addition, it creates areas with different temperature regime, and this is already fraught with the rotting cavity burn.

When storing food in the freezer, you need to have an idea how it is defrosting. Adhere to an important rule - frozen milk at first put in the refrigerator to avoid a sudden temperature difference.

Compact capacity of about 120 milliliters is deflated on the upper shelf of the refrigerator per day. That is why you need to exhibit milk from the freezer in advance to avoid the pause when feeding the baby.

A frostbed product must be heated and give a child or leave on a refrigerator shelf for the next feeding (if the power is not useful). Repeated freezing is excluded, so when heating, but not the use of milk, it can be left for a day at the rear wall of the refrigerator.

In compliance with the technique of defrosting, most of the beneficial substances and caloric content in the milk are preserved, despite the substantial differences of the temperature regime.

Signs of spoiled milk

Each time removing meals from the freezer or the refrigeration chamber, the mother is worried if it did not have to spoil. The abyss of the product can not only indoors, but even in the freezer, if the electricity and the unit suddenly turns off and the unit will understand.

To prevent the error, it is necessary to know the "symptoms" of spoiled breast milk.

The most important sign is sour and soapy smell. If it did not convince you, try liquid. Light mustard confirms the initial suspicion - yes, the product has deteriorated, it is impossible to offer it.

Another common question is what to do with spoiled withdrawal milk? The answer is obvious: just pour it into the kitchen sink.

Storage of breast milk is a magnificent method of resolving numerous difficulties that are associated with a violated mode of natural breastfeeding.

However, it is first necessary to know how much to store the extended product, how to cool and freeze it. The main thing, remember that even cooled and restored milk is still better than any mixture!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

Hi, dear readers! Tell me, did you have so much that you need to leave the baby somewhere? In the sense of leaving it at least for several hours. If this was, how did you organize feeding?

According to statistics, more than 40% of the moms have a stock mixture. While Mamino Milk remains the main nutrition! This is when she is near. So why, tell me, feed the crumb to other food? There is an option, even if you have to leave Chado for a few days! Just be enough. But there is another question. Any mom in this situation will be interested in how to store encircled breast milk. Here I will tell about this today! And I still give a few interesting ways to push!

Being in the hospital, met with one young mother. Her baby was in the ward of intensive therapy, and she went to him every day. So, milk at mom was produced Nemerly! And Kroch was not a don. And she decided that it was impossible to disappear! It is necessary to push.

I will note that the lady was quite secured and she could afford to buy the most expensive shopping nutrition. Those. The woman was filmed not for the sake of savings. What then did with the product? Stores in the freezer! How long will tell a little later.

It turns out that breast milk is stored not only in the chest. Perhaps the product is to prepare about the reserve. For what cases?

  1. When the milk dwells so much that it remains unnecessary.
  2. It is necessary to move somewhere.
  3. Mom okat.
  4. The child categorically refuses to eat from the chest.

If you fall at least one point, then you need to know where you can store such food.

Where to store?

And tell me at first, how long do you plan to leave? Or do you have so much milk that the baby is enough plenty, it remains unnecessary? Answers to these questions and determine the storage place!

  • On the table, at room temperature. If you leave a couple of hours, and feeding is already soon.
  • In a refrigerator. So you can make a foot on the night so that the child is not waiting for a long time. I did it. And similar billets save time and nerves)).
  • Freeze in the freezer. This type of storage is provided for long departures or in an excess of breast milk.

Only moms are worried, and whether the nutritional properties of the products fail to ruin? My dear, no! It is only necessary to observe storage time.

How much is stored?

This is already dependent on the type of storage and temperature regime. Here are the recommendations of the specialists:

  • In the room, if the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, not more than 6 hours.
  • In the room, if the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees - day.
  • In the refrigerator, where the temperature is about 4 degrees - a week.
  • In the freezer, where there is a deep freezing to -20 degrees - year. If the door opens often and there is no deep freezing, then the shelf life reaches half a year.

Of course, check the quality of food. If the products deteriorated, this will give a fascinated smell about it. But do not be surprised if you see that the milk was divided into layers. Up pops out fat, it is yellowish. And at the bottom there is less fatty fraction. Then enough to shake the bottle, and everything will come to normal.

But the quality affects not only time and place. Choose a container!

What to keep?

Of course, if you wondered such a question, you are important to environmental friendliness and security. Right? Well, there are the following types of containers:

  • Glass. The most volatile and selected. Of course, such requires attentive treatment, but the safety is worth it. If you doubt the ecology of other species, choose this container. You will not regret.
  • Plastic transparent.
  • Plastic opaque.
  • Packages.

In general, it is believed that plastic containers will not be brought. The main thing is that they are specifically designed for baby food and storage in the freezer. Disposable packages use more good demand. They are reliably closed, have a measuring scale and a place for the inscription. And to sign necessary. Suddenly the packages will accumulate the mass to know what to eat first.

It concerns the freezer. If you leave for a few hours, you can leave a dish in a feeding bottle. I also did this, quite a good option did not even have to warm.

But if you use the services of a refrigerator or freezer, you need to know the rules how to warm up the product.

How to defrost and warm?

There are various disputes around the frost products. This applies not only to milk, but also, for example, vegetables and berries. Scientists have proven that such a method cannot destroy vitamins. The composition almost does not change.

A much greater destructive power has a method of defrosting. Here you carefully stored milk, and then got it immediately under hot water, or even better, on the stove or in the microwave. Stop! It is impossible. The defrost should be careful, follow the rules:

  1. From the freezer, the products follow in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  2. Then take it out and leave on the table an hour.
  3. Only then under a tap with warm water, or on a water bath. No plates and microwaves! The useful and necessary substances will accurately disappear. And then there will be no meaning in such a food ...

If you want to simply warm, use the same water bath. Watch that the meal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. Someone will consider that it is too much labor. And how did you want? With children only so. But the award for such work will be a smile of a healthy and happy karapus!

Fit down correctly

Why do you know? Yes to give the most nutritious and valuable. Look, a child who eats directly from the breast from birth, gets everything. From start to finish. And with the help of breastsos, it is possible to bother and not to get the most nutritious.

Not understandable yet? Will explain. See, at the beginning there is a milk who is just getting drunk. It is less fatty and nutritious. Contains little vitamins. More important is the last. Here is a storehouse! The most valuable accumulated! It is it that is important for full nutrition and crumb development.

So try to push everything to the last drop. And this is not a figurative reflection. It is in the last drops that contains the bulk of vitamins. So do not be lazy. Moreover, such actions will help to increase lactation. After all, the more often the woman is complicated, the more the milk arrives!

Types of plugging

Here is another important point. After all, to devastate yourself completely, you need to choose the right way! Of course, the best helper than your own carapaus is just not found. But if you need to go different, we will look for answers. Here are some kinds:

  1. Manual.
  2. Breast pump.
  3. Babushkin Method.

Oh, just not tolerant to tell about the last item! But once put it the last, it means that I will tell in order.

Manual method

The most economical, but labor cost. After proper preparation (about the rules, too, later) we take a bottle, and begin to chat. First we massive the chest, then slowly davir on my nipples. Follow so that it does not hurt.

But I will say right away, this method is good once or two. If you need to make an opinion, forget. And take yourself the right technique.


The model range of devices is represented from the simplest to expensive (more). Here choose your budget. I had a simple, but then I regretted. Such easily injury nipples, pain is terrible. So choose, at least from the average price range.

To date, this is the most reliable and effective way to see. But do not forget that with such a process, the lactation is less than when applying a child. My advice, use the breast pump infrequently, only if you're cooking. And here it is for your opportunities.

Babushkin Method

So I got to the most interesting. I used the first two techniques, and this did not apply it. I learned about him quite recently. We need a bottle with a small neck. Glass. And that's all! See what to do with it:

  1. Wash, dry.
  2. Sterilize.
  3. Cool down to a comfortable temperature. But not completely. To endure the skin.
  4. Apply to Areole tightly. Through time, the chest will assign to the bottle, and milk will fuse. The process is unprecedented, be patient.

Only I ask, adjust the temperature regime. Do not burn anything! But you can try. What do you think?

Ground Milk Charge Rules

For milk to be useful and suitable for further use, observe simple rules:

  1. Before the process, wash your hands well with soap. The chest is enough to wash with ordinary warm water.
  2. Take a warm shower by massing the dairy glands. Wipe off a warm towel. This will help increase lactation.
  3. You can put a warm towel and lie so for a few minutes.
  4. For half an hour, drink tea. And in general, drink more fluids throughout the day.
  5. Take everything. Upon completion of the process, wait a couple of minutes, then squeeze the last droplets. Remember that they are the most valuable? In addition, it will be prevented.

This will help to achieve good results. And your baby will eat a nutritious and useful producer of mother's production!

Tell us, why are you interested in storing breast milk? What is the reason you have? Will you freeze or just put in the refrigerator? Does your karapuz on breastfeeding or only use the product use? Leave comments and become a blog subscriber. To new meetings. Until!