How to change with makeup. How makeup changes human appearance. Hairstyle and Makeup Carly Kloss

Meet, this is Nikki de Jager - a successful makeup artist from the Netherlands.
So Nikki looks in everyday life when there is no professional makeup on her face.

But this Nikki becomes with the help of masterfully applied decorative cosmetics.

Agree that sometimes makeup is able to work wonders, changing the person beyond recognition.

Nikki is only 23 years old, but it is already a rather popular specialist in your field. A few years ago, Nikki began to record training rollers, in which the secrets of glamor makeup unfolded in detail. On the open spaces YouTube, the Beauty-project "Nikkie Tutorials" quickly found loyal fans, and today the number of his subscribers has passed over a million.

In his rollers, Nikki not only talks about the intricacies of the right Make-APA, but also shows how with the help of cosmetics it is possible, in the literal sense of the word, completely change your own appearance.

Hobbating professional makeup came to Nikki completely unexpectedly: the girl dreamed of looking as smart as the heroine of her beloved TV series "Hollywood Hills". It was this desire that made the young fan thoroughly study beauty blogs and try to apply the knowledge gained in practice with all the might.

Gradually, Nikki's passion turned out with a serious interest. The accumulated experience and knowledge allowed the girls already to hold master classes that she recorded and laid out on the network. As the popularity of the channel "Nikkie Tutorials" is growing, the talented make-up artist's self-taught also learned in a professional environment. Nikki received an invitation to study at the School of Makeup "B Academy". So Nikki found herself. Today, the girl cooperates with a major visa agency and often participates in the preparation of models for photo shoots. Nikki has already managed to work with such famous publications as Marie Claire and Stylevision.

Despite the relevance, Nikki never ceased to record their own master classes and is still pleased with the fans with original projects. One of its last rollers, which is called "Makeup Power, produced a furor, gaining over 14 million views.

Nikki, which with the help of cosmetics often changes its style, often faces that even close friends will not know. It was this funny fact that his own biography inspired the girl to the original project, designed to show all the power of makeup, which sometimes can sort in efficiency with plastic surgeons.

So that the result from the work done was particularly impressive, Nikki inflicted a multistage modeling make-up only one half of the person, leaving another unchanged.

In his video, the makeup artist calls women not to be afraid of change, because the desire to look better is the natural need of beautiful sex. At the same time, the roller gives us the opportunity to understand how deceptive can modern beauty can be, which meets all the requests of the gloss.

Careful makeup sometimes works according to the "Photoshop" principle, transforming the initial data beyond recognition. It is such a make-up accompanied celebrities on the red tracks and models of the world of great fashion on the podiums. Natural beauty has ceased to be prerogative of chosen: now it can be "to draw it" with all sorts of consilers, shadows, eyeliner and lipstick. Today, the cosmetics presented in a huge assortment perform the function of magic sticks, and modern make-up artists can be called magicians who are able to work wonders. Nikki and her workshops of transfigurations are a bright example.

Use or No Amazing Makeup Opportunities - Choice for You. However, I want to believe that natural beauty still does not lose their positions and will, as before, please the eye with its purity and tenderness. And bright makeup in the best traditions of Glamor will accompany the beautiful ladies where it is always appropriate - in secular events, celebrations and incendiary parties.

Looking at models on glossy magazine covers, every woman involuntarily dreams looks the same. At first glance, this is an insurmountable task, which is capable of only a professional. However, this is rooted incorrectly. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity independently at home is able to create an ideal Mayk AP.

How to apply makeup

With the help of cosmetics need to emphasize the dignity. Applying cosmetics, weak floor representatives look different before and after. Makeup changes women sometimes beyond recognition. But nevertheless, in inept hands and with insufficient knowledge, there is an opportunity to get the opposite result. Makeup power is great. In no case should not underestimate it.

The question will be logical, how to properly apply makeup to emphasize your advantages and not resort to the help of professionals? After all, in addition to a round sum, you will also spend time visiting the makeup artist. Professionals are macked up to three hours. Therefore, in order not to spend money and time, you can figure out the nuances of the application of cosmetics and create making wonders with your own hands.

Preparation and foundation

Cosmetic tools will be perfect on well-prepared facial skin. Therefore, it should carefully care for it.

In the preparation of the skin to make the algorithm of your action should be as follows:

  • cleansing - applying cosmetics over raw skin of the face promises you clogged pores, and subsequently painful acne;
  • moisturizing - put the cream for the face with a thin layer on the skin, after ten minutes, remove the surplus with a napkin and proceed to makeup.

If your skin does not have drawbacks, the tone base is simply applied, suitable for color. When choosing a shade you need to be careful. Color pick up so that the difference is not visible before and after. Makeup should be natural. You are not going to a carnival party.

But if the face has small disadvantages, for example, circles under the eyes, then in front of the tonal basis, it is necessary to apply a consiler that will hide flaws. It is applied by clapping movements, in no case rubbing. Depending on what you are going to hide, choose the color of the consistent. So, green hobs acne, yellow-beige - bruises under the eyes.

Form correction

Suitable blush will make your face fresh, young. Therefore, carefully select their shades. They should be only a little darker skin tone. Try to pick them up so that there is no difference before and after. Makeup after all should make a face more expressive, and not turn you into a clown.

It is worth noting that the line of application of the Rumen categorically should not be a clear. They need to grow carefully. For these purposes, a thick bevelous brush is perfect.

Depending on the face form, the place of application of the Rumyan is changing. So ideal is the oval type. On the oblong face, the blush is superimposed directly from the cheekbones until the middle of the ear. Thus, it is visually expanding. Round, on the contrary, it is necessary to narrow. Therefore, the blush is put on the middle of the cheek towards the temples. On the triangular type of face, they are applied to the protruding of the cheek. In this place, the blush is chosen in the form of a rhombus.

Eyebrows, eyes and lips

To give a clear eyebrows, shadows are used, pencil, gels. Again, choose what is more convenient for you. Color is selected depending on the hair on the head. For brunettes - dark brown, blondes - gray, red - light brown. The form is drawn by the strokes, and then it is chosen.

Before you start painting your eyes and lips, you must decide what of them will be brighter. In any makeup, the emphasis is obliged to attend one of these elements.

If you decide to highlight your eyes, then you will need mascara, pencil, eyeliner and shadow. The last two cosmetic tools are excluded if they decided to make focus on the lips.

Lipsticks, pencil and shine will be needed. With the help of the pencil, the contour is drawn. Then the lips are covered with lipstick, and in five minutes you can apply shine.

Makeup errors

Here are the main mistakes for applying cosmetics.

  • Invalid color of cream. Tonal choose the same shade as the skin. So that the complexion does not change before and after. Makeup will adopt you if you choose too dark tonal, and light will turn you into a walking dead man.

  • Bad light. Try to apply makeup with natural light. If it is impossible, use additional lamps. Also use a large mirror in which the face is visible entirely.
  • The unnatural color of the Rumyan and the sharp boundaries of their application.
  • Thick liner line in the lower eyelid makes the look tired and heavy.
  • Unnatural eyebrows.
  • Print lipsticks on the teeth. To avoid this, give preference to more resistant species.
  • Do not confuse evening makeup and everyday.
  • The tone base rolls. And the fault is your face cream. With their incompatibility, such an effect is obtained.

Most of the makeup artists know the lot of ways to transform a girl, that's just one example of make-up (plus the advice of the cosmetologist). Photo before making makeup. We start with the purification of the face. For cleansing, use milk and tonic. Tonic does not rub into the skin, but we apply it to smooth movements on massage lines. Application of the Makeup base is a preparatory stage towards applying a tonal cream. The base for makeup is selected by the type of leather. It moisturizes, nourishes and levels the skin. The tone cream is selected by the color of the skin. For its application, you can use special latex sponges, or apply a cream with fingertips.
It is better to use a tonal cream containing silicone oils that contribute to uniform applying the tone and preservation of the natural type of skin. Next, we disguise the zone around the eyes and the wings of the nose. The proofreader is applied with a brush and gently grinds. From the face traces of fatigue.
To preserve the natural color of the face it is better to use the crumbly powder.
Apply powder. Thanks to the shallow texture, it lies in a very thin layer and makes the skin matte and velvety.
The skul region is slightly emphasized by blunders. Carefully rub their brush, without leaving sharp lines. The blush should not be noticeable, so it is not necessary to use too bright, dark or pale colors.
Eyebrows. The special attention should be paid to this part of the person. Eyebrows can be emphasized by covering their shadows to achieve a more natural effect. Do not cry the eyebrows with one solid line. Pain your eyebrows short, directed up strokes.
Getting a makeup eye. A brush or an applicator is applied for all the eyelids light-bearing shadows, paying particular attention to the inner corner of the eye.
Choose a light, dark, and medium shades of the shadow palette. The palette is selected in such a way that the middle shade emphasizes the color of the eyes. Green eyes will be brighter if they emphasize them with brown or reddish shadows. The average tint is working on the external angle of the upper eyelid. Brush carefully chosen, achieving a smooth transition.
A wet brush takes the dark color of the shadows and score the contour of the upper eyelid at the ciliary edge. Next, darken the outer angle of the eye. Light shades of shadows launch the space under eyebrows. Thus attes the clarity lines of eyebrows and expressiveness. Next, black ink tear up the upper and lower eyelashes by screwing movements. If you wish, you can cover their ink for the second time to give volume.
To give lips with a clear form apply a contour pencil. With it, you can adjust the shape of the lips. We start spending a line with light movements from the middle of the upper lip to the corners. Applying lipstick. With the help of the brush you will be able to do it much more careful. Lipstick is typing in small portions and evenly distribute it from the middle of the lips to the corners. Mildly rub the lipstick pencil line without leaving her contour. The final stroke is applied by powder with reflective particles. It will give your skin mysterious radiance.
Well, how can I find out the girl on the "passport" photo in her brilliant reflection? And imagine what will happen if you add a black wig?

Today, few people and girls are 100% satisfied with their reflection in the mirror. Be sure to have some kind of flaw, which must be corrected. And it is not necessary to save the round sum on the plastic surgery.

An experienced makeup artist will tell you how correctly with cosmetics, a tone cream, contour pencil and other assistants to change their appearance.
Let's try to consider how people change makeup, step by step.


Before starting a change in the appearance with makeup, it is necessary to prepare a number of devices and cosmetics.

You will need:

  • correction brushes;
  • beveled brush;
  • flat brush for a liquid corrector;
  • brush for the Rumyan;
  • pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • applicators for applying shadows;
  • eyeshadow Palette;
  • tonal basis;
  • corrector for sculpture of the face;
  • loose powder;
  • lip pencil;
  • pomade;
  • lip gloss and others.

Tassels should be made of natural pile, not tough, but elastic.

Correction technology

Miracles of makeup begin with applying bases, basics, tonal cream. And for radical correction, you need more means such as proofreaders, consiletors, explosives. These creams will help hide bruises under the eyes, pigment stains, moles, pimples, align the skin of the face.

The use of the tonal base makes it possible to start working on the form correction of the oval as a clean sheet.


You will need proofreaders, dry or creamy.

Be sure to emphasize the basic lines of the face - forehead, bridge, nose, chin, folds over the lip. It is advisable to evil the space under the eyes and cheekbones. The cheekbones themselves usually darken. Also slightly darken the lower part of the face.

All transitions from the dark to the bright should be chosen so that there is no sharp lines, the transitions must be smooth and natural.

In order for the skin breathing, it is unwanted to apply too thick layer of the corrector, it will block the pores, and makeup will look like a mask.

Select the corrector must be like your skin, especially if there is a tendency to allergies.
In order for makeup to be natural, it is necessary to apply the corrector strictly according to the scheme.

Video Tutorial:

On top of the tone corrector correctly apply powder. It will remove the excessive shine of cream and give the skin a natural shade.


This part of the face can also affect the change in appearance in general.

It is unwanted to paint the eyebrows with a solid line, the makeup artists advise to use to highlight eyebrows of the shadow or pencil. The pencil can be changed a bit of eyebrows, and the shadows make them thicker.

Pouring eyebrows need short, directed up strokes.


Change appearance will help work with eye makeup. Change the eye cut with a pencil, raise hung up with shadows - all this tools for a new image.

Makeup on the eyes also begins with the foundation. The main color is then applied, darker tones are applied to the outer angle of the eye, brighter on the inner.

And it is also worth only to draw the arrows correctly, and the image will change dramatically.

You must begin with choosing a pencil, it must be solid and well-fullent.

Draw an arrow better from the middle of the eye, spend a line along the growth of eyelashes to an external corner.

The tip of the arrow should be very thin and go to no. Now draw a line from the inner corner and gently connect with the already drawn line. The hand is better to fix so that it does not shive.

A detailed comparison can be seen on video and photos.

Next, applying shadows. Making the eyes, the girl should understand that changing the appearance with the help of makeup cannot be used too bright and causing colors for day makeup. Casual Makeup is made natural, careless tones. But for a party can be experimenting.


Completion image will give a new contour of the lips.

How lips change with the help of lipstick and pencil, can be seen in the photo.

Outcome - Properly made makeup can really surprise and change the appearance of a girl.

See how macius miracles are transformed.

This is not the easiest task, but what effect! To create it, I use the gummox from Kryolan Soft Putty. With his help, you can change yourself to unrecognizable: I removed the deflection and made my nose straight, a little sharpening the tip.

Step number 2: Lighted the face and "remove" cheekbones

As a base for makeup, I took the PERIPERA Blur Pang Milk Blur tool. After it was "sat down" on the skin, I used the brightest shade of Peripera Inklasting Pink Cushion, which brightened my skin as much as possible. Do not forget to apply it and on the neck so that there is no obvious contrast. Then the brightest consileter comes to work (it can be any brand). It should be applied to the scoop bone so that any hint of the cheeks disappear. I also inflicted this tool on the chin, under the eyes, on the forehead and nose. Do not forget to make contouring: passing around the edge of the face a dark part of the sculptor's sculptor maybelline New York Master Contour.


Step number 3: Change Faces

After the issue with skin lightening was decided, you need to take the Dodo Label plasters, which will give the face more v-shaped. In the Asian countries, a special tool is sold for this, which we have not found, and I used the sake of the experiment to use the usual stationery tape, but there was practically no effect. Therefore, it is better to order these very plasters.

Step No. 4: Draw straight eyebrows

Asians "wear" straight eyebrows, so you need to change the form of your own (most likely, it is curved you), straightening them. To do this, you will need a pencil Dior Sourcils Poudre Powder Eyebrow Pencil. And with the help of a NYX Professional Makeup Gotcha Covered Concealer Pencil, I adjusted a new eyebrow shape and removed the surplus that remained after the decisiveness of the previous pencil. After all this should be processed and fix the eyebrows with color masculine Kiko Milano Eyebrow Fibers Coloured Mascara.

Step number 5: Again make contouring

Further dealing with dry contouring, which can be performed using a special NYX Professional Makeup Palet 3 Steps to Sculpt Face. I suck the nose as much as possible and the face of the Asian manner. The forehead must also be visually smaller and lower, so I'm going up along the hair growth line. Now it is the time of gentle pink Rumen The Saem Saemmul Smile Bebe Blusher. They need to be powered by puffs on the apples of cheeks and growing to the temples. Tonal and sculpturing means on the skin should be a lot. If the face looks a fuller kilogram for five, then everything is done correctly. It is very important!

Step number 6: Purpose of lenses and adjust the eyelids

First, put on lenses with an increasing effect. I chose a gray shade with black rayray grey edge. In order for the eyes to seek even more, I used special stickers for the auxiliary Double Sided Double Eyelid Thefaceshop. They help those who are familiar to the problem of the authorities: remove the fold and look more open and opened. With these two manipulations, the eyes become unrealistic.