How do people become friends? Methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic: How people became friends

They say: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." But where can I get them, these friends? Not all people easily make new acquaintances, and if they do get to know someone, they have no idea how to shorten the distance and go from the category of friends to the category of friends. with a person you like?

Before trying to become friends with someone, think about why you need it. If you want it for the sake of profit, then you will not succeed in real friendship: it is built on selflessness. Of course, friends help each other, but not because they expect help in return, but simply because they are friends. Friendship is not barter.

Friendship is more than common interests, hobbies, topics of conversation. You can also communicate with friends, for a casual pastime it is not at all necessary to become friends. Friendship is mutual respect and mutual support... To become friends, you need to show the person that he can trust you, that he can rely on you.

The desire to become friends with the person we like often plays a cruel joke on us. In an effort to please him, we begin to "show off", behave differently from our nature. Perhaps this will attract his attention, but friendship is unlikely to be built in this way. It is important to be yourself, to remain sincere and honest., because you want a person to want to be friends with you, and not with an invented image.

Before you become friends, there is no need to intrude: obsession is annoying and frightening... Understand that if you are destined to become friends, sooner or later it will happen. There is no need to force events and impose your society. One of the important components of friendship is respect for a friend's personal space.

remember, that you need to be able to be close to a friend not only in joy, but also in sadness... This is what makes a friend different from a friend - in that he will lend his shoulder at the right moment and will be with you not only when everything is fine with you, but also when you feel bad. So be prepared to be supportive.

Some people get in the way of making friends. They think that as soon as they become more sociable, they will have more friends. However, do not go too far. One of the most important qualities of a good friend is listening.... And not just listen, but hear what they say to you, maintain a dialogue.

It is also very important respect your friend's opinion, even if you disagree with him... Friends do not have to agree with each other on everything: everyone is entitled to their point of view. Friends respect each other's point of view and never make fun of it, even if it is different from their own.

By the way, about respect. Friends usually share information with each other that they no longer trust anyone else. That's why if a friend told you something, in no case do not retell this information to someone else even if it's not a secret. If he wants, he himself will tell everyone else, respect his right to privacy.

There is no place for selfishness in friendship: everyone has the right to be friends with more than one person. Therefore, you do not need to pretend to be the only friend: if you really make friends, they will want to spend as much time as possible with you. But there is no need to try to occupy the entire living space of another person.

In general, the most important thing is not try your best to be a friend to someone you like... Just be there, communicate, and over time, friendships will grow into friendship, if there really is potential for it.

Strong friendships don't come out of nowhere: it used to be said that in order to really get to know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. A pound of salt is sixteen kilograms, so consider how long it will take to truly become friends.

Improve your self-esteem. If you yourself do not believe in yourself, then others will not believe in you either. If you learn to love yourself, you will pamper yourself, which in turn will have a positive effect on your relationships with other people.

Be discerning. If you connect with people who understand you, you will feel more confident. You may also feel a close connection with certain people. However, if the person thinks you are weird, you may hear criticism, which in turn can reduce your self-confidence.

  • Consider the following questions. How does the person I interact with my quirks? What does his expression say? Is he sincere with me? Is this person laughing with me or at me?
  • Get to know yourself. Others cannot understand you if you do not understand and recognize yourself. Make it a rule to analyze your thoughts every day. This will help you improve your self-esteem. Do exercises that will help you identify what is valuable to you in life. You can do the following exercises:

    • Think about pleasant experiences and valuable experiences you have had in your life. Think about a time when you felt truly happy. What was this situation? Why were you happy? What can you learn about yourself from this experience?
    • Think about what is upsetting you. What literally drives you crazy? What situations irritate you? What is a sore throat for you? List the situations that upset you. Include both significant and insignificant situations. Think about why you are upset in a given situation.
    • Think about what you are good at doing. What do people usually praise you for? What do you do best?
    • Think about what is of particular importance to you. How do you like to spend your free time? What is valuable to you?
  • Answer calls and messages. Although it can be difficult to connect with strangers at times, try to overcome your insecurities by facing your fear. Answer all phone calls, text messages and emails you receive during the day; very soon you will not feel the thrill of meeting new people.

  • Discontinue toxic friendships. If you get stressed out with your friend, or don't see any reciprocal steps from him, then most likely this is an excuse to end the relationship. In addition, if this person does not provide you with the support you need or makes too high demands on you, then you should not continue such a relationship. If you want to be a true friend, you need to know what it takes. If you give all of yourself, without getting anything in return, then it is better to put an end to such a relationship.

    • However, the presence of a friend's flaws does not mean that your friendship has become "toxic." Analyze both the positive and negative qualities of your friend by putting them on the same scale. This will help you determine if the relationship is worth continuing.
    • For example, if your friend constantly complains about her boyfriend, thereby annoying you, but she is willing to listen to you when you need to speak out, then most likely, the willingness to listen outweighs her frequent complaints and discontent.
  • To the question, an essay on the topic of which person can be called a friend, explain why it is important for a person to have friends specified by the author Common the best answer is A friend is like a precious crystal or diamond. It must be kept as a treasure. Just like diamonds are kept in caches, keep your friends deep in the caches of your heart.
    Like real gems, they sometimes need to be taken out and cleaned. And when you see how your friend shone in the rays of your love, you will be filled with joy and happiness. This is the nature of friendship. Unfortunately, people find few diamonds in their lives, and therefore there are many voids in their hearts. There are many diseases of the soul. And almost all of them are somehow associated with loneliness. Lonely people often think that they are not good for anything and are not needed by anyone. But if we have faithful friends who will be with us in joy and sorrow, we will not be so lonely.
    Probably now it is very important for you that you belong to the group of friends, that others accept and love you. It often happens that friends during this period of life become closer than family members. A true friend is one who fully understands and accepts us, one to whom we can tell about any of our problems, to whom we fully trust and can freely reveal the innermost secrets of the heart, knowing that a friend will close them in his heart. There is nothing to hide from a true friend, because we have one soul with him. We all need such a friend, but in order to find him, we ourselves must learn to be a true friend. Friends always understand each other. Learning to understand the other is the basis of respect, because this is how we begin to understand the value of each other. This can take some effort, time and patience. But if we make an effort, we will discover what a wonderful friend we have. Therefore, considerable efforts are needed on both sides to ensure that there is agreement in friendship. Nothing comes by itself. The fastest way to become a friend and find a friend is to give the best we have - our whole heart.
    Teenagers about their friends:
    We are like sisters. We don't need to pretend or pretend to be in front of each other. We can just be who we are. (13 years)
    The best friend is the one who understands you and is beaten, no matter what others say about you ... You can desperately quarrel and still be friends ... You can talk about anything with your best friend. (14 years old)
    You can just keep quiet. You don't have to talk and explain everything all the time. Best friend - she always understands. It's never even awkward with her, and you are not afraid that you will lose her. She is always the best friend. (15 years)
    My best friend and I have been through a lot together. We had good days and bad days ... The best friend is always with you, what happens there. How many times, when you get involved in a dirty story, others turn up their noses and pretend that they don't know you. And the best friend is still with you. (16 years)
    The highest level of friendship can be achieved between brothers and sisters. Calling each other "brother" and "sister" is natural, and we also look at it as something familiar; but brothers and sisters are often willing to give their lives for each other. It also happens that the relationship between siblings is not easy. When children feel that they are not loved enough at home, they can mix their disappointment on their younger siblings. Anyone who often experiences such an evil and unfair attitude towards himself, it, of course, offends and hurts. In addition, it often happens that the youngest member of the family is afraid to be himself and feels inferior to older children. Sibling rivalry is often accompanied by fights, verbal and emotional abuse. You can only feel like real brothers and sisters if you become true friends.
    Just because someone is friendly to you doesn't make them your friend. If he lets you do that. that knowingly can harm you or other people, and does not try to stop you, then he is not a real friend. We cannot force our friends to change, but we must try to help each other, to live according to conscience.

    If you have made friends, then sooner or later you may have a question: how to become a leader among friends? There is nothing bad here. The desire to be the first has been characteristic of a person since the inception of society.

    Typically, a leader is a highly successful person who leads others. The leader knows how to create the right mood, distribute responsibilities, make you listen to your opinion, and also fulfill the requests and instructions of others.

    As a rule, such people have not only a lot of rights, but also responsibilities. The success of the entire team largely depends on them.

    In order to become a leader, you need life experience, the ability to speak and persuade, the willingness to act yourself, be restrained and remain calm in any situation. For his friends, he should be an authority, his opinion should be listened to. It is good if the leader has a lively mind and respects his friends. After all, he can act and exist only in his team, even if it consists of only two people.

    Another hallmark of a leader is the designation of the exact goals that he can achieve with his like-minded people, and these goals should be common and desirable for all friends. A true leader is distinguished not so much by willpower, the desire to win, the ability to speak persuasively, but by the concern for the rest of his charges, in this case friends. He must learn to do everything for the good. To the leader, friends are always willing to address their problems and share their joys. He should be attentive and caring to the problems of friends. Only in the case when a friend comes first, and not selfishness, others will really be drawn to him.