How to teach a man to be generous. Why do men give gifts to some women and not to others?

Have you ever noticed that some women know how to behave in such a way that flowers and surprises from beloved men are an integral and very pleasant part of their life, while others, on the contrary, do not receive gifts even for their birthday? The first ones somehow especially dreamily look at the window, and sincerely, childishly admire what they see there. And now, this "something" is already on their shoulders, or on their finger. The second ones even buy flowers for themselves, although they are no less attractive, no less worthy of attention than the first ones.

What do some people do, while others, on the contrary, do not? What information do gifts carry, and does “don’t give gifts” always mean “doesn’t like, doesn’t appreciate”? MIR 24 talked about this with Liza Piterkina, a specialist in the psychology of gender relations, the author of trainings for women.

My favorite topic as a writer and trainer is the relationship between men and women. Therefore, I communicate a lot with my readers and listeners of my webinars, study the trainings of colleagues, read thematic publications. In the process of comprehending all the information received, at some stage I got the impression that in the world of women, more precisely in some narrow segment represented by a certain type of women, gifts are indeed the measure of the quality of relationships.

Moreover, the value of gifts in monetary terms for supporters of this concept is directly proportional to the strength of love.

- As far as I understand, you yourself consider giving gifts as something completely different?

Back in the early days when I started my career as a sex trainer, I was fortunate enough to be the author of a super popular course on intimate relationships. The reason for the extraordinary interest in him is directly related to the topic of gifts.

Telling your beloved that it would be pleasant for you to receive a gift means making it easier for a man to understand the dark depths of a woman's consciousness.

One of the fundamental rules of relationships proposed in this course was the perception of the interaction of a loving man and a woman as an energy exchange process. There is no mysticism or esotericism in this thesis. The concept of "energy" is successfully used by modern psychology and psychotherapy. But my understanding of this phenomenon is based on the philosophy of the ancient East.

Energy is vitality that is closely related to the emotional side of life. Love relationships are one of the spheres of energy exchange, which is based on the exchange of emotions and feelings. At the same time, emotions are a brighter and shorter-term product of the psyche generated by falling in love, they exist for only a few months, and feelings are a more even, calm, but long-term manifestation of the mental sphere, true love is based on them.

For men, gifts are a sign that they have received energy from a woman. In simple terms, the man experienced vivid emotions and intends to repay the woman for her emotional gifts. This is gratitude to a woman for her ability to cause a flurry of delight in a man. Any man without disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere experiences a natural need to exchange energy in the form of emotions. The richer the personality, the wider the spectrum of emotions: from sexual experiences to subtle spiritual unrest.

Emotional maturity is essential to the exchange of energy. If the relationship between a man and a woman is reduced exclusively to intimate communication and does not undergo transformation over the years, then the personality does not develop.

Of course, sex is an important aspect of a relationship, but an adult is not alive by sex alone. And if sex in a long-term relationship is the cause and effect of emotions, not feelings, then the individual is at a very young level, and this is not a compliment at all.

Sometimes one has to observe a sad picture when a man, who is in search of emotions, and is not able to transfer the emotional stage into a sensual one, replaces one partner after another, but does not find satisfaction. And such men gladly respond with gifts to their male joys for a while, and then, when the time of emotions passes, they stop giving, because they themselves cannot receive anything. But the experience of deep feelings is one of the most amazing pleasures for a mature person! And in one woman, as well as in one man, you can find the whole world!

- And yet, returning to gifts, why do some women receive gifts, while others do not?

“In my opinion, the reason may be the lack of mutual understanding and different hierarchies of values ​​among partners. For example, a woman gave a man sexual emotions, and in return he gave her an equally unforgettable experience. The exchange has taken place. "

But it may happen that emotions and bodily experiences for a woman will not become the equivalent of the spent vitality, she would like to have something material. Then it is important to voice this need to your beloved man. Men are not psychics! Sometimes they have to explain long and in detail what seems obvious to women. There is nothing wrong with that! Telling your beloved that it would be pleasant for you to receive a gift means making it easier for a man to understand the dark depths of a woman's consciousness.

- Should a woman be told what gifts she would like to receive?

The most imprudent act in such a situation may be the announcement of the price list or the list of required material values. In this case, the exchange turns into a sale, a relationship into a trade, and a love affair into prostitution.

To great sadness, it is to this form that many authors of women's trainings call. This flawed stereotype has long and rather aggressively been implanted in women, however, its outcome is unambiguous: the collapse of the relationship sooner or later. However, trade relations can last for a long time. But we are talking about emotions and feelings!

By the way, if the contact between a woman and a man reaches a mercantile level, and at the same time the laws of the exchange of emotions are violated, the sensory sphere is inevitably suppressed, and this leads to a decrease in libido, to a lack of orgasm, then, possibly, to violations in the woman's reproductive sphere, and even to various diseases of internal organs. And all that, in order to remain loved, healthy and happy, you just need to maintain a natural natural ability - to emotionally and sincerely respond to male attention!

It also happens that a man does not understand the hints and does not respond to a woman's need to receive something material.

This is the other side of the issue. It so happens that a woman wants gifts or generally returns in any other equivalent, expresses her needs to a man, but still gets nothing, not even a "thank you" for his thirty-two orgasms and borscht with buns.

Forcing a man to donate is manipulation. That is another way to nowhere

If a woman oversteps her needs and is ready to carry her erotic cross “free of charge, that is, free of charge,” this is her choice. There are two options here: to end the relationship, or not to complain that they are not giving you anything. But forcing a man to give is a manipulation. That is, another path to nowhere, described in detail by various experts in the weaning of material values ​​from representatives of the powerless sex, because it is impossible to forcibly receive signs of attention from the stronger sex.

And if the gift giving did happen, how to make this process easy and natural in the future?

In the process of voluntary energy exchange, such a strategic moment as the art of accepting gifts is important. If the beloved goddess takes men's sacrifices for granted, with a fresh face, this means that the exchange of emotions did not take place. And a man may lose the desire to perform energy exchange in this form.

And if a woman radiates sincere joy, the man also experiences reciprocal vibrations, and a circulation of energy starts. He wants to give more and more in order to receive more and more emotions. Ultimately, a mentally healthy person does everything for his own pleasure, because he wants to, and not because he is obliged to do it.

This scenario seems too optimistic. Not all men are ready to please their women with gifts just for the sake of reciprocal emotions.

This is indeed the case. Another reason for the absence of male gifts is the inability or inability to receive emotions-energy from a woman. If a warm wave does not arise inside in response to the presence of a woman, the energy exchange process does not start.

Men who have lost their sensuality kill their natural ability for energy exchange. It is with them that we have to “sign agreements” on “love”. There is nothing healthy in such a relationship.

Why it happens? There can be many reasons. First, many of our contemporaries, unfortunately, have a blocked sensory sphere. Society and the media impose on men the "rules of masculinity", stereotypes: "men do not cry", "a man is obliged to earn a lot of money" and the like. As a result, men deny themselves the right to experience heartache, cry, and be weak.

Men who have lost their sensuality kill their natural ability for energy exchange. It is with them that we have to “sign agreements” on “love”. There is nothing healthy in such a relationship, sadly.

But there are also sociopaths, men whose emotional sphere is completely suppressed! They are just happy to buy pleasures below the waist, even from their wives, because other pleasures of a higher order are not available to them.

But let's not discount the female contribution in the absence of male emotions. If the beloved does not want anything or simply does not know how to give, why should she return? And if a man has no feelings for a woman for a long time, then her feelings cease to be of interest to him.

True love is the most precious thing in the world. It is for such rare gifts that a woman wants to return a hundredfold

At the end of the conversation about gifts, I would like to once again mention the same famous course on intimate relationships. Many years ago I told my listeners that the best way to receive gifts is to sincerely and deeply love a man, to give him unique emotions and not expect anything in return.

True love is the most precious thing in the world. It is for such rare gifts that a woman wants to return a hundredfold. Love each other and do not forget that, perhaps, in youth, diamonds seem to be excellent friends, but in old age you run the risk of being an unnecessary disliked person who has not learned the meaning of the exchange of vital values.

Tatyana Rubleva spoke with the writer

“Irinka’s husband just took it and gave it an iPhone, brought in another ring, but my Sasha didn’t even bring a lousy rose for his anniversary? Why is that? Why am I worse? " - the girl asks her friend.

And if it was only an isolated case. How often women complain that they do not receive anything from their chosen ones, secretly or openly envious of those who receive these gifts. In pursuit of answers, they are ready to rummage through a ton of literature, ask around from all acquaintances and strangers in different forms, although they, the very answers, are much closer.

If a man does not give gifts, the opinion of a psychologist

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There is no single correct answer in such a situation and cannot be. A couple is created by two, a man and a woman, and each of them is a personality, with its own character, habits, complexes, in the end.

By accusing the man of the lack of attention expressed by gifts, the woman seems to throw off all responsibility: "Here I am so wonderful, but he is bad and does not appreciate me." This is a fundamentally wrong approach, because a relationship is not a game with only one goal, it is painstaking mutual work of two individuals in order to build a harmonious union.

If the chosen one does not shower with flowers, fur coats, it is worth thinking not only about the reasons for his behavior. Perhaps the key to the problem lies in another plane, for example, you are not ready internally for these very gifts, or he simply does not realize that material signs of attention are also necessary. In this case, you can try to tell him about it directly or indirectly hint.

How to hint a man for a gift

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Your boyfriend may not even be aware that you need material confirmation of his feelings.

If in all other areas of the relationship his love and care is clearly traced, for example, the banal “Have you put on a hat? There is hellish frost "or" I replaced the tires on your car, the other day they promised ice ", which means that he values ​​you. Such a summary suggests that this is not a fleeting romance, but a long-term perspective.

And now everything is fine, but he does not indulge in bouquets of a hundred roses, and nothing else either. This does not mean that he is some kind of wrong, maybe this is how it was in his family. And in such cases, a hint, subtle or rather tangible, will be enough for the girl. It all depends on the intelligence of the man. It is enough for one to see how you dreamily linger in front of a showcase with a cute one. Another will need to say in plain text: "I would be pleased to receive this bracelet from you."

If a man does not give gifts what does it mean

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The male brain is not like the female brain and functions in a very different way. This is a proven fact, it must be accepted, and life will immediately become easier. Many representatives of the strong half of the human race do not know how to give gifts. Why? This is how the stars were formed. Almost. It all depends on the individual, but in most cases they can be generalized.

  • Often times, men do not consider gifts to be important. They give attention, care, love, maybe flowers for a birthday, even with friends in bars do not hang out. What else do you need? Buy a thing? So, I brought all my salary home, go and buy it.

  • Another type of the stronger sex may bring home a vacuum cleaner that he bought for a stock, and will genuinely wonder why you did not appreciate his impulse. A pragmatic man will not understand why give a dress once for 5 thousand, if you can buy something useful for this money.

  • For some, choosing a gift is similar to torture. What to buy? What will be delighted? And what if he doesn't like it ... He is overcome by doubts, the process becomes unbearable, and the man postpones this matter for "sometime later." It is his own fault that he did not remember and did not write down if there were any hints, but the problem does not go away. Therefore, he follows the path of least resistance, relieving himself of the torment of choice, and does not buy anything. It's easier for him.

  • To understand the joy of receiving a gift, a person must experience this very joy. If a man did not have such precedents in his life, well, they did not give him anything, grew in severity or even worse, then he himself will not understand why another person needs it.

Why does a man not give gifts to the woman he meets

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The candy-bouquet period of a relationship just implies the presence of these very bouquets. Exaggerated, of course, but at the beginning of a relationship, a man traditionally looks after a lady, drives to cafes, restaurants, cinema theaters, invariably comes on dates with flowers and all that. If this does not happen, then there may be several reasons:

  • It is sad to realize this, but perhaps you have come across a real miser (curmudgeon, greedy person, you can choose synonyms at your discretion). He can cover up his greed with various excuses that he does not want to buy a woman, or, on the contrary, you deserve only luxurious gifts, and he does not have the means yet, but as soon as he accumulates, so immediately ... Whether it is a matter of upbringing, character or egoism of a person - it does not matter, but it won't change. Accept this. Either agree with this state of affairs, or change the man.

  • Another option is bed relationships. If for some time the couple does not go beyond the scope of intimacy, but then at one point the woman began to lack warmth and gifts, then a claim arises. And the man was satisfied with this state of affairs, and he was not going to change anything. There are two options here: either leave everything as it is, “for health,” so to speak, but without pretensions for more, or to disperse and look for a man for other purposes, that is, a full-fledged relationship.

  • Sometimes it happens that a person is truly convinced that gifts should be expensive and nothing else. But the substantial purchase really can't afford it. At least for now. And here it is worth assessing the situation. If it is noticeable from a person that his material condition leaves much to be desired, then it is up to the woman to decide whether she will be satisfied with a “paradise in a hut” with a possible perspective, or whether she needs to get everything here and now. In the second case, you will have to look for another partner.

How to breed a man for gifts

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It is possible to dissolve a man for gifts, but is it necessary? If you want a strong, long-term relationship, you definitely don't.

Why are modern men piously convinced that all women are mercantile creatures? Such an opinion did not appear out of nowhere. Many of them faced excessive demands and insistence on the part of the fair sex, which is why they do not consider him so beautiful anymore.

When relationships pass into the material plane, the spiritual already fades into the background. A man is the same person as a woman, and is just as worthy of respect and understanding. It is worth starting with yourself and trying to evaluate your sides, perhaps you are doing something wrong.

How to get a man to give gifts

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To force and coerce someone - doom the relationship in advance to failure. But to make oneself just such a woman, to whose feet all the blessings of the world will pour in, is quite real. If you want to change something - start with yourself.

  • Adequate requests. When there is a discussion of gifts among girls, it turns out that each understands this point differently. For some, flowers, sweets, restaurants are a must and does not mean anything. We need more serious and weighty things. But let's be honest, giving expensive gifts in the first months of a relationship will be either a very wealthy person, or with very serious intentions, or he wants to "buy" a woman.

  • Sincere gratitude. Don't take everything for granted. Remember, a man is not obliged to satisfy all female "wishes", no matter how social networks convince him otherwise. With her genuine joy and admiration for the gift she received, the girl encourages her partner to repeat the “act of giving”.

  • Golden mean. Do not try to earn gifts. If you love, care and make dumplings with your own hands at two in the morning in the kitchen - a man will definitely appreciate it. But don't go overboard. You should not completely go into the service, so you will lose yourself, and your partner will lose interest.

  • Femininity. This quality is always in price, and even more so in our age. Emancipated feminists and independent careerists do not make a man want to do something pleasant for them, because such a lady can and can do everything herself, and even on occasion will remind about it 10 times.

It is very important to be able to accept without feeling obligated, even subconsciously. Having adjusted her requirements and opening herself from the other side, a woman will not have time to look back, as she will receive what she wants.

Why does my husband not give gifts

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The husband will give gifts if:

  • He wants it himself. From the bottom of my heart, just do something nice. Here is such a wonderful person.

  • He gets what he wants. You to me - I to you. This is the only way the principle works. He does not pay for love, for this there is a special category of ladies. A man gets what he needs specifically: delicious borscht, understanding, care, tenderness, and so on (emphasize what is needed, write in what is missing). In return, he gives joy to a woman in his usual sense.

  • He's so used to it. He took an example from childhood, from his family, where his father loved and pampered his mother and children.

  • He appeases. Colleagues called for a fishing trip or a corporate party.

  • He was guilty. I went out with friends, for example.

And one more important point, husbands also love gifts, and not the soap-and-mouth ones on duty in combination with socks and panties, but those that are chosen with soul. Receiving pleasant gifts over and over again, the conscience simply will not allow the spouse to leave his beloved without a good gift.

Why does my husband not give flowers

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Did you give it before? If he had not had such a habit before, then where would she come from. But if you have stopped, then here it is worth considering.

For many men who have married a girl, for some reason there is a certainty that she will not go anywhere. And they relax, so to speak. And women, by the way, relax.

They often stop caring for themselves, as they did before the wedding. Therefore, do not disband yourself and do not give indulgences to your partner. To a well-groomed beautiful wife, who will also spoil you with a delicious dinner, the husband will hurry on wings and with a bouquet, or maybe something more serious. But to find time to take care of himself, invite him to share the household chores.

The husband stopped giving gifts

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Ask yourself if there was a situation when your husband brought a bouquet of tulips, and you really wanted roses. Maybe he didn't have enough finances, but he wanted to do something pleasant. Or he decided to help out his grandmother at the metro by buying a bunch of flowers from her garden. And you so wanted roses, long, burgundy, as Marinka posted on Instagram. And instead of gratitude and happy eyes, the husband, at best, received a “thank you” on duty, or even just pursed lips. And this is without the option of hysteria and indignation.

Or another situation. The husband gave the one that his beloved wife was staring at in the mall. But it turned out not exactly that, but from a nearby mannequin, or the wrong size, or even color. The result: again, indignation, claims and non-recognition of the act. It is unlikely that after this, the faithful will have bouts of sudden passion for giving.

The actions were not appreciated, which means that they were wrong, from his point of view. And men don't like to repeat their mistakes. Be sincerely grateful for any manifestation of feelings, no matter that you expected something completely different. There is a way out of any situation, in the end the dress can be changed, but returning the location of a loved one is not so easy.

Why doesn't the guy give gifts

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Young people today are subject to tremendous influence from those around them. This often plays a negative role in relationships with the opposite sex. Friends, seeing a guy with flowers and other attributes, will laugh, call him henpecked. This confuses and stops many guys.

By the way, so is the lack of finance. If he is still studying and, at most, earns money, or even takes money from his parents in general, there is no need to expect serious gifts from him. Again, it all depends on the young man, who may not be used to or doesn't see the point in gifts. Let him know what you would like to receive, because even experienced men often have to suggest basic things for every woman, and even more so for guys.

How to ask a man for a gift correctly

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Asking is not an option. If your partner doesn't take the hints, tell him directly what you want. But without begging, and even more so without phrases like "Here's a boyfriend gave Svetka a mink coat, and what are you?" This approach will immediately ruin the whole business. Firstly, the man will understand that you are still with him, albeit without a fur coat, so why give it at all, and it’s so good. Secondly, Svetkin's husband, most likely, earns many times more, and with these words you humiliate your partner or put him in an awkward position. He may and would like to donate, but there are not enough funds.

So, for her part, a woman can: take care of her appearance, be a good housewife (or at least try), adequately assess the financial capabilities of a man, respect herself and him, support and be grateful for what he does for her sake. A normal, adequate, intelligent man will appreciate this and on his own (well, maybe with a few hints) will do everything necessary to make her happy (including gifts, flowers, money, etc.). If you do not appreciate it, then there is simply no point in such a relationship.

Dear Ladies! Are you given gifts? Then this post is not for you. But if you put your hand on your heart and honestly admit (to yourself) that you would like receive gifts more often(or other quality, or other value), then it's time to find out the reasons for their absence. And also get acquainted with the strategy and tactics of obtaining them.

To begin with, I would divide gifts for 2 categories:

  1. Formal- those that are customary to give on certain holidays (on certain dates) or for a certain reason. For example, the vast majority of women expect at least flowers on March 8th. And during the courtship stage, most men know that the "candy-bouquet period" can cost them a pretty penny. It's like with traditions - people know what is required and choose: to follow the tradition or not (sometimes unconsciously).
  2. Soul- those that give with or without reason, on holidays and weekdays, and the main impulse - "from the heart", from its overflow with gratitude, love, passion, tenderness and other ingredients that make up the "gift-stimulating cocktail". There is no place for assignment here - only the desire of the giver, which may collide with the inability of the receiver (or an unconscious feeling of unworthiness). In this case, sincerity can come to naught, and only tradition will remain (if it remains).

So, would you like formal, emotional gifts, or would you like to combine both (to receive gifts "from his soul" on the accepted holiday dates, and a pleasant appendage on weekdays - "for your soul"? And it is possible!

Reasons why men do not give gifts to women

  • Reason 1

A man considers a woman an accessible sexual object.

Yes, it's hard for us to hear this, but sometimes women rate themselves so low that they are glad to see any male on the horizon. And he unmistakably distinguishes in them a female ready for anything. Or is it the "March hunger" provokes a worthy lady to behave like a "bitch in heat", which is not the slightest difficulty for a man to get into the cherished hole?

If a woman really needs bed pleasure, then it's a mystery to me why she suffers? They met, satisfied the instincts - and dispersed. And here are the additional investments and gift curtseys? When we are aware of our intentions, we easier to refrain from far-fetched grievances. And honesty (at least with oneself) is already a stepping stone to self-esteem.

But if you want a relationship with all stages, then it's time to raise the bar, which the zealous stallion must jump over to end up in your "holy of holies" (bed or heart - you choose).

  • Reason 2.

A man is an incorrigible curmudgeon.

Unfortunately, there are some. And this is not a question of upbringing. This is a combination of a character trait with the convenience for an egoist personality. Such a man can hide behind weighty arguments: "We are not that close", "I don’t want to buy you", "Gifts are a relic of the 20th century", "You are such a dear woman that I cannot buy you a cheap one, and I simply don’t have enough funds for a worthy gift"

And he also loves to praise you for this - for the ability to accept him without any gifts. After all, relations with you are devoid of mercantile interests, and he, like a miser, it is very convenient and incongruous ...

Well, take services from him through his efforts (he will beat the shelf, move the furniture), unless, of course, he is lazy. However, consider: this type cannot be corrected in adulthood. And if you are just meeting, then keep in mind that over time it will only get slower, and the arguments will get heavier ...

  • Reason 3.

The woman demonstrates her emancipation.

Oh yeah! You are strong, free, financially independent! You live in an apartment you have earned for yourself. You drive your car, which you can easily push out of the snowdrift and even change a punctured wheel. You are smart, organized and do not need male support, but ... for some reason, you are sad about the gifts that pass you by!

If a woman is over 30 and works, then, of course, she can buy a lot herself. And this is the reason for self-esteem(and not for the position of a proud girl with a contemptuous pursed lips). Because a man simply does not understand what to do next to such an imperiously independent being, except how to take advantage of the abundance of this creature.

And strong men who can give bounce off demonstrative mental inaccessibility, and the weak - pull up like flies on ... (decide for yourself which word to continue).

  • Reason 4.

A woman is in a hurry to invest in relationships that do not yet exist.

The candy-bouquet period is beautiful and vital, because a man shows his "higher", a woman - inspires him to "more".

This is the stage when romance feeds every cell of both partners, saturates with spring freshness (regardless of the season), gives a feeling of soaring. AND the man is just making wings for both. A woman - opens up perspectives for a joint flight.

Imagine the disappointment of a man if a woman does not flutter around, but in a businesslike way talks about where their silver wedding will take place, while laying out her women's things in his apartment! She's just in a hurry! She loves so much (not this man, but the image in her head) that she strives to jump on the train without understanding what his destination is and where he is going.

AND partner stops: Why go to meet, if the woman has gone not only her 50 steps, has already slipped it 49, and at the last - strives to pick up the "beloved" in her arms and bring it to the registry office? Why all the entourage of the period of love?

  • Reason 5.

A woman does not know how to accept gifts.

Where is the joyful face? Where is the open smile? Where are the words of gratitude (immediately and after a couple of days - in pursuit)? If in men greed is most often material, then in modern women another form of manifestation of this "personal sore" is emotional greed.

Alas, we have become stingy with emotional manifestations (admiration, approval, gratitude). It's time to see a heart doctor! If a lady is not happy in life, then her "Thank you" is the same lean. And who enjoys "fasting" all the time, especially in a relationship with a woman?

So the zeal of a man is diminishing by leaps and bounds.

Is there especially demanding persons- Give them only rare flowers, jewelry - vintage, stamps - branded, and vacation spots - exotic. From everything else, representatives of this type have a headache for a week, and pokes with pokes - for a month.

And next to them - only "dependent peasants" who seem to have money, but self-respect - for a pittance. And they are called by the people - henpecked ..... And more often than not, under these heels they also have horns grow ...

  • Reason 6.

The man simply does not have the funds for haute couture gifts.

Everything is clear here: either you accept that you are meeting with a representative of a different class (or yours, but you would like to be in a "higher" class), or disperse and look for a financially secure partner for your desires. Of course, you can hope that after a year or two of communication with you, his wealth will increase, and all good things will fall at your feet

However, no one will give you such a guarantee (neither about the growth of his income, nor about their fall exactly to your wonderful legs). Therefore, choose now: chamomiles instead of orchids, a picnic in the forest instead of foreign resorts, a chocolate bar for tea instead of dinner in a restaurant, and in addition to everything He is your Beloved.

Or is the prospect not inspiring? Then let's go! AND nothing to waste your time and his little savings!

  • Reason 7.

A woman demands gifts (in a word, look, attitude, behavior).

A gift is voluntary. It is a gift (and not a kickback, laundering, a bribe and other signs of forced attention). To whom is it pleasant to owe? The relationship between a man and a woman is not a trade-profit deal, but a dance of two partners interested in each other.

You and him are not in the market where he offers you a meeting, you announce the price, but he weighs how much this price is adequate to what he will receive from you in the process of communication. Then where does the thought "He must" come from?

Exchange between two people happens naturally:

  • He joked, she laughed,
  • he opened the door, she thanked,
  • he praised her dress, she admired his choice of meeting place,
  • he - she, he - she ...

And at some point he gives a gift, she admires and approves, he talks about the painful, she supports, he decides to do more - she reciprocates, he says: "Be mine…",- and she chooses a wedding dress ... But this is not the goal!

This is a consequence of an initially emotional exchange,which periodically manifests itself in material form!

Of course, you can add to the reasons that the man was simply not taught to give gifts (it was not accepted in the family, and he never pulled away from the family umbilical cord and stupidly clones the script). Someone will say that the woman herself is silent about her desires out of false modesty. Let us mention the "principled comrades" who believe that giving gifts is an overkill, especially spending money on flowers ...

There are enough reasons! It's time to find out What to do so that the coveted bouquets, sweets, jewelry, things and other "desires" appear in your life along with the appearance of an interesting man in it?

How can a woman be gifted?

There are so many articles titled: How to provoke a man to give gifts? How to get him to give? How to manipulate? What to do? Why not ask the question: how to be a woman who is gifted- generously, from the heart, with all that is?

  1. Be adequate

There are women who do not perceive flowers, sweets, sweets for tea and even going to a restaurant as a form of a gift. Although it is these attributes that are a necessary part of the courtship period. And a man, spending a substantial amount on these "little things", has the right to expect that the lady will appreciate his efforts(not by action, but by mood).

A little humor:

- Darling, you are as beautiful as these flowers!

“I thought I was as beautiful as a gold bracelet.

- No. You are as beautiful as these flowers.

However, if a woman has only solid things on the list of gifts - jewelry, expensive perfumes, clothes, travel, then she needs to understand: who is her chosen one, who is she herself, what period are they already dating?

If he himself is inclined to give expensive "little things" at once, and bouquets rather complement his generous offerings, then:

  • He's provided for and it's just a habit
  • he "buys" you,
  • you are a high-ranking woman (and he is wealthy or gets into terrible debts ...).

For men of average income expensive gifts are a hint of a serious relationship... Be adequate. If your rich boyfriend disappeared after his debut in bed and left you a ring and a bottle of newfangled perfume, do not be upset. He did not promise anything with this, but simply paid for his desires.

But if an ordinary man disappeared after an expensive gift (for which he "scrubbed all the bottom"), then it is worth worrying: he made plans for your joint future, but for some reason changed his mind ... Why?

  1. Be grateful

A delighted look, an exclamation of joy, a sincere "Thank you" (as you exhale) - all these are signs by which it becomes clear: the gift made is welcome. Men are not cars designed to please us, solve our problems and satisfy our needs. Men are people who need approval, admiration, and gratitude (of course, for real efforts).

If you focus your attention in the chest area and tell from there how pleasant it is for you to receive this or that sign of attention, then provoke a new wave.

I understand that sometimes a man may not guess the size or color (and he knows about such a possibility), so there is nothing shameful after a while to ask about a possible replacement (a red scarf for a blue one or a larger one for a smaller one).

Tact Is the ability to take into account the present state of affairs.

And if your man is not one of the "rich", then treat with understanding the amount that he allocates for your entertainment. In the end, if the material component is so essential to you, then admit it to yourself and look for a partner for inquiries.

A wise woman knows that with her beloved there is paradise in a hut. A far-sighted person can roughly estimate the chances whether this hut will ever turn into a palace. Enjoy the senses and consider future prospects- so you will enjoy the present and understand what to do tomorrow ... But still be grateful for the wonderful "today"!

  1. Be worthy

There are women who have been inspired strange thought that the gift must be earned. And therefore, they are ready to do a lot to receive psychological "stroking" (including in the form of a gift). They can't understand why others get everything without visible effort- just because they are. And then the usual mechanism works: " I guess I don't do much ".

Alas, this addictive behavior devalues ​​the woman herself. Because of the fuss and stress, a man cannot see her beauty and touch her deepest essence. Remember, pure spring water is just as prized as a good aged wine.

You shouldn't act like an unhappy, poor provincial woman who hesitates to order something more than a glass of water at a restaurant. It is clear that ordering lobsters from the other side of the world does not raise your price, but gives out irrepressible greed. Look for a reasonable middle ground. AND accept what they give you with dignity(and not as a matter of course or as some unimaginable rarity).

  1. Be feminine

Hide the "Independent Emancipe" banner in your achievements shelf. Let it be a worthy trophy won in the world of men's games. Hide and relax. It is enough for a man next to you are a desirable, well-groomed woman with its own set of unique qualities that attracted him to you.

Of course, you can tell him about your next successes - but easy, joyful, feminine!

The struggle of the sexes during a romantic dinner does not suit the accomplished men. And if your chosen one is trying to compete with you in the social and material race, then it's a matter of taste. Young and zealous people may like it, but women with a resolved question about their intelligence and human dignity do not need such "boosters".

Weak game is suitable for teenage boys. So let them play - in the right place and in the allotted time. And I wish you feel a man next to, which You can to be a woman(elated, inspired, light, passionate, young and full of water)!

  1. Be soulful

Being is being in the present moment with all the senses.

This is the ability to go beyond the mind - with its dialogues, monologues, reflections, in order to be:

  • In a thin web stretched between tree branches ...
  • in the play of light and shadow from a candle flame ...
  • in the trills of birds that flew from distant countries ...
  • in a juicy apple ...
  • in the sound of rain ...
  • in the breeze ...
  • in your own breath ...

And then natural strength flows into a woman, fills, overflows - and generously pours out on those who are near. Such a woman is a guide to the origins of life itself, vitality. She is full of energy, she is strong and light at the same time. Her eyes shine (but not with passing joy from something concrete, but with joy from the very fact of being).

What kind of women do men give gifts to?

All women, without exception, love when gifts are given to them, especially, we like to receive gifts from men that we like and the point here is not at all in self-interest, as many think, but in something completely different. After all, a gift is not only a cute trinket, but also a sign that the giver values ​​us, respects, loves, or simply shows sympathy for us. But there is one nuance in all this: men literally fill up some women with gifts, while others only have to dream about it. Why? Today we decided to figure out why this happens, and find out what women do men give gifts to.

What does his gift say? Stuffed toys are presented with romance. Being sugary and gentle by nature, they value femininity and softness in their friends. The best gratitude to him will be the sincere smile of his beloved, her natural tender kiss. Flowers are given to a woman in order to create a good mood in her, to give pleasure, to see her pleasure. The important point here is whether the man presents a bouquet of flowers himself or uses the delivery service.To a loving man it is essential to see the reaction of the beloved, the radiance of happy eyes and, of course, gratitude for the attention shown to her. But sweets are bought as a gift for the chosen one, mainly on the way to the upcoming date. This may indicate that he did not want to waste time buying a more original gift. Sexy underwear, which a man will give, may hint about the egoism of the chosen one.The stronger sex loves beautiful things that give him pleasure at first, but you shouldn't be upset. After all, his desire to see you in this beauty means only one thing, that you, in his eyes, are the most worthy for him. Expensive gifts: a car, a summer house, an apartment, exclusive jewelry - are given, most often, by men who are ready for a serious relationship and plan to start a family with you.Here your task is to prove to the man that you are exactly the one he wanted to meet. You have probably been together for a long time. You probably discussed everything beforehand. Everyone is happy, no offense, no excessive romanticism! And his gift is another contribution to your cozy nest, which is developing, prettier and stronger.


You open a velvet box, and there ... A ring, a pendant, earrings, a bracelet. What, however, a confident and independent man you got - spent, not being afraid not to please you. Appreciate this - he is ready not only to spend money on you, but also to risk for you. True, if you wear exclusively silver, and a man gives something gold for every holiday, this is sad. This means that he does not think about you at all and hopes to compensate for the avarice of feelings with such an absurd generosity.

Outcome: you either get what you yourself would hardly proudly call "a gift from your beloved man", or you are left without a present at all.

What to do? Voice your desires clearly and specifically, while, of course, from a practical point of view. And a smart woman knows that even a diamond ring and a new car can be presented as the most urgent need.

The man for whom you are valuable as a person, as a woman who is interesting to him and whom he will seek, will always find a way to make you a pleasant surprise, a gift. He will never complain about the lack of money, time, desire and other things. He'll just take it and do it. And he will enjoy happiness in the eyes of his woman.

At the beginning of a relationship, gifts can be quite simple but enjoyable. It all depends on the donor's status, age and capabilities. Every woman chooses the man she likes.

Now let's say a few words about the list of the most expensive gifts. First of all, it is worth noting that when presenting him to you, a man will either have far-reaching plans for you in mind, or he is simply very rich and such a trifle for him only means that he decided to do it just nicely for you (men like you understands themselves, are extremely rare). The list of these gifts includes:

As for me, I remember all the gifts that my husband gave me, and they are all magnificent. What other gifts do I remember, and from which men?

The scenario is simple: passing by the shop window, sigh dreamily, glancing picturesquely in the direction of the coveted gift. Did this get your boyfriend's attention? We can assume that he is already on your hook. If you are a woman without complexes, and straightforwardness always plays the first violin in your relationship, then you do not need to invent anything: say directly that you want attention, and it is unlikely that a loving person will deny you this.

Get a new hairstyle, a manicure, buy a new dress, in a word, update your image to start a new round in your relationship. This will allow you to return to the romantic mood and pleasant gifts from the man again.

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Women's magazine Arabio.RU