How to write with a fountain pen correctly. Fountain pens: proper use and care Fountain pens how to use

Despite all the variety of stationery, the fountain pen is still very popular. Parker Pen Company is one of the well-known companies specializing in the production of such writing instruments. It is she who is the creator of the famous brand "Parker". But are the fountain pens from this manufacturer really that good?

A small excursion into history

Who would have thought that the first analogs of modern fountain pens appeared around 600 AD? NS. However, they acquired a metal case only by 1803. In turn, the first pens with metal nibs appeared towards the beginning of 1830. However, such stationery had an extremely short lifespan.

Not long before the modern Parker fountain pen appeared, many manufacturers began to produce nibs made of rhodium, osmium, iridium, as well as gold (meaning 14- and 17-card). This approach extended the service life of the pen nibs and launched a new series production.

What types of fountain pens are there?

By about the beginning of the 19th century, the following types of fountain pens could be distinguished:

  • representative, or image (collection accessories);
  • classic (for everyday use);
  • school.

All of them, like the Parker fountain pen, were equipped with the following details:

  • A body equipped with a special filling mechanism.
  • A special reservoir for ink.
  • Protective cap.
  • A metal nib with a slight split in the middle.

Pen "Parker" (fountain pen): photo and features

Parker are unique pens that have a number of advantages. In particular, it is they who create the clearest and thinnest lines, which makes your writing smooth and light. Such a pen is much more comfortable to hold, and the writing of letters itself occurs in a rather fast mode.

From the point of view of aesthetics, the text written with such stationery looks the most accurate and calligraphic. That is why the Parker fountain pen is the favorite tool of employees and office owners, students and school teachers.

Depending on the cost, they prefer to use it as a fashion item that goes well with a leather case, wallet and a business person's notebook.

What do people say about Parker fountain pens?

Anyone who has ever been fortunate enough to hold Parker in their hands speaks of it overwhelmingly positive. Some people like the ease that comes with writing.

Others pay attention to the presence of a streamlined shape and presentable appearance of the accessory, which allows it to be used as a gift. Still others pay attention to the aesthetics of writing and assure that the Parker fountain pen (you will find reviews about it in our article) even influenced their handwriting. It has become more calligraphic and neat. By the way, knowing such unusual possibilities of "Parker", in some European schools teachers use its budget version when teaching children to write in elementary grades.

Still others argue that pens sometimes scratch paper. Fifth don't like wasteful ink consumption. According to them, they end at the most inopportune moment.

And, finally, there are and are not satisfied with the presence of ink at the end of the pen (meaning that after using an accessory, ink often remains on its nib, which then dries up). Another thing is that such dissatisfaction may well be caused by improper use of the pen or associated with its inexpensive analogue. However, mostly reviews, for example, on such a stylish item as a gold fountain pen "Parker", positive.

Where does the fountain pen ink go?

To prevent your pen from letting you down at the most crucial moment, take care of its timely refueling. To do this, recall that pen stationery, as a rule, contains an ink cartridge or a special piston converter. Moreover, the first is not intended for reuse, and the second has a large capacity, and it can be used many times.

However, priming a piston converter takes longer than replacing an old ink cartridge with a new one. The second process is much faster and easier. For the first one, you need a certain setting and a small jar of special ink. How to fill in the ink for the Parker fountain pen is described below.

How can I refill a Parker pen with a converter?

To refuel a pen equipped with a converter, first prepare your work area. To do this, place a napkin and a jar of ink on a flat surface (preferably a table). This task is best handled by ink from the same company as the pen itself.

Next, remove the protective cap of your stationery and carefully unscrew the barrel from the feather base. Then unscrew the ink cap and set it aside (on a napkin). Then dip the pen into the bottle. At the same time, leave only the upper part of the feather on the surface.

In the next step, get rid of the remaining ink in the reservoir. This can be done by turning the converter piston counterclockwise (you should move it all the way). This simple action should be performed before three drops of ink fall into the can.

Without changing the position of the knob, continue to rotate the converter, but in the opposite direction. This will allow you to refill the reservoir with a new batch of ink. When everything is done, gently stick the pen out of the jar and rotate the converter with rotating movements (as described above). This will get rid of the small amount of air trapped in the ink container.

Then replace the barrel, and also remove excess ink with a napkin. Now you know how to refill the Parker fountain pen containing the converter.

How to refill a Parker pen with a cartridge?

To replace a used cartridge with a new one, first remove the protective cap. Then carefully remove the empty container and replace it with a full one. And apply a little effort: press on the reservoir with your fingers until you hear a characteristic loud click. It is only after your cartridge is fully installed that you can slowly tighten the barrel. The handle is now ready to use.

How to clean a nib in a Parker pen?

If you suddenly decide to clean the pen in a pen with a converter, then first you should open the converter, and then bring it to a previously prepared container with water at room temperature and rinse it. Moreover, it is worth performing this procedure until the water in the converter becomes completely transparent. At the end of this step, blot the nib and the pen itself with a napkin.

If your pen contains a cartridge, it is recommended that you remove it before rinsing the pen. Then transfer the nib and pen body to a container of clean water. Rinse and dry with a tissue.

Since ancient times, people have felt the need to preserve information, transfer their experience and knowledge. To do this, he needed two things: a writing device and a writing material. In prehistoric times, coals were used as such a writing device.

The Sumerians made notes on clay tablets. This writing system - cuneiform - originated 3,000 years ago. The creation of the first writing instruments dates back to the era of civilizations in Ancient Egypt. Pharaonic scribes and priests used reed sticks and vegetable paints for writing. Thus, they painted hieroglyphs on the walls or papyrus. Gradually, with the improvement of ink for writing, reed sticks were replaced by goose feathers. The use of a goose quill, which had become ubiquitous by the 16th century, greatly facilitated the writing process: the tip of the quill was easily sharpened and, becoming more flexible, less often broke under pressure from the hand. Attempts to create a full-fledged automatic fountain pen have been made since the 19th century, when metal nibs first began to replace archaic goose nibs. However, for a very long time, these attempts did not lead to anything. I had to dip the pen into the inkwell again and again.

The idea of ​​the reservoir inside the fountain pen was simple and natural, and the way of filling that reservoir with ink was not a big problem. However, none of the earliest fountain pens could provide a steady and even flow of ink to the nib. These pens, according to their own understanding, released as much ink as they wanted and therefore either refused to write at all, or stained everything they touched with ink, leaving blots on the paper, dirty spots on the hands and cuffs, and irritation in the hearts of their owners.

In 1884, insurance broker Lewis Edson Waterman, 45, was about to sign a very important contract. The client was already waiting for him in his office. For this occasion, Waterman acquired a new fountain pen. He believed that the new pen would be more suitable for this special occasion than the simple pen and pocket inkwell that he usually used. So, the contract was already on the table, and the client, with a brand new fountain pen in hand, was ready to put his signature under it. But God! The pen refused to write - neither after the first nor after the second attempt, not a drop of ink was extracted from the pen. The third attempt ended with the appearance of a greasy blot on such an important document. Waterman rushed to his office for another copy of the contract, but when he returned to his client, he found himself outdone by competitors - the client signed a contract with another broker. Lewis Waterman decided to take revenge, but not in the usual way - to invent a fountain pen that would never fail. Taking advantage of his brother's workshop to research, he was determined to find out what was the reason for the irregular flow of ink through the pen. Waterman quickly figured out that the problem was that the ink supply system had to not only allow ink to flow to the nib, but also control the filling of air in the reservoir as ink was consumed in it. Either insight, or his inherent ingenuity, but something prompted him to use the principle of the capillary.

The main parts of the fountain pen (the figure shows the pen with the cap on)

  1. Frame
  2. Cap
  3. Clip (latch)
  4. Cap tip
  5. Front of the handle
  6. Inner wall of the cap
  7. Ink reservoir
  8. Ink delivery system (manifold and pen pressure regulator)
The essence of Waterman's invention is as follows. As you write, ink flows from the pen onto the paper, gradually creating a vacuum in the ink reservoir located inside the pen. The internal pressure in the reservoir becomes less than the external atmospheric pressure, which prevents the ink from flowing out. To compensate for this change in internal pressure, it is necessary that just as much air enters the reservoir from the outside as the ink is consumed. But how can you do this if the reservoir must be sealed to prevent ink from leaking out of the pen? There is only one place for the flow of outside air - where the ink flows out of the pen, that is, the pen itself, or rather the channel through which ink is fed to the nib. The difficulty lies in the fact that, due to the small thickness of the inlet channel, the air enters the pen not in a continuous flow, but in the form of separate bubbles that interfere with the opposite flow of ink. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that air and ink move inside the ink supply system towards each other through different channels. Lewis Waterman, having no education in science or technology, nevertheless understood what hundreds of minds could not understand. Waterman decided to use narrow channels cut along the ink supply channel to supply air to the pen, so narrow that, due to capillary attraction, ink did not penetrate into these channels, while allowing air to be quietly drawn in through them under the action of reduced pressure inside the pen. caused by ink consumption.

The modern ink delivery system in fountain pens is even more complex. Since the supply of ink to the pen depends on several factors: on the air temperature, atmospheric pressure, as well as on the force with which the pen is pressed against the paper, the ink supply system in modern pens, in addition to capillaries that equalize internal and external pressure and prevent ink from spilling out, complemented by a collector and a special control camera that controls the pressure of the pen. This ink supply system is designed to provide the pen with exactly the amount of ink that is currently required.

The manifold is responsible for “portioning” the ink supply to the pen. It starts working the moment the pen starts to write. If a wide nib is used or the pen is writing very quickly, the manifold increases the amount of ink supplied to the nib.

The control chamber is designed to compensate for both high atmospheric pressure and disproportionate pressure on the pen. If it were not for this chamber, which plays the role of a kind of pressure compensator, then in the above-mentioned situations, ink would pour out of the pen in a stream.

The ink delivery system materials consist of injection molded synthetic rubbers and ebonite in thinner fountain pens (these materials duly resist corrosive additives present in the ink).

The ink supply system includes:

  1. The channel through which ink flows from the reservoir to the nib.
  2. Collector.
  3. A special camera (inner cavity) that controls the pressure of the pen.
  4. The tip (tip) of the pen.

Feathers are made from materials such as stainless steel and gold. The choice of material does not have a decisive influence on the elasticity and flexibility of the pen. More significant factors are the size of the feather, its shape and design, the thoroughness of its grinding, special attention is paid to the processing of the feather tip. Therefore, if a nib is made not of gold, but of stainless steel, then it can be as strong and at the same time flexible and elastic as gold.

Since both steel and gold wear out rather quickly when writing, the nibs are made of a more expensive and harder metal (usually of the platinum group - iridium or rhodium). This makes it possible for the pen to serve for decades, while remaining of the same quality.

The cut is very important for the quality of the feather - a longitudinal dissection of the front part of the feather into two halves. This incision is of paramount importance, therefore it is performed with special tools and using special technology.

The final step in making a pen is sharpening it. When sharpening a pen, its nib takes on a specific shape depending on the functions that the pen is designed to perform.

1. Rolling an ingot with a thickness of 10 to 20 mm, with annealing to ensure elasticity, to a thickness of 0.3 to 0.6 mm, cold table stamping to ensure elasticity and toughness.
2. Stamping of a special pattern, company logo, etc.
3. Soldering iridium to gold.
4. Grinding of gold and iridium compounds with sand.
5. Rolling a mold between two cylinders with grooves. Thinning (thinning) the body increases the resilience, while the tail taper to 0.1 mm ensures a snug fit to the body of the handle.
6. Cutting off other parts of the nib on a desktop press.
7. Drilling an eyelet.
8. Impression of curvature in the pen.
9. Making a cut in the body of the pen.
10. Repetition of polishing the feather (with sand) with its fine-tuning to the sizes f, m, b.
11. Polishing the top of the nib to a gem-quality finish and the underside blunt to regulate ink flow.
12. Installation of the ink supply system.
13. Verification.

For more expensive pens, the nib manufacturing process includes some additional steps, such as engraving and appliqué with platinum-group metals (rhodium, ruthenium). In addition, the most expensive nibs are tested after each technological step.

Types of feathers.

Nibs are straight, beveled, beveled for calligraphic writing and beveled for calligraphic writing. The most common nibs are straight, the least common for calligraphic writing.

Feathers are also divided into several groups in width. The most common of these are the following (marking according to the German catalog):
EF (extrafein) - very thin nib (X marking is possible for it)
F (fein) - thin feather
M (mittel) - medium thickness feather


The first use of ink was recorded about 2500 years ago. The main components were carbon black and a glue or binder. The next phase of widespread ink use dates back to 210 BC and remains the central phase for the next approximately 2,000 years. The ink components live up to their name - bluish black ink and ink nut ink. As a result of chemical analysis, scientists and historians have concluded that some sections of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written with ink from an ink nut. The last innovation in ink technology came in the 1800s, when aniline dyes were developed. The knitwear and leather industries make extensive use of aniline in the dyeing process. For a while, chemists added acids to their formulations in order to reveal the true color saturation of certain dyes. This acidic ink can still be found. The composition of modern ink is simple: water and dye, with an additive to prevent bacterial growth. This ink contains at most seven components in the formulation. Pigments, dyes and additives make up about 2% of the solution, the remaining 98% is water. Sometimes new formulations are ordered to optimize the performance of an individual manufacturer's fountain pen. Nearly every ink today improves the performance of a fountain pen: by adding lubricant, self-cleaning detergents, fast drying on paper while retaining moisture on the nib, thick color and fade resistance. 04.12.2006

Before dwelling on each of these writing instruments in more detail, we would like to make a small excursion into the history of writing and those accessories that were used for writing.

Historical reference


The history of writing is a separate scientific discipline, and it will be possible to fully cover it in more than one or two volumes of scientific research. However, a small excursion into history will be useful here.

The first traces of writing (in a more or less familiar form), discovered by modern researchers, are about 3000 years old. It was then that for the first time people began to add words and sentences from individual symbols. The writing method used in these documents that have survived to this day was from right to left, as they are now preserved in some alphabets. The modern way of writing (from left to right) appeared later - in 400 BC. in Ancient Greece. The Greeks laid the foundation for modern alphabets, including the Cyrillic alphabet (the word "alphabet" itself is a merger of the first two letters of the Greek letter - alpha and beta). The Latin alphabet, based on the older Greek, developed in ancient Rome, due to the Roman expansion, it quickly spread across many countries and has survived to this day in almost unchanged form. However, there are many modern variations of it - the style of the letters differs depending on the language.

First, only large (uppercase) letters were used in writing, and only from the 7th century AD. lowercase letters and combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters came into use, i.e. it is this moment that can be considered the date of the final formation of modern writing.

Materials (edit)

Materials for writing, i.e. what and on what people wrote, we are especially interested.

5000 BC- the inhabitants of Sumer, who lived on the Euphrates River, wrote with sticks on clay tablets.

3000 BC- the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt wrote with reed brushes on papyrus, using colored clay as paints.

200 BC- The Romans use a silver stylus and a wax tablet, while the Greeks use reed feathers and parchment.

100 A.D.- Chinese people write with hair brushes and ink on paper.

6th century AD- the monks copy texts from the Bible on parchment using pens and chenille, but sharpened rods and wax tablets were still used for everyday writing, since parchment was very expensive.

15th century- pen and paper began to be widely used by European scientists.

Finally, in 1888, George S. Parker founded in America and since then has kept all notes and signed all documents personally designed by him, the first high-quality pen.

So, for 7000 years, mankind has been using writing instruments: starting with primitive sticks and clay, going through long centuries of development and making the industrial revolution of the 19th century, people have at their disposal metal pens and paper at affordable prices for all. Since then, progress in the production of writing instruments has gone by leaps and bounds.

Quite quickly, the first fountain pens came to replace simple metal nibs, and already at the end of the 19th century, several very good models appeared. By the same time, those who wished could acquire quite good ones. In the 20s of the XX century kit from feather pen and pencil, placed in a beautiful package, was considered an excellent gift.

In the 40s, the technical capabilities of the industry made it possible to start producing ballpoint pens. However, they became popular only ten years later, and there is no small merit in this, having developed a new one, which made it possible to use for a rather long time without replacing the rod. This new rod, unlike its predecessors, not only did not stain the paper, but also allowed the use of different colors when writing.

Relatively recently, another writing instrument has appeared -. It combines the virtues of both - water-based, as in, and a ball, as in, at the same time. You can read more about it below.

A fountain pen

Today, as it was a century ago, quality is primarily determined by the quality of the nib and the perfection of ink delivery to the nib. Whether ink is drawn into a pen from an inkwell or is used is not at all important. Likewise, the quality of writing is practically not affected by the material of the pen and the outer finish of its body.

Fountain Pen Main Parts

  1. Frame
  2. Cap *
  3. Cap tip
  4. Front of the handle
  5. Inner wall of the cap
  6. Ink reservoir
  7. Ink delivery system (manifold and pen pressure regulator)

Refill from inkwell

If you need to write on an airplane or high in the mountains (that is, in conditions of low atmospheric pressure), then you can do it. However, we recommend in this case to insert a new one beforehand. Why is this needed? The fact is that since air expands faster than liquid when pressure decreases, the less air there is in the ink tank, the better.


If ink supply system- the "heart" of a fountain pen, then feather- this is her "soul". When lovely feather glides perfectly on paper, there is something incomparable " feather feeling".

A high-quality fountain pen should contain the most perfect feather... It is very difficult to make such a feather. Even today, when the most advanced technologies exist, many stages pen production are performed manually.

For the manufacture of feathers, materials such as stainless steel and gold... The choice of material does not have a decisive influence on the elasticity and flexibility of the pen. More significant factors are the value pen, its shape and construction, the thoroughness of its grinding, special attention to processing nibs... Therefore, if the pen is not made of gold, and from of stainless steel, then it can be as strong and at the same time flexible and elastic, like gold.

Since and steel, and gold wear out quickly enough when writing, nib made from a more expensive and harder metal (usually platinum group). This makes it possible for the pen to serve for decades, while remaining of the same quality.

Very important for pen quality It has incision- longitudinal dissection of the front part of the feather into two halves. This incision is of paramount functional importance, therefore it is performed with special tools and using special technology.

Final procedure for pen production- it is his sharpening... At sharpening the pen its tip takes on a certain shape depending on the functions that this pen is designed to perform.

In production feathers for the number of operations in the manufacturing process reaches 30.

Feather production steps

  • Cutting the template to fit the future pen size
  • Stamping of a special pattern, company logo, etc.
  • Cutting a hole to which a cut will be made later
  • Curling (folding), forming and edging
  • Soldering a nib to match the width of the nib
  • Sharpening the tip (tip)
  • Making a cut in the body of a pen
  • Grinding and polishing
  • Installation of the ink supply system
  • Examination
For more process making feathers includes some additional steps such as metal engraving and applique platinum group ( rhodium, ruthenium). In addition, they are tested after each technological stage.

Feather types

Feathers there are straight, beveled - for calligraphic writing... The most common nibs are straight, the least common for calligraphic writing.

By width feathers are also divided into several groups. To make it easier for you to navigate the diversity shapes and sizes of feathers, we give here their most complete classification.

Now they are supplied to Russia with thin and medium feathers... You can also order feathers of other types if necessary.

Attention! Never write with ink!

Before we dwell on the technical features, let's recall the history of the development of these writing instruments.

Roller construction

  1. Frame
  2. Cap
  3. Front of the case
  4. Cap tip
  5. Inner part of the cap with snap fastening
  6. Roller rod

If you haven’t used fountain pens yet, you will be pleasantly surprised to hold one in your hands.

Yesterday I was at the car wash and signed my check fountain pen... At that moment, the lady behind the counter asked me to show my pen. I hesitated, because I really love my pen and giving it to someone is almost the same feeling that you get when strangers try to touch your child. You either have to endure this (especially from the elderly), or say that the baby is sick, when in fact you just want to be left alone.

But I have been using the services of this car wash for many years, and every time I was greeted by the same lady at the checkout. So I held out a pen to her. She asked if it was a pen and turned it over, trying to write something. The pen refused to write, only scratching the paper.

From the way the lady held the pen in her hand, I concluded that this was the first time she was dealing with a fountain pen. So I explained to her how to hold the pen correctly and how the ink supply works. If she had positioned the nib correctly at the right angle, I could have answered shorter by just naming the brand.

I didn’t take the time to explain how a fountain pen can improve handwriting, how much easier it is to hold in the hand, how much easier it is to use it on the wrists. Now I would like you to know how much easier it is to use fountain pens. If I had known this myself earlier, I could have prevented the feeling of pain in my arm during prolonged writing.

Most people who use a fountain pen for the first time are unaware of how to position the pen on paper and try to hold the pen almost vertically, as you are used to holding a ballpoint pen. But this position does not allow sufficient contact of the pen with the paper, so the pen will scratch the paper and skip letters.

How to hold a fountain pen correctly

The peculiarity of the fountain pen is that the ink is fed to the paper according to the capillary principle. A certain amount of ink is transferred to the tip of the pen, which is necessary to write a word or a sentence. In this case, the excess ink goes back. Fountain pens require maintenance, they must be rinsed with water, refilled when ink runs out. Modern manufacturers offer cartridges and converters for easy refilling of fountain pens. But the time and effort you put into caring for the pen is well worth it: you will use a great nib for a great writing experience.

To write with a fountain pen, you need to learn how to hold it correctly. The pen may seem heavy at first, but in fact it is much easier to slide it on paper than a ballpoint pen. This happens because the writing does not require pressure, the pen glides easily over the paper, and the hand does not get tired. Fountain pen writing has a beneficial effect on handwriting, making it clearer and more beautiful.

Place the pen on your middle finger, grab it with your index and thumb. It is recommended to leave a distance of one and a half centimeters to the edge. If the distance is too far, your hand will get tired; if it is too small, you can smudge the ink on the paper by touching the text you just wrote with your hand. Align the metal part of the pen nib at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the paper. The logo on the pen should be facing you and the plastic tip should be facing the paper. This position is most convenient because most fountain pens have rounded nibs. The ink drain hole on the nib is centered between your index finger and thumb. With a little getting used to the fountain pen, you can move your hand downward to find the most comfortable position for the pen in your hand.

The hand in which you are holding the pen should be on the table with your wrist, little finger, and the entire outside of your hand resting on it. This is how it will be convenient for you to write. At fountain pen letter keep in mind that when you click on the pen, the lines will be thick.

When the lady at the car wash took the pen upright and brought it to the paper, I held my breath because I didn't want her to drop my pen. When she failed to draw a continuous line, I took her hand and positioned her so that she could write the words. When she succeeded, I saw in her eyes the same happiness that I myself felt when I first tried the fountain pen.

I am confident now that she will definitely buy her first fountain pen and there will be more fountain pen users soon. I really love fountain pens, I spend more time writing letters, but my handwriting is getting better. They are much lighter in hand than ballpoint pens, as simply touching the paper with the stylus already causes ink to flow where the ballpoint pen needs to be firmly pressed to make the ink touch the paper.

Next Steps for Using a Fountain Pen

When I use a fountain pen to fill out my magazine with light pages, I am reminded of the use of such pens. since the 1800s... The feather glides so easily at the behest of thought until it hits the heavy fibers. In this case, you have to slightly lift the pen, tearing it off the paper.

I could use modern smooth paper, but there is something romantic about such a rough, fibrous surface, something that brings me back to the time when fountain pens were just invented.

The lady at the car wash said she would like to ask the boss to get her a nice fountain pen like mine, but she doesn't know where to get one. This question baffled me, because I buy fountain pens exclusively on the Internet - it's hard to find them in regular stores.

It takes a little time to learn how to use a fountain pen. It must be held correctly. However, after just a few minutes of practice, once you figure out how to position the pen, you can't go without a fountain pen. You will use it much more often than your regular ballpoint pen because you don’t have to work hard to get your pen to write.

Recently, it has become fashionable to have a fountain pen. First, it adds solidity and status. And secondly, it is very convenient for her to write. Gone are the days when such pens scratched paper, leaked, made blots. Nowadays stationery stores offer a wide range of such accessories. They cost differently. The price starts from a few hundred rubles and ends in thousands of dollars. How to choose the right fountain pens, we'll talk in the article.

What do we know about fountain pens?

The first fountain pens appeared in Spain. Regular goose feathers were used as a base. But since they were not reusable, it was decided to make a special metal case. Such a pen was not very convenient for writing: heavy and cumbersome. Later, the accessory was made from gold, osmium, rhodium and other alloys.

Nowadays, having a fountain pen is considered prestigious. Many people in high positions only use such an accessory. Well-known brands have joined in to improve their design, to offer new variations.

How are fountain pens different? How do you choose the one that's right for you? Perhaps these are buyers. First of all, you need to pay attention to the type of pen. It determines how wide the letters and numbers you write will be. They are:

  • ultra-thin;
  • medium;
  • wide;
  • truncated;
  • italic.

Medium feathers are very popular.

Which company should you choose?

There is a huge demand for fountain pens nowadays. How to choose the right model? This is perhaps the most popular question. There are certain models that have proven themselves only on the positive side.

In the first place, of course, is the fountain pen, the photo of which is presented below. This is Parker Premier. Its cost is about 20 thousand rubles. For its production, gold inserts are used. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting the durability and strength of the structure. Of the minuses - it is absolutely not suitable for left-handers.

The TWSBI Diamond 580 fountain pen is suitable for those who like to write with different ink colors. The cartridge is replaceable and easy to replace. The downside is that there are many parts in the handle that can be disassembled, which indicates inadequate product quality. The cost of this product is about 4000 rubles.

For left-handers, the Kaweco Classic Sport Guilloch 1930 handle is ideal. Its original, uncomplicated design looks rigorous and yet dignified. The pen is inexpensive, about 3000 rubles.

The Pilot Vanishing Point is suitable for those who value product quality. The handle is made in Japan. Its distinguishing feature is the sliding feather. This can be done using a special clip button. The pen itself is made of gold, so the cost of the pen is not cheap, about 9 thousand rubles.

Refueling the handle correctly

Many people ask, "How do I refill a fountain pen?" To answer this question, you need to find out what kind of mechanism is inside. There may be several of them: converter, piston, replaceable.

The piston mechanism works like a syringe. To fill it with ink, you need to gently get out the reservoir by unscrewing the pen body. Then lower the pen into the container and start twisting it counterclockwise. Do this until the reservoir is full. Wipe off excess ink from the nib. Put the mechanism back in place.

If the pen has a replaceable cartridge, it will be enough to unscrew the housing, remove the reservoir in which the ink has run out, and simply insert a new one.

With the converter mechanism, everything is also quite simple. It is enough to remove the reservoir, place it in the ink together with the pen, press the sides and wait for the liquid to accumulate.

Pros of a fountain pen

Before you buy a fountain pen, you need to find out all the nuances of this product. The positive aspects include: