How to weave elastic tail bracelets. How to weave a double fishtail bracelet from rubber bands, a master class with step-by-step photos and a video lesson. The pattern of weaving a fishtail bracelet is very simple.

In order to weave such a beautiful bracelet from ordinary colored rubber bands using the weaving technique called "Fishtail", you will need the following materials:

  • an equal number of rubber bands of two colors;
  • plastic clasp for bracelet.

Weaving stages

1. We will perform this type of weaving on the fingers. Also for these purposes, you can use two identical pencils, after fastening them together with a thin elastic band and laying a roll of soft paper (napkins) folded several times between them, this design should resemble training sushi sticks. So, we take the first rubber band. In our case, it is black, we cross it once and put it on both fingers, as shown in the photo.

2. Then we take an elastic band of a different color - we have it pink and put it on without twisting the next row on both fingers, and after it we put on the third row elastic band in the same way, observing the alternation of colors, which means it should be black.

3. After that, with the thumb and forefinger of the second, free hand, carefully remove one of the halves of the gum of the first row (black) worn on the fingers. Due to the fact that 2 more rows are put on in front of her, this part of the elastic band hangs on the top two in the form of a half loop.

4. Exactly the same manipulation, we carry out from the opposite side and get the resulting loop of black gum on two rubber bands worn on the fingers.

5. Not forgetting about the alternation of colors, we take one more rubber band. This time it is pink and without twisting we put it on the next row on both fingers.

6. And again, we have to remove alternately both sides of the elastic band of the bottom row, in this case it is pink, first we remove one side, just as we did with a black elastic band.

7. And then the second, as a result of which the first turns of the “Fishtail” weaving begin to emerge.

8. Using the same technique, we continue to weave our bracelet, clearly observing the alternation of colors, so that the weaving is thick and well-defined, it is better to choose the original Rainbow Loom rubber bands for work - they have a clear and regular round shape, practically do not stretch or deform during work. In addition, the fingers should be kept as close to each other as possible.

9. Weave the bracelet to the desired length. Remember that our product is woven on the basis of rubber bands, so the finished decoration will stretch well, this should be taken into account when determining the size.

10. Now we need to finish weaving, we need to do it right and not miss a single elastic loop, otherwise the bracelet will simply unravel, first we throw all the elastic bands on one finger.

Simple Fishtail rubber bands- a pattern from which each master begins his acquaintance with a new fascinating type of needlework. Once you've mastered the most basic stitches, you can try making it colorful, or expand the weave into three or four rows. This pattern is also called in the American style - fishtail, and it always turns out to be very neat and beautiful.

Since this type of needlework is especially popular with children, who are happy to learn, parents should be told about safety precautions before leaving a child with a rainbow loom set. Rubber products are fragile, and if handled carelessly, they can easily tear, bounce into the eye from tension, and so on. Therefore, it is impossible to bring the face closer to the machine, and if the child will perform the product on the fingers, then they must also be moved away from the face.

Fishtail rubber bands

If you are the first to decide to bracelet made of rubber bands "Fishtail", then you need to start with the simplest weaving, for which a slingshot is used or only two pins on the machine, and sometimes it can even be done on the fingers if there is no appropriate tool at hand.

For beginners, it can be advised to use only two colors at the beginning, this is enough to get a bright and original bracelet, and when you master the technique, you can take rubber bands of three or more colors, even make rainbow bracelets.

We start the process rubber band fishtail: the first one must be stretched in the form of infinity and put on two pegs, whether it be a slingshot or a loom in which all weaving is done only on the first row. The next is placed above the first, it is no longer necessary to twist it. The third is put on in the same way, after which you can begin to form the first loops.

You can use a hook, which is usually more convenient, because with this tool you can pry off the loop and remove it from the column, but if there is no hook at hand, then it’s quite possible to grab the “ears” of the rubber band with your fingers, pull it a little and throw it off.

First you need to crochet the loop of the first, most extreme, and throw it off from one, and then the second column, to the center between the two columns. Now you have got the beginning of your weaving, as you can see, it is very simple.

Next, you need to throw on another ring again, and again remove the loops from the bottom to the center. This scheme must be continued in the future, you can watch how your bracelet grows, and you need to stop weaving only when your product becomes the desired length. Then it is no longer necessary to put on new rings, throw off the loops from the bottom until there is one left on each pin, they must be hooked on both hooks, and then put on an S- or C-shaped clip-fastener. And with the second end we cling to the beginning of our bracelet, and now you can try it on your hand.

If you watch, then be sure, guided by the advice of the master, make an inverted "Fishtail" of rubber bands, video the lesson will help you master the basic subtleties of the process.

Elastic bracelet "Fishtail"

Before proceeding to more complex weaving - triple or quadruple fishtails, we will try a new master class, how to weave a fishtail out of rubber bands flipped over. The weaving itself turns out to be very unusual and looks original on the hand.

For this type of weaving, we also need only two extreme columns on the machine. The first must be put on with the "eight", as always, when we are just starting our product. It must be lowered as far as possible down on two pegs, and then two more rings should be put on top, they do not need to be twisted.

Let's start with the standard fishtail braiding: it is necessary to remove the lower loops and throw them between the pins, in order to make it more convenient to hook the loops, it is better to use a hook. Now the lower "ears" in the center overlap the two upper rubber bands. It is necessary to remove the loops from two pegs at once, and then put the next ring on top. Each time you throw off a couple of loops, you should have three rows on the pegs. Again, you need to repeat the previous step: hook the lower “ears” and throw them into the center, and then repeat this step again, after throwing on a new ring.

If you just want to know how to weave fishtail rubber bracelets, then this scheme should be continued in the future, in more detail this scheme for the execution of the bracelet is already described on our website, but in order to better master it, you first need to watch the video lesson.

But we are moving away from the standard scheme, because now we want to make a more complex pattern. Now you can sew the first inverted stitch. Please note that there are three rows of rubber bands on the pegs. On the one hand, you need to hook on the middle loop (second from the bottom), pull it to the side so that it goes beyond the pegs. Now you need to pick up the lower one, at this time the middle one must be kept pulled to the side. The lower one must be pulled through the middle one, and thrown over the top one. And then leave it in a stretched position, it should be located between the pegs. Now repeat the same steps on the other side, and your first inverted stitch will be completed. After that, a new ring is thrown on top to start a new stitch, and this always requires three rows. This is the first simple rule in a complex process, how to weave fishtail bracelets.

The completed stitch resembles a classic one, but the difference is as follows: the lower elastic band will pass through the middle one, and in the classic one it immediately lies on top of the other two.

The described actions must be repeated until the inverted fishtail becomes the length you need. With a hook, you need to pull the middle one to the sides, then hook the bottom one from the middle and pull the loop over the peg. In one step, the action is performed on both sides, in contrast to the weaving "Spikelet", where the actions are performed alternately, but you already know, with interesting patterns.

Before we start how to weave a fishtail out of rubber bands, measure the circumference of your wrist so as not to make a mistake with the size and not to make the product too long, because the process itself is very exciting and you may not stop in time. To complete this product, you will need 40-50 rings.

Finishing the bracelet, make 2-3 regular stitches, removing the "ears" in the center between the pins. The last loops must be carefully removed from the posts with a crochet hook and both put on the fastener, and hook the other end to the beginning.

This weaving has one feature, and if at the end you run out of the colors with which you made the product, and the desired length has not yet been reached, the final stage can be performed with any others that you can find by opening, because they will not be visible in the pattern .

And if you have any questions about how to rubber band bracelet fishtail, video can be viewed online or on our website.

How to weave a fishtail out of rubber bands

However, the most interesting weaving technique is ahead of us - "Fishtail" of rubber bands on the fork. You will be surprised, but thanks to the usual cutlery, you can make a wide, stylish accessory on hand, alternating your favorite shades.

Can be done on the machine Triple elastic fishtail, and on the forks you will even get a quadruple, and the weaving pattern itself is almost the same for products of different widths.

Two forks must be fixed so that their teeth are directed in opposite directions, and you can fix it with tape in two places where the legs touch. Now your instrument is ready, on which you will perform the original decoration.

As for colors, you can alternate 2-3 or more shades, it all depends on your desire, this will be the main pattern, and contrasting color rubber bands are also needed, as a rule, it is white or black, which will be the base. This color will only be noticeable at the edges, and won't spoil your drawing with its contrast.

Triple "Fishtail" of rubber bands

Intrigued how to make a fishtail out of rubber bands, you should try several techniques, and if for some reason you did not like to perform on a fork, then it is worth trying on the machine to find your ideal technique. Forks, on the other hand, save needlewomen when there is a desire to create a new decoration, but there was no special tool at hand.

The triple pattern means that there will be three rows in the main braid, but four cloves on the forks, so the central 2 and 3 will go for one. Thus, we put the first three rubber bands of the base color on the outer teeth and the central ones, twisting them with a figure eight.

After that, three rings of the color chosen for the pattern must be put on opposite cloves - 1, 2-3 and 4. Then another base color on the nearest fork and the next row, including three rings on three pairs of opposite cloves and one more horizontal. Now, apart from the three rings of the warp, which are located horizontally on one fork, we got three rows, which means it's time to start throwing off the lower loops to get the first stitches.

Elastic bracelet "Triple fishtail"

Pay attention when you do bracelet made of rubber bands "Triple fishtail", first of all, you need to throw the lowest horizontal one into the center, then move the other two horizontal ones, insert the hook into them, and pry off the lowest loops. When removing the lower loops, you must not overlap the horizontal rings of the base with them, they must remain free. And on the other hand, you simply remove the lower loops, hooking them with a hook. Carefully remove the central ones, do not pull them hard, as they may tear.

further process, how to weave a fishtail rubber band bracelet, will come down to this algorithm: throw on the next row of the main color and horizontal for the base, and then remove the lower loops. Soon you will notice what an incredible pattern you get.

It turns out to be quite dense, and if you decide to make a quadruple fishtail, then you need to throw four rings on each pair of opposite cloves.

The fishtail is by far the simplest and prettiest rubber band bracelet I've come across. 😀
Fishtail braiding takes the same amount of time as weaving, but looks much better. It will only take you 10-15 minutes to complete it.

What you need

  • Rainbow loom set or any other set with loom
  • Rubber bands
  • C-clip
  • Hook from the kit or any suitable

If you bought a rubber band weaving kit rainbow loom bands, indicated above, then you do not need to buy anything extra, you already have everything you need.

We start to weave

This part is fun because it's easy 😀

At the lowest elastic band, which is a figure eight, remove the left edge from the peg and throw it over the top two elastic bands. Repeat the same with the right side.

Now put a new rubber band on the pegs.

Continue the cycle by slipping the bottom elastic over the top elastic, adding more elastic at the top all the time. Do this until the length of the bracelet matches the circumference of your wrist.

The main secret of weaving a fishtail bracelet is that you should always have 3 elastic bands on the pegs. In addition to the first elastic band of the figure eight, all the others are located normally.

Take the bracelet by the last loop and remove it from the pegs. Never let go of the last link!

We remove the excess and fix

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In this tutorial, I will tell you how to weave a fishtail bracelet out of rubber bands in reverse, or it is also called a reverse fishtail. It's easy and interesting!

What you need

You will need these materials:

  • Colored elastic bands for weaving (I used: Pink, Red and Purple).
  • Machine. In fact, a full-fledged machine is completely optional, just like a fishtail can be woven on an ordinary slingshot.
  • Hook.
  • C clip (or S clip).

Starting the bracelet

To start the bracelet on any two pegs from the edge of the machine, pull the first elastic band (I used pink). It should be stretched with a "eight" or a cross.

Then, simply place two elastic bands on top (in the usual way). My order of rubber bands (from bottom to top): pink, purple, red.

After that, thread the hook under the second rubber band (purple) and pull it back. Hook the bottommost elastic band (pink) under it and remove one end from the peg. Do the same for the second peg.

The main and, probably, the only difference between the reverse Fishtail and the fact that here the lower elastic band is removed from the column by threading under the second (middle) elastic band. This is shown in the photo.

Adding links

At the previous stage, we got the first link of the bracelet. Now it's time to add new rubber bands.

Wear one pink elastic band on top. After that, thread the hook under the second elastic band (this time it is red) and pull it back. Now crochet the bottommost elastic band (purple) and remove it from one of the pegs.

Repeat the same steps on the second peg. We got a kind of cycle, which consists of adding a new elastic band and putting on the bottom one over it. Thus, there are always only 3 rubber bands on the pegs.

As you add new rubber bands in different colors, repeat this cycle over and over again! The bracelet will gradually “creep out” of your machine or slingshot: D.

Finishing the bracelet

After you have woven a bracelet long enough for your wrist, it's time to remove it from the loom.

Carefully remove the rubber bands first from one peg and then from the second. Hold the last elastic bands firmly with your fingers so that the bracelet does not unravel. Secure these elastic bands with a clip so you don't have to hold them with your fingers.

If you are missing quite a bit to comfortably fasten the bracelet on your hand, then you can add elastic bands, as I showed in the photo.

Congratulations, you just wove your fishtail in reverse. You can show and brag! 😀

Video lesson

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