How to calculate your pension born in 1966. Calculator: calculate the amount of the old-age insurance pension. Checking the accrual in the Pension Fund

Every year in our country comes out on retire about two million people. How the pension is calculated in 2017, which affects its size - for most of them mystery . Let's figure out how it's done and help you avoid mistakes.

Size calculationpensions can be done with help from 45-90. More than 7 million people have already used it, as well as necessary for carrying out related calculations (determining the average monthly salary for any period up to 2002, finding the coefficient of the average monthly salary - KSZ, the amount of pension capital earned for the periods from 2002 to 2015).

However, to answer the question -how the pension is calculated and what determines its size, it is important to knowand understand the principles of formation of pension rights, details and features of calculations. This will help to avoid unnecessary losses from incorrectly calculated and often underestimated pensions.

How will the pension be calculated in 2017.

Common parameters , which will be used to calculate the size of pensions in 2017:

  • The cost of one pension coefficient - 78 rubles 58 kopecks(since April 1, 2017).
  • The amount of the fixed payment ( FV) to the insurance pension - 4805 rubles 11 kopecks(since February 1, 2017) .
  • The minimum required insurance period for obtaining the right to an insurance pension is 8 years(since January 1, 2017).
  • Minimum value IPK necessary to qualify for an insurance pension - 11,4 (since January 1, 2017).

What parts does the pension consist of and how is it calculated.

According to the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" - FZ-400, a pension (excluding funded pension) consists of an "Old-age insurance pension" and a "Fixed payment".

Fixed payment to the insurance pension (FV).

FV- this is an addition to everyone, without exception, to the accrued old-age insurance pension. Her sizein 20174 805 rubles 11 kopecks. Law ( FZ-400 ) this part of the pension is defined as follows: "Fixed payment to an insurance pension - provision of persons entitled to the establishment of an insurance pension in accordance with this Federal Law, established in the form of a payment in a fixed amount to an insurance pension." For northerners, disabled people and other beneficiaries, an increase in the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is provided, described in article 17federal law .

Parts of the insurance old-age pension (SPst)

The old-age insurance pension consists of four parts - three correspond to the periods of the citizen's labor activity, and the fourth is accrued for other periods equated to the insurance period:

  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for periods before 2002
  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for the periods from 2002 to 2014
  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for periods after 2015
  • Parts of the insurance pension accrued for other (non-insurance) periods.

Individual pension coefficient (IPC)

Starting from 2015, the pension rights of citizens are measured not in rubles, but by the value of the individual pension coefficient IPK. Therefore dIn order to calculate the size of the pension, it is necessary to determine, calculate, calculate or know the value of your individual pension coefficient - IPK. If a IPK is known, then it is multiplied by the value of one pension coefficient (point) in the year the pension was awarded and its ruble amount is determined.

Individual pension coefficient(IPK) in accordance with the structure of the pension also consists and includes t6 main terms with the addition of a fourth, which takes into account pension rights for “other” (non-insurance) periods - military service, childcare periods, etc.:

2002-2014+ IPC after

How is it determined and calculated IPK for each of these periods?

P e pension rights formed before 2002 (IPC before 2002)

W depend and are completely determined by three "things":

  • Duration of insurance (labor) experience until 2002.
  • The average monthly earnings of a citizen either for 2000-2001, or for any 60 months (5 years) in a row in the period up to 01/01/2002 (whichever is more profitable is chosen).
  • Duration of insurance experience until 1991.

Incorrect accounting or underestimation of any of the listed parameters leads to an underestimation of the amount of the pension. The pension rights of this period are first calculated in rubles, and then converted into IPK. Detailed a Calculation algorithm IPK until 2002 described in detail in.
The main problem for those retiring, including in 2017, is that the Pension Fund (PFRF) does not have complete information about citizens and their work activities for periods before 2002. Therefore, information about IPK until 2002. , which is issued by the Personal Account on the PFRF website, as a rule, does not correspond to reality. If your calculation is on a calculator or
shows a result different from that specified in the Personal Account, thenit will be necessary to render and confirm one’s correctness in the PFRF on the basis of official documents confirming the length of service and earnings (employment book, earnings certificates, archival documents, etc.).

Pension rights formed in 2002-2014 . ( IPK for2002-2014 ).

They depend and are completely determined only by the size of the pension capital (PC) formed from the citizen's insurance premiums over the years.

Neither the length of service (the duration of the periods in 2002-2014, during which insurance premiums were transferred to the PFRF for a citizen), nor other parameters, have any effect on the amount of the insurance part of the pension earned in 2002-2014. provided that the total length of service is sufficient to acquire the right to receive an old-age insurance pension.Calculation and evaluation of pension rights formed in 2002-2014, as well as rights acquired before 2002, are made in rubles on the basis of , and then converted to IPC points.

How pension rights are calculated and IPK for 2002-2014 detailed in .

Information about this period of the citizen’s labor activity and about the amounts of insurance premiums transferred for him in the PFRF is available (fully operational since 2002personal account). Therefore, the value IPK for 2002-2014 can be found in the Personal Account on the PFRF website or on the State Services website. but you can calculate it yourself on , or "manually" based on .

Pension rights formed after 01/01/2015 (IPK after 01/01/2015).

They depend and are completely determined only by the amount of insurance premiums received by the citizen's ILS in the PFRF. FROM January 2015, after entry into forceFZ-400 ,waycalculation IPK has changed. For each calendar year, its value is calculated by the formula

IPK year- individual pension coefficient determined for each calendar year starting from January 1, 2015;SW year- the amount of insurance premiums accrued and paid for the corresponding calendar year for the insured person; EAR year- the standard amount of insurance premiums for the old-age insurance pension, calculated as follows

EAR year = 0.16 x Prev. Vel. bases.

Previous Vel. Bases is the maximum value of the basefor the calculation of insurance premiums in the PF - the "ceiling" (upper threshold) of the annual salary, from which insurance premiums are calculated in the amount of 22%, of which 16% goes to the formation of an insurance pension. From amounts exceeding this threshold, insurance premiums are also transferred to the PF, but at a different rate - in the amount of 10%, and they do not go to the individual personal account of the citizen, but to the "common pool" of the PFRF. The limit value of the base is annually set by government decrees. Its values ​​for the last three years:2015 - 711,000 rubles; 2016 - 796,000 rubles; 2017 - 876 0 00 rub.

To calculate and evaluate your annual IPC earned after 01/01/2015, you can use simpler formulas

  • IPK 2015 = (average monthly salary in 2015 / 59,250) x 10. Cannot exceed 7.39. If more, then 7.39
  • IPK 2016 = (average monthly salary in 2016 / 66,333) x 10. Cannot exceed7.83 If more, then 7.83
  • IPK 2017 \u003d ((earnings for 2017 until retirement) x 0.16 / 140,160) x 10. Cannot exceed8.26. If more, then 8.26.

IPC for other periods.

For socially significant periods - military service, child care and some others, points are also awarded and formed IPC for other periods. It is charged if a citizen did not work during these periods. The number of points for non-insurance periods, in accordance with paragraph 12, article 15 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", is as follows.

  • The coefficient (IPK) for the period of conscription military service, as well as periods of service and (or) activity (work) provided for by the Federal Law of June 4, 2011 N 126-FZ "On Guarantees of Pensions for Certain Categories of Citizens" is 1 ,eight.
  • The coefficient (IPC) for the full calendar year of another period provided for in clause 3 of part 1 of article 12 is:

1) 1.8 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the first child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

2) 3.6 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the second child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

3) 5.4 - in relation to the period of care of one of the parents for the third or fourth child until each reaches the age of one and a half years.

The final calculation of the amount of the pension

After the IPC is calculated or became known for individual periods, they are added up and the final value of the IPC is determined:

IPC = IPC before 2002 + IPC beyond2002-2014+ IPC after01/01/2015 + IPC for other periods.

With a well-known IPC, the amount of the pension assigned in 2017 is easy to calculate. For thisIPC is multiplied by the value of one pension coefficient and a fixed payment is added to the amount received

Pension = IPC x78 rubles 58 kopecks + 4805 rubles 11 kopecks


1. This algorithm for calculating pensions has been applied since January 2015 to the present day, and if the pension legislation does not change, it will be valid in the coming years.

2. The most important period, from the point of view of the possibility of influencing the amount of the pension accrued to you, is the period of employment until 2002. The amount of the pension can be influenced by choosing the most favorable wages (for 60 consecutive months) and the length of the insurance period (of course, confirming its required documents). To do this, you will have to carefully study the accrual of pensions for periods up to 2002.

3. It will not be possible to influence the amount of the pension accrued for other periods (after 2002) - all information on the amount of insurance premiums is recorded on the ILS in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and "is not subject to appeal." What is listed there will be returned in the form of a pension.

4. The algorithm is described for the "standard" insurance old-age pension. In each specific case (early exit, northern features, etc.), additional questions may arise. Many of them are discussed and understood on our forum in the section. This is a collective treasury of knowledge and a mutual information fund, where you can ask a question and get an answer from those who have already passed this way.

5. Users of the site are well acquainted with the described algorithm. However, it seemed to us useful to put together and once again make a memo-instruction for beginners in order to show them the shortest path to knowing the "truth" and save them from long wandering around the site in search of the necessary material and knowledge.

Today, young people rarely think about such a "distant" future as the retirement age. In addition, economic conditions are such that one has to choose between "life now" and "later." Only wise old people tirelessly repeat: retirement is just around the corner. How to secure a decent financial future for yourself, what payments to expect in old age, and how to deal with pension issues today?

Pension. How it was

Until 01.01.2015, the procedure for calculating an old-age pension in Russia assumed that the following conditions were met:

  • achievement by a citizen of retirement age;
  • the fact that a citizen has accumulated funds in the OPS - these are the funds that the employer paid monthly to the fund for the employee.

The funded and insurance parts were the single components of the labor pension, now they are two independent components. The old procedure for calculating pensions did not take into account seniority and thus equalized the pension payments of citizens. The new calculation formula includes more components and covers all the nuances.

Pension. What the worker should know

Since the beginning of 2015, a new procedure for calculating pensions has been introduced.
Citizens who care about their financial situation in old age need to know the following:

  • The retirement age has not changed. Women can start receiving a pension at the age of 55, men - 60.
  • The later a worker retires after retirement age, the greater the amount of pension payments.
  • To receive a pension, work experience is required. Today it is at least 5 years, and for those who will retire from 2024 - 15.
  • Payments consist of several parts - cumulative and insurance. A citizen has the right to refuse to form a funded part and transfer all his deductions only to the insurance.
  • The higher the official salary of a working person, the more he will receive a pension.
  • The pension will be formed in points, then converted into money and paid to pensioners. A citizen retiring in 2015 must accumulate at least 6 points. For those retiring in 2025, the minimum score will be 30.
  • For working citizens who have managed to earn a seniority and do not retire in 2015, the state guarantees the observance of all pension rights. Since 2014, there has been a conversion into individual pension coefficients (points).

Who and when can receive a pension

For more than a year, under the close attention of the whole country, the procedure for calculating pensions. A lot of talk is connected with this topic, people cannot understand and get used to innovations. Today in Russia there are the following insurance pensions: for old age, loss of a breadwinner and disability.

Citizens retiring in 2015 will be the first to experience the reform. It is these people who will receive pensions according to the new calculations.

In 2025, all planned changes should be introduced and the procedure for calculating and paying pensions should be established.

Every Russian citizen who has reached retirement age, has seniority and has made the necessary contributions to the Pension Fund, is entitled to a labor pension.

If a Russian retiring did not manage to accumulate the required amount of work experience, accumulate the minimum number of points or “put together” a funded part for himself, he can only count on a social pension. It is impossible to receive social and labor (old-age) pensions at the same time. The social pension has a fixed amount, which is set by the state. By the way, in 2015 the amount of this pension benefit amounted to 4,769.08 rubles.

The structure of the labor pension

In order to understand what kind of pension you will receive, you need to know what it consists of. The procedure for calculating old-age pensions has undergone a major reform, and the Russians have not yet fully understood it. Let's try to clarify the question of what will be included in pension payments to citizens:

  1. Insurance old age pension. How to calculate your insurance pension is described in detail below.
  2. Fixed payout. The amount established by the state, subject to indexation and increases due to various factors (clause 1, article 16 of the Federal Law). Today, the amount of the monthly fixed payment is 3,935 rubles.
  3. Accumulative part. A detailed description of the cumulative part is below.

These are the three components of the pension of working citizens. How to influence the size of each, except for a fixed payment, is explained by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this article.

Learning how to save for a pension. Accumulative part

Everyone remembers how there were calls from TV and radio screens to decide on the future procedure for the formation of their own pensions. State and private funds were fighting for deductions from citizens. Let's brush up on this issue, as it is included in the calculation of the old age pension.

The procedure for calculating pensions provides for two independent parts: funded and insurance. The total amount of pension payments will depend on their size.

The funded part of the pension of today's hard workers is under their control. Every citizen who has not yet turned 48 in 2015 must decide what to do with the funded part of his pension. It can be left as part of the insurance pension in the department of the state pension fund or transferred to a non-state fund (NPF). The essence of a funded pension is that a citizen makes contributions to the account, and they increase (or not, as lucky) thanks to the chosen NPF. It is very important to choose a reliable fund so that the funds are protected and the person is guaranteed not to suffer losses.

The funded part will be paid on a monthly basis and is not a barrier to obtaining other social benefits, such as a special pension for civil servants.

Having formed the funded part, old-age pensions will also be available to citizens whose work experience has not reached the minimum bar. Deductions for the funded part are made by the employer from the 22% of the salary that he makes. Of these, only 16% goes to a citizen's pension, where 6% will be deducted for the funded part and 10% for insurance. Some large companies offer corporate pension plans to their employees. Their deductions are also summed up in the funded part. Plus, if a citizen has taken advantage of voluntary pension insurance, his funded part will be expanded. Women can transfer their maternity capital to the funded part.

It will be possible to transfer funds from the funded part from the NPF to the state fund.

In order to form his funded part, a citizen must submit an application to the FIU before December 31, 2015.

In order to receive payments under the funded part, you must contact the fund where it was formed all this time, submit an application and attach the necessary package of documents to it.

Accumulative part calculations

It is not difficult to calculate how many people will receive monthly from the funded part. For this, the entire amount of funds accumulated by him at the time of application is taken and divided by the “survival period”. It is revised by the government based on statistical data. Today, the survival period is 228 months, although the later you apply for a pension, the less it will be, and the monthly amount of payments is greater.

Example. The citizen celebrated his sixtieth birthday and applied for a pension. By this time, he managed to gain more than 20 years of experience and save 350 thousand in the NPF. When calculating the pension, his length of service will not be taken into account. Interest will be added to the accumulated funds (if any) and the resulting amount will be divided by 228, the result will be received by the person as a plus to his social pension.

The accumulative part can be inherited if its owner did not have time to use it during his lifetime or did not live to see it at all.

So, a funded pension is the money that a citizen sets aside for himself, plus the fund's interest for using the funds. These funds are returned to the pensioner in monthly installments. If a citizen set out to form a funded part, but he did not succeed (for various reasons), and the amount of the funded part does not exceed five percent of the insurance pension, then the funded part is paid as a lump sum.

insurance pension

The insurance pension receives the lion's share of the employee's contributions - 10% or all 16% if the citizen refused to independently form the funded part.

The main thing you need to know about the insurance pension:

  • contributions to the insurance pension are made by the employer at the choice of the citizen in the amount of 10% or 16%;
  • this pension is controlled by the state, due to which it is considered more stable; investments will not be invested, but will be annually indexed not lower than inflation;
  • the pension will be calculated in points, after which it will be converted into cash and issued to pensioners;
  • in order to receive an insurance pension, it is necessary to have an established minimum length of service;
  • this pension is not inherited.

Now let's take a closer look at the most difficult issues: points and pension calculation.

Points. Is work for the ticks coming back?

The procedure for calculating pensions in Russia has changed significantly since January 2015. A new concept is introduced - the "annual pension coefficient" (APC). This thesis will be used when evaluating each “working” year of a Russian.

To calculate the CPC or points, the ratio of the citizen's annual salary, with which he paid contributions to the fund, and the maximum salary, with which employers make contributions to the OPS, is taken.

It is important to note that a citizen can make contributions to the insurance part in the amount of 10 or 16% of the salary, depending on which formation procedure he chooses.

Only the “white” salary before the deduction of 13% tax is taken into account in the calculation of the CPC.

It is very difficult to figure out the scores on your own. For the convenience of citizens, a calculator is installed on the official website of the PFR, which instantly calculates the annual score.

It is noteworthy that the new procedure for calculating labor pensions includes the years of life of citizens dedicated to:

  • service in the armed forces of the country;
  • caring for children up to one and a half years;
  • care for the disabled and citizens over the age of eighty.

The cost of one point (GPC) is annually indexed and set by the government. In 2015, the cost of one point is 71.41 rubles. The maximum annual number of points, which is taken into account in the future, is 10.

Calculation of the insurance pension

To calculate the insurance pension, you must perform the following operations:

If a citizen continues to work after reaching retirement age, his pension payments increase.

For example: citizen Ivanova retires at 55, while her work experience is 15 years, and the number of points is 140. We multiply 140 by 71.41 rubles and add 4,383.59. Today, Ivanova's pension would be 14,380.4 rubles.

Other social pensions

Social pensions include such a subspecies as a disability and survivor's pension. The procedure for calculating a disability pension depends on whether a citizen has work experience. The grounds for assigning a pension for disability and loss of a breadwinner have not changed.

The procedure for calculating the military pension

Previously, the pension for military personnel was accrued after 20 years of service and amounted to 50% of the salary, including additional payments.

In 2015, the procedure for calculating pensions for military personnel has changed. Now pension payments will be indexed annually by 2%.

The size of the future pension worries all users. However, people have difficulty trying to figure out complex formulas. Is there a possibility in advance calculate pension online without resorting to the help of specialists? When accruing points, the length of service is taken into account. Calculate pension online in 2019 year on our website using the official PFR calculator.

The procedure for calculating the pension

The insured person has an individual account to which payments are received. If desired, you can determine the honesty of the employer. The absence of payments indicates that the user has no official income.

People who receive a "white" salary often perceive the results of calculations as objective data. To calculate a pension, you need to know the amount of a fixed payment. The state pays this amount to all applicants. The lack of funds in the Pension Fund has led to the fact that since 2015, payments intended for the formation of the funded part have not been made.

The reason for adjusting the amount of the pension may be the presence of a disability or work in the Far North. It is necessary to take into account the working conditions of a person that allow him to receive increased payments. When determining a pension, a large number of parameters are used that require professional knowledge. They are quite difficult to use for simplified calculations.

To determine the exact amount requires the help of a specialist. Calculate pension online self-employed people can. A large number of people work exclusively for themselves. Entrepreneurs regularly make fixed payments to the Pension Fund.

To receive a pension, you must have worked for at least 8 years. In the future, the requirements for applicants will only become tougher. The length of service until 2014 will increase by a year. In 2017, the Pension Fund does not pay insurance pensions to applicants who failed to earn 11.4 points. In 2025, it will be much more difficult for users to achieve budget funds.

Important! The figures obtained cannot be taken as accurate information about pension payments. It is impossible to put in the calculator all the parameters that are used by specialists when calculating payments.

Features of calculating payments according to the new formula

To be more precise calculate pension online it is necessary to take into account the factors that directly affect the amount of payments. When calculating payments, experts pay attention to the presence of premium coefficients. How to use correctly pension calculator online and calculate approximate amount? The applicant needs to know the size of the fixed payment and the value of the point. Be sure to double-check the information received, as these parameters change annually.

After the reform carried out in 2015, the procedure for calculating pensions has completely changed. Now the amount of payments is affected by the IPC, which depends on the amount of contributions. The funds are transferred from the employer to the account of the insured person. If desired, the user can go to his personal account to view all payments.

Now the specialists of the Pension Fund use the following formula to calculate payments:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K

  • SP represents insurance payments, which are accrued upon the onset of retirement age;
  • IPC - the number of pension points earned by a person;
  • SIPC - the cost of a point, which is regularly indexed by the state;
  • K - the value of premium coefficients to which an elderly person is entitled;
  • PV - a fixed payment guaranteed by the state.

Retirement score

What parameters should be entered in new online pension calculator to calculate upcoming payments? The state strongly encourages people to retire later. After the 2015 reform, the concept of the basic part of payments disappeared. Instead, a fixed amount appeared, which is guaranteed by the state. Moreover, to receive payments, you must score at least 11.4 points.

When calculating the pension, the following periods are taken into account:

  • passing the service about the call;
  • time spent on maternity leave;
  • being in custody.

To determine the amount of pension payments, you can use the formula:

IPC \u003d SV / SVmax x 10,

  • CB - insurance premiums that the employer paid for the employee to the Pension Fund;
  • CBmax - the maximum amount of contributions paid at a rate of 16%;

For example, an employee's income is 25 thousand rubles. It is necessary to determine the annual amount of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

(25,000x16%)x12 = 48,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of contributions in 2017 cannot be more than 140,160 rubles. Now let's substitute all the values ​​into the formula and get: IPC = (48,000/140,160) x10 = 3.42 points

How to determine the value of a pension point

To receive the insurance part of the pension, you must work for at least 8 years. Retirement calculator for retirees in 2019 developed taking into account the changes that have occurred since the reform. Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, when processing documents, check the number of pension points a person has. In the future, the requirements for employees will only become tougher. Already in 2025, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation plans to increase the minimum number of IPC. A person must have worked for at least 15 years and have at least 30 points on their account.

YearRequirements for the minimum work experience, yearsThe minimum value of the IPC, in points
2015 6 6,6
2016 7 9
2017 8 11,4
2018 9 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6

When calculating payments, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation take into account the cost of the point. After obtaining the necessary information from the table, you can calculate your pension using the new pension calculator. Be sure to take into account all the parameters that are used in the process of calculating payments. This may require specialist assistance. The calculator allows the user to estimate the size of the future pension in advance. However, the results obtained on screen monitors are only an approximation.

What determines the size of the fixed payment?

An elderly person can count on a certain amount guaranteed by the state. Its size depends not only on the category of the recipient. The regions independently set the amount that pensioners will receive. Fixed payments are subject to mandatory indexation. To do this, you need to take into account the economic indicators of the country. Without fixed payments, it is impossible to determine the amount of the survivor's benefit. Annually on February 1, the pension is indexed in accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 400.

You can determine the amount of fixed payments in force in 2019 according to the following table.

When calculating a pension, the age of the elderly person and the number of dependents are taken into account. For pensioners who are 80 years old, the state pays an increased fixed payment in the amount of 9610.22 rubles. If an elderly person has no dependents, then the basic part of the pension will be 4805.11 rubles. Persons with disabilities are entitled to an increased amount of a fixed payment.

As an example, consider the calculation of the pension of a person who decided to postpone the processing of payments.

The work biography of Ivanova Victoria Petrovna began at the age of 18. Throughout her life, she took parental leave 2 times. For the firstborn, she was awarded 1.8 points. The second baby increased the IPC by 3.6 points. Victoria Petrovna constantly worked at the same enterprise. After reaching retirement age, the woman worked for another 5 years in excess of the length of service.

The total number of earned points was 104. The woman achieved an increase in the amount of fixed payments by 1.27 times. Adjustments were also taken into account when determining the value of the IPC. The number of points was calculated taking into account the coefficient of 1.34.

Hence, 405.11x1.27 + 104x78.58x1.34 \u003d 11,465 rubles.

How to calculate your own pension

Three factors affect the amount of pension payments:

  1. What is the person's official salary?
  2. Length of employment.
  3. At what age did the employee apply for a pension?

Important! The pension fund limits the maximum number of points an individual can earn. With a monthly salary of 60 thousand rubles, an employee can receive 7.9 points per year.

After entering the basic parameters into the calculator, you can calculate your pension. The amount of the insurance pension is indicated not in rubles. It converts to points. The amount of payouts can be determined by multiplying the number of points earned by their value.

When calculating the pension, you need to take into account the value of surplus factors. Benefits apply to people who have worked in hazardous industries. The pension fund encourages older people who decide to defer payments. The surplus coefficient for a person who has issued a pension 5 years later than the due date will be 1.5.

The contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are 16% of the employee's official salary. These funds can be divided into insurance (10%) and funded part (6%). Funds in the savings account are used to invest in securities. Moreover, the pension is formed from the income of people born after 1967.

What kind of pension will people working in the shadow business sector have?

According to the statement of the Ministry of Labor, about 20% of people receive a salary in "envelopes". Employers do not pay contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for them. This group of workers will not be able to count on a full pension. However, even this category of people will not be left without a livelihood. The state guarantees social benefits to older people who do not have work experience. A single base was created in the Pension Fund, in which all candidates for receiving payments are present. Now the Russians have a personal account in which you can see valuable information.

First you need to register on the website of public services. After that, the user has access to the personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Each person is given a unique username and password. A future pensioner can receive information about the contributions that the employer transfers to the individual account of the employee. The personal account displays the number of points earned by a person. If the employer does not pay contributions, then you can write an application to the labor inspectorate at any time. To calculate the future pension, you can use the calculator on the institution's website.

For example, a woman reached retirement age in 2017. During the entire working period, she managed to earn 75 points. The woman was awarded an additional 1.8 points, as she was taking care of the child. The cost of the pension ball was approved in the amount of 78.58 rubles.

What formula is used to calculate the funded pension

A person has the right to transfer funds to an NPF, which will be able to manage the client's money more efficiently. The funds received will be used in transactions with shares and bonds. The profit from the activities of the fund is distributed among the participants in accordance with the agreement.

But in this case, the future pensioner is not immune from the bankruptcy of the company. If the non-state pension fund goes bankrupt, the client will still be able to receive the invested funds. The state insures the employee's contributions that were transferred to the NPF.

NP = PN / T,

  • PN - the amount of contributions that is involved in the formation of the funded pension;
  • T - during what time payments were received on the account of the insured person.

As an example, consider a person who was born after 1967. The future pensioner received a salary of 32,000 rubles for 10 years (120 months). Every month, the employer transferred 6% of his earnings to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Hence, the total contribution will be:

32,000x120x0.06 \u003d 230,400 rubles.

Pension Calculator

To determine in advance the amount of a future pension, you can use an online calculator. In this case, the user does not have to prescribe the cost of the point and the size of the fixed payment. These indicators are already present in the calculations.

To determine the sum insured, the user only needs to specify:

  • the age at which a person plans to apply for a pension;
  • What is the applicant's work experience?

To get a more accurate amount, you must specify the type of pension formation (insurance or funded)

  • whether the person served in the army;
  • the amount of the official salary;
  • availability of pension capital.

The resulting calculations serve to familiarize with the future pension. They are only advisory in nature and can be adjusted by PF employees. If the user has entered into an agreement with a non-state pension fund, then a preliminary calculation can be made on the company's website. The result of the investment can be seen on the screen.

The following information must be entered into the funded pension calculator:

  • age and gender of the client;
  • length of service;
  • average salary of an employee.

All funds indicate their return on investment. A person can calculate the amount of profit before concluding an agreement with an NPF.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

Many users experience difficulties when trying to determine the effectiveness of funds invested in NPFs. For information on the status of savings, you can contact the Pension Fund. You can check the amount of pension contributions directly on the organization's website. To do this, you must specify the SNILS number.

Important! The function is available only to users who have registered on the public services website.

In your personal account, go to the "Pension Savings" tab and request the necessary information. Within a few seconds, information about the amount on the account of the insured person will appear on the monitor. Some people forget the name of the NPF with which they entered into an agreement. To find out where the funds are stored, you can contact the PF. Be sure to bring your passport and SNILS with you.

There is an easier way to get information about NPFs. The company's accounting department regularly makes deductions from the employee's salary. To find out about the amount of payments, just contact the specialist of the department.


For the convenience of users, a calculator has been developed that allows you to calculate the pension online. A person only needs to enter the information needed to determine the amount of future payments. The results should not be taken as exact numbers. The developers of the calculator decided to simplify the calculation procedure. They did not include in it all the factors affecting the size of the pension.

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This means that the primary task of future pensioners is to accumulate as many pension coefficients as possible, because even in the case of indexation, the cost of the IPC will not fundamentally change.

Fixed payment amount

Fixed benefit (FB) is a guaranteed amount added to the insurance pension by the state. According to Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ, from February 1, 2017, the amount of the fixed payment was 4805.11 rubles. Like the cost of the pension coefficient, the EF will increase from January 1, 2018 to 4982 rubles 90 kopecks.

Under certain circumstances and conditions, the size of the PV may be further increased on the basis of Part 8 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "About insurance pensions". These circumstances may be:

  • the presence of disabled dependents;
  • the establishment of the I group of disability or the achievement of 80 years of age;
  • the presence of experience of 15 years in the Far North or areas equated to it;
  • later (due to premium coefficients).

Below is a table that reflects the dependence of the amount for a fixed payment on the period for which a citizen delays or suspends receiving pension payments:

The period for which he postponed the application for a pension, yearsPremium multiplier for a fixed payout
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,11

As can be seen from the data presented above, if you do not retire within 10 years after receiving the right to it, but, for example, continue to work, then in addition to the additional (and therefore pension points), the citizen will receive an increase in the fixed payment more than twice.

But you need to understand, for example, that the average life expectancy in our country is 66 years, and you will have to wait until 70 - how cost-effective it is, each citizen must decide for himself.

How to calculate the old age pension yourself?

The calculation method, at first glance, is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • calculate the number of pension points based on gross wages;
  • in the event that it is planned not to retire after receiving the right to it, we look for the required period in the coefficient table and multiply the number of pension points and the fixed payment by the corresponding values;
  • we multiply the cost of one individual pension coefficient by the number of points;
  • add up the resulting amount with a fixed payment.

However, the whole difficulty lies in the fact that such values ​​as a fixed payment, the cost of a pension point and gross salary are not constant values: if the PV and the cost of IPC only increase (index), then wages change many times over a career.

Therefore, any calculations regarding the size of the future pension are approximate character and serve only as a guide for citizens.

Citizen Ivanov, after graduating from the university in 2017, was offered a job from February 1, 2018. He is 23 years old, the official salary will be 50 thousand rubles on average before taxes. He plans to work until his retirement. There will be no funded pension. Calculate the amount of pension that he will be able to receive upon reaching 60 years:

  1. we calculate the insurance period: 60 - 23 = 37 years;
  2. we calculate the number of pension points that Ivanov will receive in one year: (50,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (1,021,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 5.877 points, where
    • 12 - number of months;
    • 0.16 - the rate of insurance premiums (16% when forming only an insurance pension);
    • 1,021,000 - the maximum taxable base in 2018 (Decree No. 1378 of November 15, 2017).
  3. multiply the number of points by the number of years that these points will be formed: 5.877 x 37 = 217.449 points;
  4. we calculate the product of the number of IPC and its value (according to data for 2018): 217.449 x 81.49.58 = 17719.92 rubles;
  5. add to this the size of the fixed payment: 17719.92 + 4982.9 = 22702.82 - this will be the amount of the old-age insurance pension.

Once again, it is worth noting that the values ​​of the values ​​as of January 1, 2018 were used in the calculation. Given the indexation of both the value of the pension point and the fixed payment, it can be concluded that the pension will slightly higher than the one that turned out in the calculation (commensurate with inflation).

Formula for calculating funded pension

Allocated the funded part of the labor pension to independent view pension payments. At the same time, citizens have a choice: or not. If the first option is chosen, then the insurance premiums are divided: 10% of the gross salary goes to the insurance pension, 6% - to the funded one. In addition, future pensioners had the opportunity to participate in and further increase their savings. However, since 2015, the possibility of joining the program has ceased.

Please note that the accumulated funds are not indexed by the state and are not protected from inflation, so you need to carefully consider the choice of an organization that will deal with capital management.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law "On funded pensions" The formula for calculating the funded pension is as follows:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon- the sum of all pension savings in the special part of the personal account of the insured person (including savings formed with the help of maternity capital, state co-financing, etc.);
  • T- the estimated period during which the pension will be paid, equal to 246 months in 2018.

The contributions to the funded pension depend on wages and make up 6%.

At the time of retirement, Citizen Petrov had 300,000 rubles in savings. To calculate the amount of payments, it is required to divide the amount of pension savings by the period that a citizen will receive a funded pension:

300000 / 246 = 1219.50 rubles.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

In the era of the Internet and communication technologies, there are quite a few ways to find out almost any information. Information on pension aspects is no exception:

  • Now you can calculate your pension without leaving your home, sign up for a consultation with the FIU.
  • And besides this, through your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as through the bank (subject to the availability of relevant agreements), you can find out the amount of your pension savings that will be used to form your funded pension.

How long do you have to work to receive a pension of a given size?

Of course the answer to this question cannot be unambiguous and depends too much on many factors - wages and fixed payments, as well as on the value of the individual pension coefficient. It is also necessary to take into account in which the citizen retires, or whether he will suspend receiving it after her appointment, keeping in mind the premium coefficients for the above values. In addition, there are bonuses for working in the Far North, etc. Therefore, the calculation of the length of service required to receive a certain amount is the same approximate character, as well as the calculation of the pension itself.

To answer this question, you first need to form an algorithm by which the length of service will be calculated:

  • deduct the fixed payment from the amount of the pension;
  • we divide the remaining amount by the cost of the pension point - we get their number;
  • from the formula for calculating the IPC we calculate the amount of insurance premiums;
  • we divide the CB by 0.16 and determine how much you need to earn for your entire labor activity
  • we divide what we got by the estimated salary multiplied by 12 months.

In the event that it is required to find out not the length of service, but the required salary, in the last paragraph the division must be carried out by the expected length of service.

Citizens A and B want to receive a pension of 20 thousand rubles. A knows for sure that he will receive a stable salary of an average of 40 thousand rubles, and B is sure that he will work until his retirement, he is 22 years old. How long does it take for A to work, and what wages does B need to earn to be able to receive the desired payout?

For citizen A:

  • 20000 - 4982.9 = 15017.1 rubles, where:
    • 20000 - the expected amount of the pension;
    • 4982.9 - the amount of the fixed payment as of January 1, 2018.
  • 15017.1 / 81.49 = 184.282 (number of points), where:
    • 81.49 - the cost of one pension point (rubles) from 01/01/18;
  • SV = 184.282 x 1021000 × 0.16 / 10 = 3010430.75 (the amount of insurance premiums required in rubles for setting the desired pension amount);
  • 3010430.75 / 0.16 = 18815192.19 (the amount of money earned by A for his labor activity);
  • 18815192.19 / (12 x 40000) = 39.2 years - this should be the experience of citizen A.

For citizen B:

Because we already know the amount he has to earn (18,815,192.19 rubles), it remains to divide it by the number of years left before retirement: 60 - 22 = 38 years. Now, using an analogy, we calculate the salary required for the specified amount of pension:

  • 18815192.19 / (12 x 38) = 41261.39 rubles.

Calculation of pension using the Pension Fund calculator

So, basic quantities that affect the final amount of payments are:

  • "white" wages;

Thus, calculating the amount of a pension is a purely mathematical matter: there are clear formulas and algorithms that need to be used to find out the number of pension points, the required length of service or the salary that will need to be received for a given amount of payment.

Therefore, for all the apparent complexity, modern technologies make it possible not to resort to manual calculations - for citizens this can be done by special calculator programs.

For example, for calculation of pension using the Pension Fund calculator you only need to enter the initial data, such as the year of birth, official salary, pension option (tariff), the number of children raised, the nature and duration of your work activity - and the calculator will automatically calculate the amount of the pension and display the result within a few seconds.

But it should be understood that the use of calculators does not give an understanding of the structure of the pension system. All the nuances can be understood only if you delve into the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Hello dear editor! I have a question about the amount of the pension. In early September of this year, I celebrated my 60th birthday. I was assigned a pension of 9264.60 rubles. With 40 years of experience, I expected more. That is why I continue to work. No matter how I tried to figure out whether my pension was calculated correctly, I did not understand where this amount came from. My data are as follows: as of 01/01/2002, the experience was 32 full years, including 21 years before 01/01/1991. Average monthly salary for 2000 - 2001 amounted to 2795.60 rubles. according to an extract from my personal account in the Pension Fund (calculated at the reception by a specialist in the pension department). Insurance premiums from 01/01/2002 until the day the pension was assigned (I also found this amount in the extract) - 383,705 rubles. I ask you to explain how I calculated such a pension. A. I. Seregin.


Let me remind you that starting from January 1, 2010, the old-age labor pension (let's denote it by the symbol P) for citizens who started working before January 1, 2002, is determined by the formula: P \u003d FBI + SCH1 + CH2 + .SV.

FBI - a fixed basic pension, it is set by the state in a fixed amount.

SCh1 - the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated from the length of service and earnings for the period of work until 2002.

SC2 - the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated from the amount of the employer's insurance premiums for the period of work from 2002 until the date of the pension.

SV - the amount of valorization, determined as a percentage of SCh1. This percentage depends on the total years of service before 1991.

With the last indexation of labor pensions from February 1, 2011, the FBI old-age labor pension was set at 2,963.07 rubles.

And now we calculate the remaining terms in the calculation formula.

SC = 0.55 (for 25 years of service for a man before 2002) + 0.07 (for 7 years of work over 25 years) = 0.62.

Now we consider the ratio of the average monthly salary of a reader to the average salary in the country for the same period.

The average salary in Russia (SW) for 2000 and 2001, according to statistics, amounted to 1494.5 rubles.

It turns out that the ratio of earnings (SR) to the average salary in the country (SR) for the same period is:

ZR: ZP = 2795.60 rubles: 1494.50 rubles. = 1.87.

As you can see, Seregin's salary ratio is favorable - higher than the maximum possible ratio of 1.2 provided for pensions for work under normal conditions.

An exception is established by law only for the "northerners". For them, it can be higher - from 1.4 to 1.9 (depending on the work in which region of the North a pension is accrued).

Art. 30 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"

It should be recalled that on 01.01.2002 the Government of the Russian Federation set the size of the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for calculating the pension capital (the same for everyone). It is 1671 rubles.

The size of SCh1 as of 01.01.2002 is calculated according to the formula:

SC1 \u003d SK x (ZR: ZP) x 1671 rubles. - 450 rubles.

450 rub. - the amount of the basic part of the pension as of 01.01.2002 (it is also the same for all pensioners).

Based on this, MF1 as of 01/01/2002 = (0.62x1.2x1671 rubles) - 450 rubles. = 793.22 rubles.

To do this, we index (increase) the amount of SC1 obtained as of January 01, 2002 for all pension capital indexation coefficients from 2002 to 2011.

SCh1 on the date of the pension assignment = 793.22 rubles. x 4.2542 = 3374.52 rubles.

The third component of the pension SP2. To calculate it, the insurance premiums accrued by the employer on the date of the pension assignment must be divided by the number of “survival months”. We know from the letter that its author's amount of accrued insurance premiums, taking into account indexations, as of the date of appointment amounted to 383,705 rubles.

The amount of the expected payment period (T) depends on the year of assignment of the labor pension.

For the appointment of pensions in 2011, it is set at 224 months. Thus, the size of the SC2 of the author of the question was:

MF2 = 383,705 rubles: 204 months = 1880.91 rubles.

Table of average wages in the RSFSR in 1970 - 90


Knowing the MF1, we can now determine one more component of the pension - the amount of valorization (CV).

First, we consider what is the percentage of valorization of the pension of the reader Seregin: 10% (for having experience until 2002) + 21% (for 21 years of service until 1991) = 31% (0, 31).

SV = 3374, 52 rubles. (SCH1 size) x 0.31 \u003d 1046.10 rubles.


We add up the amounts received and get the pension of our reader A. I. Seregin:

P \u003d 2963.07 + 3374.52 + 1880.91 + 1046.10 \u003d 9264.60 rubles.


It may turn out that 2000-2001. for some reason you did not work or your average salary during this period was less than 1794 rubles. (the average salary in the country for these years is 1494.50 rubles x 1.2). Then you will have to submit a salary certificate for any 60 months before 01/01/2002.

The amount of the pension takes into account the ratio of the pensioner's salary to the national average for the same period.

You can determine the profitable period yourself by comparing the data from the certificate with the average (see tables 1 and 2).

Let's say your salary certificate for 60 months was issued for the period of work from July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1984. Add up all the amounts of accrued wages from the salary certificate and divide by 60 months.

After such simple calculations, it turns out, for example, that your average salary over the years was 198.50 rubles.

Now we determine the average salary in the country for the same period from the table.

The average salary in the Russian Federation from the table for the period e 07/01/1979 to 06/30/1984 = (168.4 rubles x 6 months + 174.0 rubles x 12 months + 178.3 x 12 + 184, 0 x 12 + 188.3 x 12 + 193.2 rubles x b months): 60 months = 181.08 rubles.

We consider the ratio of earnings, which will be taken into account in the pension:

198.50:181.08 \u003d 1.096 (and the maximum according to the law is 1.2). What to do in such a situation? Try to find a more profitable option for earning for another 5 years.

Average salary table in the Russian Federation
for calculating the size of the pension from 1991 to 2001.


Thousand rub.





