How to make a guy pleasant, effective recommendations for action. How to make a loved one pleasant? A pleasant surprise

Your loved one undoubtedly deserves little surprises. After all, who else can diversify relationships by adding spice to them, if not a woman. The keeper of the hearth, in order to keep the intrigue in bed, can effortlessly make the guy and the husband happier, just showing themselves from the other side. But for this it is necessary to discard the embarrassment, as well as to get to know the temperament and taste of the partner better. If you also want to know how to surprise a man in bed, we suggest you find out a few secrets from our article.

At the moment, there are many ways that allow you not only to seduce and surprise a man or a guy, but also to conquer him by learning the art of love. It is important and also necessary to maintain the feeling of being in love in the relationship.

If a woman is in love, intuition wakes up in her, thanks to which she can subtly feel the needs of a man in bed and embody them. But, unfortunately, such feelings can dull over the years. It becomes problematic to surprise a loved one after several years of marriage. To avoid this, first try to keep yourself in shape so that the man can admire you.

Do not forget, until it comes to bed, the man will love with his eyes.

Take care of your appearance and additional attributes that will help create a romantic atmosphere, as well as surprise a man.

How to become more attractive in the eyes of your partner?

After many years together, most women are in no hurry to dress up for their husbands in the morning. But it's not right. It is necessary to constantly monitor your appearance and allow a man to admire you.

Getting up just a few minutes earlier than your beloved, tidy yourself up. Then he will give you a compliment in the morning. And before the evening comes, the image of a smiling beloved will pop up in his head. Therefore, after work, he will rush to you.

Over the years of marriage, partners need to leave shyness and shyness. Then in bed you will be able to surprise each other.

Experiments will be more successful if you are completely free. And remember that men prefer confident ladies, but at the same time they like to feel like hunters. There are a few tricks on how to do this.

How to intrigue a loved one?

To make the night one of the "unforgettable", take care of this in advance. First, meet your husband right after work. Tidy yourself up and wait for him at the door with a kiss and a playful look. Surrounding a man with care and comfort after a working day, you will allow him to thoroughly relax. So he will have a new burst of strength by nightfall.

Think about the image in advance. Let it be a lace lingerie set or a sexy negligee. Change your bed. You can buy silk bedding for such cases. Don't forget about:

  • suitable lighting - light candles, you can use scented ones;
  • musical accompaniment - turn on soft romantic music;
  • a relaxing drink - a pair of glasses of champagne or wine will perfectly complement the evening.

Such an environment will not only tune your beloved man to an intimate mood, but also allow him to experience emotional and aesthetic pleasure.

As a prelude to love joys, you can give your partner an erotic massage. It is best to learn the basics by watching a video on how to surprise your husband in bed with this technique. But in general, you just need to reveal your individuality and, knowing the "weak" points of your man, please him. Erotic massage can also increase attraction.

Love game scenarios

As many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think, for comfort in bed, you must first visit a sex shop. However, you don't have to do this to surprise a man. You can independently ignite a volcano of passion in it, armed with imagination. To do this, you can use several script hints.

Dress up game

Every real woman should have a pair of stockings in her wardrobe. Wearing them, you can create the image of a nurse or maid, complementing it with an apron or a short white shirt.

No man can resist such a picture. Especially if this is the first time you appear before him in such a guise. You can transform into a seductive waitress by escorting your husband from the doorway to the bedroom, where a romantic dinner awaits him. But believe me, you will no longer have time for it.

For this method, it is not necessary to attend strip plastic lessons. By turning on smooth music and dimming the lights, with light and erotic movements you can not only surprise your partner, but also drive him crazy. The main thing is to try to perform body movements to the beat of the music and everything will work out.


Add ice, ice cream, or hot chocolate (for the most daring) to games in bed. Taking in hands, for example, a piece of ice, you can draw a path on it, which you then shower with kisses. If this is an ice cream lane, you can barely touch your beloved's body language and lick it off. To surprise and turn on a man in this way, it is best to start from the neck, going through the chest and abdomen, completing the "maneuver" in the genital area.

Strip your partner

Among all the variety of love pleasures, undressing a partner is by no means the last. At the same time, it is important that the procedure itself does not take place in a standard and fast manner.

Take the initiative and start with a T-shirt (shirt). It must be removed carefully and slowly until the wardrobe item fixes the hands of your intrigued husband. Remember to cast a playful look the entire time. Open your torso and shower it with kisses. When you feel a "burst of energy" cute, take off the T-shirt completely and proceed to the trousers. There is no need to rush, it is enough to lower them to the genitals, continuing to caress the torso of your beloved and kiss him. Having removed this piece of clothing completely, put it on the bed and start undressing yourself. You can listen to a pleasant light melody.

It is not at all difficult to surprise a man in bed. For some, you can apply pressure and affection, for others - try on the image of a light and windy girl. The main thing is to understand what turns a loved one on.

The tips above are for couples who are married. And they are not quite suitable for those who are dating. Especially those who have recently started to get to know each other.

Surprising a lover correctly

Do not rush to surprise a guy in bed in the first month after meeting. First, you don't know your partner enough. As he does you. And trying to add variety can give him the idea of ​​defiant behavior. As strange as it may sound, men are very careful. Therefore, it is better not to risk it.

Secondly, ignorance of his taste and preferences can lead you both to a dead end. Try to identify your partner's interests during the first weeks of dating. Unobtrusively find out his wishes so that the attempt to surprise the guy in bed will be successful.

In general, in order to surprise your husband or boyfriend, it is enough to avoid monotony in bed. If the man is not bored with you, he will also try to please you.

Let's start, perhaps, with gratitude to those girls who are interested in this topic and are looking for ways not only to get something, but also to give. We will tell you how to give it correctly, but this topic is not the only one, because a man can be pleasantly done in many more ways.

She is devoid of the dubious, cloying advice offered by girls who have heard only advice from their mothers. We have collected what every man would really like from his girlfriend, even if he himself does not admit it. But first things first. First you need to understand what we are dealing with.

What is a man

A man is a human male, periodically subject to the following needs:

He wants to be needed by someone.

Sometimes wants to be left alone for a while.

And to be accepted as he is.

Tasty food

Sleep well

It's good to ... fuck (if the man is under 80).

The secret of how to make a man feel good lies in the manipulation of these needs and their combinations. It also happens that a man wants to combine the need to be left alone with the need for love pleasures. Here you just need to understand and forgive. But let's move on to real advice, from the obvious to the incredible.


Don't be overly compliant and intrusive. Such a woman will sooner or later get bored. Did it once nicely - crush him with a punch in the stomach. Or tell them that you are going to the club with your friends in this short transparent dress. This will help maintain a balance of good and evil in the relationship. Of course, not literally, but I think you understand the principle. Although no man admits that this is the case, some resistance is very important.

It is also very important that everything is sincere, from a pure heart. Otherwise the efforts are in vain.

How to make a man feel good

1. Every time he appears before you without underwear, exclaim: "God, how huge he is, I still can't get used to it." In this case, it is better not to specify what you mean - a huge bush of hair, or something else.

2. Visit your mom. This is one of the most ingenious female actions for the good of a man and relationships in general. You will save the poor fellow from the mother-in-law's visit to you, because if you do not visit, she can come by herself. And cleverly guessing the moment, you will give the guy the necessary time to be alone. A little parting awakens old feelings and can work wonders!

3. Take something in your mouth that will prevent you from speaking for at least 5 minutes. This alone will give a man unearthly pleasure, holy silence ... You don't even need to bother with technology. And if you don't go wrong with the subject, the effect will triple. We will not write what and how, we have a decent place here. But you would also drive another question into the search engine if you would like dirty details.

4.If you are thinking of how to please a man in bed, then here you can simply not be afraid to realize his personal desires, which he himself will tell you about. Even if he wants to put a bag on your head, do not be offended - perhaps he just wants to relive his first time the bag was on him.

5. And if your boyfriend is shy, then you need to take the initiative- to become a libertine and to embody their desires. Show how much you like everything that happens, and he will be pleased no less.

6. Is bed and food incompatible? But no! Make a sandwich of yourself, chop the sausage, cheese, tomatoes and salad. Put all this beauty on yourself. A hungry man who comes home from work will fall to you with redoubled appetite, and you two will make a great sandwich! Unless, of course, he first answers the phone.

Whipped cream has long been considered a traditional treat for "dinner in bed". If your man has a sweet tooth, he will definitely like it! Just remember to put water within reach.

7. But you can get by with traditional treats. The way to a man's heart still lies through the stomach, and you can get there only by cooking something tasty and edible. And if the set includes watching a match of your favorite team or a movie about which he recently told you, then in his eyes you will find the face of a saint!

8. And now you can sleep. Say that the whole action was so unforgettable and cool that you just pass out. You probably want to chat with him for at least an hour after that. But this time you want to please the guy. So this time leave this your (by the way, natural) need for later.

9. Be attentive to what he says. It will be a very pleasant surprise if you enter into a conversation with him on his topic, which you knew just yesterday no more than a Liechtenstein resident in golf.

For example, a couple of days ago he had the imprudence to tell you about how yesterday they played football with the boys and could not score in any way. Go to Yandex, drive in there "the basics of playing football, the placement of players", read and absorb everything to the letter, and the next time you give out: "Honey, have you tried to play in the 4-3-3 scheme? Put high-speed Petrovich with the right winger, let him hang him in the center, and then your tall Leopold will surely pound his head. Use the experience of the great Barca! ". And that's all, a man with an open mouth worships the floor on which you are standing.

Only there is a minus - you have to start going to matches with him.

10. Laugh at his jokes. Men are pleased when you appreciate their sense of humor. For a guy, a girl's laugh and smile is a premium of the highest grade. So the easiest way to make a man feel good is to smile at him. The main thing here is to understand where laughter is appropriate and where not. Do not confuse: when he takes off his pants, we do everything according to item 1 when he jokes, we laugh, and not vice versa.

11. Thousands of different little things can also be nice to do:

Give him some slippers.

Present him with a funny prank.

Give a more serious gift. The more expensive it is, the more it will be presented to you :)

Give him a massage after work.

Write an unexpected SMS.

Scan your chest and send it to him.

Play his favorite song.

Download his favorite game to your computer.

Tell him he's cool.

Tell him that you feel safe with him.

And his driving style.

Write your options in the comments! :)

Thank you for reading the article to the end. First of all, thanks from your man, because now you know how to please your loved one. Rather, get down to business, and be happy paired with your man.

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If you have read this article, you probably already know

A love relationship is somewhat similar to wine, so when deciding how to please a beloved boyfriend, you can express the following comparison. When the wine is young, it quickly dizzy with its hops, literally knocks down, you want to drink it in one gulp and a lot. When the wine is matured, it acquires an exquisite taste and aroma, you no longer want to jam it with glasses.

You want to savor it, stretch it out longer, enjoy it and apply to it in order to relax from the madness of modern life. So is the relationship of people - at first, a stormy one swoops in, which intoxicates and knocks down.

Then comes sobering up, some apathy, a little cooling. Then two things can happen: and it will be a pleasure for a long time. Or the second - love, like wine, will turn into vinegar, which will only cause bitterness and heartburn, and a persistent unwillingness to continue drinking it (that is, to love).

If you want to become an aged wine, not vinegar - work on it. Try to make your beloved boyfriend understand one simple truth - there is no one better than you in the whole world. You are the finest, aged wine to enjoy.

Then he will no longer want to "get drunk" with fresh young wine of new sensations with another girl. Love is primarily a constant concern for the fulfillment of the desires of a loved one, start moving in this direction. It is not difficult to please your beloved guy.

Several ways to please your beloved guy

Here are some tips on how to please your boyfriend:

Smile often, bring a positive note to any action or conversation. Even reprimanding for minor offenses is with a smile, then it will not be perceived "with hostility." No wonder the painting "The Smile of the Mona Lisa" is considered a masterpiece, which depicts a sweet, slightly condescending smile of a woman. A gloomy and frowning face loses its attractiveness and quickly gets bored. You don't need that, do you?

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach," the old and hackneyed truth is absolutely true. Learn to cook his favorite dishes, never grumble or reproach for it, even if the dish is insanely difficult to prepare. With all your appearance, show the pleasure that you tried just for him, your beloved. If he says that his mother cooked better, at least "step on your throat," but find out the secret from his mother.

Try to talk to him more often about those topics that are interesting to him, for example, football, casinos, computer games. If you don't understand anything about this, get knowledge from the same Internet. Do this not "for excuses," but express your sincere interest in his opinion.

His gifts - jewelry, things - wear as often as possible, even if you don't really like them. Show him with all your appearance that they are very dear to you, because they were presented to them. Never show disdain for his gifts - this can end in a breakdown.

Never allow yourself to say something unflattering about his parents or relatives. Even if you have to communicate with them by clenching your teeth, he should not know about it. If he himself expresses dissatisfaction with their behavior - try to justify them, supporting him at the same time. His family is taboo in terms of negative attitudes!

Always support his hobby, no matter how silly it may seem to you. If such an opportunity arises, buy things for his collection, be interested in new items, discuss it with him. In this regard, try to always be on the same wavelength with him.

Stimulate his growth of self-confidence, in his abilities. Many men are embarrassed to admit their sometimes insecure feelings. A simple phrase, said before he went to work: "Honey, you look so representative in this suit that I want to immediately accept all your conditions!", Will raise his self-esteem.

And a story about how useful it is to show a fig in a pocket to a tyrant boss will help him to perceive with humor all the harassment from that very boss. It is in you that he should see a supporting hand, a reliable shoulder, and a pillow into which to cry.

Your appearance is your weapon! It doesn't matter how the model is or small and slender. Never allow yourself to walk around the house "untidy", that is, with smeared makeup, unkempt hair or unclean teeth. The first five minutes after waking up, it all looks cute, the next minutes it picks up sloppiness, which can turn into disgust.

On the street, at work, your loved one sees well-groomed women, why at home he should see an untidy wife (girlfriend) in a washed dressing gown. Get up before him, do all the morning hygiene procedures, put on makeup, dress in a cozy home suit and you can wake him up with a kiss that will smell like freshness of a clean mouth and a little deodorant.

The contrast of women from the street or work, and an unkempt girlfriend at home always makes you want to go "left", and from there they don't always come back!

Be the best for your beloved boyfriend in everything, show him how dear he is to you, how pleasant it is for you to do everything for him. You will find a wonderful reward for the very boomerang that you threw at him, his love will return to you doubly. Savor the aged wine of your love for as long as possible and good luck!

The relationship of lovers cannot be constantly saturated with magical moments and the feeling of a holiday. Everyday life and everyday life can destroy or ruin a relationship even with the strongest feelings. If neither of the couple makes an effort to develop and saturate the good moments of the relationship, then they can stop or become a burden for both parties. It so happened that basically this task lies on the shoulders of the female half of the couple.

Therefore, you will have to do very well and regularly try to make your man happy in his relationship with you and want to surprise you in return. If you do not have an answer to the question of how to please your beloved man, then you should read the recommendations and tips for possible surprises that you can use with success.

    • It should not be forgotten that men are always small children. Therefore, you should not forbid them to play their favorite games if they want to. In the event that he does not have a gambling addiction, then you can encourage his hobby and even donate any necessary accessories for the game. Do not scold him for wasting his time on this, because in this case you remind him of his mother, who forbade him to do what he loves.
    • You don't always have to insist that you are obligated to watch your favorite TV show, movie or show together. Give him the opportunity to choose a movie or channel. Let your man watch soccer games or action movies at least occasionally. This will please him very much, and he will certainly want you, with an affectionate word or even a gift. You will surprise him at all if you bring him a plate of your favorite food or chips. Such concern will not go unnoticed by him.
    • Never forget about your beloved and take time for him. If you do not have the opportunity to be with him, then send a message with pleasant words or call him and ask him about his mood.
    • As all girls know, guys are very fond of delicious food. Therefore, move to his heart through the stomach. Find out what dishes he loves, what he wants to eat today, and embody his desires in the kitchen. Although this is the simplest and most hackneyed option, it still works. If you can't find out what your man likes, then make a pizza, as almost everyone likes it.
    • Not only young ladies love affectionate words and. Guys need it too. Therefore, it is worth more often to pamper your beloved with a portion of compliments and gentle confessions. It will give him incomparable joy. Express your feelings, talk about love, admire his courage, attractiveness and success in school or work. The main thing is to say it sincerely and not overdo it.
    • Learn to respect the opinion of your half and listen to it to the end. Even if you disagree with his statement, maybe you categorically disagree with his opinion, but still he has the right to do so. Perhaps, if you listen to him, make sure that he is actually speaking the right words. It will help you get closer and find common interests. It has long been customary that the smart is the one who can speak less and listen more to his interlocutor.
    • You don't have to look for an excuse to show your love. Sometimes you can just walk up and hug your loved one. It will be unexpected and very pleasant. Everyone knows the magical power of hugs, as thanks to them, the mood rises and.
  • Spoil him with gifts. There is no need to buy an expensive watch or wallet, as it is enough just to show your care and attention. You may have heard that he needs some little thing, like a diary, an umbrella, or a jogging player. If you present him with such a present, then he will be doubly happy.
  • Take an interest in his health, mood and desires. Ask what he would like to eat now, what is new, how he feels and so on. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, since such an interest may bother him a little.
  • Let him go fishing or to the sports bar with friends without scandals. You can always use your free time for yourself. During his departure, gather with your friends, take a bath, arrange a spa treatment for yourself, or treat yourself to watching a melodrama that you cannot watch with your beloved. Such an attitude to the legal freedom of his boyfriend will be very much to his liking, and he even much less likely wants to leave you.
  • The best choice to make him feel good is a massage. All people just adore him, so he can hardly refuse such a temptation. Give him a massage with love and tenderness so that he can only feel a pleasant effect. It is not necessary to arrange a spa for him at home, as you can simply massage his shoulders while watching a movie or working on the computer. Believe me, such a surprise will be very pleasant for him.

Working on relationships together.

The myth that it is guys who should look after girls have long since sunk into oblivion. Everyone knows how important it is to pay attention to your other half. But you don't need to think that a single one-off will be the salvation of the relationship from melancholy and boring flow. You need to work on relationships regularly, and on both sides. Therefore, always talk with your chosen one about what you and he lack in a relationship. Such conversations will greatly help you to rally and find new solutions and ideas for a surprise.

To please your lover, you should know what men like, and. Guys often have common interests, which are cars, games, photography and others. Having information about the hobbies of your young man, you can always pleasantly surprise him. Of course, you should not limit yourself to this, as there are many more ways to make your loved one happy.

What men like - we draw conclusions.

As you can see, the answer to the question of how to please a man is very simple. In short, you need to be a little more attentive to your beloved, surprise him with unexpected surprises, show concern, respect his interests, opinions and desire to have fun with games. It doesn't take too much to please your man. To do this, you only need to love, respect and sometimes pleasantly surprise him, then the relationship will never bore both parties, and he will also want to please you and make you happy.

Every woman strives to make her beloved man pleasant in bed. This is a natural desire, affection is not limited to the time of foreplay or sex. Pleasure can be given in different ways: using the tongue, kisses, hands. In trying to experiment and bring something new into your intimate life, it is important not to overdo it and not to hurt your loved one. This will help following simple rules and common sense.

How to work well with the language?

Any guy loves kissing. They are both a prelude to sex and a pleasant addition to it. During caresses, a woman with her tongue and lips will give her partner an unforgettable experience. Kisses can be divided into the following types:

  • teasing;
  • passionate;
  • alternating.

This is an incomplete list. There are other types of tongue fondling. With teasing kisses, a woman lightly touches the lips of her beloved, teasing him, provoking, touching his mouth with her tongue. This weasel is unhurried, with breaks. In order to enhance the feeling of pleasure, the partner alternates passionate kisses with teasing ones. It is a contrast that brings new sensations and increases desire. As the kisses get passionate and long, the excitement builds up. The tongue can be caressed in different ways. Men like it when a partner starts to suck in his tongue or caress the palate. Your partner will love suction lip kisses. During sex, such caress will prolong the sexual intercourse and give it new shades.

Erogenous zones in the stronger sex are not concentrated in the groin area. Sensitive zones are the abdomen (below the navel), nipples, neck, lips. Some people may have special erogenous zones, so it is worth paying attention to each part of the body.

Different caress techniques can bring different pleasure. So the "Inato" technique means that the partner is gentle and does not allow rudeness, does not touch the partner's teeth, covering every centimeter of the body with kisses. But the "Samayan" technique involves sucking on the tongue.

How to make an erotic massage for a man

What is the right way to give pleasure?

You can make a man feel good not only with kisses. Sensitive places - genitals. But I also stimulate erogenous zones in different ways.

The earlobes are nibbled and sucked. Back massage is the perfect prelude to sex. There are many nerve endings along the spine. A man can lie in bed on his stomach, and a woman at this time massage him. This is a relaxing treatment. Touching the tongue of his spine, running it along his back, the partner excites her beloved. The caress can be continued below, going down to the buttocks, biting them. Feet caresses can also be exciting. The inner part of the foot and the space between the toes are especially sensitive. Gradually, you can climb higher to the hips. So that a man does not get hurt, a woman should not get too carried away. Bite should be superficial. This also applies to kissing the nipples. The movements of the tongue should be gentle, barely touching the delicate skin. If a man feels good from the caresses of his beloved, the nipples become hard.

It is important to know that there are no uniform instructions on how to please a man, since all people are individual. Therefore, it is worth trying different techniques.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

Especially depressing for me were the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person as much as his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...