How to become a nice guy. Become an attractive guy for girls by following simple rules

It is no secret that not only the fair sex, but also men think about their attractiveness. According to experts who know all modern ways to become a handsome guy, first of all, men need to carefully examine themselves in front of the mirror and note all the existing flaws in their appearance. Moreover, it is important to be objective, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve a positive result. In this article, we will talk about how to get rid of the flaws in your appearance and become an attractive guy for girls.

How to Become a Handsome Guy at Home

There are many articles out there on how to become a handsome guy at home. The authors of most of the materials advise the representatives of the stronger sex to pay special attention to their clothes and hairstyle. We will talk about clothes later, now we will take a closer look at everything related to a haircut.

Those who want to learn how to become a handsome guy at home through a style change should buy a few fashion magazines. The fact is that only on the pages of such publications can you find a hairstyle that suits you. Men who strongly dislike their own appearance are advised to radically change their hairstyle. For example, those with long hair can cut their curls and get a trendy men's hairstyle with shaved temples.

It should be noted that dyeing your hair in a different color is not worth it, since today it is no longer considered fashionable.

Thinking about how to become a handsome guy at home, do not forget about such important components of appearance as:

  • style of clothes
  • body type

Women love guys with beautiful bodies, but not all men can boast of pumped up muscles and broad shoulders. Everyone can give their body a beautiful shape, the main thing is to exercise regularly. There are hundreds of reliable ways on the Internet how to pump up this or that part of the body. It is important to remember that overly pumped muscles do not look very pretty. As for clothes, it is better to give preference to casual style.

How to Become a Nice Guy for Girls

To be popular among the fair sex, you need not only to look beautiful, but also to behave correctly. In articles on how to become a handsome guy for girls, they rarely pay attention to the rules of behavior, but we will not miss this important part. Here's a short list of what a handsome guy should be:

  • a man should be able to tell interesting stories
  • be cocky
  • have a great sense of humor
  • always be polite and honest
  • be able to listen

According to experts, no way for girls to become a handsome guy will help if a man does not meet the above points. In fairness, we note that ugly guys are much less likely to get a chance to show their sense of humor, upbringing, etc. Therefore, whatever one may say, appearance is the main “criterion” at the first stages of acquaintance.

Many men are faced with such an unpleasant problem as acne on the face. It used to be quite difficult to deal with them, but today everything is different. Leading cosmetics manufacturers offer various innovative products that can help you get rid of acne in a couple of days.

Representatives of the stronger sex who want to learn how to become a handsome guy for girls should be prepared for the fact that they will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve a positive result.

How to be a handsome guy on the outside

Most men do not even want to hear about such a "female" procedure as a manicure. However, there is no such way as to become a handsome guy in appearance that does not involve regular nail care. Guys who nevertheless decided to do a professional manicure should be delighted:

  • it doesn't hurt at all
  • manicure is a relatively inexpensive procedure

Talking about how to become a handsome guy outwardly, you cannot ignore the question of a smile. Girls love when a man has a perfect smile, but, unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex can boast of it. You should not be very upset about this, because in order to get a Hollywood smile, you only need to: regularly brush your teeth and visit the dentist every six months.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to note that some women are ready to sacrifice masculine beauty for the sake of wealth or intelligence. In an article on how to become a handsome guy outwardly, it is not entirely correct to describe profitable ways of investing money, but it will not be superfluous to mention the importance of intelligence, even for the second time. The main thing to remember is that by this word you need to understand the ability to present yourself, and not over-praise.

All guys want girls to like and impress them with their good looks. But few people know the ways how to become a handsome guy, since the beauty of men differs from the beauty of women, more on this in the article below. Girls are interested in other beauty, they do not pay attention to what we pay attention to when looking at a girl.

1. Believe in yourself

The first way to become a handsome guy is to believe in yourself. There are many attractive guys with model looks, but for some reason, girls do not pay attention to them. This is because these guys do not believe in themselves and, accordingly, the girls cannot believe in them. The instincts of girls are vastly different. Although it has been noticed that guys also pay more attention to the girl's confidence than to her appearance, which is not noticeable under the guise of low self-esteem.

2. Love yourself

3. Build self-confidence

A girl is more likely to choose a strong and confident man for her husband than a handsome guy who does not have high confidence. Developing your confidence is not difficult; it takes regular effort. Articles on how to become confident are on our website. You can start a success log and every day write down 10-20 points of to-do that you managed to complete. This will increase your confidence in the best way and make it easier for you to meet girls.

4. Boost your self-esteem

5. Taking care of your appearance is also important.

Of course, to become a handsome guy, you shouldn't forget about personal hygiene. Go to the hairdresser once a month, every day, or at least every other day, shave. Take a shower every day and keep an eye on your fresh breath and the condition of your skin, nails, teeth, and so on. The girl sees how much you love and respect yourself by your appearance, and only then checks how you behave during a conversation.

Therefore, love yourself, respect, build self-confidence, achieve success, dress stylishly and then you will have a better chance of finding the girl you need. Indeed, according to statistics, there are much more girls than guys, but for some reason guys are more worried that they will remain lonely.

psyh- olog. ru

For a man, beauty is not an important enough factor for success or fortune. For a girl, in our time, beauty is the most important factor in the success and success of a girl, if a girl is beautiful, then everything in her life will be favorable, successful and successful.

No matter how many people think, but appearance for a man also matters, since it affects his perception from other people. A beautiful appearance makes it possible for a man to convince better, inspire better, and so on.

In any case, beauty has a special meaning for a man and every man should follow the male beauty.

And yet, what does male beauty mean for girls?

For a girl, male beauty is not only what is outside, but also what is inside the human shell.

To become a handsome man, you need to start looking after your appearance. That is, a neat haircut, trimmed nails, a shaved face, and so on.

To become an attractive man, you need to have good health, as well as a lean and slender body.

Naturally, beautiful and stylish clothes also play a significant role in male attractiveness.

If we talk about inner beauty, then this is financial security, an excellent sense of humor and a strict, tough character.

In general, a man should be the ideal for girls.

As you can see, a man needs to make more efforts in order to become attractive and beautiful for female eyes.

How to become a handsome and attractive guy? What do we have to do?

If you are going to become a handsome man, then you need to initially deal with external beauty.

  1. Start dressing nicely and neatly.
  2. Start grooming your body, that is, shave, wash and trim your nails every day, and get your hair neat.
  3. Watch your neatness. Brush your teeth twice a day and avoid wearing dirty or wrinkled clothes.
  4. Go to the gym. You don't have to be muscular, but it's important to be a fit guy without a beer belly.

Now let's write about inner beauty.

  1. Develop your sense of humor. If you don't really have a sense of humor, then watch entertaining shows and memorize various jokes and anecdotes.
  2. Become erudite. Read more, and also study a lot of different information. Guys who know are pretty strong attractive.
  3. Try to make more money and look for ways to work less. Look for ways to make good passive income, as this will allow you to devote a lot of time to your girlfriend.

Don't be alarmed at once by what we have painted for you. All of the above is not difficult enough, except for the last point, since it requires a lot of effort and time.

Everything is in your bunches and we hope you succeed in becoming the handsomest and most attractive guy in the area.

Many people say that beauty is not the point; the main thing is the soul. There is some truth, but the soul is a "filling" or "product", which is hidden behind the wrapper, that is, behind the exterior. In the supermarket, a hand reaches for a bright product with a perfect casing without expiration. And if your appearance leaves much to be desired, then you should think about how a man can become more beautiful in appearance. Girls, first of all, fall for looks. They can't immediately explain that you play the bar on the 5th fret, compose poetry, sing in falsetto or a multiple chess medalist. Everything is decided by the appearance. And the more perfect he is, the more chances that you will be admired not only by the chosen one, but also by her parents and most of those around.

How can a man become more beautiful in appearance. Key points:

First of all, I would like to note that external beauty is an elastic concept. Some ladies like sugary guys like Brad Pitt or Dima Bilan, while others like the brutal Hugh Laurie and James Statham. Therefore, you need to build on what nature has awarded you. The next point, perhaps more important, is the ability to present oneself from the best side, to do everything

to look perfect. So, if you do not have a popular appearance, and this is easy to determine. If crowds of girls do not run, do not write SMS and do not throw panties and bras, then you should go to plan "B". Think about who you want to be like and what you are ready to do for this. But the most important thing is why all this is needed? If there is no clear concept, then maybe it is not necessary? Maybe so, and remain an ordinary guy that no one is particularly interested in? But it’s better to change your life, because it’s not difficult.

One should start not with buying a ring for men made of silver and a stylish suit, but with the philosophy of the winner. These are thoughts with an image and purpose that you strive for. There will be a goal or an end result, but the road itself will be found.
A man can become handsome in appearance in a few months. To do this, you need to think positively, as thoughts materialize. Dream and paint the image of the one for whom this whole procedure is being started. Well, and, of course, to act.

The older the person, the more expensive the product

  1. After waking up, it is imperative to do a warm-up for 15 minutes. Then take a cool shower. It is advisable to take this procedure twice a day or more often so that the pores do not become clogged and acne does not form.
  2. Who Said Men Don't Wear Makeup? Those guys who adore the model's appearance of the girl use the means even more than the ladies. And this is correct, because, investing in youth in appearance, she will certainly pay back in old age. Yes, this word comes on much faster than you think. Up to 30 years old, you can use ordinary creams, after this age they already come with special additives.
  3. will add status and increase attractiveness in the eyes of the female.
  4. You should always dress as if you are going to prom, the last call or for an interview. Everything should be perfectly clean and smoothed. A neat man is already a handsome individual.
  5. Clothes should be stylish, of the right size and for the season. Take a look at the successful comrades who come with the models and try to dress up as well.
  6. Who likes squishies? A gym or playground with a horizontal bar and parallel bars is a budding macho's best friend. You should visit them at least twice a week. And give all the best for an hour. Since the ritual itself does not bring any result without body movements.
  7. Read more classical literature, attend conferences, educate yourself in general. After all, beauty must be internal.

By completing these points, you yourself will be able to teach - how to become more beautiful for a man - and the realization of beauty will come in a few months. Good luck!

Different guys like different girls. Someone likes thin ones, someone with more rounded shapes, someone tall, someone small. While appearance plays an important role, it is not the most important thing if you want to attract the attention of a young person. Your radiant smile, self-confidence and generous soul will not leave you unattended by the guys.


Part 1

Highlight your beauty

    Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and feel confident in. Wearing the right clothes can highlight your confidence and other important personality traits. When choosing garments, choose the ones that highlight your best features and hide your flaws. The clothes you choose should suit you.

    Highlight your virtues with cosmetics. Makeup should emphasize natural beauty and mask imperfections. Experiment with a variety of cosmetics to find the one that enhances your natural beauty.

    • With foundation and concealer, you can achieve a perfectly even and beautiful complexion.
    • To visually enlarge your eyes, use natural shades of eyeshadow. For a bold look, use eyeliner and mascara.
    • Accentuate natural blush with blush, bronzer and highlighter.
    • Finish your look with lip gloss or lipstick that matches your skin tone.
  1. Take care of yourself. Well-groomed nails and a radiant complexion can catch the attention of guys. Allocate plenty of time to care for your skin and nails.

    Match your scent. Perfume is a very powerful elixir. Young people very well remember the smell of the girl's perfume and then associate her with it. Spray a small amount of perfume on your hair before leaving the house. When meeting a young man you like, turn your hair so that he smells the scent of your perfume.

    Smile more often. It's no secret that smiling people are more attractive than gloomy and unhappy people. Smiling makes us happier and also transfers this positive energy to the people around us.

Part 2

Highlight your inner beauty

    Get to know yourself better. By understanding yourself better, you will be able to accept who you are and be more comfortable with other people. Start keeping a diary or blog. This is a great way to know yourself as a person and monitor your personal growth. In your journal, you can reflect on the following topics:

    Admit your flaws. The media impose on us their idealized standard of beauty, without mentioning that perfection is impossible to achieve, and beauty is not perfection at all. Our flaws make us unique. Recognize that you have shortcomings and work on them.

    Strive to be a positive, generous, and passionate person. Beauty is not only your appearance, it is your thoughts, actions and aspirations. All this characterizes you as a person. You can improve your inner beauty and physical attractiveness by putting the needs and feelings of others ahead of your own.

    Surround yourself with positive people. The people around you can affect your self-esteem. If your friends and loved ones constantly criticize you, it can be very difficult to treat yourself differently. Communicate with people who will not criticize you, but, on the contrary, will contribute to improving your self-esteem with their words and actions. Thanks to this, you will radiate self-confidence.

Part 3

Get the attention of the guy you like

    Learn to understand body language. Non-verbal cues are a powerful form of communication. When flirting with a young man, show him using body language that you like him and want to get his attention.