How to plan the birth of a girl. How to plan a girl: all known ways to conceive a girl. Influence of food

How to conceive a girl? First of all, even modern medicine cannot answer this question, but there are interesting and sometimes completely amazing methods for determining the future sex of a child.

Ready to get to know them? Read the article carefully and try to conceive a girl based on the information received.

How to conceive a girl: known factors

To do this, pay attention to the time of conception. Male Y chromosomes are highly mobile. Moreover, they move quickly and die just as quickly. An acidic environment is especially "dangerous" for them. Chromosomes with female DNA - X are slow, and can live in the mother's body for up to 7 days. If you fertilize during ovulation, then the uterus is likely to meet "male" sperm. And if you "tolerate" and start sexual intercourse after ovulation, then the female "artillery" will have more chances of fertilization. Therefore, if you are passionately dreaming of conceiving a girl, then engage in this process a few days before ovulation.

Choosing a pose for sexual intercourse

The intensity of intercourse plays an important role in the issue. In addition, to conceive a girl, the male member does not have to go deep, otherwise the distance to the uterus is reduced and the active Y chromosomes reach their target faster. For the "correct" act, a pose in which the girl takes a passive pose is suitable. She lies on her stomach. The partner is on top. Try different positions that are similar to conceive.

The number of intercourses plays a role!

You knew that to conceive a girl, you have to have less sex! Regular intercourse will lead to the fact that the sperm with the Y chromosome will be faster. Do you rarely make love? The chances that the X chromosomes will survive to ovulate increases rapidly. Therefore, it is possible to conceive a girl!

The most "scientific" way to conceive a girl

Why was it called that? Because doctors more or less agree with him. But it is worth resorting to it for women who know the menstrual cycle for sure. For example, it is equal to 30 days. You divide 30 in half and you have ovulation day. That is, if 30 divided by 2, we get 15. Around this day, you may become pregnant. The second point is the measurement of temperature by the rectal route. On an ordinary day, the indicator is 36 and 8 degrees, but during ovulation, the rectal temperature is raised to 37.5 degrees. Now, by the way, modern tests are being released, and you will quickly determine the X date of ovulation in order to conceive a girl! It's good that medicine has come up with such "smart" tests. But, how can you conceive a girl 100%? So, if the date of ovulation is known, you just need to make love 4 - 5 days before it. Resilient sperm, recall, wear the female set X.

"Bloody" way, or how to conceive a girl

Remarkably, a person's blood is renewed. Now you know that. Only the process is of different frequencies and depends on the gender. A man's blood is renewed every 4 years, a woman's blood more often - every 3. The principle of the method is based on finding out whose blood is younger at the time of copulation? To conceive a girl, plan for next year, when the woman's blood is renewed. Calculating the aspect is easy. It is necessary to add the number 3 for the female sex to the year of birth, and 4 for the male.

The second option, to conceive a girl, is also associated with blood, but the group and the Rh factor are taken into account. If the data of the mother and father of the unborn child match, then it will be possible to conceive a girl. Parents with blood groups 1 and 2 can also do the “impossible” and conceive a girl. This is not an axiom, the chances of a couple to become parents of a daughter are high.

Moon and conception

This luminary in astrology is of central importance. It just symbolizes motherhood, and in the natal chart it personifies the mother's figure. It is believed that the day of conception, when you can conceive a girl, can be guessed by the position of the star in the sign. The moon passes one sign per day. Guess the period when she will be in the feminine sign. These signs include all aquatic (cancer, scorpio, fish) and earthly (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). Also use astrological advice. In the period before the birthday, the body is highly susceptible to conception. Therefore, look in what sign the moon was on the day you were born. If in one of the above, then it will be easier to conceive a girl.

Chinese and Japanese calendar

Everything here is calculated, verified and determined. To use prediction, look carefully at the tables. To find them, it is enough to "drive" into the search the meaning: "conception calendar", etc. Look at the charts and try to conceive a girl by checking the information.

Eat right to conceive a girl

This method is based on the theory where "tadpoles" with male DNA die in an acidic environment, which means that in order to conceive a girl, create such an environment. Adjust your nutritional system 2 to 3 months before ovulation.

  • You can drink teas, cocoa and chocolate drinks.
  • Do you like meat? Give preference to beef, veal tenderloin.
  • Eat fish in any form.
  • Milk and cottage cheese are allowed from dairy delicacies.
  • You can eat baked goods, but only if you withstand the absence of salt.
  • From cereals you will like rice and semolina.
  • Eat boiled vegetables. It is recommended to eat fresh beets, cucumbers, legumes and asparagus.
  • Nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, but also without a gram of salt!
  • You can eat sour fruits - oranges, lemons, grapefruit.
  • Those with a sweet tooth should stock up on jam, honey and spices.

Conceive a Girl: Douching

The conversation will again be about an acidic environment. Before having sex, you can douche with a weak solution of acetic acid. You can replace the acid with lemon. For 1 liter. water you need a couple of spoons of juice. You need a pear. You collect 200 grams of the solution and, therefore, pour it into the female organ. But do not overdo it, otherwise you can easily get burned.

How to conceive a girl according to popular beliefs

Lean on apple juice. Intimacy in winter - most likely you will get a female child. Sleep with your head to the south side, and other signs. So, you can most likely conceive a girl!

You can use our service and create a conception and contraception calendar:

Many women, even as little girls, dreamed of daughters. But dreams do not always come true easily and simply. It happens that a woman has sons one by one, all very beloved, but in secret she continues to dream of a baby - daughter. So how to get pregnant with a girl? What needs to be done to make the dream come true?

What days of the cycle

Many probably already know that sperm contain paired chromosomes: YY and XY. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with YY chromosomes, then a boy is born. If a sperm with XY chromosomes reaches the egg, then a girl is born.

So, the sperm carrying the second male Y chromosome is much more mobile than the one carrying the female X chromosome. But the sperm, which will give us a boy, are much less tenacious than the female ones, and quickly die. Thus, in order to conceive a girl, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse three or four days before ovulation. Then the boy's sperm will not be able to live to ovulate! And the spermatozoa carrying the desired girl to us will still be able to get to the egg!

Therefore, women who dream of a daughter need to carefully look at the calendar, writing down the days of the cycle and calculating the estimated days of ovulation. And in order to, you need to draw up a chart of basal temperatures at least during the previous several months.

Poses for conception

It is believed that such a position as a man on top ("face to face") gives a better chance of conceiving a girl. And even with this position, it is advisable not to bring a woman to orgasm, minimizing exciting caresses, because at these minutes the vaginal environment changes from acidic to alkaline. And boy sperm do not like an acidic environment! And, conversely, girly sperm cells can easily live in an acidified environment, which speaks of great endurance. You can not use lubricants that also affect the acid-base balance of the vagina.

Floor calculation according to the Chinese table

Special tables have come down to the modern world from ancient China, which show that there is a certain connection between the age of a woman and the month of conception. Chinese emperors were required to have a male heir, and in order to maximize the likelihood of having a baby boy, they used tables. This table was found in a Chinese temple near Beijing.
Modern women also often resort to this method, in the hope of giving birth to a particular girl or boy.
For example, if a woman is 25 years old, then it is recommended for her to conceive a girl, she says that from the winter months only in January, and in the spring - in April, May. In summer, only in July. In the remaining months, however, she will most likely have a boy. But the same woman, if you look at the table, at 30 years old is given much more months to conceive a girl.

Calculation of the sex of the child according to the ancient Vedas

The ancient Vedas tell us that there is a certain pattern in the days of menstruation that affect the birth of a girl or boy. How to calculate such days correctly?

It's simple: girls are born if they were conceived on odd days of menstruation (the seventh and ninth days), and boys - on even days (sixth and eighth days of the female cycle).

It is also believed that if a man is younger than a woman, then there is a high probability of giving birth to the first child, a girl. But this does not apply to the next children.

Blood renewal in a couple

It is believed that a man's blood is renewed every four years, and a woman's - every three years. That is, by the time of conception, we divide the number of years of the future father by four, and the number of years of the mother - by three. And now, if the remainder of the division of a man is greater than that of a woman, then a boy will be born. And if a woman wants to get pregnant with a girl, then you must first make such a calculation.
But if one of the spouses had a lot of blood loss, for example, a transfusion, donating blood as a donor, and a woman's blood loss includes childbirth, abortion, then you need to count from the date of the last blood loss, and not from the birthday.

Diet gender planning method

There is also such an opinion that a woman's diet before can also affect the birth of a girl or boy, affecting the acid-base balance of the body. So, for example, in order to give birth to a baby, the expectant mother should consume as much food containing carbohydrates as possible: it can be sweets, baked goods, honey, preserves, jams. It is also recommended to drink more milk and fermented milk products. To this menu, it is for the birth of a girl that mothers need to introduce eggs, shrimps, crabs, sea and river boiled fish into their diet.
For conceiving a female child, fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, apricots, cherries, bananas, oranges, tangerines are preferred.

There is also another very interesting fact. In the Middle Ages, women wishing to give birth to a daughter sprinkled their windowsills with sugar on the full moon, but if they wanted a son, salt.

Male activity before conception

To quickly conceive a girl, it is better for a man to abstain from sex for a week, or even two, and a woman at this time should try not to provoke her husband into intimacy. Let him be actively involved in work and sports at this time.

Astrological method

According to such a science as astrology, there are twelve signs of the zodiac. And these signs are divided into masculine (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and feminine (Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn).
If you believe the astrological method of conceiving a child of the desired sex, when a woman belongs to the male sign of the zodiac, and the husband belongs to this, then the probability of the birth of a girl is very high.

Weather influence

There is also such a belief that the weather affects whether a woman has a girl or a boy. So, for example, it is best to conceive a girl in cold weather, and not in warm weather. And in Germany they believed that the future parents would most likely have a girl if they conceive it in rainy weather.

Influence of the cardinal points

In ancient China, it was believed that a woman lies with her head to the north during intimacy. Accordingly, a woman will give birth to a boy if at the time of conception her head was in the south.

Budyansky's method

There is another interesting method developed by a married couple of teachers named Budyanskiy. They noticed that the birthdays of their female students coincided with the birth months of the mothers of these children.
Budyanskiy believe that the sex of the child does not depend on the man at all. But it depends entirely on the woman! For more than thirty years Budyanskiy have been refining their method, which helps.

First of all, according to the Budyanskikh method, a woman must have a healthy menstrual cycle in order to correctly and correctly plan the desired sex of the baby. It is necessary to determine whether the cycle was even or odd at the time of the conception of the future mother herself.

The menstrual cycle must be even! Or, if a woman was conceived in the mother's odd menstrual cycle, then in her odd cycle she will become pregnant with a girl.

So, what you need to know to give birth to a girl using the Budyanskikh method? Necessarily the month of conception and the date of birth of the future mother herself, as well as the month of conceiving a baby! It is advisable to draw up a calendar of the menstrual cycle for two years for clarity.

It is undesirable to use a regular calendar for the year, because the annual menstrual cycle of the expectant mother consists of thirteen months, lasting about twenty-eight days. It turns out that December (according to the menstrual cycle) is odd for a woman, and January should be even. But, in fact, the year starts in January, and January is the odd month. That is why a two-year calendar of the menstrual cycle is needed.

A woman's menstrual cycle may not be the same as her mother's. After all, it so happens that a child is born prematurely or prematurely. And then it is necessary to subtract nine calendar months from the woman's date of birth. If a woman was born eight months old, then eight months must be taken away.

Who will be born - a boy or a girl? This question worries many newlyweds. However, it is difficult when there are certain preferences in the family. Indeed, very often young couples guess the sex of the child, but at the same time they forget that it is chosen by nature itself.

People always strive to control everything around - including the birth of children. If you still want to take the situation into your own hands and try to influence the gender of the unborn baby, then in this article we will list the main methods that have been undertaken by people from time immemorial. In this article, we will talk about the female sex. Therefore, if you decide to get pregnant with a girl, try these methods. In this case, you will have to approach pregnancy planning even more responsibly than in the case when the gender of the child is unimportant.

Do I need to plan the gender of the baby?

There are situations when doctors themselves advise future parents to influence the sex of the child as much as possible. The reasons for this can be various genetic diseases that are transmitted through the female or male line, for example, if you are at risk of hemophilia, you may be advised any way to get pregnant with a girl. Hereditary diseases include alcoholism, schizophrenia, and even a tendency to early alopecia. Why else is it necessary to pay attention to the prognosis of the sex of the child?

Because all hereditary diseases in carriers of XY chromosomes (boys) are much more difficult to cure than the same diseases in carriers of XX chromosomes (girls). To conceive a girl, a male X-sperm must be attached.

Calculate ovulation - as a way to conceive a girl

We do not guarantee that you will be able to get pregnant with a girl, but the methods listed below will several times increase the chances of giving birth to a little princess. The first painstaking, but most popular way is to determine the day of ovulation. It should be remembered that the spermatozoa responsible for the birth of girls (X) die much faster than those responsible for the birth of an heir (Y).

Your task is to help the X-sperm survive. To do this, you need to have sex five days before, but remember: this technique is suitable if you have a clear and regular cycle. Ovulation is calculated in one of 3 ways daily throughout the cycle.

The first method is counting. You need to take a figure equal to the length of the cycle time and divide it by two. The resulting number will be the day of ovulation.

The second method is tests. Everywhere you can find tests in pharmacies that help you find out the day of ovulation. They are easy to use and provide a good guarantee.

Method three - measuring rectal temperature. Every day during the entire cycle, you need to measure the temperature rectally. This is done every day. As soon as you notice an increase in temperature up to 37 degrees in the middle of the cycle, you can assume that you are ovulating on that day. These days are best for planning your pregnancy.

Floor planning - renovation technique

Human blood does not stagnate in the body, but is periodically renewed. Moreover, for representatives of both sexes, this happens in different ways. Male blood is fully renewed every four years, and female blood every three years. To get pregnant with a girl, you will need to figure out which blood is younger. This is done quite simply. Divide your man's age by 4, and yours should be divided by 3.

Imagine that a man is 31 years old, so we divide 31 by 4, and we get 7.75. Now we multiply 7 by 4 and get 28. This means that the man's blood was renewed 3 years ago. Let's repeat these calculations with a woman. Let's say she is also 31 years old. Divide by 3 and we get 10.33. Now we multiply 10 by 3 and get 30. This means that her blood was refreshed last year. To predict the sex of the unborn child, you need to rely on female indicators (because her blood is younger). Girls are born as early as the next year after the female blood has renewed.

Conception of a girl by blood classification

How else can you predict your baby's gender? To do this, find out your blood type and your husband's. Here you should pay attention to the statistics. You can find out your blood type in gynecology when you donate it for HIV.

Man (group 1) woman (group 1) - girl.
Man (group 1) woman (group 2) - boy
Man (group 1) woman (group 3) - girl.
Man (group 1) woman (group 1) - boy.

Man (group 2) woman (group 1) - boy.
Man (group 2) woman (group 2) - girl.
Man (group 2) woman (group 3) - boy.
Man (group 2) woman (group 4) - girl.

Man (group 3) woman (group 1) - girl.
Man (group 3) woman (group 2) - boy.
Man (group 3) woman (group 3) - boy.
Man (group 3) woman (group 4) - boy.

Man (group 4) woman (group 1) - boy.
Man (group 4) woman (group 2) - girl.
Man (group 4) woman (group 3) - girl.
Man (group 4) woman (group 4) - girl.

You can get pregnant with a girl by knowing the Rh factor - your own or your husband's, since this indicator is very important for bearing a child and determining gender.

Male + RH, female -RH - girl.
Male + RH, female + RH - boy.
Male -RH, female -RH-boy.
Man + RH, woman + RH – girl.

Conceive a girl according to the signs of the zodiac

There is another technique, if you do not want to calculate ovulation or do other calculations, is to determine the sex of the unborn child in accordance with the horoscope signs. To get pregnant with a girl, you need to conceive a child on the day when the moon was in an earth sign (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) or water (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio).

Why these signs are horoscopes "Promise" is the birth of your daughter? The point is that they refer to "Female" and their representatives have a softer character compared to the rest of the signs of the Western horoscope (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius). The main thing to remember is that it is the position of the moon that is important, and not the sun in the horoscope on the day of conception.

How to get pregnant with a girl in the Chinese calendar

For a long time, the Chinese sages did not rack their brains to create an ovulation calendar for a girl. To do this, they came up with their own version of gender prediction. Its origins lie in numerology. In order to conceive a girl according to the proposed calendar, you will have to use a very detailed table where you will need to know the mother's age and the month of conception. You can easily find it on the Internet.

Is it possible to give birth to a girl using douching?

In order to become pregnant with a girl, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment in the vagina. This will help "Catch on" exactly the X-sperm. Make a very weak vinegar solution and use it as a douch before conceiving.

You can use lemon juice instead of vinegar. However, it should be diluted well with water. For the procedure, you will need about 300 ml of solution and a rubber bulb specially designed for douching. In this case, the liquid should be at room temperature. How does this principle work? Thanks to the creation of the power of the environment, the Y-spermatozoa responsible for the birth of the boy die and you manage to get pregnant with the baby.

Conceive a girl according to the Japanese table

Not only the Chinese have for centuries come up with a way to conceive a girl, the Japanese have also succeeded in this. This technique is very confusing, but should also be considered if you want to get pregnant with a girl. It is based on two tables that can be found on the Internet.

Diet for conceiving a girl

You shouldn't have high hopes for this diet, but it can be a good addition to all of the methods listed in this article. How to conceive a girl? You need to create an acidic environment in your body. To do this, 3 months before conception, go to a special diet.

It's easier to say what you need to eliminate from your diet. Do not drink foods with preservatives or gas from drinks. To give birth to a girl in the future, give up smoked products and fried meat. You should not eat a lot of salty or canned food. We'll have to give up cheeses and even ice cream. Replace salt-free flour products with salt-free ones. The same goes for cookies. To give birth to a girl, leave only rice and semolina from cereals, you can not eat dried fruits, canned vegetables and fruits, as well as yeast, margarine, any sour, salty foods.

Tips from gynecologists and psychologists for planning pregnancy

How to conceive a girl? Gynecologists advise adhering to the principle of regularity in planning the sex of the child. That is, not only hope for different "Grandmothers" methods, but also follow a special diet for as long as possible, and also do not forget to douche with acidic solutions to provide the right environment in the vagina.

Psychologists advise not to dwell on the intolerable desire to give birth to a girl without fail, but to let the situation develop naturally, because a person cannot control one hundred percent natural laws.

Ancient ways to help calculate the conception of a female child

Chinese sages, in addition to their table, advised all couples who want to conceive a baby 100 percent to lie down while copulating with their head to the south.

In Europe, it was believed that only cold weather could contribute to scheduling a baby's sex. Therefore, if a couple was going to give birth to a girl, they should have had sex in wet and rainy weather. Considering that the Yin energy, which is responsible for cold, denotes the feminine principle, it is not surprising where this belief came from.

Conceiving a female child - 100 percent

Floor planning can be approached even more seriously - for example, decide on IVF. Moreover, many stars have followed this path - Julia Roberts, Brooke Shields, Angelina Jolie.

This type of artificial insemination will come in handy if you not only want to give birth to a girl, but also have problems with conception. However, you should be especially careful here - although this procedure can almost 100% guarantee the sex of the child, it is not responsible for his health, since this is a direct intervention in the natural process of birth.

The best positions for conceiving a girl

How else can you calculate the conception of a future child? You may have heard that it is enough to use certain positions in sex. Of course, this method is rather dubious, but it also takes place. To increase the effect of this method, apply the following positions directly on the day of ovulation.

If your cycle is not stable, you will have to predict a happy day for conception by measuring your basal temperature. Its increase indicates the onset of ovulation. Also, do not forget to create an acidic environment by douching.

So, now let's highlight the most important poses for conceiving a girl.

1. The usual posture in which the man is on top. In this case, the penetration remains shallow, which is suitable for conceiving a girl. After sex, abstain from it for two or three days.

2. The man lies behind the woman, both partners are on their sides. The principle is the same as in the previous version, since deep penetration will not help you in your desire to give birth to a girl.

3. The woman lies on her stomach, and the man is on top of her.

These three positions will help you make your wish come true. However, it should be remembered that after intercourse, a woman needs to press her legs to her chest and lie on her back for a while. If you have such a gynecological problem as bending of the uterus, gynecologists advise you to lie down on your stomach right away.

How to get pregnant with a girl - folk wisdom

The people have come up with many ways to choose the sex of the child. However, will it be possible to get pregnant the first time? Unfortunately, none of the methods will give a complete guarantee. It's worth a try though.

1. For intercourse, lay a mat under the young birch. In ancient times, it was believed that this tree would help carry the girl.

2. A couple of weeks before the important moment, drink sour juice - for example, from plums. This should be done daily.

3. Make love on women's day, such as Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday. For reliability, tie any thread on the little finger of your right hand.

4. Prepare a love bed - put women's attributes of beauty under the pillow - hairpin, comb, comb.

Planning a pregnancy with Dr. Komarovsky (video):

Should you plan your baby's gender? Of course, any couple would like to have either a daughter or a son. But isn't it better to trust the flow of life? Perhaps your mission is to raise your son?

The sex of the unborn child depends on special chromosomes - X and Y. Women have the same sex chromosomes - XX, men have different ones - XY. The child receives the X chromosome from the mother, and either the X or the Y from the father. Each sperm carries a different chromosome, and the sex of the child will depend on which of them fertilizes the egg. To conceive a girl, two X chromosomes must meet.

If the parents decide: we want to conceive a girl, only luck can be called for help, as well as folk wisdom. From the point of view of science, the probability of conceiving a girl will not increase on a certain day of the lunar calendar. But since there are still no other options, you can try the popular ways of conceiving a girl: the Chinese table, a special diet, and others.

How to conceive a girl: Chinese calendar

The Chinese calendar is a table with which you can, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception, calculate the sex of the unborn child. For those who are thinking how to conceive a girl, the Chinese table will become a guideline in which month to plan for conception.

How to conceive a girl according to the table? Find in the first column of the table the age of the mother, and in the first line - the month in which conception occurred or will occur, mentally draw two lines from the selected values ​​and see which letter stands at their intersection: M - you will have a boy, D - a girl.

You can also use the online calendar for calculations. The program will show you how to conceive a girl after entering the mother's age and the current month into the special boxes. If you want to know when is the best time to conceive a girl, the calendar will help determine how the mother's age affects the sex of the unborn child, and will answer the question: in which month it is more likely to conceive a girl.

How to conceive a girl: table of 2014

Another way to find out when you can conceive a girl is a table of suitable dates for a specific year. For example, in the calendar of conceptions for 2014, it is indicated on which days to conceive a girl, on which days to conceive a boy, and also when it is possible to conceive twins. If you are looking for a way to conceive a girl, the 2014 calendar can be found online and you can try this method.

How to conceive a girl: lunar calendar

If you are wondering when is the best time to conceive a girl, do not hesitate - on the full moon! It is also possible to conceive a girl according to the lunar calendar on days when the Moon is in the "feminine" signs: Virgo, Cancer, Taurus. The signs of Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn, when the Moon is in them, are also favorable for the conception of a girl.

How to conceive a girl: ovulation table

Women who have regular menstrual periods want to know how to conceive a girl by ovulation. If a woman constantly measures basal temperature and keeps an ovulation calendar, how to conceive a girl using this method? Just schedule intercourse two to three days before your expected ovulation date. But conceiving a girl on the day of ovulation will not work, this is the time for conceiving boys.

How to conceive a girl correctly: blood renewal method

You can find out if your daughter will be born using the blood renewal method. You can conceive a girl if the mother's blood is "younger" than the father's. Blood in men is renewed once every four years, and in women - once every three years. Unscheduled blood renewal occurs during large blood loss, operations, transfusions. Count who's blood in your pair was renewed later, and you will understand when it is better to conceive a child, a girl. If the mother's blood turns out to be "younger", it is necessary to start conceiving as soon as possible.

How to conceive a girl: folk signs

The folk wisdom accumulated over the centuries has preserved for us information on what to do to conceive a girl. Our ancestors usually used the following methods:

  • before intercourse, put a mirror, ribbon, comb or other female objects under a sheet or mattress;
  • it is good if the bedroom in which conception occurs is painted in pink tones, as a last resort, use pink bedding;
  • instead of a bedroom, you can also make love in the garden, but choose a place under a “female” fruit tree, for example, under an apple tree;
  • What is the easiest time to conceive a girl? In the evening, rainy or very frosty;
  • You can choose any days of the month: even and odd, but the days of the week should be "female": Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

How to conceive a girl: diet

In order to properly conceive a child, a girl needs to eat right. In the diet of a woman planning a pregnancy, you need to add:

  • meat: beef, lamb, veal;
  • dairy products: whole milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • vegetables: beets, carrots, cucumbers, legumes;
  • fruits: apples, pears, citrus fruits;
  • drinks: tea, cocoa, hot chocolate.

How to conceive a girl: poses

Popular rumor will also recommend in what position to conceive a girl. Shallow penetration positions should be preferred, such as the classic missionary position or the position in which the woman lies on her side with her knees pressed to her chest, the man behind. After intercourse, the woman is advised to lie down calmly and relaxed.

If, after reading this article, you still have questions about how to calculate in order to conceive a girl, try several methods at the same time, and who knows - maybe you will be lucky!

Today, young families wishing to replenish their family with a baby are also planning their future sex. And if earlier it seemed an impossible task to predict and plan the sex characteristics of your child, today the question “how to get 100 percent pregnant with a girl” is quite solvable. There are many methods of influencing the conception of a fetus, of which there are those that can offer a guarantee of the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

The most reliable methods for getting pregnant with a girl:

  1. artificial insemination;
  2. conception by a girl according to the calculation of ovulation;
  3. special diet;
  4. Chinese table;
  5. Erickson's method;
  6. renewal of blood.

There are other methods, but they do not always give a 100% guarantee and sometimes make mistakes in the results. The above methods of conceiving a girl, on the other hand, have won the trust of millions of women, since they have more than once helped to predict the gender of their unborn child.

The method of artificial insemination always gives 100% guarantees of the sex of the unborn child. This is because the conception of a woman's egg takes place in the laboratory with the help of specialists. In this case, a doctor prescribes a course of medications for a woman, which stimulate the development of follicles. After these follicles have formed, they are removed from the woman's ovaries by a physician, then, in a favorable environment for this, the follicles are fertilized with the sperm of the future father. After a few days of finding the embryo in them, it is transferred and implanted directly into the uterus of a potential mother. It is at this important stage of the procedure that the doctor can predict the sex of the unborn child. This procedure involves implanting a female embryo, which guarantees the conception of a woman by a girl.

But there is also a downside to such a service - the high cost. Not every couple can afford this luxury. And at the state level, such an operational procedure is carried out only according to strict instructions, for example, infertility or the risk of transmission of hereditary diseases to the male fetus.

By ovulation

There is another way that will help a woman get pregnant with a female fetus. Not everyone knows how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, but in fact, everything is quite simple and affordable. You just need to know the days favorable for sexual intercourse and the conception of a woman by a girl.

The thing is that a man's sperm consists of two types of sperm: X-sperm with chromosomes of the female set, Y-sperm with chromosomes of the male set. After doing a lot of research, scientists have established the fact that X chromosomes move slower than male Y chromosomes. But the latter live less, and the female set of chromosomes is more tenacious. As these studies say, sperm with a female set of chromosomes can live inside a woman for up to 7 days.

If intercourse takes place 3-5 days before ovulation, it is guaranteed that male sperm will die, not having time to wait for an active egg, which goes “hunting” on the day of ovulation. Female sperm move slower, but their life span is longer, so there is a great chance for them to wait for their time by fertilizing an egg ready for conception on the days of ovulation.

Even if such a technique is not considered official and recognized medicine, many women have tested on themselves how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation, eventually getting the desired daughter. It is enough to know, as a rule, to calculate the days of ovulation and to have intercourse on certain days.

Conception of a girl according to the table

An urgent question among expectant mothers is whether the tables guaranteeing the prediction of the sex of the child even before his conception are true. How to get pregnant with a girl will be prompted by the gender table, which has been popular for many years and has come at the present time from the ancient Chinese sages. Therefore, the method of predicting the sex of the unborn child according to the table has the right to exist and be trusted by married couples who dream of conceiving and having a girl.

This table does not require any complex calculations and mathematical problems; to calculate the sex of the unborn child, it is enough just to know the exact age of the potential mother and the month when conception was made.

But there is one exception.- if the month of conception coincides with the month when the woman was born, then one cannot speak of a one hundred percent result.

Also, not always accurate results of planning the sex of the unborn child may be if sexual intercourse and conception were carried out at the border of the transition from one month to another.

Erickson's method

You can increase the likelihood of getting pregnant with a girl using the new and not yet known method of Erickson. To do this, you need to find an experienced and competent specialist in this matter, which can become a difficult task, since such a technique is still little known and has not been popularized among society.

In order to increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl, the specialist receives the sperm of the future father and carries out its special filtration in the laboratory.

The specialist identifies those spermatozoa that move faster than others, since they are male chromosomes. They are removed from the semen using solutions special for such manipulations. After that, the specialist injects the sperm of the future father, cleared of male chromosomes, into the woman's vagina. As a result, the egg cell is fertilized only by spermatozoa that are rich in the female set of chromosomes.

This service is not carried out in all cities, as few people still know about it, but every day more and more women resort to it, eventually getting the desired result.

Special diet

This technique will not be able to accurately answer the question “how to get pregnant with a girl quickly” with a guarantee, since the reviews about it are contradictory. But if you use the method of a special diet in combination with other methods, for example, conceiving a girl by ovulation, as a result, the dreams of future parents about having a daughter will come true.

You can increase the likelihood of conceiving a female fetus by adhering to a certain diet. All food products of the expectant mother should contain as much magnesium and calcium as possible. This is because such components will favor the formation of an alkaline environment in which sperm with a male set of chromosomes quickly die. Also, from the diet of a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant with a girl, it is imperative to eliminate all products containing potassium. Potassium has the opposite effect on the internal environment of the vagina, destroying sperm with a female set of chromosomes.

About a month before a woman conceives a girl, she needs to consume the following foods as often as possible:

  1. All representatives of legumes and all types of nuts, in particular cashews.
  2. Any fermented milk products, be it kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Cereals.
  4. All vegetables are green, greens.

You need to minimize any meat products, fish, potatoes, bread and pastries, sweets. In addition, it negatively affects the conception of coffee, which must be completely abandoned.

Conception of a girl by blood

Asking the question of what to do to get pregnant with a girl, you can increase this likelihood by starting from the blood type of a potential dad and mom. To do this, you need to be able to calculate the estimated age of the renewed blood cells.

If a woman's blood has been renewed in the current year, then there is every chance of getting pregnant with a girl. If the blood has renewed in the current year in a man, then the chances of conceiving a female fetus are minimal. For women, blood is renewed every three years, for men - once every four years. If one of the parents underwent any surgical interventions that were accompanied by blood transfusion, then the countdown should be started from this period. To calculate the coefficient indicating the level of blood renewal, the age of the mother must be divided by 3, and the number of years of the father must be divided by four. The resulting number should not be fully taken into account, only the digits after the decimal point are subject to attention.

Example: Mom's rate is 8.00 and Dad's rate is 6.55. So, comparing only the numbers 0.00 and 0.55, we can conclude that the mother's blood is updated better, this time is ideal for conceiving a girl.

You can increase the chances for a woman to become pregnant with a girl if you rely on several methods at once, for example, conception by ovulation, the Chinese table and a certain diet. An important role in such a responsible matter is played by faith in oneself, a positive attitude and a great desire to get pregnant will speed up the fulfillment of desire.