What mother's words seem to you to be the most important. Reading lesson outline (grade 2) on the topic: lesson "How friendship is tested." What phrases are and what I usually say

Primary school teacher
Guguchkina Maria Valerievna,
Non-state educational institution
"Nizhnevartovsk Orthodox Gymnasium",
Nizhnevartovsk Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Purpose: to acquaint students with the work of oral folk
creativity in order to expand the literary horizons and
learning to characterize internal qualities
heroes, the formation of the concept of friendship.

Tasks: to form the ability to predict the content
of the readable text, based on its title and
intended genre,
to form the concept of "friendship" and "friend";
develop the ability to analyze and evaluate actions
heroes, to correlate them with their own life experience;
develop students' speech by teaching them how to build
develop the ability to control their activities,
evaluate it.

Visual method, conversation, work with a dictionary, work with
textbook, practical method, analysis, generalization.

Cards with proverbs, dictionary of characteristics, computer, frame and foundation of the house with words (honest, brave, kind, caring, reliable, faithful)
During the classes
1. Goal setting
The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with a new work and determine the qualities that the heroes possess, to find out the main idea of ​​the work.
2. Checking homework.
In the last lesson we worked on the fairy tale "Together is good, apart is bad" and in extracurricular reading we got acquainted with the fairy tale "About friendship" and "Three comrades".
What was your homework assignment?
/ to choose from:
1) Compose a story with a picture for task number 5 based on the fairy tale "Together is good, apart is bad"
2) Come up with a continuation of the story "About friendship" - what happened to the horse. /with drawing/
- performance of children 2-3 people.
Microtogue: What unites these two works? What are they teaching?
3. Introduction to the topic of the work.
- Look at the blackboard, what awaits us in the lesson today? / problem situation /
- What topic will our problem touch on? /friendship/
- Today we will continue the theme of friendship and get acquainted with a new fairy tale.
- Textbook p. 71
- Read the title of the tale. What about the content for this title?
- At the end of the lesson we have to build a house that will show us - What are the foundations of friendship?

4. Vocabulary work.
Before we start reading the fairy tale, let's find out what kind of LESGINA people they are.
prepared student
Lezgins are one of the peoples of Dagestan - "a beautiful country of mountains". The traditional occupations of the Lezghins were agriculture and cattle breeding, various kinds of crafts. Like all highlanders, Lezgi men were brave warriors. For their high military art, excellent bearing, they were invited to the convoy of the Sovereign Emperor Himself.
They are a very proud people. That is why the concept of honor and friendship was highly valued among them.
- In the text, you may come across unfamiliar words, let's read and find out their lexical meaning.
Working with a dictionary:
Stately - a man of slender, handsome physique.
Lavash is a flatbread.
Aul is a mountain village.
A mob is a crowd, a gang.
- Before you start reading, pay attention to the words that appear in the text and can cause difficulty in reading.
Preparation for reading: choral reading, selective.
No-ve-home, e-ding-ny, A-fox-ker, split-l-na.
5. Working with text.
1) Text reading by good reading students up to page 74
2) Work on what was read
- Read what the mother said when she saw her son on the road.
- What words of your mother seem to you to be the most important?
- Look at the pictures on page 75.
- How did the artist imagine the continuation of the tale?
- How do you imagine the continuation of the tale?
- Justify your answer.

3) Reading the continuation p.75
4) Work on what was read.
- Why did Ali-aga pull Alisker out of the crevice?
-Find the answer in the text.

6. Analysis of the work.
- Did you like this fairy tale? How?
- Which of the heroes aroused sympathy for you? Why?
- Read in the text how Ali Agha passed 1 test. / p. 72 last paragraph.
What quality of Ali-agi does his act indicate?
Find this quality in the dictionary of characteristics.
/ waited - about patience /
- Let's put on the foundation of the house of FRIENDSHIP our first log - patience.
- How did Ali-agha behave on the second test? Read these lines. page 73

What is the word for the second log?
/ shared - not greedy, generous /
- Let's lay out the second log with the word - generous.

What was the third test? / go the stream /
- What did Ali-aga do this time? Read this episode p.73.
Did he do the right thing?
- What qualities of Ali-aga are we talking about here?
Attention / care, kindness 2 logs

Did Alisker fulfill all the orders of his mother?
- What was the most important test of Ali-agha?
- Find in the text and read the words of Ali-aga, where he explains why he pulled Alisker out of the crevice?

How do you understand the words "clear conscience"?
- What qualities of Ali-aga can you say?
/ loyalty, reliability, honesty /

Why do you think Ali Agha was surprised when Alisker thanked him for his help?
- What else was Ali-aga? / humble /

Did you want to have such a friend?

Take a look at the house we got. It remains to put the roof.
- What qualities is real friendship based on?
/ patience, generosity, kindness, care, loyalty, reliability, honesty, modesty /
- Before you are proverbs. Choose those that reflect the main idea of ​​the tale.
On the desk:
You can't spill strong friendship with water.
It is better to do well than speak well.
Business time, fun hour.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Politeness opens all doors.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
The clever one blames himself, the stupid one blames his comrade.
A good brotherhood is more precious than wealth.

Justify your choice.
/ A true faithful friend can only be considered a person who suffered some life hardships with you, who did not leave you in trouble, who supported you in a difficult situation. Ali-aga never left Alisker, he treated him honestly, honestly. True friendship is not afraid of any trials /.
7. Lesson summary
- What fairy tale did we meet in the lesson today?
- What does she teach?
Answer security questions:
What is the foundation of friendship?
- What do you think is the main virtue underlying everything? What should be the foundation? love

Listen to the poem:
/ prepared student /
Man, listen to the words of the sage
There will be no support from a flatterer friend.
From the first disaster it will crumble to dust,
That friendship, which is only in words.

But my soulful friend is forever with you,
He is connected with you by the same fate,
Always strong in your palm
The hand of a reliable loyal friend.

What conclusion have you made for yourself?
- Did you like the lesson? With what mood will you leave him?
/ put the little man in the window /
Homework for the 2nd quarter
- Select one of the proposed tasks:
1. Prepare an expressive reading of the tale.
2. Write a story at home using one of the proverbs chosen in the lesson today.
3. Draw a filmstrip for a fairy tale.
Lesson grades.

If you say important phrases to your children at night, then many problems are solved by themselves.

The magic of mom's words is the most powerful magic in a child's life, it heals and inspires!

When we just started the fight for our eldest son, one psychiatrist - apart from everything very strange and not useful - made a huge gift to us. He talked about an experiment that was carried out in England.

The mothers of the sick children performed a simple ritual every night. After the child fell asleep, they waited for the active phase of sleep - this is about fifteen minutes later. And then they said simple words to the child:

"I love you. I'm proud of you. I am very glad that you are my son. You are the best son for me. "

The text is about the same for everyone.

And they compared these children with others - with similar diagnoses, but whose mothers did not whisper anything to them in the night. Babies who received their mother's nightly declarations of love recovered much faster. That's the kind of maternal magic.

We started to implement it almost immediately. Much easier - unlike most therapies, it's free, always at hand. At first I said what was required by the script. Then she began to improvise. Five years have passed, and I still whisper different words to my boys. To each of them and almost every night.

Dani no longer has autism. I'm sure my whispers played a role. There is something else that is important to understand - magic works both ways! Both mother and child receive something very important. Although everyone has their own “Something important”.

What does it do?

Feeling close to each of the children.
This is an incomparable feeling. No matter how old they are, at the time of sleep they look like little angels. During the day, it is not so easy to hug or hold them in your arms - they already have so many things to do! And at night I hug each of them, talking about what is important for both of us. And I feel how our closeness grows and gets stronger.

Individual time for everyone.
In the stream of days, I can not always devote personal time to everyone. More often than not, we are all together, as one team. We play, communicate, eat - all together. But at this moment, each of them is special. Because I say different words to everyone. Based on what now you want and need to tell this particular baby.

I can say something important that may not be heard during the day.
The days are different. Sometimes from the abundance of information or sweets, babies may not behave very well, and this complicates our communication. But when I whisper in their ear at night about how much I love them, all this remains in the past. Quarrels, misunderstandings, resentments.

The child feels love.
Once I read that a child should often say a phrase like this: "Do you know that if we could choose, then out of all the children of the world we would choose you." When I first said this to Matvey, he was delighted and surprised at the same time. He walked around and repeated: "What, really me?" So I realized that it is very important for children to feel that they are special, that they are important and needed, just the way they are.

Now this phrase along with "Did I tell you today that I love you?" firmly established in our lives. Moreover, Matvey - since he is the most talkative so far - always says in response that he would choose us as parents and would definitely choose his brothers.

In constellation therapy there is such a thing as "permissive phrases" - phrases that we say during constellation, and they change the attitude of people, heal their souls. The words are usually simple - about love, acceptance, regret. So I found that if you say important phrases to your children at night, then many problems are solved by themselves. What phrases are and what I usually say:

  • “You don’t need to do anything for me, I love you for what you are”... Many will be outraged. But the phrase is not about not washing the dishes. But rather that for my sake you must not carry the generic dynamics.
  • "I am very glad that you are"... It especially helps those for whom the child was not very desirable.
  • "I'm glad you're a boy"... If, for example, you wanted a girl and could not accept the gender of your child for a long time.
  • "Dad and I love you very much, you are our son"- the key word here is "our". It helps if you have a tendency for children to pull, pull and share.
  • "I'm sorry"... The phrase is suitable if during the day you had a fight, there was no understanding, punished, broke down. Don't beg for forgiveness - it breaks the hierarchy. But it's worth it to apologize and say that you are very sorry.
  • "I'm proud of you"... It is especially helpful when you are trying to make a child out of what he is not - and who may never be. It also helps for those children who are very different from others - special ones, for example.
  • "I love you"... Three magic words from everything. If feeling is embedded in them. That is, if you do not automatically pronounce some syllables and letters, but breathe out a declaration of love with all your heart.

How to choose phrases?

You can and should try different ones. And you will understand which ones are important and necessary for you and your child now. For example, on my own I notice that after that phrase, which is very important for me today, a deep exhalation occurs - by itself -. Something relaxes inside.

It's the same with the child. When it is important for him to hear something now, for example, that you are proud of him, he exhales and relaxes. Just watch. Sometimes these signs are not immediately noticeable, sometimes they are not so bright. But there is usually one criterion - some kind of relaxation..

You need to tune in to pronouncing magic phrases. You can't, as I said, do it mechanically. It is important to approach the process with your soul, and not on the run.... Like, now I'll repeat it for three minutes on a piece of paper, and everything will be fine. The hardest work happens inside. For words to be magical, they need to be charged with this magic. And the charge that our children need is in our heart.

Sometimes, in order to say such simple words, you must first say something similar to your parents (in your heart). I know girls who, during the first sessions, cried over a sleeping baby. From my own childhood pain. But magic is magic because it heals. Including our maternal hearts.

The session shouldn't be long. It's only three to five minutes... But very emotionally intense five minutes. It is important to do this regularly and little by little. In small steps. Instead of trying to whisper three hours of love once a week. We eat several times every day, and we do not only do it on Sunday, right?

And besides, do not forget to say such phrases during the day, between times, for no reason. Hug them just like that if you walked by. Smack the back of the head, which is sitting side by side. This is something that children will remember for a lifetime. And most likely, this is what they will remember.

Don't underestimate the power of a mother's words. In order to admit this, remember what words of your mother do you remember now, thirty, forty years later. And which ones were important to you.

This magic is always available to you, does not cost money, you do not need anything special for this. Just wait for your baby to sniff sweetly - and whisper something important in his ear.

"I love you. I'm proud of you. You are the best son for me and dad ”- What could be simpler and more magical than such words spoken by the heart of a loving mother?

Olga Valyaeva, blogger

Read also:

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Correctly and loyally give answers to the child's questions about death

All about parenting


Think about how often you yell at your little ones?

Tips for parents


Never tell a child that he cannot do something!

Child Psychology, Tips for Parents


Getting ready for school

On this page you will find answers to some tasks on literary reading for grade 2 (the Planet of Knowledge program).

What kind of silence is there? Continue with a series of definitions:
silence disturbing, sad, sad, lonely, depressing, shrill

List items known to you, made of birch bark. Box, casket, painting, basket, souvenirs (dishes, samovar).

Think up and write down comparisons:
leaves flew from the trees like birds, feathers
the black highway ran away into the distance, twisting like a snake, a thread, a spiral
the rainbow stretched over the ground like an arc, a rocker, a colored ribbon
the grasshopper chirped in the grass like a cricket, an alarm clock, magpie
the flowers looked at the sun, as if they were saying thank you to him, smiling, confessing their love

Continue suggestions:
Autumn leaves flew in the wind like birds to the south, feathers
The clouds floated across the blue sky like ships on the sea
Streams of rain flowed down the window glass, like streams, a waterfall, tears on the face, narrow rivers

M. Prishvin wrote: "I hear the autumn leaves whispering." Write down what they could whisper about.
We fly away from mom in the fall.
How sad that autumn has come.
Winter is coming soon.

What are the flowers that can be found in the forest in early autumn? Oregano, forest geranium, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, ozhika.

Write what the flowers "said" to you.
How the sun shines clearly.
How nice in summer.
Come out for a walk.
Look how beautiful we are.
What a pity that autumn has come.

K. G. Paustovsky "Farewell to Summer"

1. Write what feelings the story of K. Paustovsky "Farewell to Summer" evoked in you. Sad, sad, I wanted to return the summer.

3. Write a story about what you saw when you left the house one fall. The suggested questions can serve as an outline for the story.
Today is September 20th. In the morning I went out for a walk in the yard. The weather was bad. It was drizzling rain. The sky was covered with gray clouds. The ground was damp, strewn with fallen leaves.
My friend Vova came up to me. He, like me, was sad because the summer was over.

4. Consider the illustration for KG Paustovsky's story "Farewell to Summer" on page 18. Write down the lines from the story that can be a signature to it.
The saddest time is in the village. The last birds hid under the eaves.

Write the names of fairy tales you know, in which plants and animals help people. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (goldfish), "Little Havroshechka" (cow), "By the Pike's Command" (pike), "Geese-Swans" (apple tree).

Tom Thumb

1. Divide this tale into parts. Title them and write down the names of these parts.
A boy with a finger helps the priest.
The boy with a finger was sold.
Wolf and a boy with a finger.

2. Compose and write down a little story about a puppy or chick.
The puppy was running in the yard. A chick was flying over him. Simultaneously, the puppy and the chick saw a crust of bread. Before the puppy had time to grab a crust of bread, from under his nose, he deftly grabbed the crust in its beak and flew up onto the roof of the house. Small, but a dashing chick! But the puppy still didn’t worry, he ran after the chick to the roof. Grief is not enough for him.

Write down the names of folk tales you know about lazy people. "By the Pike's Command" (Emelya), "A Tale of Laziness" (Soviet cartoon), "Frost" (Marfushenka Darling), "Cinderella" (stepmother of Cinderella and her daughter).

Cuckoo (Nenets folk tale)

Write how the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo their mother had become.
Fear, anxiety, sadness, sadness, pain, remorse.

Three daughters (Tatar folk tale)

1. Write what the mothers were like in the fairy tales "Cuckoo" and "Three Daughters".
"Cuckoo" - patient, hardworking, kind, caring.
"Three Sisters" - caring, hard-working.
2. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale that might be called Punishment of the Sisters.
We draw a turtle and a spider.

Apart - bad, together - good (Mordovian folk tale)

1. Write down what each brother did.
The carpenter built, the blacksmith forged metal, the plowman sowed grain.

How friendship is tested (Lezghian folk tale)

1. Write down the words of Alisker's mother that seem most important to you.
A person older than you will meet, call him a father. You will meet an equal in years, call him brother ...

2. Write what kind of friend would you like to have?
Loyal, not greedy, kind, responsible, responsive.

Come up with a short story (story) in which the words of the proverb “live and learn” can be used.
My friend Vova caught a cold and stayed at home, did not go to school. But I really wanted to play with him and came to visit him. The next day I had a fever, a cough, and a sore throat. You can not communicate with people with a cold. You can get infected. Live and learn.

Write down the names of fairy tales about the heroes of which you can say: "a friend is more valuable than money," "a good brotherhood is better than wealth."
"Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything."

Workbook number 2

The Brothers Grimm "The Brave Tailor"

Write down what qualities the tailor discovered during his travels.
Boastfulness, arrogance, self-confidence, ingenuity.

H.-K. Andersen "Ole Lukkoye"

sleep sweet sleep - sleep soundly, have good dreams
sleep dead sleep - sleep so that you won't wake up

2. If you have read other Andersen's tales, write down their names.
"Flint", "Little Klaus and Big Klaus", "Girl with Matches", "Snow Queen", "Thumbelina", "Wild Swans".

3. Name your favorite Andersen character.
Thumbelina, soldier (from "Ognivo"), Little Mermaid, tin soldier.

Brothers Grimm "Little Men"

1. Explain the meaning of the expressions:
a clear conscience - when there is nothing to hide;
a well-to-do person is a rich person.

2. a) Write your fabulous answer to the question: "Why did little people appear in the tailor's house?"
To help the tailor sew the boots.
b) Write the titles of literary works and films about little people.
"Little Boy", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians", "Little Torment".
c) Draw your favorite little man - the hero of a literary work or movie.
We draw a boy with a finger.

Page 10 of 17

P. 23

Apart - bad, together - good (Mordovian folk tale)

1. What did the brothers do: the first was sowing grain, the second was a carpenter, the third was a blacksmith.

P. 24

How friendship is tested (Lezghian folk tale)

1. The words of Alisker's mother that strike me as the most important:

  • Wait - it means he will be a good friend to you.
  • If he breaks pita bread into two halves, it means that he will be your true friend.
  • If you carry it on your back, know that this is your comrade, friend and brother for life.

2. What kind of friend would I like to have? Answer: I would like to have such a friend, so that I could entrust him with all my secrets, so that we often play, so that he would never betray me. Whoever wants to have a friend must be friendly himself.

P. 25


1. Notes from songs:

  • Bayu-bayushki, bayu, do not lie down on the edge ...
  • Bayu, bayu, bayu, buy, you, dog, do not bark, do not frighten my daughter!
  • Bayu-bayu, beyond the river The sun hid to rest. At Alyosha's Gate, Bunnies lead a round dance.

2. Composing a lullaby

The ghouls arrived.
"Sleep, Masha, sleep, baby.
We'll give you candy. "

P. 26

Goldfish (Indian folk tale)

1. Parts of the tale:

  1. One day a poor old man caught a miracle fish.
  2. The old man and the old woman healed richly.
  3. Everything was not enough for the old woman as long as she was left with nothing.

2. What the Indian fairy tale teaches: Do not be greedy, otherwise you will lose what you have.