Which thermometer is best for newborn babies? Infrared thermometer for children: which is better to choose

You have a child ... Of course, you want him to have all the best, fashionable, modern. Infrared thermometer for children is one of the most exciting novelties on the market today. He is able to measure not only the body temperature, but also liquids, various objects, etc.

Infrared thermometer for children: everything is extremely simple

So, you are going to shop for your unborn baby. An infrared thermometer for children - something that is more and more often purchased The fact is that it is easy and simple to use. In addition, each infrared thermometer for children also contains instructions for use. Therefore, users have absolutely no problems.

If the baby is sick, it is much easier to use such a thermometer than the usual mercury one. You can measure the temperature on any part of the body - where it is more convenient for you and the baby.

There is, of course, one problem. Doctors say these thermometers are inaccurate. They supposedly show the temperature with small errors, even if they are transferred from one room to another.

Main pluses

But in any case, an infrared thermometer for children has more advantages than disadvantages. It measures temperature very quickly. Just a few seconds and you get the result. In addition, it contains neither mercury nor glass, that is, it is absolutely safe.

But, most importantly, even the air temperature is measured with such a thermometer. In short, it is very convenient and functional.

Controversial points

An infrared thermometer for children, of course, leaves not only positive reviews about itself. As with any thing, it also has its drawbacks.

First, it doesn't always turn on right away. When you repeat it, you need to wait for it to turn off. Otherwise, the result will be incorrect.

However, there won't be a big error anyway. The main disadvantage is cost. For an infrared thermometer for children, the price can be different: from 1,500 to 8,500 rubles. Of course, this is not cheap, so not everyone can afford such a luxury.

Progress does not stand still

In fact, non-contact infrared thermometers for babies are a real breakthrough in products for babies that are just born. Remember how in childhood your parents had to "catch" mercury because of your slightest careless movement. A broken thermometer is the screams of adults and the following punishment. Naturally, the parents swore for a reason. After all, mercury vapors cause enormous harm to health. By the way, in Europe such thermometers have been banned for eight years.

Progress does not stand still. For today, infrared thermometers are purchased - quite safe and especially necessary for those who have babies.

That is why, to equip a home first aid kit, it is simply necessary to purchase such a wonderful thermometer. Their assortment, of course, is quite wide, as well as the price range. However, choosing the ideal option for yourself is not at all difficult. Pay attention to the reviews - a lot depends on the manufacturer.

You will be satisfied with the purchase

Summing up, we see that the best is an infrared thermometer for children. with its help is very convenient. Mercury-free and easy to use are exactly what young parents need.

The speed of temperature measurement with such a thermometer is very high: in just a couple of seconds you will already receive the result. In this case, the possible error is minimal. The thermometer is powered by one tablet battery. These devices are sold, as a rule, in convenient cases. In a word, this will not leave anyone indifferent.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for young children to get sick. At the same time, their temperature can "jump" very sharply. It is not always possible to measure it without disturbing the child. An infrared thermometer allows this procedure to be carried out in just a couple of seconds, which makes life much easier for parents.

A child was born? An infrared thermometer is an important purchase!

Thus, we can say with confidence that this accessory is an extremely necessary thing for young parents. You will definitely appreciate all the benefits of an infrared thermometer.

This attribute is very child friendly. For example, swiping a thermometer across your forehead will give you immediate results. The error will be between 0.1 and 0.3 degrees. You can measure the temperature in the ear with such a thermometer. However, the error here increases to 1 degree. Therefore, a baby's forehead is ideal for measuring his body temperature.

Especially good for a baby. Although it is still necessary to have an ordinary thermometer with you for critical situations. In some cases, it is still advisable to play it safe and measure the temperature. Do not forget also that when buying a thermometer, you should choose a good, proven company. That is, be sure to pay attention to the reviews of young parents who have already made such an acquisition. You can, of course, also consult with children's doctors. This will give you more confidence when making your purchase.

By the way, if you buy a non-contact infrared thermometer, you can make your life much easier. This attribute is capable of measuring temperature at a distance of 15 centimeters from the earlobe or from the forehead. The same applies to the water in the bathroom, and the level of air heating in the room and outside ... In general, it's just very convenient! Such a purchase will definitely meet your expectations!

With the appearance of a newborn child in the family, new children's items are noticeably added to the house. One of the most important attributes associated with the presence of a baby is considered. Most parents prepare it in advance, because they need to be prepared for all emergency situations when the baby gets sick or feels bad. In such a first-aid kit, a thermometer for a newborn must be present, because the temperature in nursing babies can rise quite often.

Of course, many mothers use the traditional method of measuring temperature by touching their baby's forehead with their lips. This method has been used since ancient times and is considered the safest, however, it is not always reliable. In addition, today many modern thermometers (electronic, infrared, etc.) have appeared in pharmacies, which are created specifically for use in infants. Which one is better, it doesn’t work out right away. You can, for example, try using several options from your own experience and choose the best one for yourself.

The most modern means for measuring body temperature in infants are infrared thermometers. They can be grouped into three main types:

  • frontal;
  • ear;
  • contactless.

The price for these thermometers is slightly higher than for traditional mercury ones. Despite this, they are in great demand and are gaining popularity, especially contactless ones. The device belongs to the supersensitive, it can be used to measure the infrared radiation of the baby's body, the value of which is transformed into a digital expression and displayed.

Among the most tangible advantages of this new product are many additional functions:

  • the ability to accompany the work with sound signals;
  • the ability to memorize the last measurement results;
  • shutdown in automatic mode;
  • display backlight;
  • very fast temperature measurement (maximum 30 seconds).

In addition, it should be noted that not every mother knows how to measure the temperature of a baby correctly when it comes to a traditional thermometer, which must be kept under the arm according to the rules of use. With the same device, you can quickly and reliably check the temperature of the baby without even touching the baby, including the sleeping one.

The method of application is quite simple. Based on the name of the main types of infrared thermometers, you can easily understand its principle. In addition, the mother needs to carefully read the instructions before using it for the first time.

It is better not to use ear models of the device for too small babies in the first months of life, since inserting it into a delicate and fragile auricle, you can injure it with any careless action.

Frontal and non-contact models are brought to the child's forehead or to the temporal region, about 2 centimeters apart.

The only drawback of an infrared thermometer can be called sometimes not accurate enough readings. This is especially true if mothers do not have the appropriate use skills. It is not very convenient to use the device even when the baby is capricious and crying. It is especially common for cheap models to measure temperature with errors.

In this regard, it is better to focus on more reliable manufacturers of medical devices, for example, the German brand Beurer, the French Bebe Confort or the Japanese Omron GentleTemp. It is also imperative to check the serviceability of the device when buying, since it belongs to the category of goods that cannot be exchanged.

Electronic thermometer for newborns

An electronic or digital thermometer belongs to the category of safe and completely harmless devices for measuring temperature in babies. The advantages of this type include:

  • their waterproofness;
  • shock resistance;
  • have flexible tips, the ability to change and sterilize them;
  • do not contain mercury and glass;
  • have many additional functions by analogy with infrared.

In order to measure the body temperature of an infant with such a thermometer, you should read the instructions. Each specific model can be designed to be used rectally, in the mouth (most accurate), under the armpit. The device must be disinfected and turned on before use.

Some difficulties in terms of use for too young children may arise with oral models, since their use involves staying in a closed mouth for about 1 minute. Rectal and axillary ones do not cause any difficulties in use, the main condition is close contact with the baby's body. At the end of the temperature measurement procedure, the thermometer will beep.

As for the disadvantages of this model, they are not too pronounced and can be considered conditional, for example, the need to periodically replace the battery. This condition must be monitored, since at the most inopportune moment the device can malfunction.

Thermometer strip

Many parents regard this thermometer for a newborn as an ideal tool, since it is enough to apply it to the forehead for a couple of seconds to measure the temperature. The principle of operation is that a special heat-sensitive film changes its color under the influence of high temperature. Although the measurement results are not accurate, but the mother can in the simplest way and in the shortest possible time determine whether her baby has problems.

Dummy thermometer for babies

What could be easier than letting your baby suck on his favorite nipple and at the same time measure his temperature. Just a few moments in the baby's mouth - and the mother will be aware of his well-being. The model is completely safe, and its cost is quite adequate.

The disadvantages can be called - the inability to use for babies who are not accustomed to the nipple, sterilization or washing of individual parts of the structure, as well as measuring the temperature of the child, who also has to breathe through the mouth.

Which of the presented devices is better in certain situations and in relation to a particular child, parents must determine on their own. It is not bad if there are several types of devices in the children's first-aid kit, as well as the traditional mercury one. Although it is considered the most dangerous, it can be quite useful in an emergency.

A child is a necessary measure to control his health. It is especially important in the first months of life. But how difficult it can be to measure it: in five minutes of clamping the thermometer under the armpit, the baby can get very nervous and start being capricious. In such a situation, a non-contact thermometer will become indispensable. For children and babies, this miracle of modern technology will make the temperature measurement process completely invisible.

Infrared thermometer - an innovation in medical technology

This modern type of device can be used not only for measuring body temperature. It is perfect for determining the temperature index of air and even food. And all because to obtain information, direct and prolonged contact of the device itself with the surface is not needed.

Infrared thermometers are based on a supersensitive element. If you bring the device a short distance to the object to be measured, it will catch the heat radiation emanating from the surface. Then it will process the data and display it on the digital display in the form of values ​​that are understandable to everyone.

Such devices work from two small batteries, so they are quite mobile. It is always possible to take the device with you on the road or use it in the hospital.

There are several types of infrared thermometers:

  • Ear... is carried out in the ear canal, for which you need to insert a special soft tip of the thermometer into the ear.
  • Frontal. D To obtain body temperature information, hold the thermometer on your forehead for a few seconds.
  • Contactless... For children, a thermometer of this type is the most optimal. It does not require any touch or interaction of the device with the baby to measure body temperature. It is enough to hold the thermometer near the temporal region at a distance of two centimeters.

Why buy: the benefits of a non-contact thermometer

When choosing between different types of thermometers, do not rush to resort to the conservative classics in the form of mercury or electronic thermometers. An innovation in medical technology has undeniable advantages:

  • Security... This is an important factor for families with small children. For a non-contact thermometer, falls are not terrible, it does not contain harmful substances, sharp and small elements that can be dangerous for babies.
  • Hygiene... It is not necessary to disinfect the entire thermometer or its nozzles and tips, since the non-contact thermometer is absolutely hygienic.
  • Ease of use... Using such a device, you can avoid five-minute screams and holding the baby with a thermometer under the arm. You can measure the temperature when a person is asleep - you do not need to bother the patient for this.
  • Dynamics control... Most models have an additional memory function that allows you to keep track of the last 32 temperature measurements with the device. This is very convenient for monitoring the treatment process.
  • Measurement speed. The duration of the procedure is a very important factor, especially for children. A non-contact laser thermometer is able to give a result in 5 seconds, but even using other models, the measurement process will not exceed more than half a minute.

What you need to know: disadvantages of contactless models

Despite the small number of indisputable advantages, modern thermometers also have a number of disadvantages that may seem significant:

  • High price... It can vary depending on the manufacturer, model and set of additional functions, but, as a rule, the cheapest models can be bought for 1,500 rubles.
  • Big error. Many factors affect the acquisition of data: the child's mobility, his emotional state, the ambient temperature and the state of charge of the battery. All these factors can significantly affect the measurement result, and the error will be from 0.3 to 1 degree.
  • Difficulty of replacement... A non-contact thermometer for children is not an easy device. It is equipped with sensitive and costly elements. Therefore, it is not uncommon for improper operation or insufficient careful handling to cause the device to go out of operation. It is almost impossible to replace individual parts of the thermometer due to the complexity of the design, so you have to purchase a new device. And this returns again to the first of the possible disadvantages - the high price.

We measure correctly: how to get a reliable result?

To minimize errors in the operation of a non-contact thermometer, you need to adhere to a simple temperature measurement scheme:

  1. First, make sure that the device is in working order and that there is enough battery power for it to work properly. This is usually easy to tell by the brightness of the digital display. If the image becomes dim and hard to see, the batteries must be replaced.
  2. The child who needs to measure the temperature should be in a calm state: there is no need to run to him with a thermometer during a tantrum or after an active game. The room should be at a normal temperature - from 18 to 24 degrees.
  3. It is necessary to give the child the most stable and calm state - the less he moves during the measurement, the more accurate the result will be. You can captivate your kid with a cartoon, book or story.
  4. Gently bring the device to the non-hairy temporal area. Bring the thermometer 1.5-2 cm away from the skin and turn it on. Already after 30 seconds, a sound signal will notify about the end of the measurement process, and a value will appear on the digital display. To obtain a more accurate result, the procedure can be repeated.

Non-contact thermometer for children: customer reviews

This device has become a real find for young mothers who need to frequently and comfortably measure the temperature of their babies. The non-contact thermometer for babies from Chicco, an Italian company with a good reputation, which produces a wide range of products for babies, received many positive reviews.

The thermometer model from this manufacturer has an ergonomic shape, stylish, comfortable design and is designed to measure temperature in newborns. Users in their reviews note that the Chicco thermometer beeps if the temperature exceeds 37.5, which is very convenient.

Another leader among customer reviews is the Omron non-contact thermometer. For children, a model with high-precision temperature determination is used in just 1 second. The thermometer from this manufacturer also compares favorably with other competing devices with a large display with an automatic backlight function, which is very convenient for using the device at night.

Also, devices of such well-known brands as B. Well and Microlife received a lot of positive feedback.

Drawing conclusions

This kind of measuring devices will become indispensable helpers for families with babies and small children. With a non-contact thermometer, temperature can be measured quickly, comfortably and accurately enough if you follow simple measurement rules.

The device is expensive, so you need to handle it with care, since it is practically beyond repair. It is necessary to monitor the state of charge of the batteries - this can affect the accuracy of the measurement result.

The modern market offers a wide selection of manufacturers and models, all of which differ in price and quality. The greatest number of positive reviews from users have models from Omron, Chicco, Microlife.

You need to purchase a thermometer only at a certified point - this will reduce to zero the likelihood of buying a fake and disappointment in non-contact thermometers.

Enjoy the achievements of modern technologies and be healthy!

When choosing a thermometer, parents need to understand that some devices are designed exclusively for determining the temperature in infants, while others are suitable for older children. All types of thermometers have both disadvantages and advantages. Consider the various types of thermometers and determine which one is suitable for a child, and which one is only for an adult.

Types of thermometers

There are a lot of varieties of thermometers for children, and every day new developments appear in pharmacy kiosks. Not all parents understand which measuring device is better to choose so that it is safe and, moreover, accurate.

The most common types of thermometers for children:

  • mercury;
  • infrared;
  • electronic;
  • nipple thermometer;
  • thermal strip.

The most popular types of thermometers

Let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of each.

Mercury thermometer

One of the oldest ways to measure body temperature. The mercury meter is a glass tube with a reservoir that contains mercury and a temperature scale. The main advantage of the device is the most accurate temperature during measurement. Deviations are scanty - from 0.05 to 0.1 degrees. In addition, with proper use and storage, it can serve the whole family for ten or even more years.

Often, with the help of a mercury thermometer, they measure not only the temperature of the armpits, but also the oral and even rectal.

These meters are inexpensive and can be found in every pharmacy.

Mercury thermometer

In pharmacies, you can find a special pediatric mercury thermometer. It is lighter than conventional, and also durable, it has a shockproof tip. It will not break if dropped to the floor.

Disadvantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • A regular thermometer (not a pediatric one) is quite fragile and can easily break if dropped to the floor.
  • Toxicity. If the flask is damaged, the mercury spreads and has a negative effect on people and animals.
  • When measuring, you need to wait a while, since the thermometer determines the exact temperature after ten minutes.
  • In poor light, it is difficult to see the temperature on the scale, since mercury glows and is difficult to see.
  • Such a thermometer is rarely used to determine the temperature in infants, since children at this age are rather restless.

Despite the impressive list of shortcomings, there is such a thermometer in every home, and many prefer a mercury thermometer.

Infrared thermometer

Appeared on the shelves of pharmacy kiosks relatively recently, but has already managed to fall in love with consumers. Measures temperature in a few seconds. Infrared measuring devices are of several types:

  • ear;
  • frontal;
  • contactless.

The measurement process takes place by reading the infrared radiation of the human body by means of a sensitive element. For accuracy, you can take measurements several times in a row.

Infrared thermometer


  • Completely safe, there is no mercury or glass in the design.
  • Instant temperature detection in just a few seconds.
  • Hygienically clean, does not require regular disinfection and processing.
  • The temperature of babies is easily measured - no need to undress the baby, measurements can be taken during sleep.
  • An infrared laser device works like. At the end of the measurement, it gives a signal, the indicator is shown on the display, the device automatically turns off and remembers the last indicators.
  • Replacement tips are attached to the ear instruments, very convenient when measuring in small children.
  • In addition to temperature, an infrared device measures the environment, room temperature, and water.
  • An infrared thermometer is often used for chronic otitis media, as it can be used to measure the temperature in the auricle.

Non-contact infrared thermometer


  • When measured, it gives a small error - from 0.1 to 0.2 degrees. Experts do not consider this to be a significant drawback.
  • You cannot measure rectal temperature, as is the case with a mercury device.
  • With an inflammatory process in the ear, thermometers will give an incorrect result.
  • High cost, up to 7,000 rubles.

Best used to measure temperature in babies.

Digital Thermometer

One of the most popular thermometers is considered electronic, as it is easy to use. The principle of operation is based on measuring the resistance of the conductor with the environment, the indicators are shown on the display.

Electronic thermometers can be of different colors, configurations, with the image of animals, which helps to persuade the child to measure the temperature. Most electronic thermometers report the completion of a measurement and can remember the last reading.

Electronic baby thermometer

You can use an electronic thermometer in the groin area, armpits, in the mouth under the tongue, as well as in the rectum.


  • Measures within one minute.
  • The average cost is low - a maximum of 600 rubles.
  • Relatively safe device, does not contain mercury and cannot break or shock if dropped.
  • They are used under the armpit, in the oral cavity and in the rectum.
  • In the pharmacy you can buy thermometers of various colors, sizes, in the form of animals.
  • In the process of measurement, it is not required to record the time, the result will be reported by a sound signal.
  • Some models can remember several previous indicators. This allows you to monitor your fever throughout the day or even several days.

Digital Thermometer


  • There may be 0.2-0.3 degree errors in measurement.
  • For an accurate reading, it is necessary to measure the temperature several times in a row.
  • The electronic device is powered by batteries that need to be replaced from time to time.
  • It is unsafe when there are middle-aged children in the house who can take out batteries and swallow them.
  • Most models should not be soaked in water, compared to mercury thermometers.
  • Not recommended to be sterilized or treated with antiseptic agents.

In general, such a thermometer is safe and can be used for both young children and adults.

Nipple thermometer

Outwardly, it does not differ from a simple latex pacifier. A special sensor is built into the nipple, the temperature is displayed on the display. In addition, the dummy contains an on and off button. Some devices have a backlight that allows you to measure the body temperature of babies at night without disturbing the baby.

Nipple thermometer

The principle of operation is quite simple: you need to give a pacifier to the baby and turn on the baby thermometer, degrees will appear on the display. After the sound signal, the thermometer pacifier must be taken away from the child; it should not be used for a long time, like an ordinary pacifier. Depending on the manufacturer, the nipple thermometer measures the temperature from one to five minutes.

Advantages of a thermometer nipple:

  • The measurement time is on average one minute, but it can be longer.
  • Completely safe. Does not contain harmful substances (mercury), does not break. Since the thermometer teat is latex, it is safe for the baby.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Most of these nipples are equipped with an automatic shut-off.
  • There is a color illumination, which is very convenient when measuring at night.
  • The last indicators are remembered.

Pacifier thermometer

Disadvantages of nipple thermometers:

  • It is not recommended to use it as a regular pacifier.
  • The batteries need to be changed periodically.
  • Error in changes. Manufacturers claim that deviations are up to 0.1 degrees, but most consumers report significant errors. When determining body temperature with a thermometer nipple, it is necessary that the child breathes exclusively through the nose, which is not always possible, from this and deviations in indicators.
  • Not every baby thermometer is recommended to be handled, but you can wipe it down with warm water or hydrogen peroxide.

The cost varies from 600 to 3000 rubles. Such thermometers are used mainly for infants. After a year and a half, it will be necessary to purchase another measuring device.

Thermal strips

The device is a film on which special crystals are applied, they change their color at different rates. Can be measured by placing the strip on the arm, forehead, or temporal lobe.

Thermal strip


  • At high body temperature, the strip shows results within 15 seconds.
  • Easy to use.
  • Convenient to take on the road, do not take up much space.

Thermal strip

Disadvantages of thermal strips:

  • In most cases, they do not have accurate data, they can simply show whether the child has a fever.
  • They have a large margin of error. The indicators are affected by tightness to the body, sweating or other nuances.
  • From time to time it is necessary to purchase new strips, as they wear out quickly.

The stripes are also suitable for adults. Such devices are often purchased by kindergartens and schools for quick measurement of body temperature. The cost of the strips is low, on average 600 rubles.

When measuring body temperature with a mercury thermometer, the device must first be shaken, only adults should do this.

The body temperature in different parts of the body can vary significantly, so when checking several devices, it is necessary to measure the temperature under the armpits, where it will be most accurate.

When using an electronic device, the closest possible contact with the body is important.

The child's temperature should not be measured immediately after bath procedures, as well as after crying or walking, the readings will be inaccurate.

Each thermometer has both advantages and disadvantages. Experts recommend having several types of thermometers at home in case of double-checking the readings or unexpected breakdown of the device.

Each person's first-aid kit must have a thermometer. Almost all diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, since this is the body's natural defense reaction to the multiplication of microbes and viruses. You can put your hand on your forehead or kiss the forehead, as mothers do in relation to their children, and determine if there is a temperature or not. But only a thermometer can show exactly how many degrees it has risen.

Several years ago, when choosing an apparatus for measuring body temperature, there were no problems. It was necessary to come to the pharmacy, and they immediately gave you a regular thermometer. However, in our time, the pharmacist will certainly ask what device is needed: electronic, infrared, dummy for babies, simple mercury or other types of thermometers.

To choose the right tool, you need to figure out how they differ from each other. What are their strengths and weaknesses. And if you choose an infrared thermometer, what are its advantages over other devices that measure body temperature. Is it as precise and versatile as the TV ad says it is? Let's compare the popular types of home thermometers with infrared temperature measuring devices.

Thermometers "dummy" and strip

Such devices are considered very convenient and ideal for measuring the temperature of children. The pacifier must be held in the mouth for some time, and the strip must be applied to the child's forehead for a few seconds. The latter mechanism begins to change its color under the influence of high temperature. But these two types of device have both positive and negative sides.

On the positive side, the following facts can be presented:

These devices are easy to use. They take up little space and are completely harmless, as they have neither mercury nor glass.

The reading appears on the screen five minutes after the start of the measurement.

The cost of these types is average.

However, compared to infrared thermometers, these devices are far behind. After all, an IR thermometer for measuring body temperature shows data in exact numbers, not approximate ones. The use of a non-contact device does not depend on whether the child is sleeping or not, as well as in what position he is. These devices are completely sterile - they do not need to be disinfected before each use.

Electronic thermometer for children and adults

An electronic (digital) temperature measuring device is considered safe and harmless. This thermometer is not afraid of moisture and shock, there is no glass and mercury in its design, and it also has many different functions, like an infrared thermometer.

The digital device can read the temperature under the armpit, in the mouth, or rectally. To get started, it should be disinfected and turned on. The best readings are obtained when the device is in the mouth. However, for young children, this method of reading indicators is problematic, since the oral cavity must be closed for at least 1-1.5 minutes.

Although this type of thermometer is in many ways similar to infrared devices, it has many restrictions on its use. To achieve its accuracy, many different conditions must be met. At the same time, IR thermometers are much more practical. For accurate readings, they do not require tightly pressing themselves against the body. They don't care if the child's mouth is open or closed.

Advantages and disadvantages of a digital fixture

The electronic thermometer is simple and easy to use. The main thing is that it does not need to be kept for a long time. It is convenient and practical and can be disinfected.

However, this device operates on battery power and very often stops working at a crucial moment due to low charging. Also, many people complain that it does not accurately show body temperature.

Mercury thermometer

This thermometer was used by our grandparents, mothers and fathers, and even now it is not uncommon in family home medicine kits and in public medical institutions.

The accuracy of the mercury device has been proven over time. However, its main disadvantage is the fragility of the glass shell. Such a thermometer for measuring body temperature from careless use or carelessness can break, and the leaked mercury can cause serious human poisoning. Therefore, in our time, this device is already less popular than 15-20 years ago.

Technological progress does not stand still, and people want to have at home not only an accurate device, but also convenient and, importantly, safe. It is the infrared sensor that meets these requirements.

Infrared thermometer non-contact

The most technological and fastest, but far from the cheapest, is an infrared thermometer. This device appeared on the market not so long ago, but it has already gained fame and popularity, although there are many questions to it.

This device is a supersensitive device capable of measuring the temperature of infrared radiation of the human body, displaying information on its digital display.

A thermometer or non-contact thermometer, as experts sometimes call it, measures the temperature almost instantly, in less than ten seconds. This device is perfect for measuring the body temperature of children who do not have the patience to hold mercury or electronic thermometers.

Advantages of the device

The non-contact infrared thermometer has a number of positive aspects that have earned it popularity among many parents and ordinary users. These positive aspects can be summarized as follows:

It has a wide variety of functions, emits sound signals about the completion of work, remembers the last measurement data, automatically turns off itself, has a screen backlight and much more.

The speed of determining the temperature is from 5 to 30 seconds, depending on the modification of the device.

Excellent infrared thermometer for children, as it does not require contact with the body. All that is necessary for its operation is to bring the device to a certain distance to the child and the measurement result will appear on the screen. They can measure the temperature even of sleeping children.

The device reads temperature data from any surface or object that is a heat source.

Method of using the mechanism

The infrared thermometer for the body can be of three types: ear, frontal and non-contact. From the very name it is clear how each model is applied. Each thermometer comes with a special instruction, which describes all the main functions of the device and how to use it.

For the smallest, the best option would be a non-contact type of thermometer. It needs to be brought closer at a distance of 2 cm to the child's forehead, and he will determine his temperature in a few seconds.

Ear devices are inserted into the auricles of children, which can be problematic if the child is only a few months old and is constantly spinning.

A frontal infrared thermometer reads the temperature at the temples, but they also need to be able to use them.

Details of device operation

And although this device is presented as an ultra-precise invention, an error in temperature measurement still occurs. Experts say that the users themselves are to blame for the malfunction of the device. For example, an instruction is included with the device. A thermometer that is used in the wrong way can give very different results. Also, you cannot wait for the accuracy of the measurement if the readings are read from a crying baby.

Also, the inaccuracy of the readings may depend on the manufacturing quality of the thermometer. So, cheap infrared thermometers, which are fake, give a large error in readings (up to a degree or even one and a half).

Many more users say that an infrared thermometer should be applied accurately. Reviews of people note this non-versatility of the device. If you measure the temperature in a baby's ear, while he has otitis media, then the reading of the information will go wrong.

Popular models

An infrared thermometer, the price of which depends on the model and ranges from 1500-3000 rubles, is quite difficult to choose, since the range of this product in stores is large. Many of them are fakes that quickly fail and display information incorrectly. They cost a little cheaper than popular branded models, their quality is nowhere worse. Therefore, many find themselves in the situation described by the Russian proverb: "A cheap fish is a bad yushka." However, there are models that are popular due to their quality of work and practicality.

Thermometer B Well

This infrared thermometer is designed to read temperature parameters through the ears and temples of a person. Almost instant results. Reading time -3-4 seconds. It is often used for babies and babies.

The device is equipped with a special scanning device capable of taking information from different parts of the body and fixing its maximum value. Also, the thermometer can memorize and store the last measurements for some time. To display this data, you must turn off the device and hold the power button for a while.

Sensitec nf 3101 device

This infrared thermometer, the price of which reaches three thousand rubles, is considered the most convenient and technologically advanced device. It has the following unique features:

The temperature scale is 32-42 degrees;

Measurement distance - from five to fifteen centimeters;

Readout time - half a second;

Automatically saves information about the measured object;

Remembers more than 30 last readings;

Automatically shuts off after seven seconds of inactivity.

The non-contact thermometer Sensitec nf 3101 operates on two batteries and weighs about 200 grams. The instrument emits a loud sound when it detects high temperature. The thermometer screen has a bright backlight, so it can be used even when it is dark around. This apparatus detects not only the temperature of the human body, but also of other objects and planes.

Chicco Comfort Quick Ear Thermometer for Newborn Babies

A device for instant information reading from an object. Measures the heat that goes from the eardrum. The small tip of the mechanism allows you to quickly measure the temperature without disturbing the child.

The package with the device contains instructions on how to use the thermometer. It is imperative that you read it in order to use the device properly.

The thermometer has 25 positions, which are necessary for an accurate diagnosis. The menu has a function to switch degrees from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

If the temperature readings rise above 37.5 degrees, a sound signal is emitted. The set also includes two dozen disposable ear tips.

Microlife NC100 non-contact device

The main advantages of this device are the accuracy (the error in the readings does not exceed 0.2 degrees) and reliability. They can measure the temperature of a sleeping child or adult. Also, this thermometer does not need to be constantly disinfected, wiped with alcohol, and so on.

The boundaries of the temperature regime are 34-42 degrees. The backlight of the screen changes color depending on the reading parameters. For example, if the temperature is below 37.5, then the screen glows green, and more - red. The device weighs just over 80 grams.


The infrared sensor has many useful functions. It can be used in various household situations, both for measuring body temperature and for checking the water before bathing. Also, thanks to the contactless device, you can find out if the porridge or water is normal for the child and even the temperature of the place where the baby will be put to rest.

If the child is restless, capricious and spinning, then an infrared thermometer helps a lot. In addition, this device has the function of memorizing the last few indicators, so that the doctor can trace the tendency of the temperature rise and make a more accurate diagnosis.

It can also be emphasized that these mechanisms are hygienic. They can be used even if someone has a viral disease. However, with all its positive aspects, unfortunately, there are certain disadvantages that make you think about whether to purchase this device or not.

The first thing users encounter when buying an infrared thermometer is the frequent breakdown of even seemingly branded models. So, the aforementioned well-known and popular companies that produce such equipment also experience breakdowns or assembly with defects. And this is not to mention the often found counterfeit infrared thermometers on the market.

Therefore, experts advise purchasing the device in those places where they can give a guarantee for the device. And, of course, before buying it, you need to check it for performance. Also, such things must be bought only in pharmacies or specialized stores that have a certificate for the sale of such equipment.

Typically, an IR thermometer taken from a pharmacy is reliable and accurate. But it is also very expensive. As already mentioned, prices for it start at 1.5 thousand rubles. A high-quality and reliable device in our pharmacies from well-known companies reaches a cost of 3 thousand or more rubles.

If, nevertheless, such a device was purchased, you should be aware that errors in measurements may be due to bad batteries. By the way, in these devices it is better not to use rechargeable batteries, since they are weaker than conventional batteries and give, albeit a long, but less charge. And such a high-precision technique as an infrared thermometer is very sensitive to this and therefore can give an incorrect result.

Therefore, only expensive professional medical devices from trusted companies that have been tested upon purchase and with "fresh" batteries installed can guarantee long-term and accurate operation. Cheap options are mostly of poor quality. Buying them is like throwing money away. If you do not have enough finance to buy quality products, then it is better to stop at the choice of an electronic thermometer. At least inexpensive, safe and reliable.