When to have sex after childbirth. Physiological features of a woman after childbirth and sex

After giving birth, much in family life changes. This applies not only to everyday problems and difficulties associated with caring for a child. Many women, after the appearance of a new family member, experience difficulties in returning to sexual activity.

Problems of this kind are usually caused by completely natural physiological and psychological reasons. Both spouses are simply not ready for sexual relations - the memories of the pain experienced by the woman and the obvious fear of the man to bring suffering to his beloved woman are too fresh in their memory. But all difficulties and fears are easily surmountable.

Gynecologists advise postpartum abstinence for 6 weeks. This time is necessary for the woman's body to recover. This applies not only to women who gave birth naturally, but who gave birth by caesarean section. Of course, each couple independently determines their readiness to restore marital relations, but do not rush. Often the concerns are far-fetched, but worth paying attention to. So, how to improve your sex life after childbirth:

1. Weakening of attraction is a completely natural state for the postpartum period. There is no reason for panic or self-flagellation here. Love and trusting relationships will help a woman cope with the insecurity associated with dissatisfaction with her appearance. In addition, you need to remember that the newly-made mother experiences a tremendous load in the first months, she gets very tired. Concentration on the child is explained not only by maternal instinct, but also by the production of a special hormone - prolactin. After a while, when the body adapts to new circumstances, it will give a sign itself.

2. Painful sensations associated with insufficient production of vaginal lubrication.

The production of vaginal lubrication is reduced due to lower levels of the female hormone estrogen. In this case, girls are especially affected, whose menstruation comes later than half a year after giving birth. It is the resumption of the cycle that is an indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

3. Appearance of the postpartum period.

It often takes a mother a sufficient amount of time to get used to her new look, to correct flaws, which, one way or another, become companions of women who have given birth. The mood is spoiled by the ubiquitous stretch marks, which are quite difficult to cope with, a sagging tummy and flabby skin that has lost its elasticity. At this moment, the main thing is not to succumb to stress and not to rush to run to gyms and fitness. Now, more than ever, a woman's body requires the most careful and caring attitude towards itself. In the maternity hospital, they talk about a set of exercises that are shown after childbirth. Doing them will help support and strengthen your muscles.

4. Relationship between spouses.

Each of them is cautious in the postpartum period. It is natural. Both get used to the role of parents. The spouse tries to behave inconspicuously, not wanting to disturb the already tired wife. Do not be afraid to involve a young dad in caring for a child. This will make life easier for you and relax him.

5. New sensations.

The novelty of the sensations of touching different parts of the body for some women becomes very pleasant, while for a number of others they cause discomfort. Only trust and communication will help you relax and return to your old life.

6. Chest.

Many women, preparing for motherhood, are very worried about the shape of their breasts. In fact, the shape of the breast changes insignificantly with the birth of a child and its feeding, and it is quite possible to correct it using special exercises not only after childbirth, but especially during pregnancy. The condition of the breast, as well as the appearance of stretch marks, directly depends on the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In an effort to regain the former beauty of your breasts, do not give up breastfeeding! Here you need to approach the problem in a different way. Apply the baby to the breast more often, be sure to express the remaining milk, which is useful not only for its shape, but also for successful lactation. Never end breastfeeding abruptly, do not overtighten the breast. This will reflect badly on her condition. Refusal from sexual relations can also be caused by the fact that a state of heightened arousal can increase the flow of milk, as a result of which milk puddles form on the bed. Do not be afraid or ashamed of this. It's all to blame for oxytocin, which causes not only childbirth, but also lactation at the time of orgasm.

If your relationship before the birth of the child was not darkened, then the restoration of sexual contact will be painless, no matter how difficult it is to decide and you will not start thinking about the question of how to improve your sex life after childbirth. If you realize that you are ready for sex:

1. Find a method of contraception that works for both of you. Protection should not be abandoned even if you continue to breastfeed and your menstrual cycle has not yet returned. It has been proven that the period of lactational amenorrhea does not completely protect against repeated pregnancy. There are several methods of contraception: an intrauterine device, birth control pills, condoms, and the less effective method, spermicides. Your gynecologist will help you choose the contraceptive medication that is right for you. Remember that many pills cannot be combined with breastfeeding. It is best to use condoms in conjunction with extra lubricant to get started. This will not only reduce the manifestations of pain, but also prevent bacteria from entering the vagina, which, multiplying, can damage unhealed tissues.

2. Choose the right time when your child is sleeping or being supervised. Sometimes it is necessary to completely relax. Turn on the music softly, light the candles. Remember how much joy it gave you before and trust your feelings. Do not strive to get an orgasm the first time, think only about the pleasure that you give yourself.

The difficulties that have arisen in your relationship are easy to overcome, the main thing is how gentle and patient you are with each other!

A healthy and regular intimate life of spouses is the key to family happiness and warm relations between partners. Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth breaks the schedule of sexual relations. The spouse suffers the most from this. He ceases to feel needed and loved, as a result of which disagreements may arise in the family. How to make your intimate life after childbirth improve and when you can sleep with your husband again after the birth of the baby.

Necessity or prejudice

Many husbands believe that the lack of acts of love in the first weeks after childbirth is a relic of the past. Men often do not understand the possible consequences of early resumption of sexual activity and often persuade their wife to intimacy earlier than the due date after childbirth.

Today, experts say that the early resumption of intimacy between spouses can lead to the development of many complications. The period of sexual rest prescribed by the doctor must be strictly observed. During this time, the body of a young mother is recovering after childbirth, postpartum discharge comes out, the uterus, cervix and vagina return to normal. If you cannot withstand the rest period, you can bring an infection into the uterus, which threatens with inflammatory diseases and even infertility.

How long is the rest period

Given the individuality of each organism, it is impossible to say exactly until one day how long the ban on sexual relations between spouses should last. Sexual life after childbirth can be resumed only after the cessation of lochia. If everything is fine with you, the discharge has stopped, and you feel good, you can visit a gynecologist to resolve the issue of resuming intimacy with your spouse.

At the reception, the gynecologist will interrogate you, examine you, take the necessary tests and decide whether you can sleep with your husband, or should you wait a little longer. Usually the rest period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. However, there are exceptions.
So, for example, if a young mother has postpartum complications, the rest period can be extended until complete recovery.

As a rule, pregnancy and childbirth significantly change the usual sexual life of partners - for all nine months of waiting for a baby, we are afraid that sexual intercourse can interrupt pregnancy, and, after the birth of a child, many mothers simply have no time to think about sex life. So start to resume sexual activity after childbirth, you need to carefully and competently.

Many husbands, missing the body of a young mother and wife, try to sex life after childbirth started as early as possible. This is due to the fact that they feel deprived of care and attention, because after childbirth, a woman devotes all her strength to caring for and raising a baby.

Medically, earlier resumption of sexual activity after childbirth can bring very unpleasant consequences for a young mother, because the female reproductive system after childbirth should get stronger, and this takes time.

So, when, after all, it is possible to resume sexual activity after childbirth?

Doctors advise to start having sex only when all the consequences of labor have disappeared. In addition, before resuming sexual relations after the birth of a baby, you must definitely visit gynecologist's consultation... He will not only conduct a thorough examination of the woman's genitals, prescribe treatment, if necessary, but also advise you on the most suitable one. method of contraception, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy and not.

How long after childbirth?

Many medical books write about sex life after childbirth, it can begin no earlier than 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby. It is during this period that it returns to its original state, frees itself from the remnants of blood and all damaged tissues are restored. Experts insist that sexual intercourse is not recommended until until the young mom stops bleeding... Otherwise, you can get an infection in the uterus or vagina.

If, during childbirth, any complications arose: episitomy, perineal rupture, etc., then the period of abstinence may last until the final healing of all sutures.

How to deal with temporary inconveniences?

Very often, after childbirth, partners change the anatomical relationships of the genitals, which can lead to some inconvenience.

Due to the strong that occurs during childbirth, for some time it is in a relaxed and sluggish state. This often causes depression in women, because they cannot fully experience orgasm, and men, in this regard, experience discomfort - in the first months, due to the expansion of the vagina, a man may not feel close contact.

However, like the traditional one, to restore the tone of the vagina, it recommends that women do special gymnastics, the meaning of which lies in the voluntary seduction of a single muscle of the perineum, covering the entrance to the anus and into the vagina.

Very often, after childbirth, not only physical problems arise, but also psychological problems. Such difficulties can arise for various reasons: some young mothers fear that their genital injuries have not yet healed to the end, others are simply afraid of pain, and some, due to postpartum depression, generally lose their sexual desire. Many young mothers get so tired during the day that they do not want absolutely anything, and even sex.

But we can assure you that all these problems are temporary. Every woman's body is unique, and each of them needs a certain period of time to recover from childbirth. Someone will need only a few days for this, and some 2-3 months. You just need to be patient, and not only to the young mother, but also to the husband!

Good day everyone! How are you? Can you already congratulate you on your discharge from the hospital? Perfectly! There is a lot of trouble ahead with the baby, tiring, but terribly pleasant. Only attention will be demanded not by one baby, but also by a young dad.

And many mothers are interested in how long after childbirth can you have sex? After all, we ourselves want to quickly return to a full life, as before the birth of a baby. What problems can lie in wait for? What do you need to know to go well the first time? This and not only I want to talk about in today's article.

This question is asked by all women, without exception. But there is no typical answer. Childbirth is different for everyone. Someone tolerates this easily, someone makes incisions, sutures, and there is a delivery by cesarean section. But as far as I know women in labor, everyone in the extracts wrote one thing: after 4 - 6 weeks. And after cesarean as much as 6 - 8.

Read also about why you need it and how to choose the right one.

It depends on how well the body is recovering. Before discharge, women in labor should undergo a routine ultrasound scan in order to see how the uterus behaves. Unfortunately, many people stop their examinations at this point. Sleepless nights, scheduled feedings, diapers ... Oh! Also dragging somewhere to be checked? No really! Most do that. But after a month or a month and a half, you need to come back to the antenatal clinic. You need to keep your body under control. Even the easiest childbirth is stressful. In any case, recovery is needed. Only then do the doctors recommend intimacy.

Another point is lochia. Discharge of blood, reminiscent of menstruation. Do you know how many days they go? 21 to 45! Therefore, the end of such discharge will be another piece of news that you can resume sex life! But, again, the doctor should definitely look and give his recommendations.

So why go to a gynecologist, and why has sex been banned for almost 2 months?

Why can't you have sex right after giving birth?

Millions of women are asking this question. And not because I really want to throw myself from the maternity chair into the arms of my husband. Of course not. Simply, if there is a prohibition, then there must be a justification! What if something is wrong in the body? Why not? There are several reasons for this:

  • Immunity weakens. Even if you feel great, there is an insane amount of different processes going on inside. Against their background, our immune system weakens. It will recover, of course, but it takes time. Another question is that in this situation, there is a risk of infection in the woman's genitourinary system. Then, write - it's gone! Do you need such a risk? You have a baby now, you need to take care of yourself!
  • Risk of bleeding. If the baby was born by natural childbirth, the walls of the vagina are damaged. And the blood vessels begin to move towards the surface. There is a risk of injury to the walls of the vagina, respectively, bleeding. Then we urgently need to send the mother in an ambulance.
  • Seams. Many of my signs were imposed, one even 8 pieces outside and the same amount inside. Therefore, until they dissolve, no, no, no.
  • Lochia. If you have already encountered this term, you can imagine what it is. Until the uterus heals, they will come out. Do you really get pleasure here?
  • Emotional mood, and both. There are many men who are afraid that they will hurt the other half. Of course, there is also the opposite type, which sticks regardless of the situation. So to speak, their need to satisfy. And our attitude is not always good for the men.

These are the most typical restrictions. And there are all sorts of complications ... There generally comes the waiting time for sexual intercourse and up to 3 - 4 months. But I'm sure you're doing well! And the doctor gives the go-ahead. What to do next?

First proximity

It happens for everyone for different reasons. And here we must take into account not only our capabilities, but also desires. Most young moms just don't want intimacy. And for a long time. And there are a number of reasons for this:

But debt payment is red, especially matrimonial. Therefore, many take this step to please the husband. Although they themselves would have waited. In any case, this point must be agreed between the spouses. But there are also women who have a desire. And their sensations become brighter than before pregnancy (when they taste). I don’t know what explains this moment. Only even if you want to expect something special from sexual intercourse with your husband is not worth it. What do most of us feel?


If you are just deciding to resume sex, you probably have a lot of thoughts! Among them there is fear, even self-doubt. Someone thinks that because of the tortured appearance they are no longer needed by the spouse. This problem sits inside the head. A short respite will help. We must try to find time for ourselves. I'm not talking about beauty salons, but you can impose, take care of it. You will see, with these simple actions, you will regain your confidence, and, therefore, attractiveness.

If you have already had your first intimacy after the birth of your baby, most likely the sensations were not the same as before. Do not worry! This happens to almost everyone. There are very few among us who would not have experienced at least some kind of pain. Of course, it can be of a different nature. Someone has a pain in the vagina itself, as if the muscles are overtightened and do not want to relax. Others have a stomach ache, which is also considered the norm, especially after a cesarean. After all, there are seams not only on the skin, but also on the uterus itself.

It turns out that soreness is the norm. But it will pass, gradually, but it will pass. By the way, if you have your first childbirth, the soreness is stronger. According to statistics, the second time it goes a little easier. But why does this pain occur?

Why is there pain?

So that long-awaited evening came, the child was bathed and put to bed. And you and your spouse have decided to resume sexual relations. It seems that the doctor gave the go-ahead, but out of nowhere, pain arose. Unexpected, right? Do not be alarmed, it happens often. There are several reasons for this:

  • Vaginal dryness. If there is no desire in you, then this is a natural process. Everywhere it is advised to use lubricants, but only at first. Set them aside after a couple of months.
  • Postpartum sutures. Although they dragged on, they can bother you for a long time. And the fact that the stomach hurts may be the norm. Of course, if you experience severe pain, it is best to see a doctor. Moreover, if the time has passed 2 months.
  • Physiological changes in the body. Even for those who have gone through a cesarean, not only the uterus contracts, but also the vagina. This process also causes painful sensations. There is a feeling that this is happening for the first time.

In addition to painful feelings, you are still constantly afraid that the child will wake up. Well, you never know? In general, you have to get used to it. After all, you are now not two, but three. And this takes time and adherence to some rules. They will help to return, and, perhaps, increase the old feelings!

Rules of behavior

I already wrote that for many, postpartum sex is compared to the first experience. And the whole point is in a complex of reasons, not only physiological, but also psychological. So what to do? Moreover, many people hammer into their heads that if the husband waits a couple more weeks, he will collect the bundle, and dump it to another. Don't worry, these are extreme measures. But, the fact remains. And since you are ready to give your spouse pleasure, let him follow a few simple rules. After all, a lot depends on him!

  • Visit your doctor first. Although the statement contains numbers in 4-6 weeks, be sure of your health.
  • Try to gain strength and sleep. Moreover, if the initiator is the spouse, let him sit with a crumb on the weekend, and you can relax.
  • Regardless of the fact that almost from the first days you may have a desire, be prepared for unpleasant sensations. We have already discussed the reasons with you above.
  • Ask the other half to be very careful. No need to gain overclocking like before. Let it slow down. And choose sparing poses.

There are those who are in order with their health. But normal sensations return only after six months. Do not be surprised, and it may be so. The main thing is that there are no vague discharge and pain that does not decrease. As a rule, even if it hurts the first time, the second and third time these feelings are dulled. Perhaps there will be no pleasure yet, but the pain also becomes less every time.

Share your experience. How is postpartum recovery going? What do you feel? Have you dared to have the first intimacy? Leave your comments! And also, subscribe to blog updates. All the best. Bye!

Obviously, becoming a mom is a wonderful feeling that fills life with meaning.

Even if you have given birth to a child, remember! You are still a desirable woman that a man loves.

Most of the fair sex say that the first sex after natural childbirth is very similar to "the very first time." And there is a completely physiological explanation for this statement. The birth of a baby is the most exciting and important event in the life of a family. The first weeks after childbirth significantly change the normal rhythm of a woman's life. And this leads to certain permutations.

The human body is a purely individual biological system that reacts to external stimuli in completely different ways. There are women who, right after giving birth, dream of passionate love with their husbands. But there are not too many such "priestesses". Official statistics claim that 50% of women in labor experience sexual dysfunction within 3 months. In 18% there is a continuation of apathy for closeness up to 1 year. How to behave in this case? What are the methods for normalizing attraction to your partner? How quickly is first sex possible? Hundreds of millions of people are interested in these questions. Let's deal with these problems in detail.

Sexual rules after childbirth

Physiological and psychological basis

The return to intimate life after childbirth should be gradual. Most couples will no longer experience the same sensations in bed that they had before. Such a replacement of feelings is not associated with a loss of interest in each other. This transformation is based on a different (more mature) understanding of partners. Spiritual rather than sexual affinity begins to unite parents. So why is it worth a little delay with the beginning of an intimate life after the birth of a child?

In practice, a young family often faces one problem - the lack of sex due to the birth of a baby. Maybe the former passion of partners has faded away? Far from it. Love and ardor will surely prevail when physiological and psychological reasons return to normal. First, the female body really needs a break. Secondly, subconsciously, not every woman is ready for love after psychological stress.

After childbirth, the body of the "newly made" mother undergoes restorative processes:

  • after the birth of the baby, the uterus is gradually cleared. For 60 days, the internal organ removes lochia (specific discharge). This process is characterized by a gradually fading character;
  • A woman's relationship has certain damages. It is for this reason that any kind of penetration can provoke severe pain. A dangerous infection can easily penetrate through loose seams, which will bring additional disorders and diseases.

Thus, loving spouses have to wait until sex becomes a source of happiness, rather than worries and fears. But when the rehabilitation period has passed, and intimate life is not observed, then we are talking about psychological discomfort. Consider the main reasons that may precede this situation:

  1. Significant change in priorities. This can be called a natural instinct. Now mom pays all her attention to one baby. She simply does not think about pleasure, but is guided by a reflex, which manifests itself in caring for a newborn;
  2. The presence of a complex in relation to your body. It's no secret that most women are very worried about their forms. Now, when excess weight has appeared, the tummy has increased, stretch marks have formed, postoperative sutures are healing, and serious worries of the spouse may arise. In this case, the man should support her and convince her otherwise.
  3. Postpartum depression. The burden of responsibility can unsettle even the most powerful woman in character and determination;
  4. Chronic fatigue. Mom is on duty 24 hours a day and does all the chores around the house. Thus, the emotional sphere is under serious stress, which affects the activity in bed.

Science has long established that at the time of breastfeeding a baby, a woman produces a special hormone. These biologically active substances cause sensations that are similar to orgasm. It is for this reason that a woman does not need intimacy with her husband. That's why she doesn't need sex.

How much should you abstain from sex after childbirth?

Abruption of the placenta forms a continuous wound at the site. This surface is unprotected. Therefore, the infection can easily penetrate the organ and provoke the development of additional disorders and complications. Even the smallest accumulation of dirt during intercourse can become a source of dangerous inflammation. It is for this reason that doctors recommend waiting for the time after childbirth and improving the condition of the female vagina. After all, it is the muscular organ that is significantly stretched when a baby is born.

Most of the fair sex is firmly convinced that having sex after a cesarean section can be started earlier than the recommended weeks of abstinence. This reasoning is absolutely wrong. Even if the operation does not extend to the vaginal area, the placenta still requires healing. A special scar is formed on the uterus, which should get stronger and harden. How long does it take to start a sex life? This question is purely individual and depends on the personal characteristics of the organism.

Intimate life after cesarean section

The KS surgical procedure is a complex surgical intervention that involves cutting the abdomen and uterus. It is worth noting that the muscle structures of the vagina remain completely intact. As a result, the woman begins to experience different sensations from sex. In some cases, the recovery period may be longer than with natural childbirth. The quality of the sutures depends on the level of professionalism of the performed operation. If done carefully, the healing process will be short-lived. The first sex after childbirth can take place after 6-8 weeks.

This information is of an average nature, since the organism is a strictly individual system. Some women can easily start caring for their baby in the maternity hospital, others recover up to 30 days after the operation.

The most optimal option for determining the state of the uterus is ultrasound. Digital technology makes it possible to clearly verify the scarring of the stitches and determine how much more sex is not allowed. This information can be advised by a qualified doctor. In some cases, a full sex life can come in six months. If you ignore the advice of a specialist, you can earn additional complications.

Exercise system for rehabilitation

After what time is it rational to start intimacy in bed? How to reduce the painful waiting? The Postpartum Intimate Muscle Health Exercise System is an important platform for recovery. After the birth of a baby, the vagina undergoes significant changes. The muscular organ is stretched and needs to be normalized to its previous size.

To speed up this process, rehabilitation doctors recommend performing special exercises.

For example, the Kegel task contributes to a significant increase in sexual tone and an increase in the blood supply to the organs of the reproductive system. Wellness activities control orgasm clearly. Experienced sexologists recommend that women “stop urine” at the moment when the process of urination is active. This area of ​​muscle fibers must be gradually trained. The main point of this workout is relaxation and muscle tension at different rates. It is allowed to do the exercises at any time convenient for you.

Recovering the feeling of sex after childbirth is an art that closely correlates with wellness training. How long should they be produced? It all depends on the state of the woman's body and her biological potential, which is laid down by nature itself. Physiologists say that the sensitivity of the vagina after the birth of the baby in the mother is significantly reduced.

Arnold Kegel's simple exercises were originally designed for people who suffered from urinary incontinence. However, later clinical studies have shown that healing effects have a positive effect on the sexual tone of a woman's body. As a rule, sex after childbirth becomes much more pleasant and desirable for the fair sex. Thus, simple, systematic exercises can improve intimate life and improve family relationships.


About 1/3 of women begin to experience orgasm only after childbirth. As a result, sex becomes better quality and goes to a new level. A strong hormonal shock during the breastfeeding period of the baby activates the work of all systems of the mother's body. The psychology of women is undergoing a significant transformation and becomes more open to the outside world. At about 30 years old, a woman's sexuality is fully revealed. Often it is at this age that she is ready to give birth to a child.

A healthy psychological state directly affects a good lactation. Adhere to the recommended deadlines given by your doctor. A relaxing massage is perfect for relieving physical stress. The choice of contraception must be wise. Contraception should not affect the quality of breast milk. Competently approach this issue and look positively at what is happening around.

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