When they celebrate the new year in australia. How New Years are celebrated in Australia. Customs and traditions observed by local residents during the New Year holidays. Greeting - handshake

There are hundreds of different cultures in the world, dozens of popular religious trends, and traditions that have formed against the background of positive and negative changes in each country. They influenced the mentality of the indigenous people and created a unique format for the main celebration of the year.

When is New Year in Australia and how it is celebrated: a country with a warm climate and open people loves celebration very much - it is greeted on a grand scale and carefully prepared for it.

Importance of the New Year

New Year's Eve rightfully bears the title of the most popular celebration on the planet. Year after year, regardless of religion, people gather at the same table to say goodbye to the old year and start a new one. They fill the event not only with strength, but also with hope.

Families are gathering, people who have recently met, but have already felt the kinship of souls, close and distant relatives. NG becomes an occasion to reevaluate your own life. To forgive insults and start a new life cycle with a pure heart and soul.

The most delicious dishes are prepared for this day. Traditional treats or dishes of someone else's foreign cuisine will decorate any festive table. A special feature of the celebration is its unique atmosphere. In whatever country of the world the New Year is celebrated, it is a special, nostalgic holiday. A holiday suitable for changes - mental and physical.

Open air party

Australia has warm winters and cool summers. Most of the year, the climate on the continent is temperate. The beginning of summer falls in December: by this time, Europeans or Americans are switching to warm clothes, and then they are actively preparing for the New Year.

It gets hot at the other end of the hemisphere, so most of the traditional New Year's paraphernalia cannot withstand high temperatures. For the celebration, Australians celebrate the peak of the season - surfing is popular along the coast, so for every indigenous person, the morning begins with a walk by the ocean.

New Years in Australia and its traditions will amaze any tourist. The indigenous people do not like to sit at home. The weather favors not only walking, but also mass festivities near the beach. The average temperature by New Year's Eve reaches + 30-35 ° С, therefore, it is problematic to celebrate the change of life cycles inside the premises.

An open-air party is the best choice for tourists and Australian residents. This format of the event allows you to come up with a lot of entertainment and fun fun. Sitting at home without fresh air is not accepted among relatives in Australia.

New Year's coming

Due to the size of the mainland, NG comes to Australia gradually. At the coast, the first to meet the arrival of a new cycle. Norfolk - a place where January 1 starts earlier than the rest of the planet, opens the doors to the new year. Immediately after it, the holiday is celebrated in the eastern part of Australia.

The capital, Sydney, is ranked among the lucky ones. The southern part of the mainland meets the winter triumph last. After that, the celebration spreads throughout the world. Because of this peculiarity, the celebration takes place in an unusual way: each region is proud of its unique traditions.

Celebration and Sydney

In the capital, it is also not customary to celebrate the main holiday under the roof of buildings. Adults and children take to the streets, see off the old year and go to the main square. A popular destination for celebrations in Sydney is the harbor. Indigenous people and tourist guests converge on the water. Instead of chimes - traditional for Europeans, fireworks are launched.

How New Year is celebrated in central Australia:

  • not less than 500 thousand spectators gather around the harbor - an observation deck is being prepared in advance so that people do not crowd on one piece of the pier;
  • the show, made of fireworks, always adheres to a certain style - the organizers of the show every year try to surprise the audience, combine different technologies;
  • to create a New Year's atmosphere, small light shows are additionally arranged.

An equally interesting celebration takes place on the streets of the capital. Even in the most remote parts of the city, fireworks are heard. On the main square, at an altitude of more than 200 meters, you can see a light show: adults and children can enjoy it. After that, a festive concert begins.

A good option for celebrating the Australian New Year is a river trip. Floating under the "blossoming" fireworks, each viewer will feel the real festive atmosphere.

Australians celebrate New Year's Eve in the middle of summer without unnecessary paraphernalia. The color of the country completely replaces unnecessary decorations. Sydney relies on nighttime illumination to highlight the city's true beauty. For the New Year, shop windows are decorated on the central streets.

Celebration in other cities in Australia

Other cities in Australia are interesting for tourists. Dance parties are held annually in Melbourne. All comers can cheerfully and naturally celebrate the New Year. On the eve, dance floors or small stages are set up, on which the best dancers of the country demonstrate their skills.

An open-air dance floor opens in Melbourne's main square. Hundreds of tourists and indigenous people follow the rhythm of the loud music. There are several presenters at such events. They periodically organize contests and dance battles. Participation in the party is free.

The celebration takes place with various competitions - everyone can show their talents, declare themselves as a musician. Neither a tourist nor an Australian will hear any condemnation or criticism on the eve of the New Year. On such a cheerful note, Brisbane is stepping towards next year.

The city of Victoria is famous for its unusual holiday. Following the example of Brisbane, many musicians gather in the city. The annual festival is an opportunity for young talents - they present their work, and the winner of the New Year's Eve will receive a valuable prize.

Young people in Australia love such a holiday: lovers of different music come to Victoria. Instead of chiming chimes, all cars turn on the siren, and the spectators of the music festival blow their whistles. This is how a new cycle of life begins.

Oceania and New Year

Oceania meets the coming life cycle unusually. It is a system of islands that surround Australia on all sides. Traditionally, the inhabitants of Oceania are preparing for the celebration: they come up with a new menu, try unusual dishes. There are traditions atypical for a European that will be of interest to tourists.

What Australian custom can hit on New Year's Eve:

  1. The Caroline Islands are famous for changing the names of all family members on the eve of the celebration.
    A secret ritual takes place on January 1st. Having woken up in the morning, household members gather in one room. Before that, you can't talk to anyone. All family members form a circle. After that, the household members alternately lean towards the ear of the neighbor on the right. They whisper new names to each other. You cannot pronounce names loudly so that evil spirits do not hear them. By tradition, the new name serves as a kind of talisman throughout the year. Nobody is told about him except relatives. The New Year's custom is designed to cleanse the home of negativity, and give strength for accomplishment for the next months.
  2. On the territory of Micronesia, it is customary to create money on the eve of the celebration.
    Every inhabitant of the islands goes to the forest. There he finds a special tree - it is distinguished by hard, bright red leaves. A circle is constructed from the foliage. From childhood, kids are taught how to weave such a craft. For Micronesia, on New Year's Eve, the circle is money. Its weight can reach up to 10 kg. The larger the circle, the denser it is, the richer the Micronesian. Products, things or even brides are bought for the craft - no one can refuse the owner of the largest red circle.

Oceania is distinguished by its traditions. There are almost no European customs in this part of Australia. There are no Christmas trees or garlands in the houses. The meeting of a new cycle for the inhabitants of Oceania is a special moment that is dedicated to themselves, and not to those around them.

Australian new year characters

Due to the hot climate in Australia, there is no need for New Year's attributes. Usually, there are artificial Christmas trees inside the houses, which do not smell, but create the right festive atmosphere.

Garlands are used, some dishes brought from other continents. Santa Claus or Santa Claus is also different.

If the traditionally kind old man is dressed in a long coat and a hat, then for Australia the character is exposed in a more comfortable form.

Only a beard and a bag of gifts remained with such a Grandfather. The character puts on a red T-shirt and shorts. Due to the high ambient temperature, even the grandfather's hat is missing. Celebrating the New Year in Australia is about facing Santa Claus only in swimming trunks or with a short beard. The character does not have a cart or a deer. Grandpa comes on a big ball, and his arrival is always unexpected.

Common customs

Australia on New Year's Eve is transforming into its characteristic manner - leisurely, without wasting energy. Victoria Park is a popular destination for tourists on New Year's Eve. He finds in the center of the capital.

New Year's decoration is not much different from the appearance of the park, which can be seen at any other time of the year. Minimal decor, tree, small decorations. Australians don't like to waste time decorating.

The holiday does not drag on. If the Slavs or Europeans walk until the morning, then the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland immediately after the chimes go home. The next morning they have the second wave of the holiday.

As soon as the sun goes down, the Australians continue to walk and start walking around the guests. Artificial Christmas trees are dressed up with colorful balls. In this, the Australians are also not inventing anything new.

Wealthy families can afford natural spruce, but it does not stay idle for long. A myrtle tree is installed instead of a Christmas tree. In remote regions, it is called the New Year's tree, and is decorated with toys. Gifts are given - according to the wealth and tastes of loved ones. Distant relatives are rarely called to the celebration.

Festive table

Due to the format of the celebration, when all the inhabitants of Australia take to the streets or go to the harbor, few people are engaged in the preparation of the festive table. Noisy parties are held with simple snacks.

Have you been to Australia on New Years?


The older generation who stay at home prepares several traditional dishes. Steaks and tarts are often found on the Australian New Years table. Traditionally, fortune cookies or pies with coins are made - whoever gets it will be lucky next year.

In Australia, guests are honored with a meat pie. It is prepared only by experienced housewives due to a complex recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation.


Meeting NG on another mainland is a huge chance for a curious tourist. Australia differs from Europe, Asia or America not only in the time of meeting a new life cycle, but also in climate.

It is very hot on the mainland, so all Australians go to the streets or go to the harbor, where fireworks are launched instead of chimes. The indigenous people do not prepare many dishes. They celebrate the arrival of the New Year until midnight, and in the morning they begin to visit the homes of close friends.

New years eve australian holidays known all over the world. Not only is Australia one of the countries where the new year comes first, but being in the southern hemisphere, Australians also enjoy Christmas and New York holidays in the midst of its summer time. In Russia, all the inhabitants of the country are eating the New Year and are preparing thoroughly by the new year so that they will remember the holiday for the whole year. Read on for a Happy New Year in Australia.

At this time of year, tourists from all over the world flock to land. While most people are attracted by the spectacular fireworks display in Sydney, there are many others. reasons why you should spend New York in Australia .

In this article, you will learn about the various opportunities available to foreign tourists that looking for a unique Australian New Years experience... In addition, you will learn how plan your vacation v end of the year, to ensure a relaxing and stress-free time, from getting the correct Australian visa to avoiding crowds.

Who has New Year's first?

It is widely believed that Australia is the first country to start celebrating. However, while the New Year's sun rises quite early here, Australia is only ranked 5th in list of countries that mark New York first... These:

  1. Tonga
  2. Samoa
  3. Kiribati
  4. New Zealand
  5. Australia

How do Australians celebrate New Years?

Australia is a very diverse country and has something for every taste. In large cities celebrate the new year fireworks and parties with music. Masquerades and theme parties are common and parades are also very popular.

However, the country also boasts unique landscapes and stunning natural beauty. Given that January temperatures are ideal for outdoor activities, it should come as no surprise that many Australians have chosen to hold onto away from the main urban centers. Sea cruises, parks and beaches, and even camping in nature reserves are all popular alternatives. Many have decided to throw their own party - usually featuring a classic Australian BBQ - and invite friends and family to their home.

When the clock strikes midnight, party people hug, shake hands or kiss each other to express their joy.

Where can I watch New York City Fireworks in Sydney?

There is nothing better than watching the fireworks above Sydney Harbor... The event is so iconic that over 1.5 million people come to the city center to experience what many believe the biggest fireworks display in New York .

Here the best places to watch the show :

  • Mary Booth Nature Reserve... Capacity: 4500 people. Opening hours: 8 am.
  • Cremorne Point... Capacity: 7,000 people. Opening hours: 13:00.
  • Bradfield Park... Capacity: 35,000 people. Opening hours: 8 am.
  • Blues Point Reserve... Capacity: 15,000 people. Opening hours: 8 am.
  • Darling Harbor... Capacity: 40,000 people. Opening hours: 11 am.

the entrance is free for all of the above locations. However, alcohol is not allowed. These are all very popular places for both locals and visitors, so they can get very crowded. It is highly recommended to arrive in advance .

For those who like to celebrate the New Year with a toast, there are several panoramic places where you can drink, for example, Birchgrove Park.

Alternatives to Sydney Fireworks: Where to Go to Australia for New York City

If you've seen fireworks before or would rather stay away from crowded places, Australia has many other things to do on New Year's Eve. Music, food and wine, as well as nature Are just a few of the reasons why Down Under celebrations are worth applying for an Australian visa and booking a plane ticket to the other side of the world.

Watch the last sunset of the year in Western Australia

Western Australia beaches are renowned for what they offer the most beautiful sunsets in the country as well as ideal surfing conditions. If you decide to enjoy the last hours of the year, riding the wave or at one of the many white parties organized on popular beaches, this will be one of them.

Music and nature at the Lost Paradise festival

Those who like the idea of ​​dancing for a whole year will probably be amazed by this four-day music festival in the center of 12,000 hectares of shrubs in the Glenworth Valley. The festival is completely sustainable and dedicated to leaving the land as untouched as it thinks it is.

Speeches local and foreign artists alternating with talks, yoga workshops and traditional indigenous activities.

Australia's largest food and wine festival

Foodies and wine lovers alike should head to Hobart for five unforgettable days for the festival Taste of Tasmania... It is the largest and longest running food and wine festival in the country.

You can expect waterfront performances, performances and live music, as well as traditional New Year's fireworks to accompany more than 70 visitors, showcasing Australia's finest delicacies, from world-renowned wines to seafood and cheese.

Guided tour of the most famous landmarks of the Northern Territory

For those who really want to avoid congested cities, there are several operators who organize luxury tours to New York in Kemerovo on Uluru and Kings Canyon... These rock formations are considered the very heart of Australia, known throughout the world for its importance in indigenous culture. The view of the sacred Iyer Rock and the many walks in Kings Canyon National Park is probably no match for any other celebration.

NYE Australia planning ahead

As with always travel planning, playing ahead is key and can make a huge difference to your experience and budget. Remember this counts high season in Australian tourism, and transportation and lodging are in high demand. Book early to avoid disappointment and costly tickets.

Moreover, you will not be granted entry into the country if you do not have valid Australian visa... The easiest and fastest way to get is an Electronic Travel Agency (ETA) and an eVisitor. Both can be served completely online in minutes from anywhere in the world.

Do you want to spend the Christmas holidays exotic and interesting? Then you definitely need to spend the New Year in Australia. For the inhabitants of the Green Continent, this holiday is of great importance, and it is celebrated on the mainland for a whole month.

Australian New Year is festive processions across the country, colorful parties, theme songs, concerts and all kinds of entertainment events that every traveler will undoubtedly appreciate. Something, but the Australians know how to have fun! So what does Australia offer for the New Year?

When does the Australian New Year begin

If you are interested in New Year's holidays in Australia, then you worth knowing that NG on the mainland begins to celebrate on December 24.

For four days from that date, each city of the Green Continent turns into one large company.

People visit each other families walk along the embankments and visit restaurants and cafes where they try local cuisine.

Consider that when Christmas comes in Australia, as a rule, in megacities and provinces it will not be possible to visit museums and entertainment centers. For the period of New Year's holidays, everything on the mainland seems to stop and close.

But this does not mean that the excursion program will not be rich for the rest period. Australia is beautiful even without museums. During Christmas recreation in Australia, you can walk through cities, national parks and relax on the pristine beaches.

Where to relax on New Years in Australia

Interested in cheap tours to Australia for the New Year? Then note on tourist programs in, which include a visit to the park with wild Australian animals, as well as a boat trip along the coast of Sydney.

You can also try another entertainment in Sydney - take an evening helicopter flight over the city. Aerial view of the metropolis will leave an unforgettable experience.

Want to go on a sea tour to Australia and celebrate New Year somewhere in a remote exotic location? Then be sure to choose a tour for.

White sand beaches, unique Australian flora and fauna, as well as comfortable rooms in hotels on the coast - that's what it is. to meet the New Year is exotic!

A popular type of holiday for the New Year in Australia there is also a jeep safari on Stradbroke Island. Here, after an extreme trip, you can safely fish on the shore and catch seafood.

Interesting to know! January 1 is a day off in Australia. Most Australians host beach parties, picnics and surf carnivals on this day.

For gambling tourists who want to spend New Year's holidays in Australia in a bohemian and luxurious way, tours are offered, the program of which includes visits to the best casinos on the mainland. You will be able to place bets both in the ancient first casinos in Australia, and to “actively” relax in the modern casino complexes of the mainland.

New Year's tours to Australia involve not only relaxation. For travelers who want plunge into the history of the Green Continent and combine the celebration of the New Year and Christmas, tours with programs that include a trip to Kuranda will be interesting.

Contrast will be provided, because tour operators traditionally offer to first visit a high-mountain aboriginal settlement, and then go on a cruise to the coral reef Aqincourt. How about scuba diving and snorkeling in the depths of the ocean? It will be easy on a cruise!

In addition to the above possible holiday options for the New Year in Australia also worth remembering that at the end of December, in every corner of this exotic country, you can feel the approach of the holiday and join in the general pre-holiday euphoria.

It could be like participation in street parties with fireworks, and relaxing on the beach, where Santa Claus in short shorts and Mrs Santa in a swimsuit will create a special festive atmosphere.

Interesting to know! The best place to celebrate the New Year in Australia is Sydney Harbor. On New Year's Eve, the city of Sydney is famous for the grandiose fireworks from the famous arch bridge.

A Christmas vacation in Australia is a great option not only to celebrate the New Year on an exotic continent with unique flora and fauna, but also an opportunity visit the most interesting places in Australia.

In addition, you can try for yourself all kinds of recreation- from relaxing with a cocktail on the beach to hiking in the mountains and scuba diving in the depths of the sea.

Even though Australia is located on the other side of the earth, it is inhabited mainly by former Europeans who once brought the traditions and customs of old Europe to the green continent. Wherever you celebrate the New Year, its main meaning is to sum up and complete the calendar period. And it doesn't matter where you live: in Australia or Russia, Honduras or Canada - everywhere the New Year celebration is fun, laughter, joy and hope for a brighter future. And everywhere people are equally sure that as you celebrate the New Year, this is how it will turn out as a result.

How New Years are celebrated in Australia

In Australia, it is very difficult with Christmas trees, as well as snow and frosty New Year's Eve. But this is not a problem, and the Australians have fun and hang out no worse than the Americans and Europeans (they generally like to celebrate, be it the New Year or another holiday). The onset of the New Year in Australia falls on the hottest season, so only one beard remains from Santa Claus. Imagine, a kind of bearded man walks with a bag of gifts and in swimming trunks. He also appears unexpectedly, sailing to the shore on the surf, and as you understood from the festive attribute such a grandfather has only swimming trunks, a beard and a hat with a pompom.

Unlike us, Australians consider the New Year not to be at home, but as a party holiday. They prefer noisy companies in numerous pubs, funny noisy songs and, of course, a sea of ​​beer, champagne and whiskey. But even inside such pubs, they prefer not to linger, going there only for a glass of alcohol, and only then, having received a drink, they continue to have fun in the open air.

New Year in Australia: Traditions

A favorite place to celebrate the New Year in Australia is Victoria Park, which is located in the center of Canberra, the country's capital. On a hot New Year's Eve, locals and many tourists gather in the open air, so the Australian New Year is truly turning into the most international holiday. But the most interesting thing is that noisy and cheerful Australians, unlike the crowd of tourists, do not attach much importance to the New Year and immediately after midnight disciplinedly go home. The very next day, at 6 or 7 in the morning, they begin their normal, everyday life, here's the tradition.

New Years in Australia and Oceania

In addition to the inhabitants of Australia, the many microstates around the green continent also celebrate the New Year. One of them is the Caroline Islands. Apparently, paranoia among the inhabitants of this dwarf country has been raised to a state rank, so every year the entire population changes their names. It happens as follows: waking up on the first day of the year, all family members, covering their mouths with their palm, pronounce their new names in each other's ear. And one of the relatives is frantically beating the drum. It is he who saves information from evil spirits, which, according to the beliefs of the inhabitants of the islands, are wiretapping. If on January 1, the residents were not at home, and there is no saving drum around, then a stick will do to jam the wiretapping, but if there is no stick, the palm will do. The main thing is to knock loudly.

The inhabitants of Micronesia went even further in their New Year's rituals. They are engaged in making money at all. Only this money is unusual, however, like the inhabitants themselves, therefore, in order to make it, the inhabitants of Micronesia go to the forests, where they find red feathers, and then stick them together in the shape of a circle. It turns out to be a huge circle. The weight of such a circle can be up to 10 kilograms. And what has the money to do with it? These very circles serve as the local currency. In exchange for them, you can buy groceries in the store and pay for the bride. And God forbid, your bride was born a real beauty, because in this case you have to glue an incredible set of red feathers.

This is how New Years are celebrated in Australia and Oceania!

It was impossible to get home without transfers, so I decided to fly through the neighboring one. I made it in advance, bought a ticket from the low-cost airline Jetstar, and booked the hostel on the basis of “the cheapest bed on New Year's Eve”.


For some reason, there is an opinion that Australians are the first to celebrate the New Year, but Google easily debunks this misconception. The residents of the Republic of Kiribati in Oceania are the first to celebrate the holiday, then New Zealand, Kamchatka, and only three hours later the Australians do it. But Australian festivals are famous all over the planet. We'll just start to cut the Olivier when all the news will show footage of the Sydney fireworks - one of the most spectacular shows in the world. This is as big an event as the 4th July fireworks in the USA.

New Years in Australia are celebrated in the summer. For residents of the middle lane, who are accustomed to snow and frost at the end of December, this is almost surrealism: it seems to be +35 in the yard, and everywhere there are decorated Christmas trees, garlands hang and Christmas songs are heard. Instead of snow, there is sand on the beach, surfing replaces snowboarding, and kangaroos replaces deer.

“Instead of snow, there is sand on the beach, surfing replaces snowboarding, and kangaroos replaces deer. The Australian version of Santa is a tanned surfer in red swimming trunks who does not come from the snowy forests, but floats on a board from the ocean. "

The Australian version of Santa is a tanned surfer in red swimming trunks who does not come from snowy forests, but floats on a board from the ocean. From the usual he wears only a red cap and a cotton beard. But he does not violate the New Year's traditions: he comes with gifts and sweets, only he puts them not under the trees, but under the tropical plant Metrosideros, which replaces the New Year's tree. There are problems with real Christmas trees, and if anyone spends money on an imported green beauty, he tries to keep its appearance longer: the branches are sprinkled with varnish so that the needles do not crumble.

Celebrated throughout the country without a big scale: concerts, parties and a joint countdown chant. They do not sit up for a long time, since the main thing for Australians is still Christmas, and the New Year is so, they met and sleep. By the way, Christmas is celebrated here twice: once in December, the second in July, when it finally snows. And only, being the most "promoted" city, it throws a grandiose performance on New Year's Eve.


The main event on New Year's Eve is fireworks in Sydney Harbor. It is launched in parts, in a chain from several barges, so that the smoke from the fireworks has time to dissipate. Short volleys are fired from the Opera, several skyscrapers, and at the very end they "set fire" to the Harbor Bridge. Almost 1.5 million people are going to watch this. Moreover, the audience is mainly tourists, among whom there are many Europeans, Asians and Indians. Locals rarely go to the fireworks, preferring to go somewhere with their family or go to a bar with friends.

The New Year's show is being prepared thoroughly, one year Australian singer Kylie Minogue worked on its concept. The theme of the New Year's show is different every year, there were both "Millions of Years on Earth" and "Diamond Night in the Emerald City", and everything is not limited to fireworks. The multicolored sheaves of sparks in the sky are just part of the vivid performance.

The main fireworks display blows up the night sky exactly at midnight and lasts 12 minutes (20 years ago it lasted 25 minutes!). According to the organizers, $ 7 million and almost eight thousand tons of pyrotechnics are being spent on the fireworks. Those interested can tune in the KIIS 1065 radio and watch fireworks with music, and for the visually impaired, they make a special podcast where the announcer describes the show live. The organization seems amazing.


Almost all of Sydney's quays and lawns in the harbor are becoming vip zones, where tickets are sold for $ 100-200. They, of course, are bought up strongly in advance, it happens that even a year in advance. There are also boats sailing around the harbor, from which for $ 200-500 you can see 360-degree fireworks. Quite a pleasant option, but there is one drawback - after the fireworks, boat passengers are usually the last to leave the center and return home.

You can comfortably sit in one of the outdoor restaurants near the Sydney Opera House or in the Royal Botanic Gardens, which offer beautiful views of the Harbor Bridge. The table will cost $ 700 per person, but the price will include entertainment and a concert.

The zoo and the Sydney Observatory are called to celebrate the New Year. Tickets for the first place start at $ 200, and all the proceeds go to the animal support fund. Entrance to the observatory with a buffet table, live music and access to a telescope will cost $ 325. Camping enthusiasts can pitch a tent on Kokatu Island - the largest in Sydney Bay, which was formerly inhabited by prisoners and where festivals are now held. Parking for two nights will cost $ 800.

All these places are more suitable for a sophisticated tourist, but there is one life hack that will help you save on entrance tickets. Book a place at Sydney Harbor YHA Hostel - The rocks (110 Cumberland St, The Rocks NSW 2000) , as there is a roof with a terrace where New Year's parties are arranged for the guests. True, the place will definitely have to be booked a year in advance. More expensive options - Hotel Palisade (35 Bettington St, Millers Point, Sydney) or Four Seasons Hotel Sydney(199 George St, The Rocks NSW 2000) ... Or you can even rent an apartment in the center and watch fireworks from the balcony.


Those who do not want to watch fireworks at home, but also do not plan to spend money, choose free zones. A complete list of places is available on the official website of the event, as well as information stands around the city telling what, where and when will be. There are few good free points, and there are many who want to get to them, so December 31 is usually dedicated to staking out a cool place.

The best free site is considered Mrs Macquarie's Cape in the botanical garden. We went there. To take good places, many come in the morning, or even from the evening of December 30, with tents and sleeping bags, so at 23.00 we were already standing near the park gate. As did the hundred people who were crowded on the lawn outside the fence. Among them were our friends, but the guards did not let us in. Uniformed people here not only control the order, but also make sure that no one climbs out of line. By 4 in the morning, people began to pull up, and two hours later the line was already a kilometer away. People stood, sat on folding chairs and even slept right on the sidewalk. By the time the park opened, the queue was longer than at the Tretyakov Gallery or for a new iPhone.

"To take good places, many come in the morning, or even from the evening of December 30 with tents and sleeping bags."

There will be a security check at the entrance to any park. Pay attention to alcohol and cutting objects. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the free venues, but I have seen special enthusiasts swap boxes of boxed wine and juice bags for the New Year's mood.

We went in one of the first and took over part of the lawn with an excellent view of the Harbor Bridge. No entertainment is provided in the free zones. There are stalls with food and drinks, but in anticipation of fireworks, everyone amuses themselves. Typically, viewers are having picnics, reading, or sleeping. The main thing is to stock up on water and not lie in the sun for a long time. A large ozone hole hangs over Australia.

Free sites close as they fill up, so by lunchtime there was no more free space around us. Closer to the first fireworks on the path in front of us, people began to appear, obviously coming later than us. They were asked to leave, sometimes even in a rude manner. It seemed to come to a fight. But even the guards could not do anything, and these impudent people stood in front of those sitting on the lawn until midnight.

We gave up after the first fireworks: people kept coming, it became very crowded, people literally stood on one leg, and tired of pushing, we went to look for another point. Free space was found a little higher on the hill, but instead of the backs of the heads, trees blocked our view. Cape Mrs. Macquarie may be the best of all the free sites, but it has a big drawback - it is covered in tall trees that obstruct the view. As a result, we saw the fireworks, but were disappointed. A picture of "expectation versus reality" would be appropriate. We clearly overestimated the event itself.

Immediately after midnight, people start shouting loudly, whistling, blowing pipes, applauding and making noises in every possible way. It is an Australian tradition that in order for a year to be successful, it must be ringed. Amid all this noise and din, the people begin to disperse, and by one o'clock in the center there are only tourists who are used to having fun all night long. The locals have been sleeping for a long time, saving energy - after all, the holiday continues on January 1.

The first day of the new year is dedicated to beach parties. Residents and guests flock to the beaches where traditional surfing competitions are held. The most popular place - Bondi Beach, to which buses run from the center. There are cool beach parties, surf schools and equipment shops, and almost always big waves. Of the minuses, it is very crowded, and sharks often swim along the coast. If the latter are intimidating, there is also a 50-meter outdoor pool. Bondi Icebergs Club (1 Notts Ave, Bondi), which is washed by the ocean from all sides.

An alternative option is to take a ferry to a distant Manly beach... It's just 30 minutes from Sydney and it feels like you're in a resort. Everywhere there are cafes, restaurants, street musicians playing, a lot of shops and a little less people than on Bondi Beach. However, you will not be able to swim carefree here either, as well as in general on other beaches in Sydney. It's all the fault of the sharks and the strong reverse current, so they are allowed to enter the water in strictly designated places.

In addition, on January 1, Domaine Central Park hosts an annual festival Field day, similar to the Moscow Afisha Picnic. They play mainly light dance, indie and electro music. At various times Bastille, Milky Chance, Jamie XX, alt-J, RüFüs, Mø, Django Django performed there. The ticket will cost $ 175.

All the festivities in Sydney look spectacular. The fireworks itself, of course, is beautiful, but while you wait for it, the whole New Year mood disappears. Maybe +35 is to blame, or maybe it's the anticipation and the tense atmosphere in the crowd, because everyone is busy only not to miss their familiar place. However, it seems that the noise around the Sydney fireworks is exaggerated. This is a competent PR and organization, as well as the very fact that Australians are one of the first to celebrate the New Year. You shouldn't go for fireworks specially, but you can combine the holiday with a trip along the Great Ocean Road and national parks.

Photo from the personal archive of the heroine