When the cold is every month. What to give a child for immunity. Folk remedies for improving immunity in children

Good afternoon, dear readers. The child's health always stands in the first place among the parents. We begin to pay special attention to the child when he often sick. Today we will understand this issue as an increase in immunity in a child.

We will not speak complex words or recommend a different kind of drugs. First, we ourselves do not doctors, so simply share our personal experience and opinions of many parents.

Secondly, everything that will be said below is only introductory information and in any case it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Third, reading everything to the end, you will understand the mechanism of work of immunity and how to increase it more folk remedies. Running forward say the most important thing - it is not worthwhile, without appointing a doctor, a child to stuff a child with various drugs such as immunomodulating or related to these drugs. Human immunity, especially the child must fight the ailment, develop.

Everyone has their own immunity, and works somewhere better, somewhere worse. For example, two kids in one family, with the same conditions may be different immunity. Someone more often is sick, someone is much less likely. It all depends on many factors. To a greater degree from the parents themselves, I think by the end of the article you will understand why.

Let's start with simple things.

What is immunity.

This is a whole set of events that the body takes, as soon as something begins to threaten.

The protective mechanism recognizes an alien "guest" (this may be a virus, bacterium, toxins, etc.) and activates "Specials" - immunocompetent cells of special purpose, whose task is to block and destroy a stranger - such a reaction is called an immune response.

Sometimes an autoimmune reaction occurs in the body when the immunity destroys the cells of its own organism, but not healthy, but those that have undergone mutation, for example, tumor cells.

Immunity is much "smarter" than it seems, it is perfectly focused in the concepts of "his own strangers", and also has long-term "memory", since after the first contact with a new virus "remembers" it, and the next time it is quickly identifies And takes urgent measures.

This ability can be visually demonstrated on the whole familiar windmill. The virus that calls it practically does not mutate, so after a person has sobbed a wind inspiment, his immunity knows the causative agent of the disease, and it stops any attempts to cause disease again. The man is sick of the windmill, as a rule, only once in life. But the flu and ARVI cause viruses and their strains, which are constantly modified, so we are sick of these ailments much more often.

Several important bodies and systems participate in immune defense. The red bone marrow creates stem cells and is responsible for lymphocytes. It actively helps the thymus (forkry gland), which differentiates lymphocytes. A considerable load falls on the lymph nodes that are very "thoughtful" - along the way of lymphsosuds. The largest organ of the immune system is the spleen.

Types of immunity

Each of us has two immuneities: one innate, other purchased.Congenital acts only generally, understanding alien agents as one undesirable factor. "Measure" new viruses and bacteria for themselves can not. Acquired - more active immunity. He "learns" and "trains" all his life, starting from the first days after the child's appearance.

In children after birth, the maximum load falls on congenital protection. And gradually, with each new disease, with each adverse environmental factor, is formed initially weak and imperfect acquired immunity.

How to understand that a child has a weakened immunity?

Young children, as we found out, acquired immunity (which is very important in diseases) is very weak, and is also formed. Than younger karapuz, the weaker his defense. If the doctor says that your child's immunity is weakened, this means that the deficit of protective functions is below certain age norms.

This conclusion does the doctor comes after studying the patient's card. If the frequency of diseases, mostly colds, the child exceeds 5-6 times a year, we can talk about weakened immunite.

Parents can notice such a state, because the external manifestations of immunodeficiency are quite bright: the child has a dream, he often complains of fatigue, headaches, he has a bad appetite, depressive mood, increased capriciousness. Pretty characteristic sign - weak hair, nails, dry and problematic skin. Dark circles under the eyes can appear in children with reduced immunity, in addition, they are more often another children tend to allergies.

Modern medicine offers a special study of immune status. To do this, make an immunogram - a comprehensive diagnosis that will make it possible to establish the composition of the blood, the presence of antibodies to one or other diseases, immunoglobulins in it, experts analyze the cellular components of the immune system. All these data, the doctor will receive a patient from a special blood test.

The reasons that cause immune weakness are different:

  • Congenital pathology of bodies involved in the protective mechanism.
  • Congenital vices of respiratory and digestive systems, as well as HIV infection, which the child received intrauterine from mother or independently (through hemotransphus or untreated medical instruments).
  • Transferred infection, especially if it has not been worth it properly.
  • The state of hypoxia, which the baby experienced during pregnancy Mom.
  • Premature appearance on light. Premature children are stronger than infection.
  • Adverse ecological situation, accommodation in the region with an increased radiation background.
  • Long and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antiviral means - immunostimulants and immunomodulators.
  • A great journey, during which the child changed the time zone and climate.
  • Strong stress.
  • High exercise.

This is not a complete list, but widespread. During the manifestation of these factors, it is necessary to close attention to the child's immune system.

But it is best to make natural components.

Folk remedies.

Children with a weakened immunity need to give more vitamins, it knows everything. Moreover, if it is seasonal vitamins, fresh, and not in the form of tablets and capsules. In summer, fresh black currant berries, raspberries, cherries and apples are useful for general strengthening. In the winter season, you can give a child a compotation, teas and decoctions from frozen berries, dried fruits and medicinal herbs.

Alcohol's infusions are better to avoid, they are contraindicated in childhood. It is best to prepare funds yourself, at home. If there are no skills on the collection and harvesting of useful herbs, then from always inexpensive can be bought on any pharmacy.

More vitamins

Below, the list of best folk remedies has nothing complicated and in our time they can be found everywhere, but will be useful not only to children, but also adults.

Honey and propolis.

Beekeeping products should not be given to children with allergies in acute stage and a tendency to allergic reactions in general. It is not desirable to give honey to children under three years. To raise immunity, you can add honey to any tea that you cook for your child, in milk and almost any decoction and herbal infusion.

Honey and propolis

Propolis is better to purchase in a pharmacy in the form of an aqueous solution. It gives it several drops, depending on age, 2-4 times a day.

Although, I always allowed my parents once propolis, in the mornings and only in winter. This component is also not abused.


We gave this drug only when seasonal ORVI and influenza epidemics began.

Echinacea drugs can not be given to children up to a year, the rest of the guys is a medicinal plant allowed to take inside in dosages that correspond to age.

Pharmacy option in droplets

A lot of questions causes homemade cooking and the dosing mode.

To prepare a home tincture, you need to take 50 gr. crushed grass and 100 ml of boiled water. All mix and hold on a steam bath around a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain with gauze or cortex. It is necessary to give a tincture of a child for one fourth part of a glass in a cool form.

For a more pleasant taste in the tincture, you can add dry leafy of black currant, raspberries, strawberries and melissa. Fitoferments, which are in abundance in Echinacey, have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of the immunocompetent cells of phagocytes. This is due to its impact on immunity.

Aloe juice.

All the affordable room plant is rich in vitamins and other substances that stimulate immunity gently, without excess pressure. To get juice, you need to cut the most fleshy and juicy leaves, fold into the refrigerator and hold them in a low temperature a couple of days. Then finely cut the leaves, folded in the "nodule" from gauze and squeeze juice. You can add some water to it and store it in the refrigerator no more than 12 hours. After time, the product will lose the healing effect.

Therefore, you should not do a lot of juice immediately.

Aloe juice Children can be mixed in tea or compote, as well as give a pure form 3-4 times a day across the tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Juice from Eloia.


Berries and leaves are widely used in alternative medicine. For a child with a weakened immunity, you can cook compote with rosehip berries, it is possible to make an infusion, but the most popular among the parents of the decoction. To make it preparation you need five tablespoons of berries (dried), liter of boiled water.

Decoration of Ryshovnika

Berries are poured into boiling water and keep on a slow fourth about a quarter of an hour. Then overflow the decoction into the thermos, closed with a lid and insist 10-12 hours. Children are led by warm 4 times a day at a quarter of a cup.


Ginger's root will help the child to cope with the disease when the disease is in full swing, and will also strengthen the immune system, if it is weakened after the disease. The finely chopped root is added to tea in small quantities, it is also possible to make a decoction from it and give it to a child across the tablespoon twice a day. Very effectively in immunodeficient states of ginger jelly. For its preparation you will need a root weighing about 250 gr, one lemon and a teaspoon gelatin.

Ginger with lemon

The root needs to be washed and cleaned, the lemon is too freed from the peel and bones. Both ingredients are passed through the meat grinder, add gelatin and sugar to taste (or honey). Jelly put in the refrigerator, and after the frost, they give as a dessert 3 times a day on a teaspoon after meals.


This berry is rich in vitamins and acids, so cranberry juice is so popular with colds. To raise the immune child to the child, it is better to prepare a delicious dessert from cranberries, which child will be regarded as a treat, and not as an unpleasant and mandatory medicine.

Sony DSC.

For such a recipe you will need 200 cranberries and 400 g of apple polek. Everything needs to be mixed and pour the syrup cooked out of 200 grams of honey and half of the liter of water.

On slow heat, the resulting mass must be held for about 20 minutes, constantly stirring. After that, the delicacy is cool, overflow into the jar and stored in the refrigerator. The child is given three times a day on a teaspoon.


According to the power of exposure to the body, garlic can be compared with ginger. Only here drinks and infusions from it are not very tasty, and they rarely fall into the children. It is not worthwhile to the need for a baby to stuff the baby with a decoction of garlic, enough if you add it fresh in salads and other dishes that are included in the child's diet.

Chamomile and linden.

These medicinal plants can be bought at the pharmacy and brew, according to the instructions. For the preparation of homemade brave, it will take 10 g of raw materials on 300 ml of water. Linden and chamomile children can be given on a tablespoon three times a day.

chamomile decoction with lime

The guys from 3 years can be given combined herbal means in which several plants will be mixed. It is very useful for strengthening the immune protection combination of chamomile pharmacy with Melissa and Hyveriction, as well as chamomile with sage and violet flowers.

We carry out the right lifestyle.

Normalization of lifestyle is half a successful campaign to increase immunity in a child. The child's nutrition should be a complete, balanced, saturated vitamins, microelements.. After all, when the intestine is healthy, then the immunity is not weakened!

Choo must walk, daily, in any weather, at any time of the year. Fresh air walks saturate blood oxygen. Let the weather on the street, go out for 10-15 minutes and squeeze the fresh air.

healthy lifestyle

The kid with a weakened immunity should relax more, make sure that the baby's sleep is sufficient, if necessary, after consulting a doctor, use soft sedatives to normalize the sleep and mood of the child.

Trendy today in medicine - psychosomatics - argues that all diseases from nerves. I do not know how everyone, but immunity problems are very closely related to the psychological state, and therefore limit stress, let every day for your karapuza will be filled with something positive, kind, limit computer games and watching the TV.

Locating massage

Children of the first year (period, when immunity is formed by the fastest pace) preferably systematic courses to make a common consuming massage aimed at improving blood circulation, the development of the muscle and bone system.

Breastfeeding is an important stage.

Separately, I would like to note that at the very beginning of the child's life, he has only congenital immunity. In addition, antibodies are transferred to the mother's milk to the child who increase the child's immunity.

Baby, located on natural feeding, is well protected from intestinal infections. And all this thanks to the maternal antibodies.

So be sure to feed the baby with breasts and watch your health!

Restore after taking antibiotics.

The use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases, but it does not pass for the body without a trace. The protection of the immune system is reduced, the microflora of the stomach is killed, so the child's strength must be restored after receiving drugs.

What measures need to be taken after the antibiotic course:

  • Consult a doctor about the reception of funds that restore the intestinal microflora and the protective forces of the body. This is not only medicines, but also fermented dairy products.
  • Natural remedies are among the most effective. These are: champs and teas (lemongrass, rosehip, ginger, echinacea); honey; aloe; lemon.
  • Recover the diet: less Let the products with high fat, sugar, spices. It is better to balance the power and apply for processing only the cooking process or cooking.
  • Dairy products, dishes should be in the more menu.
  • Morning must begin with charging, and in the afternoon there must be mobile games.
  • Throw the child, do not avoid walking outdoors, visit the bath. The withdrawal of toxins is perfectly carried out with abundant drinking water.

Enhance immunity at 3 years before the kindergarten.

Love is that an adult parent can give his baby at any time, and it will be the best medicine from infections. When the child feels care, warmly, the kindergarten is not terrible, he will not hurt, and the stress is not threatened.

Morning start with charging necessarily, let's more vitamin C and fresh berries, vegetables, fruits. Rest and active games alternate, it is necessary to make a walk in the fresh rest.

Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, after each walk on the street, visiting the toilet. Teach children to wash your hands.

Just when the child only goes to the garden, the adaptation period will begin. This is a stress period for a child. Be careful to your choices and try not to upset it, talk to him and try to abide by a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary that the child is more rejoiced.

Strengthen the child's immunity after the disease.

After the suffering disease, the immune system is weak and there is a risk again. Honestly, we and our child were very and very tormented when they managed to get 2-3 times during the month. You can throw it out that viruses and bacteria have become more aggressive, as many people say today, but not everything is true.

It is necessary to observe a few simple rules and help the body to restore its strength.

  • Check the rooms in the house, carefully make a wet cleaning, wipe the dust.
  • Follow the child's hygiene at home and on a walk so as not to replenish the "reserves" of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • You need to drink more fluid, eat, eat less sweet, fried, oily, flour.
  • A good mood is greatly affected by the power protection force, so use active games that like the baby.
  • Before going into public places, including a kindergarten or school, tooint the nose of the ointment type "Viferon". But no more than 2 weeks, this is enough.

Dr. Komarovsky about immunity (video).

The opinion of the popular doctor Komarovsky will help even more, I advise everyone to see and make some conclusions.

Let's summarize.

Now we want to sum up some results. What is immunity, I think it is clear, you need to understand what the immune system has a very weak and it only learns.

Therefore, be sure to breastfeed the child from birth, it will significantly increase his immunity.

Also observe the "correct" microclimate: the air temperature is about 19 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. And only so.

In no case do not kut a child, wear it as you dress yourself, just watch the child not transferred.

Check the baby from the very beginning of his life, walk, ventilate the children's room more often.

Do not let the immunity of folk remedies that contain allergenic components. If you are not sure if there will be a reaction, give an initial dose that is 3-5 times less laid. If no negative manifestations appear during the day, the means can be given.

And do not forget to do all the necessary vaccinations. We ourselves have repeatedly heard very negative feedback on vaccinations. But this is how to increase immunity, and an important strengthening.

In any case, the child will be sick more often than adult. The task of parents will be to help the body to fight the disease itself, control the condition of the baby and do everything to quickly restore the body after the disease.

Let's a child vitamins, better if they are natural. If there is no possibility, then you can purchase the appropriate vitamins to your age in the pharmacy.

On this we all have, leave your comments below, join us in classmates and stay with us, then it will be even more interesting.

Materials from sites are used: o-krohe.ru, sovets.net.

Updated: October 19, 2018 by the author: Subbotin Paul

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The disease is always unpleasant. It is especially unpleasant when the child is sick. However, with the onset of autumnen days and the first trips to the kindergarten, there is no single kid who would not have visited the hospital.

Responsible parents are always worried about the protective properties of a young organism, struggling to protect the child from the illness. But the exchange of viruses in children's institutions is inevitable, and a weak immune system will definitely misses the flu, a cold or ORVI.

That is why the strengthening of immunity in children should be carried out by all parents necessarily. Entering the habit, simple actions will be performed by moms, dads and their tea automatically and with pleasure. As a result, healthy children and happy parents.

We bring to your attention several methods for strengthening children's immunity.


Most modern parents are convinced that the hardening event consists exclusively from radical actions. In other words, in their understanding, hardening is a walk with a baby barefoot in the snow in frost in -20 ° C. Hurry up to dispel your ideas.

The essence of hardening is a training for the body's mucous membranes to an instantaneous reaction to a sharp change of temperature change.

If the mucous membranes are trained in such a way, they will become a serious barrier for harmful microorganisms.

To carry out hardening, you should not jump into the hole.

Prepare water with a temperature of +20 ° C and separately - with a temperature of +35 ° C. In turn, pour your child daily for 5 minutes. The purpose of the poultry is that the child felt the contrast.

Without a difference, at what time of day you spend hardening: the main thing is to pour from the first days of autumn and until the end of the spring daily.

Do not bite the baby

Quite often, on the playground, you can see such a picture: Mom, dressed in a light dress, and next to her baby, Ukutan in a warm sweater and jacket. This is perhaps one of the main mistakes of mothers and grandmothers, because the body accustomed to the heat will instantly react to the slightest draft. As a result, a cold at a light blowing of the wind.

Very important . Do not forget that, unlike you, the child is located on a playground in a constant movement, which means that it is warmed much faster than you. Therefore, dress your child to the same extent warmly, as you dress up.

More than fresh air

When your baby was completely tiny and slept in the cradle, you probably noticed that when I went out to the street, he immediately fell asleep.

Fresh air at all times was considered a guarantee of good health. Therefore, if there is no snowfall or shower on the street, it is time to go with a child for a walk.

Staying in the fresh air improves appetite, strengthens the sleep, provides the body with vitamin D, which is so necessary for the growth of the baby and helps to strengthen the immunity.

Movement is life.

Bicycle, skateboard or any toy for movement, take care so that the child runs, ride on the ride, and you will make it the body more enduring to a variety of viruses and infection.


Each mother knows about. It is important that these knowledge is successfully applied in practice. Provide a kid with enough fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. It is especially important to prevent avitaminosis in the period of adaptation to the kindergarten and school. We are talking about a vitamin complex that is sold in tablets.

Of course, it is necessary to use as much vitamins and minerals in natural form as possible, but with the first cold, the body's immune system requires strengthening.

To do this, ask for advice to the pediatrician. Based on the features of the body of your baby, the doctor will advise the complex of vitamins and minerals, which will only benefit from the benefit.

Stimulate interferon

Today it's not for anyone no secret that Interferon is a substance that protects our organism from viral infection. When a child goes to a kindergarten, where there is a potential threat to infection, wise parents begin to take care of the stimulation of the production of interferon.

It may be a reception of the tincture of Echinacea, the decoction of medicinal herbs, and for the children of school age - medical preparations that are focused on induction of interferon.

Since each organism is individual, consult with your pediatrician, what drugs are best suitable for your child. In any case, these stimulants will help to activate the production of interferon, and, as a result, to strengthen the immune system.

Accept Interferon

In the previous Council, we talked about stimulating the number of protective substance in the small body of the baby. Now let's talk about the cases when you need to take ready-made interferon.

  1. If everyone has a viral infection with a viral infection: adenovirus, rinovirus, respiratory syncycial infection, etc., the child's immunity must be strengthened.
  2. When hitting a visit to a friend, grandpa / grandfather, where there is a real threat to catch the virus.
  3. Before or after visiting the kindergarten, where the probability of infection is very high.

As the prevention of the baby, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with an ointment that contains interferon.
If contact with the patients has already taken place (for example, after kindergarten, the teacher neatly hinted on patients in the group), the child must enter a candle with a finished interferon. If you do everything on time, the baby will be healthy on the morning. However, the control measurement of body temperature is required.



We listed the main, but far from all methods to strengthen the child's immunity.

In addition to the foregoing, the emotional climate in the family, the psychological condition of the child, the lack of stress, the right mode of sleep and recreation, as well as moderate physical exertion.


Our body has an amazing system of protection against alien bodies, bacteria, viruses and harmful substances. Human immunity is congenital and acquired. Daily, the child is attacked by various microorganisms from the outside world. Congenital immunity helps to cope with them.

But from some microbes and viruses the body does not have protection from birth. The ability to resist them is purchased at the primary meeting of the immune system with pests as a result of disease or vaccination. Such called specific. Every person is individual and acts only on specific microorganisms.

The immune system is of great importance in the life of the kid. It is worth thinking about how to increase immunity. The child is 3 years old, at this age the resistance of the body is under development. Therefore, reoxoiths are sick more often than adults.

Causes of reducing immunity

The child of kindergarten is beginning to adapt in the social environment. And many children, healthy before visiting a preschool institution, unexpectedly for parents are periodically infected with various infections. Adults concerns the question of how to increase the immune system to the child of three years.

On the health of the baby affects frequent contacts with peers, which are carriers of various diseases. Finding into a new environment, the child is experiencing emotional tension. The kid is sad due to long separation with mom. Therefore, adults should make that the adaptation period passes as easier as possible. Show love, care and understanding.

Immunity is a complex system. Various factors affect its condition. Low resistance to infections is due to the following reasons:

  • hereditary or acquired diseases, including chronic;
  • unnecessary emotional loads;
  • improper nutrition, lack of beneficial substances;
  • between the rest and activity of the child;
  • the presence of allergies.

Children allergies tend to have problems with protective reactions of the body. How to increase the immune system to the child? 3 years - age, when the organism improvement is better to carry out natural way.

Signals for the concern of parents

The disease is not an indicator of low organism resistance. We all tick and recover. Normally for children, according to pediatricians, to hurt about 6 times a year. If this happens much more often, the protective mechanisms in the child are strongly weakened.

The following signs indicate the reduced immunity:

  • infection proceeds in most cases without temperature;
  • treatment of diseases takes place with low efficiency and slow recovery;
  • the kid is often tired, has a pale face color, under the eyes;
  • there is a frequent increase in lymph nodes.

With these symptoms, contact a specialist to find out how to increase the immune system for 3 years. The advice of the immunologist will help improve the situation and take control.

Child immunity after illness

After various infections, the children's body is still weak to reflect new attacks of microbes and viruses. Try for a while to protect it from unnecessary contacts with a lot of people. Give the time to the immune system to recover. Any bacillus now can easily penetrate the body and harm health. Do not hide the child from the surrounding world. Walk with him, pay attention to him.

Medicines or folk remedies?

With a weakened immunite, an increase in the resistance of the child's body can be in different ways. Often parents do not know how to help 3 years in folk remedies to strengthen health preferable. Medical preparations are not always the best solution.

The medicinal method of exposure is applied only in cases where obvious immunodeficiency is observed. Preparations must appoint a doctor. He knows better how to increase the immune system for 3 years. The pharmacies present a large selection of immunostimulants of various composition. This method of maintaining the resistance of the body should be used only after other methods have been tested. Doctors are ambiguously relate to immuno-fixing drugs, since their effectiveness has not been proven. In most cases, traditional medicine helps quite well.

Interestingly, the opinion of some pediatricians on how to increase immunity. Baby - 3 years? Komarovsky proposes to proceed from three components of healthy immunity:

  1. Cold. Kid do not need to wear very warm. A sweaty child has more chances to catch a cold. The house should not be hot. Maintaining a constant comfortable temperature in the room turns your son or daughter to a greenhouse plant.
  2. Hunger. The child does not need to be fed for violently. After all, our immunity is struggling with foreign substances. These include well-used food. The reworked baby food is not digested enough. And the body goes to fight proteins. That is, the child's immune system spends its strength on substances that entered the body through the stomach.
  3. Physical activity. The preschooler must move, run, play.

The doctor proposes to support the child's immunity in a normal way of life. He opposes drugs affecting the protective forces of the body. Since it considers them useless in most cases.

Everyone has the right to have his point of view on how to increase immunity. The child is 3 years old, he is still small, the future health of the baby depends on the parents. In the advice of Dr. Komarovsky there is nothing that could harm.

- 3 years? Folk remedies!

To restore the natural protective reactions of the child's body, use the advice of relatives. Folk remedies are saferring many medical drugs and act efficiently. Your grandmothers and moms will tell a lot of interesting things about how to enhance the immune child to the child for 3 years. Systematic compliance with uncomplicated procedures will allow the baby less often to hurt and easier to transfer meetings with viruses and bacteria.

Main destinations to maintain children's health

The responsibility of parents is to provide a normal full-fledged child. This is especially true for children with reduced immunity.

To maintain and strengthen health, baby needs:

  • fresh air;
  • active lifestyle;
  • good vacation;
  • balanced diet.

As much as possible, ventilate the living room. Especially after sleep and before it. Dry and too warm air unfavorable for your child. During the heating season, moisturizing in the rooms. For these purposes there are special devices. You can put a water capacity to enhance humidity.

The child is useful. Fresh air. Do not neglect walks. They will help to increase the immune system for a child of 3 years. The body learns to adapt to various weather conditions. Children on the street love to play, move. The active activity of the body has a positive effect on health.

Observe the day mode. The baby must be saturated and fully rest. Do not refuse day sleep. Take care of the nervous system of the child. Frequent stresses weaken immunity.

Balanced nutrition is welcomed. Fruits and vegetables should be present in the diet. Be sure to offer dairy products, especially kefir and yogurt, meat and fish dishes. Avoid excessive consumption of sweets, including confectionery products.

Frequently ill children offer rinse the throat, moisturize the nasal mucosa. These procedures will reduce the risk of the disease.

Preventive vaccinations will help to increase the immune system to the child. 3 years - age when most of them are already behind. If the baby lacks any vaccinations, be sure to make them.

Gymnastics and massage

Take the habit of doing the gymnastics in the morning. This reason charges with energy and good mood. When the baby is growing, it can be given to the athletic section.

How to increase the child's immune system for 3 years to sharp respiratory infections? There are many different exercises to improve blood circulation in the mouth and nose cavities. Take a baby to make a simple and beneficial charging.

You need to drain the language and reach it before the chin, delay for a few seconds. This exercise allows you to activate blood circulation in the oral cavity, sip, throat.

For preventing diseases of the lower respiratory tract, it is useful to utter vowels a, oh, y. At the same time, the child can slightly knock his chest fists when the air exhales.

Circular movements head activate lymph nodes behind the ears, reducing their inflammation. Conduct charging in the form of a cheerful game.

The total massage stimulates the work of the body and increases its resistance to infections. Make his baby daily before bedtime.

Hardening the body

Protect the body from negative environmental impact will help hardening. For a three-year children, such procedures are well carried out in a game form. Prealt the gymnastics for heating the body. Then proceed to the water procedure: wiping with water and rubbing.

Arrange air baths. Increase the child's immunity for 3 years will help the hardening game. Create different temperatures in two rooms. In one air should be warm, usual. In another, open the window to enter the cold air. Run from one room to another, playing in the catchy. The temperature change positively affects health, harves the body.

In the footsteps there are a large number of active points responsible for the work of different organs. Take a baby to walk barefoot. In the summer it is useful to walk in the sand or pebbles. In winter, you can walk just on the floor in the house. If the floor is cold, wear socks.

Most often, children are shredded by handles and legs. For hardening, prepare two basins with cold and warm water. Lower the kid's hands first into one container, then to another. The same actions are useful to do for legs.

Take a child to a contrast soul. First, the temperature difference must be small. A few days later, increase the difference, lowering the temperature of the cold water. Carefully follow the child. The procedure should be perceived by them positively.

There are children who often emerge the foci of infection in the oral cavity. Suggest the baby to rinse the throat in the morning and in the evening cool water, gradually reducing its temperature.

Nature to help

Plants - natural pantry of all sorts of vitamins and minerals. Help the kid will help various herbal teas, compotes and useful mixtures of natural products. Without harm to health, you can enhance immunity. The child - 3 years, folk remedies to use the best. Children like delicious drinks from herbs and berries. The organism is perfectly supported: cruise, cranberry, viburnum and black currant.

Lemon and honey are guarding health. Prepare from them drink. Add a few drops of citrus juice and a teaspoon of honey. If the honey is allergic, replace it with sugar. The benefits of such drug is obvious.

Tea cooked from rosehip is tasty and useful. Various vitamins and trace elements contained in this plant are able to increase the immune system to the child. Three years old baby or more - no matter. Roshovnik's decoction can be drinking even to breast children. Take 200 g of berries and 1 l of water. Boil 30 minutes, add sugar, give it.

Fall by a child of oats. It helps well with and strengthens immunity. This drink is pleasant to taste. Crude oats can be watched with water or milk in the thermos. On 4 tablespoons of oats you will need 0.5 liters of liquid. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour into thermos. Let it stand for 8 hours.

Recipes with Mid.

Prepare a useful drug. You will need lemons - 5 pieces, honey - half of the 500-gram bank and aloe juice - 150 ml. Mix these products and insist two days in the dark. Let's 1 teaspoon every day.

Two lemon and 1 kg of fresh cranberries shred in a meat grinder or combine. Add 1 cup of honey to this mixture and mix. Let the child eating this mixture instead of jam and drinks it in tea.

Medicine mixtures of natural ingredients

You will need a Kuraga 150 g, Walnut 300 g. Recycle them in a meat grinder, and then add 150 g of Money. Fold the finished remedy into the bank. Store it is needed in the refrigerator. Let the baby on a teaspoon three times a day.

Another variant of the mixture that will help increase the immune system to the child of three years. Take the Kuragu, raisins, walnut peeled nuts for 200 g of each and 1 lemon. Scroll into the meat grinder. Fill 200 g honey. Hold this mixture in the cold. This product is very rich in vitamins and potassium. Excellent option for maintaining health in winter and spring.

Now you know how to increase the immune system to the child. Three years - the best age for and accounting to these tips will be helpful and to people of other age categories. Take care of your baby. His strong immunity will be a reward for your efforts.

The autumn-spring period is characterized by a reduction in the light day and a decrease in air temperature, which leads to deterioration of immunity against the background of lack of vitamins. At this time of year, children are mainly in poorly ventilated premises, where viruses are actively multiplied by provoking the flu epidemics and ARVI.

How to strengthen the child's immunity

The newborn baby has immunity depends on the mother. Antibodies enter the body of a baby with a woman's milk. Independently, the child's immunity begins to work since 4 years, but finally formed only to adolescence, when all hormones begin to participate in the work of the body.

To strengthen the immunity of a child with frequent colds, it is necessary before the occurrence of the cold season, and this can be done in the following ways:

  • hardening;
  • optimization of the day mode;
  • ensuring healthy sleep;
  • properly balanced nutrition;
  • long walks.

You can harden the child with frequent colds by air and water, the main thing is to do it gradually and regularly. Well, if the child often walks barefoot, especially on the grass, sand or pebbles. At home, it is necessary to maintain air temperature not higher than 20 ° C. The tempered children of the house can walk in the minimum number of clothes, however, for the walk of the child should be put on the weather.

Water procedures must be administered carefully - there are many specialized literature on this topic. The main principle of hardening is graduality and regularity.

The optimized day of the day favorably affects the immunity of the child during the flu epidemics and ARVI. The calm measured setting without surprises and stress is a guarantee of good baby health. Every day you need to wake up at the same time, strictly observe the frequency of meals, allocate time for mental activity and physical activity.

If the child does not have at least an approximate day of the day, its body is experiencing stress, because it does not have time to prepare for the following type of activity.

Healthy sleep and proper nutrition contribute to strengthening the child's immunity at frequent colds. Doctors recommend putting a child to sleep no later than 21.00. Day sleep is necessary for a child up to 4 years, then it is necessary to take into account the physiological features of the baby. Proper nutrition implies the use of products saturated with vitamins, fats, useful carbohydrates, fiber.

It is necessary to use cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish every day. For three years, specialists are not recommended to give a sweet, as sugar not only spoils his teeth, but also splits in the body of Vitamin C.

In order to strengthen the child's immunity, time should be given to long walks, since the child needs to be in the fresh air, play active games, run barefoot on the ground, swim in the reservoirs. The child's health state directly depends on the saturation of cells by oxygen.

Walking better in parks and other places where few exhaust gases. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not overcooke during the walk or did not overheat.

What should be taken during the ORVI and Influenza epidemic

To reduce the likelihood of infection with infectious and viral diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To poison the room more often.
  • More in the fresh air.
  • Do not go to mass events and at the places of a large cluster of people.
  • Before visiting the school or kindergarten, you need to lubricate the mucous membranes of the child with antiviral compositions.
  • Adding natural antibiotics - onions and garlic.
  • Use fruits containing vitamin C, or multivitamin complexes.
  • And, of course, drink as much liquid as possible!

    Your child went to kindergarten or are going to send, then the question "How to strengthen the immune system" becomes relevant.

    The frequency of kid's diseases in kindergarten depends on two factors: from the activity of infection and the stability of the children's body. For infection, to our regret, we have no influence. Well, except that, try not to allow a child in the foci of an explicit cluster of possible sick people (in this place many parents grin sadly).

    Two ways remain: to strengthen the resistance to infection with viruses or produce specific immunity to specific infections.

    Let's try to bring below the basics of comprehensive prevention of the frequent morbidity of the children's body:

    1. Start the preparation of the baby is necessary in advance. It is very good that the child will get the opportunity to strengthen the body for the summer: plenty of breath fresh air, boil into the sea or river, run barefoot in the sand, on herbal or pebbles and enjoyed the summer sun. Will this vacation spent with the child together, will you send it to his grandmother or just a couple of times a week with the whole family will go to nature - to solve you. In any case, it will be a worthy investment in the health of your baby! Do not forget about seasonal fruits, vegetables, berries, which are so rich in priceless vitamins and microelements;
    2. Home, "Greenhouse" child is not ready for a viral attack that is inevitable in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to accomplish the crumb to contacts with other children in advance (including in closed rooms), until the time it is supposed to give it to the garden. In addition to the experience of communication, it will also be a training for its immune system;
    3. From an early age, teach the child to the correct, balanced nutrition. The daily menu should consist of different groups of products rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements. It is no secret that the most well-digestible vitamins are contained in vegetables, fruits and berries that grew up in the same strip where you live. In addition to the juice (natural, who prepared themselves), compotes, tea kid must necessarily drink water (without gas) every day;
    4. An extremely effective tool is systematic hardening.
      It is important to remember the rules of hardening:
      • it is possible to start and conduct hardening only a healthy child;
      • the procedure itself should like the baby, so everyone is presented in the form of a game or for encouragement;
      • gradually reduce the temperature (once every 4 days by 1-2 ° C);
      • if a break took place from 5 to 10 days, then the temperature we return by 2-3 ° C back; If the break in the hardening was more than 10 days, then we start everything from the beginning.

      From 1 to 3 years old, such types of hardening will be suitable:

      • washing the lyrics (and for children from 2 years old, my also the upper part of the chest and handles to the elbow). We start from 21 ° C and reduce up to 16-18 ° C;
      • next, you can proceed to the general velocity with the initial water temperature of 34-35 ° C and decrease it to 18 ° C.

      Preschool children wash her face, neck, chest and handles above the elbow, and the water temperature is adjusted to 14 ° C; With a general dilapidation, the temperature is gradually reduced to 24 ° C. Recompolates can also be offered such types of hardening:

      • pouring a stop with a gradual decrease in temperature from 36-37 ° C to 20 ° C;
      • rinse throat with boiled water with a gradual decrease in temperature from 36-37 ° C to 8-10 ° C.
    5. Less persisted healthy organism. Therefore, first of all, they sanitize all chronic foci of infection. We regularly attend the dentist and treat problem teeth. Naturally, do not forget about the prevention, so clean the teeth twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), pick up a delicious and high-quality toothpaste;
    6. The most important elements necessary to increase the body's resistance to various infections are vitamin C, iodine, as well as vitamin D. It is not necessary to buy a child expensive vitamins, enough for a certain time (2-3 weeks) to drink it daily hamberry decoction, or buy "Ascorbing", oranges, lemons. Iodine, as is known, contains in walnuts. A mixture of natural honey of walnuts, kishamis and kuragi is very useful. Nuts, Kishamis and Kuragu need to be twisted through a meat grinder and mix with honey. On one dessert spoon of this mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach for a month - and the immunity of your baby is ready for a collision with infections. Vitamin D. It is necessary for a child not only for full growth and development, increasing the resistance of the body to infections, but also to cope with the mental and physical activity in the garden, actively play with peers and be in a beautiful mood! That is why it is important that your child's diet is rich in this vitamin, or it can be given additionally, bossing in a pharmacy, for example, vitamin D oil solution;
    7. Also, immunomodulating drugs can also be used to enhance immunity. There are now many, homeopathic preparations, for example. They increase the body's resistance to cold viruses and flu by daily introduction into the body of certain microodosis of these viruses;
    8. The overall stability of the body of the baby can also be strengthened with drugs from medicinal plants, called adaptogens (Echinacea, Eleutherococcus). 2 - 4 weeks at the end of summer - enough for the course.
    9. Returning home from a garden or clinic, rinse the child with a weak solution with a weak solution (about 1%) of a table salt or a finished preparation based on marine salts sold in a pharmacy. Also suitable "Aquamaris". After this procedure, you can lubricate the nose with oxolane ointment.
    10. In addition to the immune system listed on the immune system, the mental state of the kid has a significant impact. A child who goes to a garden with joy, and not with tears, not so vulnerable to infections and viruses. Therefore, it is important for parents to do everything possible to kindergarten to become a source of positive emotions for a child.