Communication game sun and rain. "spring days" game activity. Materials and equipment

Purpose: to form the ability to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other; train to act on a signal.

Course of the game: Children sit on high chairs. The teacher says "Sunny!" Children walk and run around the hall in different directions. After the owls "Rain!", They run to their places. The game can be played with music. After the game is well mastered, words can be replaced with sound signals.

Sparrows and car

Purpose: to form the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other; improve the ability to respond to a signal, develop orientation in space. Course of the game: Children sit on chairs on one side of the hall. These are "sparrows" in their nests. On the opposite side is the educator. It depicts a car. After the teacher's words, "Sparrows flew," the children get up from their chairs, run around the hall, waving their arms. At the signal of the teacher: "Car!", The children run to their chairs. After the children have mastered the game, sound signals can be used instead of words.

Purpose: to form the ability to walk and run after each other in small groups, first holding each other, then not holding; teach to start moving and stop at the signal.

Course of the game: A small group of children is first involved in the game. At first, each child holds on to the clothes in front of the person standing, then they freely move one after another, moving their arms, imitating the movements of the wheels. The role of the locomotive is first performed by the educator. Only after repeated repetitions, the role of the leader is assigned to the most active child. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.

Where does the bell ring?

Purpose: to develop an eye, auditory orientation, the ability to navigate in space.

Course of the game: Children stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks them to turn away. At this time, another adult, hiding, rings a bell. Children are invited to listen to where the bell is ringing and find it. The children turn and walk towards the sound. You must first ring the bell loudly, then lower the sound.

Colored cars

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of color, improve orientation in space, develop reaction

The course of the game: Children are placed at the edges of the hall, they are cars. Each has its own colored circle. The teacher is in the center of the hall, holding three colored flags. He picks up one, children with a circle of this color scatter around the hall in different directions. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, etc. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.


Purpose: to form the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other; train to act on a signal.

The course of the game: Before the game, it is necessary to show all the game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says “Ready to fly. Start the engines! " Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal "Landing!" the players go to their side of the court. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.

Fun outdoor games with rain for children of the younger group in kindergarten.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, musical director of the MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Fairy Tale", Petrozavodsk

Material description: the material may be of interest to music directors and educators

Target: creating a joyful mood in children

- contribute to the development of positive emotions
- develop the speech abilities of children
- develop the communication skills of children

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention games with a funny rain for younger preschoolers. Games can be used during summer activities, walks. A selection of games can serve as material for the organization of the "Rain Festival", to which the game character Rain comes and conducts these games.

To us on long wet legs
The rain is rolling along the paths.
He will not bother us,
He will play with us!

"Say hello to the rain"

You need a drop to play. I use a large egg from a blue kinder surprise

Children stand in a circle. The presenter (or the character playing the role of Rain) pronounces the text of the game and puts a "drop" on each palm in turn. With the end of the text of the game, the child, on whose palm a drop has stopped, loudly calls out his name.


The game repeats itself.
If there are not many children, then the game can be carried out with the text every time, and if the number of children is large, then the presenter (Rain) can, without uttering the entire text every time, just put a drop on the children’s palm, and they will say their name in response.


You will need an umbrella to play.

LOOKS THE SUN FROM HEAVEN, - children walk in free directions

SUDDENLY A MERRY RAIN WENT, - gather under the umbrella
RAIN WE ASK TO STOP - shake a finger
AND LET'S GO TO WALK AGAIN! - clap their hands

The game is repeated from the beginning.


Children stand in a circle. Bells lie in the middle of the circle. Several children have droplets in their hands, which they pass to each other in a circle under the text of the game. With the end of the text of the game, the children who still have droplets in their hands go to the middle of the circle, take the bells and ring them, the rest of the children turn one after the other and run after each other on tiptoes.


the game is repeated from the beginning.

An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain" for children from 1.5 to 3 years old

Option 1

Open a large umbrella and place it on the side of the floor so that the children cannot see the toy bunny sitting under it. Think about where you will place the sun and the cloud. Pay attention of the children to the sun - it looks at the kids affectionately, and the cloud is asleep, and the rain is dripping from it. If there is no rain, you need to close the umbrella and start a fun game as soon as possible.

Children help to lift the umbrella and see a bunny sitting under it. He "came" to the kids from the forest. Bunny saw a cloud and thought: "What if it starts to rain and wet my fur coat!" - and hid under an umbrella.

The kids called the bunny to play and run with him, catch up with each other, jump like bunnies.

But a cloud hid the sun.

Read the following lines to the guys:

The rain fell on my palms.

Drip-drop-drop! Drip-drop-drop!

Children raise their palms, tap on them with their fingers and slowly pronounce short words.

The rain is dripping on the legs.

Drip-drop-drop! Drip-drop-drop!

One by one, they put their feet on the heel and also slowly pronounce the same words.

Suddenly rain poured out of a cloud,

Bunny wet the tail.

What a heavy rain!

They take a bunny and run to hide under an umbrella.

What a heavy rain!

An adult opens an umbrella, kids stand under it.

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, drip, do not regret!

They sing along to the "song of the rain" and simultaneously clap their hands.

You knock on an umbrella

Don't get us wet!

“Cap, drop, drop! Drop-drop-drop! " - the kids repeat.

The rain sings a song:

"Drop, drop, drop!"

But who will understand it?

Drop, drop, drop!

They sing along with an adult.

But now the droplets fall more and more rarely ...

Say slowly: "Ka-a-a-p, ka-a-a-p!"

Children repeat after an adult at length.

The rain passed, the sun came out, the children went for a walk. And they will play "after the rain" somehow differently, but how exactly depends on your resourcefulness and ingenuity.


When the game is repeated, children can play catch-up with the bunny. There may be another, no less interesting option: the bunny hides in a basket with balls; the rain has passed, but the bunny is nowhere to be found. The children are looking for him, take balls from the basket and find a hare there.

Option 2

On the playground (in the hall), put several colored paths of different lengths, and on them circles of primary colors of different diameters so that the children can run between them freely, without interfering with each other.

Before the start of the game, talk to the kids: “When the sun is shining, everyone has fun: the birds are singing songs, butterflies and beetles are flying, bees are sitting on flowers. But then the wind blew, the sun was covered by a dark cloud, it started to rain, the birds flew to their nests, butterflies and bees hid under the leaves. Where will the children hide if it rains? Of course, under the umbrella! "

Invite the children to run along the paths between the colored circles. The game starts with funny music. Accompany the actions of the children by reading the following lines of poetry:

Children run along the paths, run around circles, one of the kids is jumping.

The fast legs have chosen a path

I'm running along the path

I can't stop.

Oh, what! Oh, what!

Our kids are naughty!

The children were so happy that they did not notice how the cloud covered the sun.

Stop the little ones:

"Look, the sun has hidden behind a cloud, rain is falling on my palms: ka-a-a-p, ka-a-a-p!"

Children raise their palm, tap on it with their finger and slowly say: "Ka-a-a-p, ka-a-a-p!"

“But the rain has gone strong, strong,” - open the umbrella, the children run and hide under it. - “What a heavy rain! How often he drips "Cap, drop, drop, drop!"

Kids repeat words quickly, quickly.

Children stand under an umbrella. Music sounds. In imitation of the raindrops, tap the umbrella with your finger and hum.

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, drip, do not regret!

Children sing a "rain song": "Cap, drop, drop! Drop, drop, drop! "

You knock on an umbrella

Don't get us wet!

The rain passes, the droplets rarely fall, the children chant: "Ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap!"

Rain, rain

What are you pouring

Won't you let us take a walk?

The rain has passed, looked out

Sunny, the kids went for a walk.

They come out from under the umbrella, raise their hands, and the rain is no longer dripping on the palms.

The game is repeated several times.

In this game, an adult is an active participant who directs the entire course of the game, emotionally tunes the children, helps them navigate on the playground (in the hall), tells them which circle the child has not yet reached, which path has not run.


When repeating the game, you can change something in the equipment of the site (hall).

After rain, puddles of different shapes remain on the ground. They can be made from thick colored paper - blue, gray, green. Maybe you will make puddles from a different material, but it should be tight, fit well to the floor and not bunch together.

An adult lays out "puddles" and reads the following lines to the kids:

This puddle is like a ring

This puddle is a heart

This puddle is like a banana

This one is like an ocean.

I. Ischuk

Children walk around the "puddles", examine them, try to step over them.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Legs spank in puddles

It's a warm summer rain

We don't need an umbrella at all.

They run barefoot, run from one "puddle" to another, jump, walk and spank with bare feet.

We have bare feet

They splash in puddles.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

(Based on the poem by N. Nishcheva.)

If the game takes place in the hall, the silhouettes of the sun and clouds are mounted on the wall, next to each other, so that the cloud covers the sun during the game.

For children of the third year of life

Sparrows and car

Target... Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Description... Children sit on high chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in their nests. The educator becomes on the opposite side. It depicts a car. After the words of the educator, "Sparrows flew to the path," the children rise from the chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the teacher "The car is going, fly, little sparrows, to their nests!" the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

Instructions for carrying out... At first, a small group (10-12) children take part in the game, over time there may be more playing. It is necessary to first show the children how the sparrows fly, how they peck the grains, do these movements with the children, then you can introduce the role of the car into the game. Initially, the teacher assumes this role, and only after repeated repetitions of the game, it can be assigned to the most active child. The car should not move too fast to enable all children to find their place.


Target... Teach children to walk and run after each other in small groups, first holding each other, then not holding; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher.

Description... The teacher invites several children to stand behind each other, he himself stands in front of them and says: "You will be trailers, and I will be a steam locomotive." The locomotive beeps - and the train begins to move slowly at first, and then faster. The movement is accompanied by sounds made by the players. From time to time, the locomotive slows down and stops, the teacher says at the same time: "Here's a stop." Then the locomotive beeps again - and the train moves on.

Instructions for carrying out... First, a small group of children are involved in the game. When repeating, there can be a larger number of participants (12-15). At first, each child holds on to the clothes in front of the one standing, then the children freely follow each other, move their hands, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, and say to the beat: "Chu-chu-chu".

The role of a steam locomotive is first performed by an educator or a child of an older group. Only after repeated repetitions, the role of the leader is assigned to the most active child. The locomotive must move slowly so that the child carriages keep up.

The players are built randomly one after another. With repeated repetition of the game, you can invite the kids to go for a walk at the bus stop, pick flowers, pick berries, play, jump. Hearing the whistle, the children must quickly line up in a column behind the locomotive.


Simplified version

Target... Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; train them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description... The teacher calls the names of 3-4 children and invites them to prepare for the flight, having shown in advance how to start the engine and how to fly.

The named children go out and stand randomly on one side of the playground or room. The teacher says: "Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound "rrr". After the teacher's signal "Fly!" children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the teacher "Landing!" they go to their chairs and sit on them. Then another group of children play.

Instructions for carrying out... The teacher must show the children all the play movements. When playing the game for the first time, he performs movements with the children.

By repeating the game, more children can be called, and after repeated repetitions, all children can be invited to fly on airplanes.


Target... Teach children to stand in a circle, make it wider, then narrower, teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description... Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Blow up, bubble, Blow up, big, Stay that way Don't burst.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: "The bubble burst!" Then they lower their arms and squat down, while saying: "Clap!" You can also invite the children after the words "bubble burst" to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and while uttering the sound "shhhh" - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - they step back, forming a large circle.

Instructions for carrying out... At first, a small number of children (6-8) take part in the game. When repeating, 12-15 people can play at the same time. The teacher should pronounce the text slowly, clearly, clearly, attracting the players to this.

Before playing the game, you can show the kids real soap bubbles.

The sun and the rain

Target... Teach children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description... Children sit on high chairs or benches. The teacher says: "Sunny! Go for a walk!" Children walk and run all over the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home!" they run to their places. When the teacher says again: "Sunny! You can go for a walk," the game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out... At first, a small number of children participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be involved. Instead of houses-chairs, you can use a large colorful umbrella, under which children hide at the signal "Rain!" During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, jump, walk in pairs.

With repetition, the game can be made more difficult by placing houses (3-4 chairs each) in different parts of the room. Children should remember their house and run into it at the signal.

My jolly jingle ball

Target... Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description... Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or playground. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with a ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps when hitting it with his hand, and at the same time he says:

My Jolly Ringing Ball, Where Did You Run Jump? Red, Yellow, Blue, Can't keep up with you!

S. Marshak

Then the teacher calls 2-3 children, invites them to jump simultaneously with the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. When he is finished, he says: "I'll catch up now!" The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

Instructions for carrying out... When the game is repeated, the teacher calls other children and in larger numbers. The last time you can offer to be balls to all children at the same time. The teacher must make movements and pronounce the text at a fast pace, corresponding to the jumps of children, the jumps are quite frequent.

If children cannot reproduce the movements of the ball, they need to be shown again how the ball jumps.

Little white bunny sits

Target... Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text. To bring joy to children.

Description... Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says that they are all bunnies, and invites them to run out into the clearing. Children go to the middle of the room, stand near the teacher and squat down.

The teacher says the text:

The little white hare sits And wiggles his ears. Like this, like this, He wiggles his ears.

Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

Bunny is cold to sit, It is necessary to warm the paws. Clap, clap, clap, clap, It is necessary to warm the paws.

From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.

The bunny is cold to stand, It is necessary for the bunny to gallop, Skok-skok, skok-skok, We need to gallop the bunny.

From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, children bounce on both legs in place.

Someone (or a bear) scared the bunny, Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

The teacher shows the toy a bear - and the children run away to their places.

Instructions for carrying out... The game can be played with any number of children. Before the start of the game, it is imperative to prepare the places where the bunnies will run away. At first, you do not need to select the driver, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After repeated repetition of the game, you can select the child as a bunny and put him in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, you should not quickly run after the children, you must give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves. There is no need to demand from the kids that they must sit in their place; each occupies a free space on a chair, bench, carpet. But with a systematic repetition of the game, children remember their places well and quickly find them.

Birds fly

Target... Teach children to jump from low objects, run scattered, act only on a signal; teach kids to help each other.

Description... Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm) - on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says: "The sun is shining on the street, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains, crumbs." Children jump from hills, fly (run, waving their arms), squat, peck grains (knock their fingers on their knees or on the floor). With the words of the teacher, "The rain has gone! All the birds hid in their nests!" children run to their places.

Instructions for carrying out... Before the game, the teacher must prepare low benches or such a number of cubes, bars, so that there is enough for everyone to play. They must be placed in one side of the playground or room at a sufficient distance from each other so that the children do not push and can freely take places. You need to show the kids how to jump gently, help them climb the dais after running. When repeating the game, the signal can be given in one word: "Sunny!" or "Rain!" Children need to know on what signal what to do.

1. An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain"

Target: take actions at the signal of the educator.

Adult directions:

The sun is shining, we have a lot of fun and we are happy. When it rains, we have to hide!

The teacher raises the sun figurine.

Sunny, show yourself!

(children run, spin)

Red, show yourself!


Children rejoice

They dance merrily.

The teacher raises an umbrella. Children squat.

2. An outdoor game "Along a flat path"

Target: alternation of different types of walking and running. Act on a signal from the teacher.

Adult directions:

The guys decided to go for a walk, but there are bumps and pebbles on the street. And so as not to stumble and fall, be careful!

On a flat path

On a flat path.

Our legs are marching.

One, two, one, two ...

(children are walking)

By pebbles, pebbles,

(children are jumping)

By pebbles, pebbles,

Our legs are tired

Here is our home

The guys live in it!

(children sit on high chairs)

3. Outdoor game "Leaf fall"

Target: to coordinate the movements with the signal of the educator. Fix the color.

Adult directions:

Autumn leaves are spinning slowly. Autumn leaves are different: green, yellow, red. Be careful.

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

The yellow leaves are flying!

(yellow leaves are flying)

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

The leaves are flying red!

(red leaves are flying)

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

Green leaves are flying!

(green leaves are flying)

4. Outdoor game "Find your house"

Target: find your house, run without touching each other. Perform actions at the signal of the educator.

Adult directions:

All birds are afraid of cats. When they see a cat, they immediately fly to their houses. Bullfinches will fly to the trees. The pigeons will sit on the bench. Sparrows - on the path for the bench.

Birds are small

They fly across the sky

Children are amused.

(children fly, flap their wings)

Suddenly a cat appeared!

Meow meow meow!

(children run to their places)

5. Outdoor game "Beads"

Target: move slowly, repeat the movements behind the teacher.

Adult directions:

I will be the thread and you will be the beads. Listen to me and be attentive!

I string beads on a string. - Takes wishing children by the hand. The rest come up and take the last child by the hand, forming a long chain - beads. Sings slowly:

How we sculpted beads

How we sculpted the beads.

(leads slowly forward in a straight line)

Beads, beads,

Beautiful beads.

How we played with beads

How we collected beads.

(drives the chain from one side

to another throughout the group)

Beads, beads,

Beautiful beads.

How we curled the beads

How we curled the beads

(spinning slowly,

curling the chain around you)

Beads, beads

Beautiful beads.

6. An outdoor game "Blow up, bubble!"

Target: perform a variety of movements, forming a circle. Exercise in the pronunciation of the sound (Ш).

Adult directions:

We will now inflate the bubble so that it becomes large and does not burst.

All stand in a circle and join hands. The teacher says the words, and the children perform the actions.

Blow up, bubble!

(holding hands, disperse)

Swell up, big ...

Stay that way

And don't burst!

(stand holding hands)


(without letting go of their hands, converge to the center)

7. Outdoor game "Snowflakes"

Target: coordinate movements with the text of the poem.

Adult directions:

The teacher reminds that the snow is very light, it slowly falls to the ground, whirls when the breeze blows.

Children move according to the text:

To the clearing, to the meadow

The snow is falling quietly

Snowflakes are falling

White fluffs.

We flew, we flew

And they lay down on the ground.

Snowflakes are quietly sleeping

White fluffs.

But suddenly a breeze blew -

Our snowball spun.

Snowflakes are spinning

White fluffs.

8. Outdoor game "Hen and Chickens"

Target: perform imitation movements at the signal of the teacher, onomatopoeia to the voice of birds.

Adult directions:

I will be a mother chicken. And you are my chickens. Listen to me carefully and do whatever I say.

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And the guys behind her

(follow the teacher in a crowd)

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Don't go far.

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

(imitate all movements in the text)

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

You run and look.

Only the rain will suddenly pour -

The scallop will wet us.

Mom the hen is calling

He takes everyone under his wing.


(Children run to the teacher)

9. Outdoor game "Hares and wolf"

Target: coordination of movements, consistency with the signal of the teacher.

Adult directions:

Bunnies live in the forest. They love to walk and eat green grass. But in the forest there is also a gray wolf, which the bunnies are afraid of. If they see a wolf, they immediately run under the bush!

Bunnies are jumping gallop, gallop, gallop.

To the green to the meadow,

They pinch the weed, listen,

Isn't the wolf coming?

The teacher shows a figurine of a wolf and growls: "Rrr-rrr-rrr!"

Children run scattered. The wolf catches up with them.

10. Outdoor game "Train"

Target: move in different directions, at different rates, show objects, convey the characteristic movements of animals and birds. Exercise the sound pronunciation of the voice of animals and birds.

Adult directions:

Everyone needs to stand one after the other - we will be trailers. There are gifts in the trailers. There is a steam locomotive ahead. The teacher plays the role of a steam locomotive, stands in front of the children, moving slowly, says:

Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!

The train is racing at full speed.

(children follow an adult,

pronounce: chukh-chukh-chukh ")

I puff, puff, puff

I carry a hundred wagons.


An adult turns from one side to the other. Continues: "We've arrived!"

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring us as a gift?

- Balls!

(children jump like balls)

Ooh! the locomotive is calling everyone.

(children get into trailers)

Chug-chuh-chug! Go!

The locomotive hummed

And he drove the trailers.


I'll rock you far!

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring us as a gift?

- Birds!

(imitate birds)

The locomotive hummed

And he drove the trailers.


I'll rock you far! ............

11. Outdoor game "Geese"

Target: develop dialogic speech and correlate words with actions.

Adult directions:

Geese went to a field of fresh grass to nibble, then bathed in the river, gathered home - and not go! A wolf sits under the mountain, wants to grab a goose. I will be a wolf and you will be geese!

- Geese, geese!

(children: "ha-ha-ha!")

Do you want to eat?

("Yes Yes Yes!")

Bread and butter?


And what do you want?

("Candy !!!")

Fly home!

An adult says with children:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

One, two, three - run home!

Children begin to run across, and an adult with a toy wolf catches up with the children.

12. Outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain" - 2

Target: coordinate movements with the text of the poem, imitating an adult.

Adult directions:

What a wonderful weather! Now I'll go out and invite the kids to play!

He goes out to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he says the text:

The sun looks out the window,

Shines in our room.

We clap our hands

We are very glad to the sun! (A. Barto)

Children listen and repeat the poem after the teacher. Then, under his words, they make movements, imitating the teacher:




Top top top

(everyone stomps their feet while standing still)





(everyone claps their hands, imitating the teacher)

Now let's run! - suggests the teacher and runs away. Children scatter in different directions. Unexpectedly for them, the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home! " Everyone is in a hurry to their houses.

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, do not regret a drop.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain!

Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain is over or not.

The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! (children go out for a walk)

Oh, it's starting to rain! (children run to the houses).

13. Outdoor game "Carousel"

Target: obey the general tempo of movements and together, in chorus, pronounce the text

Adult directions:

Now we are going to ride the carousel. Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break.

Barely, barely, barely

The carousel spun.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Run, run

Have lunch, have lunch!

Hush, hush, take your time

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te

One-two, one-two (pause)

The game is over.

14. Outdoor game "Gifts"

Target: convey the character of the depicted toy through the movements.

Adult directions:

Do you love when you are presented with toys? We will now make gifts to each other.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants will take

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane.

(with the end of the words, the children stop, referring to the child standing

in a circle, asks which gift he would like to receive)


Our horse gallops, Doll, doll, dance, This is how the top spins,

Chok-chok-chok! Wave a bright ribbon. I live on the flank too.

The sound of fast feet is heard, (repeat twice) (repeat twice)

Hop hop hop!

Hop hop hop! AIRPLANE

Tprrrruuuu! Depicting an airplane, children "start the engines" to the sound

Rrrrrrrrrr and make circular movements with his hands

in front of them and "take off" and fly.

15. Outdoor game "Shaggy dog"

Target: manage your behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties.

The dog runs after the children, barks at them and returns to his house again. The game starts over.

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying his nose in his paws.

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see what happens !?