A synopsis of the experimenting nodes in the older preparatory group. Experiments and experiments (middle group) on the topic: GCD for experimentation

Sansyzbaeva Aliya Bulatovna

Mukhamedzyanova Albina Khamsanovna

educators MADOU number 39, Tyumen

Integration of educational areas:


To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the properties of air (invisible, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and shrinks when cooled); about the properties of water (odorless, transparent, does not have a permanent form, is a solvent for some substances)

Development of the organs of hearing, sight, smell.

Develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.


Promote the development of free communication with adults and children.

To intensify speech and enrich the vocabulary of children.


Development of quick wits, the ability to independently solve a task.

Learn to draw conclusions during the experiment.

Cultivate friendships.


Formation of skills in children to take a deep breath, hold the air and exhale it slowly.


Consolidation of safety rules of conduct during experiments with air and water.

Fostering a respectful attitude towards work for people of science.


Enriching the musical experience.

Preliminary work:

Classes for children in the mini-laboratory. Experiments with water, air, magnet, sand, clay and other materials.


Balloons (with helium);

- a container with cold and hot water;

Plastic bottle;

2 cups;

A glass of milk;

- containers of various shapes;

A picture depicting a balloon with a basket;


Record player;

Course of the lesson:

Organizational moment: "Welcome"

Educator: Look, we have guests today!

Let's say hello to our guests and everything that surrounds us.

Hello sky (hands up)

Hello earth (squat)

Hello my friends (hands in front)

1,2,3,4,5 (bend the fingers)

Together we are in a circle again (hold hands)

Let's play together.

We want to travel again (go in a circle)

Educator: What can you go on a trip with? (children's answers) I propose to use the balloon today. Do you mind? (No)

The teacher brings in a large helium balloon, and the children and the teacher stand around it.

We need an important assistant along the way.

It is said about him in the riddle:

Passes through the nose into the chest

And keeps the way back

He is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without it. (air)

Educator: Air is everywhere. Look around.

Who saw the air? (children's answers). Yes, the air is invisible, but it is always around us. Without him, we could not live, since there would be nothing to breathe.

Now guys, let's check how long we can hold our breath. (exercise "Deep inhalation and exhalation after 5-7 seconds")

Why can't we see air? (children's answers). The air is invisible because it is transparent.

Do you want to see the air? (Yes)

To do this, we need to go to our laboratory. (Children sit on high chairs)

But first, let's review the rules of safe behavior when experimenting:

1. Do not push your neighbor while you work.

2. Look first, then repeat.

3. Be careful with hot water !!!

(corresponding pictures are posted on the board)

Experiment # 1:

Educator: This experiment requires a container of water and an empty glass.

The glass is lowered into a container of water with the neck down. Does water get into the glass? Why not? (children's answers)

Conclusion: There is air in the glass, it does not let water in there.

Experiment # 2:

Tilt the glass so that bubbles appear.

Educator: What do you see? (bubbles) Where did they come from? (children's answers) What happens to the glass? (it fills with water). What is the conclusion from this experiment?

Conclusion: Air comes out of the glass, water takes its place.

The teacher opens the image of the balloon.

Educator: Tell me, why is there a burner under the ball? (children's answers). Now we will find out what happens to the air when it is heated.

Experiment # 3:

Educator: For this experiment we need an empty balloon and a plastic bottle.

The ball must be put on the neck of the bottle and held for 1 min. in hot water. - What do you see? (The balloon inflates) Why do you think it inflated? (children's assumptions)

Conclusion: When heated, the air in the bottle expands and fills the ball, it inflates.

Then the teacher puts the bottle with the ball in cold water.

What happens to the ball? (The balloon is deflated) Why is the balloon deflated? (children's assumptions)

Conclusion: Air is compressed during cooling and leaves the ball - it is deflated.

Educator: Why do you need a burner? (children's answers). When heated, the air expands and fills the ball. When the burner shuts down, the air gradually cools and contracts - the ball is deflated.

Educator: It's time for us to continue flying! Take your seats. We flew. (Children stand around the ball. The teacher takes out a globe.) Children, what is this in my hands? (globe) That's right, this is how our earth looks from space. What is blue on the globe? (Water) Listen to the poem about water. (Vika M. will read it to us)

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, sea, ocean

And the water tap.

Freezes like an icicle

Creeps into the forest with fog,

Your stove is boiling,

The kettle's ferry hiss

Dissolves sugar in tea.

We do not notice it.

We are used to the fact that water

Our companion is always!

We can't wash our face without water

Do not eat, do not get drunk.

I dare to report to you -

We cannot live without water!

Educator: And, indeed, it is difficult to imagine life without water. Attention, here we are! Let's land! (Children go out.)

Someone is coming to meet us! (the recording of the song "I am a water one, I am a water one ..." turns on, the Water one enters)

Merman: Hello! I am very glad to see you! I so love to spank with bare feet in puddles, swim, splash. After that, transparent droplets shine on the arms and legs in the sun's rays. Only I do not understand: where does this water then disappear? And also, in winter, I wanted to swim in my favorite river, and instead of water - ice. Where did he come from?

Educator: Dear Vodyanoy, the guys and I will try to answer your questions. To do this, you need to arm yourself with attention and patience.

Let's go to the laboratory.

Educator: Water, we will show what properties water has. Children pay attention: there is ice in a container on the table. We'll come back to it later.

And now, we learn about the properties of water.

Experiment # 4:

Take a glass of clean water and smell it.

Educator: Does the water smell? (No, water has no smell.) So what conclusion will we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: Water is odorless.

Experiment # 5:

Educator: For the next experiment, we need a glass of water, a glass of milk and pictures. Put a glass of water on the picture and consider what is drawn in the picture. Then do the same with a glass of milk.

Educator: Can you see what is drawn in the picture? (Where there is water, it is visible, but where milk is not.) What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment?

Conclusion: The water is clear.

Experiment # 6:

Educator: Now we need a glass of water, salt and a spoon. We need to put a spoonful of salt in the glass and stir.

Educator: what happened to the salt? (salt dissolved)

We draw the following conclusion.

Conclusion: Water is a solvent for some substances.

Experiment # 7:

Pour the water into different containers.

Educator: what form did the water take? (The shape of the dish into which it was poured)

Conclusion: Water does not have a constant form, it takes the form of the vessel into which it was poured.

Guys, we did a good job, and now it's time to rest

Physical education: "Rain"

A drop of one, a drop of two.

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then

Everything is running, running, running.

We opened our umbrellas,

They sheltered themselves from the rain.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the table on which there was ice. What do you see? Why did this happen? (children's answers)

Merman: It's a pity that the ice has melted, I love to eat it so much.

Educator: What are you! Icicles and ice cannot be eaten! Why can't children eat ice? (children's answers). Let's prove that the ice is dirty. (filtering)

Experiment # 8:

Educator: We need a vessel, a funnel and a filter.

Pour melted water from a plate into a funnel with a filter.

Educator: (shows the filter) Clean or dirty ice? (Dirty) Why? (Filter became dirty) Water, can you eat ice or not?

Merman: What are you! I will never eat ice and snow again.

Educator: Let's repeat the properties of water.

Merman: Thank you. I will remember the properties of water and I will never forget them. Here are the balloons for you to remember this trip. Goodbye.

(The merman leaves)

Educator: It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Take your seats. We close our eyes. One, two, three, four, five, and we are in the garden again! Have arrived.

Human! Remember forever:

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

Save it and take care of it.

We are not alone on the planet!


1. Zubkova N. M. "Scientific answers to children's" why ". Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old. 2009

2. Kulikovskaya I. E. "Children's experimentation" 2005

3. Raviza F. V. "Simple Experiments" 1997

4. Smirnov Yu. I. "Air" 1998

5. Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. "Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age" 2009

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Integration of educational areas:cognition, communication, socialization, play, art, health.

Tasks: to acquaint children with the properties of stone and chalk. Strengthen the children's ability to examine objects with the help of different senses, name their properties and features. To develop their sensory sensations, the ability to use devices when conducting experiments and experiments.

Maintain children's interest in experimental work. To give children an idea of ​​how stone and chalk are mined, how they are used by humans. To acquaint children with the deposits of stone and chalk. Raise interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature. Development of children's creative abilities using natural materials.

Technology use:

Cognitive - research technology. Study. Experiments with pebbles and chalk.

Game technology: "Know the game by touch"

Surprise moment: a package, crayons, making riddles about stone and chalk.

Health-preserving technology: Physical training, relaxation.

Art: Drawing nature with crayons.

TSO: tape recorder,

Material and equipment:

1. Package with stones and chalk;

2. Riddles about chalk and stone;

3. Trays with pebbles and chalk, magnifiers, cups of water and sticks (according to the number of children, hammer;

4. black cardboard, crayons.

5. Pictures of mountains, rivers.

GCD move

Guys, I want to show my knowledge and skills, and get to know your knowledge.

Tell me what surrounds us? (We are surrounded by objects)

And what else? (Nature).

What is nature like? (Nature is alive and inanimate).

What signs of wildlife do you know? (Breathes, reproduces, grows, moves, eats).

Children, and we received an interesting package + letter:

“Hello dear children!

I heard that you know a lot about nature. So I decided to send a parcel with objects of inanimate nature. And what are these objects, you will find out by guessing my riddles, which are in the envelope. Good luck!

Mistress of Copper Mountain".

Guys, in the letter, let's guess the riddles.

I look unsightly, I'm lying on the ground in layers,

Hit me with a hammer

Because I am very, necessary (stone)

This is what it is - this mountain stone (Shows to children).

This is a stone and it belongs to inanimate nature.

Children, now, let's visit our laboratory.

Look, you have trays on your tables - find a stone on them. Take a stone, examine it, tell us about it: what color is it, hard or soft, smooth or rough, shiny or matte.

How did you know that it is solid? (You need to press on it with your finger or squeeze it in your hand).

Do you think the stone is durable or not? Let's check if the stone is so durable. I'm going to hit him with a hammer, and you watch what happens. (Hits a piece of stone with a hammer: did not fall apart into small pieces).

Yes guys, the stone is hard

Take the magnifying glass and examine the stone. What do you see there?

Mountains are made of stones, please look at the pictures.

Guys, what do you think will happen if we put a stone in the water? Let's carefully dip it into a jar of water. What happens to the water?

The stone sank, and why? (heavy).

Do you think it dissolves or not? How can you check? (Stir in water with a stick).

Stir the water, stone with a stick? (Does not dissolve).

Remember, the stone is insoluble in any of the liquids.


I ask you to rise - this is "one",

The head turned - this is "two",

Hands to the side, forward, watch this "three."

On "four" - jump.

Pressing two hands to your shoulders is "five".

All the guys to sit down quietly is "six".

Guys, there's another riddle in the envelope.

“White little lump. It lies in my hand.

They draw on the pavement, write letters on the board

Whitewash ceilings and stoves. Dissolves easily:

Dip a lump in the river - it will flow like milk (Chalk) "

Children, find chalk on your trays and examine it. What colour is he? (White.)

Is chalk the same as stone? (No, it's matte).

Hard or soft chalk? Feel it with your hands. (Hard chalk). - Guys, chalk is hard, but it is softer than stone. When they write to them, it crumbles, crumbles, which means that it is fragile. Let's check it out! Try to run a strip of chalk across the board. What do you see? What did chalk do? (Mel leaves a trail).

What is left on the hands after the chalk? Yes, it gets dirty. Dry your hands with a tissue.

Now try to trace the strip with a stone. Is there such a trace

he leaves? (No, he scratches, does not write like chalk).

Children, let's see how chalk will behave in water? Dip the chalk carefully into the water.

What was the water like? (Clean and transparent).

What happened to the water? (She grew dim.)

Why did she turn cloudy? (Because chalk dissolves in it). - And let's remember, when the stone was lowered, what happened to the water? With a stone? (nothing)

Yes, chalk dissolves. Chalk is a limestone consisting of marine microorganisms, limestone algae, it is semi-hardened sea silt, in which shells of molluscs, skeletons of sea urchins, lilies, even corals are found.

Let's look at chalk under a magnifying glass, what do you see? (Small holes, blades of grass.)

How do you think chalk is still used by humans? (To draw on the board, on the asphalt).

Educator. Chalk, guys, is needed not only for drawing. Natural chalk is used in agriculture for liming soils and feeding animals, in industry - for the production of cement. Chalk is added in the manufacture of rubber, plastics, varnishes, paints. Refined chalk is used in the manufacture of medicines. Chalk is an integral part of tooth powders and pastes. Chalk is used to make art paints, school crayons.

Chalk occurs at different depths. It can be found deep underground

Today we have learned a lot of new, interesting things about pebbles and chalk.

Guys! but with the package the Mistress of the Copper Mountain sent us something else, but what, we now find out?

“Learn by touch game” colored crayons.


Now close your eyes and immerse yourself in nature for a moment

Either it will be a river, or a meadow,

Either the sun, or the oak.

Either a bird or a beast

Believe in your fairy tale.

Now open your eyes.

You take crayons and create a phenomenon of nature.

Children draw at will, three people at a time on large boards with colored crayons.

Summary of GCD on experimenting with water "Little magicians" in the nursery group.

Educational area: "Cognitive development"

Type of activity: Cognitive and research.

Purpose: Involvement of children in elementary research activities to study the qualities and properties of inanimate nature.


To acquaint children with the properties of water (color, smell, transparency)

To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson


Develop the skills of conducting the first experiments;

Develop the thinking, speech, outlook and curiosity of children;

To develop in children cognitive interest, independence, observation, the ability to compare.


Ability to work in a group;

To foster a respect for water.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: liquid, transparent, odorless.

Materials and equipment: a magician's hat, glasses according to the number of children, plates according to the number of children, paint, milk, cotton swabs, toys, a bottle of water, juice, lemonade.

Methods and techniques: play (invitation card), visual (a jar of water), practical (experiments), verbal.

Integration of activities: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

1 part. Organizational

The teacher reads the book "Moidodyr" to the children. The magician's hat and postcard appear.

Educator: Guys, whose hat is this? And who is a magician? And then there's the invitation.

“Dear guys, I invite you to the land of tricks. Here you will learn a lot of interesting things and learn how to show magic tricks,. Good luck."

Educator: Well, what are the guys going to the land of tricks? (Children's answers. Do you know how to show tricks? (Children's answers)

But to get to this country you need to put on magic aprons. (Music)

Educator: Today I will be the main magician, and you will be my students' assistants

Educator: Look guys, what's on the table. Let's get a little closer.

That's right, water. And in this glass? (milk)

Educator: Guys, would you like to learn tricks with water?

Part 2. Experimental and experimental.

Educator: Then let's start

If you want, you can sit down at the tables ...

Educator: Guys, look at the glass of water. Do you think the water is clear or not? And what about milk? Now we will try to show the first trick: we will hide this toy in milk. Happened? Now let's hide the toy in a glass of water. Why is the toy visible?

That's right, so what kind of water ? (transparent)

There are signs on the table. Look, the magician has prepared different signs for us. Which means that the water is clear? Let's attach this sign to the carpet.

The corresponding mark is attached to the carpet.

Then the teacher asks to determine what the orange juice, lemonade and water smells like. Find out that the water has no smell.

Well done boys. And now we will learn one more trick.

Focus "Multi-colored water".

To carry out the trick, it is necessary to take jars with screw caps (according to the number of children). Water is poured into the banks in advance. The teacher shows everyone that the water is ordinary, covers it with a handkerchief, then says the magic words:

"There was simple water, turn into colored water." Children shake the water in the jar, the water turns into the desired color.

What happened to the water? She became colored, dyed. (Ask the children. What color is the water.)

(Secret of trick. The inside of the covers is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue, yellow)

Educator: How difficult it is to be magicians. Let `s have some rest?

Fizminutka .(Music)

We rested a little, and now we will continue to learn tricks. Do you guys like to draw?

Cape danced with you, and now we will make it so that our colors will dance too.

(On the table there is a container with milk) also gouache paints and liquid soap.

Children are called. Educator: guys, we will need all this for the next trick.

Focus "Dancing Colors"

(Put a drop of paint in milk, then dip a cotton swab in liquid soap and touch this speck of paint. What happened? Do you see the paint dancing? Now try it yourself.


Educator: Guys, we need to return to kindergarten. I suggest you go to the carpet and stand in a circle. Did you like the land of magic tricks today? What did you like the most? What did you learn about water? I really enjoyed teaching you tricks today and I want to show you another one. Now I will turn this bottle of water into juice. I'll put it in my hat. And all of you close your eyes. One, two, three water will turn into juice! (the teacher distributes juice to the children)

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 1.

Abstract of GCD

on experimenting with water in the older group

topic: "Properties of water".


senior educator

Daibova Elena Vladimirovna

Integration of areas: cognition, communication, socialization.

Purpose: To develop a desire to know the world through research activities.

1. Educational:

1. Introducing children to the properties of water:

Lack of color and smell;

Lack of taste;

Lack of your own form;


Water can dissolve substances

2. Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments.

2. Educational:

Develop social skills:

1. Ability to work in a group, taking into account the opinion of a partner;

2. Defend your own opinion, prove your case;

3. To instill a respect for water.

3. Developing:

1. To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Technologies used: a projector, technologies of personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with children, health-preserving technologies (physical minute).

Preliminary work.

1. Conversations about water, its role in human life.

2. Examination of illustrations on the theme "Water".

3. Monitoring the state of the water while walking.

Material (for each child): 4 numbered glasses, 2 teaspoons, sugar, plasticine, strips of paper of different colors, different containers.

What has changed in the dressing room?

Who wears these robes?

Do you want to become scientists for a while?

So, we are scientists. We made a serious look and went into the group.

Did you also notice that we are not alone today? We have guests, but they are not guests at all, but journalists. What are journalists doing? (write articles), but before they write an article about us, they must interview. Now they will ask us a few questions.

1. They poured me, they drink me, everyone needs me. Who am I?
Answer : water

2. Is it possible to drink the water of the oceans, seas? Why?
Answer: no, because it is salty.

3. What kind of water is safe to drink?
Answer: fresh

4. Do you think fresh water supplies are limited or unlimited?
Answer: limited

5. Water containing detergents.

Answer: soapy

6. Water after defrosting.

Answer: melted

Well done! You know a thing or two about water, but that's not all. Water has many properties. Which, you do not even guess! Do you want to know as much as possible about water?

Guys, look what is this? slide number 3

This is a globe.

What is a globe?

Right. The globe is a miniature model of our planet Earth. This is how astronauts see our Earth during flight.

What color is the most on the globe?

(- Blue, blue)

Right. What do you think is indicated by these colors on the globe?

Light blue and blue is the color for water on the globe. See how much water there is on our Earth. Who needs water?

(- Animals, plants, humans)

That's right, without water there is no life on earth.

How is water used in your family? slide number 5

How does mom use water?

(- Cooking, washing, watering plants)

How do you use water?

(-We drink, wash)

Well done.

Quite right (summary with slide show)

“If your hands are in wax, slide 6

If blots have sat down on the nose,

Who then is our first friend

Remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't do without slide number 7

No cooking. No wash

Without which we will be straightforward

Should a man die?

To rain from the sky

So that ears of bread grow

for ships to sail,

so that jelly is cooked,

so that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without water. "

Water is essential for all life on earth. slide number 8

Now let's remember what kind of water is

(answer is duplicated by slide show)

1. There was a soft white blanket. slide number 9

The sun was hot, the blanket flowed. (Snow)

2. Bridge, like blue glass slide number 10

Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

3. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere. slide number 11

The lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud)

4. Flowing, flowing - will not flow out, slide number 12

Runs, runs - will not run out. (River)

5. People are waiting for me, my name is, slide number 13

And when I come to them, they run away. (Rain)

Well done boys! Let's talk slide # 14

about the three states of water.

1. Liquid state.

How does water occur in a liquid state?

In the form of rain, droplets, dew, a stream.

(work on the board)

2. Gaseous state.

How does water occur in a gaseous state?

In the form of steam, clouds, fog.

(cards on the board)

3. Solid state

We already know that water is a liquid. And if the frost? Even a small one, just minus one degree? What will happen to the water? It will go from liquid to solid.

How does water occur in a solid state?

(card to board)

Remember the competition "Winter flower bed". slide number 15

    Dyed the water

    Poured into a mold


Now I propose to warm up a little

Physical minutes (mnemonic table) slide number 16

What is there in the fog?

What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their arms forward.)
Waves splash in the ocean. (Children wave their hands in waves.)
These are the masts of the ships. (Children stretch their arms up.)
Let them sail here soon! (The children wave their hands in greeting.)
We walk along the shore
We are waiting for sailors, (Walking in place.)
We are looking for seashells in the sand (Slopes.)
And clench it in a fist. (Children clench their fists.)
To collect more of them, -
You need to squat more often. (Squats.)

Well, we'll go for a walk now

And we will return home to ourselves

Well, since we are scientists today, tell me, what are they doing?

slide number 17

Children, where do you think scientists conduct their experiments?

Do you have a desire to visit a laboratory and conduct several experiments to learn more information about water?

We are a team - "Curious",
Our motto: "We want to know everything!"
Ask us a hundred questions
We are ready to answer!

slide number 18

And so, the entrance to the laboratory is open! And in order for everything to work out in the laboratory, you need to follow the rules:

(the children themselves use the mnemonic table to tell the rules) I'm talking about the observation sheet).

1. Do not talk too loudly, so as not to interfere with each other.

2. Do not touch your face and eyes with your hands.

3. During the experiment, be careful, do not be distracted, so as not to drop anything, do not scatter, do not break.

4. Keep your work area clean.

5. Do not forget to draw a conclusion after each experiment.

And I propose to draw conclusions in the observation sheet. (outline the picture with the correct answer with a marker)

And if suddenly something becomes unclear, what needs to be done? (ask)

slide number 19

And now I invite everyone to go to our laboratory. Make yourself comfortable, I take a chair, it's so comfortable for me.

EXPERIENCE 1: water has no color. (milk, water, colored stripes)

Now pay attention.

What's on your tables?

Take the cups numbered 1 and 2.

What's in the cups?

What else is on the tables next to the cups?

What color are they?

Now, please select a strip of paper that matches the color of the milk.

Well done! Now select the strip that matches the color of the water.

Does the water have a color? What do you think?

So what can we say about water?

What is it if it has no color?

Output: colorless water slide No. 20

EXPERIENCE 2: clear water. (the same with spoons)

Each of you has teaspoons. Dip one spoon in a glass of water and the other in a glass of milk.

Tell me, please, can you see the bottom of the spoon in a glass of milk?

Is the spoon visible in the glass of water?

So what can we say about water? What conclusion can be drawn?

Output: clear water slide number 21

(We mark the conclusion in the observation sheet).

EXPERIENCE 3: water has no taste. (the same, we try)

Come on, we will taste milk, what does it taste like?

How does the water taste?

Output: water has no taste slide # 22

(We mark the conclusion in the observation sheet).

EXPERIENCE 4: The water is odorless. (the same, sniff)

Now let's try to smell the water. What can you say what the water smells like?

(remember how flowers smell, orange)

Output: water has no smell slide 23

(We mark the conclusion in the observation sheet).

EXPERIENCE 5: water is shapeless. (cube, molds)

Guys, what's in my hand? What shape does it have?

(I put it everywhere) - does the cube change its shape?

Guys, I'm wondering what shape the water has? Are you interested?

Before you are molds of different shapes. Let's try pouring water into all the molds. What do we see?

Right. Guys, this means water has no definite shape. Wherever we pour it, water takes on the shape in which vessel it is.

Output: water does not have the shape of slide number 24

(We mark the conclusion in the observation sheet).

EXPERIENCE 6: water - solvent (No. 3, No. 4, card - diagram)

For this experiment, we need cups numbered 3 and 4 and a card scheme. Look carefully at the diagram, there is a sequence of the experiment. (please ... tell me what he did)

The sugar is dissolved in the water. Water is slide number 25

solvent for sugar.

Do you think all substances can dissolve in water? If you put a piece of plasticine in water, will it also disappear, like sugar?

I suggest taking plasticine from my table and adding it to glass # 4. Children are working independently. The teacher asks 3-4 people, what happened to the plasticine in the water?

The plasticine did not dissolve in the water: it lies at the bottom of the glass.

Well done boys! Having now experimented with sugar, plasticine, what new property of water did you meet?

Output: water can dissolve some substances, while others cannot. For some substances, it is a solvent, but for others it is not.

(We mark the conclusion in the observation sheet).

The final stage

Water is a good friend and helper of man. I suggest listening to a poem by Natalia Ryzhova "Magic water

Have you heard about water? slides number 26,27,28,29,30,31

They say she is everywhere!

You will find her in the pond,

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And inwater tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with fog,

Your stove is boiling,

The kettle's ferry hiss

We can't wash our face without her,

Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We cannot live without her!

Indeed, without water, it is impossible to live on earth. We have now made several discoveries for ourselves. That water in nature has what properties? (transparent, tasteless and odorless). This is exactly the kind of water that all life on Earth needs. And if suddenly it changed its properties, began to smell awful, became cloudy, an unpleasant taste appeared, what happened to the water? (polluted).

Is it drinkable?

And so that we have enough clean water, what do we need to do? (the water must be protected and protected, the tap must be closed on time, not wasted too much, not thrown into the river by ourselves, forbidden to others).

What allowed us to learn more about the properties of water?

What was the most difficult experience for you? (did you like it the most?)

-… what other experiments with water would you like to carry out? (set up for further work)

(praise each one separately)

Our experiments are over, you can take your observation sheets, they may still be useful to you.

And again journalists are on our way.

Questions from journalists. slide number 32

Let's remember what properties of water we have met today, what will we put in our little box of knowledge? (look at their observation sheets)

1. Name the three states of water (liquid, solid, gaseous)

2. Tell us what properties of water have you met? (has no color, odor, taste, shape, transparent, is a solvent for some substances).

3. Is it important what you learned today? Will this be useful to you in life?

Thanks for the interview, we are sure that you will become real scientists who will make many discoveries.

Abstract of the GCD in the senior group on experimental activities on the topic:
"Learning to show tricks"

Promote the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, through experimental activities
1. Expand children's understanding of the properties of various materials (water, paper, magnet);
2. To develop visual, auditory, motor memory of children;
3. To develop fine motor skills in the process of survey actions;
4. Develop a coherent, dialogical speech, answer questions with a sentence, agreeing on words in gender and case;
5. Encourage children to express and defend their opinions.

Preliminary work:

1. Experimenting in a group (getting new colors and shades by mixing paints; curling narrow strips of paper into a tube with a pencil; determining materials with the greatest absorbent properties (wiping a puddle with paper, cotton wool, cloth, sponge); identifying the magnet's ability to attract some items);
2. Learning a physical education minute;
3. Making gifts for guests;
4. Discussion of the rules of conduct in the group during the experiment.


table covered with oilcloth,
magicians' hats,
Magic wand,
plastic water bottles,
a basin of water,
paper flowers,
a glass of colored water,
metal keys,
a sheet of cardboard with a magnet,
items from various materials.

Course of the lesson:

Educator invites children to take a walk in the autumn forest.
We walked in the autumn forest all day (they walk in a circle, one after another)
Marveling at the weed (bending over and touching the weed)
They breathed air (they wave their hands at themselves)
The earth is sent under the feet by the leaves (they walk on tiptoes, hands on the belt)
We go on tiptoes, we step lightly
Here the trees stood in our way (running like a snake)
You need to run around or bypass them
The cloud is small
The rain brought us (children move freely in the group)
Let's run under the tree
We will hide there (one child stands in the middle, children squat around him).

Educator: Guys, we recently talked about professions.
Let's remember who is a magician? (The person who shows magic tricks)
Where can you see the magic tricks? (At the circus)
Can you do magic tricks?
Want me to teach you some childish tricks.
You will learn and show them to your parents. (Children sit at tables)
Let's put on our magic beanies.
What do I have in my hands? (Magic wand)
I will be the main magician, and you will be my assistants.
Your task is to look at the trick and guess its secret.

Focus number 1: "Colorful water"

On a tray in a row there are 4 plastic bottles filled with water.
Educator: Here is plain water, what color is it? (clear water)
The teacher beckons two children who, after uttering the magic words: "THERE WAS A SIMPLE VODICA, BECOME A COLORED VODICA", after waving a magic wand, they begin to actively shake up the bottled water.
After that, the water turns into different colors: blue, red, yellow.
educator: Why do you think the water is colored differently? (Children speak out)
It is necessary to lead the children to the correct answer: the water mixed with the paint and became colored.
The educator tests the children's assumptions in practice. (Brush puts thick paint under the bottle cap. Screws and shakes it)

Focus number 2: "Fresh flowers"

The teacher shows the children a flower made of paper.
Educator: What is the name of this flower? (Water lily)
Educator: Where does it grow? (On the lake, on the pond)
The teacher puts a basin of water on the table.
Educator: Take each water lily that you made yourself and carefully place it on the surface of the water. Let's all say together: “HEY FLOWERS, Wake up! PETALS OPEN! "
Children watch the opening of the petals.
Educator: What do you think, what is the secret of this trick?
Educator: Why did the petals begin to open? (Children express their assumptions)
It is necessary to lead the children to the correct answer: the paper absorbs water and the petals open under the weight of the water and fall on the surface of the water.
The teacher calls on one child to test the assumption in practice. (He puts a napkin into a glass of colored water, which quickly absorbs the water.)

Physical education "Flower"

Our wonderful flowers
Dissolve the petals
The breeze is barely breathing
Petals sway
Our wonderful flowers
Close the petals
Head shake
Fall asleep quietly

Children squat. Putting your palms together in front of your chest. They begin to get up slowly, open their arms above their head, sway and slowly take their starting position.

Focus number 3: "Obedient key"

The teacher shows the children a sheet of cardboard, calls up one assistant, asks him to take the key and attach it to the sheet of cardboard, where the teacher will show with a magic wand (the key falls on the table)
Educator: This is the naughty key. Probably need to draw a hook. He draws a hook with a marker and says a magic spell: "KEY, DO NOT LAZY KEY AND ATTACH TO THE HOOK!"
The assistant easily attaches the key to the drawn hook.
Educator: What is the secret of this trick? (children speak out)
It is necessary to lead the children to the correct answer: a magnet is attached to the back of the sheet, which attracts the metal key to itself.
The teacher, together with the children, checks the assumptions in practice and shows the interaction of the magnet with various objects (wood, glass, metal, rubber)
Educator: Guys, did you like the magic tricks? Can you show them yourself?
To be a magician you need to be very careful. Now let's see how attentive you are.
The teacher hangs 2 pictures on the board

Find the Difference Game

Educator: Take a close look at the pictures. They are the same? (Children find differences, the teacher attaches them to the picture)
Educator: Guys, today you coped with all my tasks: you discovered the secrets of tricks and found the differences in the pictures. Was it interesting? I hope our guests too!
To make life beautiful
To make the day more fun
We present you gifts
Accept them soon

Children give guests handmade medallions with water lilies
Thank you for the attention!