Corundum sapphire. Care for stone products? Mineral of artificial origin

Since ancient times, they have been used by mankind, being varieties of the mineral corundum. In nature, this is aluminum oxide in the form of crystals, which are found in the rock in disseminations, grains, and crystalline groups. Individual crystals have a pseudo-cubic shape, sometimes - cones, hexagonal prisms. Sizes reach 10 cm, and opaque samples are larger, up to a meter.

History and origins

In ancient times, corundum stone was distinguished by its rare hardness. Medieval traders compared the solid oriental patterns with the European ones. Since they were similar in color, the word "oriental" (oriental or) was added to the name of the oriental specimens. In fact, it was about the correspondingly colored corundum. Stones came to Europe from India, South Asia, where they were mined.

When mined in deposits, corundum can be found in igneous rocks, eruptions. It is found in nests, veins, blotches and shales. The most valuable samples of the mineral are found in placers. Deeper igneous rocks have a lot of alumina and little silica when crystals are found in them. This ratio is a necessary condition for the formation of corundum. Metamorphosed bauxites also generate this mineral. But the process is not associated with volcanic activity, bauxite is sedimentary rocks. Currently, corundum is produced artificially.

Crystals appear as a result of temperature treatment of bauxite. An electric furnace is used in which bauxite is melted and then crystallized with iron filings. Transparent corundum is obtained from alumina by first melting it, and then subjecting it to recrystallization in a fiery plasma from oxygen and hydrogen.

Physical properties

  • In terms of hardness, the mineral is the second after, it is in ninth place on the scale. Has excellent abrasive properties.
  • Corundum gemstone is transparent in properties, has clear and bright colors, for example: blue for sapphire, red for ruby. Without impurities, this mineral is colorless, and acquires beautiful colors due to the inclusions of other minerals and substances. It is known that ruby ​​has a red color due to the chromium atoms contained in the crystal. Similarly, titanium impurities provide a blue color to sapphires. Iron, magnesium also impart color to the stone, depending on the oxide. Jewelry corundum should have a uniform color and transparency. Opaque instances are more often used for technical purposes.
  • If corundum is heated, it loses its color and becomes lighter. And from exposure to radiation, the color becomes more saturated.
  • The rather high melting point, 2050 degrees C, allows the mineral to be used as a refractory material.
  • Crystalline mineral is characterized by luster, which can be metallic or more matte. Sometimes it is comparable to diamond, but more often - like glass.
  • Corundum is chemically resistant; acids do not dissolve this mineral.

Place of Birth

Today, 75 percent of all material comes to the market from Australia, where it is mined. Also corundum is mined in Africa, India, Turkey. The deposits are located in the USA, Thailand, on the Kola Peninsula; valuable stones are also found in Canada. Extraction is being developed in Norway, on the island of Sri Lanka. In the Russian Federation, these are the Middle and Northern Urals, Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Russia does not have deposits of corundum of the noble variety in industrial quantities. So, for example, crimson and pink corundum is found in Karelia and in more northern territories, but it does not differ in transparency.

The healing properties of corundum

  • - Favorable for the nervous system. Eliminates depressive conditions, normalizes sleep.
  • Lowers blood pressure by normalizing blood vessels, circulatory system and heart.
  • Helps with eye diseases.
  • Helps to treat joints, spine, relieve pain in sciatica.
  • Has a beneficial effect on kidney function, digestion and liver.

Lithotherapy deals with similar properties and emphasizes the color of the sample. In case of problems with the organs of vision, blue is needed, and red corundums are used to stimulate blood circulation, metabolism and hormonal balance. Purple hue helps with nerve disorders, and yellow, orange - improves digestion.

The magical properties of corundum

Since ancient times, the ruby ​​has been considered a symbol of power, a talisman of love. And blue stones were considered carriers of the opposite effect, soothed.

For the owners of stones, the following positive influences are important.

  • Strengthens strength.
  • Endows with courage, determination.
  • Strengthens self-esteem, promotes the maintenance of dignity.
  • Helps to overcome anxiety and fears, apathy. For this, it is better to wear it on your chest.
  • The owner of the stone is accompanied by a desire for activity and results. Corundum also brings help in mastering knowledge and acquiring professionalism.

Apart from mysticism, it is obviously clear: these stones create harmony for a person in contact with the environment.

Talismans and amulets

Corundum jewelry looks beautiful on the neck or chest. With such an arrangement, a person is protected from a sudden outburst of anger and irritation. And also unfounded fears go away.
Earrings, decorated with corundum, give the wearer discretion, an understanding of the meaning of all actions. Being in the ring, corundum reveals talents.

Corundum colors

The color of corundum is not always uniform, with an even color. Sometimes layers of different shades are visible, such as blue and red.
Perfect stones are rare and there are criteria for color unevenness. The following colors are considered the most typical.

Corundum of blue or light blue color owes its color to titanium, which is contained in the composition of the crystal lattice. The most valuable spectrum is a rich cornflower blue color. If the shade is darker or lighter, the stone drops significantly in value. The dark blue sapphire is called indigo. Colors range from light blue to deep blue. The regularity is the dependence of the color on the amount of titanium impurity and on the presence of other atoms, for example, iron in oxides. A blue color, sometimes turning into green, appears due to the presence of a sufficient amount of Fe2 +.

Ceylon sapphires are very valuable: transparent, cornflower blue with purple hues. Indians with a blue spectrum are slightly inferior in splendor. Star sapphire is also interesting and in high demand.

Corundum is red when the crystal contains an admixture of chromium oxide, which also predetermines the color depth. The most valuable are the intensely colored transparent red rubies. Their cost is superior to the diamond, in some cases the ruby ​​is valued higher. The intensity of the color can be determined using a colorimetric chart. This is how red is distinguished from pink and purple.

As a gemstone, red corundum can have a fiery red color and a slight purple hue in order to be considered valuable. But the brown spectrum in the stone brings down the price.

Padparadscha is the old name for yellow corundum as well as orange. The color is given by iron oxides included in the crystal lattice. Nickel also dyes the crystal yellow. Jewelers call it yellow sapphire. According to magicians, the energy of the color of this stone stimulates intelligence, joyful emotions.

Brown corundum

This type of aluminum oxide contains a lot of titanium, which gives the material strength, iron oxide. In industry, selected bauxite is melted and ground to produce an abrasive. The brown - pink transparent or translucent stone is called "oriental - sapphire", and the spotted brown - yellow stone is called gold sapphire. Iron makes ruby ​​reddish brown.

Gray corundum

If corundum has a gray color and little transparency, practically absent, then it is called ordinary. The grains are distinguished by their strength, the crystals are sometimes large. In such corundum, abrasive properties and heat resistance are valued.

White corundum

White corundum, opaque, is also used in technology and industry. It contains little sodium, iron, which gives abrasive qualities. White corundum is a pure mineral processed for the purpose of grinding, engraving and decorating glass or stone surfaces.

Other shades are determined by the presence of various impurities.

The purple corundum was made by an admixture of vanadium. A variety called "oriental emerald" has a green color. More correctly it is called chlorine - sapphire. Colorless corundum - leuko - sapphire is not very expensive, but does not have impurities in the crystal lattice.

How to distinguish a fake

Perfect stones are rare and highly prized. Currently, it is possible to synthesize corundums. Artificial stone can be characterized by curvilinear zoning or contain air bubbles, although at first glance it looks like ideal. Synthetic corundums are cheaper than natural corundums; their structure should contain signs that indicate an artificial origin. Sometimes they are visible at low magnification with a magnifying glass or under a microscope. Additional devices are also used: a polariscope, ultraviolet lighting.
The task of distinguishing natural stone from synthesized one can be dealt with if you make a purchase from a reliable seller. Each product must be certified.

Artificial corundum

Alumina is treated with high temperatures by a synthetic method - this is how artificial corundum is obtained. There are several technologies for growing corundum. The Verneuil method produces stones characterized by the presence of curvilinear zoning. This does not happen in natural specimens. In appearance, such crystals look very good.

Another method is hydrothermal, in which signs of synthetic origin are determined much more difficult. Namely, it is required to find incorrectly grown structures at the microscopic level. The flux synthesis method uses inclusions from precious metals or copper. They are revealed upon close examination.

Caring for products with corundum

  • It is necessary to protect the stones from overheating, because they can change their color to a lighter one.
  • It is equally undesirable to keep corundum in sunlight for a long time.
  • Storage is carried out in a mild environment. For this, a velvet-type fabric is used.
  • When cleaning, do not use scratching objects.
  • Use soap compositions that are not harmful to the surface, not aggressive.

Corundum and the signs of the zodiac

Corundum is friends with the signs of the zodiac. All of them can use corundum for decoration, wear it. But this is most recommended for people born under the constellation of Cancer. But for Capricorns, such stones represent the least favorable.

The corundum stone is well known to mineralogists, chemists, mechanical engineers, electronics engineers - in a word, to everyone except jewelers. That is, jewelers are familiar with corundum, but not as closely as scientists and industrialists. And all because corundum - stone, properties which for the most part has nothing to do with jewelry.

Many-faced corundum

For a scientist, corundum is quite an ordinary substance, aluminum oxide with the formula Al2O3. Mineralogists call it alumina - due to the fact that this compound is part of the clay. Physicists and chemists distinguish between several varieties of the mineral, differing from each other in the details of the structure of the crystal lattice.

For five (at least) thousand years, metalworkers have called corundum emery, and have been using it for grinding products. Machine builders widely use sapphire glasses if it is necessary to ensure the resistance of a transparent part to abrasion.

Of course, such glasses should be called corundum, but it just so happened that the buyer reacts more actively to sapphire. Therefore, durable, practically not subject to aging glasses for devices (including wristwatches) are made not of corundum, but of sapphire.

There is no mistake or confusion here. Corundum and sapphire are different names for the same natural formation. Only corundum is a mineral, and sapphire is a jewelry term for a transparent crystal of Al2O3 of a blue (in most cases) shade.

Moreover! From ancient times to our days, jewelers, in love with colorful corundum for the beauty of their incomprehensible tones, have spawned so many names of the stone that a simple listing of the names could take more than one page of the site.

Jewelry corundum: gloss is not important, color and transparency are important

The most famous name for corundum is ruby. Is red corundum. Since the color of a mineral is determined by the amount and composition of impurities, and conditions similar to laboratory conditions rarely occur in nature, the ruby ​​color is different. The color called "ruby" can be interpreted in a wide range of red-blue combinations.

However, blue corundums are... Stones that, on a whim of fate, are valued much lower than rubies, although in beauty and gem quality they are in no way inferior to their red counterparts. What to do: red corundums are ten times more in demand among buyers against blue ...

Among natural corundum, there are stones of a wide variety of colors, however, completely colorless corundum is a great rarity (but not of great value), and a green crystal (generally super-rarity) is not green at all, but layered. Blue layers alternate with yellow layers, and a distinct green tint is visible through the light.

However, relatively large transparent corundum of natural origin - of any color - is expensive because it is rare. Synthetic corundums are not expensive and are produced in tons.

Man-made corundum

To obtain corundum on an industrial scale, there is a simple technology of roasting mixed with iron filings. True, it is impossible to talk about the gem quality of the products obtained: artificial corundum of a fine fraction is opaque, however, it is hard, and therefore is used for the manufacture of abrasive tools. Only a diamond surpasses it in hardness!

Technologies for growing high-quality corundum have been worked out in the last century. In the Soviet jewelry industry, multi-colored artificial corundums were widely used.

Today, during the period of mass predominance of cubic zirconia in the artificial crystal market, Soviet synthetic sapphires have become a rarity. For each such corundum, the price grows a little every year. Grandma's rings and earrings with machine-made Soviet sapphires are slowly moving into rarities and becoming an object of profitable investment.

Modern craftsmen prefer to make money not by making artificial crystals of Al2O3, but by improving the quality of inexpensive natural corundums. Heating the mineral makes significant adjustments to the arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice. The difference is made visible to the observer by the change in the color of the stone.

Nondescript corundums with a purple tint, as well as yellow gems, after roasting in the oven, are lightened until completely discolored. The heated stones of the original black-violet color become bright pink.

Unpainted sapphires are not interesting to jewelers, so the craftsmen subject the crystals to the second stage of processing - irradiation. This simple procedure sometimes works wonders: hitherto completely nondescript rock fragments acquire a pure, thick and deep color. The success rate is small, but the costs are repaid a hundredfold. Not every expert can tell the difference between improved corundum and natural ...

The cost of beautiful corundums of natural origin is several times (and even tens, and sometimes hundreds of times) higher than the prices of the most flawless artificial stones. It is not in vain that corundums served as a gift among the aristocracy of Europe and the world.

Corundum in the history of mankind

From time to time, the rulers of some countries rush to express a positive attitude towards the rulers of neighboring states. Presenting a gift of red or blue corundum is a good tone in the world of high diplomacy.

The British Museum's collection contains sapphire products that have been honored for size, beauty and complexity. The octagonal sapphire "rose" that once belonged to Sir Hans Sloan, the English enlightener of the 5th century, weighs more than thirty-one carats.

Corundums of this size are rare, however, in the museums of natural history of the world, druses of corundum crystals weighing several tens of kilograms are kept. The Americans, having found sapphires of sufficient size (but not particularly high quality), hastened to carve stone portraits of three prominent presidents.

Corundums with asterism often became the subject of exchange and gifts. The six-pointed star on a polished sapphire cabochon is mesmerizing. Several museums in the world own wonderful sapphires with pronounced asterism. Some of the crystals are highly transparent and blue in color.

However, the most perfect from the aesthetic point of view is considered to be a pale blue sapphire of intricate pyramidal cut, which belongs to one of the Dutch jewelry houses. The "Blue Princess" weighs only 114 carats (22.8 g), but it captivates with its beauty and perfection!

Ruby, a red variety of corundum, has always been valued above diamond. To touch on the history of famous rubies briefly was disrespect for a recognized gem. Therefore, we are preparing a separate story about historical rubies.

Get some corundum ... on your own?

The variety of corundums is endless. It is relatively easy to get corundum stone: it is not for nothing that oxygen and aluminum, elements of the mineral, occupy the second and third places in terms of prevalence on the planet.

It is difficult to get a high-quality (from a collection point of view) mineral corundum. And although deposits of crystalline aluminum oxide are ubiquitous, the blue of the Kashmir sapphire cannot be found, and the redder of the Sri Lankan ruby ​​cannot be mined. However, in the Russian Primorye, in the mountains and outskirts of the Urals, in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk, corundums of interesting colors and good quality can be found.

Where in geological antiquity molten granite melted sedimentary calcium rocks (limestones) - there are corundums as well. Where mica is found, corundum is always found. Eventually, you can scrape the oxide film off an aluminum pan and melt the booty in the flame of an oxygen-fed hydrogen burner.

Accessibility is one of the properties of a stone called corundum. Put together a collection of your own corundums and - who knows? - maybe it will become an exhibit of a museum named after ... you!

The corundum stone is familiar to many: chemists, electronics engineers, mineralogists, and mechanical engineers. Jewelers are also familiar with stone, but not as closely as the above professions.

Corundum - industrial stone

And all due to the fact that corundum is a stone whose properties have no meaning for jewelry, and the material is used in chemistry. And if you look at the photo of gem-quality corundum and a simple mineral suitable for anti-corrosion work, the difference between them is obvious. The types of corundum and the variety are divided into: a many-sided stone (colored opaque gems) and a jewelry mineral (sapphire, ruby). Corundum stone, the price of which can be very different, is also called a multifaceted stone.

The many-sided mineral

The variety of this precious mineral covers a wide variety of color shades of the stone and it is still unclear what determines its color and transparency. The formula of the stone has long been known to scientists as Al2O3 (chemical composition - metal oxide). They consider this breed to be the most common substance. Mineralogists gave a new name to the mineral - alumina. And all because the types of compounds can be found in the composition of clay. Chemists and physicists describe two types of stone, which are distinguished from each other by the structure of the crystal lattice.

Corundum stone is used by metalworkers as a grinder for precious stones. They call this breed nothing but emery. Grinding glasses are used by machine builders (for example, the Korund DD device) when some transparent part needs to be resistant to abrasion. The abrasive is often called sapphire crystal. And there are no riddles here, just sapphire and corundum are different names for the same formation. But the latter is a mineral, and the former is a gemstone. The chemical composition is the same there, and there. But the blue corundum crystals represent sapphire corundum.

The colors of the non-gemstone minerals are as follows:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • grey;
  • Red;
  • Brown corundum;
  • purple.

Application in jewelry

The variety of minerals is mind-boggling. The most famous mineral is ruby ​​from corundum. What is the difference between corundum and ruby? Red corundum has different shades. It can be deep pink or red-blue. Ruby crystals of red color are precious stones that are valued much higher than sapphires, although in terms of quality such stones are in no way inferior to each other.

In nature, among the minerals, you can find various shades of color. Brown stones resemble granites. A completely colorless stone is very rare. Even less common is a green mineral (reminiscent of an emerald), which is composed of layers of blue and yellow, resulting in a greenish tint. The blue stone is often mistaken for topaz. Rarely in nature you can find a black stone color.

But it is precisely the rarest types of corundum of natural origin that are valued more than others. But synthetic stones are not in great demand and high cost.

Man made minerals

Scientists have long learned to make artificial corundum, man-made crystals. This uncomplicated industrial scale process requires the firing of iron filings mixed with bauxite. It is no secret that grown ruby ​​or sapphire corundum is less valued than natural.

True, the resulting artificial gemstone does not have gem quality. After all, new stones are opaque in a small fraction. However, the hardness of the stone is excellent for making abrasive tools. But if we compare machine-made sapphires with synthetic cubic zirconias, which are so popular today, then the latter noticeably lose to the first in price.

How does the color of this mineral change?

Today, some craftsmen prefer to make money not by making artificial minerals, but by modifying natural ones. What does it mean? For example, everyone knows that the variety of corundum has many shades of stones (cheap and expensive). And if you buy an inexpensive natural mineral and heat it to the required temperature, after a while you can achieve noticeable adjustments in the arrangement of the atoms of the crystal lattice. To the average observer, this looks like a change in the hue or color of the stone. Crystals change their color from light to dark and vice versa.

Unpopular purple or yellow stones discolor when roasted in the oven. Natural corundum of a deep purple color turns into a bright pink ruby ​​or a red stone, which is classified as a higher breed. The difference between a natural and a newly-made mineral is not visible to a common man in the street.

Unpainted sapphire corundum of blue shade is of great interest to jewelers, therefore they subject the stones to the second stage of processing - irradiation. This procedure can work wonders: nondescript fragments of stones acquire a pure and rich color. The chances of such success are small, but if you manage to recreate the perfect artificial stone, then the costs will pay off tenfold. Few experts will be able to distinguish natural corundum - the varieties of the mineral can be different.

The price of naturally beautiful stones can be hundreds more expensive than synthetic ones. It is not without reason that valuable minerals have been very expensive gifts all over the world for many centuries in a row.

Gems in history

During the reign of kings, emperors, kings and other heads of state, with a positive attitude towards them, neighboring rulers were supposed to present red or blue minerals as a gift.

One of the British museums contains valuable exhibits of sapphire products. The most honored work there is considered to be an octagonal sapphire rose. The value of a 31-carat corundum jewelry is great. At one time, the product belonged to the English educator of the 17th century - Sir Hans Sloan. There are also large stones in the other jewels of the museum.

Minerals of this size are quite rare in nature, but in museums around the world you can see crystal druses weighing several tens of kilograms. So the Americans at one time, finding large minerals of low quality, hastened to carve portraits of three prominent US presidents on them.

At one time, the objects of gifts could be minerals with asterism. The six-pointed star polished on a sapphire cabochon bewitches and means the enlightenment of the wearer. Only a few museums in the world possess such works of art. High transparency and purity of blue color make stones with asterism a clear manifestation of a miracle.

But the most perfect corundum in history is considered to be a sky-blue pyramid-cut sapphire “Blue Princess”, which belongs to a Dutch jewelry house. The weight of the stone is 114 carats (23 grams). An amazing blue sapphire captivates with its beauty all those who pay attention to it.

Ruby is a red corundum. At all times, he was valued more than diamonds in products. On the same step with him was only an emerald or a diamond, which also has no equal. It is impossible to briefly touch on their history, because it is full of incredible events. The jewelry mineral has been highly valued at all times and therefore in today's world museums of the world you can find a large number of jewelry with the main participation of majestic red corundum.

Is it possible to mine corundum on your own?

It is not difficult to get a variety of corundum in nature. After all, it is not for nothing that the elements of the mineral (oxygen and aluminum) occupy the first places in terms of their location on our planet. Thanks to the extraction in the deposits, corundum is known to the world for its qualities.

But the difficulty here lies in the search for a high-quality stone that has gem value. Although deposits of crystalline aluminum oxide can be found in various parts of the world, the blue of the Kashmir stone cannot be found, and the redder than the English mineral cannot be mined. But, for example, in the Russian coastal region, in the depressions of the earth, which are yarns, in the Ural mountains, on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, it is still available to find a mineral of valuable color and excellent quality. There are several Russian organizations that, since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, have been officially engaged in the search and sale of valuable minerals:

  • "Korund M";
  • "Corundum R".

You can find stones in places where in ancient times granites were melted in sedimentary calcium rock. In lands with mica. Many types of such corundum are produced in India. As a last resort, you can scrape off the oxide film from an old aluminum pan and melt the resulting material in the fire of an oxygen-fed hydrogen burner. Also, do not forget about the properties of corundum to change color during strong heating of the stone. Synthetic corundum is the most readily available mineral.

Properties of the precious rock

The physical properties of a lustrous mineral are known in machine production, but its use is highly valued not only in mechanical engineering and jewelry, but also in:

  • medicine;
  • esotericism;
  • astrology.

Medicinal properties

Stone experts believe that the medicinal properties of corundum depend on their color. So the blue mineral helps to normalize blood pressure, is able to treat eye diseases. Corundum red is endowed with the power to improve blood circulation and the function of endocrine glands, normalize metabolism and help with paralysis. Purple minerals relieve neurological conditions, soothe and improve memory. Traditional healers treat osteochondrosis with such stones. Orange corundum can improve the functioning of the digestive system and rejuvenate the body. Yogis use one or another color of corundum to influence the chakras.

Magical properties

Esotericists consider the mineral of this rock to be a stone of activity. It has the properties of saturating its owner with energy and requires constant work from him. In addition, they prevent a person from relaxing. Therefore, the mineral corundum will become the best friend and helper for the owner who is trying to achieve something and does everything for this, and not just sit still, dreaming. Psychics believe that corundum should be worn by children of different sexes to school and students to classes, for better assimilation of the knowledge gained.

Wearing this mineral around the neck means getting rid of anxiety and fears, magicians believe. The mineral is able to calm thoughts, relieve a person of anger, irritability and fear. Ruby corundum helps those who need to create a harmonious relationship with the outside world.

To accelerate the spiritual development of its owner, you need to wear a ring with corundum on the middle finger of your right hand. Alumina helps to reveal inner strength and new talents.

In astrology, such jewelry is advised to be worn by different representatives of the zodiac signs. The Cancer zodiac sign needs corundum the most. But the zodiac sign Capricorn should avoid corundum. Also, it is not recommended to wear a stone for Aries under 40 years old.

Energy amulets

This precious mineral can be of valuable use and serve as an amulet. Corundum stone is a talisman of psychologists, teachers, spiritual mentors, narcologists and all women after the Balzac age. It is good for ladies to wear earrings with corundum, a blue sapphire necklace or pendant and rings with a pink ruby. The purple mineral can be put in a pocket or bag to attract good luck, while white corundum is a symbol of eternity.


So what have we learned about corundum? At least the fact that in nature a mineral with a simple formula occurs very often. But not every pebble is valuable and expensive. Blue and red stones are suitable for jewelry:

  • sapphire corundum;
  • ruby corundum.

The rest of the gems-minerals are not expensive, but very important as raw materials for mechanical engineers and electronics engineers. Because the distinctive feature of this stone is its hardness.

Another type of corundum - synthetic (semi-precious) people have learned to produce themselves. But the price of such stones is tens, or even hundreds of times lower than the centuries-old crystal clear minerals.

Corundum is of great value in esotericism and astrology. Magicians, psychics and astrologers believe that alumina has medicinal properties and helps its owner to achieve success.

Be that as it may, but a beautiful mineral really fascinates and touches with its beauty so that you want to have it in your own property. Only cost stops. Find out how much a mineral costs on jewelry websites.

Stones ... Beautiful, exciting, attractive, possessing some kind of magic: diamonds, amethysts, emeralds, etc. But in ancient descriptions of gems one can find not quite familiar names - for example, corundum. It is a natural stone now known as ruby, sapphire or even topaz. How can this be? It all depends on the natural color of the mineral and its subsequent processing. Roughly speaking, sapphire and ruby ​​are just jewelry names.

Stone characteristics

The stone "corundum" (lat. Corundum) has been known to people since ancient times - because of its unusual hardness. They were mined in India and South Asia, from where they entered the countries of Europe. They were then subdivided only on the basis of the place of extraction, that is, from which country they came: if from the East, then the word "eastern" was added to the name. In general, they were similar in color. How else was this gem called:

  • Chlorosapphire (green, very similar in appearance to emerald).
  • Bengali amethyst.
  • Siamese ruby ​​- has a very bright, catchy color: reddish brown, purple.
  • Ceylon ruby ​​- purple, lilac color.
  • A star ruby ​​is a rare stone, on a cut of which a star can be seen under certain lighting (asterism effect).
  • Eastern chrysolite.
  • Leucosapphire (aka "oriental diamond") is an absolutely transparent stone.
  • Almandine sapphire, violet (aka "oriental amethyst") - purple sapphires.
  • Eastern aquamarine.
  • Padparadscha - such corundums have an unusual shade of orange, pink and yellow.

Blue corundums were called sapphires, red ones - rubies. Topaz is also classified as corundum, although its cost is lower than the cost of rubies and sapphires.

In the past centuries, corundums were very popular: wearing jewelry with rubies or sapphires was allowed only to representatives of high society. Gifts made from these gems or decorated with these stones were presented to monarchs as a sign of respect and reverence. But even now, jewelry with a rare blood-red corundum will cost more than a similar jewelry with a diamond of the same size.

physical and chemical indicators

The largest deposits of this mineral are in Russia in the Urals (Kyshtym), in the Ilmen mountains near Miass, on the Kola Peninsula. Among the CIS countries, Kazakhstan (Semiz-Bugu) is rich in corundum deposits.

Abroad, this stone is mined in India, Greece, Turkey, on the island of Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand. Africa is rich in its deposits: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Madagascar.

An interesting fact: in nature, it is extremely rare to find corundums with the effect of asterism, that is, with certain inclusions in the structure of the gem. These inclusions look like a six-pointed or 12-pointed star. The cost of such gems is very high precisely because of the uniqueness of the stone interspersed. But collectors are willing to pay for the luxury of owning such a piece.

Mineral use

The same applies to jewelry in the form of bracelets inlaid with corundum - they help in achieving goals.

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers believed that only stones of white, blue and pink shades have the ability to cure certain diseases. They believed that the stone would help with disorders of the nervous system and psychological problems, relieve the nightmares that haunt a person, and will promote healthy sleep:

  • If a person was tormented by insomnia, he was recommended to put a ruby ​​under the pillow - the stone will take away all night fears and anxieties.
  • People with responsible intellectual work were advised to wear these gems - they helped to focus their attention in order to avoid making mistakes.
  • Sapphire, according to ancient healers, contains the pure energy of the sky, therefore it was recommended for nervous people to always have a crystal with them.

It was believed that ruby ​​has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: it normalizes blood pressure, heart function, saturates muscles with oxygen, and in general has a general strengthening effect on the body.

However, in our time it is not worth trusting the treatment of diseases to precious stones. The placebo effect, of course, has not been canceled, but there is no need to ignore the visit to the doctor.

Corundum is a stone of self-confident, imperturbable people. He helps to achieve prosperity in business, promotes the disclosure of all his talents. These gems are very beautiful - they can turn any decoration into a kind of work of art. Every year the demand for precious stones only increases, even for those grown artificially. This means that sapphires, rubies, topaz and other crystals are a bargain.

The powerful, domineering and mysterious magical properties of the crystal evoke admiration for its power. The variety of color palettes and names shows the level of its widespread popularity from ancient times to the present day.

History and origins

Corundum is a precious mineral. In terms of hardness, the stone follows the diamond. Mineral colors depend on impurities (vanadium, chromium, iron). Depending on their presence, the gem acquires orange, yellowish, mainly red and blue shades.

It is known to mankind under various names. Some of them were obtained from the indication of the area where it was mined:

  • eastern (chrysolite, diamond,);
  • the old Russian name for the varieties of the gem is "yakhont";
  • Bengali amethyst;
  • in metalworking, the mineral is called emery.

Corundum has been pleasing humanity with unearthly beauty since ancient times. Luxurious jewelry adorned the women of Ancient Egypt and Jerusalem. Their sophistication and sophistication are well known in India, where the gem has gained popularity.

Rubies and sapphires are naturally-mined aluminum oxide crystals:

  • in the form of crystalline groups;
  • inclusions;
  • grains.

They come in various shapes (cubes, prisms, cones). Opaque minerals have larger forms (about a meter). Transparent specimens can be up to 10 cm.

In Europe, the stone originated from South Asia and India, where it was mined. It has been widely used in many areas of human activity:

  1. In mechanical engineering, durable sapphire glass is used for instruments.
  2. In metalworking, corundum is used as emery.
  3. For the scientific world, this is aluminum oxide.
  4. Mineral jewelers create luxurious jewelry.

In love with a gem for an extraordinary variety of colors, purity of lines, they have made magnificent jewelry from the mineral since ancient times:

  1. Above the diamond in the jewelry market is valued red Corundum, which bears the name "Ruby".
  2. The ruby ​​surpasses the 114-carat (22.8 g) sapphire with the enchanting name “Blue Princess” in the perfection of its pale blue radiance and intricate pyramidal cut. The jewel belongs to the Dutch jewelry house.
  3. The clarity of the blue color of sapphire cabochons with a prominent asterism (a star with six rays) has long been the subject of gifts and exchanges. It is considered good form in high diplomacy to present the ruler of a neighboring state with blue or red Corundum.
  4. Over 31 carats in an octagonal sapphire rose from the UK collection. A piece of jewelry in the 17th century was the property of Sir Hans Sloan, an English educator.

Large corundums are considered rare. It is known that in the USA, portraits of presidents were made from large-sized medium-quality sapphires. Natural history museums of the world keep druses of Corundum crystals up to several tens of kg.

Place of Birth

The stone is mined in many countries around the world. The main deposits include:

  • Russia (Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Ural, Chelyabinsk Region), Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Norway.
  • Canada.
  • Greece.
  • Madagascar.
  • Thailand.
  • Burma.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • India.

It is located in nests, shale, blotches, veins. Recent finds of gems include a large deposit in Kazakhstan.

Physical properties

Natural stone is mined in volcanic rocks containing a small amount of silica, in the form of:

  • fine-grained masses;
  • aggregates (grainy and dense);
  • blotches and grains;
  • groups, as well as individual crystals.

Jewelry minerals are found in placers.

ShineGlass, matt.
Melting temperature2050 ° C
Density3.9-4.1 g / cm³
TransparencyOpaque, sometimes transparent.
ColorBlue, pink, brown, red, yellow, gray.

The healing capabilities of the mineral

The healing stone Corundum has a positive effect on human health. It is usually associated with the influence of transparent varieties of Corundum (and) healing from many diseases that are treated with a crystal of a certain color:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, liver and kidneys.
  2. Eases back pain caused by osteochondrosis, helps to heal joints and spine.
  3. The blue color has a beneficial effect on the healing of the organs of vision.
  4. Red Corundum lowers blood pressure, helps heal diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  5. The purple gem has a positive effect on schizophrenia, nightmares, insomnia, depression, and diseases of the nervous system.

Magical properties

Since ancient times, the magic stone corundum has been endowed with the power of influence against troubles. Purposeful people can count on his help. It is not advisable to wear a stone with a sluggish (sedentary, slow) gem, since the energy of the gem can harm them due to incompatibility.

The crystal has the property of stimulating the inner potential. If the owner of the gem shows interest, makes efforts to achieve the goal, the crystal will help achieve it. The stone is endowed with a positive impact on people:

  1. He is characterized by the ability to remove depression and fears, to give courage. It enhances self-esteem.
  2. A ring with a crystal has the ability to reveal previously unknown talents.
  3. Gem earrings will help you establish a harmonious relationship with life. It has long been believed that jewelry in the ears whispers the right decision to its owner.
  4. Necklaces, pendants, beads bring peace.
  5. The crystal leads to success.

In the old days, the stone was worn by people engaged in mental labor. Today, experts advise analysts, students, and everyone who needs logic and concentration to wear it.

Sorcerers believe that an inextricable bond is established between the owner and the crystal. Both sides strive for the same goal:

  1. The owner creates aspirations to achieve goals, nourishes the gem with them.
  2. The crystal gives the owner its energy, aimed at fulfilling the desired.

With such a combination of energies, their exchange, the positive energy of both parties contributes to the achievement of the plan. This is the power of the crystal, helping it to free its owner from miscalculations and failures. If the crystal has the right color, is correctly positioned on the body, luck will accompany its owner in everything.

Jewelry with Corundum

Transparent crystals (sapphire and ruby) are considered precious, suitable for making jewelry. The use of a gem in the manufacture of jewelry is popular. The stone looks very modest.

It is gray in color, so rarely found crystal clear specimens are especially appreciated. The crystal has an excellent property to be colored in almost all shades. Some gems have natural colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • yellow.

Popular jewelry inserts are made from sapphires and rubies. The price depends on the transparency, color, frame. Decorations with brown Corundum are cheaper than others.

The price of jewelry is made up of quality, price of crystals, precious metals, inserts of other jewelry. The cost of jewelry is approximate, exact data can be obtained in the region of sale.

Variety and color scheme

The mineral has varieties:

Light and dark samples do not have jewelry value, therefore they are cheap. These include:

  • indigo - dark blue crystal;
  • Eastern amethyst has a purple color;
  • the eastern emerald has a green color.

How to distinguish natural corundum from a fake?

Synthetic corundum was obtained back in 1877. Today, laboratory crystal cultivation has been established in Switzerland, Germany, and Russia. Corundum is one of the most profitable artificially grown minerals.

Minerals are also refined by irradiation. The resulting samples are difficult to distinguish from the original. The price of natural gemstones is tens, hundreds of times higher than the most impeccably made synthetic corundums.

Skillful forgeries, framed with precious metals, become an alternative to natural stone and pay off handsomely with a successful deal. Synthetic stones and skillfully made fakes from cheap natural materials create fear among buyers and a desire to learn more about how to distinguish a true gem from a fake:

  1. The subject of counterfeiting is the sale of inexpensive types of mineral instead of precious crystals. When heated, the color of the mineral changes, resembling a natural stone. To recognize a fake, the stone is subjected to secondary heating, in which its color disappears.
  2. Natural stones are rare, they are of high price, so take a close look at the crystal. A synthetic crystal has curvilinear zoning, the presence of air bubbles, which cannot be found in the original.
  3. Use optical instruments (magnifying glass, microscope) to examine the gem.
  4. For these purposes, you can resort to more accurate instruments (polariscope).
  5. A reliable way to prevent mistakes when choosing a natural stone is to purchase it from a seller who has a certificate for the product.

Care for stone products?

  1. Keep the gem in a separate box with velvet sides and a soft bottom.
  2. Do not leave it for too long in bright light, especially sunshine.
  3. Do not overheat the crystal. This can lead to a change in the original color of the stone to lighter shades.
  4. If the jewelry is dirty, do not use soap compositions with dyes and aggressive additives that can harm the product.
  5. Do not use hard, scratching objects to clean it.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The stone, which is important for humans in the treatment of many diseases, has a powerful magical effect, and has astrological properties. Corundum can be worn by representatives of not all signs. He has favorite signs and unacceptable for his energy.

Zodiac signCompatibility
CrayfishThe crystal will become an assistant in all matters.
AquariansWill direct you to make the right decisions.
FishesWill promote success and fortune.
Aries (men)The presence of the crystal must be avoided. He is able to bring the owner to the loss of reason.
Aries (women of a special venerable age)They can communicate with the energy of the crystal, it will help them maintain vitality and presence of mind.
CapricornsThe energy of this sign does not match the stone. Better to avoid his presence.
SagittariusThere is no compatibility with the energy of the stone. His presence is neutral.
TaurusThe presence of the stone will not change anything.
GeminiThere is no need to wear products with a stone, since they do not have an energetic relationship with it.
LionsThey are indifferent to the energy of the stone, since they do not have compatibility with the sign.
VirgoThe stone will not add anything new.
ScorpionsNot suitable for energy value.

Wearing amulets, talismans and charms is necessary only for signs that have energy compatibility with the stone. For the rest of the signs, it makes no sense to wear jewelry with corundum.

You can resort to a synthetic version of a crystal or a clever fake, which do not carry an energy load, but look respectable and are several times cheaper than a natural crystal. When choosing a crystal, you need to take into account its astrological features.

Representatives of those signs who are suitable for Corundum, calm and passive, it is better to give preference to another stone, since the crystal will bother them with an incentive to action. It is suitable for people with an active lifestyle. Their energies will act in unison.

Corundum is a rare and precious mineral

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