Beautiful legs with heels. Beautiful legs with high heels

Women's beautiful legs in high heels look great and are loved by many! We adore these gorgeous shoes, sandals, batillons, on which, walking down the street, we try to gracefully balance and at the same time try to save our ankles from sprains by stepping on uneven surfaces.

The history of high heels

In so many places around the world, wearing heels can be simply dangerous, because women have to walk all day on bumpy roads with cracks and holes or even on the ground in which thin heels get stuck every now and then. Heels were not originally designed to be comfortable or practical. They weren't even meant for walking. More importantly, they were certainly not meant for women at all.

Shoes not for women? How?

Since heels are rooted in Persia, where men on horseback were warriors, heeled shoes helped their feet stay in their stirrups. Europe switched to heels to demonstrate the status of men, especially from the aristocratic strata of the population. At that time, no one could have imagined that heels would become widespread among the lower classes, and then women, who, closer to the 1630s, would begin to dress in more masculine outfits. It was during this time that heels became a kind of unisex. The French court was notable for its fondness for high-heeled shoes, especially in red, which was also the hallmark of King Louis XIV, as seen in the 1701 portrait.

Louis XIV, portrait, 1701

However, over time, men's heels decreased in height, and then completely disappeared, while women's heels increased more and more, acquiring feminine outlines. Today, it is not uncommon to use a platform along with the heel in shoes, which allows you to increase the height of the heel, sometimes up to 7 inches. This lengthens the legs surprisingly, but it is also extremely difficult to move in them. What was originally created for practical purposes has become impractical, but so beloved. There are tricks for women to wear high heels every day. Here are some of the hottest questions about high heels for women today.

1. When is the best time to buy high-heeled shoes?

When to buy? Is always!

At the end of each day, women's legs become tired, swollen and slightly swollen from walking or running. In this condition, it is possible and necessary to get ahead of the true size of shoes with heels. When buying shoes at the end of the day, when the legs are already swollen, and it is worth picking up a pair of shoes, because if the shoes fit on the swollen legs, it certainly will not rub and cause discomfort with daily wear.

And so it suits us!

We do not know who came up with this theory, but if you want your heels to be free, this will lead to inevitable increased pressure on your toes, since they will have to compensate for this freedom in order to keep your feet in a safe position, and this is no less worse than a pair of shoes rubbing your feet. If the shoes are large, the insoles will come in handy, they will allow you to keep the legs in place, without harming the legs themselves.

If you have the urge to walk in shoes with 2 to 3 inch heels, it is worth considering platform shoes to maximize the effect and appear taller, without putting unnecessary strain on the feet. Plus, the platform gives your feet more comfort than a shoe that doesn't have it, as each step you take makes the platform softer and smoother.

Always convenient!

You also need to make sure that the shoes you choose provide maximum support for your ankle to avoid injury. Boots and other shoes with fasteners and ankle straps are certainly more comfortable to walk, while shoes that do not have such support require equal load distribution on the feet.

A beautiful woman is beautiful in everything

Stylish and comfortable slippers

Consider it might be a good idea to bring ballet flats with you in case your heels hurt your feet, or your heel breaks, or something else happens. In this case, you will always have with you practical removable shoes for all occasions. Periodically changing heel and shoe heights in general will help your feet recover after a hard day and will not cause problems in your body due to the constant wearing of high heels.

Sunny and bright heels

Fashionable and, most importantly, comfortable

You can try using silicone insoles without the help of a shoe repairman, the heel height will remain the same, but thanks to the insoles, the shoes will stop rubbing, since the foot will not slide inside it. In addition, there is no need to buy insoles for every not very comfortable and practical pair of shoes, since it can be quite adapted to different shoes. The main thing is not to forget that the insoles do not last forever, and so that the legs are always beautiful, change the insoles with new ones every six months.

When you walk in heels, your foot changes position, so keep your posture, head and spine level, use your hips to take a step, and adjust your gait so that your steps are accompanied by a light jump. Since the angle between the foot and the rest of the body is no longer 90 degrees, it is worth coordinating your steps accordingly. We remind you that shoes with heels with straps, which fix the shoes well on the foot, will protect against dislocations and will not allow you to injure your ankles. Mole fur is a great way to protect your heels from abrasions and calluses.

The main thing is to feel comfortable.

Finally, choose a shoe that is as comfortable as possible, without too much pressure on your toes, and with enough space in the heel.

High heel


Today, the following types of heels are distinguished:

Vienna heels- the smallest of all heels. Their height can reach 0.5-2 cm. With this heel, the shoes are very comfortable and perfect for everyday use.

Brick heels- heels up to 4 cm high. They are small, square and very stable. Such heels are the attributes of men's shoes, although today they can often be found on women's shoes.

Wedge heels- look like a triangular inverted prism. They are very comfortable, slim legs and fit absolutely any woman.

Cowboy heels- low, have barely noticeable bevels at the back. They are convenient, however, not everyone decides on them. Since they look a little rough.

Tapered heels the name already speaks for itself: they have a conical shape. They can be of any height.

Heels-glasses- in shape they resemble the stem of a glass, have a height of up to 8 cm. They have consolidated their fame as not very comfortable.

Column heels- have a height of 6 cm, wide, straight, stable. Well suited for the winter

Wedge heels- Solid instep soles. They are considered very comfortable and stable.

Stiletto heels- some of the most popular among women. Available in the wardrobe of every lady, they are most often used not for everyday wear, but when they go out.

Most scientists believe that the optimal heel height is shoes at a height of 5 cm. The purchase of shoes with higher heels, in the future, can turn into arthritis and a problem with the spine.

When the fashion models on the catwalk show off the shoes, they seem to be all comfortable. That would really be to listen to their opinion about heels of different shapes and heights, because there are probably models that you like more to demonstrate.

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Want to learn how to wear high heels without affecting your body structure? Listen to the advice of yoga therapist Elena Ulmasbaeva.

The question of whether or not to wear stilettos worries all women on the planet. And most often the answer to it is unambiguous: of course, wear! After all, a modern woman cannot imagine herself without high-heeled shoes that lengthen her legs and raise her above reality and her rivals in the struggle for survival. From the point of view of the Darwinian theory of the origin of types of intentions of a woman are understandable and even necessary. However ... Admit it honestly: walking in high heels is uncomfortable. You can stand in them, leaning against the wall, or sit in an armchair, beautifully crossing your legs. But just don't walk!

On our own. In ancient China, wearing heels was the privilege of the nobility. High status obliged to be above everyone in the literal sense of the word. In addition, there has been a cult of the small foot in China for thousands of years. Girls, starting from the age of eight, had their feet swaddled tightly so that they would not grow. This custom turned aristocrats into cripples, who often could not move without assistance. The "swaddling rite" did not spread beyond the borders of China, but high heels in the Middle Ages "came" to the West along the Great Silk Road.

Below the grass. Modern women, who want to remain not only beautiful, but also healthy, can be given advice: the heel should not be higher than five centimeters. The human musculoskeletal system is designed so that the main support falls on the heels. And if you dare to flaunt in shoes with higher heels - do not wear them every day. Many women know about this, but they still continue to run to work on ten-centimeter high heels and “go down to the ground” only when they find that they have grown bones at the base of the big toes, have increased the X-shape or O-shape of the legs, steel stiff and large calves, knees do not straighten and lower back hurts. Unfortunately, a memo describing the possible consequences is not placed in the box with brand new patent shoes! But in heels, body weight is transferred to the forefoot and toes, which are evolutionarily not adapted to support the whole body. To balance ourselves in space, we, depending on individual characteristics, begin to bend the knees, push the pelvis forward and arch the lower back. The head and neck are extremely tense. When walking in heels, the entire spine is compressed, posture is disturbed, and internal organs are displaced. This is especially evident when the stiletto heels are worn by teenage girls whose skeletons are not yet fully formed. But this can lead to a slowdown in physical development, since an inadequately distributed load in the musculoskeletal system negatively affects the growth zones of the long tubular bones of the epiphysis.

The proposed complex will not correct severe deformation of the joints, but it will help relieve tension. In personal practice, place accents depending on the individual. For example, with protruding bones, stretch the inner sides of the big toes, with the arch of the foot lowered and the X-shaped legs, press the outer edges of the feet more strongly against the floor and raise the inner parts of the ankles, with the O-shaped deformity and skew from the outer edges of the feet, direct to the floor the bases of the big toes. And if, as a result of wearing heels, your thighs begin to protrude strongly forward, press with your heels on the floor and pull in the top of your knees. You can do this complex at any time.

Do not do Viparita Karani (Inverted Candle Pose) during your period. By the way, during this period, walking in high heels is especially undesirable, because it overstrains the anterior abdominal wall and disrupts circulation in the pelvic organs.

6 poses for beautiful legs

The complex helps to relieve tension in the feet, aligns the structure of the legs, relieves the lower back.

1. Uttanasana (Intense traction pose)
Stand on a rolled-up mat with your heels on the floor and the pads on a raised platform. Place your hands on the floor. Pull in your elbows, expand your shoulders.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose, hands on bricks)
Place the two bricks with the short edge against the wall. Press both palms to the bricks and step back, entering Adho Mukha Svanasana. Lower your heels to the floor and lift your toes up.

3. Supta Padangushthasana I and II (pose of Grabbing the big toe I and II)
Lying on the floor, bend your right leg at the knee, grab your big toe with your fingers. Actively working with your legs, hold the pose for 3 minutes. Move your leg to the right, not allowing the left side of the pelvis to rise. Remain in the pose for another 3 minutes. Then do both options to the left.

4. Vajrasana (Lightning Strike Pose)
1. Bring your knees together and sit on your heels. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, bringing the inner feet together.

2. Then, lifting your pelvis, tuck your toes. Lower your pelvis to your heels. Balance in this position for 30 seconds.

3. Raise your pelvis again and spread your heels to the sides. Bring the outer sides of your buttocks down onto your heels. Stay that way for another 30 seconds.

5. Malasana (variation of the Garland pose)
Place your palms on the windowsill. Squat, lowering your pelvis to the floor and trying to press your heels to the floor or a mat rolled into a roll. Stretch your spine. Stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds.

6. Viparita Karani (Inverted Candle Pose)
Place the roller a few inches from the wall. Sit on the side of the edge of the roller. Tie a strap around mid-thighs and ankles. With your knees bent, transfer them to the wall, and lower your shoulders and thoracic spine to the floor. Lower your buttocks into the gap between the roller and the wall. The lower back should be in a deflection on the bolster.

Timofey Rakin, chiropractor:
What happens when you regularly wear shoes with heels above 3 cm? The Achilles tendon contracts, the center of gravity goes forward. The bones of the fingers are pressed into the sock. This leads to a hammer-like expansion of the toes: the Achilles tendon is deformed, lumpy swellings appear on the heel, and the inner region of the foot becomes inflamed. Then these processes become chronic, and the shape of the legs does not change for the better. So instead of the expected beauty and sex appeal, women get puffy legs with crooked toes! Modern beauty standards require shoes with heels of at least 6 cm, but at the same time one should remember about irreversible consequences: pain in the back and legs, curvature of the spine and pelvic bones, diseases of internal organs and varicose veins. There is an opinion, which I, by the way, share, that the desire to show sexuality exclusively with the help of high heels to the detriment of health is associated with psychological problems based on a sense of self-doubt.

Photo: yogainspiration /

So I didn't want complicated topics, I wanted something beautiful and easy.

I didn't have to think for a long time, the topic came right away: on the weekend I bought myself very beautiful high-heeled ankle boots, direct greetings from the beginning of the century, now such shoes are not sold at all. While I was spinning at home with them, I just came up with something: I wanted to sew a new coat, and buy a new bag ...

There was a period in my life when I completely abandoned heels, I call it the "flat sole" period.

Then I stopped working and sat at home more, just sat, because I didn’t take care of myself or home. I was ironic about women who have a lot of shoes. And from a beautiful woman she turned into a gray, inconspicuous creature dissatisfied with herself and life.

There is such a famous quote "She took off her heels and left the race." Internally, I did not agree with these words for a long time, I even argued, but today I look at women without heels, and I understand that this is how it is.

From what distance? With life. This happens more often with married women. It is in marriage that a woman chooses convenience, as at home she chooses to wear a tracksuit or a dressing gown, not a dress, for sleep - a T-shirt, and not a pretty shirt. She no longer attracts anyone. She is busy with business, there is no former lightness, health, there is no appropriate clothing. And there is no time or desire for myself either. Other worries, other thoughts.

There are periods in a woman's life when the transition to more comfortable shoes is necessary: ​​pregnancy, small children. The main thing is that this period does not drag on, and that the woman does not turn into a “mother” to her entire family.

A woman with heels and a woman without heels are two different women. Judging by myself, when I am without heels I am kind of faded, inconspicuous, gray, not festive. At the same time, it is too mobile and "convenient".

The heel changes everything: posture, figure, gait, mood, self-confidence. The woman looks slimmer and fitter, the curves of the body appear.

Any woman in heels - plump, thin, young, old - becomes more beautiful.

Heels make a woman a woman.

If you are going to put on heels, then you need to think over the whole image. Make-up, hairstyle, jewelry. Immediately how much time you need to spend on yourself, pay so much attention to yourself!

They seemed to be waiting for me :))

And there is a taste for life, for pleasure, you feel your body, you want to take care of yourself, love yourself. In black boots without heels that are in the corridor, such feelings are unlikely to come.

Sometimes you just need to close all the books, social. networks, turn on music, and start trying on high-heeled shoes, everything will appear: plasticity, and lightness, and sexuality, and femininity, the desire to live, to create.

Today, many women have gone into intellectual pursuits, searches, live their lives through thoughts, through analysis, logic and lose touch with material energy. They stop feeling their body, they fly away from the present. It is very difficult to "fly away" on heels, the sensitivity is several times higher.

Even scientists have proven that high heels cause chemical changes in a woman's body, increasing the amount of endorphins in the blood ("hormones of happiness").

As a child, I loved to walk in heels, it was a whole story, a whole inner life. I just experienced physical joy and satisfaction from spanking in heels. It was an amazing state: lightness, femininity, beauty, self-worth and magic.

And when I painted my image in adulthood, I saw myself only in heels and with long hair.

As soon as you stand on a heel, you immediately feel differently, it feels like there are fewer problems.

A woman in heels will never be "comfortable." It won't take a lot of bags, it won't do a lot of things, the speed of movement is reduced. Something elusive appears, that very external fragility and weakness that attracts men so much.

When talking about men, 82% of men consider a heel to be synonymous with beauty and attractiveness.

At some point in my life, I decided that heels were bad. And switched to a flat sole. A whole collection of ballerinas appeared.

I was directly convinced that choosing flat shoes was a health concern, but, unfortunately, this was a false belief. I began to be bothered by unpleasant sensations in the notorious bones on the big toes. I was at the doctor, the doctor said these words: “Take it off immediately (ballet flats). Flat shoes are as extreme as high-heeled shoes. "

And I took off. And I started looking for comfortable heels.

I have found the best solutions for myself. Sturdy heel only.

or a platform heel under the toe.

And my favorite wedge heel. The wedge has many advantages: feminine, stable, there is no discomfort, even with prolonged wearing of such shoes. And in winter it is generally irreplaceable. I wear only a wedge in winter, it is very comfortable, beautiful, elegant, warm and not slippery.

The shoes must be stable and the foot must be securely fastened. Then the legs don't get tired. I love the ankle straps.

High-heeled comfort is possible! And health too.

Nothing cheers me up like a collection of shoes. If I need to change my mood, I just take it out and start measuring, I just look at myself and everything changes.

Let shoes with heels become for you not a waste of time, but one of the ways to cheer up and please yourself. It really is a great resource of good mood and vitality.

You start treating yourself, your appearance with attention and respect, and your whole life changes.

I always say to my students in class: - You need to keep the focus on happiness all the time! What makes you happy? What “includes” your happiness? Not global, but everyday. What makes everyday life beautiful and joyful?

And I want to end with a little story.

Once I was choosing another pair of shoes: the heel is high, the sole is natural, I look and say to the seller: well, this is only a "machine version", and she says: Why a car, a man should wear you in his arms! Of course, I took these shoes :)))

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Tatiana Dzutseva

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A pair of high-heeled shoes is in every woman's arsenal. Red lacquered, purple-crimson with a large flower, or linen with multi-colored stones and beads. They always delight our eyes, look great on the legs, and the most important thing is that the figure in them is much slimmer and more feminine, and the woman herself looks more confident and graceful.

Men are driven crazy, although they insist that it is terribly inconvenient, and why such sacrifices. But agree, a woman in heels and ballerinas looks completely different... Of course, in your wardrobe you must have ballet flats, sneakers or skaters, and even flip flops, but high-heeled shoes have a special place in it.

Many women wear such shoes every day, to work or to the movies, even running in heels does not bother them. The other half of women treat them with caution, wear them on holidays and for a short while, although they are well aware that they look much more attractive with a heel. Yes, every woman treats high heels differently, with judgment and thought of inconvenience or with admiration and passion. They do not leave anyone indifferent.

Walking in high-heeled shoes, of course, is not an easy task, your legs get tired quickly, your foot begins to hurt, and it is more and more difficult to maintain body balance every hour. This is a whole science. And only after many days of practice, efforts and the desire to be irresistible, it succeeds in full! A beautiful, mysterious and feminine gait with small steps on huge heels cannot leave indifferent both men and many women. High heel - a symbol of women's victories, it is not for nothing that there is a Russian proverb “to be under the thumb of your wife”.

And no matter how many doctors talk about the dangers of wearing high-heeled shoes, fashion claims the opposite, reproducing more and more new masterpieces under the names of Manolo, Gucci, Prada. 5, 7, 15 centimeters ... and this is not the limit !!! Although many orthopedists agree that a heel of 2-5 centimeters is not scary and sometimes even useful to wear. But the height of 7 centimeters and above is already quite high and can bring a lot of inconvenience to the owner of his shoes. This significantly increases the load on the ankles, back and knees, which can lead not only to injuries and bruises, but also to sprains and displacements in the articular parts of the leg.

For women who, for no reason in the world, are not able to refuse wearing high-heeled shoes, orthopedic specialists strongly advise the use of special metatarsal pads. They are sold in pharmacies and allow much less stress on the central part of the foot.

So who, after all, do modern women of fashion owe the birth of high heels? The undersized Catherine de 'Medici, wife of King Henry II of France. It was she who, experiencing a certain inferiority complex next to a tall and stately husband, ordered the royal shoemaker to sew her elegant shoes, reminiscent of men's shoes with heels for riding horses. This was in the middle of the 16th century. This invention would have gone unnoticed if at the beginning of the 18th century, the skirts of the young ladies had not become noticeably shorter. And with a short skirt, as you know, an uncouth and rough shoe looks unsuitable, so the shoemakers from that time decided to sew graceful light women's shoes from velvet, silk and brocade, and, of course, these shoes were high heels.

But loving high-heeled shoes and knowing the history of their appearance is not enough! The most important thing is to know how to choose them correctly, so that both the shoe is comfortable and the heel is not rubbed in order to fly in them, and not walk! So, how to choose shoes with heels, what to look for?

First, first you need to decide why you need another pair of high-heeled shoes. Do you want to attract the attention of men or stand out from the gray crowd in bright orange patent shoes? Or maybe you want to make a proper impression at work in front of your superiors, in strict, black shoes on a high, but restrained stiletto heel, and at the same time put the entire women's team in place? For each purpose, it is worth choosing your own, special shoes. When we have decided on this, here it is already worth adhering to general recommendations when choosing allies.

Be sure to consider the structure of your legs. If nature has rewarded you with full legs and a wide foot, then buying pointed shoes with thin heels will only bring you pain and disappointment. With this leg structure, you better focus on a stable and wide heel.

If, on the contrary, your legs are thin with a narrow foot, then graceful shoes with high and narrow heels will only decorate them.

Be sure to focus on your own feelings. If during the fitting you feel unstable, you have doubts about the comfort of the shoes you are trying on, then it is better not to take them. Not only your eyes, but also your feet should fall in love with shoes!"Spreading" or "underlaying a silicone lining or cotton wool" so that the leg sits more tightly is not your option at all! Do not hope that at the cost of your corns, aching pain and capricious mood you will achieve success and your goal in these fabulously beautiful, but, alas, not suitable shoes for you!

Well, and the most burning question, what heel height is right for you? To do this, measure in centimeters how long your foot is and divide the result by 4. This will be your ideal heel height.

The basic rule when choosing shoes, which all women must adhere to: There can be many pairs of shoes, but you have only one legs!

Wear heels, lovely women, but with mind and respite! Skillfully select the model and heel of new shoes, feel the comfort and relaxation of the foot in them, and, of course, it is better to walk in them a couple of times along the corridor of your apartment, so to speak, the dress rehearsal will not interfere with anyone! And then the men walking behind you will definitely not be able to resist your sexy and feminine gait ...

This is exactly what women's stiletto sandals will provide. It is useless to argue here, there are comfortable and pragmatic, but not devoid of femininity, flat-soled models. But a pair of elegant, but seemingly useless shoes is still worth getting.

Pragmatic and simple, it is convenient to wear flat shoes in summer. But it is summer that is exactly the season in which the 2019 stiletto heels reign supreme. This is exactly the case when the beauty and slenderness of the legs and figure in general should be demonstrated "in full growth."

Smart casual high heel sandals

Studs never give up! Even with the total fashion for flat soles, models with high graceful heels are the main trend of the season. It would seem that new can be brought to such sandals. But this season has its own distinctive features.

2019 stiletto sandals are very graceful and feminine models. But they are intended not only for evening or solemn looks and special occasions. These models are actively mastering the summer.

The basis of the most current models is the classic style with a wide transverse membrane and simple fastening using thin straps. In combination with high thin heels, such shoes are sexy and elegant at the same time.

Active accents, such as thin straps intertwining at the ankle, leather with a reptile look, clearly dropped out of the trends this year - the stake is made on the purity of the style, bright colors and original decor.

The main purpose of women's stiletto heels this summer is to be an expressive decoration. The role of addition to outfits is assigned to more democratic models with flat soles.

The color scheme is more active and optimistic than ever. The designers took the colors of the new summer as a basis - rich berry, fruit and floral shades.

Red sandals look most interesting in this design. Stylists can argue about how appropriate this color is in shoes, but in the images of this summer it is the main one.

Best of all, the trend is demonstrated by red stiletto sandals in these photos:

At the same time, red can be of any shade - from bright scarlet to saturated almost boron. The brightness of the color is perfectly emphasized by patent leather and, of course, the simpler the style of such a model, the more flawless you will fall into the fashion trend.

There is no need to look for literal color combinations in an outfit. Red will perfectly support trendy monochromatic outfits. Personally, sandals with high stilettos will give you height and shapeliness of legs and figure - in general. There is simply no better way to visually look perfect.

Better than red, there can only be black stiletto sandals - this is exactly the model that you should have in - for the very insidious case when there is nothing to wear. But you should be especially careful with them.

This model, especially with metal heels - silver stilettos should definitely have in your own wardrobe.

They are in any trendy show, and if there is an opportunity to find your own model from black leather with a stiletto heel made of white metal, you should definitely get one.

Open summer sandals with stiletto heels made of natural materials

The opinion that wearing summer stiletto sandals is a whole test is preached by those who simply do not know how to wear them and, in principle, reject high-heeled shoes.

Meanwhile, there are some simple rules that will allow you not only to fall in love with these shoes, but also to wear them in style. Taking advantage of all its benefits.

First of all, the choice. Materials, especially interior finishes, should be exclusively natural - best of all, soft and delicate leather with a minimum of stitching, so as not to chafe the delicate skin.

The model of open sandals with stiletto heels should be as comfortable as possible, first of all - the last, which you need to choose only for yourself. The result can be achieved only with personal fitting and not one, but several pairs.

This should be done in the evening, when the legs are already "tired" - this is the only way to feel all the advantages and disadvantages of the model.

And don't forget about things as comfortable and practical as silicone shoe pads. They perfectly and at the same time imperceptibly fix on the leg even the most open and difficult to wear sandals.

And, of course, it is not at all superfluous, even for those who do not wear heels as a matter of principle, it will simply be to practice at home in front of a mirror before bringing this new pair “out into the light”.

There are many visual and practical lessons on the web on how to perfectly work out a beautiful gait and learn how to wear such models elegantly. Even Merlin Monroe herself learned to walk correctly.

Pay attention to the video, how stiletto sandals give the perfect gait:

Elegant sandals with a thin stiletto heel

A sophisticated heel doesn't have to be high. By itself, the concept of "hairpin" - does not have measurements in centimeters, five or twelve - on which, by the way, very few people know how to walk - does not matter. But shoes like stiletto heels - even minimal ones - are a great excuse to look slimmer and taller.

A great offer for the summer that numerous brands make - white stiletto sandals are a frankly smart option, especially if the stiletto heel itself looks defiant.

Thin, tall, metallic - this is a clear and explicit reminder of the Spanish stylet - no one can resist. This is what sandals with a thin stiletto look like. If you haven't tried wearing it, it's definitely worth it.

Of course, you shouldn't wear such models every day. They are designed for ceremonial exits and extraordinary naiads. But oddly enough, the most fashionable designers advise wearing them every day.

Casual, and so familiar to everyone, the style becomes unfashionable - there is too much of it. And summer is a great excuse to break all the rules and put on a pair of perfectly light, almost weightless and carefully calibrated sandals. This trend in fashion is only gaining its height - and you should definitely use it.