Body cream: why is it needed? Save money: unexpected uses of conventional cosmetics

  • Why do you need a body cream

Why do you need a body cream

Body creams - a category of skin care products for the trunk, legs (excluding feet) and hands (excluding hands). True, in addition to the actual creams, this segment includes milk, lotion, gel, balm, spray. Let's talk about them in more detail and tell you how they differ from each other.

Body creams come in different textures © iStock

Moisturizing is one of the functions of all of these products. In general, basic body care is aimed at to maintain and restore the barrier functions of the skin... Therefore, in addition to hydrofixers, the composition of the funds includes nutrients that provide the skin with lipids and prevent moisture evaporation.

These substances include:

  • vitamin E;

    lipid complexes;

    squalane and squalene (yes, they are not exactly the same thing).

Some formulas may contain plant extracts.

How to choose a moisturizing body cream

There are at least two selection parameters: and the season of application.

Skin type

    Dry... Her balm is useful - thick and dense, with a high concentration of oils, for example, shea, jojoba, argan. The main goal is to restore the lipid barrier, which retains moisture in the skin and protects it from microdamage. Another suitable format is the butter. It is less dense than a balm, but still the texture is quite rich.

    Normal... So that your skin does not face the problem of dryness, do not ignore the care. Choose a product for the season.

    Bold. Such skin can be prone to breakouts in the back and shoulders, so opt for light textures and non-comedogenic formulas without mineral oils.


    Winter and autumn

    The skin reacts negatively to a sharp temperature drop (from cold outside to warm indoors and vice versa), so you should take care of an adequate remedy. Oil-enriched balms, butters and thick creams- what you need.

    Summer and spring

    Give preference to weightless textures. Gel, lotion, milk refresh the skin and sometimes also have a cooling effect. The content of oils in them is minimal, so they do not form a dense lipid film.

    All year round

    Universal product - milk with a light consistency, hydrating and nourishing properties. It spreads quickly, is instantly absorbed without leaving a greasy and sticky feeling.

Rules for the use of body cream

  1. 1

    Apply body products to damp skin after a bath or shower to seal the water in the epidermis.

  2. 2

    Pat your skin dry with a towel first.

  3. 3

    Apply the cream in circular massaging movements from top to bottom - from the ankles to the knees, thighs, abdomen and beyond.

10 products to moisturize the skin of the body

© Garnier

The non-sticky, melting formula is suitable for summer skin care. It is instantly absorbed, softens the skin, and the moisturizing effect lasts up to 7 days.


Chang: “Very good milk, moisturizes the skin well. I advise everyone. "

Katerina: “This is not just milk, it is ultra-moisturizing of the skin, especially in summer! Now it is always with me! "

© Garnier

A product based on argan and almond oils makes the skin soft and delicate, and prevents dehydration. Useful in the cold season.


Natalia: “Very good effect. I use it after a shower. My skin is problematic, prone to dryness, especially in winter, but after that milk the skin is like silk. "

© La Roche-Posay

Milk for very dry skin Lipikar Lait, La roche-posay

Can be used by the whole family, starting with babies, to restore and protect dry skin. With thermal water, shea butter, cold cream and niacinamide, it soothes and moisturizes the skin.


Maria: “Unfortunately, my skin becomes dry in the autumn-winter period. Lipikar is my salvation. I apply it once a day after a shower, it is enough for me, and I enjoy hydration all day. It is especially good for application after depilation, as a sedative. "

Natalia: “I have been using it for almost a year. The skin was dry after taking a bath, I decided to try it. Just class, the skin is smooth and soft. The kids also enjoy it, especially after the bath. It's great for the winter, but in the summer you need something lighter. "

© La Roche-Posay

The product is suitable for adults, children and newborns with dry and sensitive skin. Forms a protective film on the skin surface that protects against dryness.


Nadezhda: “Fluid is my salvation! I use it in the cold season after a shower, otherwise the skin itches from the tap water and dries a lot. No stickiness, it is absorbed instantly. I used to use milk of the same series, which is even more comfortable, but the fluid is cheaper, and a 400 ml bottle flies away in 2 months. From the mass of tried and tested products from other brands, these suited me best. I will continue to use it. "

Maria: “Every winter I suffer with the problem of dry skin on my hands. It comes to the point that the skin cracks to blood. If I am in the water for a long time (even with rubber gloves), then my hands are also dry and cracked. I have tried everything: vitamins, various creams, fat / non-greasy, expensive / cheap - all to no avail. Lipikar Fluide cream was advised by a friend who has the same problem. And he really helped me in just a couple of days. Now I use only it and recommend it to everyone. "

© Biotherm

The bestseller of the brand - body milk - in a new BB-cream format. The beloved moisturizing formula is complemented by encapsulated pigments that adapt to the skin's natural tone and visually smooth it for a radiant glow. Caution: The product, like other body formulas, should not be applied to the face.

© Biotherm

The jelly-textured product is instantly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling, and saturates the skin with moisture for the whole day. Ideal for summer.

© Kiehl "s

Superbly Restorative Argan Body Lotion, Softening Body Lotion, Kiehl "s

Despite the lightness, this remedy copes well with dryness, dehydration and flaking due to the formula based on squalane, argan leaf extract, orange essential oil.


Tatiana: “This lotion made me very happy! There was a problem with the skin on the legs, itching, rashes. The funds from the pharmacy did not help me. But this lotion just worked a miracle! In three applications, redness, itching disappeared, and the skin acquired a completely healthy look! I am very satisfied, I recommend it! "

© Kiehl "s

Customers love this hit of the brand for its pleasant texture and ability to quickly solve problems associated with dry skin. The main ingredients are squalane, shea butter and jojoba.

We all know that in addition to caring for hair and skin, it is necessary body care... When caring for the face, we apply a cream, so why deprive the body of such pleasure. In order for the skin to be young, elastic and soft, together with body cleansing and massage, the skin periodically needs a cream. The question is why periodically, but because the structure of the body skin is slightly fatter than the skin of the face.

It is also susceptible to external factors, which is why it practically retains its fat content. In order to understand whether the skin needs a cream, you just need to observe it. Cream do not apply to the body immediately after taking a bath or shower. You need to wait 20 minutes if there is no discomfort, it means that the skin of the body coped independently and was able to restore its protective shell.

We notice that in hot weather we do not want to apply the cream at all, this is because at this time the sebaceous glands, which produce their own fats, work very well. There are different types of body creams. Moisturizers, as the name implies, moisturize our skin. According to research by scientists, falling under the sun, cells lose moisture catastrophically quickly, therefore,

to restore the water balance, moisturizers are used in the morning and evening. These creams are essential for any skin. In you will find flavored moisturizing creams. Nutrients contain various botanicals (plant and herbal extracts, coffee, honey, etc.) to nourish the skin. They can be applied in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Antioxidant creams cover the skin with a protective film, preventing the penetration of impurities. They are usually applied in the morning. How to use body cream? It must be rubbed in with vigorous movements, thereby creating a massage effect and improving blood circulation. The cream should be applied only to clean skin, most of all to dry places: knees, elbows, hips. Of course, we take care of the body, for the most part, not like a face, but if there is an opportunity, we should not forget about it.

The main function of this cosmetics is skin care, which is why it can and should be used to maintain the health and beauty of the skin. In order to preserve this beauty, prolong youth and avoid a lot of trouble. The body, like the face, is aging. If you do not use moisturizers or nourishing creams, this process will speed up. When these funds are applied to the skin, the normal tone returns, the metabolism is accelerated, which allows the cells to perform their functions in the best possible way, which is why the appearance of the skin is improved.
Many people are frivolous about the skin of the body, but a lot depends on it. For example, the shape of the breast. The bust sags precisely because the skin covering the mammary glands has lost its firmness and elasticity. When the body "prematurely" fades, stretch marks become more pronounced, cellulite "appears" more clearly and more prominently, in addition, it quickly passes into more serious stages. So with moisturizers and nourishing creams, you're not just fighting dryness, sensitivity, or flaking. You keep your sexuality for years to come.
How to choose a body cream?
The skin does not accept what does not suit it. As amazing as a cream is, if it doesn’t absorb, leaving behind greasy white streaks, it’s not your product. The cream must be based on vegetable oils. Do not purchase products based on mineral oils. Do not purchase products based on mineral oils. This ingredient is a refined product. It has no value, on the contrary, it hurts. When applied, mineral oils create a captivity, which, on the one hand, prevents moisture loss, and on the other hand, prevents the skin from breathing.
Also add cosmetics with petroleum jelly to your "black list". Of course, it quickly relieves dryness and a feeling of tightness of the skin, but it does not eliminate the cause - moisture deficiency. And this only accelerates the aging process. It is important that moisturizers are present in the cream. You need to apply body cream twice a day, in the morning and in the evening after a shower. If you go to the pool, it is added one more time - after visiting it.
What components should be "looked for" in the composition of cosmetics "for weight loss": cocoa butter, safflower, mint, eucalyptus, rice bran, sweet almond, jojoba, St. John's wort, horse chestnut extracts, guarana, cola, coffee, pineapple, glycolic and salicylic acids , camphor, methyl nicotinate, sea salt.
At what age should you use anti-aging "firming" body products?
After 28-30 years. But everything is individual - for example, for girls who have been professionally involved in sports since childhood (using hormones), or for those who gave birth early, the body is sufficiently worn out already at a young age, and anti-aging agents are shown to them from 18-20 years.

Skeptical attitude to cosmetics "for weight loss" in many women is associated, as a rule, with unsuccessful experience of its use. In fact, creams, body oils and other products "have the right to a cosmetic life and can be effective. But, applied on their own, and not in combination, such creams are unlikely to have the expected effect. But coupled with physical activity, adherence to a certain diet, it is possible to achieve tangible results.
Cosmetologists advise to combine the use of the cream with massage of problem areas - the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Massage can be done using standard massage movements, while active rubbing of the cream occurs.
For many girls and women, this part of the body is even more relevant than the face. For the majority, the problem of cellulite is tantamount to the problem of facial wrinkles. Therefore, of course, the anti-cellulite industry is in full bloom and in incredible demand. These are truly specialized creams with active substances that help get rid of the hated "orange peel effect". Of course combined with massage, exercise and diet.
Anti-cellulite thigh massage:
- We cover the thigh with our palms on both sides, we make movements in the direction from the knee up the thigh.
- Our first movements should be just stroking, then we need to increase efforts so that the pressure of the hands is felt.
- After that, we work out the front surface of the thigh: we make pressing screw-like movements with the bases of our hands in the direction from the knees and up the thigh.
- In the same way, the back of the thigh is worked out.
- Then we do pats on the entire surface of the thigh and repeat the first exercise again.
The fatty layer under the skin of the abdomen with the help of some kind of super cream, of course, cannot be removed. But the problem of stretch marks can be eliminated partially or even completely, depending on the "degree of difficulty." The same goes for stretch marks on the thighs: from the outside and inside. Sometimes creams are produced immediately for cellulite and stretch marks.
Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen:
- Massage the abdomen with the entire surface of the palms from bottom to top and top to bottom, and then in a circular motion. Keep in mind that while doing this, the abdominal muscles must be tense.
- The final movements must be stroking from the middle of the abdomen to its sides.
Anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks:
- Rubbing clockwise and counterclockwise in a circular motion,
- Then we knead the gluteal muscles.

You can also use special massage devices, in this case, you must first apply the cream and rub it lightly into the skin, and only then apply the massage rollers.

It is not enough to take care of only certain parts of your body, losing strength in a fierce fight against cellulite and excess fat deposits on the abdomen and hips, the effect should be complex.
Do not forget that a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet (applies not only to sweet flour dishes, but also alcohol, including beer), an increase in physical activity and adherence to a healthy lifestyle (for example, such a simple procedure as a contrast shower is not only available to everyone, but also is very useful for the adaptation of the body to external influences, activates metabolism and energy, is an element of hardening, and, by the way, promotes weight loss, but how many resort to this simple method?), timely detection and treatment of any diseases is the key to good health and blooming appearance.
Body cosmetics based on Dead Sea salts and minerals on the website

In order to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the body for a long time, as well as to avoid a lot of troubles, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the entire skin every day, and not only of the skin of the face and hands, as is customary for most women in our country. However, if you neglect caring for your body, especially in the summer, then the aging process can accelerate significantly.

Women do not even suspect that the shape of the breasts largely depends on the condition of the skin, therefore, with age, many breasts sag just because the skin that covers the mammary glands loses its firmness and elasticity. In addition, in summer, the sun's rays negatively affect the condition of the entire skin, causing its premature wilting. In this case, stretch marks become visible on the woman's skin, as well as cellulite appears more prominently.

Therefore, regardless of the season, you should use moisturizers and nourishing creams, thereby fighting flaking and dry skin. Moreover, some products, such as the Italian cosmetics GUAM, even allow you to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite on the thighs or other problem areas.

However, you should not rashly purchase all the moisturizers that are available in the store. First, you should carefully study the label of the cosmetic product before buying. The composition of the body cream must necessarily include vegetable oils. In addition, a good moisturizer must be included in the composition; at present, hyaluronic acid is most often used for these purposes in Russia and Ukraine.

Professional cosmetologists categorically do not recommend purchasing cosmetics based on mineral oil or petroleum jelly. If in the first case the cream, covering the skin with a film, prevents the loss of moisture, then it also prevents it from breathing. In the second, the cream will instantly create the illusion of getting rid of dry or retracted skin, but at the same time it will not get rid of the existing problem, namely moisture deficit. That in the first, that in the second case, the effects of moisture can only harm, accelerating the aging process.

It stimulates metabolism well, moisturizes the skin and even reduces the appearance of cellulite. Cosmetics based on seaweed or their extract.

In addition, you should not neglect to use a special shower gel, which contains glycerin, every morning in the summer, as this substance nourishes the skin well, giving elasticity. After getting out of the shower, cosmetologists advise you to lightly wet the skin, then apply body milk to it, which should be rubbed into wet skin with unhurried massaging movements. By performing such a procedure, you will help to keep the skin moisture, even on the hottest day, and it will remain velvety and soft to the touch.

However, during moisturizing cosmetic procedures, do not forget about the need to moisturize the feet. A cream for such a rather problematic area should be chosen special: firstly, it should contain components that contribute to the rapid healing of small cracks, and, secondly, remove keratinized skin particles.

Beauticians also recommend allowing yourself to take a bath with sea salt at least once a week. Indeed, according to the latest scientific data, sea salt is the most effective remedy for cellulite. Moreover, it is enough to lie down for 15 minutes in a warm bath with sea salt dissolved in water, and your skin will become silky.

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Greetings coryFeechek :-) I need some advice: I need a body oil, which I plan to replace the cream with. Until now I used a can of BodyShop cream called "Body Butter" with a delicious smell :-) What I bought :-)) Now I want butter, but! All the oils I've tried leave behind the smell of rancid vegetable oil on my clothes. Not immediately, but after a few days, which does not happen with the creams ... even fu ...


And I tried a lot of body oils, but I like creams more. The oil is absorbed slowly and is fatter than the cream. I am currently using sothys body cream [link-1] It moisturizes the skin well and does not leave marks on clothes, even if you sweat in the middle of the day. And there is no nasty smell. Light unobtrusive aroma of the cream.

I'm a fan of Hauschka :) they have a whole series of body oils. I like it with lemongrass.
Did you have shea butter from the Body Shop? I also liked it, but the painfully annoying smell, although pleasant, was tired of it.

Baby body cream review. SunnyJuly's blog on

Recently I became a mother for the second time, the eldest daughter is already big, and I had to remember and learn again what to do and how to do it. I didn't buy anything from care products, except for baby cream and oil. I liked the Helan organic baby cream in the store. Namely, the composition contained plant components, herbs, oils. The shelf life is short, which means that there is no chemistry in such a product. The very consistency of the cream is not liquid and not thick, which is good, the cream is quickly absorbed on the skin ...

I want some tips! Everything is awful, awful, awful! It's a strange thing - my face skin was always oily, but my body skin ... I'm 27 years old. After giving birth (around 26), terrible (in my opinion) skin folds appeared. I was told that when a person stays in great weight for a long time, and then drastically loses weight, the skin seems to have no time to tighten and sag . But! With me it was not. After childbirth ...


After the second birth, I have the same problem, in fact, half a bottle of oil was absorbed and in the morning the skin peels off again. AEVit saw, I did not notice much of the effect. I checked the thyroid gland - I donated blood for such a hormone TSH (you can prescribe an endocrinologist in a women's consultation or in a polyclinic - that's when everything became clear). Do not be lazy to check! After childbirth, hormonal disruptions are very common.

I have been with dry body skin all my life. And the feeling of tightness and even peeling in the legs in the absence of care is my problem. I solve it by leaving, because drinking vitamins (fat soluble) and drinking water do not have much effect. I, in principle, only need a moisturizer after washing. You can wash 2 times, just be sure to smear yourself. I am smeared with "Niveey" moisturizing balm in a white bottle with a green leaf. Experience has shown that it moisturizes better than any other product. It also moisturizes baby oil well on damp skin. You also need to monitor the pH of detergents. Strongly alkaline, very dry. Recently I like "Palmolive" with hydration.
But, by the way, the notorious "Dove" did not impress my dry skin at all.
And I would also advise, if possible, to go to the pool, it is better - to water aerobics - the peel tightens very well.

Girls, how do you take care of your body skin. Somehow there is still no time, but I really want to have a velvety and well-groomed body. Can you add something to the bath? in my opinion, this is the most convenient - without much investment of time (you still lie in the bathroom).


Body skin care is usually of two types - supportive (prophylactic) and deodorant (aromatic). After water procedures, the skin usually needs a product that would create a protective layer that prevents moisture loss, and would increase the elasticity of the skin. That is, it is either a lotion or a body gel - moisturizing with any oils (most of all I like products with almond, olive, shea, apricot oils). Often such funds are also: they protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, enrich the skin with nutrients, and can also be preventive (spider veins, varicose veins, fungal diseases). What concerns aromatic care, I think, it is not worth talking about - in principle, it is clear - these are aroma oils, aroma essences, deodorants, toilet waters, foams, salt and bath balls with smells.
It was a theory, but in practice, I think that I will simply describe “my” process - I take a shower and first do a full body scrub (or just a body scrub, or immediately a shower gel with an exfoliating effect - now there are a lot of Body Polishers ), then shower gel on a washcloth, if I have time to lie in the bath before the shower, then I lie either with salt or with a sedative for the bath. I go out - I wipe myself, I use a cream with a deodorizing effect (not on the whole body, but only where required)))) and a cream or body lotion (I have a cream with shea butter). Sometimes I take a bath with milk and some essential oil ... That seems to be all ... Well, I haven't described foot products yet - this is also a body care, but more specific, or should I tell you about it too?

Be sure to add to the bath every evening - every other day sea salt (for cellulite), the rest of the days - bath oil. Once a week - body scrub. Every morning after shower - body cream.

we usually use day (night) cream every day, hand cream - as needed. And how often do you need to use all sorts of body lotions, oils, masks, scarabs?


> And how often do you need to use all sorts of body lotions,

preferably after each contact with water - shower / bath / pool / sauna

> oils,

there are different oils :) There are those that are added to the bath, there are those that are applied after, there are those that are added to the creams, there are those for which the massage is done .. Oil is a specialized thing :) And usually everything is written on it :)

> masks,

for body? or for the face?
Masks are also special. product and are applied by task. If the course - then every day or every other day. If this is a regular care, then 1-2 times a week.

> scarabs?

It also depends on the tasks and on the specifics of the scrub. Usually 1-2 times a week.

Tomorrow 2000 r Survey on LOTIONS, CREAMS, MILK ...

Women 40-55 years old are invited to the survey. Non-participation in the survey 6 months. All take care of the body skin using products: lotion, milk or body cream brands: Dove, Garinier, Nivea The company considers applications only with a photo. Be sure to send a photo of you holding the cream in your hand so that you can see the cream close up and your face November 26 12:20 women - 40-55 years The survey lasts 2 hours + participation fee 2000 r. Everyone brings to the survey those funds that they indicated that you have in your photo Recording ...

I here use a manual massager (like a massage brush, but with thorns), rub my stomach, butt and back, but then I began to smear with self-tanning (Clarence seems to be decent), and it seems that after it the skin reacts painfully to massage (two days) , Can this be or I just have glitches?


Irisha, it's easy to check if you put off the self-tanning for a couple of days, but continue to use the massager. I had this once in my youth;) I "re-massaged" myself slightly: (there were no bruises, but there were unpleasant sensations from pressure. I just paused for a little self-massage. Maybe you also have something similar?

Usually, if the cream is not suitable, then there are some visible changes in the skin, and only then (with a large volume of the affected area) painful sensations begin. The desire to scratch is not one of them. It can occur without visible changes.

But every lady is individual. If your skin feels great during massage without self-tanning, and as soon as you start using self-tanning for the second or third time, discomfort reappears, then ... alas, you have to admit that this is your INDIVIDUAL reaction to a / Clarence tan.

In short, experiment! :))


And what exactly are you interested in, which products? It all depends on what kind of skin you have. My opinion (in total, I have been using it * e * l * e * d * o * d for about 10 years, I have tried absolutely all means): body products for a fat "five", face products ... are specific. For dry skin, you can choose something. For the mixed one, no creams / masks came up to me personally, but iris milk (classic) and iris tonic have been our favorites with my husband (he also uses it) for many years. Ask if you are interested in something specific. But in general, until you try it, you will not understand whether THIS suits you personally :)

Girls, please enlighten .. There is such a problem, although in general, it's not really a problem :)) It's just that I've never used a body cream in my life, somehow it didn't go with me, it seemed like they were given occasionally, and the jars were just like that. stood on the pier glass. For some reason, it feels like if you smear something on your skin, it won't breathe .. Delirium, of course, maybe it's psychological? This despite the fact that I use face cream regularly .. And what should I do, continue not to smear anything? But on the other hand, I don't want to ...


What do you mean - will not breathe? After all, the cream does not clog the pores, it is absorbed into the tissues and moisturizes them. For example, I cannot imagine my life without a cream, especially in winter, when the air is dried up by batteries, and it is frosty outside. Apparently, you have it really psychological. Try to imagine how your skin loses oils and natural moisturizers during a shower or bath (this is exactly what happens under the influence of hot water), and the cream returns moisture to it. As if you gave your skin a drink.

I want a body cream. I want to pamper myself. I want something unusual. advise!


I am also for Aldo Vanini :) here is also Cottage, sold everywhere.

Elizabeth Arden from a series of green tea, such as with grains of honey - I can see at home the name. When you start applying, these grains feel like a scrub in your hand, and instantly melt on your body ... delight.

Girls, but who uses what fragrant body creams to smell delicious? I'm Yves Rocher (milk after shower), and you?


if you want to smell delicious - then you are dear to LUSH :) I have a cream with bananas and cocoa butter from there - it seems I smell all over the apartment when I use it. And I just have a desire to "gobble" this cream straight from the can, sorry for the expression :))
but this is not for every day, too strong a smell.

if you want VERY tasty, then I personally use creams with the smell of my favorite perfumes (sisley, chanel, etc.). but this luxury is not essential every day. basically I don't feel like smelling at night.

Girls, but advise a body cream, so that after a shower in fitness it would be smeared and it moisturized and quickly absorbed, so that you could quickly get dressed and run :)

1. What are the estimated monthly costs for cosmetics? 2. What cosmetics do you use: creams for face and body and decorative items in the context of the price category of cosmetics: for example, cheap (black pearls and the like), average (Yves Roger, bourgeois ...), expensive (cristian dior), elite (from 100 $ per tube and above) 3. What do you have in your cosmetic bag at the moment? 4. In your opinion, expensive cosmetics justify the costs for themselves? About me: 1. 10-30 $, 2. Decorative - medium, for the body - cheap, for the face - expensive. 3 ...


And what is your "putty" under the eyes? :-)

I must say right away that I am not an indicator, I have big skin problems (psoriasis). Therefore, absolutely cheap cosmetics for skin are not suitable for me in any case.

1. 2.410 rub. per month on average for the last year according to the family ledger :)
2. Decorative - Isadora (slightly above average), for the body - La Roche Posay, Clarins, Natural Sea Beauty (expensive and above average), for Darphin's face (well, almost elite)
3. But I don't have a cosmetic bag :-) I carry powder and lipstick with me, I take the one that I put on in the morning. And all the cosmetics are in the dressing table (however, now I had to remove the box with it higher - Masha got there :-))
4. Yes, expensive cosmetics justifies itself, especially - high-quality cosmetics for the body, when you are no longer ... uh-uh ... 17 years old :-)

I can also say that, according to my, so to speak, personal observations, the most significant "qualitative leap" in the effectiveness of the cream occurs somewhere beyond the level of $ 50 jar. That is, if it were not for the opportunity to buy Clarins and Darphin, I probably would have used the Pure Line, because I do not believe that Nivea or Loreal is much better, although more expensive: (Although, no, there is already a question of self-esteem "a "After all, I deserve this" arises. "Which is what Loreal uses ...

girls, share what you have in your arsenal of face-body care products, including both daily care and masks-scrubs-cosmetologists :) if possible, indicate the type of skin and the manufacturer of the care products :) Thank you! PS I'm going to update the contents of the cabinets in the bathroom - the leather is starting to get used to the care that I now use.


Dry skin. It went very well "d-r Sheller" (on herbs), but I'm allergic, so I had to refuse. Now Nivea aqua drops. Facial scrub from Green-mama. Body balm Nivea. It seems that everything :)

for face:
washbasin Caudalie (which with a tap and foam at the outlet)
scrub "Pure Line"
tonic Helena Rubinstein (with honey)
Uvl. Uriage mask (hydrocrystal which)
uvl. Carita mask (plus serum and cream)
cleared. mask Lierac (Soin Eclat), very hemorrhoid, will not buy anymore :-))
uvl. Estee Lauder creams (which hydracomplete) are rubbish, I won't buy anymore, it's a pity 1400 r.
uvl. bark cream (Aquafactor) - this one is super, though 200 rubles. Total
the eyebrow of Shizeido Bioperformance - well, so-so, La Prairie was better (cellular which)
night cream (in winter it is also daytime) Kora O Neal (daughter of La Prairie) - a very good cream, but it costs 150 bucks, an infection.
Payo eye wash (two-phase)

for body:
shower gel Bioterm (which is marine)
body scrub Bioterm (from the same series) and Pure Line
body cream Avon (Spa series, which is with olive oil) - spoiled. it used to be better with them
body cream Garene Amber Soleil (after tanning, which, in a blue bottle) - SUPER))) I stayed from the beach holidays, it's good that I didn't throw it away.
Anticell. Bioterm gel (so smelly in a blue tube)

This is the main thing, I will not call all sorts of lapping oils, I rarely use them, they stand, behold, they are gathering dust ...
The skin is dehydrated in winter, a little combi in summer, but in principle it is probably also dehydrated. (I don't know much about skins, actually).

Beauty is a woman's strength !.

Cream, face mask, body scrub: how to spread in the morning and evening
... Ideally, hyaluronic acid products should also contain retinoids, which many experts believe stimulate collagen production and maintain skin elasticity. I interviewed four of my girlfriends about the use of eye creams. And Marie-Claude, and Claudine, and Marion, and Danny all told me in one voice that although they are very picky about creams, for the eyelids they do not use any special remedy. My dermatologist and her absolutely stunning assistant also told me that they don't use any eye creams - day or night. Evening In the evening, carefully and gently remove all makeup residues. Then rinse your face and sprinkle with mineral water again. Tap water is sometimes very hard, with high ...

Facial skin care in French: dermatologists against wrinkles and age
... Then we sit down and talk about beauty, - she said. - A woman is pleased when the visit ends on a joyful note. During the examination, I also assess the condition of her facial skin. I ask new clients about their lifestyle, the cosmetics they use and the beauty treatments they perform. Often women who have been my patients for many years need to change the brand of the products used or switch to stronger options from the same line because their skin has changed. Experience shows that you shouldn't use the same cream at fifty that you used at forty or forty-five. Even five years - this may be too long for loyalty to one product, it becomes necessary to rise one or two marks higher. " So, a dermatologist is not a luxury, it is our main ally in the fight against ...

For pregnant women, my experience in beauty preservation.

Anti-stretch body cream for pregnant women I have been using Chicco anti-stretch mark cream since the 4th month of pregnancy. Not a single stretch. Although I think that of course it also depends on genetics. During my entire pregnancy, I needed two tubes, which is quite economical. This cream has a pleasant consistency, is absorbed very quickly, and the smell is light. Chicco anti-stretch cream contains rice bran and wheat oils, as well as vitamins PP and E. Chicco anti-stretch body cream is as safe as possible for the future baby ...

For two to three minutes, rub your face with the inside of a papaya or mango peel: these fruits contain excellent enzymes that dissolve dirt in sebum (as well as fat in the body itself). Cosmetics manufacturers often use them in small quantities in their products. Deep cleansing Boil 200 grams of water, add 2-3 drops of aromatic oil (lavender, lemon, etc.) and steam your face to open the pores, then apply a homemade face mask: 1-2 teaspoons flour, mixed with the same amount of yogurt, lemon, rice vodka and infusion of various roots. Practice ...

At the same time, some oils have a very strong odor, for example, sesame or olive, so they are not so pleasant to use. Minimalist hair care Hair condition is highly dependent on nutrition. Algae and sesame seeds serve as healing elixirs for them. Do not wash your hair too often, only if it's damp or hot outside. Use as little shampoo as possible. First, dilute it with water in a small cup, lather and then apply to the hair, otherwise it will remain on the scalp, which usually happens. The last rinse of your hair after shampooing should consist of a glass of clean water to which a spoonful of apple cider vinegar has been added. Learn to massage some ...


Well, unfortunately, nails and hands in general are exposed to negative factors every day. Our varnishes, nail polish removers, detergents, etc. cause great harm to both skin and nails. As far as I understand, the task of hand and nail care gets quite complicated from year to year.
I understand that our ancestors got along with natural remedies. But in the mode of city life, you can hardly find environmentally friendly buttercups.
Therefore, the choice of care is a difficult question.

Now I'm using peach oil for face and body skin. So far, I only smear my face and chest. Like. It is absorbed quickly enough and the skin becomes firm and pleasant to the touch. I hope it will meet my expectations. But I alternate with Black Pearl cream!

My report on Korean differences :) mnogabukf.

Having read all kinds of things and in general (I would like to take this opportunity to say hello to la vida :)) I have enriched myself with all sorts of differences and needs. I bought everything, basically, according to reviews, so I would rather add an opinion than utter something fundamentally new and revolutionary So, number of times Aloe Gel, in my case NATURE REPUBLIC not sticky, I tried to use it after a shower, it's nice, but so moisturizing that it was not good ...


Body cream with donkey milk - killed on the spot :)))))
I will subscribe to the review of the bubble mask, although I overexposed it for the first time and my face turned red. Aloe gel helped.

kmk-u Tonimoli sleeping pack cumulative effect, I was also disappointed at first, but after 3-4 times I began to notice the result. Now I can say for sure, I will buy it again.

Girls, welcome! Does anyone have any ideas how to smear your face when you swim in the pool? Maybe there is something protective (smeared it for an hour and washed it off with sweat) that does not spoil the skin and at the same time will lay down with a reliable film? I swim upside down, as expected, but not more than an hour. And compliment your moisturizing and nourishing body creams, pjsta. Those that are absorbed quickly enough. And preferably within reasonable price ranges, I am not ready to spend 100 euros for 200 ml on the body)).


asked a question to a friend - for a long period of time she went to the pool to work on herself (the term "work" was used deliberately - I saw how it looks). before she did not use anything. after: face moisturizing mask, body - johnsons baby moisturizing cream. plus sauna and peeling.

BB cream? it is still not washed off with water.
I do not swim, I cannot advise anything serious.
for my body is unreasonable :)
Or here's another Solaris cream from Dr. Nona.


For face:
I wash my face with Niveevskaya foam.
In winter, under make-up, I use the cream "Protection from the cold" from Lumene.
The same brand - a night moisturizing cream (in a blue jar) of a very delicate, slightly oily structure, very well softens the skin.
(I have it sensitive, dry, so any softening is relevant)
For hands:
cream "Zodiac" (I love it since childhood, nothing can be done)
For hair:
shampoo "Sanara" and the same conditioner balm.

How many questions :-) In all of the above cosm.means, the main thing for me is the base. That is, the main washing or moisturizing substance.

As for the detergents, everything is simple:

"Since the main purpose of the shampoo is to wash the hair, the main ingredient of this hygiene product is surfactants. These substances, when mixed with air and water, form a lather.

Depending on the chemical structure, surfactants are divided into three main groups: anionic, cationic, and amphoteric. If you arrange all surfactants in order of their improvement, the list will look like this: Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ammonium lauryl sulfate) - Ammonium Laureth Sulfate (ammonium laureth sulfate) - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate) - Sodium Laureth Sulfate (sodium laureth sulfate) - TEA Layril Sulfate (TEA lauryl sulfate) - TEA Laureth Sulfate (TEA laureth sulfate).

Of course, the names of surfactants in both English and Russian can hardly be remembered, so it is easier to remember the initial words of the last four - sodium and TEA. Shampoos containing these particular surfactants should be preferred. The first of the listed ingredients is most often used in shower gels, bath foams, in a word, in products for affecting any part of the body except the head. Dry hair is noted when using such shampoos due to the washing out of sebum and defatting the hair. "

As for creams, balms, etc. for me it is important that they are not based on / or have a minimum. quantity of mineral oils (eg paraffin), less silicones and more natural vegetable oils.

Israeli cosmetics Lamerel - an alternative to injections ?.

Good day to all! The other day I tried Lamerel's new cosmetics from Israel - a cream with a lifting effect. I was pleasantly surprised - the effect is quick and pleasant (the oval of the face somehow tightened, the color freshened up, the skin seemed to be from a vacation). Here I sit and rack my brains - what to do when it's over - where in St. Petersburg can you buy Lamerel cosmetics? Again to Eilat to fly for her? Write, who knows what and who else has tried something from this cosmetics?


And I already did it! I bought it recently, my friends persuaded me. I have been wanting to rejuvenate my skin for a long time, but I still couldn't find any effective drugs. I used different means, the effect was, but not dramatic. Let's see how Lamerel will cope with his task.

And along with it, useful impurities (medicines, vitamins, herbal extracts) also get there. Therefore, applying a cream can be considered the best form of skin care! The disadvantage of a cream is usually called its main property - fat content. Therefore, despite the obvious advantages, in modern cosmetics, it is more often used to soften the driest areas of the skin (knees, elbows), as protection from the weather, or as a night regenerating agent. Milk, lotion, balm - these are, in fact, the names of the same thing. More precisely, the so-called direct emulsion of the "fat in water" type. As the name implies, this emulsion contains much more water than fat. Milk is better absorbed into the skin, does not leave grease ...
... As soon as we stop worrying about artificial hydration, the entire effect of any, even the most miraculous remedy, disappears. It is necessary to apply the product on clean, slightly damp skin, and do not smear it, but rub it vigorously. At the same time, the skin absorbs moisture better, and in addition, blood circulation improves. In general, the addition of massage, even the simplest, makes any cream or body lotion almost a magic elixir. And if you add on reasonable nutrition, movement (swimming is best for the skin), then you can believe in the promises of the girls from the commercials ... Olga Chernomys An article from the March issue of the magazine ...

Beauty is a woman's strength !.

I think every woman has at least one cream in her locker, more than I am sure that not even one. Let's chat about the number of creams, as well as the expected effect of them. Having opened the cabinet in the bathroom this morning, I realized that 98% of the tubes in it are mine, as well as on the bedside table and various shelves. By the way, how do you store face cream and nail polish? In my arsenal there are: hand cream (I do not use it every day, it's just the skin). I always wear gloves, and my floors are in ...


That's why I stopped coming here. After the lip recommendations I felt like a deep teapot ... I don't have anything newfangled. And I don't use the cream every day. In reality, the skin began to dry a lot, I feel it is necessary. But laziness.

I have everything according to the scheme: wash-tonic-peeling-serum-cream, a mask once a week cleansing, I have all cosmetics with acids, from 1 to 10%, there is also a filler for deep wrinkles. the composition always contains retinol, vit C, tubes or obligatory with a dispenser, aa cream with a high protection factor, now 25, spring-autumn 40. there are even 100, but I have not tried it. I prefer America, excellent quality at a reasonable price. (we don't have this), good skin and paul choyce (all line) .. and for the body, too, all with acids .. very good .. everything is anti-aging

Cuticle remover cream (softening the skin around the nail so that there are no burrs). Shower gel; Body scrub (pay attention to not rough areas - elbows, knees, just stroke yourself all over, if the skin is not rough and if on the elbows and knees it is not darker than elsewhere, then no scrub is needed). Body milk can be selected light for oily skin and oily for dry skin. Heel baths (you can use everything from just hot water and sea salt to boiled potato peels and special cosmetic powders). Stone for rubbing rough skin on the feet. Oily cream for the legs (feet), in general there are series specifically for the legs. Manicure set, important: file nails, not st ...
... Body milk can be selected light for oily skin and oily - for dry. Heel baths (you can use everything from just hot water and sea salt to boiled potato skins and special cosmetic powders). Stone for rubbing rough skin on the feet. Oily cream for the legs (feet), in general there are series specifically for the legs. Manicure set, important: file nails, not cut. Razor, wax, or depilatory cream. Remove all long or dark hair except for hairstyles, eyelashes, eyebrows and what is not visible under the most open panties. Notice the hair above the knee and the antennae. There is? If yes, delete! Deodorant - 2 pieces (or more) - for 24 hours ...


body scrub is always needed, iron yourself or not :)) because the top layer of the skin tends to die off !! who wrote that ?? at least have an idea of ​​the structure of koji ?????????

03.10.2003 08:09:36, Diana

what combs and hairpins ?? go to the hairdresser and do your hair :)) and everything will be fine

03.10.2003 08:08:17, Diana

If they are kept in the cold, and applied accordingly on warm skin, it is stressful for them; their structure may not be able to withstand it. Creams are still emulsion compounds, and they are unstable by definition. An affordable replacement Johnson's baby Aloe Vera Oil Spray can be used to massage babies, remove makeup and moisturize the skin. The Silver Dew Body Scrub will be a replacement for salon treatments. hands and chapped feet The classic Nivea Creme is an excellent base for nourishing masks and a universal cream Body Energy Cool Pharma Cosmetics cooling gel is a remedy for dryness and itching, suitable for ...


The whole article (except for practical advice) is good only for young and inexperienced !!! Let them learn! I, unfortunately, myself have tried all the "noneconomic" on cosmetics and have been at a loss more than once (I am 31 years old). But practical advice is good, especially expert advice. More such advice would be. Or even create a separate section with beauty tips on your website. After reading Tatiana's discussion, I partially agree with the microfiber napkin. Only she also has an expiration date or use, and this should not be forgotten.

All of these tips are best for make-up.
And instead of the usual scheme of foam-gel-tonic-oil-milk-scrub-cream and so on with preservatives and "chemistry" it is better to use a microfiber napkin (replaces foam and scrub, removes cosmetics, does massage) and beauty Secret cosmetics.
No chemicals or synthetic additives, and the result is better than after expensive cosmetics. I'm not talking about the price at all.

08/23/2005 12:00:54, Tatiana

Arrange fasting days, if health allows. Avoid overeating. You should not limit yourself to liquid (fluid intake per day should be at least 1.5-2 liters). Fasting diets in this case are unacceptable, because the goal is not to lose weight, but to get rid of cellulite. An "anti-cellulite" lifestyle should include swimming, exercise, or at least walking. As for cosmetics, it is advisable for every woman to use body cream as regularly as her face cream. Although the effect of creams is not deep, they are able to improve metabolic processes in the skin, activate blood circulation, increase skin tone, indirectly affecting cellulite. To keep in shape, you can also advise daily contrast shower, self-massage, classic manual massage, hydromassage, saunas, baths. Note that during lactation ...
... It should be noted that "classic" cellulite with impaired blood circulation in problem areas, inflammation, edema, leading to the formation of painful immobile seals in the subcutaneous tissue, is an extremely rare phenomenon. More often you have to deal with primary cellulite, or obesity cellulite. It is observed in young women and is associated with hypertrophy (overgrowth, overgrowth) of fat cells. There are women who, more often after 25 years, develop secondary cellulite - cellulite of "flabby" skin. It is caused by a genetic congenital feature of the skin, when its tone is significantly reduced. In addition, in such patients, weakness of the superficial fascia is revealed - a reticular tissue located in the subcutaneous layer, which forms a receptacle for fat cells and connects the skin with muscles, which aggravates cosmetic skin defects. At the same time, leather with under ...

NEWS COME !!! Narcissus, series PETALS AND FLOWERS, TIARE, PAPOROTN-IK! Sunscreen series in full range Therefore, with a pure heart (since ALL will finally be available), I announce the purchase (for December 21) of the magical Italian phytocosmetics L * erbolario. I also propose to attend to the choice of gifts for NG. You can pick up very beautiful sets according to fragrances: Lily of the valley: for example, Eau de toilette, bath foam, sachet for a chest of drawers, talcum powder, White Musk body cream: for example, deodorant lotion ...

Girls, good afternoon! For 10 years now I have been taking the main care for the evening. I wash my face, apply tonic and night cream, and even a cream under my eyes. In the morning, I don't do anything, at first there was no time, the child was small, but now I seem to have got used to it. Do I have to wash my face in the morning, or can I just use a tonic and then a cream? Sorry if my question shocked anyone. I just want to know if there is a difference? I sit at home, I rarely use cosmetics, so as soon as I got up in the morning, I brushed my teeth and that's it ...


I got a little confused reading your posts :))

> if I wash my face, tonic cream, then the face looks shiny, so as not to use it.

> the question is, is it necessary to wash 2 times a day if the face in the morning after washing does not have time to absorb the cream and looks greasy :-(

You ask if you need to wash, and the reason that stops you is not at all the consequences of washing, but what you do AFTER it, i.e. apply the cream and the face looks greasy.
M. b. do not apply cream or use another, etc. but what has to do with washing, not washing - I, sorry, did not understand.

And I also have a question, what do you mean by "wash"? There are 2 similar, but still different concepts: wash and cleanse your face.

"To wash" is not a strict concept :)) What meaning do you put into it? Just water?

"To cleanse the face" already implies the use of cleaning products. For some, it is a gel or foam, or milk (depending on the type of skin), then a tonic or a cleansing mask, ... the arsenal of means for cleaning is great.

Now about the cleansing of combination skin :))

Firstly, there is no mandatory requirement to wash with water for any type of skin! Since, there is
- water intolerance,
- our water is known for its poor quality,
- not all cleaning agents require water for their removal, etc.

Secondly, classically, the purification stage is divided into 3 main parts.

1. Cleansing, which removes dust, dirt, cosmetics - these are foams / gels / milk / creams / means for removing cosmetics from the eyes / etc.

2. removal of dead cells from the surface. Usually - this is a scrub mask, which is done depending on the type of skin, the absence of inflammatory processes and the speed of metabolic processes - 1-2 times a week.

3. Toning. This is the final stage in cleansing, which already includes the functions of not only refreshing, but also nourishing the skin (TONIC after all!) With vitamins, useful extracts, etc. which TONES the skin. Hence the name.

You must proceed from the needs of your combination skin. Do not look that the oily is cleaned all year round, and that the dry is only just refreshed.

If you see the need to cleanse your skin in the morning in full, clean it, if you have enough of rubbing it with a tonic (of course you need a cream, but not the one that shines and is poorly absorbed, but the one that moisturizes without shine) - then you can do that. Only in the evening it is imperative to wash off the daily accumulation of fat and dust with your cleansing, then tonic. But you do it :))

If it is not enough to cleanse the combi skin, it will suffer from rashes associated with clogged pores. It is not necessarily the T-zone, which is more salty. This can be over the entire surface, because dust settles everywhere, skin sweats, etc.

I hope I haven't completely confused you :))

In the evening I do everything the same as you described, but in the morning I am guided by the sensations: usually in the winter in the morning I just wipe my face with a tonic and use a cream. But in the summer, my skin just asks to be washed with foam in the morning :-)

Liquid talcum powder "Iris" - I really liked the feeling on the skin - velvety and coolness or something. Very persistent smell - lasts all day.
Gel for the eye area with Asian water lover, vegetable proteins and ginseng - at first did not make an impression, in principle I do not really like the gel consistency, but because The sample was enough for 5-6 times, I noticed that after this gel the skin under the eyes is noticeably tightened, so this is probably a good option for girls of Balzac age - when the skin under the eyes is already starting to fade.
Shampoo and balm with nettle - the hair is fluffy and light until the evening.
Oil "Makassar" for hair - until I noticed a special revitalization for my etched streaked hair. The most amazing impression of this oil - when I took it out of the refrigerator (I usually keep the oil in the refrigerator) - froze and turned into a snow-white mass, I had to move it from the refrigerator to a warm bathroom.This means there are no preservatives - an absolutely natural product.
Absolutely all jars have a funky design - very beautiful labels. And natural scents are a big advantage of cosmetics, at least for me. "

I would use something medicinally-pharmacy now, restoring, without aromatizers, dyes and so on, tk. the skin clearly needs to come to itself. They gave the names below, you can try something else, ask the consultant at the pharmacy.
My favorite option is pharmacy F-99 cream. It costs 100 rubles.