Better a private kindergarten or a public one. Why private kindergartens are better than public ones. Private vs public gardens

If before the parents had no doubts about where to send the preschooler, now they have some choice. You can send your child to a public kindergarten and a private preschool institution. How do they differ from each other? Why should you make your choice?

Often, moms and dads have to be content with commercial establishments only for the reason that there are simply no free places in public gardens. But many parents deliberately make a choice in favor of private traders. Why? One of the main advantages is that very small groups are formed. And this means that each pupil has enough attention, communication, affection, care of the employees of the institution. Each baby will always be under the supervision of a teacher. And during the developmental activities, children will be given more time. In addition, in private institutions, as a rule, children are better fed and kept in more comfortable conditions. This is what parents value most. But for all this pleasure you have to pay. And you have to spend a lot of money. Therefore, not every parent who wants to can afford to send a child to a paid garden.

Public kindergartens also have a number of advantages. Usually these establishments are located in the immediate vicinity of the house. The child will never be sent to a garden located on the other side of the city. And for many working parents this fact is very important, since it is not always convenient to follow the baby to the opposite side of the house. Do not be skeptical about public preschool institutions. A good garden manager is sure to recruit excellent staff. The same sincere and competent people work with children as in private institutions. But they do this not for the sake of money, but out of vocation and their kindness. Of course, there will not be a free kindergarten anyway. You will have to pay for the maintenance of the child, and outdoor events, and voluntary contributions. But the amount of payments will still be an order of magnitude lower than that which will be taken from parents in private gardens. This is one of the main advantages of a public kindergarten.

Which is better: a commercial institution or a government one?

There can be no definite answer. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you need to monitor children's institutions, talk with parents and teaching staff, and look at everything with your own eyes. Only then will your baby fall into good hands.

The ProDetki editors wondered which kindergarten to choose for a child - private or public. We decided to figure out whether it is worth choosing, and if so, what rules to follow.

  1. Why choose?

Parents are faced with choosing the best option for their child every day. What to cook, how to teach, and how to occupy, so that everyone is comfortable? The kindergarten system deals with these and many other problems. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to send a child to kindergarten, and even state programs are not able to cover the need for kindergartens in full.

If a parent signs up for a “kindergarten” queue too late or has no idea why the child needs to be sent to a state organization at all, then a choice appears. Give it to grandmother? Raise on indefinite leave? Maybe use the services of a private kindergarten? In any case, there are factors that are paramount for each of the alternatives. if a similar situation arises.

  1. What are the pros and cons of a private kindergarten?

In most cases, a private kindergarten works in the same way as a state one, because the educational standard is the same for everyone. There is an opinion that everything in a paid kindergarten is much better - from nutrition to the quality of education and attitude towards children.

If you come across a good private kindergarten and you are ready to invest a certain amount in a child, then everything is in order. But how to understand that a non-governmental organization is really better?

  • Ask for the opinion of parents whose children are already attending a private kindergarten.
  • Talk to employees of the "firm", check the registration of the company, call the Education Department in your region. "Inquire" to find out the details of interest.
  • If there is such an opportunity, then send the child to kindergarten for a certain period and see what happens.
  • Be sure to find out how sanitary standards are observed in a private kindergarten, how meals are prepared in a kindergarten, what children do in their free time.
  • If you are interested in the issue of education, then look for a kindergarten according to this criterion - ask about the availability of developmental programs in advance.
  1. What if you can't send your child to kindergarten?

Most likely, it will not be possible to send children to kindergarten if they are not suitable for age standards or for health cannot attend the general group of the kindergarten, and there are no alternatives from the state yet. Private kindergartens sometimes require a lot from a parent, including financially.

Also trust in private educators is necessary, because, according to an old habit, for some reason, parents have hopes specifically for state specialists, but not for “private traders”, although there are no objective reasons for this. We have to look for an individual approach that would allow us to send the child somewhere at least for the duration of work, taking into account the irregular schedule, household chores, etc.

  • Perhaps a paid tutor, nanny, help from friends or family will suit you, as well as a “home kindergarten” - this is the same private kindergarten, only without a separate “space”.
  1. What is a home garden?

“Home kindergarten” is an organized form of education for preschool children, which involves caring for children at home. Usually a home kindergarten is a small team, up to 7-10 people, depending on the conditions that an individual entrepreneur has. Most often, a home kindergarten is much cheaper than a regular private one.

The main requirements for raising children at home are: specialized pedagogical education, basic knowledge of first aid, psychology. Sanitary and medical standards are important, which do not allow a large number of children to be in a confined space. A necessary condition may be the close location of the kindergarten-home, good, pleasant individual character traits of the teacher.

All parents in the world want their children to be happy, to grow up in prosperity and comfort. Therefore, many people approach the choice of a garden very carefully, studying all the nuances: food, proximity to home, qualifications of the teaching staff, material base, well-groomed children's playgrounds, special development methods, reviews, and so on.

Let's talk about the differences between private and public kindergartens.

Real story from our reader

“We sent our daughter to a private garden at the age of 3. Excellent food, in a group of 8 children, each child has an individual approach, the teachers literally blew dust from the children. All kinds of developmental techniques, children are always well-groomed and clean, and so on. Not a garden, but the dream of all parents!

A month later, my daughter stopped talking. Not a single word, continuous hum.

They tortured the kindergarten teachers and the headmistress for a long time, what happened? Of course, all sorts of things crawled into my head. And everything is bad. The problem was never found. As a result, the daughter was transferred to the most ordinary state kindergarten, closer to home, with the most modest material support.

There are 25 children in the group. Literally a day has not passed, the daughter began to speak again. As if nothing had happened. What was it? The child psychologist told us that our child is "missing natural survival."

State garden: pros and cons

  • An important plus in the piggy bank of state gardens - small monthly payment, which makes the gardens accessible to absolutely all segments of the population. Mugs and sections are paid additionally by the parents.
  • Closeness to home. Almost everywhere, budget gardens are located within walking distance to the place of residence of children (this is a social standard for the development of any residential area), which makes the delivery of a child to the garden quick and convenient.
  • To get into a state garden, especially a certain one, you need to get on the line at the district education department immediately after the birth of the child... So you have a guarantee that in 2.5-3 years your child will find a place in the younger group. And it is not at all a fact that it is in the manger. This is a clear disadvantage.
  • Budget kindergartens have a large and qualified teaching staff, physical education and floating instructors, music teacher, social teacher, methodologist, canteen workers, and so on - all responsibilities are strictly delimited. But recently, one can argue about the qualifications of educators. There is an acute shortage of personnel in the gardens as a result of low wages.
  • A question on which there will never be a common opinion is meals in budget gardens. Some parents believe that their children are fed well and balanced, others - little and meager, without variety. Only one thing is for sure - the products for kindergartens undergo strict control. Although there are cases with sour kefir, which poisoned half a group of children. But this is very rare, and the managers are severely punished for this.
  • Budget gardens almost always have a modest setting., the quantity and quality of toys and educational aids leaves much to be desired. Therefore, parents often have to buy and pay for some things on their own.
  • Large groups are always formed in public gardens. In especially overcrowded areas - up to 40 children. For obvious reasons, the educator is not able to pay special attention to each child.
  • In ordinary kindergartens, all pedagogical programs(required and optional) approved by the Ministry of Education and undergo special checks throughout the year. But developmental methods, according to many parents, are paid little attention.

Private garden: pros and cons

  • The main thing - individual approach to each child... The private garden is not free at all. The monthly payment in some gardens equals the national average monthly salary. Therefore, in private gardens there are very small groups of children from wealthy families. And, of course, the teacher can pay attention to each of the 5 girls and each of the 3 boys in the group.
  • A significant amount of parental payments is used to strengthen the material base of the garden, for the purchase of good toys and quality teaching aids, theater tickets, excursions, and so on.
  • There are no queues to enter the private garden. You can give the child away without waiting for three years. The main guarantor is parental solvency.
  • Groups of different ages often gather: from one and a half to three, for example, children can be in one group, due to the fact that children of the same age were not gathered in the required number (from 5 people).
  • Often, parents have to take their children to a private garden across town. It is worth considering how convenient it is for the family as a whole and for the baby, such long daily trips to the garden and back. The private gardens are obviously much smaller than the state ones.
  • In private gardens, maximum attention is paid to individual development, as well as preparation for school, circles and sections. Revealing talents in every child is the main focus of work with children. Learning a foreign language, choreography classes, visiting the pool, special drawing techniques - all this in private gardens is carried out taking into account the inclinations for one or another type of activity of each child. At the same time, one cannot be completely sure that all methods of early development are justified and well researched.
  • About nutrition. The owners of private preschool institutions assure parents that their child will always be fed healthy and high-quality food. In some kindergartens, an individual menu for the week is discussed in advance with the parents of each baby. For example, for children with allergies, this opportunity is a big plus.
  • The selection of personnel in private gardens is very meticulous.... Educators must have a higher pedagogical education, extensive experience in working with children and the ability to find an approach to each child.
  • In private gardens, special attention is paid to the safety of children. Cameras are installed on the territory of the garden, i.e. the situation when the child ran away from the garden, got on the bus, drove 10 stops and got lost - is excluded.

Which garden to choose - only parents decide

Obviously, every preschool educational institution, be it a budget garden or a private one, has its own advantages and disadvantages. In which garden to send the child, only the parents decide. It is important to consider not so much the pros and cons of kindergartens, but rather the peculiarities of the development of your child. After all, it is for him to go to the garden for the next 3-4 years and for him to establish communication with peers. Maybe home education at all? The choice is yours, parents.

The question of choosing the best preschool for a child worries many parents. It is important that the child is treated well, and he would like to go there. Fortunately, in today's realities, parents, whose financial situation allows, has a choice - a private or a public garden.

What are the main advantages of private kindergartens in Moscow in comparison with ordinary ones?

In groups - 10-15 people

This is the optimal number of children for one teacher to pay due attention to all. There are 2 or even 3 times more babies in state gardens, and this affects the quality of their upbringing.

High-quality material base

Toys, methodical materials, furniture, repairs, multimedia equipment, playground equipment of the private kindergarten "Alye Parusa" - all this is modern and in excellent condition. Ordinary gardens are often very limited in scope and conditions are much worse.

The ability to see everything with your own eyes

In most paid kindergartens in the North-East Administrative District, parents are given access to video surveillance and the opportunity to be present during the day. In state institutions, all information can be obtained only from the mouth of the educator.

Author's courses and programs

The innovative program of classes in the best private kindergartens in Moscow includes additional developmental special courses: English, choreography, sports sections, music lessons. In ordinary kindergartens, there is a standard set of disciplines approved by the Ministry of Education.

Availability of extended day groups

Private gardens run longer than public gardens. The teachers of the kindergarten "Scarlet Sails" work from 8-00 to 19-00 hours. There is a group of a shortened day, where the child can stay until 13-00 o'clock. Also, parents can leave the baby for the night or for a day.

The private gardens' menu is more balanced and of high quality

Parents can express their wishes, which will be taken into account. Government agencies are limited in funding, so food in them is often lame: the presence of semi-finished products, sausages, pickles and other unhealthy products is typical.

Nutrition in the kindergarten "Alye Parusa" is distinguished by the maximum variety of the diet using a wide range of fresh products and the absence of semi-finished products and preservatives.

No queues

An inexpensive private kindergarten is easy to get to and there is no need to wait in line for your child for years.

More trained teaching staff

In a private kindergarten, a young and energetic team, with fresh knowledge, enthusiasm and material interest in each child. In addition, educators are regularly trained in additional courses, which contributes to their development. In state gardens, teachers of the old Soviet school are often observed, working on retirement and difficult to move from their place.

Of course, visiting the private kindergarten "Alye Parusa" is a paid pleasure, but the listed advantages justify the prices. Here you need to proceed from the material capabilities of a particular family. In addition, in fairness, it is worth noting that a lot in a preschool institution is determined by the personality of the teacher. Therefore, all parents are strongly encouraged to personally communicate with the teacher, to make sure that he loves this work and children, and that he can be entrusted with the baby.

But if a child likes the educator and the team, and he goes to the kindergarten with desire, then this is the key to the success of his development!