Lover in the life of a married woman. No! A worthy husband can replace a lover, and a gardener, and a chauffeur, and a cook, and a bank, but a lover can never

Most of us made a promise to ourselves not to mess with married men. However, not everyone managed to keep this vow. When you meet that one man of your dreams, you completely forget about everything. He is cute, looks after beautifully, attentive, moreover, does not require momentary intimacy. Everything about him suits you, except that he is already married. By and large, very few women decide to say goodbye to such a man and break off any relationship. Some believe that one should fight for their love to the end, others decide to live only for today, to appreciate every moment spent with a loved one.

But this, as a rule, happens only at the very beginning. Sooner or later, a difficult time comes - a period of doubts and unpleasant thoughts. All the same, the realization comes that he is married, that you are only a mistress, and that your destiny is to share the man of your dreams with his wife. This is where terrible bouts of jealousy arise. After all, the right of the first call and the first night belongs to the lawful wife, not the mistress. He runs to her on her first call, spends weekends and holidays with her, but you can count on rare hours and minutes spent together. There can be no question of any joint vacation or even a night. All this belongs to HER. Gradually, but inevitably, the question pops up in your head, will he soon leave his wife? This thought does not allow to live in peace, it becomes an obsessive problem.

In this case, you can try to estimate your chances of success. One of the advantages for a lover is the age of a married lover. It is no secret that after about thirty-five or forty years, men go through a midlife crisis, when they want to drastically change their lifestyle, environment, woman, assert themselves, etc. If he is a mature man, and you shine with youth and beauty, there is a chance that you will be able to replay the situation in your favor. The chances will skyrocket if you, as a mistress, behave rationally and his wife behaves stupidly. For example, a worn-out, irritable, unkempt wife regularly “gnaws” at her husband for various domestic troubles. The mistress, in all arms, awaits the arrival of her beloved: a seductive outfit, skillfully made makeup, a prepared romantic dinner. In addition, she in every possible way pleases a lover who is tired of the constant attacks of his wife (erotic massage, sexual games, etc.). And most importantly, she never asks for anything in return and does not complain about anything. Neither loneliness, nor the absence of a legitimate husband and children, despite no longer young age, nor fatigue from such a relationship. Here, one can only guess how long a woman can pose as a cute girl without any problems.

According to statistics, if a man who has a woman on the side did not break off relations with his wife in the first year of "going left", most likely he will never do this again. Often, mistresses try to notify their wife of their existence in the first few months, hoping that she will expel the faithful from the house, or he will leave himself, unable to withstand her daily tantrums and scandals about this. Of course, if the wife turns out to be an intelligent woman, with a huge reserve of patience and restraint, then all the attempts and efforts of the rival will not lead to the realization of her ultimate goal. Nothing will come of it if the beloved really loves his wife and is attached to their common children (by the way, there are most of such men). For the sake of momentary passion, he will not want to part with what he has been building for so long (family relationships, the birth and upbringing of children). Such men can sometimes take a walk on the side for themselves, but the matter does not get further than this. But if in this case the man still goes to his mistress, just imagine what the price will be for such happiness.

Women strive to find a loved one, because we all need a strong male shoulder. Well, imagine if a married lover can be a person you can rely on in difficult times? Indeed, at this very minute he will most likely be next to his wife.

Usually, a mistress does not immediately find out that she is not the only woman in the life of her lover. Moreover, a man demonstrates freedom with all his appearance and behavior. He is an unimaginable romantic, acts like a free shooter and has a laid-back manner of communication. In the end, the woman will receive the recognition that he is married, only it will be said as about some insignificant defect in appearance, some annoying hindrance. The lover will mention the spouse as an inanimate object or as a distant relative. However, in this case, you should not flatter yourself about him. The wife in the life of any man takes her rightful place, although she may not be loved or tired of worse than a bitter radish. She can also be loved and not so much worn, just the man was initially too loving to be caught. It is not often, but it still happens that, despite a long and happy marriage with one woman, a man meets, as it seems to him, true love, his soul mate, and leaves to her. But such a case is rather an exception to the rule.

Very often, married men turn a woman on the side in the hope of finding sympathy and understanding in her face. The wife is either a bitch who only does what she demands and makes claims, or a colorless and ordinary person who cannot penetrate into the extraordinary nature of her husband, or she is a business woman, whose husband is in third place after work and fitness. His wife is like the North Pole with cold winds, frost and hard labor for him, and his mistress is the warm south, where it is cozy, warm and good, because she is amazing, sympathetic, attentive and extraordinary. With her, he feels different, confident, strong, with a pair of wings behind his back. He has something to tell her about, and she will always find the right words and make a lot of pleasant compliments to him.

For a married man, the less a mistress tries to swing a license, the surprisingly prettier she is. Besides, how can she insist on something? Indeed, in contrast to the bitch wife, she is such a sensitive and understanding nature. After all, he lives in such difficult and unbearable conditions, he has to bear such a heavy cross. If the wife is not a bitch, then she is a hopelessly sick and nervous woman, whom he, as a noble man, cannot leave. As an excuse for their own behavior, married men can tell their mistresses anything: about misunderstanding, and about the lack of spiritual intimacy, and about how much they need them. In fact, most of them cannot frankly admit to women that they need them only in order to diversify or brighten up their gray everyday life.

A woman in love with a married man - today it is not considered shameful, it is an absolutely personal matter of everyone who is allowed to go to bed. Society reacts absolutely normally to such relations. The main thing for a woman is what she loves, and let everything else burn with a blue flame. Love is such a delightful feeling, for the sake of which it is worth closing our eyes to the humiliating position in which she finds herself as the mistress of a married man. Regardless, this kind of relationship is a source of trauma. No matter how good it is with a married man, no matter how he praises her dignity, a woman still feels second-rate, because in the first place a man still has She is a wife, which confirms reality: spending evenings in constant anticipation of the arrival of a loved one or his call; he promised to meet his parents, but so far he is not rushing things; intended to carve out a week for a joint vacation at sea, but spent the whole vacation with his family; after each meeting he gets ready very quickly and leaves without spending an extra ten minutes saying goodbye. A series of seemingly insignificant, but tenacious humiliations sooner or later undermine and corrode her personality. Awareness of one's own secondary importance and inferiority is deeply ingrained into consciousness.

For most women, a lover is, first of all, a loved one. But it also happens that there is no love in such a relationship. In this case, it can act as a sponsor. Since the woman did not find a soul mate, then you can treat favorably even married, but wealthy men. Such a lover will pay her apartment bills, groceries, acquire things and other necessary things, "bring out into the light", introducing her to friends, often unmarried.

A woman can have a married lover "for the soul." Usually these are women who have been married for a rather long period of time, tortured by everyday life and family problems (they need a lover to distract themselves from reality) and women under thirty who have long canceled all plans for their own personal life. It is important for them to just be needed by someone.

Sometimes such a lover acts as a kind of "daddy" - this is not a young married man who has got himself a young and pretty girl. In addition to its full content, "daddy" gives her life advice, teaches her "life", introduces the right people, and later looks for a young and promising guy for her and marries her off. Everyone is happy.

A lover "for health", in this case a woman is deliberately looking for a married man to have sex. No obligations, purely "business" relationship.

Sometimes a woman, when several years of marriage have passed, the idea that marital diversity is not enough slips in, and she decides to have a lover. Of course, this does not apply to all representatives of the fairer sex. Some, having lived with their spouse all their lives, have never looked at another man. It should be noted that this article is informational only, and does not force anyone to commit adultery.

But it must be remembered that not every man is suitable for the role of lover. First of all, a stranger should not in any way resemble a husband. Otherwise it will be the same. You should never compare them, because they are completely different people. You should not jump into this novel, as into a whirlpool with your head, because when you get married, you took on some obligations.

A lover must have the most essential masculine qualities and, of course, he must be able to keep his mouth shut. Does anyone need gossip and unnecessary rumors about you? A lover is needed not in order to destroy the family, but in order to somehow diversify the relationship in marriage. In case of any suspicions on the part of the husband (in terms of new poses or a changed kissing technique), you can always refer to the fact that you watched a new film with your friends at some home holiday.

A man who will play the role of a lover should be gentle and understand that for his sake you will not leave your family. There are sometimes moments when lovers do not understand the simple fact that they are just a temporary substitute or entertainment.

The best option is when the lover is also married. After all, then none of the parties (both the lovers themselves and their families) will not be prejudiced in anything. All holidays and weekends will be spent strictly with the family, and everyone will have all household chores and obligations only in their families. Another advantage is that a married man will keep his mouth shut, it is also not profitable for him to spread about vicious relationships, because the information can reach his wife.

It is best to stop in time and not get used to each other. It is impossible to say that they become one family, but some common habits appear. It is not necessary to allow this, but to stop everything in time. There are only two options for the outcome of events. You start to be rude, insolent and reject meetings, or this is an ordinary conversation from heart to heart. It's just that ordinary conversation is not enough, and men simply do not understand the hints and are used to the fact that he has a woman. It is even possible (if he is not married) that he simply fell in love, but it is necessary not to forget that the family is most important.

Does a married woman need ... a lover?

On the Internet (chats, blogs, social networks for women and men, etc.) I spend most of my time. The reason for such “long sessions” is my profession ... Sometimes (for my social conclusions and independent research) I ask just one question to my opponent and get the most interesting and unforgettable answer to it! The best ones for you in this quick survey!

A short question - a short answer from netizens on the topic: "Does a married woman need a lover?"

"It happens, Queen, that a husband can get bored?"

M. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

What role do lovers play in the lives of married women? Is his presence generally required for the continued and prosperous course of the life of the next married couple? With a question on this topic, I turned to the visitors (and then, for a "makeweight" and to the visitors) of the World Wide Web, choosing respondents at random, interested only in their age, gender and marital status, and here are some amusing answers to my only question.

Ruslan54 (over 50, married)

I used to think when I was young that no, I was not needed. Now I understand - in eternal jealousy and "watching" each other, my wife and I have been doing this all our lives. Probably, it was necessary to somehow diversify our sex life outside the home and let each other do it in due time ... Now we watch TV shows in the evenings. We live someone else's life. We don't need sex or lovers. In bed - mortal melancholy! We sleep for a long time in different beds.

Alisa (28 years old, married)

Of course ... As without a lover in family life !? We lived with mine for three years in swearing and quarrels, until I thought of getting myself on the side. The first time, I remember, there was an affair with a colleague at work ... He had been striving for a long time. I just made up my mind overnight and ... If it weren't for my lovers, we wouldn't have had a family for a long time! And so we are raising two children. At home - comfort and bliss ... I let out all the steam "on the side" ... But I love my husband of course!

Ruslan Ibragimov, a family psychologist:

“… This will seem strange to you, but sometimes I advise the patient at the reception not to give up the connection on the side… Naturally, this is very individual. Another case shows that if she is not given the opportunity to satisfy her curiosity, then her marriage may later come to an end. But these are particulars. In general, betrayal is a very dangerous signal that the health of the family has fallen into disrepair ... The tenderness, compliance and excellent cheerful mood of the changing woman, unexpected for herself and all households, is just a temporary shock, the calm before the storm ... "

Monro5 (32 years old, divorced)

So I got divorced due to the fact that my then lover and I were "caught". My husband's mistress tapped him on me, and he flew home with furious eyes at lunchtime. And there we are ... What's the funniest thing - this mistress herself later married, but not to my ex, but to another. And she destroyed our family ...

Rembo (28 years old, divorced)

A woman - absolutely not! They are getting crazy. They cannot, as we do, just sleep and that's it. For a change, in order to once again emphasize to yourself that you are still very wow, you can win ... They fall head over heels in love with their partners! Moreover, if there is a risk that you will be "split" at home. This is so intriguing, catchy ... And then they are ready to destroy everything in the world, ruin it and run with bulging eyes to meet their lover. They serve for divorce. And the lover, the poor, is not happy. And in my thoughts was not. He already regrets himself ...

The opinion of Irina Abramova, clinical psychologist:

“... Lovers with a chronic form of depression come to see us as often as deceived wives. At the same time, I think that their fate is not enviable. The mistress has no rights, but there is always an abundance of guilt, pity and low self-esteem. Since, in spite of everything, family values ​​are often a priority for Russian women ... "

Vasilisa84 (26 years old, married)

Now I would say to all married women - stop, stop! Resist the temptation! This is when men go "to the left" - their "leftist strengthens the marriage." I personally tried it on myself. Little did not seem. At night, she howled into her pillow, she was madly jealous of her lover for his wife. She suffered herself, tortured her husband, tortured the child. He, it seems to me, knew everything, but endured it. And what happened? Only hurt her loved ones and myself. It was joy for a couple of nights. Then only pain, jealousy, thoughtless actions ... I still got off well. And if my husband had not forgiven? Terrible to think!

Stella7 (22 years old, common law)

Why not? Only neatly, carefully. If you manage to remove the mask of pleasure from your face, when you come home from someone else's bed and put on the mask of a caring wife, then go ahead! Life is short. While we are figuring out whether it is possible or not, we will become old women. It will be too late there to think about whether I need a lover or not?

Irina Abramova, clinical psychologist:

“... The nature of betrayals in men and women is exactly the opposite. A man cheats on the other, a woman - with the Best. A man just needs variety and impression, and female infidelity is a signal that her husband, in her eyes, has ceased to be a Winner with a Capital Letter. Women change less often, but they leave the family more often, and it is usually more difficult to return them ... "

Jasminka (18 years old, single)

I am sure - I will never cheat on my husband! And I don’t understand cheating women. Why did you get married then? They would have walked while they were unmarried. We tried everything that you want to try. But no. First, they almost bite their teeth into a man in order to drag him to the registry office. And then they will rest, look around and start looking for their adventures in one place.

By the way…

According to Russian statistics, 90% of men and 45% of women have cheated or continue to cheat on their legal half at least once. Moreover, if no one ever finds out about their betrayal, 96% of men and 63% of women are ready to change. Such data are cited by the Center for the Study of Public Opinion Yuri Levada.

Stalaktit (34 years old, single)

Do you remember? “Our main task with her is not to be caught. Turnouts, passwords, telephones and summer cottages. And you have to be home at ten ... "My story! The only difference is that I am not married, and she is married. I am a lover. We have been toiling for three years already. And she never dares to leave. The kid grows up there. And I'm already running out of breath ...

Out of a hundred responses of my virtual interlocutors to the question "Does a married woman need a lover?" I summarized the following results in percentage terms.

    * Married men (as if they had conspired! Hmm ...), with the exception of a few, confidently answered this question "no" (as an option there were such - "why else?", "Will manage!") - 100%

    * Single men questioned the question and “hung out” with answers for a long time. Opinions were divided into "yes, absolutely!" (60% of all single men) and “I don’t think, probably not” (25%). The rest either abstained or had other answers (15%).

    * Women, regardless of their marital status, were very frank and confident in the answers: the answer is "yes, absolutely!" - 50% (to my surprise ...), "no, no way!" - 20%, "one time it would be possible ..." - 20%, "needed, but where can you find it?" - ten%.

Interesting arithmetic, right?

    Rufina Ugryumova-Drat specially for the site:

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A man usually more easily refers to a situation when he becomes a woman not a loved one, but a lover. If he does not intend to have a serious relationship with her, then he can afford to be a "second partner" for some time. However, often the duration of the relationship leads to the emergence of feelings for the partner. And then the lover begins to think about how to destroy the family of a married woman with whom he is dating ..

Enjoy the relationship

If you suddenly realized that you are a lover, the second after your husband, not the only one in a woman's life, then psychologists suggest that you relax. You initially knew that a woman is not free. So, they agreed to be a “lover”, “second”, “not the only one”. Enjoy the relationship while it lasts.

Enjoy everything that happens to you in life. Stop "sweating" over the little things, even when it comes to love relationships. Modern man is more and more imbued with the idea that one needs to rejoice and be happy only at certain moments of life. If you are uncomfortable, you should not be happy. If you feel bad, you should cry from it. If something doesn't suit you, you should complain. As long as people react in this way to certain areas and moments of their lives, not a single person can become happy. But happiness lies not only in positive events, but also in difficult and unpleasant ones.

Happy are only those people who enjoy the house in which they live, with the things they have, with those family members that they themselves have chosen and given birth to, with the work on which they manage to earn money, etc. e. The world will not change, the situation in the country will not improve significantly. And people continue to postpone their happiness for later: “when I die,” “when the situation in the country changes,” “when I go to the sea,” etc. In these ways, you can get a small piece of happiness. But in order to become a completely happy person, you need to see the benefit, something interesting and meaningful in any situation, thing, person, and even problem.

That is why people dream of rest because they cannot enjoy life while working, earning their capital, solving problems. But what will happen if you do not make a tragedy out of any negative situation? You may not like work, but get paid on it and just find interest in what problems you solve on it. Not all billionaires love what they do, but they find interest in what they do and what problems they solve as their business grows.

The same approach is applicable in any area of ​​life. Instead of grieving over disagreements in your family, set yourself the task of solving the issue and keeping the family together. Instead of grieving over the disease, set yourself the task of getting well. And get the same pleasure from it that you get by doing what you love.

Secret! It should be noted that those activities where you succeed are becoming your favorite things. If a person does not succeed in achieving professionalism in any occupation, then he does not have anything loved at all. And when you succeed in something, then you immediately have interest and enthusiasm. Thus, it depends on you personally whether you will get pleasure from something or not - whether you will learn, develop, achieve perfection and do everything so that you succeed, which will increase your interest more and more.

Thus, enjoy everything that happens to you in life. Learn to find interest and meaning in everything that surrounds you now, in where and how you make money, with those people with whom you communicate. And the secret of how to enjoy even the problems that you face in life is to see in the situation not a problem, but a task. Something happened to you: what goal do you set for yourself, what result do you want to achieve as a result of solving your problem and what should you do for this?

And so that you more and more manifested love, interest and enthusiasm for those things that you voluntarily or forcibly do (for example, you need to cook or go to work), try to achieve professionalism, perfection or create something new in this activity. Try to be skillful and capable in the business you are doing. After all, when everything works out for you, you are happy to continue to do this or that work. Try to do your job perfectly, then you will like it, you will find something interesting in it and you will have fun.

If you are, then at least be glad that you are not alone. If you want a serious relationship, then offer it to your partner. And if she does not want to part with her husband, then start looking for another beloved woman.

Are you a lover? Do you need a loved one?

People are talking more and more about infidelity. This topic becomes more relevant, especially when the problem is solved by the one who was cheated on. The partner who does not really think about the consequences and does not want to solve the problem, since it is good for him to live on two fronts: at home there is stability and comfort, and on the side there is a storm of emotions and sexuality. As for lovers and mistresses, they mostly do not think about what they are doing. And this article is addressed specifically to them, and not in an edifying tone, but in the question: are they sure that they need the people they love, to whom they are lovers?

Are you a lover? For what reasons did you decide to take this role? Let's consider the most common reason for this behavior. You fell in love with your partner and are now waiting for him to break up with his family life and join you. Naturally, you want to continue to live happily, without making mistakes that will divorce you.

But how do you know that your happiness will last? Consider the following: Your partner ran into some problems in his family life, which prompted him to look for you - a lover. Having found you, he compensates for the lack of feelings and warmth that he lacks in family relationships. But your partner just ran away from solving family problems into your relationship. How do you know that when faced with problems, being already with you, he will not do the same - find himself another lover?

Remember, it's always scary to do a bad thing the first time. A person does not know what result he will receive as a result of his action. But if everything goes well, he does not bear serious damage or punishment, then the subsequent times of committing a bad deed occur without fear. In other words, if you are the first lover in your partner's life, then next time your significant other will be less afraid and think before having another “new love” to replace you.

If you expect your loved one to leave the family and then create a long and happy future with you, then how can you be sure that you will not be treated in the same way as with your ex-husband? Your partner found you not out of idle curiosity and not out of happiness, but because the reality in which he lives is bad for him. But instead of solving his problems, which he faced, the partner found you in order to simply make up for everything that he now lacks. The woman does not believe that she herself has attracted problems into her life, because she blames her husband, life, evil bosses and other people for everything. Everyone is to blame for her misfortunes, but not her. And since a person is not to blame, then he will not change. And having already created a relationship with you, he will again resort to the old way of solving problems - cheating, but already to you.

Understand that your partner can do the same with you as with your former spouse. It is impossible to change your life by trying to change only the external attributes - your partner, the absence of a legal marriage, not having children (or what reasons, your partner believes, caused the destruction of his family). Life changes only when a person sees what his actions create these very problems, because of which the family is destroyed, and changes them. You need to change yourself, your character and behavior, and not your family, partner, etc. Only then you can hope that by creating a new family or just a relationship, they will not collapse again for the same reasons as the previous ones.

What if you are a lover?

In a situation where you are a lover, you can do different things. Much depends on your statuses:

  1. Are you married or single.
  2. Your woman is married or single.

Also, a lot depends on your feelings: do you love a woman or do you just feel passion for her? There are a lot of options for the development of events, which is influenced by many factors. To understand what to do in a situation when you are a lover, it is recommended to be alone with your thoughts for a while.

What are the options?

  • You can not change anything, but just enjoy the relationship with your mistress. Maybe this will become a temporary haven until you find yourself a beloved lady.
  • You can learn something from a married woman if she is older than you. You can be interested in how to behave with your wife if you are married and want to improve relations with your official wife. You can learn about the peculiarities of family life and about all the problems faced by men in marriage with women.
  • You can break off a secret relationship so as not to deceive anyone. This advice will be especially useful if you start to be jealous of your mistress towards her husband, which you absolutely do not need.
  • You can offer your mistress a serious relationship that involves her divorce from her husband. This suits those men who love their partners and are serious about making them their wives.
  • You can become friends, between whom an intimate relationship happens from time to time. This is suitable for those men who understand the usefulness of communication with mistresses, for example, they are their bosses or know useful people. Here you can even get to know her husband, but not for the purpose of exposing the woman, but in order to simply show that he does not need to worry (his wife is in good hands).

What should a lover do in the end?

Sometimes you are not the only one who decides what to do in a situation of a secret connection. A lover can also make a decision that will put everything in its place. But if you suffer because of your position only because of a moral attitude, then it is better to relax. You are not doing bad things to anyone, otherwise the woman would not start dating you. If she is dating you, then you are making her happy. And since she is happy, then to some extent it becomes easier for her husband.

When you played the wedding, you probably thought that you would live happily ever after.

But in family life everything happens, for example, a young lover of a married woman may appear... Let's look at this situation from different angles.

Why does she need him?

Why does a married woman have a lover?

How did it happen that the wife suddenly decided have an affair on the side?

Why can such a situation arise at all? Psychologists distinguish:

Why does a woman have lovers? Learn from the video:

Should you start it?

Definitely not. If you, then do not torture yourself, nor him, nor the young guy with whom you want to have an affair.

Find the courage to end the relationship, file for divorce, and only then can you walk as much as you like.

How to find a lover if you are married?

If you do decide to have a lover, then do it wisely. Here are some tips:

Should you have a lover? Bioenergetics of relations:

I love another, but I cannot leave my husband: what to do?

How do you choose one?

How to choose between husband and lover?

Be that as it may, if there was a choice between a lover and a husband, then this is a very difficult situation. What to do? How to decide?

Can you combine?

Husband and lover - how to combine?

How to combine husband and lover? How to hide the intrigue on the side?

I'm pregnant by a lover

It is also possible that the intrigue on the side will lead you to pregnancy. What to do?

Is it possible to love two? Clinical Psychologist's Opinion:

Found a correspondence between my wife and her lover. Have you accidentally discovered that your wife is in contact with another man and there is clearly more than just friendship? What to do in such a situation?

The wife wants a lover. If your wife has sincerely confessed to you that she wants a lover, or if you somehow found out about it, then the situation is very difficult.

Psychologists advise the following:

  1. Think carefully can you live with this woman knowing that she is sleeping with someone on the side. If this suits you in principle, then why not?

    But this scenario is possible only if you are really not jealous and close your eyes to it.

  2. If you know for sure that you will not stand such an attitude - don't torture yourself... Talk to your wife, tell her that you cannot live like this.

The wife came home with her lover. It also happens that the wife simply declares home with her lover. What to do in this case?

  1. Don't let your emotions take over... Do not lash out at your lover or shout at your wife.
  2. Show your lover out. Now he is superfluous. You need to resolve the issue alone with your wife.
  3. Talk to your spouse honestly and sincerely.... Most likely, she decided to take this step because she could no longer live in a lie, and simply did not find a better way for recognition. Ask her why she decided to have a relationship on the side? And decide if you can work on your married life or if it's over.

Wife got pregnant by her lover... It is not easy to find out that a wife has a lover.

But it is even more difficult to accept the fact that she is pregnant with him. How to react?

  1. The best thing is for you to take a break now and think about the current situation.... Otherwise, you can do something that you will definitely regret later. Imagine different developments and you will understand what you yourself want.
  2. Think about whether you can raise someone else's child. After all, he will constantly remind of his wife's infidelity. Therefore, agree to such a step only if you treat him as your own, and you will not blame either the child or your spouse for what happened.

Mom cheats on dad with her lover... If you found out that mom is cheating on dad, then for sure you now feel pain and resentment. Therefore, the first step is to calm down.

After that, go to your mom and tell her what you know everything and how you feel about it. But the conversation should be sincere and calm... Don't raise your voice or get hysterical.

Just explain that you consider it a betrayal. And share how you see the further development of events.

Don't tell dad anything about anything.... All-so this is a relationship between two people, you probably don't even know a lot, so you shouldn't get into them.

How to get rid of your wife's lover? So, you found out about the existence of a lover from your wife, but you do not intend to give up. What to do in this case?

The decision to have a lover is a serious step. Therefore, be sure to think over everything so that the situation does not get out of control.

Way out of the love triangle - family psychotherapy: