Cartoons are bad for kids. The negative impact of cartoons on the psyche. The negative impact of cartoons on children

Today, in the era of digital technologies, animation is developing very rapidly, different genres of which are able to satisfy the most fastidious viewer. Watching cartoons plays an important role in the development of a child in all aspects - physical, emotional, ideological, intellectual. Therefore, responsible parents raise legitimate questions: will modern cartoons harm the child's psyche ?; which cartoons to give preference to - foreign or domestic ?; Should a child be allowed to watch cartoons at all?

Cartoons are loved by everyone due to the brightness of the images, the accessibility to the perception of fairy-tale genres, thanks to the game plots, the communication of the characters, meaningfully understandable to children. Cartoon characters form the child's primary ideas about good and evil, social behavior. A child, through the prism of the relationship of cartoon characters, learns to perceive himself and others, to overcome difficulties. Cartoons have a very strong effect on the fantasy of children, their characters become role models.

Multicultural products can have both positive and negative impacts. Parents should not consider cartoons to be a universal lifesaver, when they can put the baby to the TV screen or monitor and forget about him, thinking that he is watching something good and developing. It is always necessary to be very clearly aware of the influence of different cartoons on the psyche and perception of the world around the child. If it is not possible to get acquainted with the cartoon in advance, then it is advisable to at least view it with the child in order to be able to comment on the content, paying attention to its positive and negative sides, helping to draw a line between good and evil.

It should be borne in mind that regular viewing of even good foreign cartoons removes the child from the history and culture of his country, his people. In many foreign animated films, significantly different values, culture, attitudes, moral principles are promoted.

For a number of foreign cartoons, a frankly destructive influence on a child is also characteristic: the use of dubious speech techniques, swearing, insults, demonstration of antisocial behavior in an attractive perspective, controversial gender characteristics of behavior, unrealistic images and sexual unconventional orientation. The plots of many cartoons actually promote violence, the priority of force, easy ways to achieve social benefits (through magic, supernatural strength, dexterity, delinquency). Especially a lot of claims in connection with what has been said arise to American and Japanese cartoons.

Let's consider the signs of harmful cartoons in more detail, illustrating with episodes from cartoon products that have won a large children's audience, in some cases describing the possible consequences for the child's psyche and behavior.

1. Aggressive actions of the main characters, scenes of violence, murders prevail. As a result, children in their actions show anger, ruthlessness, selfishness, which in the future is fraught with the commission of socially dangerous acts ...

2. The characters constantly demonstrate deviant behavior, the dynamically developing plot is built only on this, without giving time to comprehend its normative background. Violations of the rules of behavior prevailing in society, shown in the cartoon, do not contribute to the formation of obedience in children, they remove the taboo on bad deeds.

3. The predominance in the plot of dangerous scenes, tricks, forms of behavior that are difficult to implement in real life. Imitation of them by children can lead not only to disappointment, inadequate perception of reality, but also to loss of health.

4. Disrespectful attitude of goodies to people, animals, plants, when such scenes are presented with humor. Humor creates a high emotional background - a necessary condition for lasting memorization, while a critical analysis of the semantic context of the depicted scene, even with the participation of parents, is very difficult. The consequences of watching such cartoons by children may not be long in coming. Parents will be the first to feel this in the form of childish cynicism, rudeness, cruelty.

Disrespectful attitude of goodies to people, animals, plants, when such scenes are presented with humor. Photo:

5. The main characters are heroes, not similar to those who are found in human society, often with an ugly appearance. According to psychologists, the appearance of cartoon characters is of great importance for the formation of a child's psyche. If the characters are fictional, regardless of their role functions, the child loses an internal reference point for an adequate assessment of the world around him. In an effort to imitate his favorite characters in different forms, he is increasingly immersed in virtual reality.

6. Heroes demonstrate inappropriate gender-specific behaviors. Men can be weak-willed, lack of initiative, and women can be courageous, aggressive, assertive, easily coping with traditionally male duties, ignoring or disdainful of raising children, maintaining a family hearth.

7. A disrespectful attitude towards traditions and adults is demonstrated, the rapid achievement of goals is encouraged, without much external and internal efforts, often as a result of illegal actions, insidiousness and cunning tricks.

8. Images of such men and women appear, which do not exist in reality, their figures have unrealistic proportions, doll faces are stereotyped, which dooms the growing boy to a fruitless search for his "half", and pushes the girl to vain attempts to build her image in accordance with an unattainable ideal ... The distortion of not only people, but also animals and other objects of the human environment also complicates the adaptation of the child to society, contributing to the escape into the virtual world. Unlike foreign ones, in domestic fairy tales, the faces, figures of people, their environment and nature are often naturalistic, and leave room for completing the images.

9. The characters' behavior is not chaste; women (animals that depict human relationships) are very physiological, behave assertively, or even show signs of non-traditional orientation.

The characters' behavior is not chaste. Photo:

The presented signs of harmful cartoons are often complex in nature. If a growing person passes a large amount of such multiproduct through himself for a long period of time without the corrective influence of adults, then the likelihood of its destructive development greatly increases, since it is fair to assume that the harmful effect of individual factors in this case increases.

Below are some of the most common answers to parents' questions to specialists (from the site Mama.Ru). The answers provide for a time limit for watching cartoons. Such recommendations are useful not only for maintaining health, but also create conditions for the child's perception of adult explanations. After all, critical thinking requires significant intellectual effort from him and minimizing distractions. Therefore, the more doubtful the benefits for a growing person from watching a cartoon, the more consistently it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations below. In addition, some of the recommendations largely confirm the conclusions that were formulated in connection with the above signs of harmful cartoons.

According to ophthalmologists, children under two years old are not recommended to show cartoons. Then you can, but you should take into account the basic principles when choosing the first cartoons for children: pictures should change very slowly for the best perception by children; the plot should be clear and uncomplicated for the child, and the duration should be minimal.

What are the criteria for choosing the duration of cartoons?

For children over four years old, the duration of cartoons should be up to 20 minutes, show no more than twice a day; at five or six years old, the viewing duration can be increased to 40 minutes, for younger students - one and a half hours 2-3 times a week. In case of impaired vision, especially myopia, the duration of viewing should be minimal, up to 10 minutes. But you cannot completely prohibit the child from watching cartoons, so that in the children's team the child does not feel left out. With the beginning of schooling, the child should be transferred to a two-day mode of watching cartoons on weekends.

Correct organization of watching cartoons

The first half of the day is considered the most suitable for watching cartoons. According to pediatricians and psychologists, children should not watch cartoons before bed, especially impressionable children. Excessively lengthy cartoons should be broken up into parts. Correct posture and screen distance play a very important role in the physical development of children. Parents should ensure that the distance to the TV screen is about two meters, the viewing angle is straight. If your child starts to watery eyes, you should stop watching immediately. Before showing a child a new cartoon, parents must watch it themselves.

How to choose the right cartoons to watch?

The criteria for choosing cartoons are very simple in nature. If there are no aggressive, immoral models of behavior in the cartoon, and even better, if the qualities of kindness, mercy, chastity are clearly traced in the plot, then such a cartoon can be regarded as useful, having educational potential.

How do cartoons affect the child's psyche?

Aggressive, exciting and dynamic cartoons cause tension in the child, short-term laughter, and after watching - excessive agitation with the manifestation of verbal and physical aggression. On the contrary, good cartoons give kids a lot of positive emotions, empathy, smiles, and after watching - inspiration, laughter, a calm state.

Can I leave my child alone while watching a cartoon?

In no case should a child be left while watching a cartoon, especially if he is watching a picture for the first time. After all, a child at any time may need your help, an explanation of any fragment or situation. The child is almost always interested in the reaction of the parents to the events taking place. After watching the cartoon with the child, you need to discuss the cartoon, the characters, ask: "How would you act in the place of this or that hero?"

Can watching cartoons harm a child?

If watching cartoons takes a long time for children, then this threatens with impaired attention, manifestations of impulsive behavior, restlessness, frequent switching from one occupation to another, forgetfulness, hyperactivity are possible. Over time, the combination of all these factors can trigger attention deficit disorder. But if parents are in control of the situation, then watching kind, good, instructive and developing cartoons will only benefit the children.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the positive developmental potential of good cartoons. Good cartoons are moderately bright (often too bright, poisonous colors are used in Western cartoons), spectacular, imaginative, with a simple and kind plot, cartoons that are accessible to children's perception.

Good cartoons form the child's primary ideas about good and evil in the context of universal human values, the best examples of cultural heritage. By comparing oneself with positive heroes, a growing person should be able to learn to perceive himself positively, cope with his fears and difficulties, and treat others with respect.

The events taking place in a good cartoon raise the child's awareness, develop his thinking and imagination. Note that the overwhelming majority of Soviet cartoons, according to many experts, meet these criteria. It is characteristic of them that evil does not always "run the show", good wins, often re-educating even negative characters. Unfortunately, modern Russian cartoons are increasingly reminiscent of foreign cartoons.

A good cartoon should be a gift, a holiday for a child. It is useful to use cartoons as a tool of reward and punishment. It should be borne in mind that a normally developing child always prefers “live” communication, the society around him, to television.

Today, the problem of "television and children" worries everyone: loving parents, doctors, and teachers. For almost every child, television has become something like a book or a toy.

Modern television lays the foundations for education and behavior in society, fashion, affects the psyche and the formation of new views of the world.

Which the impact of cartoons on children and is it worth even allowing the kid to watch cartoons?

In childhood, the formation of the inner world and consciousness takes place, where a significant part is occupied by information coming from parents - fairy tales, various games, joint walks, including television broadcasts.

Now the TV has become an integral attribute in the house, not only as a rest, but began to engage in educational work, to change views on fashion and worldviews.

For many schoolchildren and toddlers of preschool age, cartoons are the main method of education - while watching, the child is completely disconnected from the outside world.

Influence of cartoons on the development of the baby

Not all modern cartoons are useful... Some have a negative impact on development and can form feelings of dependency and aggression. Parents need to control what animations your baby is watching, whether there are swear words and immoral instructive meaning there.

Not recommended to sit down for watching cartoons of children under the age of 3 years. The main functions of movement have not yet been formed, the child is not yet able to do several things at the same time - to move, look, hold objects and hear. For this reason, when cartoons are turned on, children are completely immersed in the "miracle box" and do not react to extraneous noises, they can sit motionless for several hours.

As a result, in the future the child may have problems with speech, movement, vision and even being overweight. General development may slow down.

Consciousness of children after watching a cartoon

At an early age, the brain is not ready to perceive everything adequately and correctly, to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions. Children are able to grasp everything on the fly in the form in which they are presented.

The broadcast of films, or cartoons, is perceived by the child in a visual form and the essence that the author is trying to convey often does not reach the child's consciousness.

What solution?

  • Firstly, all plots should look only of high quality, without distortions, scary characters and inappropriate gestures. Bad phrases are out of the question. Of course, only you will have to evaluate.
  • Secondly, try to watch together with your child and comment, tell the plot, be a prompter between the cartoon and the baby.

Make sure how the child understands the whole plot, ask after watching his conclusion. Try to clarify incomprehensible or misunderstood substances.

Or maybe he doesn't watch cartoons at all? You ask!
Unambiguously watch... You grew up, and no one forbade, of course, times were different, and there was severe censorship, especially in Soviet times, but society was different. We will consider further what pictures to watch, but the choice of animation is now large and colorful, and the choice is only yours.

The negative impact of cartoons on the psyche

The negative psychological impact of cartoons on children is associated with the following facts:

  • Cartoon characters are not always well-mannered and do not teach respect for others. There are many mocking episodes - about people and animals. Elderly people are not respected.
  • There are not beautiful characters, one might even say ugly, which causes fear and outrage in kids. There are no correspondences between parts of the body. However, children quickly get used to them and think that heroes should be just like that. If the child is shown a normal hero from the point of view of the parents, he simply does not perceive him, he does not like the appearance and behavior. The child has already got used to monsters and monsters.
  • In modern cartoons, slang conversation, obscene phrases and expressions slip through. Their child "catches on the fly", then it is assimilated in the child's head and begins to use in everyday communication with peers. The child is able to absorb everything like a sponge, but for some reason the bad is remembered faster. A misunderstanding arises: on the one hand, parents say that this is bad and not right, on the other hand, in a cartoon it’s the other way around — swearing obscenely is a norm of behavior.
  • The deviant (rejecting) behavior of the characters goes unpunished. Cartoon characters can fall into pits, commit robberies, beat other characters and much more, this makes children laugh. After, some children try to repeat the behavior of their favorite "cartoon";
  • In cartoons, characters often behave incomprehensibly. That is, a girl behaves like a man and vice versa. In such situations, the baby is lost, what kind of behavior model is it to "adopt". There is no understanding: mom and dad teach one by one, but in cartoons it's the other way around. He begins to look for a solution on the side. Well, when everything ends well, then often, children are looking for confirmation on the street from their peers, or older adolescents who grew up on the same cartoons.

Nowadays cinematography is rich in various animations. They can be conditionally divided into 3 categories: good, bad and Soviet.

  • Good cartoons should at least not irritate or excite the child's psyche after viewing. Which, still fragile and struggling to mature and learns everything. Choose pictures with an instructive plot, where there is no aggression, the characters correspond to the image of a person.
  • And it doesn't matter if it's a Russian or a foreign manufacturer. Now a number of paintings have been created in the form of an encyclopedia, on a religious or scientific theme.

    Modern animations are more colorful, beautiful and natural, the cartoon comes to life, all the movements of the characters are natural. For example "Masha and the Bear", where each episode of an instructive character with a good bear, or "fixes" is an educational encyclopedia in a playful way. There are many such examples.

    Also note that there are cartoons for girls and boys, it is advisable to choose according to gender. In the future, there will be fewer questions and problems.

  • Bad cartoons- manifestation of aggression, cruel behavior of heroes, often with elements of bloodshed. Profanity. Sometimes there is no well-coordinated plot. Scary and ugly heroes. Aggressive color bursts of annoying colors, badly affecting the subconscious.
    Among which: "simpsons", "south park", "futurama", etc.
  • Soviet cartoons- almost all of them have an instructive plot, where good triumphs over evil. Most of the characters are positive, with the appearance and likeness of a person. Even the evil Baba Yaga was painted as kind.
  • Previously, each picture before being released was heavily censored. Of course, there was also a political component. But at the time, everything was hand-drawn, and live animation with smooth movements of the characters was quite difficult to achieve.

    In addition, the colors were often not of the best quality and the picture was dull and faded.

The benefits of cartoons

Let's analyze the main positive aspects of watching cartoons.

  • Instructive plot... As mentioned above, in most cases, this applies to Soviet cartoons.
  • Cognition... The child learns after watching something new and interesting. Part of it is sure to be assimilated for life. This is the history of their people, religion, scientific discoveries.
  • Motivation. Having looked at his favorite super hero and his actions, the child will undoubtedly imitate him.
  • Learns to experience and rejoice together with the heroes.
  • Concentration attention... Sometimes only in this way, the baby is able to concentrate for a long time and sit in one place.
  • Analyze good and bad deeds. In most cases, together with their parents.
  • Development, visual memory, logic, hearing and speech.
  • Just a good mood and give your mom something to do. One viewing is enough for a good mood for the whole day.

Now you know what categories are divided into, the harm and benefits of cartoons. It is up to you to decide which pictures to allow, or prohibit the child from viewing.


Relevance themes. The formation of a person's personality begins in early childhood, the main means of influencing the development of children at an early age is a cartoon. In recent years, a large number of various cartoons, both domestic and foreign, mainly American, have appeared on television. The dominance of foreign cartoons on domestic television makes one think about their influence on the development and formation of the psyche of the younger generation. New technologies for creating cartoons (computer graphics, various special effects, etc.) raise many questions. If the old puppet and drawn cartoons were natural, both in the way of production and in perception, and did not harm the unsettled psyche of the child, modern cartoons often do not bring goodness, creation and decency.

The purpose of our research is the study of the influence of cartoons on the development of preschool children.

Object of study- development of preschoolers.

Subject of study- the influence of cartoons on the development of preschoolers.

Research objectives:

1. to subject to deep analysis, both domestic and foreign cartoons;

to identify the general and different in the influence on the child's psyche; S determine the degree of harmfulness and usefulness of cartoons in various ways of creating.

Methodological foundations of the study: in our work we relied on the research of domestic scientists I. I Medvedeva, E. Glushkova, V. Abramenkova, A. Bogatyreva and others.

Research method: theoretical analysis of the literature on the research topic.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the study can provide practical assistance in the upbringing of preschool children, first of all, to parents, educators of children's educational institutions. Also, the content of our work may be of interest to students studying in the specialty "Preschool Psychology", etc.

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction in which we set the goal of the research, define the tasks, the relevance, indicate the research method and determine the practical significance of the work. The main body contains two chapters. The first chapter reveals the features of domestic and foreign cartoons. The second chapter is devoted to identifying the influence of cartoons on the development of preschool children. In conclusion, we draw conclusions, determine the degree of goal achievement and problem solving.

Chapter I ... Theoretical Foundations of Studying the Influence of Cartoons on the Development of Preschool Children

1.1 Characteristics of the content of domestic cartoons

The problem of "children and television" worries everyone: parents, teachers, and doctors. Today, for almost every child, television has become something of a toy or a book. Telecommunication forms the soul and mind of the child, brings up his tastes and views on the world. The inner world is just taking shape, and everything that they receive from adults plays a significant role in its formation: games, fairy tales, joint activities, including television broadcasts. They are not only a way of spending time, but also a means of education. For preschool children, cartoons are the main means of education.

The word "cartoon" has different meanings based on several very different forms of art and illustration. The artists who produce cartoons are known as caricaturists. Originally meaning in the visual arts, cartoon meant preparatory drawing for a work of art, such as a painting. Modern meaning refers to humorous illustration in print and animation films. The word "cartoon" is sometimes used to refer to comics, and can also refer to a humorous drawing of a fictional or nonfiction publication in newspapers and magazines.

Cartoon animation, animation, cartoon film is a kind of cinematography, the works of which are created by shooting the successive phases of movement of drawn (graphic or hand-drawn animation) or volumetric (volumetric or puppet animation) objects.

Many parents sooner or later think about the impact cartoons have on their children. Most of the production of the American factory is not harmless, and many feel that there is a big difference between domestic old cartoons and foreign ones (from American to Japanese). According to child psychologist Irina Yakovlevna Medvedeva, there are deep differences in the picture of the world behind this difference. You have to be more careful when choosing a cartoon than choosing a book, because visual images affect a child much more strongly. If we talk about "Soviet" cartoons, then they are good because they reflect the normal picture of the world for a child. Basically, it is Orthodox, because evil in this picture of the world is not eternal, but eternal - good. And in this kind picture of the world there is a negative character who, as a rule, is easily re-educated. And it turns out that he is so angry only because no one was friends with him, no one loved him, no one sympathized with him. It is very important that in "Soviet" cartoons the evil character was presented in a humorous form, which balanced his negative essence. Such a picture of the world harmonizes the psyche of the child. Therefore, these cartoons are useful for children who are unhealthy or weakened by some kind of mental trauma. For children with communication problems (of which there are a lot of them now), they give the right models of behavior: how to make friends, how to be a good friend, how to help others.

The best Russian cartoons are small parables in which deep spiritual meaning is hidden under a short, entertaining story. Moreover, many cartoons do not just show "positive" dolls and animals, but they also provide a program for educating the qualities of a real person. For example, a rather old cartoon "Magic bag"(directed by A. Polushkin, "Kuibyshevtelefilm", 1975) (Appendix, Fig. 1). The plot is recognizable: the well-bred bear Spiridon has a grandson, Ivashka, who, more than anything else, loves to be mischievous and do what he wants. The animals complain, the grandfather is worried and, finally, decides on a pedagogical experiment: he allows his grandson to be mischievous, but at the same time fill the bag with pebbles after every good deed done. At first, with great difficulty, he finds some useful application of his bearish forces, then he sees around more and more opportunities to help someone and the bag, after a while it became full. The long-awaited freedom came, but on other days there were also various urgent matters, so that the time of leprosy no longer comes.

There is a well-known spiritual law: "When there is no love and mercy in you, do deeds of mercy and gradually educate your heart." The intrigue and danger in the “bearish” pedagogical method was that the grandfather allowed his grandson to play naughty afterwards. He took a risk, but the spiritual law worked. Of course, we should not remember about the good deeds that we do (do not "put a pebble" in our credit). But if the heart is not educated, then you have to start somewhere.

It happens that "counting your stones" becomes a habit and a trait that is called vanity. Explain this to a child if he is really trying to do something good, but - solely out of the hope of praise, you can use a cartoon "The smallest gnome"(directed by M. Kamenetsky, "Soyuzmultfilm") (Appendix, Fig. 2). He, too, is about educating the heart, about how the smallest gnome named Vasya learns to do good, in each of several episodes rescuing the heroes of fairy tales from trouble: Little Red Riding Hood, seven kids, three piglets and others. There is a wonderful image of one "rescuer" in this cartoon. In the eternally telling tale, the fox constantly carries the golden comb cock behind the dark forests and other fabulous landscape, and his friend, the cat, saves the cock. The cat has accumulated a lot of merits. When the dwarf Vasya comes running to call him for help, but this time the cat refused to save the cock from the fox.

This cartoon is good not only because there is a positive Vasya in it, who defeats the wolf, but because Vasya is the smallest at the same time. This means that if someone needs help, growth does not matter.

In cartoons, as in life, the kindest and most sympathetic are most often not the big and the strong, but the small and weak (if we mean the muscles). The cartoon tells about it "The greatest friend"(directed by P. Nosov, "Soyuzmultfilm") (Appendix, Fig. 3).

An angry crocodile and an African girl live in Africa with friends - a puppy, a chicken, a bell and a hippopotamus. A hippopotamus claims the title of greatest friend. But the evil crocodile is tired of all this friendship. He decided to eat the girl. Not very big friends helped her out all the time, but at a critical moment the hippopotamus got scared and ran away. In the end, the girl explains to the hippopotamus that all who helped her are small, but great friends. And he is so big and left her in trouble.

Consider such an example, the enemy himself is in trouble - the crocodile. The crocodile is a fairly common cartoon character. Another crocodile character is in the cartoon "Bird Tari"(directed by G. Sokolsky, "Soyuzmultfilm") (Appendix, fig. 4). This crocodile, as expected, had everything terrible: a terrible tail, a terrible mouth and very terrible teeth. And he never said a kind word to anyone, so everyone is afraid of him and does not like him.

But the worst thing was that he alone in all of Africa did not brush his teeth. When a crocodile has a toothache, he suffers a lot. The jungle is happy, the animals are happy. But the bird Tari arrives and takes pity on the crocodile and gives the first lesson. And the crocodile did not brush his teeth because his paws are short. Therefore, the crocodile was so angry. After all, it was worth the brave and kind bird Tari to clean the crocodile's teeth and for the first time in his life he said a kind word: "Thank you." Bird Tari took a big risk. And for a child, this is another important moment in learning about the world: it turns out that there are things in life that are more important than their safety and even life. And the cartoon can tell about this, not frightening (and therefore not scaring away) the child, but, on the contrary, attracting the heart to such heroes of a funny and kind fairy tale.

Many parents have at least once, but thought about how their child is influenced by the cartoons that he watches throughout the day. This question gained particular popularity after the ban on showing the famous Soviet cartoons, like "Well, wait!" up to 23 hours. They were banned from viewing due to the presence of scenes unsuitable for children, such as those where the wolf smokes, breaks the wall with his head, etc. People who have been involved in this issue claim that such scenes have a negative effect on the psyche of babies. The heroes set a bad example for them, which the children carry into real life. This, in their opinion, was the main reason for the prohibition of showing such cartoons in the daytime.

Are cartoons so bad?

However, the question remains whether cartoons are really to blame for our children becoming angry and violent? More than one generation grew up on these paintings, and they were not negatively influenced. Why do modern children perceive such scenes so emotionally and project it into life?

In addition, the question remained unclear why some time ago in the daytime it was possible to watch the show "Dom-2"? That is, Gena the crocodile smokes - and this is bad, and the participants of the reality show, who just do not get up - are everything all right?

Also, many parents wondered how justified is the figure showing the age of a suitable and forbidden audience. It is clear that if parents are nearby, no one will allow children to watch such a cartoon. But what will happen if mom and dad are not around? Nothing, the kid will calmly watch this channel or program, that's all.

However, let's think about whether cartoons are really causing behavior change in children.

When creating the cartoon, the directors did not think that a cigarette in the mouth of a wolf or a pipe of Gena Crocodile would become a bad example for kids. They thought about the good and the funny deeds that the heroes do. About the smiles that appear on the faces of children when they see their favorite characters. But nothing about the fact that one day cartoons will be banned because of the content of something indecent. Neither the directors nor the ordinary population could even have such a thought. However, it did happen.

But let's get back to the key issue of today. Do cartoons affect the child's psyche or not? Without a doubt, everything viewed is somehow deposited in the minds of children. But the image of the wolf is made in such a way that, looking at him, the children understand that he is, relatively speaking, a "bully", it cannot be so, so that they learn compassion when the wolf gets into trouble, and friendship when they are with a hare still find a common language.

Children have always loved these cartoons. They saw nothing wrong with them. But many negative aspects were originally incorporated in foreign cartoons. Recently, anime has become widespread. It would seem that they are just animated series. Toddlers love to watch them. However, anime is a whole culture that has its own genres. And sometimes, clicking through the channels, a child may stumble upon something that will make even his parents ashamed. Such shots are not intended for children's eyes. This is what should be removed from television screens, and not at all the favorite characters of Soyuzmultfilm.

Remember, some time ago, Pokémon were extremely popular. Studies have shown that this animated series has caused quarrels and very difficult situations in some families. The children, literally, have something wrong with their subconscious. They really got hooked on the cartoon, often cried, ate poorly, and demanded toys with their favorite characters. In addition, the cartoon did not teach children anything smart and useful. However, will a child's eye notice such a thing? Of course not.

The animated series "Pokemon" harmed the health and psyche of children

What should parents do to prevent harmful influences from cartoons or animated series?

You should start by periodically exercising control over what your child is watching. Perhaps in the first few days you will identify a whole list of paintings that children do not want to watch.

Remember that not only the plot of the cartoon and its characters, but also the cartoon graphics itself can have a great influence on the psyche of the child. It may be too bright. So much so that it starts to ripple in the eyes. This greatly affects the brain and consciousness in general. The child becomes more nervous, breaks down. Be vigilant, try to remove from viewing what negatively affects the psyche of your child.

Switch your baby's attention to reading, let him pay more attention to books. It is possible that the story in the book will be much more interesting than on the TV screen. Indeed, in the process of reading, we can think out characters, thoughts and images, and also personify some of our part in the hero. Yes, this will be much more beneficial for the child, in addition to the fact that this activity will increase the literacy level, and the eyes will have a little rest from the "blue screen".

Keep your child busy, such as reading.

Return the child to reality, let him often play games with peers, walk in the fresh air. You need to ensure that his brains, after watching such cartoons for a long time (before you knew about it), are "ventilated". Help your child forget what he saw on the screen.

In such a matter, be delicate.

Teach children to distinguish between good programs and bad ones!

At the same time, do not hesitate to prevent your child from watching this. Try to explain to him first that watching such cartoons is not a good and useful activity. Clarify why. Press on the fact that "the kid does not want to be as ill-mannered" or "to get into trouble just as often?" Perhaps, in this way, he will understand what's what.

However, no one can give a 100% guarantee. After all, the child's psyche, in principle, like the psyche of an adult, has never been an open book for us. It is not clear how a toddler might react to such scenes.

A ban is a last resort. And keep in mind, if you forbid your child to watch a cartoon, he will stop watching it with you. But who said that when you walk out the door, he won't do it? Or will he not get depressed because he is not allowed to do what all other children are allowed to do?

It is important for a child to understand for himself what is wrong with these cartoons and their characters, and why you should not become the same as them. And the task of the parents is to help him in this understanding, so that the baby draws the right conclusions and makes an informed decision.

In the minds of adult Russians, cartoon Is what is meant for children. But most parents foreign cartoons raise doubts about their safety. Increasingly, parents feel anxious when children watch foreign cartoons... The intuition of the parents suggests that while the child watches foreign cartoons, something is wrong.
We argue that most foreign cartoons are not harmless, in no case should they be shown to the child, and those foreign cartoons that are not included in the first group should be viewed under parental censorship and with parental comments. Otherwise, there is a high risk that not parents will raise their children. Millions of parents let their kids watch cartoons who did not watch themselves. After all, a fairy tale, a cartoon for a child, is what forms the model of the surrounding world. These are the images of mom and dad, friend and foe, good and evil, all that he will be guided by all his life later. By the way, it depends on this upbringing whether the child will help you in old age or will hand you over to a nursing home, thinking that this is how it should be.
The child perceives almost all information in the form of images, from these images the child builds his model of the world in the future, and the most important cube in this model is the image of a woman, a girl, a girl. Looking at the heroines, girls absorb stereotypes of future sexual behavior, and boys form a matrix, using which he will unconsciously choose a life partner, the mother of his future children. And we are talking more about internal, mental qualities, which are reflected in appearance and way of acting cartoon heroines.

Is there a cartoon influence?

Researchers on this topic took, looked through a bunch of foreign cartoons, selected episodes where female heroines act and showed all these episodes to child psychologists. Psychologists were shocked by what they saw, and researchers were shocked by the psychologists' verdict. It turned out that the heroines of the majority american cartoons designed in such a way that systematic viewing by children cartoons with their participation leads to the extinction of the functions of procreation.
This is achieved this way. The image of a woman is deprived of romance and secrets, it is endowed with adult realism, physiology and cruelty. Along the way, the traditional for Russian society feminine qualities are ridiculed, the same ones that our domestic good cartoons, it is chastity, tenderness, shyness, selflessness, modesty and motherhood as such.
What American cartoons are doing to our children is put into a short formulation: intellectual corruption ... This is the opinion of professional child psychologists.

Influence of cartoons, what are the mechanisms

Let's now talk about the mechanics of changing the child's psyche through the substitution of images. These remedies are so simple and so often found in foreign cartoons and so obvious that one involuntarily wonders how it passes by the attention of adults, without encountering opposition.
Let's start simple, this is the color of the characters and the color scheme. See some cartoons, which are shown on TNT in childhood. I took the cartoon "Winx" - a school of fairies, where several fairies constantly turn into fairies. The color of these characters has bright, poisonous colors, and the moment of transformation from ordinary girls into fairies is densely accompanied by frequent flickering of different colors on the screen (so that at the moment of viewing I had a headache, and my child was so chained to the screen that he did not answer on my question). This technique exploits the properties of the child's psyche to react to the brightest. Thus, all the child's attention is riveted on the character, who leads the child wherever he wants, without giving him the opportunity to be distracted and reflect. That is why young children give up everything when advertisements appear on the TV screen and watch them so closely.
The face of the main characters. It doesn't take a genius to see that the main characters of all American cartoons are alike. Because of the frequency of flashing of this face on the screen, it turns into an acquired aesthetic stereotype. Thus, girls will strive to look like cartoon characters... And the boys will look for a companion, focusing on the same thing. It is the process of creating a new matrix of beauty.
by the way American cartoon characters not only have similarities in appearance, but their manner of speaking is the same. Here is another technology for controlling the mass consciousness of your children, an anchor is established in the child's subconsciousness.

American romantic heroines are endowed (the one that the child sympathizes with and imitates) the attributes of anger, anger and cruelty. Can you imagine a Russian princess frog who fights like a man or the main character from the "scarlet flower" who gets angry or swears? But the princess from Shrek fights like a man and does it tastefully, fun and infectious. There is a malevolence of women in American cartoons, which in an older age will lead to sexual disorientation. Maybe that's why they have so many feminists and lesbians?

Influence of cartoons and sadism in cartoons

Now let's talk about sadism using the example of the same cartoon"Shrek". If you watched these cartoons, then perhaps you remember how the princess begins to sing and a bird flies up from the nest on a branch nearby (there are several eggs in the nest) and begins to whistle to the princess, but after a while the princess raises her voice and breaks the bird. The princess is embarrassed, but not for long and begins to fry the very eggs that remain in the nest. If you pay attention to your child at this moment, you will see how the child laughs at this episode, and you may have laughed too. You yourself have witnessed how a shift in consciousness is achieved, how strangers shift the psyche of your children before your very eyes. This is not just a beautiful murder scene, it is a devaluation of death. This episode crosses out the entire system of children's perception of the world. The main heroine of our fairy tales cannot be treacherous, she cannot kill an animal cruel, but on the contrary shows love for animals. And why our heroines turn from frogs into beautiful princesses, and in Shrek from a princess to a trolya.

Influence of cartoons and sex

Sex in animation ... Remember the main characters in Russian cartoons, their femininity is expressed only through spiritual qualities. V American cartoons women are realistic, physiological, they are dominated by well-developed forms of adult women, there is no chastity in the behavior of American heroines, which distinguishes products for children from films for adults. American cartoon heroines showing sympathy for the opposite sex, multidivs are not shy, they do not lower their eyes to the floor, but behave like shabby women of known behavior, who vulgarly and specifically seduce. And the demeanor of the hero or heroine, children copy automatically.

Touches and kisses in cartoons... In our cartoons the greatest eroticism is the closed hands of the heroes, and the kiss is hidden from view, it is only indicated. In foreign cartoons, everything is on display, like in adults. Lips are open and lustful, you can touch a woman as usual. For example, Shrek drags the princess on his shoulder, and then flirting with her pushes her so that she flies into the bushes, and she likes all this. In our cartoons, the heroine is not pushed or dragged, because a woman is not supposed to be treated like that. In American cartoons, there is a bookmark of how to treat a woman. From the point of view of a psychologist, this stereotype of behavior further excludes relations of love, respect and marriage between the sexes, replacing them with a stereotype of sexual partnership. And sexual partnership, as we well know, does not imply the creation of a family and procreation. Psychologists warn that adult stereotypes of behavior, in particular eroticism, cannot be shown in children's cartoons, this prematurely disinhibits the child's sphere of attraction to which the child is not yet functionally and morally ready. These experiences will cripple the child's psyche in the future, this will result in sexual problems, difficulties in creating a family and procreation. Pedophiles are responsible for the physical corruption of our children, and American cartoons are responsible for the moral corruption. According to child psychologists, only through romance and shyness in front of the opposite sex can a boy become a real man, only a modest, chaste girl is able to attract real men, and not the freaks from cartoons that are teeming with cities today. Our children are exposed to such a massive influence of children's cartoons, namely, not children's images are created, that more and more children become with a phenomenon that psychologists have called "romantic hunger in children."

Influence of cartoons and the image of a woman

The most important, the most sacred image of a woman in fairy tales of all peoples of the world is the image of a mother. Now remember everything american cartoons that you saw and this is what you get: mom, motherhood in the traditional form is shown only in cartoons about animals (the lion king, 101 Dalmatians, etc.), they are filled with touching, sentimental and very kind scenes of animal mothers caring for bear cubs, kittens, etc. In American cartoons, you will not meet a single mother of a person with such qualities, but on the contrary, you can see how with the help of cartoons they inspire children with something completely different. Using visual images that appear for a very short time and the consciousness does not have time to evaluate them critically, such images are immediately introduced into the subconscious, like a hypnotic suggestion (similar to the effect of 25 frames), this is noticed only on slow viewing, but in normal playback mode you can see, how something flashed in the foreground and you did not betray its meaning. See an example of the hypnotic influence of cartoons:

Here's an example hypnotic suggestion cartoon taken from Beauty and the Beast. These are two frames, on the first one you can see how the beauty is at the beginning of the path, and she moves from right to left, and on the second she is at the end of the movement on the left side of the screen. During this time, the woman with children in the foreground changed several times and her appearance was about the same as in these pictures. The beauty moved from right to left for less than a second, while the woman with the children took 8 terrible poses during this time. What did we see on slow browsing? And what we saw is this: in the foreground is not a young, not beautiful, strongly irritated and embittered woman with children, how do you like this image of a mother that is shoved into the heads of our children ??? And in the background: above all this, a beautiful, young, slender heroine is visible. These shots inspire girls with aversion to motherhood in general and to large families in particular. Here either you are an ugly, old and poor mother, or you are beautiful, young, but then do not give birth. What choice will YOU make? And your girl doesn't even have a choice, this decision is forced and disguised into the child's subconscious.

The images of a woman are images of a wife and a mother, this is how they should be imprinted in the consciousness and subconsciousness of your child. For a girl, this is a role model, and for a boy, this is a role model that he must choose in the future!

Parents protect their children from the influence of cartoons and they will be grateful to you for that!